Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 23, 1917, p. 4

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1 iiukiou jh ii 11 iyi7 to day v we nhtlldtchiifiuili il1m 1 ui ul i tin i i l di wdilillithul llin r ijlilnl l llll wuj ir t l ij jviirh 11 i t i wo shrill ptitnt wo tlirtll rhoer ii u i uu u i rtly i loi by the i tr i l a oi fear li lovn am kiuj i walthall bou kul in uuv wlll hut what i are wn i enn to day wo nl nil 111 j in rnrh i inely iii a nmilo ltul til ul htitti mo i n t jht today wo shall livo to truth grander birth and to ntcadfsnl fn tti a dpoper worth womiall feed tho hunj arm soutsof earth hub wl oufhnvn wo fed li day r- thc habit of faultfinding j wo may any itnpaliunt xrrilfttiio thingri bocantio wo are taken i y nurpme but tlio habit of faullfiiuliiurjinioro n rlouv ann rulo it idci unt 1 triply u idcn tempts tion corning no swiftly that o havo not l tim to rnllj our defease i ut a chroma iitsto of infiiil there ore iwoplo wh rnrnly comment on enattiueintenco without paying noinatlung diangroeal lo lluhla would bo nurpneod to know that shs lelonr in ii cjamyrt all her acquaintance could nanure hor on thin score how beautifully lelia bang ab tlia muiical thursday tiomo one bays to her and huija promptly replies yes lint djdnt her drea hang awfully i i uover saw lelia look no plain and unattrac tivo hor first comment on a now acquaintance is alwojs in uncomfortahlo on she findn tins younff collegian nn pleasantly impressed with his ono attain mentn tile now m in fa tor wife improvios her as diaagrccasly reserved she may aiexgraw to liko loth hut the friend hip if lb ever material i ia rnusb overcome bor original prodjudjeo watch yourneu for a day and soo whotb or worda ot approval or of criticism nee moot road 1 1 y to jour lips it all depends whether you aro looking for jtqod or on- tho watch for flaws 1 hero ia no oarer formu la for making yourself unpopular and no happy than to form tho habit of overlook log what la rood and icolng only nvil iromal east igakes fehaoe in canaoa i amianylimft uotjegrown counsel thcro a quality in human nature whirli mkr il on f for ni to accst b advice from strangers than from fnende fr you road u o letters written lo the deiiarttnant of nawnpapora which make a specially of offontif jwoplo counsel on their pergonal nftiitji you mm utoniakedto eo on what inttmala inaturn they anked mkico a a whole tho coanael pirn nothing rcmarkalle almost any jraou with onlinary oomruon aannseoeld do u well while ono who know tho details of tho affair not meruly a mattonof could probably do much letter ff lho eooker for counsel had turned te eomo member of ilia own family tlio chancoa are bo would havo fared bettor in tha mattar of catling good adico- lo nob rn alto lha miajako of andonraln ing homo grown cuoul lo nob allow yourflolf to feel that tha adice of noma ntroimor a mora efticacioui than that of father or mother or intimata friend the pcopla whe know you well are far better ablo to tell you wliat to beat for jou to do than ia homo atraner who aaawera your inquiry on gen oral principle italy appeals to canada in red crosscampaign goal of 100000 set for southern and western ontario district chevalier l zuaini royal italian consul- general to handle fund italxfl mntnlfloonl ngtu in tlio aldlno mouritaliin of anntrla lu contlnir huntlrodn of tliom andii or brarn italian iiolilfflrs uvea an appeal lo now bolnc mmlo oy tho ohildreii cry for t h castorja nottobecadqftt thoughj she jjouid lose 1m children kjitb ntery il 1 tho youthfql 1 it dl rota miyvaxaer ij zunini hoyal italian connulgotioinl to canada ootornimmi of italy to tho fcwoplo ud1 uuuiu wninil or canada through choyallor u ccno that la yot to and hota zunlnl royal iuun conoul oca- la a recent editorial comment on the onu montreal for tho iuuan rod italian red crona campaign in croita and orphano of br fallen canada hrrom aponi c crown trlnru to moot prcnuli ln xnnw to il i a south ern and wi at rn ontario havo drod n roal ot j 100 ooo o bo ralood by popular nalficrlnii n durlnr atirnnt and soptumbi r i la i con nuur aiont jlov mnovaro at wollaad liai bun aipnlotod offlclnl ropnbontatlv of t imiian rod crncaln thlndlvi i i p sham- tvay and u port r uooro ot tho army and navy v it c a ut tho vnltcd stattn atl i jn with tho war counrl rod crono during it i r nt nucceaafal drlvo f jlouoduooo in tlm llrdtcd atatrn m i roprcoont tho italian hod ail divisional dlmctorn and eauiyal n orkanlxoru tlmlr hcadquoru ni ro at brant- xord throngh colonel nool marohah chairman of tin nlral itocatlro committee tho qnj iua rod croon hau plodgrd lis i upport and that of all local unlta in atlu d for tho itai- lan rod cronj cam palm ntort uollar that lo i ivrn will mako ito bond botweon italy an canada let u nhow our italian frlnnda within our hordoni that w hud fn craloful rcgnrd tho land thj gavo thorn birth that wo nnnr to hor tro- mondono oacririct u i tho groot cauuo for which w flght and that wo cannot regard with indlftoronco her noblo contribution to tho rrac- halph connor speaks iirit r i 1 ii 1 it f i froqt in t j chaplain of th 4 pron lllrhlandi n r wlnnl uio low v w i ft loj tho road i m wi rl i i connor in hark months ipivn di nplto from actlvo has hocu rejtn nt national mrrvirn c conjientcd to djivnt to tho cautio ralph connor l r j t wan when h wi ut nway 1 talion wliotki uplrlrual advfi r wont into tho ommu unhdn chebdren cry for fletchers major oniwl i n two hi ih rt r i work hi a jnl in itif ui hi i hun t f i in tlmtr bit doctor yonaroahghtlymorbidmy dear tidy you should look about you and marry again widow ob doatocrta telbts atre alt doctor allow mo to remind you madam that a doctor prescribes medicino but bo doesnt take il to hare uio children oound and hoalthy ui tho grat care of a mother thay cannot be healthy if troubled with worm de mother oraveji worm hi terminator yoo alwayi mako mora enomion than money talking politics on tho treat corner xat truta and fahhood grapple wh06er know truth pub to tho worso in a froo and opoo qght tlollawayffl cora cure takes the corn out by v- tw t j moat engaging powcra of an author ara to mako now things familiar nd familiar things now trials never weaken as tboy only dhow os theb wo aro week takegooa care of the colts it cfaesper to rauecoiis than to b hotxu bat ita costly 1 f yon lost tbeoolu kecpabottleof kendall bpcvtu core handy for thirtyfive years baa proved it the safe reliable mnedt or apavln bpllnt enrb rmg- bons bony growtha and lamepcm fttjm many canaca kenjallssjjavinure bettla 0 betllctt tar oct free copy of etboatrwumoauhorae yor tnucclat e or write tuu ub wrjkknaixc0eeoiergfail5vl the coming fall fairs dats or the fairs ln which local headers orb host inwrcstod the department of agricultu pauluh ea uds woek the lutoi fall fairs iu ontario v the following datea aro given sftpt x acton pol ton i rrarnplon burlington trio fenrua georeowo loooqu mark ham aliluu kewmarkot oakvillo orangeville i lock wood htreuvlue toronto waurdown oct i sept- jl ii thaiikbgifing day oo- 11 2 bepl 2011 ocu3 4 8epu 7 15 ocu 3 6 oct u if 8opu 2a 2h ttopt 17 111 kept- 18 iu oct 6 he pl 20 auj a sepu 10 j oct 1 keeue tp1ble and palpitatioii of the heabt 00 hand iii hmd when tlrc hcurtlceinjj iq bxal in tultriy polpilafc utufthrob ben la fast for a time thrtt u uhw a to kciii ultnost to ttop it cuucj urcat aiulc ty and alarm wlipii tha luurt docn thta muny people ore kept in a atute of morliid fcur of death nnd becotne ncrvoui weak worn mid inlruhlc tu nil milii liiiurrera mulmrns heart und nixvc i die will tjivo piouipt uad pcnnuiient relief mrs tjioinaj davidson mount ilrdic3 ont wntc i have been a rpat iiiulrer iu the fjt wlttrncxye tiouwa und palpitation of tho lieaxt r tried bcvtral rcmtdlej but vnthout any good results my sou clinic in one tuy and udviatoe m te take mllbumn heart and nerve imbi after nuug otic ud a half baaa 1 am fully ibcovercd iuil am ia u perfect stati of health ihunkn to your valuable medicine mubiirau heart and nerve pills aim 60c per baa ut ull tlculcrs or mailed tbrect oo receipt of me b the mhbttrn co limited loronto out t dyoejitciy monifesta i taclf wi t h varying degrees of intensity but in well marked cases the attack 13 commonly preceded fcy loss of appetite nnd come amount of diarrhoea which gradually increases in seventy and la accomparued with grip ing pains ha the abdomen the dis charges from the boucls succeed h otlier with great frequency and first retrm thote o ordinary d noon change their cliarocter bccomina canty mucous or eiioty and oubse- quently mixed with or consulting wholly of blood never neglect what ot cist appeart to be a alight attack of diarrhoea or dysen tery may cct in cure the fint oymp- tona by the use of dr fowlers extinct of wild strawberry mm j purdy leask sank writes i have used dr i owlers lx tract ot wdd strawberry i n my family for bloody dysentery with perfect results i think without a doubt had i not been able to prccure n bottle jtntwheaxdidx would have let two or my children ur fowlers has been on the market for the paat 7 years and its reputation clench that there aiernanpxepaxation on the market clai itoundsmay be dangerona to jour health so demand and insist on being given dr rowlerfl when you tpk lor it price 35c mnnufactnrcd only by the t 2aui tlio alan with asthma almost loogs for death to and suffering ho aeos am only years of onalea tormentwith intarvala oirest which ans tbemaelves fraught with eever coaalng fear of renewed attack let bim hiro to dr j d kellogga aathma remedy and know what complete relief it can give let bim but use it faithfully and ho will find his aathma a thing of tho past 1htluewce heeded li was very v anil fri mr new end ho was a second lieutenant one day bo sought his olderly colonel and poured forth a complaint sir i should be ao obliged if you d uao your influence to prevent tao men in ray platoon from calling mo baby bunting cortalnly my lad certainly 1 said lho old colonel i wil with pleasure if youll naeyeur influence to atop tho whole baualioa calling me that bow legged old duffer with the bakl bead hot a soxtable pathedimlaw old gotrox lettuy iliaghter marry you when you eaat support jiiiraolf why she would atarvo j suitor with great di wou air if youre tlio kind of mm to lit yonr daughter and her hmiband atarvo dont care to enter the family buro blood bui will make y k ters u eat rial lantacropof goed bqakflvrttor home tnttornach rlcht toituillmanufacturb as regularly as v when burn co limited toronto out inly 1 i toj he might be dinah had been troubled witli a tooth aclio for some itmo before ahe gotup enough coarage ta go to a dentisl the moment ha touched her tooth ahoacreaipod what are you making such a noise ho demanded tyeu know im a paialosadentiatt well aah retorted dinah mobbe yo is pamloes bat ah mol and now boys concluded tho emiaons viaitor to the achool naver bo m loo great a hurry uoro haate lees speod itamem ber the hare aru the tortoise lee alow bub snro be yoar motto then ou caat go wrong de alow and you will be euro not el way e sir pjjtedayoadgurcnin not alwayat llow do you make- uiat out there a tote of things tliaie alow but they aint aure ob nanu one then pleaao air a watch for sprains and bruise there la eotli log better for ppnunjraod coatoaioos than dr thomas ecloctna oih it will reeuoe the awelling thee follows a sprain will cool tho inflamed flesh and draw the pain ea if by magic it will tako tho echo ont of a brutao and pro root the flcah from ill color log it seems aa if there was msgis ia ft so speedily does lho injury disappear under troalrnont experience havo you ever had any oiporleaco in handling highclass waro asked a dealer ia brie a brao of an applfcaah for work no air was the reply but i jlnok i can do it soppoee said the dealer you 1 ciil on tally broke a vary valuable porcalaia tiv what would you do 1 should pus it carefully together re plied the man and mit i wliore a woiltby customer would be sure to knock it over gain consider yournolf engaged said tho dealer now toll mo where jou loernod that trick of tiie trads a few yearn ago annworwd tho otlier i was one of die wealtliy cuatemor otaan now ork tologrsph castoria for infant and chfldrea in uso for over 30 years unf csti n tit hsilioj i 41 with nt i p itnjf byiu he who in t g in his own oys ia f mall m othqr peoples ihrto ptutal lo thlnj of this uualabla irll nrolho iuu airil nuuihino and tntau i1gtiil flllu j ll h in r difns lii wnrk ta oua drluo by il lt a uiitcrnuo nun has bo who tivei i for huynclf a no ii u whiuf efigwlll remote a fhhboiio from tho thrjat if bcaten nul liviu your soil and lu gat old jou will not regrei it a doga tail ia no teamster bub it gon craljy has a wagon children cry for fletchers casto r a hot always the sufferer from d jipsia ppd io- dicestioa who lion to in 1 lid choose hie food is the most micrulje of all lmd iven the little he dor cat cnuwtcuch torture and is diiftc 1 lo lgfpcrfectly that it doct him lit tic r it what dyapepticn necil it not artificial digestion but sonicthm jthat will put iwusihecstl burdoprl ozutrrs nrtorr3 tho its owusihecstue fcnnei stomach to a normil healthy cifjuhtiou so tlrt food no igngcr distresses butja thoroughly hrestcd and ncumlated ms ella mcdonald charlottctown vm i writes i have used burdock blood ditters and find that few medicines can gitc such relief in dyspepsia and stomach trochlea i was troubled for three years with dj pepsia and could not get anything to do nic any pood until i took b bjb i took four bottles and i can boaertly say i am now cured and can cat any thine without it hurting me bub is manufactured only by the t mtlbum co limited toronto ont uls lihiratiohs areryon not aihimodtn ui polsiiuod rrows ira doing the beet i can in my limited way whimperd the savage 0 coaree poisoned arrows only get ono at a lima but wo lack tho inoclianical facilities for wholesalo operation with u boata washington htar cman 6 zprehlem how to fed wefl during middle life told by three women who learned from experience the change of life is a most critical period of a woman existence and neglect of health at this time invites disease hnd pain women everywhere should remember that there is no other remedy known to medicine that will so suocessfully carry women through this trying- period as lydia e pinkhams vegetable compound made from native roots and herbs read these letters rhilndclpluil pa i iitaitctl the oiongo of iafo flvu yearu ugo t always had u heoduijio ami hack aclio with beoruik down rwtiim and i would havo hout lluidiui very bad at time j with dizxy upella and nurvoua ftiuufr ailor taking j ydia it iinkhum vvgutahlo oompound r ftxil liko a now pomon tuitl in bottur health and no nionj troubled with auus and jwuita i hod before i took your won- durful rciiudy i rxfouuoiuliltoja iikuuih forl- ctuinoc liratiu lb uioukil mru nlaittiailcr qaam man 7fi0 n ltnifnfold sl iliiludolplua pu llovurly maaj i took itydia k luikhaiuri vlkutablo compound for iicrvouhiiuis and dyhijepala whin 1 was nmif uiroufili uio chano ot ijfo i found it vory holpful and i hao alunyu apoken of it ui otiuir wouiuu who buflur uu i did and hao lmd unm tryit aiul uioy abio ha noulviid khi ntulti from it mm okouob a dcviiail 17 itoniidy sl lloorly nana the tnn wh coudjurs buying on nod nn oy way to got things is not a iafi t i trusl duet tneaiof alio is of more loiporui tlan loudnsa of rojwru opmrtuuiuna aro bald behind must catch th m hy tlia forelook t y lrii iv u was in poor health whan tbo oiaiiku of lifo startod witlt ma uid i took lordia 1 1inkh tins viruuimo couiikmuiu or i think i should not havo ykt ooi it an uxxy tu i did kveu t y if 1 do flol liol good i taku urn ckuuduiuid and it nstooj mu in iwihort tlnut i will airaiuo our lemctlils to ovory woman for it may lujlp tlum rut it hai mo mrs it kiauxinu wt kast 1h sl krlo iv no ouicrmpdtclno ban lccn so imocwf ul la rtdlovldp womans i nufforiiie iu hah idlu 1z ilohftaut vesrotttwo compound y rtiiiayrowilvofrcoaimllicipftu advloobyvrrluufrthoiordla jlluklibjilftlodlcinoco lynn ftliuw huclalettemaroreoeived i and uaiiwerod by wonlcn only ood uo td lu atrlct confldenoa reglna tmnch 300 ntrmil it ini i out muntorlng hut uj i r and ita i ollant nuuiuiinuli r i ii ut colonoi iborapnoii wu not tbrr to tako tho muuuir roll havinr falli n in tho flht tho chaplal or the rphrmni howovor brlnpji back tt imida a meaoaro of optimlnin and a ntory grim determination on tho nart of tho allien ta ooo thin thine throuiji pcaco 1 roiuarlro 1 win n inii r vlowod in ottawa xhu only poaco talked of lo iznkland to day jn that baaed upon tho declaration of mr aaqtilth at thn btfclnnlffi of tho war there to no man of any njndinj or lnouoncx ln thi old land tp day who linn deviated ono lota trotn that bland ondorocd aa it wan by tho wholo people not that thoro in any ono who is not nick or thin war and would welcome pcaco hut wo havo loft too many nplcndld men up in tho nallon or yprcs and lying nt thn sommoto glvo njpwhat wo thought wan right nt tho commencement ot tho groat conflict ir wo wore rlrht then wo aro right now and ir wo are right now wo would bo traltorn to quit under present conditions tho nplrit or our mn in nplcndld tho npirtt of tho whole people la splendid in fact that oplrlt la tho continual wonder of tho war nobody talkn ot pcaco unul our tank haa boon accomplished what wo want in tho next lew months ho continued is onch a demonstration of power on tho part or tho allies on will break tho heart or tho german mllltaiiflut it la very near tho breaking point now whon tho spring cornea well wo shall ape major gordon waa asked what in bin own opinion would moat cilmu- iato rocruitlogjn canada ho show ed nurprino doca it require btlmulallng7 ho asked is it ponalblo that any youol man in canada fit to go and flrht and who ought to go and fight lo unwilling to do not if tho faca in regard to th war woro put vividly before tno r of tho youth of canada tney coord not fail to respond do 711a thjrifr that uy man with rd hi i h vi lm could kail to respond to th real story of thf rotroat from mono i don t boliov that story la known la cantda tlio otory of tho tarrtflc emd i loiloua tlrplblt or tho contempublil little urlilnh army really tho flneet army wliich ever wont forth to fight rorjn cauno in tho world whothor r iktsonnoi or equipment thorn vau nothing liko it in germany 1 here was nothinr uko it in franco i or over two wecko that army hung on to tho hanks of tho gannon hprdes anally consututlng i fully bcllovo tho determining factor inhav victor or tlio mama and tako tbd batue of tho marno tho rrtatnat battlo of hiotory do to in canada know anything of that if you a j canadians know of tho bat tlo or tho marne if they know what britain liaj boen dolnr what can ada ban been doing and they dont oven know that ia thoy should they would not neod iitiiuul lung ihore never waa in tho history of thn i mpiro a tlmo whon tho pooplo woro no terribly resolved to uoo a thing throiih thoy nro proparlng for evi nti with no ryj ard ror time thoy aro building planta for ln- ntanco in england today which won t bo rrady for operations till late in 1917 aakd to what t attributed tho general ignorance of lop vivid things ofth gordon repltcd with mphosla i think that ono of tho mistaken of tho war has been tho stupid and soulless censorship im posed while lho allioo woro flght- ijik for their vry uouln in franco in those early terrible weeka of rotroat the papcm woro uayinr that ovory- thinc was ajl right the nowo tho ctnuor allowed to got out was rldiou- lous and nobody laughed mora grim ly ovor tho reading of it than tho men at tho front thorn sol von ttnro ought to bo a fearleau pot ting or tho facts to the hurta of the people con lnuod major gordon cmpliatlcally ir wo aro being lw iton b t tin know it if wo oxo win ning lot us know it if wo havo dono a bsdant deud lot tho world know it as it in wo aro neither told tho truth about our rovurucs nor do wo receive tho lnspirauan of tho x- countlng of our aucccaaos tho kind- yon ilaro altrayn jboonntmnd nhlrh iran been in una for over so years lin bornn tho olrjnntnro ot t nnd lias been inado under iila per sonal biiporvlfdon blnco itfl infnnry- auow no ono todrcclvo jouln uiln all counterfeits imitation and tuntaspoodl aro but experiments that trlflo wltli and cndanpjcr tlio health of infants nnd children ixpcrlcnco against lxperlnicnt what is castoria caijtorfn is n harmlcaa onhstltuto for cantor ou iare porlo propfi and soothlnjt hyrnpi it la plensnnt it contains neither opium morphlno nor ouitr marootio snhstanctv ita afro la its rnnrantoo it dchtroyn vorma nnd allays kovrrlnhness ior more tluui thirty years it iina boon ln constant tosd for tho relief of constipation flatulency avind colic nil tee tiling troubles and ularrboca it iffllatefl tho btomach and jkowcib anslinllatotl tfta tood glvlnjr henjltliy nnd aatural nlocp t tho chlldrcnfl ianacca tz10 mothers imcnd genuine castorba always pbcors the signature of iarirjicmohpen ti r n wu r 1- tj i n si gfila loii mi lntr- t 1 31 tijii sn use for over 30 years tho kind you have always bought aoauwbhimbuiiiuiiainuioionpffliiibti everyone will admire them three times a day shining spotless dishes i you know if a thing is worth doing at oil it is worth doing well so for your dishes and utensils use sunlight soap its soft creamy lather ensures a shining cleanliness that will be a delight to the eye sunlight soaf has great cleansing power yet it never red dens or hurts the softest hands being of surpassing purity btudlod at mcfllu major j 3 joaklna doduty direc tor or tho mud leal department of th fourth canadian dlvlalon at thn front mot u gurmon offlcerf liooncr from tho recent sommu flrhting who iitated that ho waa a raduato of th i acuity ot science or mcgill tlnl- verslty ho oald that ho failed to understand why inglond and ger many woro olhting hlo convernsr- llon revualt d much antipathy be- twlon thu uunlor and tho junior gojv man oidccru wot to be cheated iattle john had been extra specially good that aitoraoon and fatlier folt amiably papa piped john can i have a ban ana ea ocrlaioly sonny ipa if i waa twins would you give tho other boy a banaua too ca uf course well papa you area t going to cheat moout of auuthor banana juat because im all iu oae piece aro you r milqsris laxaltued pills sweeten the breath they suuiuhitc the aluttali uvcr clean tho coated lmutic bwecten the brruth clear uwuy oil wmtr uud iwliiwiu nut crials from tho system in imluic a easy maimer nnd prevent us well as cure const putioti heartburn catarrh of the stomach sour etomoui wuur bmji floating specka before the eyes jaundice sallow or muddy complexion und ull dicawcs unslng from a disordered or diseased coudiuon of uio liver aa on alter dinner pill they urc most valuable relieving that full or bloated feeling und preventing in digestion muburna laxn uver jius arc v icr viul at ull dealers or n uil d dint ou receipt of price by the i milbuui co limited toronto out -4- e raimusmiiuiiis4hwmiu4uiiuiaflmuiiiuqijiiiu a 5jx0 bbftm- f porft t bay ai 3wn soap- all mmri maple hum st now on w6e market 315 ii ctntrally lociib btnthng i lots for prompt sale at very reasonable prices chopse yourb today tho now moplchurt atitxhvi aou with h- numiwui building ota iu aplcudld wtuaiioii is now op u to purthat it wido btrctti and laigo lota au near the centre of tho town cmvriinnt to fatal ion post ofhecs churches hool3an j within a ftw yard i ilia now ttho factory huilding tiaml in tvo y r i upplicd ft u wiudpit on the property w i ci easily obtaitmblo for full particulars ja to pritt tttuu ul call ou roht wallace acton capital finjoooooo llbtllcllvl- kpnuu anu unuiviuup imiovltti j 710004 the merchants bank of canada sir ii moutiu uo allan c v o 1rcaidcut o l llaearow gcucrl m mug or look to the future 1 hues may change and work tx- tu no lci plentiful for you with ml van tod years and ou unit havo m auch help anywhere ni your uko little law humlicd dollars tutved iu jjiuo ujuiui cauadi hunk benin now wltrvnlv one poll- juuko a hi bly n u scu bow iar bchjud you lui livt ti mi li m d ii lid 1 itiicn abov thuif s do not look bickwurd in our rati bi tho harbor of comfort 3a ntnuchea in canada i uriucio btu hbohcileil ac10n litianctl l b shorey manager livii i ciicrrics in siifc rar ilitinp lone jb o4p t i i i t i out dustbane x order a tin today from s your grocer a packed in barrels and t kkg for large consumers kimsmh dustbane mfg f company limited ottawa okt- ttct0n bvs lin hftvidr purchawj iholivery and i pood will of lie business froml mr a mccaun i solicit wllbl confidence lho palronago of to public comfortable nga supplied reasonable rates special artcnliod to supplyid conveances for weddings sj funerals llotor cars furnished wbco quired duhlmgetsfall tb l c atkinson acton aannndnaanodcl grain i ch wel g quickly a i 5 cents a per bag 5 6 cocmitc 2 harris 6 c0limite rockwood ont uuuunu mmtj j tl 2 l wiilh vuu nlci boots shoes it ly tunc vms ihom ww1lliams act0s ontario 1 amous 1 k satisaciory footwear kla jonahllt lkicl

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