Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 30, 1917, p. 2

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t pt j i3mu ot lij ortlln i f s- ih til morwil hllltiii ikii- i rj if f mill h l j li it tmw jib iji lltncimhnol a trnlln nlcoic a i witlrnwoll i inoacii i ontiil nuffd i omo ill lit r litlll i i rtii two rwjqyadlr pic-wic- major beandmofle is going dlje arni jhec press thiii- iia audusl to ioi7 editorial hotes uavaiiiii military henrico act waa it an royal aasant n i ucwjay wlieti tho ilta tr dovun i tto urtrnt r cncrn alfixrd 1 is wiffnataro- it m tnrpwt that artioii will lo tktn ot oncu y 0 o arornnintit for tho oofarccmcnt of tho acl jtmih u being tttlcl a i anvl nn i it is plain fact that ovary pound of bitid rud bco jiiftt u utod in canada can bo eaten id tlia war raa countru of 1 urojxv it is no aaytn that uiv peorlft of i ri iro and britain havo auhmittod rhcritilrjr to ka unheard of rwitnrtion their footl nu plica tlii poo jo of canada stand for tho umo cum lot un thou bo lo term mod bo help our haroic allien t tho fnuali the etbmil of tho weok ot ottawa gio the loiprcamnu that uio tiro pec la for n union otcrnmont or an jiiifraasiva- tar cabmob wo grow i rip mora retnoto tli tobttrrafced if canada in to do her duty mad autain bar aplaodid reparation parttwtn mott im abouthed for tlto umo and avcry effort bo put forui to win i ho war lot aa baro a war cabinet compos d of canada moat ft bio uoaoliuh nod bsorgouo citizen tmciiiiaiiirm of ilagiiq are cryi far food serbia ban boon overrun by uio onetny half of roamsnla occupied much of franc is bold waato ten na tlana of tha world ar on ration fcixty million men uo withdrawn from produo uoa far trr acme to fowl uio allied aratfea and nations uio men and women of canada xiunt pledq themaottos to max mnm prod actio a tbo elimination of wute and tbo jarrjeat poaiible caoanmpuon of penahablo foodstuff nays lion w j hann canadian fowl controller the foor oovtholixb ef great ii n lai la considering the fixation of tlio pneo of a 3 pound loaf of war bread at ft cent thia compared with 10 cents for tbo lj pound loavea la canada n striking that it fn britain bead from canadian wheat ox floor alter unrolling 3 000 milts at high rates will sell at casta a pound wliilo en canada the pnci is pvcn and tjrt cent and often more and not a oul man no m aijrhl tbla u a ttuation for which tho canadian food controllar w oeling tbo rotnadj and if necoiury ho will fii pnecn baft firilho mast bo our of all bt facta jo any afent however canadians mustcat laaa bread and subatituto otbor foods for tbo wbolo world is short of braad uotlindht sunday school on frlduy v h btoroy oii n lmploycm j oiisiittirday ilo a nti ml ic ulc of tlio tltlxlit h inday mikmi was licit in tlio lul on i n injr nftnioon thudsy was warm and pa3nnl with uieoxcei lion of 1 ncf dasl us of rum a co ij lo at lund tbo motnlcra rtttbs sresel were driven to tw ark in in ur car a upon arrival thay proceeded to ha a jolly liioo- a 1 nj rorlm i f races mado 90iiula for all fn in uio primary oluui to alio uldor bonanl firlk iter mr irgo frank hannuly hu perm land ant w it hie wart t cbcatrr msttbowa and mian haw t homo acted nm atarturft judge ate and tboy put in a merry and very i ysy two hourk ttin asriousrontcstn raultad as follows j iris g years and under iaabal iaiiu tdlhotylr bava yearn and undar htowarl jjal colm cameron mchinnofi irls 10 and under dora iambert madalino mautla iloja 10 and under ilstbert tryor lotwrt juiwtirt tiirla loaodover alice jamoa margrarob mcnabb irlnlland orar stella mo lao clara brown bqjj 12ftndoyr b4winjndbroueli ivilllo ktavara pet to tulco uaio btewart alice james hack iuca drenvilla maaalet bobert file wart rilow luco dorouiy nslaon bictut jtacft robcrfc fluiwart iris walking iteco clara brown joaaia mcnabb lloy walking iteco iranvillamaaalea ijsdwln indnborougli half mile iuce willio btawart oren villa manales tbroeunrcod race willio stewart and flrenvillo alasales kdwio landaboreagh and ray agnew the winners in tbo various content wore awarded bald and balls stationary and game vaaca and parfomea books and pananta orobjraa and peachoa f very body waa mado happy sapper vra1 nerved in the grand atonal and it was no war man a either tbo boyn and eirla bad avidantly taken taeir appe utaa wiui them and there waa abandonee of good things for all wlnle tbo company waa cnjayiof tea the boy scout bulo band arrived in tbo park and aeranaded the assembled company they were hospitably entertained by the ladiea managing tbo culinary departmeaa tub lusnijatiotof jlon uobt- rogers allnuur of pnblio works and tbo accept ance f the same by sir robert rertlen premier maybe oftocuva inopeoingthowky for tbo fermatjoo of a sottafactory war cab inetfor the direction of canadas port in the croat atrnxclo a current proposaluj to farm a war cabinet of fivo tocoaaistof the frraierminiatx of militia and tbreoprom inonb pahlio mew who may or may notbavo portolio this war cabinet would direct uio wax policy of the conn try lb won id be oa nfmilar linen to thab of tbo war cabinet great britain woold act with prompt todd and wonld 1h entirely free from be embarrassments of party interests and en au etes are turned towards uio west awl tbacropaitoauon n tbo map not which mibumfi iiiufllluixnur3nrai5rnuio and financial commoniue and it is inter sting for tbo general public as well both for vjainotio and economic reasons nob liar behind tbo problem of nroducuon there is tlto equally important ono eftnaas partation roporta from tbo prairie prov ldoag state that rram bos glled out wonder fully wtdldonnp tbo but throe weeks and that tlia yield will be heavier even than was thought pc bio n nhorb time ago the placing of the minimum wheat crop at 200000000 buafaeb a published in this column a wook ago is amply verified bv i later information tub fiftc cmm of canada are alive to tbomooaaity fot education of the genera punljc in tbecaormonv number of fires to canada ood the ooowqaentboavy monetary losaoo therefrom tbo fall fa ra ofter a very favorable opportonity for furtbennjr then edoaatjoaal plan and should be utilised exhibits of fins fighting equipment ahert aalks on the dancers of careleaa iieuaekoep- tafft ooglected chimneys carefulness with light fn barns and shads etc will tto helpful printed mottoes bearing the in formation of canadas annual total of firo in as compared with otkor court trias and the numur of lives lost uirougli cam loaanese in tbo use of coal oil gasolene to woold bo effocttve today tlio fire chlota repguitien depends upon bin ability to prevent fircey not on his exortnoas in extinguishing them after lhay brook out taiajeiult can only tie achieved by oeaae- leaa education of thn public by c nt nual and rigid inspocunu of premises for iro rjaka and by tlio enforcement of by law providing for the abatement of hazardous oooditiona tbo first annual pic mo of w xl storey son limited was bald on saturday afternoon in macdooald a grevo on tbo flrat lino it waa olao a veiy enjoyable affair though tho weather waa rather cool for real piomc pleasure at 1 30 the em pi o j eon with their families assembled at uio canada glovo works there they ware joinod by members of the firm and a friooda headed by their cornet band which by way discoursed very creditable and thoroughly enjojablo rouaic thay proceeded to uio chosen rendezvous tbo young folks walked and tbo oldor members ofleo company were qonvoyod in motor cars the following list of com psu bona wan run off and affordod koen ceo teat for tbo participants- and muck fun for all girls race 0 years and under k sot age r- mcnabli boys raco 0 yoara and under 8 ilal oolm boys race 14 years and under w bloy girls race 14 years and under j ma nebb ladies alow raco mrs j baraga jr smoking raco robert scott william hooter ladies biacait raco jeaaiq thompson lottie mason three legged race we hunter and jr4ik umuveir ladioe osildriving contest c kaley 1 sock race c precious u gibbona ladies potato race b pnce c jvalejr whoel borrow race j robinson l maaoloa i lodiua 50yard dash hazel maaoo ho lao men s 100 yard raco wm hunter jyulieo walk iag raco mrs w arnold mens walking race wm arnold mens apodal 50 yard raoo robl scott ladies 50 yard mcc lottie mason special 50 yard dash ior arnold bros wm arnold a tugof war contest between looms captained by wm mcvibb and frank spielvogel waa won by monabba aeven who pulled uicir eppouento twica out of thrco pulla tbo sports were coocludod wiui a liaae ball mated m wutch tbamuwcs mason wore thn captains an excellent lunch was served at 630 and it is needless to nay it was thoroughly enjoyed lyall this first plo nlo proved to bo anocial aventrtao much pleasure that it will no doubt be jo tared as an annual event to be pctarably anticipated ovory summer ovitnskas will boohltar in command of brafx from a forestry battamati tiil beaitdhonl lmpl0ylls give rousiho senpopf i alb untunlay major lorranfo itoanl inorewho bad o comtninaiqn in tho york and htracoo 1 orcitryiattalii n wan nougod that ha liad loan nj pouiu d afiiccr in cent mand of a draft of 1i toon from the for airy lopot at camp i i onion with ovdaro to j rooesd eattword una wosk it la pected tkty will oralmtk for uvareeon very sbsruy mnjur board mtxtf accoiniuuiied by mra bear more csm up from tho city on mnn day afunjoon to have a look over the works tako a trip down to uio farm whoro bcrop it being hnnmitad and any ow1 byo to as many acton frionda aa jxusihlo tearning ef mr iteortltnoro a intention of leaving for ovaraean uio omployoce of the tanneries and thoir fomllica oaaamk d at thog t r depot a fsw miriutea ifsforo tbe dwparturo of uio 7 o rlock train toflhow tbetr goodwill nl to wish their noldier omployor godapeod in his important duties ororscas at the roqumt ef tho man ii p moore j p addrsiiwl mr beardmore in uiolr bekalf givlag exprounon lo uioir ppro ciation of him fts ibcif employer and ox tending uieir sincere good wiahea mr mooro spoko ot uie i hdo felt by all that major baanlmaro who rs ono o f on lxya having acton aa his btruiploco been given an 1 in oortant place as cemtn mg oqicar of an everscaa draft of man all knew ef uie sincere dosiro bo had folb from uio outset af the war to do bis duty as a soldier and to haro tho opportunity of overseas sorvico while general regret is felt that tharo would necnasanly lio uie severance of tho kindly relation which existed as employer and men for a time every an a rejoiced that mr board lo ore s earnest wish had been fulfilled throujrb uie action of uis mibtary ouuiontien refor once was mado to thoflplsodid altarta of mr end mr beard m pro aad the firm to givo tho families of tho man a happy umo at chnatmaaudo and to uio comforts which wtjre then supplied tbo bono was earnest ly oxpresaed that major board moro would haro uie chance of doing effecuvo service in thef great conflict of groat britain and bar allies to- win uio war and that bo would bo a pared to rotors homo aeirjly and reeumo his place at uio bead of the works bsre three cboora and a tiger wars then voci ferooaly given by tho hundreds of em ployoctt and oititcns assembled ofajor board moro waa visibly affoctod by tbo graceful tribute paid him by bis jnon ho said that bo was graufiod that hia long deferred wish to go overseas for service as mr moors had truly skated waa now about to bo fulfilled no was proud to go overseas from acton for bo was not only born here but ho had a pent moss of bla lifo bare he hapod to do hia duty faith fully and to carry on in uio in terra w of the groat war and to the advantage ef tho man under bis command ho appreciated more than bo could express una kindly ox preasien of goodwill on uio part ef uio men with whom ho had boon associated fur to long aad by their families he hoped ho woold oefortunst enough to return and be with tham in civilian duuea again mr beard moro than cordially shook h with all tho man who conld roach bim and aa tho train polled eub another salvo ef cheers gave further exprcssies of good will and godapeod smith trophy won tfy eihn thouoyvllnff tournament last wook ntrpiltrjil in a victory not anticipated dicky rlliott losttiibtd0phy t ijuimual fntnrnaa wan fnlb in ua huuui j trophy lowling tournament bold on the i acteu green last thursday lor two vnsrs fa ruccesifon tho rhampioo bramp ton rink akipped by the rodouhtakle dicky iurqtt had weu in tho deals and carried uio trophy homo to grace tho brampton club house as toe terms of hjio trophy competitions proridod uiat tlio rink winning it three umo in succession should locoma to wrmanant possessors tlio llhott rink on to rod tho tournament uds year datorminod to ftocuro uio covotted trophy for all time hut tho lest laid arbnmoi of mice ondjusa gony ofl agiosht dicky ijliotl waa ixiwlod out irrbo first round by toddy hansard a acton quartette and in uio aocond walk or of i rin wsn from haoaard lr oerof frin dofoatod gnnner gould a crock rink and uton gavp tliauburn of brampton who had laaton baxheroffjoorgotowuawalkovor tlnsput tho two lrln rinks ia the fiaabi and made the trophy aurn for uio last wellington village as rain oo mo on early in uio evening it was decided to allow tho llrio jinks to flghl out thn final decision on thoir omo green tho scores fur uto day were as follows fiiurr rot no i this store ftr vatuel brampton ownt thaubuni bad i rin lr ler actott l j haoaard j walker lrin br goer i rin j walker erin br gaer aetna bergt gould brampton it elliott georgetown f j barber acton bargt gould brampton r luiott georgetown 15 j mobermid brxod itorjtd brampton thau burn acton 20 ej uaaaaxd fi uu tnn j walker cosuolatioi sorgo town f j barber georgetown j mcdormid 17 14 secu d itfjh d brampsen acton r elliott 10 w j gould 9 brampton acton t thaubuni 12 e j haaaard 11 tbo winners not only took homo uio fine bmlth trophy but each member of tho nek was presented with a silver cucumber serv co the runners ap received each e fino genuomanscaaod pocket knife in uio consolation contest uio winners received hand painted whipped cream eole and uio second each a box of choice chocolatca the showers in uio uto afternoon rather marred uio closing ends ef uio several con tests i ate nts i promptly securer in all atmntrieslc tar oar lkvetceqhg dmui hkl mu b at ait 3m unoraity avo montlttal wanted day anp night oplra toks cor ontario govlrnment tractors working in hnlton condty apply mating experienco with c gasoline and kcrcucno engines to i 1 j bunliw w f strong ontario dcpl ot agriculture qmtjcj hmmm illiniu 3600o harvesters wanted nassa0aweya ddkiso the past wook twouty ovo lart moil bogs rontoininf fall and winttr cat loguos of two of toronto big depart mental atoren arrived in aaton from guelph tboo0 bags wiui many others for post offices in this section were sent in bulk ly freighi to guolpb there tboy weru ro novwd from tbo freight oliod to uol b post o and sont to i o with tbolweoty milo aotio c poatagu eu oaoh catalogue from guelph la eig t ennta from toronto the tea coots by i may anow businoaii acumen the departmental stores it ia evooior of tho postal lawn an i pay moot of tens of thousands ef oar poet ojfiee department which the geooxal pnblio is obliged to miak up in war tax oo postal inalur furuttr it gfrea tho big stores nn unfair advantage ovjar all local buaineos houses parliament weiu sorve tbo couutry bolter byconiiflar big aoch glaring evaainni as luaao rathar thaa kvopondlag weeks in frultloauiiotiaum oaoooacrlptoo when tjtotnaoifcal dutj to lb oquatry to prompt and offsctive action in eakhaff tbo neooaaary step to do can odao share n winning the war mrs joeiab altoo of kelson daughter of uie uto john laaton of naasairawoya paaaod away on tuosdsy in bar sixtieth jour 1 all no tori fit a oiprosa pleasure at tho excellent impnivoinont oftsotod to the read way through the kuatcbbull awamp and its approachee the threakiiig inachnioo arc all busy uioto days a good deal of lotorcst is centered in tho re union pio mo at tho grounds ef b m no i 7 noxt monday afternoon and evening mr murray crawford of uio village inn camphellvillo loft oo soturdsy on a trip to montreal toronto lxhibttion is attract lu sr a good many of our faintsrs this week a aero ia ovu kii uu about 7 seven o clock on tuesday morning travailing from north to south it was up ijulto a height but tbo whir of tlio motor was plainly board mr jpbn mom ball occupied tho pulpit of 1 bunrcr church last sunday morning cry acceptably tt o recent rains will help the rootorops at though uie faraisrs stould like a few daya lino nostber in which to finish their bar veit- mlasus i title and annie mcdonald of artoiij vintod friends in naaaagawoya last hun lay mr win and miss nelllo kingsbury of dundsj are visiting their aunt mrs c a darlj oiknatchbull 1200 to winnipeg plua half a cent pet wilo beyond to any btation lost of calgary edmonton or bur- bonk alta return fnro haifa cent per mile to winnipeg till november 3qtb iji7 plus jlb oo to original starting point special through trains will leave toronto union station iooo pm augubt 30th the best of equipment and lunch counter cars eltictnc lighted colonibt car spools aooomraodatlou for woman for tickets nd ior leaflet nliowing dumber of luborcm required at each point apply to a t brown agent actun or writo general passenger department c n r toronto ontario maplehurst now qojov market 35 centrally located building lots for prompt scilc jt very reasonable prices mopt man lit t mail otiiqot lial kinvw that a iuur r chooie youra today the nev mupltliurrit subdivision with tm utiiuutuus building oln in spletidl 1 iiltuation ia aowiipcu to pnruluscrj wido atrctti jiul lalgn lota all near iho cntro of tho town cniirntont to htatlon post o oh en cknriljs uujuols and ultrifu a fow yntda of the novvlioo 1 actory building sand id ovo yicllir or aupjlicd from a aatiofplt on uio p ropctty ro i wil o kor full particulars a prlc ttrma etc all on robi wallace acton l jf a f j00tl v lluc wc onn it will ny yoa tol look them over 7 comp l prtce wth the- y 4 you will find ourj pr1cc10t015pcrc1nl imvi r finihlsifll p0i l sl111 po um k- r w ch alkyf finish full jg in wide eun value it s1g0 lcr yard white llabutai silk th waits is full jg in wide til will ivt ii ind fivt food weir i lr i ijood value at s100 uitnble for white flljlish flannelettes bought before tin bip idvantcs in prices every person know tint manm letti hav doubli d in once in the past year what wc have in stock i extr i value tt 10 20 22 and 2c per yard plain and twill bleach slieelinjj i yaalt widi jjood quality cotton plain and twill extra good value ilfji 1 jbtjjr lour flannelette blankets not now is thtime to lay m your stock for fall and winter as reports from wholeile hou cs ire blankets will be double the pncc before the first of the ycir if we bonpht these blankets to day we could not sell them anywhert near these prices double bed size pink or blue borders si 815 iixtra 1 lrge sic pink or blue borders s22j a bargain in sideboard or dresser covers just z dozen double dimask all pure linen sideboard covers size 17x50 remember these are all linen ind if boaghr today would be cheap at double the price we are asking extra good value at 7fi each oj mill street stora closed klbo noon on wcdnesdavn durtnff juljr 61 auffokt acton pciv aulirrfibtmtnta ffifjt itrtio5tif jhitrrh jlclo it o v lahoicoa odnpajitoi qunuav fjitltlemubilc1017 mr aidx mcciowan of guelph fill preach niornlnr and cviniujj oundavqchodl in tlm afternoon nt 3 30 o clock allutblcojuie irige iw mik rotiol u 1 raliv fllvnn ft oar ot atom am i at it o t riaa nt t ilk will i inwsastvl to 11 caiiui wr q rt mi ui ir uy hal irmnsr store to lucnr that foi iturxllons lirn at inn rnar of ihe jcveniiniiit ilulminu nil wjllow illrvet ha kiipiiiii frartil floor rllar hill alio nt i 1 1m i nit j 0 will 1 o virate4 lv tl nnble flo ir an 1 koo1 i tiahtoaa wlilrli tifca ooeni lnl it tor rouruwm yon i r anirnal tl iaukli uattitnwh jst of prices on and after atifust 27 1017 mnlp cut 25c cluidrvrej llali cat 20c- qhanlpoo zo iload rtub is and 10a hiur qloiro 10c beam trim alone tso dfmird tplmocllalrcut soo ubavo loo neck 9hava so rleolc elliavo alono loo 1 faoo b3aeeajro 2o nnxor honina zsc outxlde woi la zo auad 00c ndtxc1e t04ur ctjstobaiznb piifiu como in lor work beforo s p m as otr men quit work at tliat iiour ex eepting on unday nod saturday even inra1 thos a morton a b mclean qattdbito my paper because it informs interests and entertains me my paper because it gives me the news each day and places it in suerr position that i can and it easily my paper because whether or not i agree with its editorial opinions i can respect the fairness and judgment of the men who write them my paper because of its clean moral tpne because it does not pander to base morbid or neurotic passions my paper because i like its wit and fre quent flashes of humor my paper because every member of my family may read it with interest my paper because i know it ranks high m comparison with the new york times chicago tribune london times london daily telegraph and other great news papers of the world and consequently keeps me well informed in all those things a good citizen aid man of uie world should know about a few of the news and special features exdus- ivc to the toronto daily star on bio arvl tram tb lt a uckidilt our iit luii rt3aat corrspou in itajy llui korjioia lluultu thi only cinfc- lliui wmiuui wrttvr la jiy in lultaln tliatnu gtc kta uta lurct major ic ol rt ii now 00 roeuur iltar taff ho i aa bn in tvaulaf uncy t r a imta in cnii la txlal tatf ti in lln u otraal it rr ir portent rntraa u itnl 1 nu icr wlrr excluita in t ton to ktvlna w ij tiavia ul lacludlns i injlj war fblt bn rial rarraoiiuiulanla in oiurt llll rounlrr all ilia ctllran dallr newa- kwui esmn from a atafr or ovarlally train ad i kj cant 1a rut-op- all uontrral ilr im biwclal rablro fro in ulrmlariuarv an atarf irii nt binlajtr ton nit uiaj artklrs from bat wrllnia in uia world xi a iallr run- ajao l rm ukrn bjr other rana i an aljlaa ucli u cuia- ilil tiw ml cma h 1 r a o lha lun li ulrr ajo frtii w ki a ujl u 1 4t aral tajja ma ltacuri lal aitohdayfleptebbeh 1 elanchl svvlct in tbos wiftout sin ponday heptemder 3 snow white tiucsdav slfrrbinnitr iwicr costcllo in the man wlblonhl not beit god htb epjodojf i iih r k l gregory a a oafjttn th tor0nl tmly star you wdl txueuy enjoy il a hie price from your local news dealer is 2c per copy or 4qcper mqnlhdeliverei on tho day of iaue or you may aubacriix direct rom urn offee for 100 for three months 200 for six months or s 400 per year ax in your money to thiscoupon if youdecide tp subscribe direct pin your bills x jpress or money order to thin coupon and mail it jr if you send bills register tho letter o the daily star reaches ac ton at 5 8 oclock every afternoon and is prompt- f ly delivered 1 he following dc ilers s can supply you or it will be sent w to you direct froni the office of ajjroaa publicationwhicheveryou s j nrefer i tisssw tnarraumr oollverod tnroucti o jbllhora ironto daily gur toronto tnontl a ailurcnej coplc uktint coiilra tjlrut i to mo u fn i me i actoiv i i creamery is pa in 40 cts x for butttr fat j 11ring ouii cklam to us hlcheit cream tcit last wcol wm ucciiiioukii yi n 1 und ry36 r rubinoff acton creambry kwviimiwi w sweater coats laujl 4- briwh wiiol covli hind wmiotlci scu them in tho win low min s- wool sweater liit no i quality in biuwn t v y nd maruou st13 miuil ic in win uow auto nusn ks ilnlo ami il mblt broaltl p to ilutt 30 lo 40 r e nelson htcna ou1p1ttbh aufilph onlra v

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