Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 30, 1917, p. 3

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wallpapers window shades curtain polea wo ctitj v romjilrtt ntnrk our blaltfllaoic 1101 nfjufj iluulsd uko 1iyid8 hcton ontaltlo lie jvdou tftec tecss news of local import l sr ot rr thr 11iuilhijay aijfuhl hi 1017 bhlfif local items jey almc inrreajjed september ii bs i sro on snli tliaho isrinpon nuit i j the to h nimim r a i orsr tlio i iliday lakrn an t fleiu pool crln tliroiom their rate lo 3200 per 1 our cod irmdrtii dry and sturo advises tlio canadian tfootl cootrollsr co tmla will collect mjltoo a 33 013 of uioa tils year for j12s tt ta reported that counterfeit 10 royal dank bills aro in circulation theres quite a pilgrimage to toroalo kxmlitloa fsam tins r lion tblo week coorftetown rata of taxation lb la j oar p hu been fir td at 40 mill milton in ti mllla v theroa e rasjjniucent crop of wid on few f uio streets njisl vacant lou town tbe next meetinc of isquesing town hip council will lo hold on tho 21th hop- umber the dairymen horo nnnounco uiab tho prloo of milk will bo locroaflod to ten cants on saturday actooe rato of 10 mill taa cinch wo can jo them 10 better 0 tnilta cjaotjjo town herald a floot ef four aeroplanes flaw nrer town io a south westerly direction early tuesday morning a man and hia wife at t run ton wore fined 83000 and costa for mllinff and keep ng liquor on saturday t mr i m henderson ha purchased air hjena on brant road 01 1 and will remove thereto shortly dont throw food food into the rarba jo can swtoqoooia wasted oery 3 oar hi tbl country by carol eaines in the kitch tho mad croat kirla held a successful tea and sale or candy in tha cooro wal lac store on saturday aftaraoon aud or on ing- boatoo presbjtorian connreration pre sented ka mr rose and hia hnio a para of gold upon their return from their honaymooa tour preach once moro tho good old fashion 4 gospel of tho clean plat do not lot children watte foofl at tkoir niaala or at pic nica do not woate it yourwtf looks ia if alderman darclay had hia ye on tho iloovos chair for 1918 ita neithor luerod nor eocuadod th motion fixing tho 10 mill rate aorgetowii unr aid thoao marchaats who clear up- uie litter aod horso dropamt from tho atreat opposite thair stares oca or twico a wcok aet pood exam pica to other who aro remiss io th matter some thjjugbtloaa poo pi o are ntill dat ing thair letters acton woafc there 11 do each poet offico in canada ac tan end acton alone u aha name of our pretty and aatorprunng town roi mr mclott ot pitubarc ia- occupitd the pulpit of knox cliurrh tho but two s indaja with uiuch occuptnuco rev mr wilaon ttiii rjnio hia wuual dulle next suodey v mr alex mcoohan of ndpb will occupy the pulpit of tho methodint cbutch in tha ueoce i twv ilr litre mr mcgowan baa uio roputjtluti ol briny a younjr man of aplo nil tnanta an 1 energy material iiuprouinbiit has leen nimio on placaa on he wrat cud ef milt h treat and 011 main iwlwnjn church aid mill vrbaro tlia bulea and rut have boon filled with broken tooo witli tarwia an i aand for bindiuf the utlicn of ilio itcd croia will uuuf tain mr v m ilcnduraoo odd of their rooat active worvor who 11 romimng to oalt at aeacial taet uio town ball in con dkudu with thoir weekly werk gtboring tble ailernuon harry macdooald of uie aecond line uccooda w o daiarollaa mail carrier lor rural route no 1 mr udounltt tend or waa 270 considerably lowor than hia auodeceaaor rcei and 2zq below ooo of tho otha tanderera leutwimik ld ahbury of oaktille waa bofuro mayor croaa and w a- x arrali j p on a clmnreuf having a bottle of liatinj a bottle ef hqoor lu hia putaoatiou ha waa quad 00 and 13 coalt tho price of i reael liae omu loo iwb aaya the canadian tthtd ceouuliar par tlcularly tu mimo soitioua htvor is noooaaary will be done a liopt agreeably to all coadarnad hut ic mutt be due a nico aamplu of manitolja herd wheat waa aont to thta office loat weak by mr 1 jainoa caruahan fram ilreudon it waa grown 00 the farm of mr jobn mcorejjor and tlio crop had no rain from the tioio it waa sow until it waa harvested mr motonat if you wuat tjo ou that trip uext suuday aleaao aecuro your necessary supply of raselina tho day before itfl nbt fair of you te oxpoct your gasoline dealer tobieak the sal bath aud tiouu tbo lord wif act it is not aeumly uo your lart it a net at all nucunaary chiof llandall acuu aa inartatratv reduced tko flo imposed on niwturiata fur bar ins no rear liyhb from 85 to s with thia nw light on the subjuct uis prucs may go oa until tbo city instead of tba metariaui ia quad fur maintaining corduroy atresia wjifeb jiul iha jhiita out juolph alercufy a sugcitlon for tlio school aitjr tbo j nrdnn pmjrcl lj 1 lb rsii naitirtunnif rk ntinpenliiklte c iifltiy tbo taf born will toirh ll f 1 ir lhll to ruimorvn ilisal insou iwid intll and tho n nnan why urb lutk tuiiojy lonftturei by tlio uitiiory roiiiiiutteii on lit mo 1 cuu onurt f aoton ril i ulr iiojlt 2fitlj and 20th ifiw lint or acten i- all i air aro now 1 nij lomtletod tboro are a rmmlur of rlicaand luiporunt c ban tea which oc llmdrjl will njfrociulo tbe fruit aen lidna aro areobl up to date by an si par iciload frtir t iobii a larger acoki is 0ion lo ilioop oihit iknra hpacial prueri will m nlterud hw wniifi poods nud cookinj aud c un rito nlsu a loon hat nf vatiad ceuipeti urlor sasalon or council tunrll hail a briof aeslion on monay ovanuiif tbo t 1 too 11 tli ropnrb of thefm iplttaa en i ninuco paal uio following an counts jti101 huvisjiliri 1l m lam urt j 75 and wm cuttnik jh 00 for wrk 011 street municipal world 1 bo for jrlntmr and ilobt storey slfi 40 for work on hydro llartrio liuaa iu010 uyndn and couocdlnra jconnoy llailny and iioqjeron woro protouu x ululon acrca of wheat fc ontario 1ij launched a big campaign to plant ono million acre of fall widest this autumn this moans an increase of 40 per cant in iho wheat acreage oer last fall when fioo kx vcrca wero planted i ifjlity tractors are at wor throughout the pro vtneo and ten more huo loon purrbasoi by tke government and will be busy within ten days tbay will protido pdditioaal acresjo which will le got raady for fall planting or wheat klllod on tho electric hallway the now toronto ndolph ditisinn of tho toronto huburlian ilailway claimed thair first victimi euuido their own list or em ptoyuea on saturday morning charles sdarthorna reooof ktnhicoko tow iship m initanll killed an 1 three ear oil jairui rtutt fnully 11 jurcl when a ipcctnl lirnnui and nolph radial cjr oraabod into mr silverthimos motor at a privato cresiinu an dundee streeli near htimmortilu that morning liqul emto wordon improving mm h h vforalen uueipb received a utter from bar son lieut ernest wordon ljtt prlday m winch ho ntalod that bo was now in tba kitchener canadian ilotpiial j brighton lit glaad and was improrioj nlcaly frono hia recent wound iio waa a true l with tlireo machino gun bullota twi io the ngha thigh and one in iho left and also received ahrapnol in uie ahouldnr hia lioyhood fnooas in hia nativo town aro thankful to receire tho reassuring now a of hi improvement to economlzo on dressed skirts prcii ylw of tlio coming winter are di tinned to economic on woollen fabrics as much as pojiihls tho matter dress motors uot more than 00 and three qoarteray irda uf coth nhall iw uicd in making a dree thin rotnp ired with an average 1 ten or twelve anli two iean f seven yordi lait year 111 out sutidiof tbo associatieu also baa de ci lod to usabilk and uatiomtl products as much as ipuible und decrease tlio amount of cloth imported county council acccodod after all a dopuuuon from tho halten ancul tural socialy appeared lcforo tho county council at last meeting and asked for a rocoou j deration of the decision of the coun cil to make no grants to the sociwty this year it waa represented ta tbo council that a grant as uocossary for tho success of tlio annual fair thu result after aomo dmr ision wa tbo adoption of a recom mi tttimfr ni ibt finnuni t nuiittou of urnill i joo i lis hi ton arrnuunral bmjllj an 1 55 anh lo bne of anion oltilli hurh um anl drorgctowii aoton boyjscouujit toronto at 11 n troop ol ilo scoutii under scout mior hurwaod spd bu toy scoui bujlu i n g lor sronlmnitcr n f mom int to tor to ixhiliiton on tneduy monii our ititet n in pruad i their apenraiiru nnd murrbing as tho pjraiic 1 t die innruing tmi they 1 d a tul day at tbe 1 xlnbitinn in tbe nftcrn 1 they cro rvioned 1 y uio o ern k i tml ii ip cert imh crrditat lo tulblt srofis f nuiuu county tbst oukviuo sc hun lund ird tbn prs lo uml a1 15 scmu hand brought u ibo ruir r 1 1 kipv tbo line in perfect order mati favoabis comments wpro beard respect nj tho ly b crtkwsonfl coftncrs social and personal lho prnre 1 ibn erouud f 1 tntnllj dulr 1 istlny m i inllmi h il oil drluu 1 ly bra it mr r i8 mci 1 nbnrh bnl oday in no an 1 b i uk italst irjj twfirohe loit iho inin of uio tiro i ia partly cor ired by j o watnon nt 1 lock ndu uid florl tbero is morn catarrh in tin suction of tba ceuntry than all other discans pullo getlwwjfitid for ysara it was nuppmod td bo dla and by eowatauttv hulin to mm with local ti ualnioiiti proaouuued it tut urabla catarrh laalooitdiitoase jj really lolluenced by constitutional condutona and therefor roqulrbi iouatitutioual treat mo tit- hall n catarrh cute maiiufarturuil by 1 i ctianoy a co rlexto ohio is a coiati tutional rutoelvtilaketi intomnlly nnd maim thrd tho hlood ou tbe mumua unr faoenof ihohyaunu ouoilundiod datlars reward iaoftarot for any case i bat hall a ctarrh cure faila u cum he d fur rir oulam snd teatininniala v j chi nm a co lolodo ohla sold byunikgu 75o hall yamlly idli fur eonatipatlon work appreciated and fiowarded mr it lib caretaker of iho pu nfbto and lot has rtcwutd uio fouowug lettor from tho deputy miniator of publio worka oflicooftlodopulyminiitorottawa lltb augutt 1u17 joar sir i havo leon shown some jil olographs of the lawn and flouir ixdi nurruundiug tho poab oqlco bull ling at milton aad with to cougratu isle you on the bncco which lias atlendod your iitorti in itcautifymg tho oovernmant grcnda tbo interest which you havo taken in this matter i nature ou it fully ei predated ou will lo pleaaad te know the hiithonty baa luoj1 10 incruakg your salary from jtoo to siw per annum from the irt iiiitaut- yours aim roly f s h hteii depgty minister iloformor a iiibiicioss musical treat iho concert given in tho town hall last hvdnesdsy oroifuig i y jsol to muuu the ouiueut f nuloh vjolfniht wat roatly en joyd by tliu lovem of gwod iuubio t bo weie irwitnl miss monica rana with such world renowned artiata nn lbnau kroisler powull aud kubelik and ban plsyod ijoforu royalty at thoir command hur tepertoiro at this eon cttt wm 1 ih lasiycttborouh ly enjujoblo her ilayiur wai euperb hoth classical and x pular numbora were rendered and 111 osi a chucs uie masterly tilt 1 ii of tho trained und talented iniuilian o inauifaxt mlt i iloeit liontuo a fatueua aiatraliau j isulnt nkiluullj or furtuod her part am at c impuniut jha cuu rorc vaw liveu under tbo auspice uf st albans church former acton dl ugfflata dlff buslnos3 mclvou a uinitod hanultou uf bjtb mr j d mckoe nf ouslpb ia protulcut has junt nucurud tba lease fur a long lunn ol ars of tbe large totnar storo un king mtrot west uppiaite the lunulnnl stnu in whore be will opou tlnrug tho first week or sej lumber urmckoo will than ron trol tu uf uio boat oornoratutvlot straot kami i tun thiaextiniioii hat 1imu ron dered uacenury owing to the uuuiunso growth of his hiuinajta fn recent yoara j3io lacn will u 3 tla with uio la tost iiiodern aponroa and bo liultliofj in uiahnuany uio nglrcaiivo advertising oil i ted ty mr mckoo isadmlttivl by uii to lo tba 1 inaf factor of hiaauccfim m both uolph aud llauiilton mtfroury building a com murray jnd lu mr aiid mrs oo lout 7 and rhillren acten tikitgd fricn in hero on holiday mm a currle and rbil iron atou spent last work ht mn loo rahani a mr and mr 1 w van norman nnd chil dron uoljib viuted over uio uook end with frlouda hnro masurs hoiberk and mtluu wauon sfunt sunday with rionds in juelili misaas tdlioaml sodia rip and ldua crowuoti aro isitliig 1 1 acton f liueuouse i mr 1 r criiicubaiika o st cathar iocs n pei it a day or two during tlio week with f ponds in thin v trinity ho wai an estsincd rosidant of uuilictlon lu bit boy hood days and onjoyod very much masting friendn of tho oarlicr times after aatrenti ous buttnesa ida in st catharines mr cruickihauks retired a fow years go and tu now talinc uiinga moro leuusrlly mr kirhard mnrnhall snent novejral jayrt last week visiting friends in detn it ii in ren alfred accompanied him homo and ill aimn i a couple of wleka among tho rooks renewing acquaintance of hui loy hood day a dood corn crnjis aro not unique in thu locality mr wm kowton has an ojfit aero- hold on hia farm lot on the fourth line which is attracting attention those days it ia a most attractive crop ancvwdl yield its owner handeorno returns much aerrow ia felt hero at uio nod nowa that ptc will osborne baa iaid tbe tupromo criheo while in action lu franco hilly waagreut favorite- ia k old home ha will atnsn be ramoinbercd uitb pride speyside tbo gram crop ta nearly all in now the hill approaching thu uie mountain ak duutriu acbool htiuid is m a very iwd ron diuon tbe macadam is badly diaintegrat od and uie rosdwny is now a maa1 of ioono n touts repair tliould bo promptly a to t- oa beforo fall raina or it may becomo dan geroua for traffic a motorist from soma dihtant western point witli a couple ot paemngers get far afield bore when en route for allandalo on saturday afternooo when below tho mountain ho enquired from passing motor lata on 1 found that ho 1 ad driven nlwut twenty fivo miles out of tbo projicr road for aim bore enjoyed the methodist 1 pir nic at acton on triday a faw froi sunday schi afternoon tbiml lo berries nre now ripe tho crop 11 boitocr nothing ii e aa or teniio ui in years of tho past twenty livo juirs ogti half a bun ird ngi 01 berry pickn from all points might bo counted some day 10 st helena brry patchci military notes sorgt col 01 was homo from djcow falls on lame una week sergt isrry woji homo from camp bordon ou luavo tins week i pte davii smith waa homo on icav from camp honlon laab weak it ia reportel that ito osborne af lima bauaa liaelsoh killed in aolloo ssryt jack sulhvsn who is a fnrd ul hlrwaxb inwn wnn iflnt monday with mr cluroieu jolne c iir i und w with i tonlo visiuk at i is pncob nuiig htnet un pte harold savill wsj tu rlay uool i j o to bis n 1 n vai iwl ly g lo mr midar mmo yanterdny ly and fnrn la ho lenuit tnrmio n soniny with tin icfil roro trj tlrftfi uiitlor major heart t far t r n mo ii iawn r i 1 c ul i y riciatiiritl pit t n mo ils trim i cr butbandy corp iuwii a puce of a firman nhrapnol bomb which j tiro jcd frotn an asmplauo on c ntral stati h ikaitoao on may ztnh in tkia uir raid four pr ens ware killud mi 1 9 injiirtj the interesting souvenir js 011 hibition in thu i ju 1 pjiea1 window capt pirstbbook coming home cable from john firstbrook from lausanne switzerland on saturday the friendn of mr john tirstbrook re coivsd a cal lojrnm from him on saturday stating that if arrangements are car out 01 wo expect mrs- jriralboook jack and i will bo al io to leuvu bar fur homo in beptsmber it wiitims remoirbcred that cupt iirat 00k waa aoverely wounded and taken prisoner i y uio ocriuana about a year ago lail spring bis fnlkar and inothor 1 ro- coedeil lo hwitxarlaud whero ho wa 111 boupiiul und or guard mr nnd mrs i irat- bruol woro internod it 11 now probal lo that thoy havo sue ecoded in nccuring an exchango of cspl firitbrook f r tvnnu uriuan military pria uar in 1 igland finl positionitcolt james ballantine hjj been appolntud uil try instruc tor for colgato unl orslty tlip frionls of cut jnuioi pallsntine aorgotowu wl o recently returned from i2nitiiwd will ho j icatcd to laarn uat collato ijnivcnitjlut hamilton n liaa irod hia aervicea ha will lako charge of military instruction ut tl o university lieut lol jas lmlanunc i s o wont uorscas with thu 4lb glottal loo and was nenously wounded at langenisrck on hi3 return from ll o front bo orgunliod the 7ub hattalion with which ho returned to traico hoiialie n suitb afruiii vctoran have you been sick iticn you realize the uticreakiu 1 tbitt roba ambition dctroa apjient and makca work u burdril to regain your ttciiith noilnnluj cvcrcqujltd or compared with fatoits imulaion lis bloodtnridiinjj propcr- tica ive energy to the body while ics tonic valup tlurpcns tlit appetite in a inturul pcrmiiilnt tny ifymi arc run drmi tircii nrrioiv overworked or lat k tun li t o t gel stutti imiil hti t 0u lum c lui 1 f j mr hoil jlcdniiald vimld ii i hracnbridgo inst work j mi 1 niratht hnwn of tbo wntiih anton relatl j mlis ivaurinly i f drydrn n tow fneu it in timid h modunii th sol miaa i thai iteulr 11 la aperj lu g cniiplt of woeka with fnenda in loroiirn mr aim mel arhern nt terra colta ajiaut monday with acton frmu is miasaln0 ifall of inronto npont a 10w dayn with acton friends tbi 1 week mui jnrdino of miluin was a guaut at pitincillor ilniloys over tbo tvoek on 1 mr l red rwcord lusjiectnr munitions of is humo from milton far a low holidays mr aud mm aloiauder nf mlltan viilur at mra a mctavuh a lsit week mrs i ilirrabonand daughter of liclpb ore stkinding tha weak with fnentln hare mra c ii i smith has len visiting mra whitman at orilba during tha week mr and mra itunsetl gitimry and islie loft on a motor trip to olean k i 00 suu day misu mmnlo klair visited at tbo bomn of her uncle mr joseph allan ueljili lost woek mra huth taylor an i master ooarjo viuud friends at st thatitian thja mr a matthews ef toronto jkmik uio week end witli friouda in tbo old mr w jama has roturuod frvim parry sountl wboro lo had bean fur eavural mnntha mr and mra lohn colo and children nrrivsd on saturday to visit friendn in tho old heme mra frank hunnody and miss lorna kavo returned from visit to friondu at winghnm mr chas- mason of kitchener waa a guott at bis fauior t homo horn from satur day ui monday mra itood of all visits 1 at uio homo uf bor brother mr hoot scott howar av lost weak mlt aitcbsfis of stratferd visited ut mr autfuit auilsnons church streob duriug u a week mrs a msctavisb and miss wrdn lsvo n itirncij bwcio alter spending a couplo of woaka in san forth mra v r rovoa of toronto was a guest last week at thu homo ef mr and j mra juku a mowat- minos minnie and margaret honneev liavo returned from a holiday v relsiues at i rinds le hoy ir and mra scaulan of port llgin npont a day or two with acton friends during the week rov and mrs it 8 ii large and iura loft on tuaway to spend a couple of wcoka at tbtir cottage io musk oka munaa heruo spcigbb and fsrn hrown pout bohdaya during tha week wiui itev and mra aviaoh at wuand mr martin moflat ejiont a day ar so last weok at wolland aud niagara falls hu had a pleasant visit wiui hov mr avisen mrs clara i humlwratono of awtou llrook baa 1mu tho guest uf miss lotuo l sjieiht and other fnanda dunug tho wcul mr john mcdonald aud miia margaret ol libel aad mibsj victoria surai ge of barrio worn quests at mr nell mcdun aid s this week mr and mra jamas a msttbewn aad sandy cooper of orangaville motared to town yesterday end sjient tha day wiui acton frienda- mr and mrogharlci t mclam of johualown n y am spending uio week with fnouds in tho old homo after an ah a nee of toraral years mr and mra james mcluteah returned homo on monday nftor spending ten dsys at tbo heme uf thuir son in onllia- mr and mrs c k mtlntoh an 1 on returned 10 acton kitb ihu 1 mr lunui muflt who ui had a tl pxili ii al tl o oiiils ii suiroy a sou luuiud t the pa ya or aa 11 on baturday t take uio aituition uf poj master with the page heresy co weisnl mr and mrs u i uamli 1 ami iori o isud tltll mulurd frurunomicb last wok lain ufanl avduy or to at mr r l john tons lire i j 11 aud hor i who hav ikou bmudlng tnu holidsya in re ratiirucd b me with uram un muuduy dr auimrac h lusk oakvillj clo bratl last hcil thu blnth anuiicrsary of thair wedding tbe dr att hia worth bolptuatu liavm lcnu real futits of ualtou iilarly all uiuir uvea aud liavn imu uvary where asteumod far their mnuy eicollsyine maura john clarke jr ands ldmu ills j t h tickat agent left latwcok u 1 a motor car aud ateamthip trip 1 1 uy motored to hjrnu and uti ulubarukd un atoaruer for a trip up tho gruit iikci to dululh miun he a a fake philosopher whs wont roviee hia own judgmoute tho grati rule for a long healthy life in mmd your own humtieaa rjpacketbf vwiu kill marefues than x s8- worth of any vstickyrlycatchepy clean tb handle bold by all druf fiitdo oroccni aad general stores yilllllllllllllllllllllllililllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllfllll early arrivals in- new 3 i fall sui7s aad coa is p what a great interest new things carry with them p ptrtli mytcry it enlist for training i or iiumdcva m school lorontii lopi 4u1 fnto catalogue txplmo wnui for it wsjl bu atvpr dunt 0110 uml trrurdbtu 1tall tehffl illom ado s7 iiiobiil ciisios httbols toiionto ortkio s un juottlnt al ir 1 lit 1 i cans la liott 00 111 uarcltl sch uila tlia loniatia t t hi laios is ar in tireu ot nor o ly vf rtle u day lor ur oslaloua wj l1lxiott plunolpal system grindtrunk homeeefcers excursions kotind trip tlikct to tcrtjln puint in munitob silikntt liuuun anil allnrtii via north day coitirane und 1 rmi k on titientul or via chicago und st paul hit iile nh iur d ij nut t kt 30ii1 lithi ivc ut low faro lhiougb tonrfit sleeping can l winiihcg on a1ovo ii uc 1 leaving lor onto 1045 p i no chana of ci viu irutmcoutmciiial ktxite rifum limit 1 wo m011 tin udu iw uf dato of mile horth rcicrvjitioii wild full purtiliilapt it ill iimul tut tilt liikftt oilici ir vfrlto c 1- ilorumir piatnut iuuciikr agunt 1 orrnito out 100000 fibe at alton tho alton knlttlnp mill waj totally dutroyed on monday on mends fori noon lira lroko nut jti the awbn knittnj mill ownil ly jobn m dodn ihu ire rupidly k head way aod thfi jnill leug tbo xindo t f abjou was d 00 mod tho buddng was crntjtctl of stono slrongly bsnlt wiui bntoiuflut aud throo flooni tbo knittini uiaohinen and jrt i ihotnwu marbjiioi in tlio cardini nud flpi tiiing rn im on tlio socond hour wero saved tut iit in cijju 11 o valuul lo machlnnry in uio thinl story craj hed lb roil j ll tbo 11 ore to tho bastultnl wbcra it vva dcstrojnd i lit afo was thrown out ol tho wi idow and all thu book were navetl ihooriimii fllia brk out nenr tbo sccou 1 llo r tl 0 blowing 1 ul tlio fact that wear nayeif tho fmo rrai ion and uio warohouss filld w ilostruction tbo buildb u 1 i bin at 51 10 imh i oro f illy mill will to built r s kin tho water i r 1 nvil gi thl cohjno fall taibs dates of tho fulis in vhilh loca beadorj no most interested tho department of aj ri ulturo publish this weak tl o im o furl fau in ontario the follnmiic dito nro lion acuin lttlton ii n nk vv autxiitfi iiu rcliiruii 1 romin quinlilic ti vv kill wtiribli tt r lpitiil i pr t nt itivt tl 1 thrriiii to b t lii i lit re 1 ntwii si th iit i tn the suits ir luiro lurlu iihrly tin long j nlct md tin gm thu hill- lino ilfitli tlmt no to ha to fji lnonablr ihocollan art- niiutlii ruid in otivntiljlrt y u ut ti nro 1 imwn on 11 1 ran t v ry 1110 it 1 luilltiiij iiru id iriiiiuinif fiml u hur aru f iiurctl ik viot irj r mplnyc i pr fn ly himi br ml ilnii pre cut ttioo ill 11i1 trmiiiiiinj r trtinj ly i a11kk 1 in i nncli n r broadcloth uid vlioui color into nuvy i tut forct rrcu lnctrtmit african hrown ami bhuk v ulkr ditim mn bo n rn to advaiitot in tlli3 week iihout your new antmuif ipp in i until uii liavc miitd m to m uclnn lid in rntt irjrjmenso together witli rt markable of ut v i ill uils tiui coats arc already t vry tohl ol tin m- t irly cotpc karrnentff the coats mtt tho uiiirt v in 1111 id t mi tu their rough pilo futim tlnpld to full itnith i hey ite cut full yet u dl timtivt b nderm t mc 1 from their straight inn 1 1 in mil ir t nn- mi crikk nnd llio ickt in v luniiiion 1 bo oolf 1 turnh ick flaring- 1 1 ur und fur fubrit trimnuni nro ud on niany 1 ai1hk i witil vtlourn hrontlclulhn plushes thintbilli lionif puitj novelty lot hi cof okinf green lbtk illutronl mole taupe nnvy brown r rly antiimii tli 1 1 ir do tint make fmnl dccirions acdonaldi guelphs leading and largest store wyndhnm macdonnell and garden treets guelph ont it us from tht m uf mr mod ith tto k fn m nj ton hurll 1 mil eorgetown iondon mark ham milton nawmurkot oakvillo oruuavilbs hock wood streoteviljo 1 ron to uttcnlaiyii tha sept j 2il oct 1 2 soj t 21 ii ki oct it 12 he pi 0 27 ott 31 sopt 7 11 oct 1 5 oct u 10 sept l h sept 17 p r 8epht oct 4 o sept u aug i sci l ill oct 2 a giieat bargain tlio aar map issued i v lb i timiiy hur au md weokly slir if moutif d 1 ow raadv lor distill ulioi ii is itrtamh u lnol map uud a gruil 1 clp m f dlowi g tbo war nom it n grmtly pruned by rt turned oltccra an 1 man tli j nco of tbo family lurald is now 1 u year a smaller increav than wail ulpcctd i d with tho map givun with coch biilcnpti n it is chospur thun uur tho nap ul no would cost a much 11 u papar and map are given lo imth uaw un i rvnomul uub ecr tioun l 31 5 a joar i ill u o map can not lo aeeund utberwisc lb laiiiily herald is uio nro a toil family and farm paper on tho comment nod a roftt crtdit to c in 1 i u a pleasure-utilityar- thifi overland light four is the greatest combi nation of style and comfort that ever sold for so low a rice if s as economical to run as it is to buy as a combination pleasureutility car jit is giving its owners more solid satisfaction for the money than any other car we know anything about come to our store see this overland light four see jvtifaoverlanj exhibit in the trampoltalion building canadian national exiubumn torino aus 2slh tg scpl j 0th r m mdntyre uloucltown 4 7 tbo inducements offered with common soaps annot make up for tho punty of sunlight soap it com a us more to make pure soap but it costs you icsstouso it for sunlight pays for ha elf in tho clothes it saves it docs not wear and rub tho fabrics as common soaps do xs000 fssnutm a pmrity milk scwry emks 9 smmucu smp eis s3 s353k5kx2ev525 caiital 700 ooo ituauiivu kunua and unuiviuku iliotrrra 7aaooas the merchants bank of canada vsirll mom iue atlau c v o pi judlnl i c afucurow coulnit mtiiiiit ir look to the future i in in l li it i md n ik i l he u k j 1 ntiful for y m wait u itutilt i l irs un 1 mull luu ni i uih inlp uuybir- u i your ulco i tlo fou luinditd il dl m savd i oiliu uund c luudl m uiltik ufitfln now wtth onlv no dollar m iku n h bby of it i b iv lai trliin i iiim in luu 1 i nul mh hald 1 line abivt nil thtiild m i 1 4 1 itkwirl in t nr inn t tho ll uloi f lonit rt jc3 llr iiicli in c in id i 1 uriiurn bu iul uilicilt 1 rrbjawwrai i jv 1 wy r best for all preserving llaliitic purrs an uncolored ijindc purr cane sugar is best for prtierving because of ilo jaunty bia6weclcmngi power and fine granulation 2 and ib cartons 10 20 and 100lb sacks lantic library of corvk booka frto for itrd cull irndcmark cut frtu carton or sack atlantic sdcar refineiiies luuitcd juontrcal are you g for a farm if so heres your chance 200 acre i arm actan 4 miles uibbons homestead 5 latsworl ihk imi un t busli ind pasture i acre ltorltitrd soili i tv to rtvcllv loam frame house 8 rooms birn 6tc6 ootl stdbimu driving bhed and pir pen com- bitilj sliiooi 5 lots rural mail price 8 terms arraiit tl 160 acres acton 3 miles carly homestead loo irrtj woiliiblt balanct buhh and pasture good bush tea s orch ird soil daj loam frame house 9 rooms banlv barn o0o driviubhcd price 5500 terms irr mcd 85 acreb well situated close to acton i hib firm is suitabh for jury firmmrrj has splendid spruit titt u 75 teres workable bilance pasture and bush btuk hmi i looms nice 1 two bank barn 65x70 large driving mo iijiunuit shed splendid place for o man who vr tnt to lotuc to a mnall farm- pnc 8000- term ar ranged 50 acres isquesiiiy tomfhblilp acton 3 miles j- tert s work ihle bilauct bush and ptsture 12 acre ni mtllftmts soil 1 1 tv loim i hoube 7 1 r inn by siahlt vru c 2200 termb arranged ti s hafftieh agent aoton prior no 13 acion branch l b shorey manager k s rooiiib 111 acresnaagaweya towns actoitu miles 85 icrt s work ibb bilance pisture incl bush 3 acres orci ird hoi i indy to t i ly jo tin concrete house io it joins liarn s ho b c pen driving house silo school nuo vtut ssoo j an wiiloughby heal iv 3ta1l georgetowi

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