Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 30, 1917, p. 4

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fitljc rfnit tivcc jrrs tiuima aucj u j1 1u17 the wav 01 till scout mountain barriers handicap italys red cross workers ufryai unci t from r kwdyanl willuic ai hrd tl th iua r i i tod lni ul h j ulli i ilul irlt tniitjr an 11 il o t i 1 i tolflo n i l i 1 i hut l ll i i s 111 upnlit a i glan i olh llr ii j an 1 aoeu onlc a li tl rlj ou lwiftr ifl wj uu l ot dnluj ooj tnni a dnj hoedloas ct gain 1 t witli might a warn waruuil f r kd iihouldoult mnkiii- uau u l y 1 1 uc lit game tl t n ll p j i il o h t s imlv il i f i l 1 t rt hn t i fill ii ti nil lov i ur u pur hi i ready he n i r tdmil i mil i or by tle ming in crd roinin itstr i t tbo lout fight h f fnr r lit with cod ns i u might fhatu ii n rj of tl ricnul twanalimi sroul vnny duiaprifmir undo iutua you aro preaching tor n naw congregation now nrcn t yau yes uh whal are tho pronpccta f haw do you ilka the- oulloo f woll tub tho outlook aint o bad bat jo fut inlook i took ah do bat f tab it had rono round raong jo conggatjoa folrroilccuoos wut very diaappintm tub vary diaapp inun a fall in copper a doctor who us 1 beon mmmoned hastily alighted from hn carnage- to find woman awaiting film on tho doorstep but witbout tlio anxious look bo oxpedtod n tho circum lancea f understand bo aaid that your bov baa awallowsd n quarter vyhcra la bo oh air 1 woe tho roplj im glad to to tell you wo made- a mistake it wasn t a quarter it waa only a copper wtfu hcart and nefives ctosld wake up suothebinq mil fa urns heart and rvo pills cured her mrs a m powell korval one wntca i cannot speak too hikbly of muboms heart and nerve pi ha i buffered for five years with ray heart and ncrvo b lat iwoyran i hare buffered tembly if i went to bed i would wake up aa if i xcja smothering i did not cct one mjbt a aleep oot of even i got co ery weal that the docior was called in and he caid it waa my heart and that i must take treat care of mywlf i ea our advertise ment in yonr almanac fbr milburna heart and nunc pills and said i would try them i anve only taken two boxes of them and i feel a new woman i will recommend them to anyone afflicted with heart trouble milbnrna hcirt and nerve pills ore 60c per box at ah dealers or mailed direct on receipt f pnec by the t molburn co lniicl toronto ont onr itajya farflung 4d mlto batuo lino whoro auntrla alijod by nature in tbo icobonnd rampartn of tbo aipn hail ntiivon to keflp freo italy is hut out from onalnved italy bo italian kcd cross socloly in borolcally waclng 1u oght for tlut roll of of suftorlnc humanity atalnat pddn far creator than tbono uur- mountod by tho itod crou3 bannor- boaroro on otbor alllod battle fronta on tho western front tho auto mobile ambulancon qulokly speed back tbo wounded from tbo front llncu ljkowlao mod leal attontlon and boapitals aro near at band for tbo nuaalann on tho eautcrn battlo lino though nuppllca aro ocarco but tho task of caring for tho italian wounded amon tho an ota bio oqowo and mountolna of tho alps id almost inconceivable often tho miffarors must bo tronaportd in boxllko cars sliding on over- bead cables or even ioworcd by ropes down tho mountain uliks on anow olodges or by burrowack aro tho most common tnothods of carry ing tbo italian wpuniltd down the mountain trultii int niio nuffurlni and of urn death in calmed boforo tbo hoopllnb miles avray aro reached trouchorouii iinow iro and rocks and tho i xtromo rold cauua many caiiualtlu amonr tbo italian col dlcrn 1 hounindn of umputatlono havo rcaultod in tho two years of warfare among porpetunj onowa tho italian red cronn socloty and tho royal italian govcrnniont fund for orphans of fallen italian doldlorn aik of tu lr canadian ally vyill you help in answer to this appeal bouttu rn and western ontario havo qied n onl of 100 000 to bo raised by popular sub- scrlptlono campaigns will bo con ducted during aui unt and sop- tombor i vnry dollar given to tbo italian red cross socloty will shorten tho war ai olnst germany and hn bor rora hvory fit tlrhtlng man in tho trenches bo he canadian british italian or other ally makos more efficient fighting forces thus has toning tbo wars end v forycarb methor orares worm extci minator baa raaksd tba moat effacte preparation manufactured and ib always majataioa its repnutian t tth world ta foil of falk who hav bratb eaeoh to boaat bob not enough to aay their prayers tho traubla with iho world ia that an many poaplo la b imagiaa thab thay ar really amarter than tboy are oliildren cry v forfletchefts castori a aparty of toartata id ireland cam serosa ft otia wbitowaahlne tbo front ef lua haoao halloa pat said ono why arent yon wbitewashiaf tba back as wall as the front r woll said pab j its jist for the aama reasoa that you daao pub a front oa tbo baok of ycr shirt children cry for flptphcrs feasxor i a many a father od aaeinjc his aperty aaa oob6 from collage can say with aaron i threw my gold in tba fire and tharo a forth this calf soma aartnooa aro born f am ths inward impubm soma aro barn from roadfoaod suuly toau are bom from baorving tho world about ua and ths nooda of uto paoplo wo tainutar to but mast sormooa ara bom oat of lboeoiciousnu oa ttaturday uirht that wa must praxcb twico an hunday an honaat ireachor ths aaao with which corn and waxtacan bo ramorod by hollo way a cora cure ia ils strongeit roc o oi maud alio it noldom fails x wbon na auct ia at band and a littla la raquirod for puddiega etc chap aoins drippiinellaoly and ue it will answer tbo purpoao quit woll suf ffers kidneys coold hardly sleep no woman can bc trtronx utd weu nnless the kidneys urcwcll for when che ifcidneyb ore ill tlic whale body a ul cans jcidncy i lib are u bikcific ftw sjl tiduey trocllci tbcy begin try wrneuing ah the polonoua nmttrr from the- kidneys ond then beat the tlebcatm membranes and inukr tbeir action re- gnlar and naturul mbs a parks kant middle lu have jib writes lor three rurn i auitercd so with kidney troubles i coald hurdry bleep at nixht 1 ucil all lurta of kidney inedicinc apnlc htlixd me for u thifb oufcro which x gtrve u fair trial did not help mc at all i was very kjidw uxid hoq puffing udder my ryes 1 matte up my mind i would try ixian s kidney fills and on taking two ixiitn i found i was getting better w i kept cm lining two metre and toduy 1 don t know i ever had kidney trout 1c i owe ull the prube to uoaun kidney 1illu jqoans arc put up tn un obluug grey box tlie trade murk llic aiui 1c leaf price btk pee ut al ilrjlrrs or nwded dirsct on rrcipt i t vnre ly the c mhbujru co limited foiouiu oat electbic plants for the fabm ono oplba recoynttadncoailtoii in con aaction with our inereaaed agricultural production ta battor and more attractive conditions on tbo farm and ainoru tho many augxanuona tao una of electricity vhoald ba coniidorcd i loctrlo power in a groat convenience m tho farm home and tea mncb timo to tlio farm bnlp tlin form or country homo nituated witliin tlio uroa of an olactrio jatra of trauamirwion tor diatnhution i fortunate hub tho tait majonty muat look to tho mall unlilnl clanl thi oltornatio howoror n now much mom proammg tlian afowjoara ago many faccorim mauofnrturo tint typo tiqipmtnt tlio coit of opration of tbo plants baa iwon much raduccd thu mall plantn may b advnugcoualy uaed for many purpotoa in addition to lighting ucu oa irouiofwaahlng toaating pump- tqt water ate and also for tho ory im portant una of charging storage battoriea was so bad exhibition aug 25 toronto sept u on a mora thin ordinarily projria seal mobilization of national resources comtruttlti aod dvttracttva haed far war thought she would lose chili during the hot weather y oung children e very much subject to diarrhoea m act more bo than adults oa account of the more delicate construction of their constitution it behooves every mother to look after her children on the first sign of any looseness of the bowels for if they do not come cenous bowel trouble such as diarrhoea dysentery cholera infan turn cholera morbus summer complaint etc is liable to follow and they mu periutps loose their little ouc by cgt taking the precaution to check this loose ness of the bowels by using dr iowlcra extract of wild strawberry mrs r j niuis st mary a ont writes my jittle girl wji so bad with diarrhoea the doctor could not cure her atulwe were jure ve were loing to loie her a fnctid of mine told mc to uc or iowlcr lxtmct of wild btrawberry so i cent for a bottle nglit away oud by the time i bad tv her one bottle the wai obletorit up andlcforc i bud the second bottle ucd she ui cured i tell every body about this uurc cure the price is 3oc a bottle but it u well worth it it is 11 yearn mice i fir t tried it and will always keep it on band it is good for old and youm idilc j dr iowlen iijj been on the market for tlil pu t72ylr to if you vfunt tole on tin istc hil 1 e inc and tee that you get dr 1 ort h r t hen you uik for it the tin mc is mnutfulturrd only by the t milhurn co limited loronto ont confederation spectacle 120operformers 1200 caaadaa btrj from birth ta hatloaaood drabtatlcauytold to vary apax of syactaenlar artilavcsuat giant livestock and agricultural display judfiinff competitions for young farmers new farm crop com petitions extended classifications and innovations in all departments immense exhibits of tractors and farm labor saving devices art italian french persian american and canadian masterpieces music inncs tamouj soloists and a score of othef leading organizations entire new midway national motor show first showing of 1p1b models i greatly enlarged government and othef exhibits- war in all its piloses model cimp artillery drive aeroplane i lights scores of surprises in store for old friends and a thousand thrills for new ones reduced fares on acl lines of travel ntrrortt couirrcous iruff lucbour in relaurl i am gld l toy your lili hai lopi ntill at last madam mlhuiyii air ou nro tba only thing tliat 1 aa pleased him uu i a lui aaw tho annual eat at tlio thi girl gould good liyo to asthma iirnona mfferiujr from thal oktraniciy trviuif uoul to know a u uuimn vi ow what it ia to lon witb all tbair boartmior lctth am frwm b tyrant noverdolhay uiiowwheo an ftttatlt iuy c ins and tboy know that to utrulo un nitod i u viyn witt ih- j i ivlhygv attthiua rami 1 it haul 1 iwnv r tin v an m ootl i t tlitir ijiouiy un 1 i y llfouuin it liulptia uim ohildten ory forjletchets castof s a mo i n hw i r r t w l umill h 1 ii hu i lll rl rr i- j i la lb liir t iif i j liu li ml i rll i ll rn ii r hi rem 1 f r tint t v rj tl i u it tl m j llur it 1 ln k tr u u l 1 k i o tlv ik i dli ini u vimi williar what n lack of i trnltcut iujmv lib uouarall n foil w wli 1 i ruducv avurytbt ig aitcj t riulu how she was relieved frorp pun by ly dia el pinkams vegetable compound taunton mass-r- had pains in both eidifl and wbtn my purknla cauiu i had to stay at homo from work and suf fer a lont limn one day a woman enmc to our iioujo and asked my mutlicf why i was suirtring mothtr told her uuit i auf- ftnd vtry montli and shj uuid why dont you buy a bpltlo of lydiu e 1uikhamo vtijttublo compound my tnotlili bought it and tlio nuxt montli i was bo well tliat i worked all tho montli without btiiylni at homo a day i am in pood jualtli now und havo told lots or klrls about il mias claiucu moiun j2 iiuiuill street tauuton mass thoujaiuls of girls qulfur in silcnca ovcry montli rutin r than consult a phy- bldun if j iris who urn troubled with painful or lrr pulor periods backache hmduchu drikkiitklown btiuutlonb fulntlng spells or indlgtfltlon wou id tako lydia 1 ilnkhamu vepotabto coin ound a safe and pure ixmody mado from roots and borbs much uuffriu rnlkht bo avoided write to lydia ii rwikhamedichio co lynn mass oonildsntlal for fro ftdvico whlcli will provf fvlpful news topicsoitiie week ul hmjtdw died at hlr hot i hi iuronttr i llonrl i our i i intl arnnmiln ia v ri no arfiniii iilng out tln national lut uuti coin i rlpl o i campalm h quobt c a inrjt nutiib i of arrlnbi hav been madit in ounty riuro iroland tbo ihi n j htj it rid wllli illegally drllllnf sin 1 nirt rim united ten com rcna is to bo nnked to nil iruo a loan of bo- twoon jt iod imjti t00 and 4 000- 000 000 to ti mmni mayor cliurt li t loronto oulrlally welcomed tho i inloru who have como friiin tin i i itrd state n to talco their trafuitif hi cumuli tbo drltlnti tioops in lumli rn im proved tin ir jijiilon un the rij ht bank of tho jlivt stt enk in and captured n nuinttr of procrs it lti ami on i i 1 tli it i uu my will obortly if fontd to inv two uu it ieni wen un a mo uti in oidti to ton ilorvt hid nit ili ii ply i 1 thi uutitry iroblhition il iu to in louilni in lirltfoli coluin u i a now bold that tin i irn ul ntlu u the countlni or id i n ball tta in inj land tho clilnc oli i ilh ha i ul 1 inlly declared wnf i in t u irl i and germany itetii th v niu mb nation to talc i ill i ilmt dio n trnl lmpirtfi hlr william it rulili i f jvm tlco of out irl t t li i by tho uoiiln mi i v i i uu to nrbltrito tho pun i i- i tin catia dhui northt rn it thw ly germany bvrli d lj pro inuaii elements in stwt- 1 1 t il li n 1 tuned ed a cilminli tl to i i i t tt tin swbs jovorutiit nl u 1 tin iv it no plu into actively a ul inj ibu lou tonic chuei tho kalrcr oiibred pis finioun band of truniiett rn to ivo roncurt to celebrate tho gillc an victories cut no few peoph attt ndt d ho rtro- mony that he im ibridtd it will bo tho last colouration of tbu kind in berlin tho toronto city council docidrd that tho civic employe who io out ajlbarvi uters will not rrrt ivo the dlitoroncoljefwi f n hilr aalarha and 4bolr wajcv t fn it is now otatod that ro men will io to tbo tarm3 on those terms tkuithua a russian wa i murdered in sarnla tavo norso nti anient worn reported doiitroyud d i granu an aviation mochanlc wa i killed ut cuup ilordt n iho influx of american tourists into c instla ban nuddi nly incroaaod another o connor loport was burnt d sbowini urcumulatlnt slocks of produce in cold toraf u iho body of a boy who uas occl- di ntnlly nliql qu llvic llolldav waa flxhumea in oraiifovillo for an in quest tbn titxtj third im unl neaslon of tho lntr rnatlonnl typographical union was opt ned at colorado sprintj mr albort kdward long presi dent of a v ljohj iv company died ntkblu iniuinrtr homo orchard beach lilo imcoo coal upeculatorj vho higro boon riporlt tl to the i uel commlsslonnr claim thny art not re sponsible for delay in uuloiidlni cirs coloml cn eluian li to run for tho commons na u 0ldl r t candidate opposed to sir herbert atuej in tbo st antolno dlvjnion of montreal lulinj plir are nplafd ijy nn order in cojncll publlitied in a opo- ciul iucuq or tho canada gusetto lty requtst of 1 ood oiitrnlli r uanna dr it t itutttin of mclll unlvtr- nity returned fro i tbu west with valuable uuj j i jtionii oi prejurving vejitahltj mid fui 1 ttupply for tbo pralrlts i iu day onfco win heavily iibellt d by auu- trlnu air raiders kon n ily tupportud the stoekbolm pi in eonfi renrt- proponal sx cultitiun in uujar ytas utopped by if b rood controller hoover riie war iroductiou club aro al- rt ady pn pirinr r tlm 1818 rrqpa i wo in abyt r nn eongrt uatlons in uelleville pro n to amalj amate f mm r n ml rik at aittirvllli near north ha v an bllleei by light ninj in tho gulf of itothnf i one of the itusalitn i ubmarlnt t t ink a germ in steam ihlp lbo nt ufuuiiilluutt lvei iulaturo- met ttliuln to toniilder tbo war rovenue bill josw gutierrez guurra foniur mlnliitir of wax ai iuuuhuratod inuldt nt of uolhla riui win tin i ar meeting at ullclumtr vas all doff or michad clark fatliiii to i how up an owtn hound ilamlltun hi b vuy nehi uu vki dlueiiiii d nt guelph by iho iiiunlt u illut j inti ruuu d 1 im ut un inrdiiiu of loronto uia bo tnki n ti r bj the admiralty at tli t n of til li n eut ix auen luituh coluiibiv farmer n dd to be hat kud i ll j rc ij luuued a writ t ilti t 1 ri init r itrowiitar cluluiliik h wa- ivnuirfiilly vurtod mr y ii hue ma of bault mi murli la in un aipoiutt d prln clpal of lb out irio stbool for tho illliil ul l laulfotd mr curknoii w j in i iturului in tbo lhputimlit of in alioit iltu i n h pin hi i 111 wu i i iviju its itecoiul n liti in 111 lcmimo ia on a utraltht tuirlj th il w fttr it ll lit nnctt nnci il nib r fi i ilgury h d u i in i 1 j llonn to tho iiroi i il ml v iho ii in rul i t n b uu eidlutl ufr u a itrifui ill jcboal iuspee lor r t im u e ivltl i urn 1 rlarnn f ii 1 rotirh block nlhr which it in uu re- l fcjkgtprr iimkukmwwmawzikfrr- i lb id li il in i 11 u i mil 70 1 lyiiik i i t v nip wit i hi tl pild i tribuln for ll i ir victory at 1 gnllle of win- n hi i llml fill lit it di ilto the unit od wo muni in nat frjiu tl i uoct colom 1 i trrtn caused 1g 000 acrcn i 1 ird oil com nil alrpt mi nilllilod over the ittvin i t j i rn i in i ni land nnd itln tlir w ix druwiiid lilt b i mlioii of iho wealthy u oilvo iti d by the i lbo rain in tbo oinmoni on motion of i red iardoo bier whip aiiiioum uu nt was made by tbn dominion honpltuhi co tn mission that tluro nro in inly j 000 vi a rami in li ii ii ii it tin or con wit art nt ii onion supplementary utlmato invnlvlni the oipt ntlltiiro of 50000 000 in cluding sjg000 o00 for railway rall- lnr ntock wnro tabled u the com mons cadot m j ii torr of now york wan hurnrd to death when bin apro- plann collided with onetbor macblno in the toroivio aviatlpn fichool lf wan tho nrnt aim rlcn to 10 ifillod lil the canadian llylnr ivcbools and the ohm nth llylnr fatalhy dr ho iho nnuurniteo that tlio stato do- partmoht in intornitlnr itnolf in tak ing up with othi r nntlonn at war rumny i their natlounln fitnteu waa j lv n by itraiden wilson in a li iter to si nitor wi ekn of masa- achunettn in rtuponue to a letter from tho senator monday guynemt r tho 1 ret eh airman ban brought down fifty two planes three farmt r i in prince ldward county ituffind in ivy losses by flru henry i fleke a bl gorman spy in undor arn at in tbo united htatea tho omharjn u coal to canada has been rcmtivi d by tho liohigb val ley hallway general kornlliift promised t his troops would 1 1 iuiiiu their offon slvo at an early dtto teuton warahlpt rcelvod rough treatment at tho li tndii of tlw ilritbxu in n north ix a id irtnl h is tlio mca- brout ht by wll llama inlt t much en it- i by mni h inliij in tin vlouiiy fuelpb by tin pany alb rt smltli i t irpiuttr won ilrownt tl win u in t pm d from tbo steami r cayu l in u tlio nllp at yoiifii ntreet wbuf toropto boforo a landing wan rtnili thu llouuo of coiiunons passed wl tho l divi tbo throo senate amendlimeiilcw to tb conscription bill which now only awalta tho governor gem r il n itiiitura to bo ready for enforce nent 1mperor willi- n itrcordlni to of ficial announcement mud ut ibu gorman admiralty inapt eti d tho units of tbo germ in flirt at wll- belmubaven und then visited tbo squadrons in tho north bei major j m canon profeaqor of itcnch at tbo royal military col logo klnt iton ban ditd partly ai u renult ot hardships i xpt rlt need on the voyaj o ovcrnean and norvlco in tho trepchen in bin nitivo lind itov i rcderlcu iii ddeu of lrln pontor of tbo dlariplej churrb of christ who woi accuied of nidltioun lanpuan li to ltao for the united statta within a week ii time to e capo the rlilni tide of amir caus ed by his utteritnct at lent ono life wailloft that of cordon sbortrado fort man and nix mm aero morn or bait seriously in jured and about 52 000 000 damnfo otinu iu dentruelion of jmlldlnw and equipment by a ui rn i of fifty two ixplosions at tbu powder plant of curtu ilarvy co ciuiitod at iu laud que v tu1sd x two draft dodrem wcro sent to prlnon in tbo unlti t statea tour tbounand more men aro nooded to nurvent ontario a crops a 31000 000 bluro occurred on a norso steamer in now york harbor tho can id fair troops made moro importanlprogri jn in t lenii ro- llon thu lirltlah miners voted against bondiui delolstoa to the block holm ptucu eonferenco hon hubert itogcra baa rcallued from tbo cabinet tnd bin realisation has been accepted by tbo premier itov tlyron stauff i r of loronto has accepted a call to tbu i jf co l rtf ational ghurcte ianlranciuco no moro bodie i tl in tbal of 1 ore muii cordon shortrede havo 1mou found in tho deutroyed powder plant at hlaud qu an embargo has been proclaimed ou chlneco as wcl as haltmuo credits in gorman banks uccoralui to a despatch from berlin a missionary returning to hlu sta tlou in an interview said chin i eu terud tho war because tbo united btateiu had joined tbo allies although tim matter in still un nettled tho genoral bolfef luto mou day was that a strlko of tbo kaiguuh railway men baa been averted mr v e taplin u peak i in before tho cpwortb ii ai uu of wi attuoro land avonuo mothodiit ehurch lo ronto arraigned the hli b heel uhoo handbook men dufyint tbo meoul order in council prohibition race track gambling after aui 1 did business at maisonneuvo eourso montroah ur d o moliobbio a ii am t hon physician was found dead lyiug in a pool of his own blood in a store huuuo at the bulldlnj of thu creseent oil co in that eity a eyeloiib raiuutorm caused con uulnrable dumugo in loronto and ul meat a panic at ilauluu a lolut win re part of tbu roof of tho jrand iitaud was turrit d away ipolmin uhjird near iorutte t i n rued thrtui of bin boyo wbon i i v r thrown into a flooded v r inj lridiu which i l vai drewuid with u v paak lll vjryz- arlihvr if ii hi t ho lclmfti iu uoiiialiisiiduh in moqihiiic iiorhucnl wtornaitcotic u jr- 1 fl for infants and child mothers know that genuine castorsa always bears the signature of amemsesaammto bad stomach and constipatioi osjrnig leviug that is the one proof the final teat of the qualities of any musical instrument and measured by that teat the columbia grafonola superbly proves ita right to the title of the one incomparable instru ment of music hearing is believing put the colum bia grafonola to the final test today we will gladly demonstrate this fact to you on any model of columbia grafonola the prices of which range from21 to 475 soutf d lx i 11 wf lw i- h i k 111 i juvlii t i 11 it curt klrii 1 c uiiyt inuudli ir tl 1 fl lcu vecl their i ikm b l 1 fu u lt lc i u relul ir urn leu ly ui uuuii vuilk ami cult t tl wiolcf i lull ahuu- loi lajadlvl wilti l ih ltlcr y i vle c i 41 j lallu ullauc imi ll it ll r lri lifiliu- tf t t ul i y ji l or limn ilo ouktlv ujv- 4liiuioll 11 ra ui i t lilt t- li umlr 6 fur ih- ce o i iul e bool ticjiuc uu iho iiuikt f ut j ur tlrujjslat a ui wiltc u j j dr 111 sllndajl co ewoilluitri i alls vfjtmont uj a now on f markt cured bv castoria 1 for infunta and cwwrcn in use for over 30 years always itcura cianiiutc of asriat milburns laxaliver pills iu vr i i i uu 1-11- dr ii lltl tl ut mo ittpi lty th ui jy i 1lm ih ut m 1 un to nory lllebou io that ll nmy 1 ti urn tal to at aay liiut lliaro ii ni sraiutioii retpirod jut apply tha oil to tho tdmi or aeal i nd th piu will auta and jo a hrb tboo coaaa luloolhor mr bylveiter cjcmeuts colt ont write i i wiji to express my heartfelt thank i for what milbuniu luxu liver ldfj hae ilonc for me j bav been sullcmig from u ladotuiiiuch and con stipation and would le olf work for 4 or 0 mouths a year i waa hardly ublo to lc utude without getting u severe head ache i tned doctor a nicdiciuc and other rciuidira but tit no rebef uutd u fnend udviscdxuc to use milhurn a laxu- ijver liua now i can work inside without any licadaehrs or puiu i would no t be without your remedy for anything i wntc thij o that anyone suilenug the uinia as i did inay use tbcm und bi cured milbtiru a lxa laver pills arc 25 centa per vial lor ilc ut all etcalcp or uuulcd direct oil mtpt of puce by tho t milburu co limited uoiohxp qui ci mini iv i0latiu uuilolnd luii i i ii inpi vti ii i lll put i hui ynuf khhy lknmiiu n i in vp y y ii irojrl i r u 1 io ur 1 1 o robt wallace acton imhhm u rn it j mai u li l ii t lj rlt j 1 ui7 livingsftojbe i clintimb and rastvblrims lk fhivurik i ac iii imtl nis il alts m w ioi aloi t iu imiiiiut- onion- ouoali hploon for- flckunfr ct ncral toeerie i and provliit na j r livingstone ortwoiloo and piovlnlona act on ont n amic s iv i thor swllpiof it kills rms inliti n flnoi vhen m ilvt nrp t lijcc iu w look dont sveep with- out dustbane f order a tin tod y from x your grocer x picked in barrels and x kes for lnrp consumers dus thane mfg i company limited t ottawa ont t kct0n and bvs line ii ivint purchnkcd die livery and goodwill of tl o hujnei from mr a uccann i elicit with confidence tbo patronage of tho public com fort iblo rig- t npplicd at rev jnablo ntc special artontiod to bupnlyink mnvi inee for weddings and funeral lfotor cari furni lied when rr quired l c atkinson cton ont rtnbnaboaanndodapddcansiaba a m a i m grain n ti n a chopping i n n n n n d l well done and g a a n quickly at only n v ri t 5 cents g ti ii 2 per bag l harris co limited rockwood ont sbnqqanatiuuijaiuubbbii when vuu need boots shoes at any time acton ontario satisactory footwear iii a on mii1 iluli s

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