voijumkxlhi no 10 jrtjr urcrf lulmcrliltoi aotok ontaltio thukbday mokn1no sjcptjsmiskk g 117 singie copies litvic oicnth ijc actljit jjfric stress ivik1 tiwll llfjitmno savage co i atnbllalxid iu4u jlwllult guelpii wtian uia limn for wlilct tf nv hto imu u ftrl tlio ltc ion lhotoryulnti uofuapajdtadnnatman tinn l1rw lbol arrvaanama lurrs trunion f v i nonrroit lie lor flint the old and bclinble watchmakers and jewellers gen era ardware mill snppliia builders hardware afjeftmior ynlt and pptcr- boro lock co 1uudrn michinery sup plies dairj supphe r i iiu 10 quant imorilgn caulict diapiar di met tarul or aehea more ur tun caoupor inch cacli imcril n yoarlvco tor rmllrjf matter uoadu ir i neb oaoli afltbrtlwnwiu without ipoclno din will bo tnwn uij f i i i eliaro naly trwilnt id uui b tld in xlvkdoo it bi olibtod oueo uli abor mnuonod the xtr comixiooa emu b paid for al rtcnlu- nwn all aooount oojloelad monlwy ii p ej0011jj editor ajid ircprlctoi susxnrss gircctarp fjihos gray m v c m mcgiix l iuo r nciitduig l k j p u iuinow maouimllamiiiumdicu ansocumoa lto offleeirrwlarfo tltrwl a0 out savage co guelph ont dr j a dcmij bafta iiyalclati ontkbon ramr onriwjtmd itrntti straeta tha former hi q adoo ont tcnnki hhpc8 dow li ho shqca nuninnq bhqch all styles at kenney bros jouh la who j acto vlti uk uwoeo oftlu day or bicbi proni 1 lumui to uu4l j luokinhon nunana rloicrron cotvctscaa orioaull uriel la ferryman illock d1u j m fllll ujl uldp jjsktlnr aotou iliouolom uiqoa jioudeaea cairir till a wouwlek iuhu uattah oiuntata or toiuisro utiiviuiattt ttolteikiilmiuo luailll jeilrikl dltl l blsniji jjjt1bt lituxtowu iac icl uamio uii tvrnalulht jqoiiliobtaila ovdr llllmu htoro j aocxmni jhook ui k kinds m lo to order lmlcilmlilmdhaili lion arofnlltljoand nr u00iu3 iwtwvov mrtiuq lloxxbt itwldaaoa id tlio ovninj ifcarrou oqo actok shoes for summer wear in all iiiik for ladles and gentlemen buy nqw aa shots continue- to ad- vanco in price and will ro fclghcr nopalrlne dopartroont aiwny ready promptly to supply ouc needs rubber heels whilo you uit kenney bros acton ontario tho bond hardware 6o t llhntad wo 1013 quelii 4 bell plaiaos the main csscntiali in a piano arc tonal quality -high- class workmanship and dur ability these are comprised in bell piano as a result of patented im provements unique in piano manufacture scld only by the l1ttlc cavalicr lie wlku bctida hu mor auil luokn up ut her liuia 11 ta m i1tt of lojuli pruln wirii nufli royi km if liroudlr wait uwn umr ttnuirl ntiiold her without fur ih iot who lovei bin mntkr wu llor f wuir tu noo n y taro uponlr ioviok rkli to j nln lirr nwet opprovlnj- htmu 1 u tftr lioi- oftly npk all wlmt in una wido world could u to liiiirdr th ly wbo totcliu modur well jfcr fitllo rrftli4r iyol for lnutln thn futaro awinf tlibixxl tli tru all liliiiint on tlio njinatd waj disjittlo fcol iurnu l pt rotxxl ud rrownwl ntid bcptrd kiki iio ntandn uio rl jicor tim ur wko iov hli mo tit or wall llmr fittlo catalior rnt l4jib il imd tr bon cknowledod liy ui two wlm aharrd it jtj li 1 hnd ii uixioui day whicli prhft acrountii fr llto unuiunl uliin- ueva ol dor totijjio fu tlia jjrfcr nbp- hlio lidolxhsrru nundry nlffn1 of perturb ationibahs oammoll ho- departed fur tli a tram and hohul not fpokau a aiogli wonl in her nrrn u tell her ol what timo u iprl him homo hob nlio btimv tho amvala of tbo tmlimi and caociuiimi tliat prnlli1y ho would rcarb tla wlunulone iluuto li firo oclock ittmtury trfoajt taj hi lk wr tij ruin and thl fod fl l titto aupiir for im iud hy ntul uv rcdy on eaiija apcciklty prun tho tr i the decfeltfdlness r op riches p i e 1hmdlui is iiitltiail c w kelly fl son 33 lower wyndham st ouelph ont c c speight ror uptodate goods r kilu 0jb aoctiokia rot th countlo o wolllorioii d tool a diutorin a n too city at tloolj u bala oooduclod wlui utuitkciiaa njd upon r noabl ra ordora bt lattr w ortoa r o or clodoa uipbool r wsoco in coaoocuoo wltb tta it i wbrarriiouidulaiui to luloaaii laror- u-tn- cn b mlft onlnra loft t fks lnaa auto acton lll raira loimatlau ttionucxu- bp 1 ltqtlao to ala lii actou iultieiniiy fxa to ht on- itxur dalex nivlin survoya fjutidiviiioni 11 ma ro- ports descriptions bluepriiibt etc certificates for purchasers and inort sajfoca utvittfor arcuiltcta uuil- ersnd municipal councils druln ct reporw ctimntos etc molfean bldg douglas sl ooblpu ptaono 10q4 ont pravlng tt6ronto gkmqt j b chebvbrs iou0inuih quabbobuuui quolub ouu llookai ui3 mrlio booml ut hciuiiuiauj uutnuudl coifrt nium ltcpial in k on ultiloa lliniji uoolw btl oil ar lloufei jvlli wottu 1u0mi lly l xlqutcd the old and roliablo granite and jjarblo doalors w aluklnlutucuu awl lltfljltmiwrtr work wa olt ixttoul u i la urlva tint rawu uoly tuailuiil ia in ilia iu tirootuu 1 otr itc bull u aulta in i lor 1 v w la to lark nu ixunlmuu i- itiojrt 1 n lb waat wi khiuiiui jo ur i j ploy m aim uj a oruara by aorhunti out ii unur auiploy uiuu uio uuijr auj dat tuavatluoo hamilton sons ctor norfolk mul woolicli hia uuciail silverware m tableware kint variety alsofinecurtery hardware tinware and granueware in variety pandora stoves and ranges famous heater small stoves oil stoves eviinv aimolfl ia op excep tional valiub c c speight mill street acton your eyeglasses should ix ipven very ctrc ful atteutmn plrfcct fitting pectules tmd eycjjla can iw obuim ed only nt an e tabli hmtnt ticrrj thi utmoit euro it exercised in csry depart ment you arc invited to cil up on mo for oplical service with tho full rcaiiition of ubsultito ccurity is tho selcc tipn of your li-e- jt yuntlty oemmkl w uo bo- lotd in merkurol vbanhbeam tha kard una ho wan n selfoiado mu who hiid waxed rich it not exactly at hi coihlra tapaoto at lut hi npito of hu oeiijlitxw co waa tk kind of man wha nar makes a bad 1orfftio and who hu the faculty highly daoloptd of proriny other japl in tho wronp i an outward rcipact u tid to him bo caum uio man whoao hank hook nhowa audi fit flijurea oa wrocommonly otlri liotcl to gommall liai a aort of power orar leiuor man who or atrufliaj in uio mir omtnell did not bank in mark and no that i act nmuqt of in iiyi p ii 0 n e if you havo any guests at your home nroeoiutfoutef town for a visit or know of any interesting news let u hear from you wo alwaya apprcciato luu favors phono ii 11 dr ll plant optatfutrtst ofih d torooo d o tomato mp georgetown ontario will bo in actoa at mr a t brown s limjr btoro on lriday of each w for tho aaa teulnfj and pre criblag of kiajjcs hours irou 3 30 to 6 30 p m movin to new premises noble ltd will move to their new more m axe former tand mondav august 20tii customer- will be welcomed ill the new btore j v warren mamaq1si1 tbikluonii new store j dry goods groceries and furniture lstamman has removed from ihis former resi dence on young street and has opened a jtore in arthurs block on mill btrcet acton with thi abovl linus oi goods the patronprc of tho general publ is invited l starkman d n acton 1 awake a postal card or a phone message will bring us to figure onthemsta- lutian o our plumbing heating electrical or sheet metal work and now is lh lime to have it done jqhe grinyer co mmited ii4i0 wynilflmrriuu ouelpti pti on o 6o0 for all rtptxmn itmanli could not loaecuratoly voucli cd far they 5 the rod balk howav ai thoj rolled frm mouth lomnulli and noma umei in tlio bar parlor of tli mcrklautl paat ho won alluded lo darkly as a mijliaa aire tlio uiillionairo ahowod vary littlo urcui m hit outward blato of tlio fabuloui far luua ho was auppoaed ukiaci ilauvgil alotio in a bouao of groj whipatou a bij raw boned hard looking bouav which roulrl 0tilr bw a homo lie sui bachelor aud vaslooled after hy a pra named lajiy shoolbrcd a myaterioua conooction f hit own who hold vary liluo otmnudi cation with mark land or its folk bho luul cotno from uio other aula of tlio water and van a bidaii bard f iced weary looking crenluro hor onhjr attractive fwqt beidg a tair of ungulurly luminoub and kindly eyes apparently lay had no fault to find with hor quartan or with jromlltieiit tuant of har and aho was always loyal to hint npoakiiijrnf luro oa tho ntro occailon whoii drivon inlo a corn or mth bolli dij mtv a if a roipecu ill toll jo wha it ia qu laoin mark land cowks nho aaid out day in tlio jrocer ahap whcmaholiad locu cdcd into a porsonal ntetomentr if o w nt tend to jour am coocoma uatead of pry in into itlor folk a it wad b a haptlo letter for j it nover askwl huntley iniiioiclt hat hu mcomo i ito nao hinuuat o min but at itijat o docina ntmtid hla hard unrnoit bawuos 10 tbopoil thato what lit ma it lor wi o i trow ha no ball follow weel met wv bny oy ilaa aguid tnaiator an an koneit uobar man tliab itja bin wy and m add loo wi nae ixxlf leate tho cratcpalano afurthu fell outburst iaay mardicd up tho hill to jcmmalu huuao wiui har head in tiio air whan tke at id tiho broke up tho kit clion tiro and t ui kvttla on obori iar from tli clack that mmsll would abatt ly le homo from ginscow whero bo had louo to npgud a ory uouauol day ho bad imraml trouhled in lb tnaming and had counoft rather hurnvdly 01 rocciiit of tli uttsru by tlie tint oit iusidhia whtiton9 houw tharo wan iiioro eouifart than ouo would have oxpoct- od ido kitchen won an rniv aidoof tlio jkivuigo tho liim room cculod by liamiticll oa tlio other it hail a iiruli carpolofa warm red color n tlip lloor auil iabnt tho wall a hulwlntulil aid ifoatd ofuo particular puripd adri1 by omu siltar of undoul lod ipiahtj which iaa kaptin a hib atal of pohah ihii 110 nm in tho place w picture nor lid uinntolf loco tho fortrait of a wuman hi paitol usrjusiitolj don ahawm a t bih brad uradaus fato ltd by a pkir ol eutl ani loay yc tha law wan imd muii tin eem i ilia dufrflrt had boinotunoi wondorol about it but no man hail iwen bold oiiau to lcklo fioinincll cnnocmlnj iu whathar j cuiwli tho rotiianrw or tho tragedy nf iaohlmy ido nolady jriiow iiuj dij ol disturb buraclf olout iu sbowni rm tit il pormi itn hiiiitlny oiutuoun ltr f a in mo hat rotai to hor at an ofiprtftiuio myinont whan aho ra through jiu fa dt r har no in auuluta now hfc rltutdjo bun aiuinij hor circutn nitd ho imd ahuplr uritun ui k k li or tiio to tha wjhinntong houao and tharn nho waa h had pqtitr ailad i ra nlnclixjucatiua 1 crnl e hor pnt which niijlit hav u n fuu of th 1 jiru it doo li only it waa 111 dalnew aha hu 1 lo an iiimivf 111 hit turn ha hnd nil found fault with hi r co ho han lbd nut the lioomkaaplug- onor rrv m indav uiunilf wild tdo roablity hhi h dltiueuuhod all lia hal u- and nnor nkl i cr whuihir it wb um unll or wtcdiat lliero wan a tiinrgiii tf it vu- of winlraaun uio 1 it aotliltv oo nut hnil g 10 oclock tho utile tn aho hid aim punty to the taklaand uioro wa a dointl oaorocoojwr n alkiut her way wind uioueu it liad norr bean arknowlodccd by fiommoll luul not lieenujtthtartcd kicrj plato had itn nat and nnwy whito arocht mat uudor uuilkupodr drift ol aoonoa and tlio liumo mad hrcai aud tlio butter werodreaacd it fatiusliq and pretty miapcn into which perbnrn liy hot uoren noino of tbo iur anea of a uaturo that had auftorod roprs- in through rjiaay yearn boon aftor fwo aha haani bin foot on tlto bard cohklod patlt whirh imi from th highway u tha door of th ulimlonoalotiicsho did noto to mett hi in at tha door tlrt waa no iart of houiokecper a aiuuoanii rloaj hail tiorar presumed ujwii her placo hho luul nover cat r 11 nt uio aamo table a0u u buadaya honco her aatoniahmaat when nhe took ia tli ttoti and tbo hot water and uio buttered teait on uia tray when ho aaid la her cpiito casually yod tettcr ce ma in i j and mt dooo wi mo tbo day lvo had my too aha iy so much tho latter you mini and listen to w hak i aay t ska tooled at him intently and then bo- beld his inion atrnocly troubled gem moll was iwt an 111 looking niau nay when properly drvued ho had a proenc bui commandinp and dignidad hut his fc wai hard featured its lutbitual x prewioa ouo of revictmce if net of actual kloom what ads j kho askod hluouy athinc 10 tno a cup o ka if i o a dnnlm man it a blind fu i wad io very tlaj cy shoolkrwl thuyr wool off that can droon their troubles cluit o if we appfleciate nud o and ky tan ngao iiaerad quiet cio ma what a paradinn wo nbould li bavo our llop in worn it not for doncy ui pet used to thioju can aciihalimi of ono blind from babyhood who uftor tho rritomllon of hu iilybl lookcj for tbo firat uraoon a winter akj rtndlcd vrithutarn how would a runo ajjpeaf to nuofi n ono what woohl ho nay to niofftiraora wheat fiold reoily for harvest is it more thnn llkoly thac al of uicfto nighu familiar to ua would thrill him with thought too deep for team tho beauty of tbo world w llro in 11 not tho only thing to which wo bocomo oocuatotuod that wq fall to raapond to itu appeal in family hfo hntr much of uio joy h no c nil cod ijocauio wojst uird to tlio londornoss of a mouier to uio oolf forgetful cara ofv father 110 tliat uioy ouvka littlo impruvuan an u if wo approcuttod all tlio kfndncyti nbowod un as ono wpald dowhohad ncor known a kiudmiulifo would neem too good to lo troe what a pity it in that wo o canity goa uwsd to uiose thing u if ha would but loop our firm appreciation it would scorn tliat lifo bid littlo moro to oftor a fancy a fcaby alopt tho mother kopb into watch lu pondering loit i or at bernldo with arms lunc wide tlu woo form marked a cravi hho uiuught percha with anguish might mary so her ilatjo havo woo lly faarful intuition then loro khmimoii his fate who diwl ruon for tho amnll arms fnll trom tin lit wall tdo fold on boamjicrcepdatvn and ring- with lljjit 1 ho aoft curia bright alid to i ho wm a croivrrl the prayer of all larth o motherhood was in her heart s rapt 1i10 ntood dear ood an an look down look down y ornt mo uio croii unci dim tho crown putiiauvo aingaxino i jo i b ilo j tho naxt day dtupct hart my siller avery asked vdtli ncrot ixl htr estimation of men daily tall their jor flvo taeeoite or they hoo a tuir bold an wliatailajo wumuian i a lost jnny ot i that a r aha acorn which luumat ta11 thm far which aauls lathat hear iho wuuimaii ijjo no leu that i bso uorkod liko a c alloy slaro for tlio lnit thirty yuor and tliat i gtticrtri twfnty thoosand iouodajidto lost it a i mad tho not uncommon mts tako o puluu a my eggs in ati uinvot is tlutt at eho rcjoald tiui a mild aeremty sit doon and tak your to your no wtur off llian y weroat the bo- gininiig aud may bo youll bo a bantla happlar what a alller hut a carot if yo hao enough thatll a yo nod crav for aai j our not an auld man 3 el sho piuhod tho ocouott towards him and tho nlt milk cliccau that malted like iioooy in tiio mouth and whan aha w that ha waa loth to oat ebo buttered th aconc and cub it into gngur leugthi and liudltoa hm plate itt jou mucklo liairn 1 wiula rillor a wilo u uia doavih drink your cup a tea auj uiink nao ciair ahoos it cemmoll am hod grimly tbfro was uomotlilng quaint and winning about xbo small otat woman and though her words wcro cauatic her 1 01c was honey aircok im fifty tlireo iisy boo auld aro ya yeraol mo im thirty boilo an no booking to hido iu i vo filt uuugor atoco lto baan hero i liko tho place and i baa had poc to lio ill hoo o laavo the hooso kajy auid gangouleomawharo to seek a frosk livia itll bo be among tho wagging aoido o morkland nwauroly nol her band tremblad otthbu draw it quickly back from tho ladec tablu and lluntloy gommall m it itll ho bard on you too ilisy a woman ut jour llmo o id likes a dame i thocht i had kiillm ano huntloy hut nlmt isllfn but a durppolntrnnt frao llrnt t lot o erect whon yo ar irorn an when y doa lo nay naolhing o tdo twonii tliilcfl bui i duurny 111 ct bite and sup as long aa 1 nrd it yo nataua aaid yo nro mirrj for mo jot alont ihtiailtcr no uio i luinu kuan ou riller tboyro hapj ir thai hao nana an wad j u ipnrry a puir man an aul 1 ly bo tuked niddtnly riling to and also of merkland western canada to isabella shoal brad daughter of walter shtolbred deceased the little boys treasure theouierday i read a beautiful htuo a lory about a shopnerd boy ii was keep firg tbo ahop in a flowery maadnw and bwcaaso kl heart was liappy ho aang no laudly that tbo aarroundidg bills ochood his nong ono morning uio king wko was oa a hunting trip spoko to him and said why aro you so happy my iwy t why ahould i not bo happy t answered tho boy our kipg in not debar tliaq i indeed aaid th king pray tell in of your great poiaasaions tlio ahopherd boy annirerrd tdoaun in tho kngbt bluo sky nlnncn as brigbuy upoo mo as upon tlio king tho flowers uon tha mountain and the grans in tlio valloy gron and hloin toglidden my siqht an woll as hi i would nut tako auiousand dollars for my hands my eyes are of moro ralqa than all tho preciouj stones in tho world i havo food and clothing too am i not tharafro as rich aa tiio kiog you aro right said tho king with a nmilo but your greatest treasure is jour contentol baart kop it ao and you will always bo happy is to do wi it sho jt allhblly ombar his hst iuih marrj inkd inintly dlttal unudithae w ill jo tako m tuny 1 vu a hilu land imt tlmro in um wratj n cjiirula ntid j ou mt um ronlj jot a lit in 111 uulw ill in iou an im mak uuiir filler jck nnluo waii ram hamc id paad it in tho auld country k cd uiauthloii hwilt keeiuiaai into bin fmu tler dwutt an eitou iholal ufi it th unltuiit j 1 arntng t f tdu lis lth hunlh but lheyaailimo alio thu ii r nun rtvp4iiild to i 1 i ipma quirllj mg to markltad a ut hu u neudoi 1 of uuntuylomiu thu w 11 1mi11 umm el ol u ii iuiiui tit illa 1111 i it tl iul r- tnrofoi d i muluil wllii thu ait ul nxiraillun j uuiimhwd aimliimlly il ia an tual fuot i thnt n two days not uuowanl waaijmikail i from moroliig till night uul out of tbia atrauko adatir had grown u strong com rtdeibip uu h would hato aalumaliail lij llu h lj paxipla and whlid waa nhully utiiuajjoctetl nl thu thtil rl 1 la itd u la- 4 vij td he inairiugaraluiv farth th linn rnurt tiui i small my fumllorall l ulicuw huntloy a costly comma hava you your examples all right tom asked mr walk or as hiaaou cloaod tho arithmauo and came to aay gaod night near onougb was tho reply and i m thankful for tiioy wero 1 tujh lot but i don lundctnandajdhli father wbatyau mean bj near enough do you mean that tboy at almoab right why i mtaa they nro as good aa right tkaroa a paint wrong in ono and two figuros wroag in another hut theres no uso in fuasing otiir such trifles im moat buro tbo motbods right and thats tho mom thing yj returned his fnthcr i admit that uie method 11 imiiorlsut but it is not uio only tiling it mo boo bow much diffor en eo th point mak us in this 01 ample tom brought bla tupcr and after look log it over mr walker said tliat jtoiat makes a diffaroocoof flvo uiouaand dotlarn hupjma it represented tnsnoy tliat soma on waatolng to jiay you thou youd bo prftty rxious to havo uio ioint right wouldnt jou h of course in that caaa i waul i ha to lookod it ovor again said tom carol evily but this la only an example in school and it would never make auy jiuoronco to aay body whether tho point was right or ft- t to an j ono hut ou returned mr fvalkar iur a liabit of carcloahnoss and lb accuracy ones fluid upon you will make a difteronca all yur lifo aud may prorcnt you frain ovor succeeding in uio- busineas world you may not lualixe jt but what mplnyor want end must have ia accuracy in littlo things as woll ai in gnat anil indeed things that sooni small aro often fjir more 1 twenty years ago from tho issuo of tho froo press of thursday sopt oth 18d7 mr james wilsau 19 huildjnganaddiuon to his dwelling orjmain ht tho most fcucfcviut ball season in tha history of acton kasoltsli club was wound up heraon ixvltr day tbo team tlilsaaa- aor played twenty ono games and havo won cifihtoon out of thu twenty ono thoy aro now acknowledged to bo ono of tho strong est teams in canada councillor denny thinks ho has tbo big gent sundoutir thnt axiate in these parts it ta 1 feet j inches in circum ferae ce weighs b jtounds j ounces and tbo stalk in fflooto inches 111 heighu aory pratty flural sorvico was held in knor church sunday sciiool last sonaay sftenioon th nu morons bouquets pro routed by tho scholar wero nent on iloa day to thohospjtub in toronto irmt dcalont from tbo vicinity of burl ington and wtitordown have tliapoficd of a wonderful amount of fruit in acton tha post couple of ticels last friday seven lnoda caino to town and rarely a day passes that flvo or eix loads do not arriva hare pluma and tomatoes aro a drug ou tho market at roscuu there are more uiao four thouiand raon at work on the mvoral bocliona cf tbo crowa naat pjb hail way today tho otoauier merriraao will lake from moiiucal for tbo london raarkaa a quantity f clinntltan lotuatoeal pcalrs and poaches 111 cold atotago as on oiporimont poll acton on saturday stb to mr and mra adam brrw hit- in september stewart an tell 0 tboy look mportaut nil tl at might among thajn what would plftnta hj riant comma soemt ntxiut 1 tbmg but lot ana soino yoam ago thora v in a tariff bill certain nrti be admitteu froo of duty were foraign fruit puniu why i auptoo said loin uiat haarfruir yes aaid mr walkur but the clork wha copied uio bill naror hail bcuu taught- accuracy aud inttead or copying tbo iy pheii hu changed it to a comma uiaking n- read fruit plauls ote it was a trilling rror not worth noticing you would aay but beforo ll could lio remodied thoouv urnmuut loal two muliou dulisrt as all for eigu fruit- bad to it uduillted froo of duly now whonuvor ou aro litelinad to itu car um i how vou will rvitiemler thna two million dollar rouuiii- luni did not any much hut hu uunt m at aim thinking that if a littlit umina uhl akoall that diuanmcu it might io worth hijolofuover intlei attor all wkdpihq annlvnttsarils meaning of biblical terms ait oxehaugo givea the following tablo of blltjical utu t trwislnlcd into praaaut duy moaulog it is cunv anion t to pste in n lid lo for raforetiro it alito may hti used at unica to arnot th attention of boyn whoao alott minils will bogtatl farmatanco to figure jut how ull gulutth as and lo bpproxiuiito what measurement in tbo clo9 room uio jiaiit would roach woro bo prascul this is tho tebto a dnyrt journo was about twenty tbrco ami one hlth milci a sublhith day jounioy waa about an ctigliah uiiie a cupit was nearly tnanty lko incbos a ajian was nino inchas a ijamifi breadth is equal to uirao aud flvaolgntha inches a linger n broailth is equal to ono mcb aaticckcl of bilirr was about ofty cent aehocul of gohl was 3 a talent of ailvur v us 51s 30 a talent of gol i was slfl mh a piccu uf aitvar or a pony wav tbtr tan cvuts a farunog was three cants- a milo wai less th to a quarter of acont a go rah waw unu cciit- au ephnh or bitlj railtaiuetl atnon gal luilsu i llvo pldth a hlu was one gallon and t0 pin la a irkni wau about eight uud aovun etghuis gallons ii lite t miiknii t kanliat h4r h latjarcotlai hitoond ycir lnur i bird yaar loathor litliyaiwoodiii bvitihyer witoku luiitli year- tin iwolfthyea 1- bilk liil 1 ifufliilh yr ir coul iilth year china iwunty iith your slur ihlruoth j oar loarl portiolli otir hut y i iftiuth yer- illon sovoitvifiltdjlar jhuui a cabalbr ix pint piuta ii multi calling up bugs nowii fuot that naarlyo iliko miu a lav rythlng danood uluauud id ovu to it t mi 00 lis a oa uiu from uioir and lintuuod vcith rupt attention 1 u aro not uieauall lu wo call up the doodu buga any timo wu havo a mind soli sonio litlo girls to inu ano daj i t kile hugs t wild i i nover koard uf such thing unuld you hlu to ku thain askod moat aaturilly 1 anatrorcd ilan tu littlo hliloud thu way ui the rtutibif an uul log abhool ttouae roofloas am tjuoilciji nud j unlng hands they aiiuat ttduhii uio ground forming a ring and bo r n cbantiiig in tho moat ttimical tone they ruiild t ilimul uttl ikkkiic untie doodle tjoclo ikiudla hug i lookwj011 in irtt- niahmoiit for i emahl suu i thi i but hard kakad earth thoro muiikii not a living thing slullo but tbo t lhlti kept up their urnm soma tdrao or our iiuuutui whan i u nil cod thn grouud ikxi to daavu in littlo aitota and tiny hd pooped out ioon followud i y half or th bilo batlj uf a jilt colored boetlu wi u tbo thil irun sloped ain tho littlo tlun aisuiptnut uuk into their h ilcs lhla alrutk 010 an very ningutar ibil 0 in wuanx mat nitty nitutjiigatraugo thtnjiu hugdoin it is tstrylniid if wo uily dttoitio inttiurtad 1 11 1 lat tlarrs itow t i ho miwh tun t ol at it tlio illbi how matches ane made a match i a tmall thfng wo seldotd qubo to think nftrr it bsf pcrforrad its mission and wo bavo carolosnly thrown it away that it has a history of its own and that liko noniq mom protontjaus things it journey from tho foroat to tho match nafo it full of changes tho match of to day ha a atory far moro interoatmg than uiatof tho old faahioood matcb as wo iavo aaid ratiuh ol tha umlor tjsod rn tho manufacture comoa from tho immonso tracts of forest in tbo hodaon bay tcrnterj it ih floated down tlio watorennrao to tdo lakes through which it in towed in great log rafts thw rafui aro divided somp parts aro pnllad through ui canals and soma by othor moana aia okon ui marliot when wol through tho seasoning proeom which 00- cupici from ono to two yeara ho plna is cut op into blocks twieo as loag as match and about eight inches wida by two incba thick these blocks are pasjod through m machino which cuts ihem sp inta splfnta raund or trjuaro of just tho thfrkncou df a match but twico its lengtli tliii machina in copablo as wo aro told of making about 2 000000 splints in n day this number aooms immense when compared with u0 most uiat could lto made in theold way by hand tho splints are then taken to tho natung marhinpjtad tbi rolls tharo into hundlas aboutolghteon infhes in diamatar bgt5 splint aepumtcd from its neighbor hv litil aparps wi thae thoro may bo no two itlcking togothor after tho dipping in tka operation of setting a rlbhan of coamo staff eltoiit an inch and n half wide and an eighth f an inch thick 1 rolled up tho splints being laid oeros tho ribbon betwoon each two courses lea vine aboab s quarter of an inch liotwaen adjoining splints from iho sotting machino tho handles g to tho dipping room after tha ends of tho ppllntehavo baen poandod downo make ihem oton tha bundles am dip pod hath ends into th molten sulphur and then intathaphoaphor- us aolutfon which la spread over a larg iron plate next thovaro huog in a framo wdrv whon drv thoj aro placed in a machine which a it unnolljtiyi rihbon cut tho sticks in to ncross tbo m ddlo tbut making twocomplota matches of oach apltnr tha aaatch is made tha towering pfn which iiaunad to thn whupor of tho aoqth wind and gwarwl in iho cold northern ufttt has iteon n divider that wo can tako it uf h bit and hfhtlv twth jt wwean tofngbr but what it hat lost in aiiav it ha gained in nr tho bttto flam it carrier and wlneh lookn so hsrmloas flaab- lor- into i naf nxitnro hn a latent pof more ternhlo thnn tho whirlwind wjnch parhana sent uio ull pino tro cmaliioff to tho oraiinit but th dtort in not jet olnaod prom thomnehino whirh complntrd thn matehaa thoy aro takon to tho imers moauy girls and women tin plnco uinm in littlo oxo tdo arwed with which thia 1 dona 1 surprimrg with nno hand thoy ptofc nj an empty cao enil remnvw tharovar while nth tl othor thnv scizo jnt n sufllennb lumber nf match ned by a rculiax buttling motion arrange thornrcnly then tiidnoi tho littlo packages of sloaping flro are taken to aoothor room where an eaeh on is plnewl a stamp ertlfyinr tho payrnont to tdo govommont of ono cwnt revenue tar iqui mii with thaso paas- tho boxta are placoil n larger ones and thoso again woolancae which ara to h ahlpped to oil parts of tho country and over aaas all thia troublo over such littlo things as matelilst yob on tlioso firo tipped lit of wood millions of pooplodepatnl for warmth coakrrfood auti ughu thoy havo bocomo a nocoaiity and tdo dny of flint stool and tiudir scenih almost as far away iu tha pastas aro uio bow and flrojitick of uio indian how apt to our subject i tliat almoah worn ont latin phrase multem 111 parvo much in littlo macd labor muchakill and much uaofulneai all in a utile piaoa of wood pcarcoly ono eighth of nu inch uirough and about two luchaa long i adoldkhhbh the don that lays tha golden gg has boon fnunil hho iajn cg for tho anfefl can iteff crass at fabulous price and la locatod itt middlcton ohio iho hon and a doinnof bar egga worn gh en to uio bad croa1 by a poor woman it was har widows inito but auttionod alio gift brought 00 jlltlfor biddy add 31734 for thatign lli tk each uiobigbcatprlca vlt paid for ggs lor i rditbit as aiull hit hiatus rkllhlalni coma from uuduu nxjtosuro to atuah cold aud frost i i la from tho io winds of winter iu tha treat inaiil uf eithapthor is na hot ter pmjiaration than lr thoums ijloctrio oil as it counteracts ida inusummuua and rallovub the pain 1 li scuon of tha oil la iiistanutuoouiaud lis application iuoxtrenn ly si in pin woman and aitt inn wiiuuin are num imro 1 11111 jug tho n ian ry from asthaia by th 1 count lai thuuh auiln in otur climate thoy hill ik toun t llj hna in iho grip of linn riuitlwi di- 1 10 uulum thoy tiayo availed throitv o tl u iiiiwrr ratnedy dr jdk l n athtn v ltemedy daa brought 11 iw haixi in lifa to many ciurh fuatliui inali ihil fiitiroly without aallei tfttlnu ad w 1 mini in 1 onofit it has wrouhl an og- luuu mrywliar 1