Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 11, 1917, p. 1

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voijimi xiiii- no hijc aitii jrrc jjrrs lviuy thijiutl vvuoiunitd thuibday moitnino ootoiu5k 11 vj17 savage s co liatabllaltod iu40 jlwllllk gui lpil aim itnaarr kdillimii uo par ytxu i ulatos om uia utuo fo was ilr1 tin jl u hi wwm i usnole1 on u f7rtino itirxa tranlon quae insertion mania tor to or loelu wnupdiimil aseli ju for roodin mile 33 c ailvarutwuieuis wi 111 be jusaxisal ujj al trkuaioat ut uiailsjr kjnruw iioid ic uiduill 10 1 ti ymitrouuuuu a imw iuoli moll lasst the old and cliablc wnlchnxalicra and jewellera hardware htng1jc jopijcb fivjfl cknth mill supplies builders hardware agents for yale and boro lode co louden machinery plic oair suppiu petor- sup- tuecuqul lho clique lb is a lody or uioo and ovary mooling nut juat now then lont mlo a mooting uuloaa tlioy flu aio tho moi i tliat tue grouch calls farco of that aaored n that account if you uring the eouing anil 5f up f flstou b a word l lob anyliody boo you who bolievo lit tho motto holp olhoi who uoverroortlnadiji to aro uia man tliat a- clique w ji nhould 1 mt trick cjl tli the tho bond hardware co proud of member like clique or what- rl id sui t lo llrsoduiia ufcol uowll uwl he jsij no njwuoori loo wuanoaiuou fc ail wooonn ooiimumj inoolul j u i uou1uj bduor and 1 roprl savage co guelpli ont flusinejbs dtxedorp txdlcjl rjnuos giay m d c m ucciu- ulmjulil itllitlbu manioaii aoctria 1txw odoe ffreaarlak litres aetna onl ucnivew iliislcian siij borckui omca hp uuiluilti iw uh1 and jolui btreeta tlio fariuu limn of uia 11 w li tiuxs cag alton out c c iok uptodate goods d vethhjuaxy ouu llwlkin v1tjuinauy uuwllow otmdaiw of on u rl lffllruoii hi oalu daj or nitht onlul1 silverware in tableware fine variety also line cutlery hardware tinware and gramteware in variety pandora stoves and lianfjcb kimous heaters small stoves oil stoves d6e bell pianos tlie main essentials m a piano in tonal quality hifjb- clas worlcmanship and dur ability thee are comprised blll piano as a result of patented im provements unique in piano manufacture- sold only by tuy oai rjjl thura t nvor tlioy jtlctao itmy novor atntl any tluti jiikjmi aro tio clipjo tha1 oory lodfo hut tlioro ora wo mo jkmplo wli faolt and moat uf tlioir kind ata oot worth thoii aalt liy lik to alarl lroumo i ut sol ion will ittick thoy lik to ml all of tho work on hit clitiu mi tudadj lhal ruir moab a alwaya find ngpnannnnnnnn iculilly antiolq is of exciip- tional valob a c c speight mill slrcel actcm c w kelly cki son 33 lower wyndham st ouelpm ont d n a a a a an a friend in need- haiuuct liiuuit tiuitii do a a an aanoaanddaaon hiwmniii i ovnculli uuhi a uciuam iluilsuir tioil uior uj i luy 1 ul u offlc4 io suclhiii illuck lhmjj kiroot unaloh atrron ilu so ty t htm curulu uui iul i nktliiuinnklr diintibt a2i f k i 4neuj uu jtuanoih nunam uoojiiiiiiliili wjrndhaiuut ut aooooin lioola uouiirneiibid i vjamuaokji0lnulu p it you huvo any s iinl at jiur holnc uru kin out of town 0 n foruvwiorlmowof fl any mtiosung tietm 1 itt uj hear from you e wo lwnyu upprcclalo iuli fuvdru phono it you will be better able to do your bit if y our liycb are well we are iydibt specialists and we do know how to make and iit fjlasse wiiaitind ouu own lsnscm ijli rioht mr tmvor- ill attond to tiil llttlo tiuttar dont you pva it mootliuf tliouchl and whan i oorao around lo morrow i hopo youll havo aouustiiiiijr ola roatiy luf mo to do tho pajo littlo woman in tho iloorwi looltod at- tho saffr yoiin nun on tho atop and hor oyos auddonly filled you aro a good ik liirry alto najil bxokonly i dmit know what wo shmild do wiuioul you i mally dont hha put hur handkercliiof to hor oyui and uarry looked down at kor with uxr awkwardacait cliaractonatio of hia mi lit uio prcaoiiro of ujini then lus ay in pa thy got um loiter of ilia constraint ilopattad hor on uio aliouldor with his 1 i laud hia oyoa full of boyudi kindnoaa ijoii cry mrs traor i think iiom txittoi- i do hoooiuy why today wo bad liltlo talk alout luinou and ho nowuiod to liavo niiiro k thina than flrnt takou lurrj u- tvr iuk to low uliinpr no low that lh li lahor lial dilticulty hi mak ilua ixjttor wliat will hapn uhou ho tlud out t it will kill him in iito of ur lowarod tho laul four unit wore rpolon wui an intauaity that fcavo thorn tho c licet of having boon nhoulod ilarry ned a liandiuanio faco tuahod to uio earn oh that ho said ocorufully tliato hound to ho cltarod ap you know it wih kill hiui tho wifo ropoatod a biaii who haa lived to lo fifty years old without von a aliadaw on hi reputaluu ami uow u faoo tin bho looked up piteoualy into tho hoy a oyoa hoi tlinoa uarry 1 liavo alnioat full ciorry to ara him yioloy plumper it itocmod j if licalh uuuld ixsfco uiucl oaiar titan thia otlicr itu gwnc to ho cleared up liarry hu umk tho liuj wumiui frail hand in hotli liii biff ottot auocxod it fouilly aud wont awingln ilowij jjio walk and jut v jo tfato chekod holilnd hiui a ruadator drow up to tho curh thuuhtttrwaaytm harry aatd tho iniddlo acd tnau with dooji ijray oyoa wmita lift t ita aaiuat my in act j wliun i cau lido lauliad harry and pran lightly to tho mal iiio littio rualiod on and mr lou cloarvd hia throat hfl luul auuiothluf to aay and now that ho had tho chauco uf saying it ho did not dud it an axay u ho had anticipated vouvo lioou to call on truvor ak i own reputation wank u nhp in hoarton mr tr bt nay hut doi undwaund t voa i uiuwmtand mr lmm hub 1 dont ui ink much of your augcmiou im afraid i couldnt lirik myaolf locroep into mr travruvhouioaflerdark rayni a i wut that i wouldnt moot onylxiily on tho way whoi would know inn that nort nf tiling ditaao t iuuaro wltli my idoa of loyalty you oant fly in tha faco nf puhlln opinion icohltt mr jems that fatal vim raut nmimn man wln haadoiio thti ntlj bucii hu i thlut i fan nainn ono itanlol dtiniol wlm t oh you moan t tiio hihlo i loll you itarry you rjut iou lato your husinoaa hfo y tliae tliala whoro i dont agroo willi you mr coaa that exactly wliab im trying to do well much ohtikd fw uio lift tho machine fttojijioil jorlily lfro itarrya homo mr uotvi couutonanci waa ovarcasl ive dono what i could for youhu axruiinod if youre ixiund to iwhoaihitrun i cant help it na y u rant mr ooaa ill untdy that yuu did what you could itarry wont into th hnuao aindinc ut hia faro wo jr0 oiniugu aa lio cloacd tho door i loliid him no nmhitloua young tnau can roalilo tii a i m it i ut rmnmoc i a without artnm uriom tliouchu ilarry knaw lliat mr ooan warning w0ji n ui foundod itut if barry was amlitioua his ambition did not coirom txtlf aolely fill huaioeua bucpv nod no prtwwot of jiro forraont could havo tomplad i dm to m holuw hia own atandardii of loyalty itarry wont to hia work ul tho unk tmit day willi a havy heart ilia talk with mr uih had luought home to liltn uio roahxation ui hi triood mr traor luul ullod through kn tlmoit fata attack of yphanl only to faco another blruu no i i cm deadly mr travcra imd tioon paying toller in tho commercial hank for twenty j darn and till tho day ho fatnlod at hia iol nearly thrco months before there hail uuwr imkhi a hiier cjnitial hia good homo ho iu ukm homo and itoainaoo tho moeivnijr tol lor wu put in hm puro lillio nhould havo roooverwl a day ur two liitor ttoliuiun had rejlrlod tliat lia wai uuahlo lii halanco travorn iccouiiu kipert aid hail tumn railed in and a aonoua aliurtae rnvualud as mr travora waa ly tlii timo in tle ip of delirium aud liu racovvry aouinoil unprotmtl lo iu ilojm liaii lu lain n 1 ut it w erally uii juiumi tht if ho r he would face arrt in thu w l tlmt hiui buim harry hail im too aunrud ln iho out- tho duel ulwi life ad death o itaru tnucl th jm1il to thu othnr euattur now h tualizixl that thu krojtor trial a good rls0lve wobk wll hot uubt 11 ul i other yot whoelharruw dltclioa or oditini tllltl i1i or v u look iiual aiila k a jo uio ny eon you hare haiidlo a jutk or or a ict of looki a ieper finfuir an aurt writmr funrry tiitiga jou must work arnunil you mil aoo that the man who to bvo tlio root of thoir daya witliout mou wikj work tho hardeot- lkjtit tm afmid of kilting joumalfwitji work 1ooplo die nomatidun hocauae work at q pm huh doatj go home ontil 10 tho iolerraj thfta killa my aoo work moo you an eppotito for your moala it loodu aojtdity to your elumlora it fliea joa a perfect ad yraociul appro oiatiop of a hoiulay tliero are young roco who lo not work hut tho world lb not iiroud of them it dooa not know uicir nam on jtoji it a imply apoaka of tliem aa old ho- and 8o boya tho threat luay world dooa net know that they aro thartt un find iial yoi lo lx and do takeoftyour coat and mako a doat in tho tio huaier yoi o tho l rid i you era apt to iot into lho aweetor will lo your aloop tho lirijliujr and liappior your holulayx and tho better aatudiod will tho wurld bo wiui you if any lltllo wortl uf mine may miko a life tho hrihtar if ony htuo nonif of rnino may tuokoa hoart tho lihlor utxl holp mo ripoak lio liulo word and tako my i it of murine and drop la in nouiu lonely valo to sat tho ochtxji riacfinif i if any lltllo lno of mino may maku a hfo tho u woo tor if any littio caro of nimo may mnko a friondn tlio dijolcr if aay lift of mine may ooao tho burden of anouior lod kivbio lovo and rare and trdnui to liolp my toiling hrotlior i iupfrx any o- uiwn aud 11 liarry loekoil llthmaiu mut id glaiicud mr tmivora had witti a amile for blood there now a uol ijivoii tu nm iu ii- as t him ho rouaclod tliat m3 tunux die duties of hia now ikitioii uihiruu for ho eeomod fafod and utini aa itarry lool uiotionl ltiiliiniuni idled hia oyua and au nixed biinaew tlio nhjuot of itarry tlio color ruao awiflly into hia face aud he uirew a look of aury rootuiliuoni at tho aatomalkxl iwiy liarry kavo bin attention lo hia hooka mimiia golling uiiihty uonaiuvo ho toil if a cat can look at a kiujf i ldnt aupke it would lx aaloat tho law fur huuihlo oikkooimir ui look at an aufuat iytiij toller tho rcowl whhj imi had rotoivod kept rohinaou hohxo itarry mind ufttliur to hnowtfeurpriaoho found tilmiwlf watch nuirod tho ilohiu- piocod teetlior for hut cullhtooment that toloiram came for mr ltobioon to day it looks to mo ae if he bad boon playing tlio wheat market yea butlwo theuaaod bought on margin i auppono and im inclined lo believe t mr i to hi neon not mr tratcm can explain that ahortago mr elwell looked at itarry oa if bo wore being lalroduoed for hmj first time wo will neo wliat rohiuvoi haa to aay about it to morrow ha tc jilted butilr iloblnsen luul no explanation to oftar on lho morrow nor at any othor iimo apparently lio luul realised the folly ot droppinjf hu teltgrarn ujth oa it wa into tlio waatepaper baavot and bad corns back fur it aiul thou finding ib waa in ilarrya ihtawsaainn ho had realized that tho game wnj up aud hull though ofturta roro tnado fnr hia approhouaion he waa noror diacovcrod mr travom recovered and wont back to lho tiloca ha had mo oral ly ft hod fer ao tnauyyoara and he la very tiroud of the j raiid rio of a young nun for whom tlio knowing propheay gi things but who j to iraeru uvl bit wife will alwaya bo juat barry animal instinct tlie kor ii uitinctoi animau d la jay oil in at pta to oacaito danger la tnariolloua tanco a haro fleeing from huutcru liaa leapod into a ladys lap hhollcrwl her orma until lho dog wort called nt lha lauting littio prtauuar ua at lut ruatorvd to rood ota wo may aiao ouolvo many atraldgema to which uio weaker aiwuiala havo recourse we havo toon a littio anako on aw at our apjruacli aud liavo tried in vain to dlaoovor it unlit wo aaw two oyua liko ahimng iwads looking up at uu from the tnidat uf email willtared hrnucho bunide which it had atrutchod itaelf oul it waa feiguiug death but the rosttloaa eym lo- lrayod iu a aliuilar imtniim ii that of t cardinal hirl7 which haa boon giuo ita iuuo frooa the rod top knot or hood on hoar lug tho apjiroacb of travellers it will draw up one aloudor leg hiding lb agjjnat lie broaat and apread out a acarlat fan until it re- oeiahlea a wild flower a etronfer doviao i that of tfho famou vealrilocpjiil frog of i houth ataonci whaea woird cliaat liiay hoard new bora now tliare aa tile uotctt carry iu ita uhurte u luro the wayfaior fruui ita hauuta a well known animal traiuor auurna ua that a liuu never turn vi clonal y o mate aud that a koojxir who tndulfua bipjur and diaaolulo lialiilo luaoe all loi ovor lho aolmala twenty years ago prom tho issuo of tbo froo press of thursday oct 14th 1807 knn fair today aud to morrow tlio farm em havo boon buay at their fail plowing aince tho nuai of last wook mr iuiu walton of tho fourtlt lino u making irparauona fur the erection of a uow bank barn tlio orclioatra nf lho mothojist hunday kcliool wu rourganiboil last il id try ntghl mtaa annie mcnah aa appolntod leader and miaa ijeiio udin will perform the duties oi leader of tho singing oa well aa eaatataot organist tlio yield of iotaucfl m well up to the avoragoand tlio quality unaurpeaaod ijord cariboo img of r no tototo growera got a commuuicati n ut nook from a liuaillo cnn eoormg 70u r hush el for a car ot potatoes daliord lliaro this would py tlto duty ami till liavo tagaty mvbo and lialf nuil over tho markot price hero for the freight aril handling tho t1co ia flthh 401 45 a ijeg to hoi nt ftcotlnd havo arraugod for a coocart for t r mj coning oolobr jouj ry lorh humoru1 miaa mo a uessaoe i- rom uncoln i loorgo hod rcaolved to give up hu place at tlio liardwro ntoro tlo did not liko tho work any bet lor than bo luul liked the crooery and hia oroploynr eoomed no bettor oatufiad witlihlm than mr chalmera had boomed joorgo wondered if ho woro characlonatio of all employers to bo uaap- proclalire and unreasonable par ita pe tlio trouble wan lho towo ooorge graapod at the idoa avidly yesr tliat wan il a fellow waa not likely to bo appreciated in tho town whoro ho waa bora if oniy ho could got away 1 he began to think over hia acquaintance wondering which of them could be induced to load him tho money to go wcut ho bad duv tout relative in miobouo he might go to- therm a ahoet of iapcr lay upon tho table writ ten io hia aiator iattye copy book bono ooorco glancod at tt carolcaaly at flrat thon a word nvetod bia attention ho be gan to road tho angry color ruing la hl chooka oa hia oyoa wont down tho pago wliat can you do in mheioun bottar than liaro t in tlio land any richer con you uioro any more than hero raiaa corn and wheat and oata witliout work t will aaybody tharo any mora than hero do your wark for you t if jou inuind to work lboro u no letter placo than rig lit whora if yuu tlo not intend to go to cannot get along any w hern work callu i alio 10th tt il aud mian janet in hunday october ii htump twin squirming end crawling nlxut from plac lo place can do you no good putty cqrno before icorgo liad umo to turn tho page ho gave her a withcriog look patty b tared if youro going to act up to givo mo ad vice imgan oeorgo in a choking voice whj dont you any it to my faco i don t kuow wliat you oioan pattys look boro out bor atatomanl tihu icotoou bewimerod i auppoeo jou thought it waa amort to leave that around wliore 1 d ruu across it oeorgo cunuuucur ilut aa far aa miaauur ho atupjud uouyhl he had o to missouri to patty lioucd it to any ouu a good ph0puet to lho iiiil daranauon of hcil gain and so iu wli two geu tieuiei atrauurk 1 heir louver aation turne uiuu tho fauhfulnoaaof dogs and oho aakad tliu uuief if bo loot with an t on a luholy roa1 to which tauuu ho look fur aid hia dug hia only couijiau iou of uio ttrat pauer by tlia answvr pkatiu tlio dog llotluui nar ul tho fullolng a young uiau osmo to tny ultuw hhliuii he uf v pf all htnla ul w ot u inn iu fills siij i 4i work w- soil d sal niloos uiu iim u o i eent we havo 1 si t u md tuaotisnlos ii ate pnaumsua luula wt ml refarauna ruin i luul ij 1 uui toiuutu anil ollm r 1 ulll its hanu law aului ii ww tua s41 1 icului 1 itomlnlon r ui liixiiusu ila west vvs bj l tin x ou ojluoolltl ll hamilton i son 5- our nuifuw auj woulwluli tlj oulhu lstarkman t frlead and i hired idui a frsluuul vhvilor at my house and wlwaya wulouuie but our dog roaiated all at tompta at frioudllnca ho wuuld ahow hia taeth if tho now comer louijmd hiui i t thia at lirot aud tliought it aluuay ialar ou i found tlio youug mau wu rob hit g mo to a iouidoiabiti taut lho iloga untiiu1 dctictod thu falsity which i bad uovor o aukxiotod arly in thu latw ooutury lhato apioaiud ireun1 famou he rry flu msih oi uukjuo wuul lainruaih a vili jus aultual lu a p uaay lubiiuoi laying a hand tloalujdy tlo loatulu a hkk iloi hu would u hia liwad to thu iiuiikiu oar fiona t lis hit tlui nuwrsutloua jioojilu ljio ukfl suuio idiarui and uauia1 hiu ajxirur by whlh usinu h iiuoauiu known far aud wida he uuvr iourtoi ui suiua wujo i jforuil for hia waa iajlod hub ho pentitenlly u aa ho liy dying ho p proacliod for uu lat tiuio i had im muvl but kujnuiu wore at t bin lant murila nmuda whioli ill u duu lo oalajily or thorn vo sidiusl wulfaru at huail i ml iwvaluaulli ibvlu i havo a mot valushlti luok 1 ailaui aaiil tho bwk unu i m iow lo do uiory thiug loce it tell how to k i id of u thn tiuy m u i noil tho iiu lookxl ftrnol ltnyjuu should uy harry ba1 l dm ud ho uio k wu ikju1 it doen uiaji aormon enlluod the use of iso vm affo lho linu o mothoduunr uov joln woaloy aaid none can aain by ewallowing up hia ncuchiora aubatauco wit gaiolug the hia u a dear iwsaght itcver ia procured by hurting our neighbor- m hia soul by minia- tonng directly or indirectly to hie up chaatity or ia tool perm noo neither may ww gain bf hurting our iioigblior in hia body therefore we may not aoll anything which teotla to impair boalth such ia eminently all that liquid gro commonly rallod drama or spirituous liquors it la true these may havo a place in medicine thoy mado le of use in nomo tfodily dl ordera altliouuh there would rarely bo ocraaiou for them woro it not fur tlio un akillfuluoaa uf lite ractiliooor tliaroforo ouch aa irejaro and noil tlioui only for thin and may keep their rorwctaiico clear ilut who aro they 1 who iirepara them only for till end t ijj you kuow loo audi dla tiller iu l t tlion oicumj lhaao tut all who aol uteiu in llm muimoii wy to any tliat wfu liuy aro oimior mioral thoy laurdori majosty- kuhjecu wholo noiuxt doe uuur ju piiy or snm tlioy drtyo lhan to hell bkn slioep and what la thoir galut i of li v ooutd ouvy i tlmir utatea ltuoua ialaoos 1 a ourso is in lln m tlio nuino of inxl nluavou ti uio rluium tho tiuiter llu furniture o tlieiu tho ourao uf mi la in lhotrgardoiui uteir walkis llieir gnivre a tiro that burn to tli uelhuinosl hell hlo blood if thorn the foundation tho walla tlio floor lho roof are btained with blood i though they arw ciitlod in scar lo food tine fain buuiilunusly ovary day hk lu deliver down the mold ui thud gvueraliou f nni w fur tlioro u a tod lu haavon oielon lly liniki alisll aooii lie rooted u jjko aa thoao whom lliou hast do kuuyni body end soul thy tnoinorisl shall mtish wiu thea h arnott m k of i p h ikxlal hervli itoatd m hie t uf tlio of iouu ja herkioilu mu iijkmllub with a vrssahle 1ihe mpouimlwl thst utir t pdu i not bo i he pill i glh aud lsd any d the piu j withuul oar of loaiuj u a quality uiat tea pilla iom their wr 10u thu will 1 kjlouoy fur a 1otato vimuu ilhsto flour is made by dohydralu or drying tho total uoa aud thau gi hiding thoul tho mtatows stw aliimut ur cut into culiof d drlwh wl thonoihly dried th i i hi uxl tn nl heee aro ml into flooj erw wit or hi uour aiouu ipuaoa mliod with ilad thai ts con hi d undo from wheat ud by a burprniog tucritiuubd hli o had novut mon- wa hia turn to patty aoouied on tho i rink uf tearli x dont kuow what you m talking about ooorgo you act awfully funny 0 cor go took up tho sheet from tlio tablo and hold it toward her l hat uiu t he akd hu muunor hs1 ijccoino quito uiu tlintr patty looko1 oh uho or jihjduod caaually lhala a quolalloo from president lincoln i never heard tl ltfoir evcrlioly iu our claai haa to bring a 4uo4auonrom ijirjcolo to ichool toroar row i thought that tnont of them would pick out somo thing from lho jottyoburg addroaa you kuow and id try something different how hut how did hocouio lo writ tt- patoy waa plamly eo roliovod ob the chango in iist hruthere deiniuinor fa oho wna glad lo ox plain ho wrotu it to a atop- hrutlior of hia johuaton hia natno wm ho wan tod to borrow aomo money no ho could go oomo- wharo olae ho liatotl to work that u tlio trouhlo with him and mr lincoln know tu i aoe aaid otorgc he took up i lio letter and read it again tho giver of too ad loo it aoomod ua abraham lincoln not hit bttlo aisle- lutty and yot uoorge could not rid hiuuuilf uf thu idea that it fit tod him wliat could you do in miaaouri betur than huro t what iudood ho realirad uow that ha had no plan uuty an alulloea louging for a change will anybody tliero any luuiu uian bom do your wurk for you 1 no if them wad any diller- inio ho u 111 or u iun uf help lu tho towo wlieru ho had always lived whoio bo liad tuauy frisudii lu u of hia woaknodaee if you 1 uio l lo no tu work uioro la no hotter piano that right whore you old oolgue llpa uloeod with a snap fipjurii lug and cfawliug ulmut irom juco to place oi patty lot lho rooui oa 4toorgo stool ntar log at tbu shoot of iapar hut fau wajj uusliod egaii una time not with anger but wiu humlliauuu w he didnt moan it for tu but it qla mo uot tho ksuio if pui going to work tlieiu no better place llian rihb horv aud i am youig to work fui going riguft book to thu hardware aturu aud ask mr luuilla to give umt aoulhar ulianco ill tell hiui lvo luinoil mor a now loaf aud ite all imi uuiuul id abraham mncoln lstty hail lo tuako a now iopy uf hor quotation lo tsko to achool no it day fur teorgoaakod hur fur tlie hist one ho wanted lo uoap ihut inuauo fioni iucolu always bcfoie hiur till ho liad l alruug ijuough lo tcly on himself 1 nth get sou in rutui attauulu mary luul 1hi mhi to thu sloio to o 11 y paper sho hu a long umo mug a4d hur uiothur lo tu fcol bit unxiouo luiug to uu door aha niietl the lituo girl coining up uio utruot andoald mary haw you gut tho lly paper no uiouuir lriut mury itecotaief but tto iu ixitii coming togeuior j iojfetjusid tlwi thild from damagqthab wuruii isuw umj mil lor o watui powdoro mull lio uriiu hi- io f r luldreu thooa mwdoia m ill i lusr thu syaleln oiitlrvly oi worm- h itigulato and btuuulalu lho nrgaiui injuriously ullootoii by lho muruu and will ououiago i oalthfui oiatiou uf th dlolvu iuuvoimu an a v imiluu lb isiiiiul lo duipauiod in ell oill vouoaa

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