Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 11, 1917, p. 3

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wedding and birthday presents kujli 1h47 jilvirwaro latity cut tjlu- md i hum kmvc imluihi wdni kmi b1a1iiuau1 liclniuj itiejulod ibyjmds rnuimda ocioiuirnriut7 bltlkf local items a wruitilchrat op la unuually lihl ill llavu h ln job ie nlho 1 1 thu na ajilpk thi uouil in it r ur tiro now to make ijouuu oomfuflol li junius ij iudii it latailing new gaao law au ply tank tliajikuiitir ulior awelm uio at tendance at the ehurclmi uo qurulay mr bratik hyw now bnok lung lew 00 kiii avenue in ahou completed sotag four boys of military ajje llh already been to ouelph for modi cat axormn uou both the j t it and tho claetna roads wore pitroniuxl by urjo crowds over tho holiday urnry alrotcl of woodland is ouar pualiod with crlinaow and yolluw vivid in tho sunlitlit- ac ten ixiut laro contingent tu the georgetown anal itockwood fair last thur da j and t ridav tho upworth imjoo rally earvioo an tuesday evauing- wu uuiujualljr inlaroeuoo and ww largely attended thaaovere froat on hauliday hijjbtool down oil tocdorvogotatiou judco plants and flowwi wcr badly froat luuou tkoaalary of uiomtluiorrowouora wan increased to joo dating from january 1st 1d17 at lul inmiuii- tho tuwu council tin citixan who liavo loan cultitouoi potato patcltc during tit auminor nn i10w harvesting- the ctop wui very oauafoolery roan it two marc baa la in brant county were flood 81u0 and cusu each lab wuk for eell injf stock medicine wiuiout atlachieg war stamp hamilton churches of all denomination have doc idod that 11a unruqui with re freshment will bo lnjd wlulo tho war oou tiuuee parti oa mudiii llomi of new to ui fliek ritru1 will iloaao remooiber that acalod drop luluira require twu oatiu fur potaa- tho builder ore at woik i uc mc nioa iiow aunory 111 outiuoctioii with tho d m lfmi nsiidouoo tocouuy parcluutfd iowt u unusually ujiroo 011 tlril giving day m nt liuuiu worn thankful 01 or a ruaat of i too or a loin of njrlt of a full d lunar tho ooaorkuua nf haluii will moot at milton noit tuuiay llkl il to uoxnitiali a caudi into for uio llouio at common a clucuona tbars woru uvaity liappy liuma cxjininju fettluuikaiviiig and nuinlmm of our ou 0na wout out of town tu jutu tlia ltuao gather 1 ti j olauwliuio mtsi 1ulkinli into ijcuuliooto mini od tho clioir of utu llaptut clturcli at tlm sunday ouuinir mrico aad aatnf a aolo which waa appreciated tha pnio lut at maaaaawoya scttuul fair waa rocoked from tltw iitriit lupro wttluo 4 wo nru joiflc to pioaa it will appear uait wook itu bocii uuimiuao of tjio vuuuif tooploaoulld hnl i an oiijotln thatiki giving ovonl i lu 1 ml c liurth acliusil room ou tuesday oeuinj thoiaoinhflrauf uiomatliodiai wumaua ubalonary society wun uaata of tho 1 m by tonal woiuaii n hicioty uc thoir tltaok offering twrylcai ya ntly alerixxul thoohcn liboij an iho can dlfco coumurauvu of si 01 iiav i morgod iqlo oho in lupoudiuit daily aod wokly papurlh 1 iauaijiai olfkivat edwanl hhorwood uo aulo repair at uilton waa ttnod jix and uuu 0 00 la all liit woek ijucbuio ha caused motor to toako uunolouury uuim 00 ibo itrl iturumjreii that mima 0 our ilkjii portamail aud uulilduln al iu wiuujf with tho couuty lma warden on u jy by having ahol kaoso duiuiij tliu liu tji tho iuijhih ud tlu kuluji doucinu at luurvtut 11 li iir was an liuu diod kir cjut- boliur ihu lb tlnij bl race horaca wlnb aboipax hi iuulii luonoy at acton fair the oiroriora of ait bait blr will oaoat tu tha couoiil chauilxir ou monday fiitoniiwu owlkjr 15ui at 2 uvlock to pai all acuiu iti an 1 tha pill uioiiy aaanloi iho loounl lu f tho 1 t of tl i oxo 1 liy fry w u at the unuulu is 11 w luin um uu 1 bo dryiujj ayauitu h- l 1 t ihuwiiuxa aiid iuiprovod and uo id lofta liai obanlote uro ir illy t i 1 l mta w j licwo anl cllt bun kill laao tlna wool to jti 1 bur bul 1 1 mat ton luy tho family baa 1 h tlto diwiiuroua two t nuw oum ov u year ago which doaliiyud ihiii 1 luu n f bolouiriiiis- lumliltltitbicuu 1 flkot iirj who ucapjd fnu uiltuii jail ulr u uiur dortius altok up u ibi ior ra 11 koy uarly hi uiu limnuor liaa 1 uuu1 in buffalo and d porto1 to t- u by the auluuritaa- a lolur iron llaiuioia man llu waakaayamr j imi m luun i j bd hi ull liao i ulc plar coat iu vthlihll in bn hio 1 f f wkaowi ua dij ii llunu 1 ho toil uo uuj i a ln a lid a two oiik o i it a ivd o lruaito 1 w uu f iholr nual lhanlnjiittuitiit m day s moot thmn lr- i fcttuw laws an i il 1 lepoilwl woio luuitu by tlio county luia waolwo wiuli gi 0u oi ecaaou in ihulr pouseiiao ob news0flocaluip0irr junior io 0 k tea iho luuinr 4lirtl 1 w i hnllaumuo ilirla t lldtflr noon aij otrnioff 111 iial to pl lie the bank f n v l ti u r ibo ui poaaif aan fl i- f r it ull it 1 yam u 1 inalailal ft f a r 1 itr irp j iioaa dnui on fron irc itltol our luadi butt 1 i 1 i ttitfaj f tab k if j u lavo iiillui or pai i it jo ir nuu tl in ira- kki tl at ji or laliol tin lir wlaj per la uara7l wo ii mako it kjlt i 10111 lly road inipihjvnd n iitund lino muuuilulimjuitum ill ui ln itidn luum roadway on tht ml ium fdm dunarin iicli bill ouuwat i a fow days apont on una hcctinn with una at uu county ataain tollom now tyin i lit would rvntlor the liiipnivuinonti in ru licrmauiint tluinusijlvlnir sorvlctis on sunduy tliauruiuna tho variuua itutolna hail a luualy tlmtntajiviu aplrit laat uuntlay tiro ihiruiona pnlutotl out aiuplu ream in f 11- krulu4u to tliu tiur nf all fl o 1 thw part of thu pn plr t tliu abundant bar juit htunrod and uo plenty inanl social and personal ui mij mki tiuul arl roi to i vim wt la jrittf fruui mint ii rtlo hpt 1 llftltw llfl viud fmnbi t mr i ir4 v ultir u it 1 oro hoo itiuywhoifi titudj aybortauo tula ameer uiankitiviui wr furvoutly attn uathodial 1iunli uiare worn cu ortiua docoratioua of verutablua fruit jraln and llowua which ailde1 luloiuiti to the sroua at all uie aonricva chrlstmaa parcels for ig4th uon the ladioa f ue i i 1- apeat mun day oftaru mn at tha iatml hall in pre pari olj and parking cliriatmau jiarroln for the jo or 30 inoa of ui 104th battaltoo from acton who are bow nvorncaju 1ach parcel contain a npuntlid variety of uaoful and aoceptakle artirlari from lome kt it ks to chow in j h k rbncolalo thoae paroala will ba forwaneil in amp to mo to aaauro uair romipt by tlio acton ldlor ef the lcath by oinatuuut an enjoy ablo guild evonlnk kno oiurch ouil 1 bold aajilati bd oven ii jxxijrraiomu on tuaulay lu aiblitiun tit uie uaual prayur au i pralui irnini mun cal numlija warn tiiin by mauri hatrj hlocuy and alor hhand on ultar an i violin illanoa ray and ktalkar piino uiauea rabain and mnoluro and moaam janita smith and thorua mrflure in vocal quart ottaa a aolo i y mina iranio orr a piano aolo by mlvi may wl ljuit and readiaa by mutou ilaihy foutor ami mar garot wdion ebworth lcauo gaily night tha rally til lit proiainino of tho 1 p word 1 faiuu waa of a highly nitaraatixij and tiuccoaful character the four dt part tnouta of tlui ioaua lhrmtian kntleaor muni wiary social and ciutoimbip earb pre auntativd of thn woilt allotted tliojii tliu m ware each 1 f bijli mnnt ami javo fcaturou wliirh wore iunt mtumlin 1 110 juiro oifvtmuotl rruadmratonoflbin to hi wok p hicwl ly naui i and ted out ulu moat rmooii 111 bi ful nttu by a vnry rlo kaasiii tbu iliui nt unn declared tho wlnu rw nf flrat place primarily 1pcauao thoy lllu tratotl in rmcru antidotinito form uo uitacuvuuoia of tlwi work uioy ulidcrtaki tha latrintia decoralio t by the social com w u i too vera greatly ailnnrcd 1 h pro aouttitinu of tbo ki cntnllur olfino an 1 acuiiuoa by tliu iliwunhlp c mmittee wai aplojwbd p 1 ho ontonora of tho iiupcauvu loinuittcua aru cjrint- au vadeavar mr a 1 brown miutinn ary mim aiuriol hutry hocia miu llaio8lewartaudliutonabiplri vtncoiu it waa certainly riutlitablu to tbo inauu worker uiat of iho fco uiambara enndlo1 71 wtra pnumul aud took prb at thu rally tbo citicouatil ciiiirultioo waa promrit mra harry itunjuill uf jui waa in b wo 1 u 1 uaetiay mia war brown waa m town ft r h ulay ail mr nulllr hw 1 akn of turn ivo viatted acton fntndu mr jimjal retw waa in tow hatur lay mr martio i ueirt of woluiiid wan bamor uo bnlitlay mr iuurt o brown wa hetno from hmuilton for tho holiday mian mar kuniiudy of tonlnto waa homo for tho hob iay mia damn jh f lmt wa homo foe than ku miai idliau ul f toronto la viait 1104 ralauvon at moorecrofa mim llwardr haullunwaaa iruot nlho motl xliat larikinajo mia ii iuwua humphnoj of jualph inb lliankivuic in acton mia krod bwn and rhil lren of torou lo wura horu fur iliatikajrlvlup mr aad mra wm rxudloro d family wom b jalt for llmnljin mr brydcn wonl of lroou waa uoat ab maoreoruft on thankaiinj mr and mn w l ko tcr ufcuulph w with acton friend mr and mm 1 u liandoraon and son removed laat wook to uiair new homo in ualt mn william llobhio of kitohouor tod friudii in the ukl hoo durini tbo week mr aud mra it choato of braiaplou biwil uio holiday al tho home of mr liavul and mra clio b lbbaire and ohll- uf icitohonor wore bare ovor thank i mamurcby luut returned from a lottwo inontba vuib with friend in muplo loaf quortotto20th llio 1 pttoitb iaague brut eiiivaftid tko m to ior quarutlo of al for a frand annivataary incur t 11 uo uiaru ball on mun lay ovenu j uth iobu lliln ploudld ipilltlo uaotl no lutrixluctlun to aount p3 j lo a thin will 1m uiair fouui apcxr nun hero an entirely now prugrarunio wilt lo jin 11 uvnry miulr it tha iiuar totto in a noliiiuu the uoxiamma la vcraa tile aixl 1 etcrtainiiiir and nover cheap ennby r vulvar 1 1 01 r dialoctio aod bumuiuua nuinletii ate a 1 way a atrikiuu and fniipocuir harvoy suizoj liquor itikpactor ifinay hat in town on tho j inl ami jo ikaout u u lu tlim cami i f j huutiorkiii for tiavtua iniuur in tiau ut at tho h roa ufheo the aarno u iioldaiinnd by anyone aid bad boon aeiitl m d n hjaacahiiiu 1 f tha coart aince i ah suj l tlo majriatiato ctiniiacatod uie lui or iwimk otiu uuo of rum and twocaoea of whikty and baude1 l over to uie la bj hoto lo bo deall with a tbo minister may dirtujt milton champion jono tq now torlc stato i e i lullantine i h o aooom pluad ly mril nallantum laflon tueoday 1 ttuia uio duticn ol commandant and inatruptur at tho recently oatablbihed oilieer trajh hcheol in hamilton n v 1h tirl coorao la to ih of a yea inouuia duration and uia ol jeet la to pro- liar o ami qualify ofliceta for tlio american army it 1 oipaotod ui attendaoro at tha firnl oourso will he otor five bui iced horald n pleauaul two mors tbo michi ltv acid mra wm itivor uruipoiidiitf a wrok liieudt hviu mw vlmoo hpollt nf 1 pltiaant woek on i vuit with ohl homo town muuai i of blind wnok r in withuioir mn ida iu u mclool waa at bor bo lteler dutinc uio wook attending u wed dinj of bur autor mr aul urn w maaaloa and cluldroo and mr lrlu jarwn of toronto hvo been vihitiutf bore tin w mr al mu lh manhult of aouu viiuud friend in town durui tho waek end oorxetowii herald kova blair i ouuelpli will li- drcaa uo hnot cbuich youiif vooplo ouil i t it tuoaday ouintf mr john claaroy and miu olbe mor itju of forouui ajmint thu holiday at tho home of mr john koiiiely mot 111 holme- italy jcurk aid lurtbujliuwu ef ll 1 turnout uiacli luj utf wuiti boru v uh hob lay a lr kfukiiau n i mlai kiniiiui o l ur mitoi il or yiur mn hrol nick bu tl l3 vool at mr a 1 nklii mrj luubull of hoatuo wj ha j vi itinj btr laujr m llujli m iou ifiurtk hint duinj u mr an 1 mru h ro1 mad 1 t a ai 1 tw ilaulttors of itodvor sak nrrivul bc luil wook and may uialo a o uai iiioioojju your kamlnjr power lljott yt in iiukl at lea huhu tohowto onyrrio tlu ll it t aake1 i all noalutua at frr ir a i ull luj wiitio wiles tea rodmm wt arc sertiii i t and coif chw olale i o- mato soup ind m f 1- mtni i tiuch an sandwich pit and calu pot of i ca and koll loc h wiles futi all miu 1 ma crtiuu w lb uooaaful ap pliant for uo illi n of atkit in hope bidyteriaii chuitji lwunu oiuo four teen woalliln mr and mra jamoa will aul jau r i f calvary altu are npundlutf a wiak or h with mr david wlbamooa cbunb utrool ihoy uru uu route to uieir feruir hunjaulovirihlhj v v reap i his 1 whtr you will find the fimous itorsilino wolthiusen ind kinji lint of hats which for bt le and ju ill tv it tht price- laiow no equal w eirry the coinjilcte line i rbirs alpines nlso the new brush finish prices sr0 10 500 funnshir adi of dicriptinii tini 1- iho place whcrnoii will bud tho lar dii of tho u t itiubty and t tbnni itluiiihl pri s otirtinw iull love r e nelson mifirj outpi1 ricil ouoliiti ontario nassaqaweya tli u townnlilp loab 010 of be bleat ruidonbi on tuoaday when noil mqmlllao pajuwd away lo hi70lb y ar ilia 1 rouicr mr a 0 momulao bai alao loon norfoua ly 111 utfll v annlreriiry narvlcoa will bo hold 10 f uavidaf hutch caiipholiillc ue- hun day itov li ii pickup na ulxoronto will preach tho vilugo inn did a laud uflloo bualouaa on thanksgiving- day motoriu frum ail diroattoua dil ol tluno and ouiara ucro mirvod wiui rcfrcahuioiiln tho ull wall 01 c i tori on l u moro iutauno ou 1 uoaday whou murray craw fori a lorn 1 in woto oliaervotl hauling uio drtlllilif outlit of uin rreuton d i oan co to borders and il avor a farmu frrwaur a crxxl article ii wortliy a ricli strong dchcioua worth putting into a scaled frtoh und food a clicnp conunoii ten ia hardly worth tultui care of und ta usually oold in bulk red roaeiaalwaya p5j oold in uie nenlcd c pudfocc whidi kecpa sii it good z3 d we want now a ltcltnllt a to cell imhnuiu p ornamental i ice winter m ntlu mvo icrntory frcj hulttn county jrlcm irutl und dunoif iull und nod juy cxliii llltlttcqillpmllt cnlistror training koc buinri 111 one of ihawi stboola lonintd iull term from supu 4 tl irco cutab 111c rxplunnl wnto fir it w 1 suaw prcai dent yontioaudtlurrudbia guuo wore 1 uua a toil how h i 1114 weoff roto lluudiod ik jl for any mu i catflrib tha ouied ly hal a catarrh uio hall o ttanb curu baa ikj catarrh auifurers lor uie pa year anil liaa bujnio kuuwu rallabla tiuady for caurih hall cat arril curu at ta uiroujb tin llluutl u mucous auffa4ua oipolli out 1 uiuii ul luoi and healing tion afur juu have tak cure for ahi rt time yoi iiuliruvaiuunt 111 your uaral ujiltlj iit taking- hall catarrh curw at unco aud ku tld uf faurrb s in i fur tmuiuouiau i f j luknlvico loledo oh hold by ell irugjilslb 7oc ecessary farm ipimemt ore and moro tho ford car 13 looked ujon by protrrcaiiivu furuiers us nccej- wiry funn equipniubt tlio tuiinu oa tliu plow thu imyrako tho drill tho mower tho burrow udu othor labor und timoaavlng machinery a farmor with u ford car can diapenso wiui onu or two of hiu horded und multo tlio tnpa tq town railway utatioii creamery or to uio iiuih- bouxb in 0110- third tho tmiu in fact tliero iu no funn machino tnadu that will iiavo tlio buuy fanntr und hi i buuy wifo bo much vajuablo uniu uu u ford and it u bo eaay to tako care offar eatior than a homo no bed to mako or hay und oali to wot no harneajinij and un ban leasing and no utablou to ckun tho 1ord prucucally taked euro of iliolf aak any farmer who owna a fori if ho would over aiain try to tlt ulontf without il hu uiuwyr will haaten your decaiion to own ouo the universal car touring 495 coupolet runabout 475 sedan 1 o b fojid ont 695 890 coxe dealer acton ovuii 000 aonira of the choicdtnnrnrystimk includ v iu- nbw van ia lonlrollrd by im ii indsoiiio tip u dtu lcllin ciiulp racut ami a phrtidifl ciunidi in viown mkk to effor i crisp october ffjds i 1 he macdpiinld store i al attention 3 heady to meet the fall and winter net ds ofa host of guelph and out of town j folk either in personal apparel or household furnishing new merchandise ilowint aqd fine is here in generous tiuantitn s nd there is sound mtrm ae worth i in every article nltig with laturr day- of ttytiq bu 1 ath tin w wmior j tip niwim stvijl 3 1 kkkci s in rop coats in njlli fr miw rffnri e lo hurt prrpnrhh fr iauis mil unirv in cllvfk hi iuouuctions bu wri now for agency lofmj to pelham nursedy fco toronto n n catalogue uppucimt for n of nurtrry tick ontario oil rtfurt to or purchaser ti s women apparel of every de cription im n clothing btiys tos houie s furnishing all in comprehensive v lriety in re 10 meet your ever h ill and winter ej s requiremt nts 3 e id e macdoimalldl bros u- i guelphs leading and largest store wyiutham macdonncll and cardcn streets guklph ont 60 left me help youn coy the u lj canada foils j tn october wo must curtail many of our acttvititss ur alltholt ktan1h clmiimiiii uicvuiivo couiiintlec ujuuih ul ckj it now costs 30000000 a week to curry on the work of the british red cross or 1600000000 a year every mmute of the day and night it costs 30 to minister to the sick and wounded und dying last year ontarios magnificent contribution paid for the eniirc work of the british red cross for nearly six weeks i this year in view of the greater need it is earnestly and confidently hoped tliat ontarios contributions will be as great proportionately as the magnificent offering of last year our trust is tliat the citizens of ontario will give generously tp this noble cause on our day october l8th a few fact about brit rjd iu glilcat uuitain jjj0iwo rpnc tin eijuittmrnt of klur r hoptul f50 beda aud crust work s7 000 hospital lied found ui the the untbdi lied uuu skicty is the united kjutil in only uislilutiiil whnli i ulrica voluntary lln uilulteuuinc ui i u tho fkl and wounded of the otxmkj 1 tlu btovldcd with 5i0wi spcui ii bulduik anr eiuii- lirltuli tones ou in lid and k iu every nuiuiuii lali pnu ndlry hed crnj3 huaujtal tcifihuj of the wax iti work is liicirfoie tbo coin cm of all claaaca f urltuh aubjr l whether bvuij iu tlic brltuih laics in the ihiiuiuuui and i ikhi beds stij5 ikk ijpcut in iiuititeiiuice xmt irani d niula vvirliiu ax hum jni abi al 517s 101 tr orthopaedrt curative colon its bcyuu 1 the ucau or ui foreign 7 mx v a 1 i lulpu in faimy vvorkahopa und i latiiliil i outltiica hspiula ilhsoob lur 1 aia inpaiy ilotpltaltf j v t 1 oruoiiiicutiuu of uosouice cuuututtoo pttrhmiiciit ituddiiiojo toronto j

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