y vollmj xuiino ui knry uubacili ii i acton ontauio tiiuk8day morning noviflmuifllt ui 1917 ontwcr iiit ion trice si co i c sinoiig oopibb livii oisnt8 uux tain aotom ot txxuf or flussuairnoif suo pox voor wloily in t4imt xoo to aubacrllwra in u ueltad h tale all lulacrtpuona duoontlnuad wd en tha timo lor wblcb iiity b4 boon paid w4axplrfrl tlio late lo wtilrli otarv aulcclp tlou la paid u dauotad on u o aanreas label anveanaiita iutw tranalenl ajirtirtu- msula 10 oent par hciioroll una for lint inaarllon an i a mum per line for oscb iabw- qasut inaarllon oouirael displsr i msau lor to pr i nolle roar par aj eanupsr luobooob luuru n yoarlj forraaiina matter 83 eouu per ineli nuuiloiu adtortuwobiita without apoclno dlrselloaa 111 dm inaarted till rorl 1 1 and charged 40orcl- n to plj adtortlmiaoau will bo aliansed onoo saab mouth h desired vor ciucim olunw than aoovo mtquoiud tha nut eomboaltloo moil b paid ror el rteular rates auaeoounlseoiue tod monthly hf alooiuj sailor and prnprlatoi savage co liotntillsliod ki40 jlvvellot guelph finatneu flirrrtrrrp ijihos gray m d c m mcgiul i u o i enixsoaatt masm jijurua alarcuai assocutiox etc omoo- frederick blreoi oal da j a ucsrvei 1 hyalclau and fiarroon orricsasn ilumiuici cnr till i and john ia loraei boms of uu lato w u titorav vetuxaily jouhjawfiol vltllunatty i101u1l0n aetan onurlo arodoato of ontario veterinary coueco 1mu offldbaxuitita mock boauooo aim j ueiia day or olcht promptly fti to the old and reliable watchmakers and jewellers general savage d co cuelpli ont mill supplies pmldcr hardware afjcnt fot yale and peter boro lock co louden machinery sup- plie i dairy supplier the bond hardware co llmltod tltoao 1018 qoelph c t speight -ior- uptodate goods silverware in tableware fine variety auo fine cutlery hardware tinware and gramteware in variety pandora stoves and ranges famous heaters small stoves oil stoves evuny airnouo is oir excep tional value zjcqjuu j mackinnon luuisra flor ocvtxxabooa oltjcn mill oulm la fesrvman bloc rrttr tioliutar ba4 houry pnblio awrral u- j m bill 0 d b l d i mr dxitut aoron laoatjotu uclm kt uaajjsam iootnar mill tol frederic unu homo uawmn o tooto dxiruun tb iaiam fcjiactihaud tuod u tlir d ii 1 u cljsnltt dentist caltb biocs uiokojitows mlscximajfxqtw f itanolb nunan jookiuudbu aoaoant hooka or tul kind toxd lo onui irlodlomiaofararydeawlbuoaomcjallyboanfl uallrjrnanlraiidproinplltdoc m ajiillaae iii012nslb u uoouu ijuoo mu nil 1 1 i wiijuliinl xvoad a ramidm in tha vaain r j kuuu i aocrumikav 7or tbv ooonuoa or wallldglon iiajioapoi a4 dmlorln and taoelir of aonlpu ula oondaolod lm ttumiiua ajui dtxm ramaooabla tsrnia ordsn bt utier to orion t o or olodoo telptiooa to naadoooa la oonooatloo wtiij lbs bl wlin vtupaunu u lo dala aoii adtax uaioa on bo muk ordora left a1 vmx 1 um odoa aoumi will reoolva lmiuilui ttootloo tlpoobu utanuon to oajwi in aomo mid tlcislty vajud to bbu aa iiaxx d alex niven surveys sutxhviblaua pljms ro- portn dcicrtiuioiis hlucpfiots ot- certifldtitus for purchasers uml morv oragocs burvoyi for archlbscttt bull toro and muniiiiial couucllj drain ago reiorta etttiiimtoti ate molcan bldcl dougloo sl aueolph fbon 100 ont coott uinu1cu queboohl uauit quojpli ont iuuim ujtuu tjlaa utlorod ll ulil itouw aad outar itoojia all wohk puoultlv uxuuutqu the old and rollablo granite and marblo dealers w iffcolurttra ajid llrj huikirlara or ajl all daof uuauuionlkl aud ii duuia work wa anil direct lo luroualaiuora aitiula prloa u ua avli g ur o alouiara to par wit w iiav 11 o i oat al mlauoaa ajtd tba ml j ul not ulna lu lliu ih u luluu nl o caji upsr- lulmiinituo ibxlla iupnrlr wa ou nla ralarrhow frul i t i tu o um iiuitoiutii i toruutoa il liior i looa wbaia olltaia liaa ao huul law aulln lu otslar t iimi w ba ui iuimi hid boat atoak of irjmiu lu ulo lknnliu u i r ui tf it a i m lira iratota 111 lb waal wi lot lllmato loajoia ud aiu lilov u i a i i h 1 jul i jiu g t lal aua ioauaraby aoixtluk eiul tg ini i k4ru la a llrllli g ut eujtj ijr jii odiajilra uuly uj ilolr oaiv4ttluu hamilton it sons op norfolk ajid woolwlob batiohull c c speight mill sired aclon bell pianos the main essentials in a piano are tonal quality high- clabs workmanship and dur ability these arc comprised in bell pianos as a result of patented im provements unique in piano manufacture sold only by c w kelly fgj son 33 lower wyndham st guelph ont dr ll plant opto iwttua t oph d toronto bo do 1 omnia 1909 qeprgetown ontario will bo in acton at mr a t browns jjruk fatoro on friday of each wek for tho examination testing and presscribing o glosses hours prom 3 30 to 630 p m oargatiis in second hand heaters cook stoves and furniture full line of clothing and dry goods groceries and provisions lstarkman drandtrunkswke double track route birr we en montreal toronto dhtroil and chicago unixctllcd dining car olr- vjco bleeping c iri on night tranu and parlor cari on principal day trains 1 ull lufoiuiatfoa fioui uny trond trunk liokor acut or c v hurimik diitnct lluueur ajjotit ioronto out ti s hosnes agent acton phono no i if you iiuvo any tucita ut your homo arc t t o town lot u vial or kuow of any iuuiuuni lut ua jiir from you wo always ui rhlwto buvh fuvwn imunto 11 look at yourself wlmt ioi your mirror tell you if tho lipht hurts your eyes if you have loujuibt when looking- at fine print it you are blinking aad irown ib r rubbinj your oyta you nhonld uavo us fit you with plasca uiat will open your lyes to lko futility of of going without them wabnindoun own lenses thi doys i100u 11 ijoiiim moray uowmaji tito aunajiiuo wm apauanog over ibo loci in a frolic of gokloo rajn a111 u10 httlo trocn uatis aura wbuior lutf and ltppii outauto ua peuto tlioroworo lliair collcfja baaooraaad booka fend hang op tho jit rf wall sir jaiabad nliinlng aod tall waitluj tboro for lita viaioo lu uio dream qlled ilaja of yoro hut now tiiaj tiao aoaa a viaion and bball thay coma back 00 mora tbratmb uio open alaor i board tiie atop of lb brafo liuia brown oyod tnottier and tbouj ti alio amilad 00 lba throabol jn bar ojos tlia bjrr loarn gloatnad 1 vo liooti buth a happj woman i won alwaya droamod that liula kraodcblklran might coma aoms and jot oat tho old loya aad romp avod play joat aa thoy uaod to bab now you know thorn is a greater than uiat somatinioa otw almost grown afraid to dream i fred wnlea yoa taught oa to follow lhogloam with cay old jalahd tboro 00 oar wall cboor op motbor thit llfagjiotall think ol it rod or jokor writing that wall wo muai go jown to lunch doar tboro a tbobeu- aaul bo wo ajicstly cloood tho door and loft tbo room aa is waa hefora with tba aua over tho floor la a frolia of oldoa rain and tbo litilo greon loaveai awhuperiog and tapping outaido tbo paoo hot now whoa w6 talk of tho war i aoa above tbo horn bio death filled gloom that nsm boforo ma tho boys old roam a laion wboao beauty ahall nover pale a lnrnplo that atill goard tha holy grail icli uibaddoadhnmaianaddc ma the battle waged on the 5 am vauey belle ss hd oscar iewis sq nnooocpnnnni business life sacricco for ovoto tho timo aod money it may require you to dovoto the but what better gift tlum aprac tlcol buaiocui education can you ask for right now ta tho time to dtart on a opeciilc course at tho guelph business college n quiofh omtajlto a n a d winter terra starts january jrd n g 1918 get porticuiani for thosa g p enroling now with a copy of thu a ml m m a a l doucu frop prlaclpal aaanqnanonnn yonta aaul cbaitea lltraala towohto olitkrio m lalaty kuui aaaaj o nil kialtlooa aatrom to luua moaib aod olbera op to 30 ani um it it o cat aapoirtor uala wiil for oatalosua lalar any llnnx vi j fcytlott peln r wool goods ladles caps and scarfs wool sots 111 plum ami alley itaitonij and liudej 300 ui 1 50 wto k 11 siitta in all tdiadca ealh ijllso u soo wot i totiucs luull ahiulcs wool muu ilum ojmdcsi- mens wmtr coata tho fod kind all 1 ad 400 u luoo mcim w00u011 scurlaapcci iil it 50 pure wool mens woollen clowes in rityj i utk ton und giccos s0 toft50 no itcttcr vjliulj in tho trade thu 1 uo uro ilicjwiiit to uu wot i otnla r e nelson men tj outplttutl uuoluli oulamo jx lm03t tram tbo moment tho fire yxv dikxiverod it bad been otidaot that tba valley bella could not bo aaved tho lamea which aomobow bad atartod lo a ahipment of baled bay ntowod 00 tbo dock ajnidnhipa galnad headway atoadily fanned by tba biq broezo that waa bio i rig down tba bay and finally after a bopeloaa ten minute battlo on tha part of all banda to atar ita progreaa captain kimball turood and nb m aharp order to tbo youth at tbo wheel and tbo next mo the little mtot boat waa swung about and beaded toward the beach tbo valley belle a lightdraft ftrhoo rigged bailing vessel with auxiliary gaae- bno anginee plied tha length of mendocino ititer making regabju- trips botwean tbo head of oavigauan at 0 ran to city and alanaefuld tbo daep water ahipping point down uio bay on bor ttipo op fmm manaenald tbo valley bella did a general freight buaineaa carrying a miacallanooua cargo of merchandise to bo distributed at the yanotta towna along tho river clo monk kingston tbo yaung freight clerk on tbo vajtoy bjia aomatimoa laughingly remarked that tbo ahip manifoab on tbeea uptnpa tfon e uy read lko a aomi annual stock intentnry of a jtmk ahop tbo separ ate 1 tenia of which rajghu range all tba way from uvo jiarrota to farm tractora on tbo rotorn trip down tba river to tho hay however the cargo waa alwaya much leas divoroo for she bold a contract with tho od rofluery at iran to city and tha major portion of bor cargo generally con aiatod either caao oil or of bpnr or gaso line in caaka on tba present trip the entire forward portion of bor cargo span waa filled with hundred gallon metal containing bonxine twenty milea down tho river from grant a city they luul atop- pod and taken aboard tbo shipment of ba od bay stowinc oa ik deck nudahipa ilanoo hvto that umo evening when they stopped at bakers landing in reaponao to a signal and discovered that an emergonay ahipment of vniliou from tba empirajulver mines bank in tbo hills awaited them they bad found it aooosamry to stack this valu abb addition to their cargo in tbo only remaining vacant spot on tbo deck which waa near tho stem of tbo boat and lust ait of tbo companionway loading down to tba buginoroom and when shortly befaro tbro oclock tbo following afternoon tbo ore waa dis covered aboard tbo valley bella this silver abipmaab immediately becaiuo tha conooru of cdptaiu kimball and bis crpw at noon that day they bad croosed tbo river bar and imuaed out upon tbo bay and they woro leas than an hoars run dlstaub from manaafiold when the captain nm to tbo reluctant conclusion that th voaaol must bo beaciod tho atobbomly viobaot progrxaa of tho tire and tho lack of ada- quato means to cuinbal it lait liin uo alternative save to turu aboub and run at top speed ur tbo nearest abora iu roapouaa to lho captain s onlors tho vauey belie was awuug about at ooco and with tba amok from bor buruiui rarro anndahlpa trading aibor bar lu a wbits cloud nlo raoad ab top npded acrooa toward und ble was approximately half a tniio oflahoraattbe time and aa it bappaned directly opposite an eopocially roiuih and orhiddiog bit of abora liuo clouioui at tho wboel and tho captaiu who stood bo- sido bitu anxiously aoarchod tbo rocky una of tbo cllfl ahead or mhuo slgu af a tteach pon which to run aground they diaoov arod such a sofc poaontly a narrow auateb o sand occupyior lrok ia tbo ragged walls of the chov and clamant at duo altered jmt oourso until aka waa bead log directly eowanl tho spot- tha athor mamhera uf tho crow who uuul this timo bad continue thoir dee par at offurta to iutivout tbo or from spread ing uow ahandonod tbo attempt aa bojie loaaaod retreated lo uo oitreuio aloru of uio vsoenl tbo biuieo fanned fanoualy by uio wind had uouu to spread to the oilaoekod iilanka of tbo dock aud uioy wore now jiruaehiiig periloualy uoar tbs first lino of tha atackod bouuuo caaka highly ozplomvo catvo broutht 1 non aboard um rraft to a an lion solie real 1 rati on of uiesr dangor thoy lofan to rneanuro uio dutanco from shorn with increasing anxiety oacli acuuly conscious of tbo 309 008 frayoun ef lieniino ab uo forward ond of uio voasel and of uio fire thab was creeepii g steadily toward il tho burning vetviel a projrrusa toward ahoro however waji rapid and an tlio lino of clifla each moment drew lono uiovi on board hocams incmaalokly hopeful uiat thoy would reach land and havo time to acramblo uploaafeby lieforo tbo explosion- actually ocourred and utso at a momsnt wbon they liaij cafnnd a point scarcely two hundred yards from aboro and just aa tha for aafoty ooetned fairly won there uio sodden mufllod bound of a craali and at uia aaroo moment th bow or uio craft uluxl hrply upward tliero ollow ed a heavier splintering sound forward as the craft grated to a stop tho next moment sho uttlod back listed slowly to atarboard and lay still evcryono on board realized ab dnco pro- ctsoly what had happened making at top spaed tkrooffh uio ua charted and ua familiar water clasp innbora tho vallsy bella had run full ult upon a reef tho top of which must havo been lean than a yard from uio surface from tbo force of tha impact it was clear uiab a hols of ronaid arable si to mnsb have been torn in uio tiot- tora of tbo von and there was a momeob of suspense aa the morn lie m of uio crow waited for nocno forthor movo for tboy rea that if sho worn to elido off uia reel and into doop water aho woeld dink almost abonce tbo craft apparently was lodged firmly on the rock however and wbjt in ao immediate danger of ahifung bar pool uon it was a moment or more before thee on board tho valley bello casno to real ire um poaiuon they were in thoy wore still an eighth of a mils from shore and with no moana of covering the distance for their mngln small boat which jung on ita davits amidships and on uio port aido of uio voaaol waa already a mass of fiatnea tho are it self meantime had boon gaining headway steadily and thoy were aware uiat by now it must hava advanced very near to um caaka stored on uio dock luckily uio voa sel bad swung about open striking uio reef so thab the breeze no longer swept tbo firo directly forward toward uio explosive hold but instead blow the amnio and tongues flame out over the water at tha port aid true union in the family there i no sadder sight uian i family t j row ing boyn aod rirui or grown up you j- uon an i women accoptu g coolly an 1 rarelfnnly oiory fuim of sacrlllco and avor from i itinir ninlo 19 imroiiui wl o oxo wenniig op their lurut in tbsir aorvioo and reaping only iugtatitudo and iutlinareiioo in rotufn xjbt ovory parent guard sainnt nuch a ntao of thlors hy um far more real kindneos of training tio children from urnt to last to nharo witli thnm iu tho respomubiliuos tbo labors tho saciflcos tlio ocouo tnlea as wall as in uio pleas urea and comforts of tha household only in uiia way can a family bo truly united and filial nympatby and rotitudo bo uiomughly develop ed beyond bo was conacioua of a deep foaling of relief almost ab oaoo bowover his senw of satisfactioa waa changod to ono of ahum as lio discovarod uio progress tlio ore had mado ooqlanooat uio line of boniino caaka and at uio flames which wore then beginning to cur about them wamod him of tbo acuteness of tho situation and of uio tba tha craft captain kimball by now bad ji- hope of saving tho stiver shipment for bo knew uiat when uio explosion came tbo veaael would break apart and sink in um doop water surrounding uio roof from which uio silver could bo salvaged if at all only by means of tiivera tbo ehiof concern of alt on beard now however was to doviso an immediate means ef abandon iog uio ship and roaohing shore thar no alternative aavo to make an attempt to swim the distance for to remain much longer aboard tha burning vooool waa clearly a more dangerous course than taking to uio water on tbo mosuonb tboy reached thla docuion howovor cla mant who had paused for a final glance op and down uio bay drew tho attenuon of uio others with a sudden aharp cry following uio direction of his extended band tboy discerned a launch making at top speed down tba bay towanl them and ncoreiy half a mila distant tho epproach of um launch heretofore bad boon oonooal ed hy uio clouds of smoke uiat rollod out over tha water in uiat dfrecuon tha out break or tho fire aboard tbo valloy bello they now rea moat havo boon obsorr ed from manaefleld and this rescue craft apparently had put oub from uiat point aa soon aa uieir jilight waa known tbo launch was approaching rapidly and uioao aboard the burning veeael were coaacious of a dodp feetlng of relief m tho know led jre that t raaoue waa now only a matter of a few momenta c watching um apiirooeh of um launch waa struck by a sudden thought which caused him to flanoe quickly at um captain and from uio tboughtfal troublod expreaaion on um ouiera face ho waa aware that tb same idea had occurred to him dement made his waa to um captain side do you think wed havo tiro to trans for uio silver aboard um launch captain t ho asked raising bis voice to mako himself heard abov um continuous sound of tho fire tbo captain turned about slowly his fan expressing his perplexity and lndsci sioo i don t know whauier to attempt it nr not he confessed to expected of course to use orary effnr to savo my cargo and i am anxious to do so still with that bonxino 00 board i hate to bold anyone hare longer than is absolutely nocosbary tba ore up forward is probably at tbo very odo of uio casks by uiia umo besides 1 m afrabx that ouinu of uiam uiey havo boon broken opon wheu wo wont atrruuod snd uiat would mako matters a hundred umos more dangerous bub if i know just bow far the flro ha advauoed up forward 1 d take uio risk if wo wore only auro uf just uvo mluulos of leeway wo oould oaae tbo whulo shipment i but well i vo uo moana uf knowing where um flro ia uow aud uo broko off hopeless ly still struggtiuk with lita problem clorooub was oiloul for a moumnt gating ahead at um flawing dock uf um vosool thou butliiouly bo turueil about toward th citain wlut atpick air uf datercuinaliuu i think i oould uudto my way forward he said quickly and und out if ib will bo aafg to stay long enough lo mako thq traua tor i uuht bo alio to boat tbo ire lnk for a few ininutou biugur until you gob it eu loaded and wiuibul a walling a jy uouioub st 01100 luode ready ur hla daoli past lh ore to tbo bos of uio craft tho wind fortuuatoly still cuiilinuod blowing tho fl snips fur the inoet kart over uio port sitlo and clonient pauaii g only louj enough to pnmesw hiuumlf of two empty graiu sacks from the lituo scorouuuao on ui dock and to pluiig uioni luto um uoorby water bar tel started forward ai a run ulbawii close aluu uio etlfo of tbo dock and to the windward of uio lire tbo du tan 00 was lmrdly twenty out jot aa clomeob rrouchin low and wiui drippiui sacks tjotl up about bio iioad and abouldors for jirutnctiuu sgsinat uio lu tense heal plunged forward the paasagw see mod a groat ileal lo ior than that and when gaspinj sjid wlui his ejse smaruug froui nocoasity for immediate action for a tenso aocond bo ntood roparding tho flames as thoy leaped up before the caaka it ap peared impossible that any effort of his could delay the explosion that aoomed impending a quirk glance backward told him uiat tbo launch waa just drawing up alongside uio stern of tbo valley belle and he knew uiat for tie next five minutes all band would bo ab work transfsmng um shipment of silver lie know also that if no efforts woro- mad to stay tho of um fire tho ox plosion would sorely occur before uio task oould tie 00m thus con fronted by uio fact that not only hla own safety buo that of everyone aboard depended upon hie success to boat ing back tho ire clemen toot to work grim ly determined to do his boat in loading tbo cargo a four foot passageway kail bean left extending aihwartahlp aod separat ing um now solidly burning mass of hay from um caaka of benxino ib waa hero uiat tho battlo must bo fought or bis took clement real i red waa to prevent uio dunes from en urol y craning this passage way althongli the wind carried uio fbunao off um port sido and for uio moot part prevent ed thorn from jompinp across uio spec yot uia fire in many places bad already reached tho very sido of tho casks bo real lied at one that nob a aocond musb bo loab in extinguishing these advanced flames and ba accordingly pulled bis hat close down over bis eyas to ward off tbo boat and made a quick dash down uis narrow smoke- filled poassfoway aa ho advanced bo kept close to uio stacked casks and as far from uia flro aa possible yob tba beat from um dry closely packed mass of hay which now was burning solidly was so great uiat it required bis uttnoab strength to fore himself to continue at places um flam burning thoir way across um passage had reached uio casks and at each of these uio youth dqnpit tho heab and the sparks and smoke thabswulod about him paused and tho dripping sacks iu his bands roso and dooendod steadily until um flames were beaten out th task proved far mora difficult than h imagined it would ho ttioysjuyjbfiun jmjotu carrying oil for years and uio planks of bor deck iu consequence wore saturated with ib upon this and upon th pitch qlled soanu between tbo flames fed with sur prising stnbuanwesa because of this abunslanoo of oil bo did nob dare us uio ire buckets which lho crew hadabandonod nearby for ho know that tbro wing water on it in ail probability would merely spread tbo lire for soma momenta um battlo conunuod haroely clement remaiaing grimly at bis post until um outpoab flame at each dan ger point had boon stamped out and when uiia waa accomplished ho returned gasjiing and exhausted to uio end of the passage and loaned ut over uio elds eagerly breathing in tlio cool air uiat uow across to him hub when ho turned about only a few aooonda later ho discovered uiat the flro had eaten it way across to uio casks iu fully a lialf doton diuoreut nrxit ho rooiiuxl at dce uiab ho would bo ahlo to koop up the fight only for a eh irt tim luugor ovou now as ho regained the flames be oxpogtod saoueooeud to boar um sound of um explosion a quick g lao 00 toward um stern told him that uio prooso of trausfomug tho silver had nob yot beau completed furou uio fujr of smoko uiat swirled botsroou ho could aoo uio ouuiuo of ui launch stilt tylug alougsldo and ho caught tloouutf tfhiupaos of a half down ujrure working at a duejiorato apaed at loejb throo minutes be knew had passed siuoo lb launch had owui g alougnid j at tjiab rato it would re quir another two inmnue for uio trauoao tiuo to bo cumploled and um launch aad aod crew to put otf rem um burning voa sab two minuto 1 that amount of umo ooouiod hko an g to lament as bo turood onoo mure upon uio ilamo tilled poasogo- wy he realixod bow diltlcult lb woul 1 to hold uio uuuoa back for that luuath of uuia it seamed alijoab liko a useles waato of energy to make um attempt ho was already near uxbaucibu from lu previous aorta why uot admit dafeab t jjo cuul i aavo himself by divlug overboard uow though u be waitod a few soountbj longer parka p bub jomout e 400 at that moment fell upon ui stocked row of btiuxius casks over which um tlaiuoo wore uow begluuig to riso ouituoualy jlis eyes trawallod for ward toward um bow re tho uier row of oaaas bblud tbo tlrst stacked three doop upon tho dock h they wore to ox llodo no on eu board ho knew was liko ly to survive um violoooo of uio detonation on ui inataub ho real 1 ted uiis fjet ueui epiwoeeb ofttworo to tbxfftaoaond unokt ho raaohod tho 000 1 sir ant dotermlnod to mak a lu dbsperat u1 attempt to delay tho advance of tho flame tlio events of uio tenso motnaflto thab followed i ru pressed themselves only in a blurred and indistinct fashion upon clem onts mind ho waa conscious of on oi- pressivo euflocaung sonao of heab of qtrangaly stubborn and pcrautanb flames uiat sprang up and ware stamped oub only to spring up again he grow weak and dizxy from uio heab and from his own con unuous exertions a doxon umos he felt that at last bo bad ovor stepped uis limits of his strongui and musb glvo up bub each umo thouiought of uio boniino tanks at his shoulders and uio crow laboring ab top stern of uio vessel came to his mind and ho farced himself to con tin no tho bstue and than at lust abovo tho crackling of the fire a sharp sound intruded itself upon hla clouding consciousness lor a few seconds uio sou nd puxxled him and ha tried nnavailinjly to identify it the next moment ho know it wav uio whuo of th launch which at last had completed its loading aud bad swung clear of th burning ship w1u1 stapii wnak and halung clom at made bis way tsck to tho end of the passage and hoexpndod uio lut atom of loongtb on bo uiraw himself over tho sido ho was conscious only ef a restless sans eliun of coolness ai ho stru tho water and ho know no rouro unul uio launch which had rescued him was warping up bosido tho landing float at mansouold half an hour utcr yot as ho was helped up 1 uio dock clnmant smiled for though taring from minor burns about um hands and face aud inexpressibly tired and weary bo was nevertheless conscious of th friendly grateful liandclaspa bo bad juab exchanged with hm follow survivors of tho valley boll which fact flllod him with conteotmout young veoploa weekly twenty yeaes ago from tho issuo of tbv froo pross of thursday nov 26th 1807 a few days this week bore a remarkable rooom bianco to indian summer tho flno woathor has enabled tbo farmers to finish harvesuog thair turnip crop thankaglving day all good citixena will mako an effort to observe it thanksgiving evening in knox church jonight social too to bo followed by a lecture delivered by kv mr rao cm groat britain her elements of power and permsnsuc tbo church choir will pply uio mud leal part of um program mo a friendly exchange of pulpits was made on suu lay evening batwoen uio pastors of tho method int aod presbyterian churc mr day uio of stratford took hj plaoo last w s lq mr jamaajjn ion nan as enginoar at tbo 0 t k pump ing house bare george to wo has found uio five per onl discount to prompt paying tax payer a success this year snow storms and lowers eunahino and showers havo all boon on dock this week ac loo holler mill shipped aoothor car of uioir popular flour todbwrow tblswook an luvitation is ox toad od to all doubters and eciontisls to attend tho pisclplo church next sunday morning when uio pastor will reach on uio origin of man j or uio ioctrino of ivolutiun mumcy snyiieu denmy at uio rosidonco of th hndo a mother calodou by itov a laugford on nov lotb ivavid w buy der of 1riii to mum harsh 1 iwouy number on e lla is a number on boy said grand mother proudly v ujeat boy for hi hooka indued bo would rauiur road thou play and thab is buy lug a yotxi deal or a boy 0 ton it is oertaiuly returned uuole john 1 but what a pity it is that tw is blind i blind t exclaimed rraudmouior aud tho nujubor quo boy luokod up too iu vos 1 hud aud a httlo doof also i ear answered uuulo johi why jolui wliab ul tlial into your head r asked nxudmouiar looking jier ploxod why tho number ono boy himself sold ui clo john ho has boon ooou y lug tho ous easy cliair in tho room all oro- otiti uoor sewiug you uur his mother ban sho caino lu 01 a few luuiuoola rest ihon whan your laaaua wure mlshvid aud you bad to climb upstairs for them ho uinr saw nor hoard anyuiiug thab was gum ou oli bo is so i uoy reouiuii spoiotxod rauduiutbor that is uot a vary food oxuuso moth r replied uutlo john aimllug if number ono is not blind nor deaf bo must ho not nah indcad to oooupy tbo boot ooat lu uio rouai aud lob oldur people run up aod down stauii wjiilo ho takaa hla aoaa notiotly askod mu to h u u bc iar tti run oil crrau is said nuuijtor ono that sliould bob buvo beau uooosary urged undo john what ana a boy s oyouaud oars for if nub to kosp bun post od ou what u ulug u around him t 1 am glad to boo you fund uf tiooks bub if a iretty story make you orgnt alt udns oxoopb amu dug numlwr ono uo had batter run out ani 11 lay with ubhar uiys and lob grauduiutuox anjy lho cumfott othtrnwk nr to quiet bnitainis0ns cl of our fat here at who c call we now before thy lot tool fall win c irjic halb nuule our i rapiro otroiin ttiraitli lovo of rij lit and lute of wrong in this dark hour wc plead with thcc i or britain u cauc on laiul and sea not for the luat ofwsr we fijlit but fur lho mmnpli of iherifjit i ho strife wc hate 11 on us thrust our anixj are pure our cjuc is just so olron in faith wo plmd wllll tbce i or britain c da uio on land and tea aalccp bencatti tliinc ample domo wilhinany a lender dream of home or chart ic in t t an rare with war bolts curling ihrnurh the air in tbia dark hour wc plead with tliec for britain a sons on land andaca if wounded in the dreadful fray be thou their comfort and their stay if dyinc may they in their pain behold the lamb for sinncra slain in this dark hour wc plead with thco i ax britain 0 sons on land and sea and soon o blcsxcd prince of peace bring in the days when war shall cease and men and brothers ahall unite to fill the world with lovo and light meanwhile o lord wc plead with thee for britains cause on land bud tea what ph0hibiti0n does to um editor in vlow of facta like tho following attested by the governors of tba various states it is difficult to understand why any ono oould doubt the immense vol ao of a prohibitory law even fairly well enforced gov ilatuold of west virginia says 1 rentals and other necessary items of oxpouao aro being paid prompuy by hun dreds of men who formerly drank and gambled away their earnings while wirea and children wont hungry qot brewer of mississippi says th effect of tho law has been to reduce crimo and to cans money which formerly went for whiskey to bo spent in tbo purchase of necessities and some ef uio lajturiea gov crnce of oklahoma says tha prohibition has reduced enm and given better clothing and more wholesome food to thousands of women and children of the state from every standpoint it pays gov craig of north carolina says t prohibition has boon orimmanao banefib to north carolina beal eatatohasgreauy increased in valuo and every lino of bnai noss haji prospered gov haines of maine bays thar has noxcr bean a um sine 1058 when there liaa bean any doubt uiat tho pooplo war in favor of what is popularly known ss tho maine ia gov carlson of colorado says two thousand and fifty savings accounts were opened in tho denver sa vines bank in january 1010 denver jobbers and wbolo- salera show amazing gains in bale to mer chant in smaller towns and cities gov capper of kansas says prohi bition has been one of the greatest bless ings ever bestowed on this stat our pooplo havo lived under prohibition for years and would nob think for ono moment of going back to tbo saloon gov ryo of tennessee says 3b has abolished tho moat degrading of ociel centres and loafing places and is giving children a chanc to b bettor bred botaat bom and better learned gov hanna of north dakota says after twenty fivoyonrs trial prohibiuoo is hero to stay for ail time ib has boon uch a snoces thab i am aatisuod that j uio pooplo were to veto on lb today revooty fivo par cent of tbm would b hs vnr of prohlbiuou it might b added thab reports of tho result of prohibitory law la canada are satisfactory boy ond all expectation h arnott m a m a p a social bartgit board a new pbivlleae finance minister announces that all victory bondfl may bo boglstepod th following annoancomanb ha ben mado from ottawa tbo finance minister of n ixtm issued a now instruct n in connecuaa witb uio victory bonds which will bo of cnucb benefit and importance to many i investor h has docidorl to grant tho prmloge of tb registration of all bond that 1 to say thab bonds of ail denominations incloatog the too band may h regis tared as to principal and a to lirincipal aod interest in previous loans tbo privilege of regis tration was tmoonsarily ooaflasd to bonds of tho larger denomination such as 1000 bond or mure baods of lower demonlna- tiona were issued aa bearer bands with coupon attached and whilecarryiagaqnal bouants aa to principal and interest ware liable to being loot by tbo owners under the privilege uow given hy lho fmsnoe uimutor tho buyor of any bond whatever tho donamiuauon may havo it regulersd iu which oojmi um interest will bo paid by cheque and um bond if lost may bo re placed alter irper o video 00 ha boon it is behoved uiab uiia privilege will b greatly appreciated by many thousand of uualt inxulora who will bo assured of um alxiolutu safety of their investment oven sgninsbfiro or caroisaauaaa or any other acci- dantal causo of loos ihis improtcmeub ba tbo iasuo will involve extra work upon uio dopaxtmout uf finance bub bio thomas whito ouaaidare uiat its boneuls will more uiau ouoot um labor iuvaivod walks waht3 pllohiumon tko nauoual froo cliurcb council of wains lias reooivod 160 ronolulums from uiu lodges uf ulo miners b odorauou aud uur bbor organ ixauii na iu favor uf prohi biuuu uf drink during tko period of um war fivo county council and a bug u umber of local author lion iu walos havo aiau passed similar taooiuuaua at tho wosteru mlhurn maotiug held at hwaaaoa ou marth lovh 1017 a vote in favor f jrobtbluoii waa reauirmutl hy a largo majority over ux churclios la um lriucipalltj havo passed roaolutiaaa in avur of war umo irohihitiuu maity pooplo moan wall who do not da woll ltefurui liko charily should begin at ludaclfltou la pryctaatiuation-