Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 29, 1917, p. 3

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wedcung and birthday presents kki rr 1b47 silvcrw ire lum i cut mas iiml china kmvt i orku and spootn 0 wedding kinga 1 eflaliuiaqic lioichoeo luaueej geo uyjstds ahjc 2lrnt jrcc ts5 thursday novlmiilu li3 1017 brief local items december uuuday ouolj li v mu r nir nofc w ok huy jniir v kl- ry it in 1 to day fextncri urn aakii j jh 00 la 30 00 per cordfordr but ii 1 now about 510 mx if ooratuiwnf taxoa fw 1017f- till to collect the rur u into lj m mrjy good condition in 1 n llo ffooi 1 up 0ood mommy 1 ilnvo you renewed yourisxs llicu nu inscription t with the eplendid itottoiii vory little more hdow would ninko jjootviloiglunif cos is boguininjf to mora ncjn a oar or two havo locn rocoivod here during tho wock tho funeral sessions of tho county court will bo hold at milton on tuoadaj docemvc lltb tho go tochurch sunday aorrloea in tho methodist church on sunday wero ud usually welt attended fitting references worn made from tho acton pulpits of tho importance of tho victory loan lost hunday the lcurlooa jublloo concert company will givo an ontcrtaf nmoub in knox church next wednesday ovoiui tho funeral of tho lato urs william ilojdon toronto wan held horo on friday rot mr lsto nflirtatod at a bi social at the homo of mr jamoa sprawl j isl fcridoy evening 41 75 wm realized lor tho ruj crois mr ir mcnlvon gavo a aploudid addrcnist knnx youn jooploo uulld on tuesday wvcum tho subject of corpor j panlnhmcnt tho krotl icihr put corporation pond in shape for nlatin on saturday afternoon and number of thn kiddies aro enjoying tho winter sport again mr ixenry colo has purchased mi king coopers residence on wojlingtoi street and mt wm baldwin tho cement block houso on arthur street after deoorabcr 10th tho millinary parlors of tlio miswof cooper will be open 00 wednesdays and saturday altarnoons only anttl tho spring openings rooto little of milton will act an financial agent for dr anderson while barrister a j mackinnon of actoo will parforrlaunilar duties for mr gregory mr david williamson ugetllng about ftgtio after a cotiplo of weeks npent in nursing an injured knoo caused by a fall on the stone steps at tho government build lnjr it 1 reported that tlio very large crops of potatoes in great britain will mak it nnnoooaaary for many ordora for ovaporat- ed potatoes to be placed in canada this year s jamoa shepherd and robert brush word fined hut wook by police magistrate dice of milton far bolnj drunk and using insulting liuguago in a irsrao in the county town after th roe weeks of delightful warm and bright iudun cummer weather winter set in la real earnest lost thursday the ground is frozen hard and is covered with news of local import valuablo fnrm in ernmoaa sold j t osirauhr d h uta hoi 1 oh tsod tlioferm of the lato william jarkinson at tlio four lorncra en tho ktaiiiosa ltosd it oomprisea u0 scree and ia ronnidarcit in bo ono of ttio hot farms in i rsinuoa- tim price paid wat0wx tho aftormath or ilallowoon pranks at tba last mooting of oorgotiwi jun oil dr watson cumpulnod that oortaln boya dntroyo4 hta properly to tho extent of 810 or 912 trntl nulod ho would ank tho corporation to pay darna v a jiar ley ala complained of the mivnndurl nf u number of beys on hla prujerly on ilallow oon knar church choir entoruunod ttis inomteri of knox 01m i r wore very bospilabjy entertained ab the horns of mr and mrs jamea hymon willow htroob on monday orenlng lanbv tho happy erant was in honor of mlm wilms jotnitono whom thoy proasnted with a itllver nut bawllii wltlikold bakory bualnom changes hands mr w woodooek wbohasconduotodtlic bakerv bualneu on clturcb btroeb and who has loon drafted for overseas serrlce han diapomd of hla buttneaa t6 m ld wants mm im words wan oonnocted wibli tlio hnslnasa of her fattier mr thomas htatbam for ton yearn and is woll quali fied to suoooaafnlly naiwrintcnd it toklngston ponltontlary for bjgamy ilrneat j wilson appeared before judge elliott last tnpeday on a charge of bigamy he refused to plead when called upon to do so and alter hearing notoral witnessed including the clergyman who performed tho marriage ceremony in philadelphia when ho was marriod tho socond time the judgo sentenced him to three years in kingston penitentiary milton lie form or nkwstopicsopthe week for persistently beating and otherwise 111 treating his wife a bride of only a few months a guclph man was this morning ontonced by magistrate watt to ten days imprisonment and alio to receive ten lath a mercury lb is reported that tlio hockllnjr and disturbance of tho npoakers sb mr oreg drys moeting at giarolown on monday night was almost on a par with tho riotous disturbance sb sir itobert bard ens moeting ml kitchener on saturday evening proeecutiena hare been instituted in a number of oaaen against restaurant keepers wliohavo failed to comply with the require ments of the order in council restricting tho cum of beef and bacon and requlrlntr that substitutes for white broad bo pro t hi d in all public eating places bolli of joy for biff victory acton marked tho big victory ab tli front when tho british and canadian troop pushed back the atrongty fortified him burg line for rnlloa hut friday ab noon vociferously too ringing of bella blow iotr of whistles tooting of horns shouting of school child ronoreatod quite a noisy ox beranoo many who wero unaware of the cause of the outburst wore rather alarmed until explanations wore volunteered wholehearted rejolciof was in accord with that of towns and cities of tho slues ovory- whsro haltona contribution to victory loan the following table shows tho amount subscribed by the various districts in hal ton county up to lost monday nlghb for canadas great victory loans oakvillo district no 1 j210500 q0 burlington 2 153000 00 ililtnn 3 2tw 70000 georgetown acton a 13qb50 00 1 the airman ex0ueeated ho blomo attoohod tocadatskldmoro of tho h f c for tho aoorgro- town tragody tho adjourned iniiuosb relating to the fatal aero plana accidonb henapas coaolud d on tuesday county crown attorney diok coroner dr j k nixouanil constable mcdonald had chargo of the proceedings after heading tho evidence of dr nick ii a b caslcll a baker clive baoha samuel gould end tlirwe aviators including cadob skidmoro thu jury uf wkich mr a qwans was foreman returned the fol lowing verdict wo tho jurors ohoson to inquire iuto the death of mrs isabslla cleave hod that deceased wan eccldontly killed ou nov 13th by being struck with hojiropcllor of an sroptsno opera tod by jidot skismortt of us u v q wnllni no blame attached to cadob hktdinuru but would rocotnmond that aviators ute thab thu publla under stand tlie warning when givon iwfore as- osndlng and oibj tlint the public use great- rpreoautlun wbournthonug around aero plsnes ho rajd nassagaweva rer dr chowu of toronto will do- llrsr an addrcsa on lxpohoucos at the front in sronce and l laudere at tho fowl upper at lbuueuir ctiuruh uu friday night he will pieocli at tho anniversary services on tiunday z id doocmber upon completing his training of a com pony of the hui highlanders befors thay left for oventaojt last week th6y presented sargt inal n h maraball with a advor mounted cano liearing his initials bergt marshall approoiatua vory highly this gift as oomlug from a lloo class of men ho pudo application recently to his superior ofuosrs to be alio wed to proceed uvareeaa with u10 men but was nob ulluwed to go miss ijlhcr heatloy was homo from bur lington ovof kuuday naasngawey is making tlno shewlag in the purchase of victory bonds and wilt oomo up to tlio quota all ut tod opportunity it is aald knocks but ones but a posiiinsl knocks all the ttsne fond miilhirn poipotuto jrtmiy if thnaa atllsd ouuub savings uf children 577305000 haltons objective is 81000000 this la tho last week in which to purchase your viotory bonds an appeal for sailors on december 8th an appeal will he made throughout tho dominion by the navy league of canada to raise fnnda for tho ro- liof- of british and canadian sailors and their dependents and for tho sailors homes institutee and hospital in canada and throughout tba empiro lb ia earnest ly hoped that the appeal will meet with a genorcu response branches of tha navy league are handling tho appeal where such branches exist but tho daughters of the empire every where throughout canada are also identified with it patriotic bodies of all kinds migtll well mako ft special effort for december 8th on behalf of the empires sailors accu3d of shooting- habhltg sherwood coulson of nelson has com plained to the crown attorney thab bur hqgton men had hunted sn his farm last saturday had shot eight rabbits oab of season and thab after thoy had lofb bo found that four of his pigs nix weoka old had been snob and killod throe more were mlaniog game inspoctor paige wenb to barlingtoa in the ovohlng and inter viewed tho men chas lyons hiram mo- arthur james and charles and wm peer it appeared thab james richardson of nelson had tiuntad with them thoy pleaded ignorance of the law and promised to oomo to milton nexb week appear before a magistrate and pay any quo imposed they denied killing the pigs and lb la said that there was another party of hunters who had a car on the coulson farm on saturday champion trophloa from tho war dr john lawsoo u the recipleut of an other in teres ting box of war trophies from the front from his brother in law e h jordan of tb army service corps a ooupls of weeks ago a german helmet water bottle and other articles wero rooolv od this last contribution includes a paperknlfe the blade of which u mads from a piece of german brass shall tho sockol and guard from french bullets tho handle a german riflo shollr canadian cap button oa the end j a button hook and a owqru of some what im construction a match box from a piece of gorman oluui 1 water bottle two rings made from tho neck of a german water bottle two ringa mado from french hroute bullets a gold initialed ring given to sergt j or dan by a gorman pruouor 1 mosb of the souvenirs were mado by the sender in nparu hours with very crudo tools tho oootri butios tao includes a variety of gorman french english and canadian cartridges coab and hab buttons military uuuibom and doaigus iho interesting collection has had a phvos in thefsfs putaa windows for several days c this miutaby notes- 1te ltnton icouncy of the a exhibition camp was homo ou leov week cadot guntou ef the itoyal flying coiv aponb a few days ab his fathoro hounr tlil woek lto k duobar and ite it jolly f lxblbitlon camp wore here this woek o 1 tliolr loot i0av0 lief ore going overseas pto somuol fry or sou of thos fryur noosagawoya was wounded by a gun shot lu tlio hip received ou november 7th ho is in tho goooral hoopital at boulot fran 00 pto j n baylis of milton pto- u w brown sudc jouninga ilaorgetowu pto h h mcdowell campbell villa all voteraus of eavoral years experience over aeas returned homo tliiq woek mrs loulae plant reooivoil word that her son gunner arthur plant who sustained a gunshot wound in his riht log some tunu ago iirtjhirted doing well ouuiior ilftut is lu iho military iloq ital at basouiuu i niusn1 r rioin rlotlni i n rcpffrh d lu thu iity of n illn an an lrlnn nit uk in albania wan ropiiliuil t tiui itlunnn ono italian wan munlurod nd am itlior wounded nt tlio o t 11 nhopo at toronto his duko nf coriiimiclit opoaod tho now club in london for ajnorf- chn ofncott rim toronto city council ogroftd to nuko kratkn to tin lioopitalo total- linr jnsto rnrio nuintxrn of gorman troopn nnmi been muvid from tho ituimlaa to tlid wont front a doputsllon unkod tlio aororn- moat to make denial innpoction conv- dulnory in rurdl nrhoola tho nmlarco on nxport of livo ntock to tho unlti d slalca la romotod today until furthor notice mayor john knight of bruea minn 1 droppod nrtillo acting on tho local tribunal ito won 73 yoora of ago tho premier lenuod a statomont with rogsrd to complnlntn of lncon- dlotoat doclslooa by iocal trlbunajfl on xnnptlonii a labor comptroller la to bo ap pointed nftnr tho eloctlon to bo a labor man rhonnn from tho mom- bcro of tho commnnn an order in kuncll rivos amplo powrorn to tho food controller to con trol all dtolom in food to ox llconoo toon proucrllw maximum proflto or maximum prices or both nnd maxi mum of puxchoson tho nix plrl opomtom dlnchargod by tho g n w rolocroph compony at montreal have n ttfkon back tho tologradhera onion backod- by tho labor departmont thun winning ito ntrugglo tho food contmltor 3 doparlmoni la thinking of brlnrlnn potatoca from prlnco emward inland to keep dawn dricca in ontario and warns grow- orn to put tholr etneks on tho markot or maximum prlw nay bo oxcd charlea udouard monotte onp of tho gang of ollogod dyuarnltora on trial at montreal win snntoncod to llfo luiprlsonmoiit for attempting to murdor conrad rimrrlon a chauf- four wbuuo automobllo was stolon tievilsday tho womnno union oorerximxmt loacuo wan formod in toronto lmhlicr prorrcii- wan mado by t britfnh in tho drtvo in palcntlno premier clomtuicduu told tho chamber of deputies lrancos war alms mrn lrank crawford of hamilton dlod suddenly owing to illness duo to cocaping furnace l oji tho iodoral government effort in flsh brcodlng have produced excel lent results a canadian antlconscrlptloniiit dologato was rebukod by samuel gomporo at buffalo a big supply of migar purrduinnd for the former runslan governmont was uofiod in now york tho british tank britannia waa jho feature at a romarkablo ylctary- loan dimonntxatlon in toronto tht- srasono catch of cod and ball- but considerably exec do that of inst season but of herring and salmon is 00 mow hat leas than loot year car m olio cauoji wan found guilty nt bruntfurd of murdering glo bitts horncllo a fcllowmnltcoo and non- tunced to bo bam ed january z tho king a regulations havo boon chant od by order in council permit ting uo idlers afficurs or men to at tend political meetings sjr robert bordn hon newton rtowoll and sir nobort lnlconor opened tho campaign far the union government in mnacey hall to ronto geo wllkeo an ordoooburg bar- bur wliu died uuddunlv wodnoaday at thu ace nf fifty imivoh had ohavod 1 jc2 gk3 men in bis forty yoaxa at tho trade jjtldvy the rovolulion which broko out ijjii woek in be u ad or boa co ha pood thu 1 r ncli chamber of doputica derided to dolor tho eloctlons until 10j0 i ho 1 rmajs admiralty has ostab- lliihed a bar rod ono around tho aoroa irlandu iitaic itjlnhridpo toronto wan found guilty nf publlsbfnc a sodltlous llbf i but sentence was post do nod ytndl li ad appeal the 1 in an co iepartmont baa re- cllvid four 31000 notcu connclonco uioui y rrum st john no gunner robt cunidbell of king ston who was ru ported dead in tho cocond battlo of yprca sept 13th 191li walked into tho ofqco of a newiipuper in klnguton yontorday to dony tho report robert mclaren eighty years of uie head of the largo dupartmuntal utoru in st cathorlneo bearing bht name dlod following an ope ration from which ho had apparently al most recovered l a la po in to libera woo elect ed member of tho houso of com- monu for st jamoa division mont real his opponent j a perroault uomlnatedj us u labor candidate having withdrawn from tho qgbl tlihi was unnouncod at a mooting of tho lotolhor club a dc ipatch- from berlin aaya era- tktor william has svpprovod bills for prululaii uuffrago rnform and for chum on lu tho composition of tho upper lluuu of purllauienl tljo donpitcii addu that tlu bills will iihortl iki introduced in the dldl m idaiuo arah humhardt halsu4 1500110 for thu victory loon in 11dm- 1j ton in lit aftoruoon sho nold about j 10 000 from btr car where olm w in ollli lally w lcoiiud by mayor hunki 1 ml omho c copploy chninitii gt omit 1iu0 and lu thu ovouint at tho grand opera toronto st ah and phee press lhrough a mistake the announcement of tho toronto doily star whuh appoored in tlda paper a couple of weeks ago did nob coutain a memo regarding the price wo would call attention to tho stars anuounooidoub in todays issue giving the ptioo as 3 00 per year in advance if sub scribed for direct or together with tho acton flit pksjj tm 00 canadas victory bonds at si per cent arc the bebt and saf est invc tmtnt 11 the world buy your share m victorybuy victory bondi j s warren uananxoit ticlultlonb wo oiiildren ory for fletchers casto r ia iklllagl -says- w6 greatest fal in the world and this statement is endorsed by everyone tshe time nov 30 to dec 6 t3he place guelph ontario do not fail to see the fair thu season bigger and better than ever you will find tlio time well spent yon can have barrels of fun and valuable information if you come wc are all ready for this big event feady to make you ready in clothes ready to wear that are unsur passed for style and kit and nothing in quality at fifteen to thirtyfive dorulahs suits and overcoats in belters norfolks pinch back d b ulsters trenchers chesterfields etc every garment full of pep and that same waudce quality that you are so familiar with we are trotting out the prize winners in suits and overcoats this heason wool wool underwear coat sweaters socks scarfs gloves mitts toques tiilc piuz1c m1llp will bo at tho kair but tlio piuo wwl iu right hero in our iuorilumdl10 at pmitkully bcfoio war prkci wovo boon at work for months preparing for tlilu wuek tho i air week weve studied tho trend of posh inn wovo watthed the now york ntyla uirotucter wo brought heavy and wo bought early then tot a wo aio prepared to wo you tho beat tocrcuandltto ut the to wot priiii in fait wo are justified in crowing about our collection of auappyv xcluibib iuenhaadlso at prac tically before- vj or pricca you will lmvo tolomo in to be cunvinted ho sure to ultund tho tfair mako this your haadmnirttru leave your partja here tsoot your frlcuda bore luuko youraeli ut homo hero george wallace fggfrh tlio allwavo it el la til e kaucifjim yxx wsdlalo ads blso uuj oni staippie farrtes cgl mullin wholnoalo commission morohonta ltoctvvood amd acton r n thcr turnip bui- pi at acton as usual and will continue per manently highest cash price paid for any quantity of good quality turnips delivered at acton sta tion new- meat u wm landsborouh haa opened a meat duaincxi 00 hi3 own acconut in the brick storo oppocito tho bank of nova scotia lie will keep a full supply of bvewta and cured menta baossffas hood ctieewe ooolxod flam all of tlio best qualities prompt delivery mode having been connected with tho meat bumncas iu actod for twenty three yearn i can assure all cus tomers cauofoctory service a trial order solicited wm landsb0r0ugii cmusvod wmnot n d to the creat provincied winter fair to be held at guelph gujilpirs leaping and larg est sl ore jvill refund railway faro from iny point within a radius of twentyfivt miles and on purchases tmounting to 15 00 or more a splendid opportunity to do your christ- m is and winter shopping in a big depart- mental store that offers assortment irt personal wearables and home furnishings of unusual comprehensiveness the fare refund will be made at the office main floor on the presentation of your purchase checks and railway ticket any service that tnis store can render the checking of parcels and suit cases for instance will be a pleasure to do m d e macdonald bros umued t guelphs leading and largest store wyndham macdomiell and cardca sts guklph ont buy a victory wear bond 3sibssweft52- wait tour answer ow many victory bonds have you bpught have you put yourself to any real m- convenience to buy victory bonds have youdenied yourself some purely personal gratification so that you could invest the money saved in victory bonds have you realized the urgent need for personal selfsacrifice to make the victory loan a great success until you have bought victory bonds to the very limit of your ability you have not done your duty t campaign closes satoday issued by crnadxi wctdsry lata oaomxh in cooperation with the mtrthtfcr of fbtsacv of the darolnini oi f ihimi f fbhrrf wtihi emv i

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