ft ttlrr vlnn firi rt 1 1 i in u j iii j j 1 v 1 r s in iol ai 1 a u t hoc u stllui u l whih llu y in 1 f latlu rl il iiiiii i l oir losaoua bu lrtr in u i i emu l tlk took ituwuiii- i l o at 1 mil ir m i ij i u lw 1 it itnli iu tl j i j n i speak 11 i ira hear praycii comraunlenuou with iili mak er by prnyor li tlio urnot xnlted function in whl h mim can imj enjraged beeuu u cxorclir- 1 tlu highest function i or tul null with tlfo intrluct uuij tli v ru it la the cliuiiuj of tiintnn choicest lilauiiiin it hides no one it cinliriri h nil in tho clreloof lis bt iicdirlloii it i lvta ua ttccaa toour h i ily i other nt nil tlnn1 in nlwn u dcr all elrcuiiisuiuruj in a word prayi r n udi ni ua co-op- oratora with our riilur in tlio moral cotonunlnt of tho worfd cardinal gibbons h i r the world is ntorving for the milk of hu sua kindness that gcntlo tender sooth ng benign andsympalhotio fpolingwhleh m all muikiiul akin tho thirst ia in soueraula the hunger intolerable and all if they will may dapcnw that balmy hasxtseaao nnd mako glad instead of sod bomo ones forlorn tifo lccoming them salvos tho richer in love whilo enriching others uakindnora ia more a loom indifferent habit than intentional neglect disrespect or downright meanness words and rlooda are paronted by thought and it is so easy to fall into slothful indifferent thlnkiug tfrn oftentimes u n though ted 1 wo acg loot apeak careleanly to or treat uncoo oarnodly those wo ouj lit to art toward with moat consideration and defcrence- lb is on easy and far lcltcr to form uie habit of thinking kindly and acting wisely if only wo can with airnplleilj and ninecr hy begin httlo kindoessca next to ua la oar own lituo corners it is so haman though to be servile and lool above our aires to do our alma and deed of charity where not ncodod overlooking instead of irxiklog among tho- underling the really needy and appreciative 1 ut from whom wo will likoly rcceito only homely praiwa tho well fed well clothed and well tlffft those foll by nltnue of- servers and surrounded with a hoit of friends cannot from necessity feel tho thrill of oy raallicd by tho naked huotty lorn and torn aoul of tho wayfarer so so often our kindly deeds are but poorly received why not then tako uiouhhtlul ocuon and add to tho sum of human joy lie a philanthroput or loer of mankind the author and promoter of benoolenca and tut a ml tooth rope or one who batea or has aroraion to hia fellow man be an optim ut pomeawd of an altruiatio apint iw kind to orcry hrmu croaturo especially those closely associated by tho ties of duty friendship and ioto tako thought and act today tomorrow may be to late wait not till hearta are stilly cold handa bonnmbod cars deaf and oyea forotcr closed in wakeless and drea aleep and that dear form lias untoxad in ailenco and pathetio dnac co ttplotlkq tue stoht the boreated huaband erected a hand soma headatono ovor bia do ported wife a grave and part of the inscription read my light has gono out 2 atber tune healed tlio wound and ha took another wifo to his boaora tho inacrtp tion on the boadateno worried him sa be soagbtadvice from bu neareal fnond thoo this hne waa added i haro nlrnck another match s5h sam teas for economy ujim teni ore tlie atrongeot and richest irowti it is of these teds tlint red roe tea chicly con tts tlint ia why it yields the very lnruc number of 250 cupa to uic pound nt the cost of about n cent for five cupi and every cup rich dtronc delicioua tea- kept good by the scaled package c rttti fnshcii eoldieb one of tlio moot striking cliaractariatlcs of tl 61 tronrli nollior romarka a recent- writer ia the way ho has of rolling to work urtit at liu trade as aoun as be ffols homo if it is ooly for a few ilaya leave tlua iliofarmor will pick op hb daily work at his httlo farm aim cut at uio hoar ho arrives and tlio oe lib lor will got him his lout eager to oao how many of hla old cutomor bo may aervo during hla stay at home a famous aviator on four days leave donned hla white apron juab soon as over ho could he was a restaurant keopar and was clad toapond hii nhart holiday eervirik tho lituo ctjtano of rpioata whomx his wife hod kopt together no man or woman ahauld hobble painful ly about when eo certain a relief la at hand as holloway a corn cure the dotal house a very common error la to assume that it la tho houso of ouolph which rules over the uritlah empire tlio royal family waroouolpha from tho eccesaioa ef qoorgo i to tlio sccoaion of edward vii who was tho grat kinif of the house of baxe- coburg ootha ill informed paroons era rather apt to dwell on the gorman coeneo- tionn of tlio rojat house of briuio to the exclusion of all counidcratona of iw brittah eloroenta tho king for lmusce ia a deaeendent of alfred tho qreal of edgar atholinr- of william tho conqueror and of robert bruce to mention but a few of his illustrious ancestors ho cordelia a maiden effort dees not always lead to matrimony patriotism and politics travel hand in hand only onoe in a while ilig leaiy ia a chronio disease with many a roan who wears a small hal -opportunity- 1 14 aoidknocka hat- o bat a peaim at knocks all tho time fond mother porpetuote many of the so- called amort sayinga of children children cry for fletchers c r i a bwse men would soon get rid of tbeir elf respect if they had to pay taxes on 11 almost every merchant has a customer whom when his back ia turned he calls old tight wad quck temper is an illumination ia honor of wounded self esteem an excuse ia tho euly thu that a easy to find when you re looking for it- a people who havent anything else thay can spam can usually i a uico tho man who pays as ho goes usually has enough to purchase a return ticket lota of jwoplo are worrying over tlio bjicims cathedral who nuvcr gi to church had worst case of constoatoej doctor ever knew although kirncrojly described as dux ojk couatipatton toil nirvtr rxiit unlnli nuiiit f thu or miii oro d ran ixl which ut rt sa rdly f mud to bo tint hv r h consuls of 4tu mal ilily to ngularly evacuate tlio immili un i rui a riiultr action of tlio imimili ut olxuluuly ce- bllitial to n ntnil h utli thu h a-i- inxgu- loxity alii u id iutr iw m ji utl mdhuni n lnxniivir pilli kivi nu equal for rclicviuk and cuniig corutipa- tmii and all iu ulluxl tniuhhj mrs martin prim u albert baak- wnttri i hal om of tin wt rut couni of constipation my diwuir naul tiu luul vir kno1 and milbuniu lvxiuvir ldls cunxl tno of it my futlnr in law ipul tised thcui in fact ho wiui uio one wlio favo tlicni to iul a umiiu r of pioplo around hum uau ui m und tli y nil uay tliat ttuy aru the bit illi tiity cvtr uikii millmrnn ijixitijvcr 1 ilu aro 2io a vial at all dc drm a n i ls dint on nct ipt r iinct by ii t 1 milbumco limited loontu jut guaim illll i 1u uv 1 acifily ituunt acoordlag to roi isporl a tcl meat of k iuaitliii ut uh ootil is being uiado to uvo united ki d vancouver llritlsh c riuint antls or war viceroy 1 ho who c iii aniounts to aliout cil ty ulul of orn canads t wheat an i amount l 3 000 uua hhoul 1 uli uwt nhlj m iucoonnful u larjrt portion of tli i tho iralrio pr vinw will i ul nxovod by this route in tlio future d8zzy nervous mrs wynn tell how lydia pinkhamft vegetable compound helped her during change of life blthroood va aftar taking mush bottles of xydia c plnkhtuna vorfetable com pound i feel like a now woman i al ways had a hcadacho dorinp the change of life and was also troobled with other bad feelings com mon at that timo dizzy spells nervous feelings nd heat flnahca now i am in better health than i ever wns and recommend your remedies tobjlmyfriends mralkna wynn 2312 e o street richmond vn while change of llfa la armoat crit ical punod of a womans extstenco the annoying symptoms which accompany it mny ho controlled and normal health restored by the timely use of lydia k pinkhomb vegetable compoond such warning symptoms are a sense of suffocation hot flashes headaches backaches dread of impending cvil timidity aounda in the ears palpitation of tho heart sparks before ths eyes irregularities constipation variable ap petite weakness and inquietude and dizziness for these abnormal conditions do not fall to tako lydla h pinkhama vege table compound on kunt tho ovoulnn woro on continued tho man who was telling the story lie use ma interrupted tlio would bo witi but can you tall ua wlial tho evening woro on that occasion t i do not know that lb is important replied the story teller but if you mnat know i believe lb was tho close of a urn mor day etfai a very bad cold and cough dr woods worway pbne syrup cured her mn c dreoocr bayfield ont vrntca i want to tell you of tho bene fit 1 rot from your medicine jlwit winter i had a very bad cold nnd couk but alter taking two bolt lea or dr vood a norway pino hyrup i wan cured i thi l it ia about ona of tho best cough rniii tlint i know of i always keep a bottlu of it m tho house so i can have it when i want it tho other week i told an old lady about dr wood a she had been sick for throo weekn with bronchitis and had been petting medicine from the doc tor but did not accm to bo rcuihk much lcltcr she got one bottle of dr wood a nwwny pino byrup and she oayn it hai dunu lur moro good tlian nil the doctors medicine alio hod been taking dr wood h norway pino syrup ii neh in tlio lung healing virtues of ths jjoruny pine tree and thii makraai thu beat remedy for coyghs end colds riio gunumo u put up m a yellow wrapjmj- 3 pmn trees uil trade mark pneo 2 and 60c manufactured only bylliot milbumco limited toronto out the success op personality wo need to take into aocsunk that auo costs conoarna what wo are quite as mucl as what we da bomo men mako money and become so absorbed in tlio process thai they are little mors than pecuniary tpafhtnos thsy hsje d0 friends the community they stand for nothing but a dollar sign lb is absurd to think of such men as man who aavo achievod auccass for as far as their personalities areoonoarn ed they are dismal failaros the saccsssfal man is he real man tho man who has developed heart and soul and brain all together the man whose opinioo counts the man whose neighbors and associates trust him and whose family lve him he may never earn more than a small salary he may nover make an im portent invention or write a popular book or paint a wonderful picture or do any of ths other things tho world reckons great but ho has done ons big thing ana that is himself to possess a lovable trustworthy personality ia to makoasucccss of life cam 110ld oun ueaps u10u dcapito all our looses despite the sax u which havo kitadod so nut ty home io r land doaj ite drawbackn aid dangers l ilo tl o disastrous effocu of acdiuou in u ilumuai army ilea ito thojul and many licr lhiiu wl ich wcih upon our a pint nu i ui juntify m ii a i tho gloomy anticl- i of iur njj hot wo can hold ear lirjaiu high v a mo lialtling for ute rtht our idealn will nut botrmy ua taking noulbkb it horsou 1 1 1 ii i 1 1 children cry for fletchers c i a still uhbsatbh the sergeantmajor had tho reputation of never being at loss for an answer a yonag officer tnado a bet wltli a brother officer that ho would in less than twenty hours ask the aargeaut- major a question he could nob answer the sergeant- major accumpsulad the young efflcor on his rounds iu tho course of which the cook house was inspected poiutlug to a large copper of water just commencing to bail lhe officer said whydoostheb water ooly boil round the edges of the copper and net in tho centra i the water around the odg air ropli oil tho voterau is for the men ou uard uioy have their broakfaat half an hour before tho reuiaiudar of the company tit- bits autrmrs uistuti the siouin iaaeoii aays ilarimir a maa lino ooi tai lod tin u qr 1 m kii aj d httlo curuooo dul out ki u wt lit inoauu what u ol u ii i lok vhi liod hulll i- ti o uir u at li lakon iruin u o ilu f a iuii u l- uved in maku vuru loth h i tl or uiluja llo trua y u i uva un are uiuiu of wool oil iu buiilio th miuri i i mulu of wool i hoy uiu uuvlu hum ui ui i julr at pomr pnohibitioh ih 3pattle 1 lit 1 llili f u h ttlo- i i it t n ix i ptl alio tl i he long hard school term drains the vituhty of growing children und you wondor why they are listless puny and pale every school child will shot marked improvement in boalth and growth if given r 1 iu unw f i if hi in ily pr tli tir iclfi hlrh i io 1 l o n xsul ui muo tin htati try ia vury om i at i ally roolaliui j tl 1 n y re iltn f l a oioptl ui j li cy wl cli il oj jhaoii it qu ted as ay ln this aor in rqi ly at ton seconds n illco to llht hi 1cnt aaiiint any aeri us effort to repeal or rrl to tlm prohibition law ir many u ontlis n w hoatuo 1 as honnatly trlml jimlnl it ion an i it haa ru hiwited not jicrfootjy i ut luer than npoed laws irohil it fantdrivh g or larca ty laws prahit it theft the county jail has 100 colla ut lot that hwt teoanta a year ago an 1 tho poor i arm has lost ona fourth of its lioardoxe add to this tliab unemployment is loss destitution ia less poverty is loos than twelve months ago divorces aro fowor collections are better dives have cloeod white slavor sro not to bo found burglarise and hold upn have dwindle tlio tianhand 16r has vanished groocra clothing morci ants and shoe dealers report gains in husi ness ranging from fivo tothirsy fivo psr eout new business blocks are built the banks hold millions moro in deposits than they hold tast year and hotel men who at that time were near panic over the coming of the now law are wearing smlloa as they turn surplus guests away if prohibition can be enforced in such cities ss seattlo or kansas city kansas it can be enforced anywhere and yet soma people pretend that it can t bo enforced in large cities in ontario the fact is tliab whan business mon find tho great increase in business that fallows prohibition they will nob stand o bo robbed of their pros perity any longer by tho beer and whiskey voodors h arnott m b m c p h mothers value this oil mothers who know how suddonly croup tnuy soixe tli el r children and how necessary prompt action ia in applying relief always keep at hand a supply of dr thomas izcloctrio oil be cause eijierionco baa taught them that there is no preparation to bo had for tho treatment of this ailmont and tlioy are wise for its various uses render it a valu able medicine ohb on thii cmirm bo you think a college education fa a good tiling for a boy 7 yea i think its a pretty good thing fits him for something in life if ho can b catch on with a hoaolial team he can often land a job as a prufcaoor castorba vat t prij cmid in use for over 30 years always bcaru the signature of w tue day has come there are it may bo many months of fiery tnal and nacrifloo ahead of us it is a fearful thing to load this great peaceful people into war into the moat tsrribls and disastrous of all wars civilisation itself sooming to bo in the balance bub the right ia more precious than peace and we shall tight for the things which wo have always carried nsaroab our hearts for domocracy for the right of those who sub mit to authority to havo a voice in thsir own governments for the rights and ubsr ties sf small nations for a universal domio ion of right by suoh a concert of free people as shall bring poaoo and aafoty to all na tions and mako tks world itself at lost free to such a task wo can dedicate our urea and our fortunca everything that we are and everything that wo have with the pride of those who know that the day has cams whoa america is privileged to apsad her bleod and her might far the prinaplos that gave her birth and happiness ana tho peace which alio baa treasured ood help ings her oho can do no other wood row wilson phose verse lb was a pitiful mis tako an error asd and grim i waited for the railway train the ight was low and dim it came at last and from a car there stepped a dainty dome and looking up and down the place she straight unba me came 1 oh jock oho cried oh dear old jack i and kissed me as she spake then looked again and fnghtcuod cried oh what a bod rnistoko i i said liorivo luo ro fair fur i am not your jock and on rogarda tho klis you lavo 1 11 straightway give lb back and since that niht ivo of um stood up on tliab platform dim hut only oneo in a maue wholo lifu do such thligs couio to 5 msi lb rich uniform cod liver oil gets into their blood and gives them vim snap nnd zest it creates strength to resist school sicknesses overcome pinched faces sallow complexions and dull eyes high aulhonties have established again and again that cod liver oil promotes growui and energizes tho body and brain 17u 0ou a uuwm tutuuwoal tuberculosis sunday last year na in yirni past nearly nvcry clcryyinnn nnd kchool toucher in ontario helped to uiirtad tho orei of good hcilth on tubuix uloula sun day and iuborculoalu iuy in tho schools thin year under tho auspin y of tlio nntioruil hanitunuin aw delation en dorw d by tho lcndin clinjyiniu nil dcnunilnutiuna uai by tlio dipnrt ment of iducntiou sunday noviniln r cth and monday november gth jmvo been appointed for tho annual obucrvanco i uicjo iliyu- at no time in tlio liiutory of tho world lulu tho litctiuity for phyuual fltneuu htui uu groat uu it in toluy ono hnu but to ucun tho reports of ru jcctiomi for active ucrvicu ubroud to noto tlio mauy that um unlit you havo tubtrculouiut 1ms 1h n tho pro nouncement to tiiouuundn of young men in canada and tho united states during tho punt faw month a a thorough physical examination a jcttr ugo might havo cxpoj cd tlio weakncoj and prcvontod tlio develop ment of thin dread dlmuso und yt in splto of iiuch n warning thouoantlu of men and women will contlnuu to lliurcgnrd tho duntror until tht y too tavu uccotno victimu of cojuiuiuptioti if you would avoid udu dlueaiio watdi your health avoid aecdlcaa wor ry nnd ovorwork see that your food iu nourishing nnd that ft is at rvod at rcgidar intrrvula almvi all gilt put in thu uuniihlno evi ry mi tut to you can npara iifo that tli ulndowu in your phica of iniulnninj mid in your homo are opt n so that day and nijht yii nmy bo nuhuml of a pkutlful supply of puro fresh air family almost wiped out by consumption prom n hovrl in uio rear of more prctentioiin buildings cornei a ghostly tale ono uiot in thin fair province of ourn tiremn almost inrrrdiblo yet to tliuio who know tlio ravagen of con- uuinptiun lt la but a typical cacc griof stricken tho mother tolls un of hi r fivo email children buried from thin lowly homo during tho pant three- i yeajm of her only remaining child suf fering from a tuberculous hip and then an though in mockery of their mincry tho father too wnn ntneken ho in now n patient nt tho muakoka iroo hoopital whoro every endeavour is being mado to navo hla life the mnokoka preo hormltal for connamp- tiven ia appealing for help to carry on thin flplit n gainst the great white plague lho money you pivo will help them nrek out thenejinfortuiiflto foms- llcu and gtvo them a fighting clionco for their hvcn contnbuttonn may lx rent to w j goge c 04 bpadtna ayenue toronto or gco a itrld socrrtary- trcusurer 223 college st toronto uehely a euu lituo ireno says facts and fauci on marcliedinta the room hrosthlcss 0 mothor alio naid don t scold me or being uto for supper because i vo had such a disappointment a liorae fell down and tlioy said tliey were going to send for ahorse doctor so i waited and waited and wbab do you thiuk t it wasnt a horae doctor at all lb was only a moo driven asthma refero it tho amoke or vapor from ir j d kolloggs asthma itemedy gives asthma no time to linger lb eradicates tlio cause our experience with tlio relief giving remedy shows how actual aud positive is the succor it gives it is tlio result of long study and experiment andwas nob submitted to the public until its makers know it would de iu work well children cry for fletchers o asto rl a c0b1hq tub channel tuuhel an on lh usi ns tic united states engineer mr john k ilencken says he has a plan whereby four tunnels could be bored bo- eoath tlio english cliannel within thirty five days thua practically ending the sab marina monaca mr 1 1 track on claims that his machlno will cut through earth and too at ths ra on hou in- describing bis machine mr honckon aaya it consiiti of a aerioo of swinging hammers rotated ot a peripheral speed of about 00 foot a second striking several hundred thousand blows a minuto on tho apace to be ezcavatod and pal venting tho material from 5 in in greatest dimension down to impalpable powder gidneys so bad would faint away that way for two years thooo who havo never been troubled with kidney trouble do not know the suiterlng nnd misory which thooo afflicted undergo tho dull pains oharp pains and quick twinges all point to tho fact that the kidneys require attention doana kidney pjlb aro m specula far ail kidney troubles mrs albert williams edam 8ask writcfl i havo tho greatest pleasure in telling you what doan a kidney pdls did for mo ten ycara ago i was no bad with my kidneys that i would faint away and could not aland to do anyt i hod been tliat way for two years and hod dono nil i could but did not get any better untd one day some one put e bttlo book in our door and i saw how another oung girl had oufferod hko i was then eo i thought i would try them and i am glad to nay that after tak four boxra i have novcr liad tho name thing ngmn thanks to doana when oiking for doons pills eeo that you got tho oblong grey box with tlio trndo mark of a moplo leaf price 5tc put up by the t m4burn co limited roxonlo ont mmu8aiilummliiimiw- j children cry for fletchers tmmm mmmimm vvsiajwwvi tho kind you havo alwayo bpucnt and which ban been la uco lor over thirty yearn hnfl borno tho clennturo of tand hao beca mado under hla pcr- fs jrjjfy conal cupervlaloa olnco itn infnncy f7k soccact afo 0j1q icceivo jou in tub all counterf oito imitatlono pjad u juctogcood arc hut expcthncnuj that trillo with nnd endanecr tho health of in nnd children- kxpcrienco apiln kxpcrirflcnt what is castor i a coctotia la a hnrmlesa rnibstituto for castor oil parefforlc dropa and soothing syrups it in pleaoant it contnina neither opiugi morphine nor other narcotic cubetancc ito njo in its cunrantec for moro than thirty yeam it boo been in constant uao for tho relief of conctlpatlon flntnlency wind colic and diarrhoea allaying fcverlahneca arising therefrorn and by regulating the stomach nnd bowelo nido tho amlmdntion of food giving healthy nnri nnturnl clcoo tho childrean pnnnma the lilothero friend gemudme castor 1 a always bears the signature of 111 use for over 30 years tho 6und you havo always bought tub kings bread during his recent tour m tlio north the king very nearly hecamo the victim of uio oarly closing order an oiucid ofhiaauito tisitede local bakers shop after cloaing hours and asked far bread tlio halcera wlfo refused it pointing out uu reaaan but ibis for the kirif bald uisofficial anil there bui ta bitof liread on the train i dent care if it is for the qaoeii was tho reply i dare not serve you but i demand it i am 00x17 penuated the woman but i must refuse to aervo you wbab can i do i oskod tho official yon mijhb ace uio police was uio boggsstiun thia was done and tho king got his bread though even bo ui cousciooca of the bakora wifo still obviously troqljod hor tho choapiiess of mouier o raves worm exterminator puts it withm reacli of all and it ess be job at any druggist a a rnnn a friend a feell shot through heart thousands of people go about their daily work on ihe verge of death and yet dont know it every once in a while a pain win shoot through tho heart but httlo at tention is paid to it at tlio time and it in only when o violent ahock comes that the weakness of the heart in apparent there is only ono euro for tho weak heart and that is milburna heart and ncrvo imis 1 mr h a young 83 ilavter sl toronto ont- writes i used to have oharp pins nboot through my heart ouftcrea from ahartncha of breath and was bo nervous x could not sleep at ninht a friend advised me to try udbums heart nnd nervo pdhu and after ono box i found great relief three boxes completely cured mo milbums heart and nerve pflts are 6qc per box nt all dcalera or mailed direct on receipt of price by tho t milr- bura co limited toronto oat cuupttai 37000 nnarcnvb itunus anduhdiviobd prtoirrxs 7isoto the merchants bank op canada r ii montague allan c v o president d c uocorow general manager sivti and strvt buy victory bonds victory bonds save soldiers have you saved your soldier buy your sh ire m vietory buy vietory bonds ac1 on branch l b shorey manager iu 1iibi a til j i u1t columbia raf0m0la cl mu pue you dont have to wait until you get fifty neventy five or even twenty-five- tiollurti lo- getheru just select tlio instru ment you want muhc a email first payment and mac it de livered to your hotna at once pay ni en to so ornull you iil neveruuastliern and tlio pleuo- uro so great that you will wonder bow you could luxvo been without a columbia gruf onola before come iu today and make your nelectiuii wo can arrange- convenient terms ct i c c speight acton ont bonds buy bond of loy dty for the lipnor tf your country victory bond ave soldiers have you tycd your soldu r buy victory bonds kenney bros acton ontario we want now a rcl iiblo a in halloo county to sell pclliumti lccrlet irirtt and ornamental tree- during pall and winter months ood jiay cxcla civo territory frcccllmj eqnipmcdl ovtcn 000 acnua of the choiccminrrcryuock includ ing n ijw varictici controlled by us handjomo op- to dato telling cauip- ment and n i plcndid canadian grown stock to eflcrcmitomcra we nro not jobhers write naw for njency tenm to pelham nuk3ery co tononto ontsrio n b catalogue nt on request to applicants for nj cncies or purchasers of nursery stock kcton and bvs lim having purchased iho livery and goodwill of tho buinom from mr a lfccann i solicit with confidence tho patronage of tho public comfortablo rigs supplied at reason able ratco special nrtcntiod to supplying conveyances for weddings and funerals motor cnrsfurnijicdwhen re quired bus heetfl axo flain l e atkinson acton ont nudapnnaaca grain chopping well done and quickly at only cents per bag harrisff co limited 3 5 fiockwood bflimanuudquniiiiiionti when vou lell boots shoes at any lune buy mom wwbluams acton ontaitlo p 1mous 1 on satisfactory footwear ltlasonall 1 iklcl