Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 20, 1917, p. 2

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vivi hiruiurrtv tin iro nnt clirsl flirt ti rvi ilirri iiuicuiuu loo died luunnii altlieufmirel lltmpitsl oueljd on woinillf iwmw liui 1017 ad ma ijoisfinnii wietjf goorte har bor acton in hot tlslhyipar in hehoblaia uooite in lovlnjf memory o mrs jiam alooro jratvnoni compra who died dooombor 10ui 1010 onfi year ban cooo our hearts still eero we mine dmr mothsta lovo hut wo nliall mnt in heaven abovi whon earths trials all aro oer hjtttju awd dnonixna ln xlon fre press thursday decfmller 0 1017 editohial hotes tim bwrwina victory or union oov- ermnest in canada on monday is ooacla- eivp proof that tho mdn and woman- of this ooontry are lojal to jroat britain aad in fiorof sending roiafaroemootn so the canadian troops otorsoaa after three years of baroio devotion and untold eeerl- fioos oar poeplo doclare thai csnanvs effort in u0 war shall becoounijod the victory baa boon democratic and ncopartlxaa am sir robert borden the premier says t the liberals wbo worked 00 atreanoualv in every province am to bo conjtretalated as to tbo results oqoally wluitboconserva uvea lb will bo the dovoab wish of all loyal can ad una however they may have voted that tbo province of qoebeo will bow implement tbo pladjros of ita chosen loaders adhere to the oldasi principle of the system of govern moot tbo rale of tbo majority and without f nrtber objection 00opfirata id tbo application of tbo mili tary service act and ansa mo their fair aharo in tbo defence of ooluvalioo halton strong for union government dr anderson is elected by a majority of ovor two thousand tab towns give maj of 1277 i tboblactoria 7 ifiion co only spoke aamlstajxajily in favor otunlongoveroi at tbo polls io mouttty in every munici pality in the county and in nearly every polling aobdivuiim lir andaraonf tha unionintcandidau waa targomajoh- llea the raajurity in the county is 2081 of this tha tnwn1 cootribatad 1277 tho womeno vote u a lartr contribut ing element in piling op tbo big majority tboy went into tba campaigr ayrutnauo al ly and in toll ige tly and proved very oon- cjjujlvely their ability to exorcise tbo franchise with alacrity lb waa thought that through tbair jack of experience in voting there might possibly bo a larger namberof spoiled ballots caat than usual this however waa not tbo case very faw ballot were spoiled at aay pallia j place in the county in acton with over 400 ballots caat there was not a single spoiled ballot polled tb vote herd waa as follows i anderson no 1 town iial 105 no 2 speights bhop 131 hews topics of week gregory 01 104 totals 230 ic5 majority for dr anderson 71 tbo majorities at the varices polling places in tbo county wore as follows anderson gregory tin latest returns in the victory loan campaign show a total of 7s57u enbserib- ers or one subscriber for ovary tan people ta canada tbu establishes a new record with respect to the proportion of tbo popu lation of a coantry subscribing to ita war loans tbetirovioas record was bald in greaa britain- where one person out of ovary twentythree subscribed to tbo last war loan in the liberty loan campaign la doited stable hoods wore sold te out of every twenfeyeoreo of the popula tion in many cities town and district jn panada the pro partioo of the papulation boying victory bonda was even bigbsr than one in tan in a number of eases h was as high aa one in four in ttj ootrnty tbo ratio waa ono in six this achievement in connection wjh canadas victory loan while primarily doe bo tba spvwdld spirit of patriotism that psrvadaa the coantry is another evideoee of what may be accompliahed throojrh press adver- vfir avt by an adoqaato aatlinr orgaa- fzation i 71 367 251 212 370 20 acton baxlinjrtoa georgetown milton oakviuo eq nosing no 1 sproatat 2 norval 3 stowarttown dablin 0 tbompsona cd ogloawmiams 109 nassafjawsy no 1 campbell villa 12 2broovviue 10 3 ejoatchbnil nelson 1 freeman co 2 nelson vu 3 kihrido 4 ljwrilla k bolls 0 appleby 7 new polling place trafalgar no 1 dromqoin 10 2 borne b0 3poatviila 30 4 manna 5 prlermo 52 0 bronte 05 7 ninth line 07 2110 majority for dr anderson 2031 5 37 boy scouts splehdid cohcebt lltosatlnff hodal presontadto drain er harold eonnody titt wosnea can exuorcls tb fraschiee la a aano iotolligent and orderly plt4tad lb poo dl adbekss by oimss10hkb ham- tog the sooae of oemmons fh alubu m they went afaoat tbo tuyste foas 7 matter of potuas tbejr votes aa if tbsy bad oojored the francbuw from tw loooptioo of tba popolar vote for the alec taoa of repres to poklio bodies tboy bad their ownorpanaaiioos pro and o0n canvassed the wooaesi who were tba prsjsjsjiirs a of tbo francbiao aa tbcoairbly od aystnmstirsny as- tbo meo with sb tbair years of experience and oat bright and ear j in peunoobtbaromeov rote sad kept as it tin tba last avabablo j tota waa polled the womaa war alark- well informed and voted with jamarka ly libuo needed iastractioo at the pells and tbo lady scrutineer were as crfleieb aa tba aaan ever bare bee u if any la war deeded to show tba cspabhiuss of womeo ia the exorcise of tba fraaebiss it was amply hvea on mooder therell no fsaa reaaoo possible of evolution wfcv ail woman la the land should a basis of equity with man in tba gift of tba franchise at all elaetioo parliament ary and m yas and eockaiaatjeal baujhafad dr jh mcartbor formerly tba min ister of tba methodist cbnreh bars la safforing from taroors under the rjabt aye aod is in the uemorlal hospital new tork for trestmeet las week racetance was tsada to tba removal of mr and mrs fred copper of tba fifth lino to acton a ry aajoysbu social evening waa speak with then by tbair neighbors before they isf t tha old farm ht mr waddatl presided and mr u jl hassoo read the following ad- j daar srienda we have assembled to spend a pleasant aveoing with yon poor to your removal ta yoor new home at acton which no doubt pres brighter future yom mr cooper grew up la oqr midst tba lm- portanvtima cama wbea yoa sawst to ebooaa a life pertoer in this cbotos no mistake waa made and yoa bsvw bad a bappybome a credib tqtha ooojomnity too nave borne each others trials aod have bared each others jova yoa bev together made life a sacoess and leave an xampl to follow the n chance brak naiffhkriv tio wbh we all redtrst we ek yoer sonsptanoa of thaaa chairs aoaridsooe of the rsspert and evyyf will in wfalcb yoa are bald by as il ws hive no doabt voo will form new aotfalntanoss who will bold yoa n as hlirh aaem aa yea baveojorod amonirt aa yoa wilj be irreattv minad bv ths minlter and coom- gauoa at balliaafad where yto were regu lar attaadasta mr cooper replied od behalf of himself and mrs cooper fa tender and flrtfoff words be referred to tbali keen aaprecl- afcton of tba kindly faalloga wkioh hava al ways existed in ths naijrbbarbood aad thank tba dooora for tbair valned frit an axosllent prouramma formed part of tba araolnss proceed off speeches eere made by ueaara tl lnwris j orea a t ma kobt kerr j h danny all df whom spoke n kindly terms of the host and n vocal nam bars ware eontrl- batadby tbo ulsea graham misa buy lowrie and mr art uano and iostra mental selseuons by messrs james moere w mokeary w mcdonald stewart lowria ad miasas olga moore and a oola mrs w mcknery aod mss j rof j sail contributed recjtatiooa i lanobbraa served by the ladle and tba party ooooladadri i ood be tritb yoa till ww inaoo astb- t l a xmaagift that will pteaea blm at wauaoes goelph w tba aaoand annaal pehllo ootartainmant givwa by the acton boy scoots wsa pre- aooted in tba town ball but friday evening before a urge andience it waa highly erodtahla aad splendidly eotortajning the xwograinmo vary fittingly opeoed with tba bbhrting and aalnuso of tba flay and this wsa followed by a ftay drin la which ovary one of tba sixteen sonata who took part gave ampin reasons for his loyalty to canada and tbo empire and his love for tba flse the eeont aoog be rvsparad waa radaad by uisa betty lowria in oos with aftaouvo ernpbssui and tba boys aamr tbiebqrem at this point tho ki h p moore j p of tba lncal advisory board of tbo boy scout who presided called mia mary sitnokllo who was so nearly drown- ad in eoarporation pood last sammer bar reecoer sooat harold kennedy to uta j platform in behalf of tba koyal humane aaaodaiioo of canada a fine bronaa medal was r as a to fix bra va scant it bore tba ioaeriptiqa awarded to harold kennedy for bravery in reading mary siomklolo from drcwnlns acton jojy tha sooat law waa intafligeauy x p by the pavol leaders mr wm oowdy limehoose sang m patriotia num ber and on being recalled randarad a acood aalaotion witi equally jrbod enact miss annie martin aad asat4ioctmaatar savag preeentad a taking dialogue atioad ao obliging little bister one of the best cambers of tha evening a pretty drama uncle bam in web war alleged there weald be aa santa qaoa thia year bat la tba last act war was vanquished and uncle baas fiaetively assured au children a of happy chriatmaauda tba parta vara all ax- oaadingly wall taken tba solos er tb ty ma bertie smith aad tba flooats in tba cboras with dram and piano oompnineonadaafand final firataid- was aktlfoliy dsrooost rated by half a doxan of tba scoots tittle misa i jeannlaorrsaoirapatheua irish number which broaght down the bouse and woo ootoar in respooae troop leader martio racitad a nomher which explained what boy scoots stand for tba scouts house ooata bath robes fawn aa wallaosa uaelpb dressing greatly honored la having assistant commissioner hammond tba bead of tha bey sooat moramentjn ontario a freest at tha oeooart he pres ented to the troop a beaatifal new troop flan on behalf of boon unas ter llarwood aod than made a capital speech cocgntu- latlpg lie bojt sooots oo their splendid mteneinineat an jieakinff words of sauoaragaoent to tltsm respoounjr tbair eflorta to excel aa boy snouts his address waa much enjoyed scoutmaster uarwcod thanked the audience for their patronage and tha pro- j oeedings closed with the natlaoal aalhacn j oo- sonday morning the boy boouts paraded to the methodist church where her mr larre addressed them la a splendid sermon from the text i ha went down aod slaw a lion in a pit on a snowy dj crewe0w3 cobnsfis a gloom waa east over this oomnionity last thursday when it became knwn that mra george barber aotoo bad pssash away at tba qoalpb cteoaral horplbsl on wednesday f vaoing whitier aba bad gone a weak prevfoos to undergo an operatioo- sbe was a aiaoa of mr walter lamb aad mrs wm danels of this plaos tba fuoaral on friday waa urgely smatdsd tba flowers we plaos a poa bar grave may witbar n daoay bat tbe lore for bar who sleeps beoeatb j wu1 never paas away wiunlihdat karthor nuccraaen wdro won by italian troonn on tbo lonnr plavo jujeo itailn or uonlron mado a acatlilne indictment of social condi tions in tho city ountavo horvo tho zycncb writer aald calllanz wan ttio centra or the paris beftoo propncnndlsls major w l grant tho now head master of upper canada collefo made a aiatomonfitlpnorlins union ootommonl the wajitaro of canadian troopa in the latter half of november was 10- 30trhlie tho unllntrnflnta totallod nir uc8 tbo veteran tho official organ of the great war vitorann associa tion has co mra on end publication at ottawa it supports tho union got- ernmenl tho rlso id broad prices in mont real in octobof saya tbo actinr com- salflsloncj on tho cant or living wj not justified by a corresponding ln- aroaao in coril is tolton former mp for nortb wolllnitton and cxkeero af clif ford dlod at bis homo in that vlluro from pnoamoola contracted while canvaaalng for victory bonds british- tonnago completed in tba month of november waa within mcnsurablo distance of the tonnage loaoea in that period by enemy at j tacks it waa announced in the llosae or commons by sir lao moaay rr- llamentary prtvatn secretary to tba minis try of monition foreign secretary balfour told th house of commons that a communi cation bad boon received by great britain from germany last septem ber through a neutral diplomatic channel to the effect tbat germany would bo glad to get into aommonl- catlon with great britain in regard ta peace the british government replied it was prepared to recelre any communication the german gov ernment mlcbt decide to make and to dlscobs tt with great britains ailloa germany roturnadkno reply mr balfonr added tthuiihday great britain donated ja000000 to tho halifax belief fund the austrian battleship wain was torpedoed and sunk oo sunday sir edward kemp took over tha administration of tho british over- seas forces in london general allen by made his official entry into jerusalem on foot accord ing to a statement made by lloyd george terrific loss was inflicted uyon tha germans when they made an attack upon the british positions near bui- locourt tho central powers hare announc cd their willingness to aracoate boa- mania if a new dynasty la formed to dethrone the present king food controller hoover of tha united slates has buuod an order re leasing 7c000 pounds at oloamar- garlnefor export to canada ofilclal flsmrea show tbat tba death toll in halifax reached total of 132g in which the citizens who ore reported miswinf havo been counted on account of be rtninn condi tions in germany chancellor ton hertllng is reported to hare beap grateful fox zlttm of food from fia- rarlan friends han wj han on tha food con troller is maklcr strenuous efforts to dlseorer wbo started tba story tbat ho ate a meal costing s430 which accusation ho denies nine men were rendered uncon scious in toronto by drlnklna essenoe of singer the druggist who sold it to them to ha used aa a berer- afo u heavily fined lieut boehm one of tho most suc cessful of tho german aviators and successor to capt boelko in com mand of ho squadron on the western front boa boon killed in action tho london times has called for an tnvesticatton of the altaauoa that itid to tha recent british reverse at cambrai carelessness la alleged and the pro bo will probably bo ap plied there has been a split in the brit ish columbiacabinet orer tbo union government premier brewster la supporting tho union candidates and attorneygeneral defarrls baa spok en on behalf of the laurlerlta candk date in burrard general hew bum announced that tba prerlous contributions jit soldiers to the orerseas forces will not be taken into consideration whan tha drafts are made under tha military sarrlee act the men will probab ly be arranxerfor conacriptioa aa- aording to their age- btupar itauan troopa jrepulsed- bit teuton attacks and inflicted heavy loasee war miwlca- badcea of your claaa a are now ready for diatiibution no bran or anorta arojobejixport- ad until canadas neoda are assuredtl tho chairman at gordon wal- drons meeting in parkdale collapsed aaddeoly with a fltroko the diacharse depots for returned eoldiers af hl and queboo are to ba done away with from tha lat of february whole sale dealers in fresh fruits and teg- stabiea most have licenses majorqonerad mewbum minister at militia and defence baa issued a christmas m to the canadian mother bar dr john neil moderator of tba presbyterian general assembly of canada urod support of con scription bishop sweeny opened a special subscription hat in tbo interests of tha animals deprived of shelter dy the halifax disaster mr justlco duff central appeal judcq has disallowed the exemption you cant dodge facta and you wont wauaoda gnalpb is therigbfi plaoe u buy his xmas gift a few of the bargains for christmas i for children ofa to 6 yeare x pedal 80 sweate8s a for children of ya t in rod and blur s i to 4175 sets of scarf and cap t for girls up to 14 years of ago in blue white and white and red special os set tea aprons of wklto hivn onlj h each sets of fancy work a xablo cover a sideboard scarf and a pillow caao beauti fully worked fakv uandkerciuefs i fuffcrrent kinds and otaor j lo preseuta for ajnaa r i l starkman j i mill at acton children ory for fletchers c asxo r i a h w6e junior girls red cross euchre dane to bo held fa tho towii hall friday eveg december 28 at eight oclock ticket 50c i sf a law student in n tost caoo as bo national intorrul wnu involved i kiompiion grtiiiirri toinporarlly to a man bcrnune of lia occupation holdn rood upon bin continuing in that omploymrnt but notnocooanrlly with tbo mtinn employer a flro startlnc in the arcado hnlldlngln ottawa finml as a baao nceroitlnonico may havo destroy ed a ballotbox conlnlnlnn military toteo if so tho countlne of tho military votes may bo delayed saturday great aerial activity waa reported on tho french fmut tbo toronto city council decided ttjnojaiotho wuittpnde in coanec- tlon with the civ abattoir sir aeorco minister of trade and coninii van injured by an endue in tlu- toronto union station polling in halirtx will be on tha 29tb of january tbo nam a day as in the tukon in cnnncqiicnco of tba calamity the germans era rod a small sao- cfcso east of yproo whrn about i0jb yards of british trench wure cap- lured sheriff william carney of sault ste marie ono or lliubout known men in northnrn ontario boa pass ed away tho rumoro tbat general currle inteuds to reifcn bnvo been contra dicted lie still lcado thu canadians in franco contractu bavn bon awarded in tkr untot sisfi for 4000 ahlps with a not deadweight carrying capacity of nlclit million tons tho total subscriptions to tho vic tory loan in tho province ofquqboo outaldo of modreal was 17049000 only 29500 people contrlbuuid 1 dean inno of st pauln cathodral london known tn eiisland as tho gloomy dean baa said that onlya reconciliation of tho nations can and tho war promler lloyd onorco declared that thia is tha tutlnc time for tho allien tboy muot bold tho roin- forcod foo at biu until tho spring when the americana will bo ready honry bits of hcotoulo was found not guilty by a jury in parry sopnd on tho charge or sedition he claimed that any words apoken by him wore due to the fact that bla neighbors persecuted blm on account of his german ancestry ilia grftt- rcrandfathor immigrated to canada from saxony monday petrograd denies the report that the former cxar has escaped ah of the crow of tho british ateamer knight or the thistle were landed safely largo number or british work men urged the establishment of a rationing system the safe arrival in england of a number of drafts and details of troops la announced the french minister of marine said real procrens was being made in the antieubmarlno campaign the food controller baa issued re gulations far the trade in cereals and baa fixed prices on bran and aborts tho boyal military collo king ston has been offered for the use of the naval cadets till the naval col lege at halifax la rebuilt while driving 16 a political meet ing at hlgbgato solomon gosnell proprietor of tbo monitor waa struck by an express on the m c b and instantly killed rot 3 mclean has resigned the pastorate of tbo presbyterian church at sl marys in protest against in terference with bis liberty of speech in connection with the election his excellency the governoraen- cral has received tho following cablegram from his royal highness the prince of wales for communica tion to tho mayor and people of halifax my thoughts ore with yoa in the overwhelming disaster which has berallen your city and i sym pathise deeply wltb all the sufforers tuk8day a bouaetohouso compafgn of ed monton resulted in a contribution of 10000 for the hall fax belief fund the turks occupied tho islands of uessonlssl and plaka on the coast of asia minor their action was unopposed joseph man tell aged 107 was the oldest man to ting in tho city of to ronto ho coat bin ballot for union candlate two neutral merchantmen and a trawler wero mnk off tho tynp on december 12th by german destroy era thoso bold raiders mado their escape harold hutchincs ood 22 tbo son of a winnipeg mllllouairo must leo to wax mr jtutico hiitcart gaxo a decision ref using to allow jbun ex emption premier cjemonccau of france threatened to resign if 11 joaopb- calllanx was granted ijnnjunlty from atnfk nn nrffllint of in the country tho premier got hla earn way harry lauder- has mado a roply to mayor martin of montreal who de clared that no forelgnor has a rljm to interfere in canadian politics lander said that ho docs not couut himself a foreigner- in any land where tho british flog flics with reforanoa to tho german governments statement that it had received through anoutrai go-vorp- ment last september an inquiry in regard to its war alma under cir- enmstances indicating that the in quiry was mado with tho sanction of the british govornmout tho daily chronicle prints a slalom out from lord uobart cecil minister of block- tide brandlnc lho whole thing as un true ilrisadiorgcboruk bernard john dowllnc irwin of chicago wbo for many years baa had- his summer borne lu cobourg dlod after a weeks 111 u cis h lu duuth removes another half botwoou tbo presont and united huitos history as ho was a veteran of indian campaigns and 4ho civil war gunoraljrwln waa born in iro- iftiul june 24 1830 and was educat ed no a doctor in tbo united state ho was stlarbod toiho army and for dlstlnrjulubod ullantry against the iqdiias lu arliona ho was awarded the conrcualopal medal initial display this week of ia gift i auain the question irici what shall i pivq furchriktmaa wcimkc thisweck a wonderful ohowin of real praclical rfts give somethin useful cotnc on in and uec uandkerciuefs childrcnb handkerchfefa santa ciuus and fancy borders 5c 10 doz handkerchiefs in hem stitched with embroidery corners extra good values at 10c and 15c cacn 20 doz fine embroidery and lace edpe handkerchiefs good valpe at 25c each 5 doz fine pure linen hemstitched j inch hem this is great value for the money onlyjjoc each lo doz irish handembroidered handkerchiefs embroidery corners baby irish lace edging special at 25c 35c 40c 50 ladies chamoisctte gloves in black and white and natural perrins make special at 100 perrins kid gloves in black tan and white sizes 5j to 7 at 8200 p boudoir caps in new designs made of net crepes and silks special at 50c 75c and 100 everybody buys handkerchiefs and we have enough for all silks for christmas fancy stripe silks in waist length each length done up in fancy box each length 300 white brocade silks in waist lengths done up in fancy boxes each length 3250 black silks bought specially for our christmas trade and very suit able christmasprcsents wonld be a dress or waist length of one of our black duchesse or mercerized tafletta fully 36 in wide special at 175 silk crepes in pink black maize and white special at 150 and 100 per yard white and maize habitiu silks very suitable for waists full 36 in wide special at 100 visit the mens department no wonderful showing men nedcwear at 25 1h and 81 oo mens neckscarfa in knitted or eillt at 100 8150 onil 8200 75 i liens excelda handkerchiefs fancy borders at 1012il5andl8 5 dozen mens cashmero sox special for 50 per pair tbo rift to buy this year is tho useful gift and tbo best placo to buy it is at this store pi riliirjiwiifit- lie fhrtrjumsi dlinrdi arfon ii o b 1aiioc ha i lto cllulicji i vforu hi i i0i3i i 1 all mo k bbfllmiihiu i i tiinilr it -i- in ttmili i r a viliml- kill i i houhjir cattlh aki tillkkl ikxjs icifj tk ip ciiwtom ii waciihameiii to nil l ll i v 3ij iiiiitf 1j jnilr ii l ai tukudayjauiiy t 1 clock tio flfjy hoilhblu jattfi- kloril i lioittiw wi hull llf 1 not vittv ci jw- s al ly uurnlriio hiui a11 ml ijw red co- 10 years ri i rm j calf at ft j 1 ran 3 april 0 i 1 roa fjw 1 red heifer jus july j augast j 1 red beif i fat cattle i ilr r rialnr j year- i r years j 1 jir bsif eteer rising 1 yeai calf ft piodlhs old 1 caj iiogh 1 vortiitrn augaatns xo ssvji h n sryw duo j i2 i vrj i york mow duo jan it jan 00 i yotk w d j sew doe jan h 1 yxit u inn anjroat ifi h ci fur duo a- 1 pair fr i laeta boifars ruidjf o cj 1 pair j ralv 1 rlh ow r outrr i york iuniui 23 rli now r 3f 1 vork jan 30 mil st ay mclean wej anzl iron cash wo ataazron ucets acton t york so duo ilr 17 i vwk sow daomarcti 2h i vurk tat u llarrj 25 1 york sow duo marcb vi yortt sow doefarcb 31 i vorli duo april i 1 april sow doe april ui yortcaowsdoa ycoftt 4 pjc nxjoui sjieepa laicmtw owe bred from ecinfuard stock grain co ui hxd lunttiea early yuur 03 t ed drlnr o a c 21 12 hsgaaowl 1imi host lave aboap io tone fil io ccio whitda- treos ajid doahletrae terms of sal all iumi b 11x00 and aadme cab over lhar ondnoe 12 moolh credit on spprrvrd jriot notes fat cattle jt lnti ijrixtarjt r jiva per ceai diacoon- tar cal positively oo jteaerve tc- k- craham oerk aafticnacr old false teeth bonght in any condition ioo per tet or 7 cents per tooth cash by return inail- r a copeaun zstdor gfhn an morrrneju a on wednesday jan 2nd yoa should register xz oae of sijaws business schools torostu ad enjoy the best passible training for a goad basiness position free carnycn cxpuuaa couincs folly write w- e new wonderland friday deceabih z2 two men and a woman an ivan production braia otorm two reel fox film corrtedy satuitoay dcccmoexl 3 the god bail man with douglaa fairbanks tueadav dccebber ss matinee at 3 po ewnbf at 7 the tarantula with eulitb stor ey and anton ia mereajo some times a manj docs pay episode 5 of thovoico on the wire werntaday jan b 00101011 pattersons juhiloo singers sklppling ferries zl mullin wholesale commission merchants nookwood and acton arc in the turnip bui- ness at actoiv as usual and will continue per manently highest cash prices paid for any quantity of pood quality turnips delivered at acton sta tion m edwards co bakers acton merry christmas to having purohasod tho statham bakery business which lias been conducted since may last by mr w woodcock wo will oonduot it on tho old satisfactory linos which mado tho sta- tham business so popular for tho thirty years thoy were in business in aoton the many oustomors will bo servod regularly with wholesomo whito aim brown bread and buns and very shortly an attraotivo line of cakos will bo added tho statham recorbt of past years will bo main tained your ordors will bo approoiatod m edwards co church st acton itf htu tlfrshsffijbffli

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