v i ithr arfmt 3vrr jjircs 1 i mm 1 k m 1 ml i i i i 0i1an 1a ctm 1 1 vi 1 l 11 llwl i an tisy l it i tin o u 1 i i t l i lllt i my 1 ii i l r- it llllk ii l i hi i hllil a toil ai i uwho lulinu o i uigrv t lorsailacuun ji non gnu a i o 1m im tbi all ib i i v i uo net n riit i rorluu rlisir ai hc t r nur tjro jf t mo i in uy wtounllwli tu light i or hittt clem i n t- iuhu iii ho nil thn folk lie i tn led hulmnmim- it iwlcwl k anlpftiiulkinuiililn two wlion imit ft fy ut if im a grcs big man liko him or lio 1st a littlo bny ilka mo ad bow o d watch for rant a glum to came down whom their urc wan iv nor i tnll him lit trim folk nay tliem mn t no hnln nyy i an lio tomi ftt lomo log o lilt an bsv you toll them folks lhero i- 1 an non do tell mo lio ho brought tha tieatcat rift ho ovr got at banta on ono ohri man day qjvo him my gran m anyway v an nrn ilntich 1 nt b dnnr tnk a grev hijp usr on hi clik 1 bnhcauno mv rrnm fnno wv to homo place where tho snphn stay and o i hug my grsnpa lit hi an next wo know wnro slept all n gbt an i pot lot o thlntm lwcnno my gran pa ha knows bant ci nun wilt tir i nmllt- aiiifimuiiu n everyone will admire them three timoo 9 day shining opotlcoa dlaheo you know if a thing is worth doing at all it is worth doing well so for your dishes and utensils use sunlight 8oap its soft creamy lather ensures a ehinlngxleanlmcfla that will bo a delight to the eyo ightsoap chhistmas jokes yea chriatmas in coming it la near at hsnd if yon are going to do anything- for anybody dont delay n a christmas gooeo tllo turkey that thought ha wu aafo wuu ha escaped death at thanksgiving time bo patient with tho merchants and elerkn during ho holldayn and do not do your christ ma fdtapping surly no groat composer has ocr sob iho christmas whopping nnh to mulc there u an opportunity for nojae towering genlo to acquire either fame or tho foouth house complete in lutolf mother grooa worm exterminator dooa not irquiro tho asust- onco of any other medicine to makojbcuco tiro it docs not foil to do im work an oicum in tho only thing that i cosy to cod when joure looking for it he who thrown monoy away gives other people employment picking tt up was troubled with iidissfldh could keep nothing on stomach indigestion mono of the woiil forma of stomach trouble tiio dtotnoch becomes upset and you hjivo a raw debilitated foclmg iq it it- la not ncortwary for you to bo troubled with indirection if jou ill only 11b8 that old ana wrljknown rtmrdy burdock blood bituxn which will rtgu- lato the stomach ao that you may cat what you wish without any ill after effects mra wm c smith manhville onl wntea i cannot upcok too htfihly of burdoci blood ilitttnt it m worth its wciglit in gold i ww troubld with in digestion and wan do bad i could not keep on thing on my ntomach a fncrul odviflrd mo to try b bj3 which i did and 1 never ft it lxtlr in my lite burdock blood bttm hwbecn nrvnu- tacturrd by tlic t milhunico limited toronto ont for over 10 ji ini you do not experiment whcnyou buy it v has great cleansing power yet it never red- 9 dens or hurts tho softest haqds being of surpassing purity q asorxki bar a 3lula 5w as arw h mniite3ujiia nmiii-ffl-mijuj-iniiuafuuiijo-miuia-mjnmi-eb- christmas timewastehs a groat deal of etnphaaui is pat and proxrl on eatlyehtiatnjabuying tha tndeney of some ahopperm to put aff mak log any purchao till lata in december han made chrtatmofl a day to b draaded by thoobaoda of employae ia tho big city atorea each yaar chrintmas ahopplno bo- riosa littleoaxlior than tha year before and the terrible rush the last ton days be fore christmas la thereby avoidad bet early uylnp is nob the only waj of saving tho time aod ppanng the temper of i bo girl behind tho counter one great bolp ia to know what you want when yoa tart out you should do tho moat important part of your chnatman shopping at home de cide before yoa start oot joat what yon want to purchase aod look for tbab the pooplo who wander vaguely through shop trjrw ta gtwdeaa from crowded ooaotera ro hopeleaa time woaters and of other pooplos tlmo oa well as their own navar jadge a m an by hia coab ho may ew tho tailor warts will render tho prettiest haoda aoilghtly clear the ezcroocencea away by nalng ilollaways corn lure which acts thorqagbly and palnloaly wht you hano stockings there u a story from italy which some suppose tojjo the beginalng of tho christ jnts stocxrpg years ego good old sl nioholu of padua used to throw knitted parses with money in them in at the win dows of the poor theao knitted parse were not unllfcej stocking without a foot and later it bocamo tho custom of the peoplo to hang thin knitted sack juab lnaldo the window that sb nicholas might put something in aa ho passed when these parses wonb onb of use stockings woro aabstituted in the northern tart of italy it was a uttlo too chilly to leave the wn dows open and the stockings woro hung by the mantel place se that they might bo filled by tha chimney 1 could hot sleep at right tho conauuit bucking cough that eticloj to you in npilu of cvijyshmg you iiayo douo to nlu u it ua aourco of danger tho lontr tho rouidi ataya tho niorw scnoita iiiluaro it ia to your huillh it lflonjiy to di l a couh at tho out- net with de w ti j nurway tine hymp if yun liayu kt it run ihouli it takui whdo lunj i r to turt but dr wood a norwiy itim rtjtitp will cum it even then oiler otmr rt m tliui havo failed mr j lliury laiidry boutb luvrar burnoib n s r u i i n vivitimjch eratbinitlt run dr sthwia norway no b nip th it 1 r innot lulp niirueimg my biiukw i uulfurd with u hacking cough for o r a mumli and could not sltrp at tuiihl 1 ili d iiiliny ttudii of rciutlicn but th v 1 iu duruu unv rood until i ud dr woods and itiunc great nlnf light iroin the start i only ifvtd two bottha aiul wtw conv jilrtoly curnl i will nijvtr bo without it m long aa i liv xlicrn nn a ihiihikt or uubtititutca on tbo niorktt fur dr wtxd a nunvay pino fi nip so win n you uuk fo- it m o that it is put up in ayi how w up icr thnt pino tjvi i the txutk n aru ri o k i d iqc nu ihaut ixani th i imii llio 1 mll- buru co luuilod torun jo onu help for an tli ma neglect girts aathma i greab advantage tho treahla onoe lb lias secarod a foothold fastens ita grip a i ronchial pobaagoo tenaciously pr j d kollogga asthma ilemedy ia dally oaring noses of asthma of long standing years if uitcring howqtor might haro been iravantod bod the remedy been used when be troublo was in us first tocos do nob oglect asthma bat aso tha prepsrauoa as lb u safer to boor and take counsel than to gito if yoa must worry worry owsr- things ran cant help yoa can work error the others quick tempafts an illumination in honor of wouoded self eatoom iizzy and faint s arc warnings of hcnrt trouble that should bo heeded thooo fethngs of wcakncai thi di bpclla and all gam uuil in m nui n which come over tioino leoil i mm tu to tune oxo warnuig- that muat not i i unliccdcd they imlicato an cxtn mi ly weakened condition of the hiart and a diflordcred state of tho ncnii thooo who aro wie will uurt l mi mllburn ilrart and nro iml 1- f n their case jteomts hopt i 1 in b no equal foi butii liuiiio iho latt and invigoratidg tlio mr mrs i mil brooks uppr gngkown nh wntta all hut juuunrr nnii wmtcr i hotl dixiy ui il m ik hjx hi luadaclics and aintinr end blind up lbi a fritnd rcconmiliid d milbuni s ilnirl and ncrvo pilhf to inn i hud ml taltln two boxia wlun i found great ro ll i i highly rtetunmend thrm to all orho tiuftr from hrort troublo milburnu htartftnl ntro pills nre f50c per box ov nil d alera or nnild dirtct on n- iptof iinm by tito t mil burn co limited toronto out- tis a uarvollonn thing wbea the ourea arfectod by dr thomas eclectric oil am considered the speedy andpermuit nnbrcliaf it lias brought to tho eafferiog vboravor it has boon used ib must be re- ordo1 as u marvolloui tiling that so potent a incdiclionhould reside from the six in grcdionu which entor into ita composition a trial will cuuvlnco the moat skeptical of ili lualing virtucl children ory for fletcyers casxori a whes you have a cold 1 keep any from puoea where people congregate 2 do not ase the same drlnklag cap as ether people yoa shouldnt do ao oft anytime 5 do not kiss poople and shoo too dote contact with them 4 dostrey your nxmth and us accre tions by boiliog or by firo tl if yon have fever or aches go be bed aedatay there ontfl yon eel better 6 always remember thab yoa bv no more right to give anyone else a cold than yon have to giro them diphtheria or small pox and that yon are vary fooliah to tako a oold from anybody else if yon can balp my health to lydia e pinkham veg etable compound washington park hl i am tb mothor of four childron and havo dif fered with female trouble backache nervoua spells and the bines my ehil dreni load talking and rompinir would make ma so nervous r coald just tear ewery thing to pieced and i would ache all r over and feel so sick pfthat i would not wont anyone to talk to mo at tune lydia pinkhams vegetable compound and liver pflla re- btorod me to health and i want to thank yoa for the good they bavo done mo i havo had qolta bit of trouble and worry but it doea not affect my youth ful looks myfrienda ay whydoyoa look ao yoong aod weilt i owe it all to tho lydia e pinkham remedies mrs root stopiel mooro avenue washington park lllinoia wo wish every woman who suffers from female troublas nervtinrocwt backacho or the blues could see the ict- to rs wrl tten by womeir dssku wu by ly dia e pinkham a vegetable compound if you have any symptom about which yoa would like to know write to the lydia e pinkham medicine co lynn mass for helpful advk given free of charge herb christmas aoaih merry christmas again i soma of yoa young folks have made the discovery that tee christmasee are closer tofretber than they ased to be all of as can remember when as tha eartsin dropped oo the de light of oot christmas oar hearts were wrong by the realization of tka eternity that most pass wore another and now they fairly crowd cpon one app hee bat one thing certain there art none too many of them and they cannot oome too cloeely for the worlds weal jor when the joy and kiadunesa of the christmas thab is past reaches halfway round the year u plafp bands with the glad anticipation and the self forgetfol planning for the christmas thab is to come this world of oars will be very near tha plaoe where gods will la dene on earth as in heaven serenity come after a man is completely estarated with indifference umm caauai aouiorued ififioojxn caltal rekswn t oursiua r send your boy at the front a five franc note for ioo cau lo ud to buy little comforts liojs loblud tho flrlug lines ior nald by bank op hamilton qboitoinowm mi aw cm w h mekmr news topics of the week wl ilnkhtmy toronto innntnr liakom derldod to oot apart j2 coo for or ion title rr naarrli mr w it i parker wnn appolntod to inyontlgatn rlalma or fartnero for ezoiuption hon arthur howard younost son or led iurntbcona la wounded tor tho fourth tlmo toronto clorffy unllod in a bis moatlnn for union oovornuiont bold inbw ocorcon hall olconifirearlno ia uxportod to bo on naln to connumnrn fn all parts of canada next tuesday william plopor formnr manager of tho ogllvlo milllnc company e train c leva torn at wlnnueg died at kltchoonr in bin nlity olth yoar tho commission of conaorvatlon la to publish without delay the flrot comprohenslvo and autborltatlro dl rectory ot canelao natural re- bonrcos judgo mcdougsli found four hun aldormon aovon botolkeopers and noven other fooldqa of tho city vthp actor as 1 n term od lor ion guilty of bribory alox mclaren one of tbo loading merchants of st catharines paasad away in his 74th year juat twolvo daya alter tho death of his brother robert of tho name firm that england lfl almost cleaned out or reinforce menu far the cana dian corps la tbo outoment of major w l grunt who has roturnod from overseas to assume hln now dutlos as principal of upper canada college lady drummonrl writes the times protesting onco moro against tho ntntomonto asoertlnr lack of hospliej- lty in cue land to canadians which btatomont una oaya is whblly undo- nerved minn louiho ollveroau oelf-doclar- ed anarch i nt convicted lost weak on ntx charcoa of an indictment charg ing violation of tho csplonaca laws yesterday was sonloncod to ton yoora in tho stato prison at canon city colorado by judco joromlah noloror in tho unite 4 statan federal court jbo accoptod sorrtcaco without com mon t thubsday amorlcan railroads wilt seek to remedy tho shortago of care in can ada- barkloy lambort of niagara town- ehlp wan killed by a kick from a homo tho trial of kaltcbsmldt and othor alleged gorman plotters was begun at detroit rorulationn rogardlng tho msna- facturo importation and sale of cereals are announced saskatoon hnn tiled or ory munici pal offlco by acclamation by consent to reduce expcnocn tbo united statea congrcaa has bo- foro it a resolution for tho declara tion or a stato of war with austria eight gorman airplanes were brought down on monday by french aviators tho war office announces tbo food controller la appealing to tho bakorn for recommendations to moot tbo urgent need of saving wheat for tho aiiilb women of representative toronto churches issued a special call to wo- mon to pray for tho itucccas of union gdvernmont at tha polio henry an toy a or ojlbway ont twenty yearn old a cripple was ac cidentally shot with his own gun whlto duckhunting foil into tho river and was drowned prof o e day has realgnod tho professorship of animal husbandry at tho ontario agricultural college to accept tha secretaryship of tbo canadian shorthorn brooders as sociation alox zanxow was found guilty at sornla of wilful murder of frank smith anothor russian last august daring a fight over cards and wma sentenced by mr justice clute to bo hangod february 27 an important conference won hold at ottawa betwean coal mining offi cials government ofdclala and offi cials of tho commission of conserva tion with a view to atopplng waste in mining of coal in tho wst packons have been warned that theii prices for eggn lu atorago aro too high and a further reduction of 15 per ccnl is oucgeatod by tho food controller who may ir thoy atill re fuse to reduco compel thorn to pat tho egga on tho market irrespective of any loss friday premier x4oydoeorgo is ill buffer ing from the effects of a chlll the germans mado a daylight raid on london two of their airships woro brought down tho germans launched another of fensive against tho italians and met with slight initial successes itc iter blahop fallon roman catholic bishop of london loaned a statement endorsing the union gov ernment attempts mode by tho roumanians to fratornlxo with tho armlca of tho conlral poworn woro proventod by tho loyal artlllory the nuaalons in tbo caucasus ro continuing their war against tho turks in spite of tho work ot tho pacifists in potrograd it was stated by lord robert cecil in tho british houao or commons that no treaty existed supporting italy against tho vatican tho british house of commoua will dlsonf ranch loo conacluutlous ob- joctors for tbo duration of the wur and for ovo ytani thun after a belgian rollcf ebi collldtd with a french munition chip in hill far harbor as a rtsult of thi xplouou that followed tbo city or utufax hi camo a shambles jlundndt of pjo pie wore killed and tboumiuls lu jurod batlsnod that ho um nun n jui ao turned a ordict of zillty of u ui millers worm powders not only exter minate intestinal and other worms but they are a remedy for many other silmenta of children they strengthen the yottmr stamach against biliousness and are tonics in their e fleets where the child suffers from loss ot appetite in feverish oeaditions they will be found asefal and they will ervo feo allay pain and griping in the stomach from which children so often suffer castoria for infants and children in if so for over 30 years always bears the signature of sleeplessness hloep is tho great reator or and to be deprived or lb u vital loss whatever may be the oause of lb indigas- tien nervous derangooaentarmautal worry try a course of parmeloos vcgsubla pills by regulating tho action of the atomacb whore the treuhle uos they will roure normal oondllloua and boallhful sleep will follow thoy oinrt a sodatlre furoe upon the nerves and whore there is unrest iliey bring rest rti r ui tnnt william bonnolt a 30- y i old inlitli f montreal who sbot anil khird hi un l i flitrh the sue cc ill r minor ft tho itlrl tio lovi 1 rt lnnd point in july last john t wldiimftti onn of tho plon onrn or fit jacobs died ot tho ago of hi yennt ii ij was born in tho tdwn- nblp f markhnm county ot york in ibm hn miknged in tbo general store ininlneos ho was a member of the township council of woolwich for a number of rears division court clerk for 27 years and township rlork 32 yearn and 44 years as post- in nntwr i he norrentago of ships carrying wheal to great britain lost in bop- t ember wan 3 3 according to olr leo o clilozxa money parliamentary prlvnlo nocrotary to tho ministry of munitions speaking in tbo houno of commons tbo percentage in octo- lor waa 0 7 tho percentage of all inoonilng convoyed ships lost since thn system van adopted was only ono and one hair per cent baturiday gorman military works in belgium woro effectively raided by british air men tho prussian eietoral reform bill was introduced by the oermanchan- collor mont or tho bombs dropped on london during tbo last raid were inoendiary if a denton one of tho most sucoessful public school principals in wootorn ontario died at hia home at wcjkervillo evidence was irlven at the trial of albert kaltschmidt in detroit to show that ho had been well paid by tho germans for his work two firms tn canada have received llconsoa to manufacture oloomsr- garlna and three hundred licenses hore been granted to import it dr d m gordon retiring princi pal of queens university has issued a stirring appeal for support of tho union government aa tbo one im mediate way for canadians to finish our work f albert stewart living oast of cor inth onl was struck by a train wbllo driving across the ji c b track near springfield and instantly killed his horse also being killed and the rig demolished onn sir arthur currie writes a friend in vancouver that the can adians will soon fool tbo pinch very acutoly which the men now being moaned in canada asrnlnforcamanta wiu not axrtro in tlmo to prevent mr jufluoo duff as central ap peal judge has rulod on a second teat case brought before him that when of a family tho sole remaining member is not in tho c e f bo should bo granted exemption cspo- ciaby when one of tha family has al ready boon wounded or killed monday an enemy thrust in the verdun re gion wax chocked b tho french a revolution in porta sal resulted la tho overthrow of tho government an amorlcan destroy or was sunk by a gorman submarine and many uvea werqjnal a strfko of machinists is threaten ed in toronto as a result of action taken by exemption tribunals appeals for tho halifax sufferers wojto answered by generous contxi- bctions of money and clothing tho axnerlcan steamer codorouah struck on racumlnac point and will probably be a total loss the crow la safe rn renin experienced the neaylost snowfall in six years and tho worst torm for many years at this tlmo of the season the steamer geo n orr waa driv en ashoro at sowage harbor prince edward island but tho captain and crew of 32 landed smfejy the report of loss of 8 000 bags of overseaa mail at halifax has xtot been conflrmed ottawa having no word from halifax amciala to that effocl tho canadian government steam er simcoo fo undo rod friday night off the magdalen islands the fate of the crew of fortyalx mostly from st john nb is unknown arehblaboiijmatfacnqn of ruperfs land primate of ail canada has ifl- suod a stirring pastoral urgick ail anglicans in that diocese to support tho union cause which waa reatd in oil the churches yestoruay bishop farthing of montreal has also issued a strong appeal along the samb lino tuesday sir mackenzie bo well former pre mier or canada dlod at his home in bollevlllo in hu 94th year rome despatoofl confirm reports that italian troops have maintained their linos on ail battlo fronts an orderlncoaneit has boon pass ed putting tho canada temperance act lato force in tho city of qaobee on saturday next nino hundred machinists decided to send a commlueo of seven to col greer with a protest sinst condi tional exemptions a cablo from genoral sir william robertson chief of staff completely vindlcafcao col omar macklems right to astaff colonels title and uniform the chief of the food controllera staff advised amending of municipal regulations so as o permit the keep ing of fowl and even of plgn in towns and cities eleven shipbuilders are in the general noapltal suffering from ar senical poisoning caused by drinking tea into which it is claimed the poison waa put it is fearedahatithecrewor the tag archlo w whlflh want to pieces after grounding on tecumsoh reef lake erie have boon frown to death in their ufoboal premier w m martin or saskat chewan in hu manifesto urging sup port orthe union govornmeut de- dncaufl btlrrlng yp of race and creed strife in canada prumlur albucomas mado official annuuncomuut yeuterday that the spanish utcumuhlp ci audio ban been bombarded by a german submarine night sullors bo 1 tic killed and others wuundod tbo cluudlo waa bound iron nu amorlcan port for spain with a cnrto of sulphates for tipan- lah uno the gov rnuieut u prepar ing to protiit to oormauy ranwrnra issxu ho to waste the best way to i money is to gt lb easy auyway tke peesiiuut is thankful that he waa bora an epumiat pain in shoulders paih in head l1eb bothered heb miss a wlntlaor rvurtxro oat rlttfli 1 have been sick for about four years with pains in my bead and pains ia my shouldcre which i rways jhought went caused by working outside ia tho sun on the farm peoplo told me that it waa toy liver bothering mo ao 1 bought throe viaja of milbums laxauver pills and found that they were doing nu good i continued taking them until now i am well and strong i am very thank ful to you for my recovery milbums lojtaxlver pills art apodflo for all troubles arising from m morbid state of the liver tx kep it active by the use of these easyacting noqlrriuuug littlo julls milbums laxoliver pills are 36c a vial at all dialtrs or mailed direct oa ruct ipt of prilo 1iy 1 ho t mllbum oow liuuuxl ioruutot on i ii l all bhg sliilstlmlllithorlwbjy unt1lffistamtoj ncuictopluinmorphin mineral nor nanoomij ahdpriiltoi7f ijconrfsonaiullil iii n rn n w tll l mmnjuvs cow swtio ft ft copy of wrapper for infanta and childron mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signature of n thirty years iastorm wherever theres a victor or a victrola some new victor records will be a most appropriate gift they will add to the enjoyment of the instrument and make it practically new again come in and hear sonic of the latest reorda well cladjy civc you a i11 ol them and play any you wlahto hear sheet music tlolivorel by firt mail after order in delivered c w kelly son s3 wyndhatn st quelph special december service betwees toronto and winnipeg daily westbound dec 3rd to jiuvznd eattsonnd dec id to jin 5th not trtwoclly lame will bo roaomed tberagftar regolab sehvice detween winnipeg utd fr fiimtnn ana vtaxoottr daily triwebkiy canadian northern oapitat t700m00 nnsisnvca pohoa and undivided pbowis roooo the merchants bank of canada t tj i j i r n 1 ml 1 o 31 7 cli 1 i 1 v jj is coming j k i ivik 11i hi pitd iu iir 1 l 1 a aru i i l l h fhuii siit i mm kajsins hi inc imi m conk j i kjni ry cannli ods illtcl wll groccrii nnd li ind cured mcati si onn fresh all orders promptly filletl j r livingsfonc orooerlos and pro viol ono acton ont we want now a reliable agent in j niton county to sell pclham o pccrlesr irnit and ornamental trcca dtirinj pall and winter month ft good pay exdti alvo territory frco celling couipmcdt ovun 060 aches of the choicest nursery slock includ ing nliw vnrlctics controlled by us hiuidsomo up to date selling enuip- rnent and a splendid canadian grown toe it to offer enntomera we are not jobbers- write now for agency tcrma to 3 e lham nubsehy co tononto ontabio n b catalogue sent on request to appllcanls for agencies or purchasers of naruery stock hcton and bs lin6 having purchased iho livery and coed will of tho business from mr a mccann i solicit with confidence tho patronage of tho public comfortable ngu supplied at reasonable rates special artcntiod to supplying conveyances for wedding and funcrala motor cars furnished when re quired tlcds bsejeto axjl ilain l e atkinson acton ont ji nanrjddanaanrjcsi grain a 11- a 1 chopping i a n a a i i wdll done and g i quickly at only i d d g 5 cents g d i per bag 1 harris 6 co limited s bockwood nnndnnaanndaai blrll moutaguo allan c v o prcstdoul d c mucarow gouenu monqgor look to tshe future tiiaod nifty thango mid work lccouiolc3 ploutiful for you with advanced vcarj uo 1 yc u will havo u i uch help anywhere oj yeur nico littlo fowhuudrcd dollars ouved lu ijluo iwuml canadian ijauk deirtn nowwtl how far bobiud nly o nn dollr muka a hobby of it sco how far bobiud you inn louvo 1iiublo uud liiud limes abovo all thlngu do not look binlward lu your run to tho harbor of comfort 333 branihct in lauuda iurmoia btuiness uoluitcd ac1 on branch l b shorey manager will you be one thousands of thoughtless people neglect colds evely jfrtntox a cough loll6wa they get rundown then stubborn sickness sets in this can be prevented easier than it cnn be cured 11 you will give your system the beneiit of afew bottles of pu you will find your whole system atcengtherlcd it will fortify your lungs nd throat and enrich your blood against rhoumatiam scotts is powerful concentrated nourishment without drugs or opiates dont neglect taking cofr ooounoiaoo today octt suwu t oat i uli r when you need boots at any time buy fkoftj wwilliams ontario- acton iamoub lok satisfactory footwear klabonauiu lrluhb 11 promptly secured id all conalrill aak fur our in vi mulls sllvlstll wblcli will 1 ml a 1 mahiun smaltlon 3m uuitrty avo uonthbaii 4i 1 vipgff llirwim jllllll i i j r 4i a lki xu isimimi rttleia2x 13fpr 4ijsjl yam ia1