Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 27, 1917, p. 1

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volumj xiajlt no j ii cry lubacrlvlti t tal aoton oomtakio thub8day mobhihg mscismjucu 27 1317 huhcr1puoo i ric si u i single copiesfive centh ijp irtmt 3trr e rrsa tuvow izvauy tftuiufvuoumniu pilci mwi uuinuimi llili blllxw acto tlbm oh hdawmpti uo per year atrial mln adrsiir u to iulaerltraial4iq united juuea all autnori tlona tllioootlomml whan til all autnoril tlona tllioootlomml for willed ihoy bar ba paid acrtbvauia iutx ttoionl anrartl- taiow 10 caats ir ncniiuoll lias or flrml lasarraon atnl 6 ooutn i rr ilaa for aaeh anbae- aaaal laiariloo cuiitrw dliplay sdraxtlsa iants for bo or incbo mora par ajmnm 10 ouili par inch aaeli leaartioo toady oontnusu to raiding uiir zi ottuu par nob acb losax liso auriruuroenu without ipoolflo dlrmtlooa will b inaortail till forbid asd abui4 aooord ioly tnealant aulxsruaamania moil ba pajd ioadnnoa uitriutimauu wilb cuangad on aash month it daolrat for ojiasgas of laaa laas abort rsanuonod tho oitra oorspoalusa xnaal b paid or at regalar nua boluqtsd monthly n t hoous cdllo and propiwl finuinj3s qirccturp aijcdcix fphos cbay md cjlwccill t b o p e dims o son ubk9kb usmau ubsioaz associatis etc aroatick btnet aetcu out dtt j a mcnivef i lijalcrun and snraoon oma iimllwriiiaica onr dower arsons sod hlflabiraat the realdeaee formerly oeoa else by d u lianaaasoo acton oat ybterwaitt tooh lawfios cteoinary bobfjboir ontario ormddai of oaurlo vatarlauy couan ibmo offlmortbar hlock usidaeee mill qaila day or night prmnpuy ut la a j hjufiohnoli i hot4crra omo mill btnut in rorrjman disc ww a melean lurtuur uoljuta ana notary pnblla offlo ho0 udjeaxa ulock poafia wral uttalpb moorfc loan icanvi dran special suao- dajm hell ddii ld s tttomrx aoto i bona no s ooo a laudaoca coroar mill tad prodalek iumu qokos uiiainjim or toboto okitwwht tb lamat aoaauiiiu ded u dlnd d mujcklla nxoox lllawfl iiookuludbii aooqbi doo1ii of a11 kind mads to crdr fwlddioala n lax at r daacrlc u jd canfallf bound hcilarnltil promptly dona m ahiuagi uoiimslb ii e moojy iasua or uaaaiao turffi i prttofflco novltneuejraqnlrod lstd jsm racldtsoa in tb ayaninf ffioo irou oom aotoh k ljiosflssd auononu sla oooduotaid wltb aallaiaouoa bjid opon raoa4l mrou ordr by lottar to ortuq p o- or oaladon tlpbmli raaidaooa la oaaaacdaix wluj tba tall wbar ankofaiuanla aa unlataaodbdra maine mdim nkila ordara lalt ufui fjueh dom acton will roolt lmmdula almaiiaa apeula4uatloa to al in aotoa wd vlolxiuj flmm to fuxx o uaurr dalexniven surveys btrtxli visions plorts ro- porta description jilueprmu etc ajjficabrxor iicajjiimri ml mort fraffricsbnriiyaotftrcliicrf buil ders nfrl ftlunicijialountilii drain afo rojtarta catunatca etc mo lean bldg dourflaasl qdblph cplions 1004 ont 7 vk l hicjimomb bt vaar i i jjuonio canada j b chbbbrs dook qlmduit qubm0tbmt atiatponi dooka ajid uaaluoa bouud la llautdsoiua aad babamuuaj ooi hazom istloivd fu cld oil uuil uyqm 11004 ajutouior tlixjaa all wouk uomitly ux1e0ut1id tho old and reliable granite and marble dealers savage co established loto jewtlllr gullpii the old nnd rcliable watchmakers nnd jcwcllera savage co guelpli ont general hardware wb brw 1 iiiifaoturor 4id dlraji import 01 hl i o muuiituvuta1 ud uoadaioua work woaoll dlrott to uuraaatuinaraal wbpla ba priooa tbua lil onr oiiauioisra ad pot wot wo j u a ixial pi llaitoaa od iba only mmliauic in itio ixiutluliiu wliu oa oir- 4 pouiiill kkil iroiaxly w ai la rwaroooaa from liuij ii la uf unr oualomsta lq tom o to aud otliar 1 uco wuor qllian 1ibt ur baod law anil l urdor o ouiibol wa hv bslaivoat ul lat honk uf drnlu i tba uoanlnlpii or hi r tt au auj i tiro luklua lu u waal wa krn ibkllliuata alor kuu u- pior do wmu od li not aanoy ir pl out- lomrabr mi 11hi out lutiriil aculailclttuf tirdara wo ami i iy umibaiilaa uuy aoj djy ootnpauuuii hamiltonsons 01i lluhlril c c speight for uptodate gpods mill upplio builder ii irtlw ire agents for yilc uid peter tioru loclc co louden madnntry sup dair supplies thebond hardware co silverware in tableware fine variety also fine cutlery hardware tinware and graniteware in variety pandora stoves and ranges famous heaters small stoves oil stoves vbuv jwtioi is oj bk obp- txomax valub c c speight mill street acton drllr aftt optojhbtut oph d ttjreto tu do lcraata 1909 georgetown ontario will bo in acton at mr a t browns lruj store on friday of each rexlc for tho examination ttstlnj and jrrcscnblnd of glajnea hours prom a 30 to 630 p m grand-trunk- double track route qetwbsh montreal toronto detroit and chicago unexcelled dining car ser vice sleeping cars on night trains and parlor cars on principal day trains full information from any grand truolc ticket agent or c u ilornlne district passenger agent toronto ont h s hosnes agent acton phona no 13 if you have any fjucota at your homo am gotnjf out of town for a vial or i now of any intercdnic newu lot us hear from you we olwttya ajrineeute such favonc phone 1 1 t footwear for everybody kennexlbros pimb shobs ntslladt1 kakoa oliedai volt tub quauty ior iathbr for mothlll for blstfu for br0t1i1r for bwuutiujart for 11ai1y for school lloy for school gir1 all uakbcl all etlqei slipri-ub- ovkhbhom rui1ulhs iinrairuno jnotaitjlv donic 7 kenney bros acton ontario oeestly havent you been put ting off just a little bit too m thoe glasscfa you need everything riuht our guarantee hrwi opticiai cullpi out sjkki i i i irtfrwr x creamery bri no your cream to us i riiglirtt cream tcita lost week i y allen 40 win mcculloufih 39 t r rubinoff acton creamery ttthttwtvtttttvv r 5v save mone buy yours today qwhatbh coats the kod klod from w0 tosljoo woollen sox mcna licavy woollen nox special at 00c undkhwean in two in ceo and cotnbtna ttons irom 73u to 800 youll nave good niotioy by securing all you require at pres ent prices as woollen goodti firicea are toaring higher ow- nj lo uio present war condl tions x r e nelson mens ootpittibu quelpti oatsrlo turnip shipping fanies dl mixlliri wholvsalo commission merchants itoglctvaoo and aoton rc in the turnip busi ness at acton ay usual and will continue per manently highest cash prices paid for any quantity of good quality turnips delivered at acton sta tion a ncw ycano meatman 11 itav j h lulrd wluvt tnt iu tin no mii1ii rrijoiiii hu now nfnr tier occaiwi wilvo bunt nil ro tim om yirn ilimll tim itnw ycftrti imrn tl iy tiny imt rarry fur tin rinun till i i rrali r mofiiiir tit oach noul i tcrnlty lu ilrawlnr nljlt i im i 1 1 nit tlifno t lntik rliii toturu- f iron wltoiin miiulf tloutii thro rtl uinl itlty j itpy tlu n y rir march toward tlio ihtunit nt tlu cimjo of hfo n fulr luy anittth r yoar a march towurd tluxt city wjiaro nil burdidin down wc attoiiirr yarn ninrdi axara tho lorloii in tho imvifn of tho hlml atiothrr yrnrh rnuniloiiil wl rtat wa may nland on ilnrnh n mountain if wo climb from valcn blow ijrcatho tiio atmyiijihoro of antcchi moro or thhlto and limvon ltriow 1 tir uiki the himichui or nobo wo may noo thn nolf life dlo and i o forth u holler living ao eter nity drawu nlfih suuulni tlioro ujon tho nurnmlt aa tho oi 1 yjr ililo iiwny vo may von unfold beforo uo dawn tlnlu of tho eternal day whllo rrom myotlo future area in a nlruln tlmj no cr nhalt ccano iloat to uu rnitjic volci a blending in tho norma of peace a story of a holiday season clarengnurmy wintffll ttthjtt ruam jan luhilj t iiafualitnmta tdnoktg unthnio i i lutawltti tlda ti lia lona h of iu til sralustm a i itli ttijil la lwra nliltliit 1to whi0 fur ur calajoigua ivii leiiiaiij fur our atu ionia w j k1liott ilii john okntinbolk vsq ono day late in november obnerved to mm gonuofollt that ho waa of tho opinion that approciauon had euno out of otyle people no lonirer ho said appro- clnta what la dano far them children in particular owm greatly remiss in thin regard chrlntmaa prcaonta of block toyo tin ooldiera and tho like that gave tnat pleasuro to theyoung- ntcrs of forty und ofty years ajro are ow looked upon as qulto uiipooslblo grown people fall to make acknow ledgement of favoro rocolvod actors alncers artists a u thorn and public pcoplo of all norts and condluons are ciipeciully and atrunoly at fault in this rcrnrd newnpapcf and raacuxino nollcci of the most flattering sort ore treated an a matter of course and a note or tliunlui to tho critic is qulto an unheard or tlilntf people ooom more and more to be coming to a paint whom they expect help praise flat tery and adulteration with no corrcs- popdlne lrowui on tbulr part in uto way of appreciative- acknowledgement df value received mrs gentlefolk lot the perturbed roan continue to the end of ills har- aniruo and then remarkod i do not believe that tho world in unnplireclauvo john this hurry- scurry age leaves little time for tho amenities of life and politeness aocraa to havo succumbed to stranuottancau ilul auroly tho fooling of thankful neoo jn tho world lias not boon en tlrely obliterated there must bo a great many worthy peoplo in tho world who appreciate help no mattor in what form it comes to them well id like to know where thoy oro sold john and i d glvo a few of them a chance to cxprcam themuolvcs this coming chrlstmiut not that im looking for thanks but just cither to prove or disprove my theory mrs oontlcfolk preferred just then not to hold up her ond of tho conver sation slto was too busy reviewing a long procession of ghostly debtors to her kind heart and good will peoplo who tiad boon greatly benefitted by tho gentlefolk fortune people who had had good chub to rejoice over many a narrow blip of paper signed by john or mary gentlefolk peoplo whoso powers of apurcclauon and ttiaitkfulncau had womehow been sore ly dwarfed and c tun ted l huvo it john suddenly ejacu lated i vo u great ocliemo i wager that it could not bo bettered as a proof- producer 1 11 be an anonymous or this christmas and uoo wluit como in tho way of appreciation from that sort of giving 111 send one hun dred dollars to tho sentlnol and usk tho managing editor to dlstrlbuto it horovor ho thinks best llvo- dol lars will bj tho low limit ondcweuty dollars tho high there muut bo a lot of peoplo to whom a gold piece at chriitmau would be at leaut soma thing of a novultyl do you mean that you intend to distribute ono hundred dollars juiuny niously and ojtpoct thankst queried mm ooutlofolk who uald anything about expect ing thankst ropllod john an op iort unity will most curtain ly bo given for rapturous expressions of frrntltudo but wlio sold unythlng about ojtpcct- lujr or hearing or getting anything of tho kindf mru gentlefolk wan quito well uo- qua it tod with mr qcntlofolk so when john wltlidrew to tht library mid suddonly called out mary where tlld you put my fountain pent oho uald nothing but hunt led into tho roam lu u hurry put tho pen in ills luuid and loft him to wtirlt out tho uolitmio whluh oven in its chaotlo incuptlun disclosed great possibilities to her ucuto intuition john cujno fortli from iiux library beumlng with uolfcoiigratulutory prldo and laid a uhert of writing piilioi on the iorch table ho drew a hair cloou to clio table sat down placed his outatreuhod hand over the luttur and said boo horn mary ive drawn up a llttlo device a sort of thanktrap rll mo what you think of it lui all cum mild mrs uotitlefolk hprtng tho trupl vou know what i sold about divid ing tho onu hundred dullara ttito glftu f hvos and twenties how many rives an 1 buw many twenties is to bo lilt to tho ludgmuut of the editor ho la to plauo tho iionicu uf the rutlplqnts id tho amount rxuit to each on jiirdo hud these card a un to be put into an nyelopo iiuulud and plucod in hu safe tho editor with each gift is to auud a noto whlih will uoy a donor who wishes to ruinuln unoiiyrnotiti jutting loft with jio edi tor or lliu tltutliiul u rtaln ejim of tnonuy for distribution according to thu fiimo of tho idltolho utit lonud miumnt la farwurded to you wlstiltu ynu a merry chrlatiiuu and a lumpy new year i ho numry lu not to bu aont out of town ami hi to bo firwuidu1 bo iu to iukii tlii r ipuula on ttin day bi f io outfltmui ny itttin fiiip ietluh nti eitlvtil by tliu editor aro to bo mod in nnouior envelope and placed lu the uafo until called for by the donor houiuh well said urn gentlefolk i nee no harm in tho ochomo 13d- tom have dlnconilng mlnda nnd aire up peoplo pretty thorounhly you and tho ben unci iihould nwlco a lot of people happy 1 wouldn t harp on tho appreciation rono out of ntylo idea if i were ynu people may bo thank ful and not know just how to express tlemsoucfl- i vo been hon pluasod many tlmca myself and i often keep still when im having tho best kind of time lmarlnable don t liarp i aay juat do it and forget it j ii tho new lourt edition of tho sen tinel gavo npoclnl iiromlncnco to on artlclo wlilch was headed tiii3 cimifetmah bititlt- iiuil holiday anthem hung by poublo quartet mm gentlefolk read it to john at tlii breakfast table und tills la what it said appreciation hon not entirely gone out 6t stylo nntwl thu landing tho de plorable fact that courtesy lu acknow ledging favors luis accmod really to deteriorate during tho ufa of our youngcr gemration itcau tho following letters and uco wlint up todile philanthropy has called out in the may of thank-you- vcrymuch cplatlcs a donor who desires to romtun an onymous lately left with tho editor of tho son unci tho nuro of one hun dred do horn to bo distrlbutod in flvo and twenty dollar gifts wherever the editor might choose to send them 710 ono hundred dollars was divid ed into olght portiona four of twenty donors and four of flvo that see mod to tho editor to be a fair division four of the maximum amount and four of tho minimum night thank you very much notes wero received at this ofuco during tho two days following christmas day the editor takes great plcasuro in printing tho lettcru tho addressing of tho editor and of course thu tngna- turo bolnj omitted tho letters oro printod in the order of their receipt l i cannot tell you how grateful i am for your timely und generous gift i immediately sent flvo dollara to each of my married sons all of whom havo largo families i owo you a thousand tliartks for making it possible to toko so great pleasure- in giving so great pleasure gratefully yours ii this on a post card with happy now year to tho donor at the top many many happy returns to tho editor of tho bon unci for making possible a merry christmas at street i owo you more gratitude than i con express i mado several of my neighbors qulto hand- uomu prey on la with part of the flvo thankfully ii l god blcsu vou for what you did 2 sent for my mother sho got hero christmas night wo had not seen each other for five yearn tho twenty bough tho ticket and loft plenty fur a roorry christmas supper i put fifty cents in tho poor box at st mary on christmas morning and when i rode on tho car to moss i gavo tho conductor ten cento and told him to keep tho change god blcsa you iv that flvo dollars was a godsend t tjont flowers to throo sick friends and hud tho finest kind of chrlstmai din ner with tho balance i asked an old woman who hasn t a relation in tho world i called it an angel dinner and wa had angol cake for dessert and my truest uald that she could just hear angels singing in the room and whon alio went homo i gavo her twenty cents tluit wiu all that was left of tho wholu flvo dollara and thlu morn log she told mo that aho gave ton cents to tho lkistinon who brings hi pension money every month and ten cents to tho ml to society tiionk you very much v myl what a lot of things 0110 do with 520 i used u rollingpin on that coin und spread it very nearly- over tho world l won t weary yo with itumu but i cpl chrlstmai and ncw or cheer to uvir 160 pooplo i fult llko uu oil mat j iu to i oncloso ono year a suljscriptlon and please send tho paper for ono year to i wuut my bruthor to ueo what kind of paper lu printed in my home town i aunt ovur ilfty pontcards and i havo 1 05 left far charity on now years pay your devoted scrvunt and grateful friend vi i stood at tho dour of a candy shop for two huurs xn clirlsunaa ivo and doled out nldicui to a lot or ragged youngsters who looked longlugly at tho sweetmeats in tho window and they all mud thank you and madu a bra line far the toffy counter i used to do thul hailta claua act when i was flush but i haven t for a long time now tuid thu v mado it possible for ntu to cjrpitlumo ujalu tin joy uf clirlatmas uvlui had i flno tttnu in ho country on christ uuii day with what was loft- i thunl uu vii my best otuuku to tho iluuur was it you or iiomoopo ulnar nj inntuir but i owe you a debt of gnvtltudu for such moronity i took flvo llttlo nowaboyu into a clothing oh up unit rliitoii them out with underwear and hoiii ry 1 sent flvo dollar u to u iiettlwiiuut house and flvo to uio county ptxir frm for tolmtco for tho men i lujht u uoo uudhand wluelil chair for a tflck klrl i know utiil i spout a wholo dollar on myself for a bully clirlutmau ul tner at jacks beside haudlni tho waiter fifteen cunts iou mado mo very happy yuuru truly viii a flvo for chr lut mart huerl i wlnh that youl boeu buru lu olo how it wii itimiit and just how fur ikwuntl i ialled the wholo ntruot iu you uhuuhl have h ml thu tlnl game iresenta an 1 u troo iio t nam mid tukt all freo ou tnvc ii hnppy hnm j a ii ion iij h hi intuitu tliuwir i may ktavin us bhkailui utud t u lout faithful ft lend when mra gentlefolk had finished reatllng tho letters uiero wero tnrrt in her cyeii and in john a eyes too tcari of joy and sympallicuc thank fulneoa tho good lord haa been very grn cloufl to you and to mr john nhu said i hope that tlio good iord will for clvo mo for my pcssimlsni said john put on your hat and cloak mary and lots start tho new year with a spin down to the tenement district whats tho una of owning a car if you dont go where you want togot one of the8c little ones dwln with bio uoo lorn and face nnd hands generously covered with aoll ran breathlessly toward his pretty mother who in crisp dalnuncas of fresh summer attire nat on tho hotel porch embroidering o mother ho cried thoyro digging a well near tho stablo and its mora fun may i go barefoot you look disgraceful enough al ready said his mother as sho care fully drew her whlto duck skirt away from his rather muddy shoes t am ashamed of you there o no uoo buy ing anything nice for you to wear that handsome linen blouse is ruined haw did you tear ut t was climbing a lltuo way on tho windmill i in sorry mother was jjio meok reply but rooyn t i please go barefoot 7 i supposo no but dont como near mj i dont llko pigs sho turned from tho dlsho veiled little f el tow in disgust and ho walked slowly away all his eager buoynco departed wasnt ho a sight aho sold to tho elderly woman near her io you blamo mo for being annoyed sin co you ask me my dear i must admit that i do tho old ladys volco was genuo and her manner was almost apologetic but tho boys moth er flushed under tho mud gaze i was sorry that you sent your son away feeling that ho was in high dis favor ono can t expect healthy llttlo boys to stay clean in tho country and cloth co will tear now and then i wish my tion to bo a gentleman noid tho mother coldly as aho took up htr fancy work and sot her noodle in precisely iv a few moments nothing was sold and then tho elder woman ooftly touched tho hand of tho young- mav i toll you a llttlo story sho eald why yea certainly i used to havo very llttlo patience with my llttlo son when ho would soil or muss his clothes ant i would often scold or punish him for being careless now when i remember his baby check steakouv wjth dirt over which hod coursed tho tears that my baxahneas had caused my arms ache co hold him and i long to ask his forgiveness ho was a manly llttlo fellow and ho did fry oo ta plcaoo mo but ono can t expect perfection of a fouryear old lata ono afternoon ifo camo in almost completely covered with mad ho had boon soiling a tiny ship in a puddlo in tho yard i was heartily asluuned of blm and i told him in no uncertain terms what i thought of his appearance and 2 put him to bod early as a punujhrocnt when ho imlsncd his usual evening prayer ho added and dear dod maka mo a good boy if you pooslbly ton 1 smiled for i thought my severity wao having its effect and tho pathos of tho petition which has wrung my heart ever since did not touch mo then tt was twolvo that night when a croupy cough startled mo from my sloop and ax throe oclock in tho morning tho doctor who had worked over my boy for two hours told mo thero was no hope i took my darling in my orrna and choking back my sobs told him as best i could that be was going to heaven i ion t dood enough ho gasped that was tho end my baby my only baby went from mo feeling uuit ho was not worthy to enter uio homo where llttlo children are so lovlnjly bidden two frail old hands wero suddenly clasped in two strong ones and eyes whoso tears wora lung since shod look od kindly into thoao that were now overflowing t dldn t nieon to make you cry dear i just wished to help you i help you to understand your little you luxvo helped mo como with mo wou t yout i wish to find him und kiss him dirt and all advance the gift of discontent hy iftorenoo n numi yes my position la enurely satis factory u young man sold in reply to an inquiry made by an elderly friend i am thoroughly familiar with every part of tho work no that tho performance is eauy and onjoy able au to salary i set my stakes at u certain flgurw when i flrnt began work iuui 1 vo rouchod that uo am jmrrectly aatlafled all around tho one who hud put tlru qucstloi looked thoughtfully ut uio natisfod young man for a moment then ha aald an oxperlencod worker who has mado u no table outcess of his life sayn lluro of tho day whiii you nay to yourself i know all tharo lu to know about my job it is a guod oh i ant content according to that it is hljth tlmo for you to sur you roe if and becntnu dlasutlsflod tho young man looked thu surprise ha felt and thu older ono luistenud to vjjiawer tho unvolcod quoatlou tho look held that may aound like o trans o nd vli- to jlvo you my buy but cxperl- ncu has tautht nic as it lias tiio one wiiubu words i quotml uiat tho right sort of diaaattaf action is as iteocsoury tu intellectual growth und vadvanca- muiit us rain and sunshlna to tho elu loi mout of vegetation wo do not ntruttflo when wo are ooiitent und whuu wo wvauo to strugtflo wo eeuso to trow thu gift of discontent tui told us lu tho old fable la a valu- o gift if it is tho rl uort of ilsloutuitt und wi elni loy it to a ivuti tugo hunry van tyvu tspreruteji it vi ry i leurly hi his wunlo lie uatls tlnl with your ikuiaeiwiliitin but nut tuutitit with yourn if until you huvt mado uio tuout mul beat of ttuul twenty yeano ago from tho laaua of tho froo press of thursday doc 30th 1517 prior to nay lug food byo to mine mcnclly teacher of uio primary dlvl- nlon of tho puhllo school her pupils prrnrnted her with a vco pretty toilet net and no vera smaller artlcllu mr curios williams of itolstono meat market is buffering from blood poisoning in tho left hand voto for uto public ijbrary on mondaj tho slcljhlng bail worn pretty thin for heavy loodu tho ivoo prcaa caniern will deliver tho calendar to our subscribers in town as usual on now years morning tho calendar la printed in six colors and cann da a flog and a fair cyclist uro striking features tho methodist sunday school rend ered tho cantata christmas chimes on christmas night- tho programme was intercsunr througliout and uio crownlnr oucewts rnn tho closing piece the chriatian graceo by ton young ladles of tho ochool tho itapuut sunday school held their onnual christmas entertainment dorli in tho ovcnlnr uiey wero given a sleigh drive to tho homo of mr and mm james lu warren whero supper was served after supper they returned to uio church where they gavo an entertaining programmo c eluding wlui a christmas troo the usual interest was taken in tho nominations hero on monday tho result being v ii storey was elected by acclamation for heave married iteynolds gowdj in guelph thura flay 23rd december by ibav s scllery b d j b reynolds m a motbcmaucal master at tho o ac to margie daughter of thomas gowdy smith james at toledo ohio december h lllyn wenona james to james el hmlui ton of mra c a smith acton diod lmitti in acton on sunday decem ber 26 tli w llliaxa smith agod el yean the olltyear lent night wlmn all tho -vhbu- umi lying whlto and atlll with nturllght in thn valley with muonllrht uu tho hill i wbui nrd from my dnaiiiiru and hushed my luart to hrar tjip old lock on tho utcoplo toll out tlio dying year they uay that when tho aieout th blrwn d new year hriug 11m soult that wajti l listen can imir hum sofuy nlnr tiip namo rrchnlloos aiitlniii of ptjirn and lovo on earth that told to jtidnh fihep herds tho dear iuxieerrcra rlrth no sound camo through tho allcno ilul walling there 1 thou ht of alt tho rtlo and bleaiiings tho yiar vo rpo had brought and something nanr within me o liappy heart to city lleniemtcr all who sorrow and wlpa tholr tears away so in tiiai solemn morning whn flrnt thy foot nliall eland where dawn in light unutiadowod tlio years at gods right hand the words of benediction thy welcome homo anall be thy deeds of lovo and mercy havo oil boon done to iaol beer and tj4e qerman- to tho ldltor reginald aid worth daly professor of geolocy in harvard university writing in tho now york tlmeo a paper not oxhlbiung any special pre judice in faor of prohlhluon but on tho contrary its talk about drink has been unfriendly towards total hbstln once and hostllo to prohibition named dome of tlio acta of german officials since tho war began and sug gested that tnt id eternal intoxication is a partial but a very real explana tion of thoso unforgettable crimes ho quotes kraepelln perhaps the greatest authority on tho effects of german beer as showing that thero is no qualitative difference t th phy- oiological effects of beer and spirits so far as tho alcohol contents aro con cerned persistent uoo of beer a 4 per cent abluuan of alcohol like whiskey a co per cent solution pro duces a loss of self control and ho de clares that a man who drinks beer oven qulto moderately is never quite sober while tho effects of steady icex drinking aro not as otrlkirus as in the caso of persona polsarfod with whiskey rum or absinthe yet ho ventures thi hypothesis that ufalong drinking of mild beer lias been ono of tho mora potent causes for tho amazing bru- tallucs of crucial germany tho ocrmanlo peoples are tho only croup who feed alcohol to tho babies or very young children of middle and upper classes tho chlldr grows to manhood drinking alcohol and con tinually liandi capped in ills develop ment of cerebral and therefore moral control on llux other hand dearly all tho alcohol drunk in rranco and eng land is consumed after tlio format vo years of childhood ore post distinctly icuuonlng tho danjror of permnuont cerebral dcsencrutlon tho war policy of vraneo and ingland is being oon trolled by men who havo not been at all poisoned by alcohol or at least liavo boon tens pouionod than many prominent german ofllclais who day in und day out ore kept irritable by uio national drink admitting tluit other factors enter into tho foarful problem prof daly urges that sorno part of lu soluuon xnay bit found tn tho relations w chronic alcoholism to uio human soul and closes his rxxnnirkable artlclo by oskintt was tho croat von moltko right- when ha enid door is a far more danreruns enemy to germany than all tho armies of ivoncot j ii iiamwood department of social service turn on the home lights tho denver colo oas company liad u surprlso lu store for it as a rusult of uu votoro- putting tho sa- looiis of uiat city out of eoulmuuilun thu tua company fearvd uiat ituuould loso sicoou u mouth bvcauao of tho dutkunud borruouui tho surprlso ciiiiio when tho books wiru uudltad nnd tho company found that 1ft bad mado a lain tho flrut uioaui uf uov 000 william j johnson explained thu result thuii lir vry eluaod saloon in u hun dred homes tho lights um alilulng fur uiu tathoru who formerly rruquoiitod tha barrotuus aro uuw at homo with tholr fumllius what u ehoerful conimentary it lal wherever ualooun uro durkenod uio homes re brlhtuied glvo ua mom durkenod saioons ami turn uu tho homo lights a ulue liunoner i never foil to liuvo auuio fun says william baruum wlimi i hai- pen upon a crowd of umuilboya tho other day i saw several nit ting in a rlnj with a small dtg in tho center win n i coma up to them i asked what ar ynu doing to tlio dogr nothing sold ono loy worn lei thu lies iho one who tolls th b ho its tho dotf i um tiur prised at you llttlo uys i mid when i was llko y 1 never toj i a iid ihre wuu iihtiio rr u while until no of thn boyi ulhiuttd hand tilm up tho dttl mother doesnt care only mouior sho wont core ix w leave bar alono sho docsn t mind- only moth or i you wanted a ten nis racket and aho gavo you the money uiat oho was naming for a cj- lco gown but alio dldn t need thn gown sho sold co only mother sho liann t hod any thing now thin year hut aha is ol and you are young of course it is natural that you should want frills and ruffles sho docan t core for them only mouiar sho wouldnt oar to enjoy uio picnic hcsldoa jsho hasn t tlmo to go thero la work to b done sho told you oo why bless her aho bad lots rather stay t homo and finish that weeding lnth garden didnt alio say oq only mother her hat is oat o etyto but that isnt tho reason why aho didnt go to church sunday sua laughs at stylo and docsnt caro if her clothes aro dingy and faded didnt aho toll you so only saturday only mouicrl it isnt nocoasiut to go down again mother won t mlntl tho forgotten good night ton would feel hurt if you wero forgotten but mothers feel different tsornahorr they dont core about llttlo thlcj and so mouier alts alono mojjicr gocs without uio oalloo gown mother docan t core for ruffles mother en- joys weeding moro uian picnics mother loves faded gowns and old- fashioned bonnets mother isnt sen- eitlvo sho doesnt caro if she la for gotten so too often mouier has a corner in her family a corner all hor own and one from which she seldom movers but from which scatters tho blccslngs uiat are hers to give too often mother la different somehow and husband and children bellavo it accept it until she la gono- in too many homes mother is a part of and still not of uio family circle simnga as it may seem sons and daughters think that mother does not feel as they do does riot caro as they care is not hurt as they are hurt but some day when their own hairs aro gray and they havo sons and daugh ters of their own and the awoet pat- lent face of mother comes to them across tho yearstlicn thoy will know that mother was not different then they will know that though hor lips smiled nor heart bled that though her tongue apoko lighuy her soul was filled with dread that tlio ugh tho thoughtless ones believe slut did not caro her heart was seamed with scars and her pillow uau wet with secret wocplnjr ob remember that mother does care that in her lovo oho wishes others to forget hor noods sho wishes others to go to dress to bo gay bat sho cares mother is not different aho feels aho htiltrirs oho can weep sho can t gay think before you ask a merchant to maka a delivery send goods on approdahon or incur other expense is it noccasaryt delivery service is expensive and ultimately you must pay for it if uio service is not necessary you aro not only wasting your own money but the resources af canada as well canada is in urgent need of econ omy carry your parcel homo there is on old engraving hanging in many homes depicting a young and rugged urchin stepping up to a lady and asking if ho may carry her par cel times havo changed today that same llttlo chap might have diffi culty finding a parcel to carry and why because fashion has decreed that wo may carry almost anything but a parcel the result has been heavy delivery expense which must bo paid by tho consumer together with the samo percentage of profits as is car ried by the goods themselves be cause it docs not show separately in uid bill it la not recognised as- an additional expense to a large extent merc are to blamo for uils if thoy were to adopt uio cash and carry system giving a price advan- tago to thoao who paid cash and car ried their parcels requests for do ll very would atoou show a decrease the new year do you remember what pencr says uf old january yet did ho quoku and quiver llko to quell and blowo his payles to warm them 1 if hu may fur tlioy were numbed with holding all tha dsyo an halehot keouo with which ho foiled wood and frum tho trees did lop tho uoed- loiuo upruy jo ho oomuu to us tn cold canada tho snow flliitu its hooey cloak tt cross tho barruu ugtltietui of bare earth or lu uio words of milton like a wintry veil of uiuldou whlto it dojts tho ocldn with itu uoft and uparkllug rutins and iuakuo of ovury stump and ruil and hush a uiarblo monument as if to mourn tho death of summer how truthfully th old unmans re presented tho duty janus with his twu lucoa ono looking buek to uio by- gouo tlmo and bidding turuwull to tho past with its refenuts ltd surjrowo and its pleasures thn other casting- s hopeful wyo into tho futuru with all its unknown truls uhd triumphs and joys quite a difference what llttli boy eon toll riio h dlf funuke between tho vjulek and the jeudt asked uio sunday school lo- willlo waved hu hand fiaiititally hell wlllior phut um am thu null k uau ouos hat get out of tho way uf ttutomo- ll s tho on i that dim aro tlu dead

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