Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 3, 1918, p. 3

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wedding and birthday presents lji iy 17 iikruuru t iry in ut uil ii i kiu 1 rt1 iii vililiii linn manrilagc liclntcg igoucd hkws of local import geo llyinjjs acton ontaitl riluiujflal jamjau1 31v l hy accl f iil u i t i c 11 u social am personal ncwq or the dav jaq intoroatmg lpltomo of tho i t or 4he wook in car treat fer i mi ii uniky mi hrli wnlnn ut f lijiyulln l jill 1 t ik ml i iii i i biuef local items tim i tiopli hlclth now yea i did thr i ii a very i in no y r j ii of a n on il in it w 11 ki lnsn t lulu p in r u boon tlio r mi 1 tho n ujorjt ui i iin i poll 1 to tin ii hi tld ii i bulou n rally iny in thh hiii iii ii quthrlo oilwiilij ut ti thn mrmj y mrt ly close iti tlio liiuom duriui snap a ttirnprraluru of 0 di ir xero in did moor i in t reltahed dm you hi in u cold moujli tor mornlnc wood in illhllr in uivtl to uw ptantant ufiimull uuppll i or roal in many homco wo ami iiiiiil trulbfutly niy theiuii u hot time in the old town on saturday nljjit k tho hlubir umiw raturo and tlio brlffht ounulilny u ethnr wen mm h pppreelatcd on now iurn di r the annual rue tlnir or ac tun iall fair will imi iimii in tho council cieam ber on tho 17th in it ut 2 o clock tho junior itid cross function in tho town hall tost i rldoy owning vuu quite an enjuyublu uffalr for thoeo who attended tho clouo waiwii for rubtlt hunt lnj cloned ujnln imtinluy tim i it opon bcaaon wan from htctnibur 23rd to january 2nd butter wai down io 23 ecu li on baturdal juut u mmt above tho prlco ox oloomanrarinu i j lu lepcp nuarinj in prlco though talk about tho priro of coal bilnu hlfffl a farmer a iked 13 a cord fur a lpad of hardwood to bo teamed to town tho other day for uaulnc no burs of potatoes on i london murkut that wiro from w aicliu v arai fanners were lined j5 tudi in court thcro haji been fairly good iikat liib on ralry iiko durln tho wllu tho nkatera liavo iiuiirpclntcd tlto use of lbo aluatlo club houco na a drcitj iruj room tho walkorton crtajncrj crcatxid atlr in houichold llrclc i thin wtusu by aollins dairy liuttcr at 3i ccnla a ib nlno ccnui bolow tho market jirlco teloacopo tho local banlui havn a huay tlmo this week handing out ncrlpt to tho subscribers to tho viitoryloan many of tho oubacrlbtru on iiaylnif for tho bond in full with 10ih 1m pounuji fifbultor in com otorajro in cinada in docum bcr una tho introduction uf olcotnar- mrlno it la no wohdur that tlio prlco of batter la fulllntr mlaa i m itojce of guolpli haa boon enasod for tho jiojluun on thr public school teaching utaft hold until tho cjoao of thu trnol by mhu itijalo elliott qwen vliml tho churchpii on sunday mornlruj looked very much an ir a conuldirablo proporuon of tho ronirrcinitiona utay- od in bed becau m tliut wu thu wonn eat placo they lxjui1 find december went out with utlnclne bero woathcr it wjji colder on hatur- day momlnc than on any other day durlnj tho year tho thurmomotcr got down on itn lncci at cd dcuroea the rceular monthly mcotlnc of tho womona inutltuto will bo bold in tho council chamlur on ividay january 4lti at 3 o clock ah tho members aro roiiuejlod to bo present thor annual moctliic of tho on tario agricultural and 1xpcrtmontal union la to bo hold at uio oulirlo agricultural colkto on tuesday and wedncaday tlio kui and 9th of janu ary tho prlco of wool awakena a now intereat in thu nhcci industry and kxnoji womjor tho 1317 wool clip of the united statru in 230 000 aoo lbo tho domed uc jtnuud lu for 7s0 000- 000 ids mlaa dora harvey daughter of inapoctor harvey way uno of twolvo normal ntudonta woro uucccuuful in paaalnff tho christmas cxamlna- tlqna ovor 1c0 candldulca wrotcon this examination j 1 vunco iteoao of watanlawn has been upikinted county clork of wentworth to uucmhhi j wvjardtnc who baa rtalcnld on account of ill- health after twonty years of ucrvleo tho salary 1 jl 500 a jcar lant week wardon head head pro- detted uto mctnbtni of tho county council tlio treasurer and clark with copies of a flnolano iroup picture of thcmaeivca a framed copy la hung in the court room at milton tho halfl- dozen jiuiiui ujira ouelnh waiting fur thu tun o clock car on the electric road on hunday morn ing wero not i cry v complimentary in reference to tho toronto suburban meutoda when tho cur ulilucil ijmt without either utopplnj tit thu ntittnn or flvlnjr tho whlitlu of wirnlni for uoln utroot uu tho luw rogulrui w wt ll n hl nrfrrhn rv trht iiht ir or alkut tji 0 i liuu u llvn liitn llll lum nf uolph 11 i vhittd niii umiiitli ultu l oly tvt r ilfty p i tln li lllutum tr u ikuh ultn n in tlii- for tmld in th oi in j riilay uv nil llrown halnniii pauulitorn of tin uii 11 1 itr pt l nil w iiul t i mill all u m 1 1 iii in r mlii 1 ii j i lldr r i u inn 1 ton military notc0 ir it jjwai i inttin i- nf n i 11 mr ii hrowu jlpiul jul r u riinlj in inrouti i and m ij i t vvco with nli it t f tlarii liuit wl 1 in t li nw ut ij inn ilth frlindn h rt f of wlmilpm up mlhly ro nontmontjiy in thif of t hpttr r ri- il hi lioini of monduy j inn tvlll bl v n i td 1 irj i itt hi itod o prii adv onnu losult in th lant tnuuet a lont watch ivrrtljtd a ihlldu fin j ult mi ly o wolf niiiir in u h n tin urtli i ii ww rwiiv r il und r it imkiwiiuj wltltln i fiv hoiirn i 1 ml31 iltcj willi ll iul d i td m itli aho frlli iii frl i j in and th holld iy i lawllll i d nil hl i ill thn thhi ry fall arm orokon throuflli oiki day lunt wu 1 mm willi mi whltloy of lliuck aiiu wuii walk lltj uuuii uiu uu w jmvi tnnt whrn ulir idipptd un th liiilliin alia in rtllhu rr irlurihl in r lutl ui in n twi ti til ihoulur aiidailhow and dlnuxitd thi wrii l tim liijurim iuivi lt vi rj pulnrul imi utiii la dolnt fklrly well an aviator from amoncan camp mll i rank i aym irmiiluiin of uu lutit w ii stony j i win in li truliilnu in tho uvtatlon m t tlon if tlu 11111 eorpa ut c- mull ujilv riltj ut ilhlrj n v hi up ndlni a fw ii with aliou rvlutlviu b iink i i huw vlnl npiiu noiv tliu m i u ottiiito lairt wdi lllth itrtiwlik t their houii in in of jiault mi rental homo thl r tho i n i i ro of llaiitllmn it ilun 1 lit ni w in with hhi hull i f unity hi r liccut j n jiiyu of l ri t 1 olu ut dtiiirii tlit a jury t orllll 1 i ij i luiuatiui ivh fuil uu null- i i r iio rullwny i ntji it p ri in it plot aj a ml hi tuii 1 t anicrlriil ut n it iay ttl artitnd rill- w j ullioiiintln i by i lout nj miitrlo nr c4tli hut d mi 1miihllii i j jit artlllt ry i ii iia nalirn urn jtdi r j und hlr j h rlcjt 1- iihh attorn y jmortii r il ii- tin muilnod llm ml i ini lnltud tttatoi for lirltli 11 imllt rkinay poll o oh in unto u inhi ikti i p ir i tilln i i iii of i i iidu ir at i mri of u iph wlllam 1 orliei ho tuillluin at uplu if tlnyji luat id tltorrco iipont otk with frlodlu it ipli i 11 i hankui ivhu- in rohibliltm by ni nt william i mi r th uu if d nporimi o at t io on tho moil in tin tku at hamilton ha ii ct i iiatol liianuloi vili thu i nui tjuint oi ho dominion luvirn tir hhjidii near hock lilllutl mis iinii itldtll ii i uu t li li in ilrld ii io month i of 70 7 ii o wtoidon i ut tuat1 cl piiu rpl wjn ma ut homo in thrill ii ymrr nwvj to tho nn r i ud 1 ii uticu to n i i rlihiy idoilm him hmii liuiti i- juukut lut ho in null i injury in li i i iijlund itn i hi i ho will uu two yearn in ith ilio uiu ino und cfilldren of r ui uu at mm thou hturtly uiu full of uu rmi to bin of tw the akecoows nuptial a very inttn ntliiu uvnt took placo at tho km oral d hi mcthodlut church hamilton on clirlutmai ijy at 2 pjn when mrs char lot to a uowa or milton and mr ituiuo itaki r inur- chant of fwunlown mvru united in maxrlaffo by tho lluv m j wlhiou b a- paolor of tho jjiuxui iho brldo was accompaiilod by muu dorlh her daughter who woro a palu bluu ulik droaa and ph turn tint to matt h tho bride was attlrtd hi mauvu iourittto crepe trunnnd with ut ntn i pouuo- mentrlo her colnu away tovii waa of pjum colurttd milk und at tu match tbb droomo lift to tho brldo wuu a hatnlaumo ulu iuat trlimnod with sable and to jorlu u biaiillful uwt of try fox furn mr and mm uakn- left for polntu wcut on thu ufturuouu train accuniiajiti d b thu bit wluhuj of their many frkuda worthy nw citizens suttlo hon while arton in fr uiuiitly alltd upon to ajy uood byv to uiiiiul cluxena wh iiuov to nth i jiu tho- town hnithtdt toitiuuttu latoly in having a nuuitir of vuy untliy nw eluaoiib nottlo htro duilnj tho va w0 famlliro havn uinm to town who will bo cordially v uond mr uml mrs kbtntoxur uiuwlik or 1 tin town ship havn muvod ko u jioimi on john strool tlny urjl not utrunjj ni to acton mm huwl k upnt a m iiuih r ox her iualdn yiuru hio mr hoi- wick was laal yt- ir utputy itunvu of lerlfi towniihln ho win for yearn superintendent of laitliuiful motbo dlat hunday tkiuiol 11 lu u ui auditor or tho hulton 1 iro imnrum o company mr und mm il j kerr of mlinuan uhio t mw li town last week and aro kittftii imtthd on weljltiiftoii stret mr k ri u luriu growlnc aurtliuio riiii huulntiii in ihl ed him tu look f or u favorublu until andlhu wolrrtod aclrtii hu wan a wry useful inomlxr of tho niiiiiimuly from whichno tatnu and will no doubt tak an in t ores t now in a ton uftiuru mr kerr will probably elxicl u now hum on uowor avtnuo m tho lot tin roiunl ly purohaattl fivui imr nliullii mat summer a olyoor old lady voted nt oakvillo mru amoitroiik of tho smith ward widow of thu lato wm artiuitronn turned out and void on tho 17th luut i h all hi n inetyonoycaru oftico her oon ilwurd hau ik on in lrmco in a rotiutry battalion for nomo tlun 1 wo or her irrundjonn havo hi lii i ill a in action both nonj of lho lato itob rt armutronir of toronto mm ami- i iron j aald alio voltd for lr and r iuu und uio union government rov goo w darker daroft laal thuraday thu rtmalna or mr ilotcher iuirktr father of liov 1 o w itorlcer of hurllnilon who died at medicine hat alborta nachod i irl j wlifro inttrmint took placo ilni j barker accnmiianlod thu body of h r liubpand on tho lout journey from tho west lho mother ilbav mr lurli r ond tour nlfltcra nurvlvo tho frii nun of itov mr itarkr und ramlly 4n acton oxiend nlinortit iiympath lu tlio duatli ot a father in lovud and who woo hud in hlrhcat citeom happily wedded last thuraday wedding holla rani ut tho homo of mra charllj lvinn main htixut on thursday afternoon ijtccmln f 7th when her dauyhlt r annlo juno lvnim becarno tho brldo of joiuph cam ro i mclzncry itov il h 1- lario v a h d orriclatod a larso numb r or rtlatlvlj wero prvnnl to ofttr thtir beat wiahca to tho brldo and iroom and later njoyod a fiumptubuo wo i dlryj rxpaat mr and mm m knory went for a brief iioiilj mnoti to polntu taat returninc on now vurii ovu letter front alax munros a chrhjlniaa letter from alex muii roe who ta now at iothbridi aaja ho rocontly roctlved tho aad noww th it ono brothor had boen ktllod in action ut tho front and that another won dovcroly wounded alex bun thn other brothera in active ncrvlrc alt x uayu ho waa pleased rtconlty to moot itov and mm j il brown it a in lthbridjo mr munroo tnelo nd hi i uubjcrlptlon for another year nnd aayu i an gkid indeed to c i th iloqi ijum ovcry wook ajid it ulvti mo all tho homo nowu rov mr smiths farowoll servico hov c il l smith m a uio n tirlna rector of ht alban u thiureh waa creeled with a larto ronir iution at evtiiiiunc but sunday oveidnj tin bcnnon was a very uttlnc one and at tho conclusion uf tho uerviou loudi r words of farewell wcrr opuken by till i much titcljucd clergyman lttjru t ii felt on t11 nidi j ut tho low of lv mr hmirn rrom sl albun but ono mo lu iiad that tho chanjo mean i ti dlutluct prwfornieiij for him lllu in lumbcncy at jsf lajjuru on tho jako comnicneea next faun day mothodnt wotchnioht soivico the now year watclmltht oervlci havo boon cliaructortotlc of tho mutho dint church from tho datu f ita in ception ito founder- itov john wj ley m a nilllued thlu lmprtiulvi ocrvlct the utnohtmorud inatuuiloii was obsorvod in tho molhodl it churrh horo on now icar ovo llov il h i- iarho 5u u i tho pan tor coiulu t 1 tho ucrvlco und u woj full u inicvist and holiful oul11 nthm for p nuiwl ouaotrauon and chrlullan atttvltut jlurtn tho year aii tho holla toll d thp lwherhur in or tho now bar tho ouireiuuou wiu eiujajjod in pris r huppy now 1ar wluhen woio tlun uxtouded hy tho worlilpihiru to tut h other and tho ocrvlco wwi concludvd a dr youna man romovoa tor ntyirly oovun years mr lnimt llruwti hua bon a faithful employe of tho liluai liuae tho luut two ir whieh ho hau boon mochauhal man uir of tho urn urnlo liruwn u u ol ult round pi inter poiitu ied of fin lnltlutlvo of valuo to any man and u lnowledo ot buiiineii willi h will lo holprul li hlu fuluro caioer lu churvh und uoclal tin lea t baa u u ltopuuir ajid uuuful aw a pionilei- of tho muthodlut a school oil he tta ho luui ulvii upluiidld turtlco uu vlollnlut for uuvuiul jearu uml hu hold tho poult ion of pluulut of lho 1pwurth i- uio iiaat year ml urown i thin wtl tu tal o a poit ion with r jutimii co oil f toronto a proud hunt priutliu ilium u w um oonndonk i tmoejiurul futui 1 before him death of onoht young man lho death or john club iuiuuii u hrlulu ouuir jiiui fium siiuliatiln wan uetumiu on inuvv uin ovo l tho homo of hlu uneh count 111 r 1 a uundcruou main htriot i in yuui man jitlluutl laut muy in tho lntl llltillon at hoaetuwii hankuli uuw m and op uovrjt nuinthu lu taiup at camp lliiijlmm maiiltobu- ho on trmttd rhoiiiuutlui u hlu iilhnnt wuo uu movers thui ho was dim ban i d uio hopo that u trip taut would to louelui hlu iiaruntii mr imil mm m llawnon ueeoinpunlihl 1dm to ion urrlvoliitf tho riuturduy bofor t hrltituiuo iio irrailuully ir woritf irt boinj unot td uul 1 x ml hi i mpciiiht and i cm 1 low pint now laro day with ti roi o rl i mi an 1 mn john martin and chil tin n of ul 1 li vultod nt mr t 1 marti 1 lilt vo k mr hut irt oftifaiiitqba arrived u suur day to via it friends in artui in d mi nlty mn j rid awn and ciilldri n of im to upon t tho holidays nt ber fithir a iomu itn mr it i rln and minn oartllncr lo 11 i nl tho holiday at tho lion b r mi a a w ttltn and mlaa warden dpt nt a diy or no luut week with uitly a numb r of muiiltimlln inland fur- m ru uppiahi from military m rvlt o v ro dliiuihui d uu tin ro un ovll nrti ir plenty or hlp lofl hllo rvi- wul i j hu ir fuel oy loan nub ic dial hn uuuhlti i nslou hhllv j r or urn for pajii ii of natural ro in halifax nut tholr of tho dhaui i by tho mlulutr idatid by ox n v nil i ion or mudowvalo ma mr f hr join halt fatroot r kohln i melville ir corjre u ul mr and mm john mcjlaut hlln hi i iinelu md unui aloo at louipault d hliu imt tim youiut man wuu iiatly dlsaioiiitod m not bolnjr abb to torn ploto hbf nuutury tralnlnjr ujul do lib bit lu tlio war tro run ral will h hold to morrow ut ouo o to k ami lho nmalun will io tuun to utiitlmn auk ftil lut in uieiel lout hi i y tho 3 ulliu tiul i tfonl tiilt d ut irl aui ju iph fltntl mra 1 n d adiett of trenton made lull mn llow id mr iph 1 xllliltloi mm tj ix imkl lulia ac sinclair and chll ient a fow days last mr it lncilrn david rnlth and moua upjnt irii with ito i smith at tho imp toronto boa morris mhu muriel and h ivo ticcii upondlnj a fow mra j i scarrow a murj jn t konnody and olllo of toninto timnt tho bob mr john kennedy u ilr jjio iurdlucr of chlcaco waa a bolide vluiior at tho homo uftits ul tr mru w knux inibum mn nll a111w and chlldnn or man aro vlultliij at mr maria btrcct- toacheni opont mo hoilduiti ut tho homo of tholr fitlnr mr l a conway church ut ml mlehael glbboiuj or oxbow n nl l npnlur lbo winter at tho boiiit of hhi fathtr mk iclur glbhon mr i 1 rank williams and children of toronto btvo ihui guests this woek at mr jmieph iioliuij ibiwor avenue ml t alllo iilnc who u now rcsld inir in gut iph upent new yearn with llu aibi souicrvlllo und other frlonds ihoiaks falori i a 1 lho mn w s smith or jian lvoncisco ipeiil two or tlino tlnya during i l with hi i motlicr at i alrvlow mr cal tho mr a j maeklnnon it a wlio in variably npondit now years at tbo old lay afiumoou for culedon r jtijh pii allen of cuelph spent holld ty i with hlu parents mr and jiko aveuuo and oth r mr ilii ale ks crawford who was oo jured at ouolph a fuw waa ublti to vltilt friends mi durln thu wo n il llndauy tonnto and n dr lowry ilimlph visited their oth r mr j c hill who has been ry 111 durlnj ho week htn and mrs c il u- smith left il outlay for their nw parjuh at nlajaruonlho1ako thoy will bo liia d in acton w harker or llurlbuiton in led tho funeral of thu latq huibaiid on monday upunt vlth aetoi mr frlonda it mlus j d mlot 1th hardson at ton uwt of mr and mra h- kaiik on chrluunas day 1 r tin i hoi 11 r tlnio flftooti yearu ju llow mr hud hl four uurvivluj lioiiu ut li jiuo lurlni chriut mas tide thrwo of thu four aro in khaki alex alijrttur odltor of uio lloter itorouih ilovlow wuo pniionted last h by cupt j ii llunil mi tho unlonbit tuidldato lu llloii of his uplundld work lu out oloctlon ltlvkuru ltydo who wont from ihli ty tlvo team aj u to lako ultlon of can taker of the city bull ui cuilph rutliod on nuw year u thlu lonu period of faithful tl da to join hint i in h coleman went from muil to bluvenu lulut in tror chriatmos to moiid a tuw lu with bin oon lvoiuau there lulemuii u ijoyine much tttnr ulth than for ouuiu tlnio buforo ha left a tol mr j 11 11 wuu tak on u iflouuly 111 uu vv k 1 it lu jiudually rucuvir ini ho ui 11 alt day chi talmas b i ill nlllr- miu lho dillvory or uul to thoi wh io iii pply was vory low and 1 iiuo t lomuhly hilled next day in wiji i lied with htllu and fovur lit illltl nudi lood pmiriaui toward i nil ho p ut fuw duya a nation a da y of prayer j ho ou i t ill n of ii majcjiy ulnj oil t i it tho rtnut juuday iii thu n ii r la olihurvod uu a day of u tl mid piuyet- hrouj hoot thu 1in pin 1 1 liw tlopttd uiioiully tho utitl i 1uiij hl r all we tl npinlnatlouu aiu ur- u ouunblu to o ieh un 11 i u r ll fol n of uurvleo haii been ra oiuui tul a in lit uiu and 1 cumuli itholla mnk al lll lead att ns adviud by tholr rn whllu tbo iciii ral mlnhiterlal an luilatlou lu artaui int r n oh i mill i in all he i vaimtlhul hlilehi j lho nt d of r llunoo upon iott tu t lu 1 ii il i i ihi 1 or tht tu 3 tu 110 mphu iui lu till hill h3 er in comieqoiiiim jx ti- ow r doniltipinont on the jam son ivvr whielv- will nlaiiu 1 000 honio ower a d iy for goeriwiient uii in tiftalo anil slieitara 1 nllii satejhdai lieut ivank mrcartliy of whitby as kllhd in action on chrbitraas iuy tho third division drpol ut iclnir on is tiovr rt uily to receive tlraftoea ndor tin mra tho art fjovrnimont hau ur ranjid to ni ii to tho ultlu s soo 000 lonu of wheat or tho proiient borvcut thi ro aro ten murders and ao iiul rid i in a r ord lint or rrimt i luuuid hy tho montrial polite tor last ytar carpontcm only and not plumbers or t leclriclanu aro neodod at preiient for reconstruction work kit halifax it la announced sovmi younj farm rs wore nfuuod exemplhm from mllllury nervleo by j mil o mctavluh tu lho aptieal court at ottasrii yentorday in alberta ic dii7 men havo butm cranted total xemptlon and 1 j37 par tial ex niptlon tho inuu ord rod to rvport for tn hilary in rvlt o iiunib r 4 330 ono thousand four huulred chil dren und 000 wlwou of kltunton uol- tlicis overjlas wore t uti rtalued to a hlj chrlfttmuu tree event ycutonlay ooorjn mu on proprh tor of the in colt journal was found not ullty at uroekvllle on a cliarin of willfully and knowlnijly publluhluc fauo news und was dludlariid capl il w head rolurfilnir oillcor for itntnlford tllnnlpatea ruiiium thai tho intlinn at tho oihwokui nuierv all votitl for tho laurler candidate by iiaylnfr that tho uicn cy of tlio liallul was utrlrtly k pl and no ono an uay iw they voted monday iort coltiuruu lu to bo a town thin mouth ilerful leo brldto ban fohnod b low mux ri iullu hon a l slflon mlniuti r of pus- tomu baa uutered ou hij dutlt ii at ottawa liuttcr la very icsrco lu tiro it llrll- h to tint total illuilniri train will h pj i oinplutil iri tin vi uni nl l john lly thmiiih mayo i ti t lit till toil lu m 1 id ftj it itt tlio milliliter i for jo ihua wan tho inaklul albi ud dlaltiyul ity fieri i hut tl of wind ior is of pliiioii that only titiibt rut pajoni aro iii it io to tin tty count ii jut iph i hi lorn apprnvid a by law iropnuliu a i 1 uiio lu the motlo or elcctliu uui maui ajul oiunel and- iaiilni tho ulio or tho council mw puuiimirt forma aro in uuo at wlnrfijor bcirlnir si rial numbers and r iiilrliw i tit mint of tho holder tie ill i uitlon anil d p ndunta japan 1 i urruujhur for u loan to china fi thu 1tslt of tho united fitatcs in now 5 git dqo 000 crewsong corners a ii apuv now y r to alj a uttlo nioro miow would make lood a ikhlnj and wo uld bo mueh warmer ilrleinj- minu kuuilotm ilonnla upeut a week with go loli frlrutlii mu nir mlddlotoi ouolph iu vlnith jl frlendil hero mm wm dttnnli vlnl d frloi du iu aelon ou sunday milton trafuli ir ujwn hip hu a co itrlbutod t3jl 2 to lho ilritluh iu 1 croui fund ano tier now union ju k ail or ui uio aj p io of the pojl olflc thlu lu thu third hat bui beuu plucuil litero slneo uio w r birun mr ind mm c l gal owuy w luh to immui leo thn one atom out of their duuili f it uulo 1 julia 1 o j h htep- h iuo of ll tin mat rlaco to tako lilacs arl lu january hobi ir inuijiall of ilomby sold 1 htla rihently o j w smith mll- ton f r ii1cs riio prlro was ti7 c v for you 11 find it here llm niiauelul n mitt of tbo milton lied crou i autiodatlon s baxiar wero it u illiifuetory tbo net receipts o a utllo nvt r f j00 m uctount of tho near ity of coal tmiluuluk noxt sunday and until fur- r iiotlfc a rvlcoj will bo held in co church u hoouiouuu inutuad of in the church a h wilton 3rd lino trafahror has uobl hlu farm to mr milne of mark- bum who will tako poaueaulon in tbo vmau 4 how to feel well during middle life told by three women who- learned from experience the change of life is a most critical period of a womans existence and neglect of health at this tune invites disease and pain women everywhere should remember that there is no other remedy known to medicine that will so successfully carry women through this trying- period as lydia e pinkhams vegetable compound made rom native roots and herbs read these letters philiululpliia ri thtartou tho oiango of tjfu ilo yearn ugo- i ahvuyu had a hoatlucho and huejc- ucho with isjaxiiik down pains and i would luwo heat lulilhu vory bad at tiinui witli dizyy hjiolbi mul nurvoua fuulitijii alter uildiik iydia k piukhainrt vcgutubl oaiiiiwoaixi i fool like a ntrw pinion and aui lu hotter huaiui and no moro troubled with tho achta und iiaina i iuui heforo i took your won derful remedy i roeouimund it to my friend i for i coiuiut pruliu it ououkii mra juaitoaiutn guau- maw 760 n lujiggold bl itiliadeliihiii 11k uovorly maas i took lydiu il linkhamd vctutable oouiikjuihi for liorvounmyei and dynpeikiia- win n i wm kmii throilkh tho cluuik of ilfu i found it very iiulpful and i luivu alwaywkikiktm of it to oilier women who miller mi i did iuhi linvo lid them try it and thoy uhio have ruouuuu txtd n nilui fnh it mm gicoiuizi a uuhuau u uouuily tit bovurly wuaa cfie iv i wau in poor health wlion tlio iiiiiij of laft blurted witli mo uiul i took lydia ii lliiklmmti vtkutahui oomixjiuul or i tliink i illiquid not iluvu gob over it in any an i did kven now it 1 do not fuel good i taku the compound utul it lviutrti uio m a diort tiuui i will prakio imr iiintdliu to every wonuui for it may help tin m tu it hau me alru il icaaiau 1u1 kuit jith hl lint iv no other modielno iiaa boon so auoceaful in roltovliiff womans anfiirlii oo uus iyillu 12 vlukliimuh vctrctahlo compound v miuiituuy rttctlvofroeoudbulprul iwlvloo by writing the lodiu 1 jol l huoliiotuirnarorrl ld und uusworoa by woxueuonly tuidtleulln atrict oonildcuoo iathir ilundktrchlof canes and iio antl uillur cosej sijw to s2j0q umbrelbui a hue pure ullk t ovor olmny hundlf wltti llvir tilmuiliu- hikclal ot wjjo hllk nick scarfa u1 tho leading ntyleu jjso in 5 khaki nek scarfs 4ls to j3jm meno ono colored shirts all tho bent christmas roods tj5 to 7j mon j llotton coutn ijjith hou 11 and drviuiliu cowni w00 to hbjm hractj ami itands cartorn all in fancy boxes 25c to 92jxl nolnntoor iiosiihy for mon and women ullk mid lhlt- pullman rllppern witli leather cojmi 92jxk puro ijneu ifandlcerchu fu in individual boiui at 25c swoater coals tho ifoad kind 1 rem vj0 to j12jkl a ipoclal lino or 1 ancy hllk iio io for men 125 par pr inlualloti idniin ilandktr- ehlofu half doxon in box 150 to vl00 wool batu of caps ami scarfs tho vory nowcut irooda at 200 to 4axl individual sfsrft ami toquts boc to joa menu iyjumw a very rino ranto from 2a to j5jxj collars cuffs cuff links hhlrt studb tit cllpu coat hanimra und all tho latest eorroct roods tun linod olovca perrtns donts storey o oil prices l23 to j5jjq ncwyars is hcrk h ll l kim hu 4itl el i h lit rum i sllt i nijl ualsins mini 1 ml a i om 1 t i loni uv nm1- 1 uoods 1 me icri pi id pi jr livinstonc grooarlcs and provlolonu and tho ttn3t rnrjijo ofmona new year neckwear in tho trade from 35c to s20 r e nelson phono 10 nxt pot office quelph 1 soanding the clarion call s of the new year tttuk new year comes with a martial note 3 jl stronr and clearer than ever before it sounds forth the determination the hop the 3 faith that leads on to victory j itrinj true and eleir this call to the democra- 5 ciesoltht world in the cause of right and freedom 3 it p a call to duty a call to every patriot to be 3 faithful in the duty tnnt falls to his lot whether it be 3 to shoulder a gun as a private or to lead a division 3 ts a at n ril to drive adijivery waggon or to man- ja aft n buintss e 1 1 1- call to our country lopird on its loins for e j ami icddon and we hive the faith that the call 23 ze3 will find none of us wanting man woman or child- but all ii idy to do their dut whatever that duty 5 ma ik 3 dunn ninctct 111 ightccn this store solemnly b vow 10 put forth the utmost effort to render the hesl osiiih st rvice to you to youk country s and ouks 3 and our inst expression of holiday good wishes is that tlu new ye ir may bring to our empire and pee to our alius an early virtory and with it happiness and prosperity to you 1 d e macdonald bros umited h guelphs leadtof and largest store vvyndhum m cdouncll mil cardtu bl- guelph ont we wish 0jr patrons pposperods nw year fruit lc ook over thib aosortment of new year poodb wc have the largest and best assortment in town all frebh this week candy we have over a ton of candy this new years and o assure quick sale we have priced them specially low pattorltriip reg oq 35c lb 400 lbs cocoanut and peanut taffy rcjj 35c for 30c lb special xinus mixture 30c lb creams iioc 11 maple creams 10c lb nuts brazil walnuts filbert almonds mixed j5c per lb rj jj 2ioascs navel otaiies we guarantee tbem sweet and juicy special rtuli prtles fo christinas at 10c 50c iuc 75c per do california grapes malapa grapes fancy layer kaisms b c apples it 30c and 40c per doz special price by the box p nek lac havleverythni in the grocery line our stock is alwaya urocerics fresh and complete your order will be carefully filled and appreciated see our windows for displays mill street actqn ont 4mch0t5

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