Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 3, 1918, p. 4

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qlbr arinu 3t rrr jrjb0 inijn in jamjaju taohiono pipty vcaoq aoo caps a net apron were worn uvon with cvsnimj odwn f wc gtamvl cach othcfi tin a llttl thlni to i iy van r h irt i ru i dut wo i tnro mli mi rr for lovnr wo inkn t lit l mi 1 if i jul tn i trnif rrualnuly oni j iriy till til tlttir nn huru ti ii vo tito loo in tl o prlivloitl thlnr tlio cruhnurt i ur treaatm i must r noli or evfcr ilio ijtl illl taki tho olft or tell tint wirtli the k 1 ily luyo tliut t annul bo t h c o hoiaettl oh yeo you can i the i fnmcuji explorer wnn tlencrlbjnif a harrow tnc nlvtuturo that bad bo xllon blm i 1 poercd into tho jungle tin nald na thiro msfero mtf my ft trunklcuii body hero whnt urn ou tnlklnr aboutt snarlod n rlnl ajcplnrr who over heard of a trunklrli vbndy x my friend tlio paker annwemd rulmlj thin body won that of an elephant ifei f it is plain to hfiybody who in in jmmuu jt flthon that4boy have more htttf ordinary mtano of loconao tlbn rluck la really bolter than luck for it often plckn tho latter up and carrieii it rlchtiblunir a popular jtcraon in ono who con manufacture oppluio on short notice aud distribute it a onerous hand and a nmlllnir face thero are mora ways of spending jdmmmtumn there aro ofnnijtliljnc achcerino vision if tho young follow vfho act leave h absence and como homo from tho tsajttlitfc comuit for a day ur jwo or a week wore not dlffecflhtlated by their uftlfrmn thoy would be not apart by ui way thoy carry thoronclefl lou would know a soldier if ho dressed l peacock blue by his full client and his btrbht back nbd the way he stepa ook and tho ujilonldhlnff part i that jt takes bo little tlmo to work tlio djttktt a tevf weclctf apo ho was uko ultf other h6yg alodchtnlr btooplns wiwne with hlo handn 1st hlo pockofji ooncractlnff but chtwt and now look at him tho ooldlor boy la ii one way a charng vlp9n jundmvea tbotaji tbtw ujrly blonehinff awkward fmblo llctng youths that trwarm our city wrmta are qui to tinktc4ary ho itfilos beforo tho nllio hundred and jlfcmfty nlntt the jmojrp of what uiev jjty t- jvon fumo on ita merits ttio uti rfdd popplarjty that ir thomao ictrlc oh enjoy la jioc attrlhbt- p to any cloborato ndvortlalmr for ba not boon oo atytrtutod but lq adtlrely duo to the m6ht of thbt xu as labdlcjno in oiry city tbwa otjjj homjot in llio rauntry it la ouiit t aolely because of ita good auh- riro ir mi ro niro tlm apron nml tin brttuktaat cup warn tlio prldo mil y it o rj inutrdi r thny wrrn imr nirn n 1 riymlxj tlio cap ir tliut limn wiin nn olalorntn nn ilatnty affair jt wan worn with tbo t uno ilrtinii anil tin miirh trimmed tl if m limit tl o nftornqon and oven- li it a niiin ovllc nil nn important nnturo f very yt miin r wanlrnbo in tliuoo dayii wom dorldo lly fancy nnd ujmlili ur wnn not a ntronu point in tlirlr coi ntrurllon aftnlliifc tt nn old py of hodoyn indy ii hook i prorm woro mailn of mi ii tmiurlal i an blufk miiii nnd nntln and wcrq tilmiiiol with wo and vol- vt with t limtcd cuaimi f tiro nllf ort m ilifno ruinc worn acalloprd tticy warn nlno cut in ntraiijro ohapon and a final touch wan ad iwl by nowiiiff on lar o i rlti tji mid a f bown tho jiaino old fimhfunikl 1 ook in chitchat n tin i nntilonn for fovotnbtir qayu aj mini or nlmuiatcd aprona aro tho folly of tho day thoy aro ilkoly to havn oji poi ular a rcficn ui i tlio tlmu of quoon chnrlotto whfn dau ilrunrmoj dppoiu d them from tholr hlch ntnto by dnllboratoly beforo all ihn p oplo oiinmblod takhifr off tho hptpn of a durtican an 1 fllnfflnir it imhihi ono of tfjn nottocn nt a hall klvnn nt tho onoomhty roomn nt uath aproim wire xnndo thon an now of qoittllost laco and unormouu numa wrrrj iipont jipon thin artlclo of drwn tho latcjt novelty la a depth of flk jiot moro tliah twolvo inchtn to which in ml ifrd a llounco of lnco equally wldfl but narrowed jit tlio nldcn of cotimo thin ntyln will in umo civt way to larkosapronu what in unorul sonor ally bccorntjb popular and lanta for a conaldorablo tlmo a challcnqc whan ihimuo 1ith onhlbllod ln luiy wrlum mr it li townnhoud in cham bran journl irdi wild wont pr formancra wro nxtramoly popular thorv uit una of tho iloniah dukw who wftnt to tlto tiltdw miiocro 1 at tho wky in which tho cowboya rndn thlr bucking branches rpund tho nrono cfrnui horndfl bo onjcl tlialn all umy aro tralbod to jump abojt an 1 lool wild its tanro child o piny now tbo wild horoen that j koop on tho p carnpnjrna really aro wild ni man on oar tli could got on their bncku or if ho dd bo wool a iot atay tboro a klu bin moment tho cowboys woro tushly indljrni wlion thin como to their corn llrlnir on your wild ayetaltnn map oatrn wrm ttio djiawor you jiint put them in tho arena and turn them joono unj you 11 ueo 00 blhht ot your life tim duko confldontly arcoptrtd tlm chujicnff and hla hcrdkmnn dn n day affreod upon drove in four of tho wild horaea and turned tlitra loonc in tho mlddln of iluffalo bill n otiow bforo all tbe popl within flro stfort mlnutoa thoao four wild iponaroha of tho camiuun4 oro laniiood and tlirown tho anuirlcan cowboy aaddlcu woro clnchod on to them tlio labaoa wero taken off ami cnob homo a ho ncramwdtcjtila foot found a weatarn cowboy on bin back and croatly to huvaatutnuihinont ho found that no bucks kick or plunkm could dlnlodffo him an hour inter thoy trotted out of tho arena v ry different honm thoy had foupd t olr majrtens liaffalo jehua nion had olvl- lbiod tliam quite fatal i 1 hr i un rr rvt i jlnnln u a newark tlrni d lur n ifhlint jjirniru u 40ta fronts ono of itn llntitn a f w liyi i rrcrltnj n fnuil in t oi nt to my liatul hnvo boti lo idim for you tt ill int ilamniti it i li i ninni on i ih i t wnni it u i il till y u h ivo arm it nn i it in jultn n job to krp it 1 our d up f i 1 tno uttn id ti it pr jujptty 1 ffrtro it t t tn well d s00r floatihg specks htuor bep0be eyes hothtuned pv miibubhs uwu1eb pius 1 thoy ntimujnlo tlio alubkuih ifrrr cjcnjltue coated tongue awrrlcn the brrath clean away oil wanto and poiaon- out mattcrirom llio njntrm and prevent on well as euro all nicknno arwing from a diaordctcil conditinn of tlio stomach iivrr ami bowcla on thio line rojlo pavasyouo aa yptttd la a good motto tttt tolkfl tomak jjelr own p6n t debtji r- up big dolti to be dlacliarjred tort t aoopt u other pcopiaji aofl acrtfl5oa and fonrfy uaamelmoui la don nobefttob3o retuxna c tliit yoawlll bt a iftiirf i jmaianliifc yonr oblih2- wi lfypwjkoopyotr oyea op5 will acoooancos ot roturoinff tho liiviiio juiata coin doiolb t to rfoatvp withtiut givlnir sy lu40 t hiidrea oryj fo fletchers had boils and pimples on face and body bona and pimple are aqpvlyxmdaum of bcjd blood that la circutaung in i oystcia coming to th nurfaco tho oovjr way to rd youn4f of thwm painful and uaiugbtly blood dlaeaaaa ia to have your blood purified by bordoafc blood bittern it rcmovta array pajs ucle of oul tnatcnalfrqm tbo blood and tu awn beoomca clear and mooib and free rocq all crupuona 4 hoy a botay trenton chjt wnuoj two yeara am i wm rtit much troubled with boila and phaptm onmyaff andbly afrumd a4tw4 ma to take burdock blood bitten i rot three bottlov and before 1 had tunjheduie third lose my booa aml ptopjarbid airdjtappcarcdroh w jaos anal body were as clear and am mooth a any babyn could be burdoo blood bitunr baa been on iba market or over 40 yearn you are tfok- bxpoimcaunjt wbtto you buy tl mannfactorrd orjly by the t muv bam co limited toronto 0nt allllara worm powdoru will purfo tho atomaeh and ln tea unco of worms ao effectively and no eavlly and pain lassly that tbo moat 4elcate atomaoh will not on jneouvonlenco fropl tholr action they recommend thorn mtrea to mothora a a- preparation that will reatore atrongth and visor to their children and protect thorn from the debilitating effects which re sult from the deprodatlbna of worms but whan a man a auto acta up it may worry him moro than when hla wife does ttkirwtee it la about the eonicat thlnr in tho world for a rlrl to arof a hat that ht becoming if he- ian t over alxtoon jt takes an experienced traveller to tell about the tblna he saw that ha didnt freedom from asihma aethrna fa one of tne tttoet dlatreaslub troubles uflcjea in its attacks and prolonged in its asonles frequently many thlnjr are tried hut nothlnar seema to bitq bppa of relef r j d kollosfifs asthma itemed fa tho ono help which can be depended upon if yoii hava tried other reubdiaa without success do ttotftllxotrer atrfnc a packago ot ts uniformly aucoossful prepara upn there may be other corn curea out jrollowayfl corn cure stands at tfie head or tlio list do far aa results are concerned but the irl with a small foot raay be oblo to set it down real hard on a mtuis nock after bo has faced tbe parson with her oluldren cry for fletchers oa r i a a womnti a eyoo sometimes indicate a lot of uvmftr words oho claim not utbr bwoot and palatable mother graven wcfrm exterminator in acceptable ta chlldrttn and it docs lta work surejy and promptly cvon a irlrls hcadntho j forcottcrt thvn alio bus tho toothacho klfticb upftajc louder than words over witmo rtoi equffant ijaljoro kiiy da odd a t6e jilajcr7iohvf lo-uidxtit- ancwodftl d in arinir around tbe nrwl- deinyju m fmmmibtho dlffereift j iterftafllik so pwt each player ih jtffr pwnunxarna switch onrthepictvapapt tbe arums dimoflpoifov u on the w6rfa tdarn haw- wprin tefvrlrinorl htfnuiqx triftjfjcuma titr r with tho switch not po it now disorders of the dljres tiya apporatua should be dealt with at onco before complications arise that piay bo duncuit to cope with tho hhjoat remedy to this end and ono thattsw4jsun rcuch or all to panno- lw vjojketoblo pills the best laxa- ftto on the morkol do ut try them now ono wjai wuucrivince flnvpno that ttoy are tliabqdi stomaolit regulator that oan be soti the leisurettiatprofits tbetloicure which aproma us is that tthlch la ouht for snatcherf froxn tht olotcb of phlbink dullea thcro axei omulutifd4 wtopfa in tho world who have a great adeal of tlmo on their haads some ot them aro trio descendants of wealthy men llvlnjr comfortably on fortunes that keep stqwinx without any effort on tliolr part jlna others live lnso mild rr climate that fmy are able to support lifer by dotnrm t days wort a year and a few days work in a year la ajl that they will do uoitber leisure class 1 ukely to aaoompllsh much that is worth while it is the people who are hard driven who have to flab for their leisure who do the things which put the world in their debt mm jowph h thcrfcttu haulner- tiuo n a wnlm j wan troubled with a sour ntumarh and took fivn vials of mlmum laxai ivcr pilln and they cured mf my mother nvo uncl tltrrtt for floating aiockn befon tho ryes rimy cured lier no aftor hnvnif taken four vials wo both hiphly rrcommcntl uicm to all sufferers from hvir troubln miiburnb 1 axrti ivcr 1illn are 25c per vial ot nil di all n or mnilrd dirret on roctnpt of pnre b i ho t mllburp ox limited toronto oal a houdo of mirth in ono ln which um wlfo lauitdn at hxr bunband n ntojo jooo castor i a for infants and children in ubo for ovor 30 years always beam tbe signature of it in bard luck that comes cinleal tho clean tnblocloth catches tho oarly btcaao upol many a clerk fain to soo an oppor tunlty hecapdo ho keepa hla cyco ua thcclook klany a inan a conaclonoo ilea in a ttato of innocuous desuotudo until hla ttlfe bcfflns to blturraiia taso notlcot jirthin iinlni ntrlotlnm koes just no fill and ntoj h a roan wlro bona tit kjvorftl of thoflrnt limio of the liberty ioaii iki nit a was hoard cortjplnlnlnjt wl nnlho necond drive was an must think wo rn ma lif money he grow- d iet thn follows who dldn t aub ttcrlbo before como jorward now ivo done all i can and oven as be spoke ho wan i nudtlatlns for tho puruhasn fa now car his old ono bain rather ihnhliy it in not trance of rourko that ouiii people nhoutd nhaw tho aamo lort of ntrlmufm was there a thrift anion in your neighborhood widely in tho hciclnnlna- of tbe season looked irrrin ami promlalnff and beforo the oration wan half over was wned irrnwp nnd cnriorairydlsrodutnbto in its np- learnuco iatrlotinni burnod brishtljr iu lhu brnant of soma young gardener tlio tlmo of the spring planting iho war was to bo won by food aa wnll an bynrmii when tho peas nnd ntrlng beans wont into the ground the youthful worker tind an exhilarating fooling of bcng of real service hut t y tbo mlddlo of summer the world mewd to be going on about aa usual and tho tennis court had a very invit ing appenmrtoo there wero myriad dcmautln upon oruvn tlmo and tbo gar ilon was loft to itself till tho weeds luid such ii j start that reclamation atemod hopelowt and then the neg- uctful frtrdoner decided that after allj ono garden moro or less dldn t roaltoj much difference i tfo ilioll fight jt out on tbla hooi sold u patriot of anpticr very critical pcriol if it takes all nummcr and tl at ln tho sptrjt of real patriotism to dfly wo munt fight jt out on thlsl lino till wo win if it takes all summer nnd all winter and another summer am winter patriotism must not tiro out munt not wear thin must not complain thn ardor of tho atart in- ntcad oi burning low like a lamp lack ing oil must blazo moro brightly every day war ooq with wooden leq reports como from the front des cribing incidents connected with tho iftrlfo going on ono that touches tbo heart of those who like animals es pecially dogs is about a war dog that was fitted with an artificial limb the doi belonged to tho french army and was wounded while carrying a des patch to a first line trench during one of tlio battles ills foreleg was torn away but ho carrjed out hla orders the dogs master was wounded about the same time but inter galnlnff pos neaslon of tho dog again ho had the artificial limb made for him at jarls a nt nip attached to the wooden limb fantoned about the dogs body and held tho lec in place castorm tor inflmto and children mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signature of grandirunkrlv ia jti onii iiiaifn self lovo incurable la npt oaiyjjund butita tho aamo tank jiisorcmawupe lb 4acappttyrwnd ttiioair san c paded itiaa ww pka all taculuoltr5ifc djtetaod jt la an iruuact and like mithstwcta k can b devojododjlt wtaaot biu utoo all plants to jduvbtod if ja a ilfl and uko asi un cab jt can become ahloditbtroughjulu it aui bo tunbad through abuio by the habits of thinking and feeling wjan gradually strangle it by bajbhasviloaa ajj hfrry wo cai budoi for flefchefts oa3tfta nbujcent youth jftpt her iuajdat kvcrybody a maifualne iqaulin retailing storlca mtugr- had heart trouble for 5 years would go into fits through tmo cauw or another a luro majority of the peonlo ore troublcltnore or lam rttlt aoma arm of heart trouble litll attention it paid to tbo alight saifloa antil tho ieart tarta to beat urrarjarlvnfcii timtti feel faint afruotibelfc on tm flnttncntf aov yrtikxum of l hefrt lmburaa heart and nerro hli ahoum hwien and tbua eocum promptlm pojnanept rellet or an jraan anil u bo bad it irould aspd m into tu and amotherimr i could aft it wbktfprjs wb0 i traa f- feetoo but after ulung tbros box of milburnaniiartand nam rum1 hara retained rny ioallli muburas heart and nerra sotpmbteatauo5ieraormal on reoehil af jaica by t5 t on limlaa tonnia ont the correct treatment for colds colds are contracted yvhen strength is lowered and the inflammation easily develops bronchitis or lung trouble while grippe and pneumonia frequently follow i cold should have immediate treatment with fcott5 ehul5i0n j the national strengthbuilder which first builds up the forces by carryingrich nourishment to the blood streams and creates real bodywarmth its cod liver oil is the favorite of physicians for correcting bronchial disorders and chest tro ccntt nnc toronto out 1719 exact cop otwrappcr in use for over thirty years castoria wo hl oau we want now a rnllal in aront in unite n county to tell 1tlliama irirlcn krtilt and ornamental tieo i ia 1 and winter mi ntlii l oy el ilvo terrllorylre m mini ulpmelt oveii con jicnicn of tlio eholrtu nnrfrr uk includ inrnl w vatiitmconttnlfi1 by in hnndnomo up to i ate wllliti cemlp ment u 1 a irmlld cormilla kronnrmcl to oir ro iiomrra wo iiro not j blicr- wtito uow tor ojeency term to pelham nur3eby co toiioh omtaiuo n m itaoiiofccnt on request to npplkantii for nrciicitr or uicliosera of nursery hock special december service between toronto and winnipeg daily i weatiotuid dec3rdfojan2ni rjlioutin decjrttojljasti i noto tiwor enrairyqreranod tjwu rjsg0ioi sjsbvicb winaipcf and ednnjulm k aavaacamr daiuy triwnoanr canadian northern v grafonola avoid disappointment refuse irmtations nry genuine columbia grafonolasiuid records bear this trade mark look for it before you buy- columbia grafonola fish fish special frrah lnko sup hcryiup t for s25c trcah floiinilcni fresh smelt prcflh red juki salmon trerii b c pink salmon preah halibut steaks preih cod steaks prcoi cod whole fish gov frch haddock gov prcah bca herring all kinds of salt picklod smkc4 and cured fuh in stock oyster choice lonfj island native oysters always fresh pramdt diuvory every day s j stauffer fish dialcr acton phonk40 t alurafaopan hct0n livery and bvs lim6 for sabe by c c speight acton ont espejkc3ksc3sy r7ocjv0oo 7200000 bank capital iiksbiivb fond3 andundlvfldkd pltofltq thb merchants of canada sir ii afoutatfuo allau president d c macorow qcniral manngcr ami fleitdelf thl sera of tha sbi wpjnuat worfc toorbon ftpfltio tvm- brjtfc ia only by righl dispositions them charles tx k k stick to y0mftbu8h w you erer ticar thb esprusalofc vtfk to your buahr ai ricb man in answer to tlis quetuon or did ho bcoomo ao very tooeoafuir recited tho story which fijjjows u oafc dfpn xttaa a tad pwtfiof iwyajand girls woro going toto country to plak berrioa verr tqmuyttveauxir to join thorn 0 ttakodmy tuthcr permlaalon lie ipv4ilsjconieot at thw tuuno time fce me joseph what uro yoa routter to jilcfc- berries pr to play 7 vlc bcrt lrepjoa thon joeeph 1 want to tell you ono thing when you nnd a pretty boon busb do not leave t to find u better oatwtt ea want herriart htldlc to yur bush although tho othem niay iuul5bjirbttul tberr inrent wth tarpttr4y und na luwl oaejllai time but ittwas just as my atttwl eaid 3o sooner luui one of fay mend i found a good bush than ho mmfau fh rvpt and they only too winvmly left tijtlr hcvcrul ulaaca to ifo to the new found tnusuno not oonhont more than a minute or two w one soot they rainwed over tho whole naatur slnd at night had holf- tulst their baaketu ty mftma jtopt running i crt momew anfly stutlt to my tftuili ttntflrlt w4v bsser qiej- xottna anothur bdoivane to pluck trom wbon homo- sobig time camo 1 had u largo baakot hum and waa not holf uo ii ns tj4ithet glrlsrrre well done 3oph ud my father rsjrth i greeted him was it not asl oryou atwuys stick to your bunc wj v v inlm words sank deep into my rolnd aodl liavor never forfrattwn the oj- aay waj r hox cltuwmatejf rhuroted bonimertted bar motaor 1idn t tho r teacher havo to correct your no rtinhne njrajjred bar 9 had to spcoic to all tho cjaaa ckcept mo uils afternoon that a queer rexnarkod hor father somawhat bvaplcloualy wbat dfd aim oayr i she said reported pauline now cblldron wo wlu all wait tn is in order paulino fr- tfmw i m iu 1 1 -t- i il ii i io 1 1 tt t t m j hji 1 1 advertising bronchitis it may torn to pneumonia bronchitis eorneflfroxd a aeo tod oold and starts with aj short palnfuj dry courii accoiuiiajned with rapid wbceaun and a frcung ot oppnjabmm o tifbtoon throush tha chest yott have nn doubt wakened up la tbo morning and hare had to oough serafajllmtar vrralstrtbo phlegm from tbo bronchial tunes and havo found it oi a ycllowlah or stuy grccjatah color nd you hayo received relief riabjl away this is a farm of bronchitis which tf wa cured muucdiafely may turn int pncumunlaodsomemore aarioua iroubla j cure tliooold with dr woods norway pins syrup and thereby prsytat broa ohitis and pjacumonia taking hold on your system mr e jarv new kpland saat write i was troubled fo years with hi on lists and could dot flm tay rekof tvw especially bud on a damp day i went to a drukgipt and aaked htm for aeabdlmc to stop the coufth and aoav stant tickling in mr throat tie gnra is alkjlua of vr wood norway pins twun wlrh found gavs msrlobtant relief xnk it hi tbe bet medietna j fnmnfitll t lnn nt nam tak w sfecmlon ni thehrr i utch fftk afteriuaji wfcn x ij j j xomrand wtur dcjltir tolerubly 13bl not loavo it and sixind weeks si jmalno- another butter jub x muck to my uavrviottta i rortranrnluii t knotr oi ni pjtm atmjt hnre a bottle of it to nol aooent n aubntitut for dr wood m a put up in m yellow wraniii 8 plan ttra tna trade mark erfco 25e and ooo manufaeitunil onl ytho r uubumco eluniuxl loroato i vi f in its highest adnse is the crgtion of a uuvv want and providing die means with whith to mipply that want the aim of advertising is not to spread the name of a sjm so mnch 3 to gfltbusiness for that firm the ad that counts is ticono that makes ihoioxunts of today jhe ntcesiltibi of onmorrow a great many people advertise at thty ivrj tq ciatjly merely to get rid of the solicitor then the advertiser says it doesnt pay and whwrdone in that spirit it doeo not advertisers must but brail arid selling fdrcc into their copy and when tins is done they find tha advertisin- is not an expenbe bat the finest kind of an investment s c dobbs past president assoujtcd advertising clubs of america look to fshe future havmr purchased ihe livery and koedwih of tho business from mr a- mccano i solicit wilh confidence iho patronage of tho public comfortable rig cuppljed at reasonable rates special artenbod to nupplyinp convejaucefl for weddings and funerout motor cora fumbhcdwbctl re- qnired ihjs mbkta all acton l e atkinson ont annnddnananaca grain a chopping n well done and g quickly at only g n 5 cents per bag g il work become icj plentiful for you with ill havu no tich help anywhere as yodr nice little tew hundred dullun tivejl m irao sound canadian bauk hobby of it see aud hard timcj above all m tu tlitharbor of comfurt timeamuy chani advanced vuars uo 1 y b tc dearln now with only on dolla m uko howfar behind gpoujj itvo tioubli tilings da hot look backward in your 133 branchc- in canada farmenj bijiumw uhitod acl on branch l b shorey manager harris co limited kockwood nandadanaaaantih the free press is read by 5000 people weekly most of whom should he the cus tomers of the acton stores to get their businessadvertise in the free press tt ihiii canadian british short tlrm government bonds i i yitldiiik t to 7 why not tn tkc joui savings tarn 756 111- otcad of j fllirmitniftmi in 11 dumi imiiiiuhiiiiiii j r shortill t llaltoa cuuiuy lteprestiilaiive ntly president ncclys limited the canadian cuuil llouie temple building toronto when you need boots shoes at any time buy ruom w williams acton ontario s 1 amoui 1 oh satisfactory t footwear ukabonauiu lltlai s hhh1 hill i vanjmistil j promptly secured ma1u0n a maltloh 304 unliuiatr afo moniittialj is msiw 11 y

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