Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 17, 1918, p. 3

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t- aniinita wedding and birthday presents ilnfrin ik nilvi rwiiro huiiy cut olumi mid china iciilvrn 1 utloi mill llixmuu weddlm lunjn marrllaql licensed issued glio llyndh thujlildal januauy 17 iu18 brief local itbms news of local import cti annivaraary iury i in in i lair iklh li tin monilni unl mflmliu in iilivuyn airordod l in my uili hi a ton uraalb hiuhtooua condition owlim t the until or it frit ixl i mr ltnholl of joruiito w ui un ih t in alton uii fuiwluy v nine uddn tu tli youiij iili dull i of social and peftsonal li i mn1 imiiii iiliriinil vliiltnl liv il t r miuj oriiyhlll at wild hon 1 mt mi i clurti lliimlii ilemi liniw lin i imk i 11111- u fmv days ut mi a i nildluii mm j rax i mill mr i jmiui 11 inn if llumlolu man urn vliilt injf frl ikih la jijin uliii mr hurry jdivi m or toronto vlilt 1 j nuarr mjjui htovons mi icn x ctn tho wlioli mli ni nro i duclng tint prim of inijiir iftuion iitctun und vvul no novelty thrin ifuyn of tin pipes i 1 ull i now puylifj n whni your r tuliirly noted no fur 1 muudiiyu shovel tlin ut illiu yutir h in ouolph ann mil mnihu fair town hull thl i tho turnlji jn 3 co per huiili i di llv n itcjjort ti thin nil paper tuilir to iiiuli yc tjiih wlnui hui for itn lini nidi r iluli ci plcoio mr uuin how ort our imvi n neighbor ii i nrtirly cvory chur hold lost hundayu u school rooms e a harris of ooxatte 1 a roonibi r water co in ml mil on tho merchant who all tho tlmn to have i that arp ndvartlacabte tho farmers huvo had a stroiiuoiij tlma thfa wrok lu liotllikout tho road from their farmo in to town saturday mornings fifty mllo nali tjth accornpauylnc bllssardy full of r enow mocked tho roads badly tucndays snow uforn on top of ita biff predoccujor envo n oupcrabun- dance of tlio flnncy whiteness know shovolllnj was no lazy mona job laflt monday tho winddriven snow vrtui packed aa haru as clay peopl away from tho humoiaand writ bow much tlioy pnjoy tho homo paper fiend it to tho absont ones tho molhofliut pruycr mectlnc thin otcnlnff will bo hold ut mm thomas bomejtlilou homo mill btroct at 7 30 oclock durlnk tho blc alu on saturday tho fans of tho wrudmlll on uio farm of ur andrew murray rioiryruui worp blown oft tho qovornmcnt hydro motro in spector won hero ltuit weak and in spected and ucal oil 110 of actono 340 eloctrlo mc trail butter la nolllnc in berlin gor- rnnny t 1 2211 per pound uugar at bjid bacon at j2 11 arent you tliank- ful yours llvlnk in cannra chief inspector gord6n won hero las weak liujpoctlnjj tho bookn of ijc- ao inapoctor harvey ho found every thing entirely uathifactory tho blliiartly wcathof and block- ad rooda kept turmtru at homo saturday very uttlo buulnuui dono by our rocrchunta that dai went down into my ccllaon rivlnff homo lout ovonlnn and i di know when i uaw uucli a plcknlng olht- what kind of a uitihtt an thracite my boy miss al7cla obrien panned tho christmas normal bchool examina tions as well oa mlau dora ilarvoy of tho 202 candldutcu who wroto all passed but thirteen the work of tho rural mall car riers is not much to b on vied thcao days saturday was a trylnir day in deed and on monday and tdvaday tho roods were lmpamtlblo in many places tho now jl 00 hlllo boaxlntf tho portrait of tho duchcu of lavonahlro on tho faco and an onjrravln of tho parltamont bulldliiiio on a irreon round on tho back uro very pretty oet alt you can of ultra in nearly ovory homo a portion of the rcfuso from klichona roljiht bo used as food for ho en in tticuo dayu of stress and total uhortuk closer attention should bu iiald to tho utili sation of ffarboco for thu purpwi followinc tho nujjgcotl t deputy milliliter of agriculture for british columbia tho city council of new wcuunimitcr hou docldod to amend tlio bylawn no uu to imrmlt of koeplnff hopa within tho city limits under proper condltlonu if you ore a hi allium or profcao- lonal man you can hel to aolvo tho problem ot increauiml production by taking a koen interest in tho urforta of the community and by uldlug or partlclpatinc lu uny organisation to stltnulato food production tho british government luui la- qed a proclamation which prohibits the send ins through tho malla any dally weekly or other periodicals or newspapera oxcept in aluclu coploa pont aertd bundlua of nowupapeni to tho boys at tho trent be jul each in n se para to wruppcr erin township council for this year is as folio wu itoovo alex mo- klnnon deputy hlovu jou mihoy counclllom gcorjro bryan wcaloy josaop b tv turawoll mr milloy takes tho placo of mr iz liuiwlck who was deputy ltuoyo laat ymr but who la bomanjoljuir of auun among thoio who wi ro ntorm- stald throush tho hluiuiil- f railway trains wjro i h llolmcti uunt u t r- who mudo u prulontod vlalt at tho county town from itiday until monday nlaht ami mr j m ma- donald who hud a plcaaunt but un expected visit with acton frlenda dur- ltur a like period cruelty to anlniula uj tho chart bcalnst malcolm mccallum f nor- vsj against whom iiii an- itullln- fsll of tho llumuno hocltty uworu out an information hmt wo mccallutn it is aieeld alluwitl fuijrtotm iawu l wander about noiial jurlnk tho- ro- oont cold spoil without nhutur or food ono cow woo frozen to death and tho others were uovtxely routlilttun i hou in mr nl i ld wimimt i cldorty lady rt y iitiuduy fn fnui tln lit of 0ptl vlilt i uhlo i unit ik rilrn if kn and liuikn 1j0 voinfiu t r tin imldlrra in th lnm- ra oray 1 rlojilnir lmr iir and hi v ry thankful to tin no much fur tho to itour cardonin iall lot fcurilnii uruio1 uayii hlii wuy an n i vi aotuttii a i tho liln row potai jtatoru jwt yuar t pillilo vlli bo nd nil klndu hut to iri w cood utallu f city mid town a- mlljo curdonhur for tin thin yiar their cxporlitti vnluo mil ho rtmilli nhoulc im in proportion tw th ir proflcliicy rtol ready a dainty maat shop tho mctavtnh utoro on mill htroot haw boon iranaformol into a ilulnt mi at iihoy tho whio cjuunol count iro uholvlntf and lltmnjru u th neatly contrautliib rolllnj and wallu i buff clvo tlio pramluca of at tonu iat cat purveyor lu m iti and provision a moot altrarllvo uiipcilranci mr a minltli tlin proprlotor lias opuiin lai ml iui fymoii hnn ione t wau mill mlirn i0 w i i iitulji ilurlnj w i ut mr h i uorlinii wiv luthr dnylif ollhlutid at tlu nrhl f ml luwl ilomn of arumr t ouiith oin lr hint thnrnday mr william ij ii who in iipimllni h wititir ut tin- hoitii of hr ion li jimiiilah in11 church utrrol li iltl illy ill ml i jjnira will n wont to toroi ir u winkkiiil vliilt it was proloi 1 ovilni in tho iiimiii hut wuii y in ut ly i ni n v rthi h m n mr w rn ihatu t ilollanl imiiith or ao wlui bin lirotliir mi david cjiriuihan and r frl tnlii in acton and vicinity w m l fxxiimlth 1 a iii ltiu luui ihhii irivlt 1 to nuirc1 w jl iitiilth il a uu pastor ot mtitliodiut 4hurih oakvlllo after n fin mr ltii flu or cimir at ji nassaqaweya nday the- roads in thlu lcluity wore a completely tied up with tkiturday storm and reuldinta claim truillu wu never bo completely blocked bcrvlcoo in itotiiiai r liml m and u corwhln woro amullud lani owlllff to tho blocot rumlu nassaawuya council whl ui wuu t have met on aiuiuluy wuu foxred i postpone tho luaiiuiul lujiuii uwitu to the allow blm1 au ucrnuui j lluilvjhm hulil a niiiut successful ol daring ualu i 1 uaduy the prococda nutted ovir ouno itural mail nmt a wn oi uplutuiy tied up and frwii i rlduy until turn day do mull wau ilntlvirid churchill thpre was very lltllu trudlo on thu roods in lieiio pat ta on iiatnrdu nor for two ijr throo ilasoftur th bl stonn x- warnn ilrotltra will hold a aojo of hurplun atoih on lliiuuduy jubiuiijy 7 they huo a hut ht of yuuntf cattlo to dlopouo ut tho fuuoral of miu mlihuol kim nedy of tho fifth linj took plum uat thursday linos busy uwi thu loll i oimi otor tho other- d ly wlii a lophoiu patron lu u ueitlon tiltd in miln lu get a nidjfhbur on hi wio it huu been buay for aixul half a n hnui povf wili tint at noynl rply why cant i not my iui i iy jh mid tho lolephono ijlrl vmm a la jut jioyluk hoi m bj hhoi mu u a tslepttouo viull uoliiir iltutttcd in thu coat nd of tlio town ho hopeii tlio location will pmvn u convonlonco to a uooj nhuro of i tui tomeni colobratinp tho austrian now year our aunlrtan ixnldenta upi lit tlio flrnt part of tho wook in coujjrullni oielr new year olio of thorn martin uollua who hail boon horn for thro four years jot hllarlouu with thu aid of acotultfnmunt of lljunr ho received from uoatroal laat i- hdity- whila paradlnu mill htrot on monda ho ran into the orma of lnirpoctrtr har vey tho inspector- turnod him over chief lawnon on tucaday after noon ho cuino beforo justices mauru and nlcklln wail coitvlctod and fined jio 00 and coata martin aayn this was his last expcrlonco wltlt tho in toxtcatliuj deceiver for all time prohibition oivos quiat 8obr streets tho ahooluto froodom from th pre sence of drunkon mon on tlio utmuta durlnff tho chrlntmas and jnw uin holldaya iioa boon rcmurkud by ltfth cltlzcna and vlaltora this fact haa been notlccablu not only in the lcmi pouuloua coutrca but in tlio larger cities iu well tho clobo aald on tucoday mornlni probably for tho nrat tirno ulnce tho eatahllahmitnt of court htroot police titation toronto h principal atatlon tho cnllu rumalnod unlocked laat nlfht tliero wurt no arrests for alttwr druiikennein or for rtlaic an unusuaj utato of uffalru for now yoora ovo which wm alwuya uio occasion of wild colouration and somotlmoa serious injury the churchea laat sunday there were fowor pooplo in attund ance at tlio churchuu in at- ton laar tiunday than in fifty yoaro thla wan owlnic to tho he storm and pro vallum cold apell at knox church tho uer- vlco wuu hold in tho uchool room and the uttondanco was thirty or forty lu tho morning and ddublo that ov nlnj at tlio methodist church jack ltit kot into tlio otcam pljtud aalu and tho alram hcatlrvc ayutem woa out of inm- mlaalon and no service i wro hi id ht josephs church culuhruted cirly mil mi but there wuu a very small al liance thcro was no uoivico in kl al bans church all day and thu baptist church had no moralm ser- lco tho ovunluk sorvlco wilu falrli wdll attended and wai yulto inter omlnatlonal oamatar mclean guolph dead death came vory suddenly to w a mclean barrister luclph last thuni day ovunlui mr ucuun wan lu hln usual health and wau around th clt and nt his oillco un usual durliu tlu day after auppor ho loft hli rifoin at tho y m c a and wont up to 21io homo of hlu friend and formor partner mr john a mowut on hurfolk litrmt ho aat down at tho tlrupblcu with mr and mru mowat to enjoy a plcaaunt uoclal ovonhij- hjj ho won of tun vont to do and was conversing wltli mm mowat rvcardlnk tlio coiivalai ont hospital and tho returned uoldlors wiion ho suddenly put bis hand to hla head and ho explrod almost immoj lately mr mclean was horn in ayr in waterloo county in 1sg3 ho re moved- with hla father tho laludon mclean to ouelph in 17k lu 1bh3 hn waa called to tho bur and u- terod into partnership with mr john mowat with oinccs in ouulplt and on tor many ycarw ho did bual- a here and had many i llonti and warm poraonal trloiala in acton won out over the qrand trunk lvcr olnco winter aet lu tlu m has been frojuent proplicaylni that tho toronto hub urban hleptrlo earn would iiuyur bo ablo to not through a tol bblubodlod unuw stnrni yes they have kept pretty closo to ucbdulo time all duminer and fall hut wait utltlllhj0iiifaj oldfajlhionihl unuw atomi and yuuii see wheru tho 1m trio will bo woll tlio bimteat storm wi vo laid for years material ixod on matur- day und sunday tlio roadu wuru all blockod all trains cancelled for two wholo doya tho aloctria road avo up tho flulit haturday uftnmoon tho hltjiwaya and utu byways woro jam med full of tho wind driven drifts nooiluj ou win ohi or runuero puanod tliioutch towiivmxl out io thenujjtcy for utiout tlfty liiiuiii hut tho plueky uttlo oloctrln road tiat out tho ml hand trunk on monday afternoon at oolwo hours and uuiri tror tlio ilrul llrund 1 ruilk uitlu rw bed ai ton from toronto tho 1 oroiiui aub- urhau luutled lis flrat tar in tjvtloii and uftor a bru f call m tlu dt lui oho hiiolled off tor ouolpli itl ui tuueli urll as if not a miow bank luid ik on emountorod in tho ulp qucdlc advised to conform to military qervico aot by montrvala leadinu franoh pspor montreal jununty 7- la ihjuhi lu dlniiuwllinf tho eufon oinoiit of tho military uervli o act last hulutday thu la not tho tliio wluii w aliould dlacuaa tho tm rlts of tho law lael ono uf uu will uiidorutand that tbo wluoat wuy out lu h itiiifurm t tho law wiilih uio autuiuia judo bi tho boul ono for tlio tuuutry thu sacrloeo lu a lioat on- of uruo for fumillou t woll uu inillvl iiibi but a i ouru4uouu and win thy bitilusloii o tho law of uu land waya brined its own i cward iot our ineii lapoilally avoid uulni cuidtd by tlio tear or piintot ution uu aanlluiout of havlnir aecoiiiplluhed a duty painful thoukh it may bo yi t d to ua bv tho piuiijo uf tin be uu uiieourut1 inont ml mm i mdaujhhn who n viiiltlnji mru i a llonder- il mm it itawuon u fl liuit wkii for unlpli und muuiauawoyay to visit rolativin lluirc minn uum colonmil dauuhtir of mr win coleman of hcapolcr form erly of acton in now annuitant super iutondont of thu tlnnural hospital at mdirlno hat alberta lio upont tho hnllduyii with her coualuii ituv and mni j it urown b a at llarons mr and mru ii t loluao 237 iionadler iloud toronto announce tho onjxiuri mi ut of their dauj liter utilaii m no to iiinnor lirydon c wood of tin g7th itattery oon of mr and mru j it wood of hydnoy aus tralia th iiiarrlnii to tako place huletly thin wwik cioice meats w landsborougb hag a splendid ag0oiitmcnt of fresh and cured meats sausages new supply of fowl nearly every day will sell you doef by tho qunrtor if you will w lnndubotough cor mill rd main st acton it paya to et our price bporc huyinr flour h reduction of roc per bag ij made on til 5 ba joti oun aiono satisfaction guaran teed or money re funded i j l warren tduajpuonn ho 4 your opportunity 1 and ilalary will i ior frvii i mi in nut lrhoois toronto write for our frro catalorun w ii ilhaw j ten 333 yonco fltrrel edwards co rockwood tin wnt indera hockey team or oui lull ianio to itockwood lost thurs day nlcht whoru thoy played uio vll- 1 ljii te un uiitl worn di futcd by a jic nro of 4 to 3 hln a tho price of turnlpu kot up to 5c furini rn have lnon hrliilfinjr uiem lit morp-frm-lj- dublin if farmers junerally had put in oa iitrxnuouf a day in maklni tho roada pauiihlu after the bli litorm an a num ber of thuiio of tlio uocbnil lino be- twi 11 hieyldu und a ton highway traillc would bo mom comfortablo on liomo of our roads tiian it lu yet lyura uevou in tho morninj until four in tho lift moon they uepf ut tho work wiui- out lot up llaro wi rn few church ra from thl 1 ii mon luut iiunduy tho roads w rtt iilmply liupoieilblu ovun to tho most devout 1 ow of our resideutu can rucall as bid a utorm ai waa tliat oi haturday und sunday milton id- arthur mayoa a returned uol- illor hait b- n uihlntid turnkey at ho county jail to succeed mr w ii luml winy bait rcmuved to alton wh rn ho mui 10 no into buulnuau i ho publlo uchool roeinniiil on mon- ituy ileforu tho chriiitmau holldayii tho boll r of tho utuira lirutlnj plant was burnt by front an expert boiler niaknr had u bo sunt for to inulio tlio noee 111 iry re pairs tho fuel uliortajxo hati boon severe lhro lu very uttlo coal in town antl poor prospects foi a furthur uupply tomo wood 1 1 imiliu delivered for whit li 10 per cord lu boinj asked lliu i o d u lu urraiigtmr for a il i lit illloti liau bo 11 bunydurinc k with tho division court r i toward hurriaoii an old milton mil boy and uon of iho lata danlof rlmin huu lately ruturncd from lmbnl ho was til lurupo whon ur broko out enluited at once waa umoud to tho rank of niajor and in laid liurjo of a military hospital er uliujd champion mr and mm ilam i larrup left on monday for tt iolerubure 1 lorlda iliu tlity will uputid tho winter tho o t it luui eut off two trains 1 thu mrvleo is now rather incon- iihtnt iho it d croai li lioldlni a whlrl- iml anipulju for tioldioru uocku a ulmllar offort luut uiirlu broujjht in r uoo iialru bakfrs acton having purchased the statham bakery business which has been conducted since may last by mr w woodcock wo will conduct it on the old satisfactory lines which made the sta tham business so popular for the thirty years they were in business in acton the manyeoctomors will be ser reg with whdlesomfwete anabrown bread and buns and tery shortly an attractive line of cakes will be added the statham record or past years will be main- tainei your orders will be appreciated m edn ards co church st acton special sale of wool sets special sale of ladies and misses wool sets cuutor and whlto maroon and whllo ilrown and white white und oraniro tireon und chnmpacno ormifu and are n 1 aiicy ilajda i lain white caps and scarfs j2j9 5279 and jj2 sea window r e nelson phono 40 noxt poot offico quclph f it cleans and safeguards lifebuoy soap io always on guard against dirt and diacoio in tljo homo at your work for hands and face for ahompoo and bath it wil bo found alwaya on tho watch against germ and microbe withal tho rich creamy lifebuoy lather makes it a real pleasure to uao this super aoap health m ie tho old proverb prevention is better than cure is unothor way of aoyintf uo lifebuoy soap start using it today and sco that tho children use it tho mild antiseptic odorvuiulca quickly uitcr uau at all grocers jiiviu ihiotimua ltunti toronto ml 4u children ory for fletchers n fruit trees and plants fon qphinq planting wo ncol no further introduction tlian tho fact that wo hnvp been in tho nursery business qixtyont years and ore now prepared to tnrrt rxlotlnjl conditions by oflvr inn our id eh irrado trees and plants- direct to customers at rode bottom prices fiend for our llluntjrdatod circu lars of hardy varieties which you can order direct nnd uavp uio agents commission of which you cot uio benefit- our prices will i mi euro to interest you and all stock in absolutely flint class and true to the chase brothers co of ontario limited i nurseryman established 1057 colborne ont i liar have yom heard oi et 1 t4 nnnannnnnadnanndnan a a a a p p a p halton union fahubiis mutijajl fire insorance co atutual jbxpatt 191j7 a p p p p p p p p p p p jin iphsferr u dollar oiy 1 vein win n all th storey in the city feature vtlnc tli it arc un- e hcirtl tifit tny other time in the cir antl win n all the people ui the rity turn out to reap an unusual zjj hafvcm of savms 3- i i i here a inleriou mr dollar a reurird ofl- s cfed hy the the guclph mercury lor cntrhnif lum sjj and a general food and profitable tun o he pcnt j s by all 13 no better d in the vo ir to come to guelph for bargain hopnm no httcr place iri guclph to find bitj bargains s than at the bik ton macdonalds jut op- polite the g t k station and the city hall b s t s special dollar day bargains in every depart- ment of this bi dcpartmt ntal store e pppppppnnppppppdppp receipts to balance from 1d10 jl 1032 ea caaltfrora abort da itoto yr oh 90 cosli from 1st payments of 1017 17192 do cash from knuaoaa for ito-lmnrr- anco losses e2 co cash from knunoaa for premiums 284 os intereut 3 s3 02 total itooolpts s3p01c 2c expenditures invcatutatlajr c talma salaries postajre and htpreim printlne and stauoncry statutory aaacsnmont and license tax re 1lro alorshalla act peo to underwriters association rent loaaos ajrcnts jees travolllnjr hrponscs other luxpensca rebates relnsurance xtomlums to lrampaa c interest on miu roomers claim debentures in ouolpb ontario in vestment society ralonco in royal rank guclph hatanco in nova cotla ilank acton ralonco in tlio rank uf nova scotia campbell vlllo j2bs24fl less clioquea outstanding scoso0- balance in treasury losses goo tibbua nolson house from tlio atovo pipe samuel nurao ihrin 2 pics lljxlitnlnjr john townscnd raquealnjj houoe and contcnuj unknown j j oooderham coledon cow liehts j mclorty raqucalns one heifer kill ed ono injured lljihtnlns u a camplxili nebjon one ctocx kill ed by lbrhtnlnc qoorso uunn lirln ono cow killed by llchtnlnc j v hwnpliroy koqucalne one ohoep and 3 lambs ltghtnlnjr t ii may ranueatii barn and con tents hjjhtnlnjc i ted cavonosb trafabjar houao and contents coal oil ntoto o j walker caiodon barn hxbtuttjff ioaald blnclalr lirln 3 younc cattle lhrhtnlru t r wallace nasaagawoya 1 heifer uflhlalnjr geo whitney chinjruacouay a barn and pantenta llubtnlaji j plckcrinu trufalcar cow ushtnlnic qoo manly toronto 3 youajr cattle lljjbtnlnjr itred may trafoljiar luey in t il mays barn llchtnlnc john t kullor culnjruacouay 3 younjr cattle llulilulni r h mccullojjb 1aoueslnff hal too unions uharo on horse ujjhttf archlo mceocncrn rrln horse ufiht chao rinkney qoicdon coll uxlile- v a holmes naasauaweya daraajro bo uao i contents coal oil stove iloltou 1 trick co likiucitliur born and contents unknown mrs tluaannali ikwawr izrln bom unkjiown 1010 il w btarrot lsqucslni contents of bouse furnace wm- wiley iaaueslrur bouao and contents from furnaoo wm moorxv lwiuoalae barn and con- tonti unknown j ii wilson ljxiuoalmr beojis in wm moorea born v w warn a lurln bouse aiul oou- tenta from chimney j j thompson lsquealnji trrsin bur nod in lnwooui miu looses under twentyavo dollars each 107 70 i sci 49 ids 45 181 20 6g 77 gs 70 9 00 13 09 14403 c7 13g co 2 40 3 48 787 13 5000 00 z231 04 10c4 09 70 00 70 00 70 00 23 00 2300 00 000 00 700 00 c6 u0 30 00 as 12b 00 40 00 gu 00 1b0o 00 000 00 zoo 00 1100 oo 330u 00 300 00 goo 00 qeneral statement amount of insuninee 31at doe 11117 amount lusurod lu 11117 no lilclo laauod in luft no iolli lea can d and expd 1017 no polpjuo in forej 31ot uwe 1u17 total anit ro las in 1ramoaa co j ilato iiuto atruek off assets rualduo of itwm notus uoo 31 1017 tihort datn notoa unpaid hafo i cash in ranks jl tuasury td27s 10 lrfmia ciiihjuwi uutatandlua 00a 00 llauilitica luuijdue of lruui tiotes for rnlna in luramoaa mutual dollar day guelph wednesday jan twenty third nineteen eighteen i d e macdonald bros limited guelpns teadiiij and largest store wyndham uacduancll anil canloa slk guulil ont capital cvooqfloo rv nhq is fohos and undivided pbopitb 70ojxx3 ft the merchants bank g op canada sir i montaruo allan cvo preoidcal d c mocarow general manager look to t5e future timr- may ciiane and work become lesa plentiful or you with advanced ycara and you will have no ouch help anywhere ni yoar nice littlo fowhundrcd dollars saved in umo counil canadian bant rogfn woo with only ono poiisj ajako a hobby of it see howiur bctiiml jou can icavo ivoublo and hard tjmcj above all thiju do hot look backward in your run to the bartxtr of comfort 337 bianclch in canada 1armcrs bmuncu pohitetl farmers sale notes cashed ac1 on branch l b shorey manager the date on thc address ladel of vour paper tcuuq vou when expires 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