Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 16, 1918, p. 3

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i wau papers ceimng pap ers window rliadls cuktain poijs a complete itock now on imnu maiinlagc liccngeo ioquid geo tjynds acton ontario ijr artxm 3tm jjmu ukiil da ma 1c ij1h brief local items hews of local import auction ualo uf dairy cattio ilii 1 i i if dairy iltli j li 10 iwoi i n in it n i ii i 1 will i i tl1 ay mi t wo i illl uii r 111 umii 1 bull 3 ihu ft in i hud hottld ttl plold compolto i tio tnlrln ii ii hi dinn till i uth i m i ii flit lump lit ml wli it unil wlill ur ltiikwol uirln win il w mi i lhihhi i nil ourdoi everywhere iift in i imiiini tlirouf li of may- u wk dont hoard utiffar and lour yu might bo lined unil loan your iiulu or flour a wi ii tlin ilrnpolor miiul trunk ntutlo wan robbed of munn jh or 19 ilurlnj saturday iiiliu tho fiprlnir rnlnn nro looklm wi i npw many ftehlu uliuw a lrowih ut i touplo of inclici kov ill iriathu u homo kujiun xulumau wu mwtiutuoou at cluulpu u blsty dayn in jail very rarely lu of any prornuui section thlo u print city tixaiiuro lion disponed of 2i am mora to folio v ur jeremiah hill neat sonio on hlu projhi street for lilii now maiw irllm li n u to i ih y imy io im 1 inllj for in jo in hir t tin lh nlutlvi thin tho ii iuliir prlru till ullltld lulu majority of funn social and pensohal tin ilcrtha ilrwwu win liotm fi ijjihi i toi l lili f tlrrn home kunluy mr j nl fru mln llau i km vhdt on auiduy ilubln for n f i i mrs miuuh 1iik nulum l n w k will friend mr ana mm chun 12 italloy rn unnd iirt work from a vlnlt rl mli at mount pnrrr t they lea hlu uik on a trip to th rllivv mil mi h hh 1111 mint ik ii 1 iplu tin pluu thin try ll another 20 000 county oridan i hi llrml lulli tauo wuii f r tin otituiln lluu wk uiili hi r mm tl 1 1 iillt ltourd luul now bride u m r houo of guclph 33 dot taeu thtro lout without a merchant ca advortuliiu and no out creaiiti but it cotu bant ijurllnuton school ijoanl proixwicu to expend 30 000 on a now ixhool bull dine in tho cant and of tho town itnv dr blair of outilph iavo a highly lntcroiitlne uddrcitut ut knox younff people a moetlnk on tuetwlay venlnc on thi church and tho war itflv c 8- apnlcgatn paator of chatjleau methodist church formerly of guelph hail boon aaked to remain an otber year hbi aalary belnc raised to 1 000 p j patrick of htratford who had been blven a weok to aecuro uoftful employment won fined j10 and coati for fnjluro to comply with tio orxlur ih council by aroto or tba concfej a uon lunl sunday cvenlnir it wan dccldud to chanjjo tho hour o the ov olnj mrylc in knox church to 7 o lock duylli lit savlnc time georcotown council ban put into effect tho bylaw prohibiting couutliu with cjipreaa tvajoini trlycla and kiddle caaiitcrn on the uldvwalku with in tho municipality seventeen automobile ownoru up peaxed before tho malutruto ut mil ton for not havliij lights ut the njr ol their cant on saturday nlaht it coji them each 00 and court foca acton lied croaa kocloty uhlpjcd lost th urn day tho following urtlclci for wounded aoldlcni in tho hojpllalu 30 pyjama oului s3 cuuhloiui 12 per nonal property bufiu and 7 duxen hand kcrchlofo on baturxlay ovonlrui mr 1 rnul brown who la now in khaki in ham ii ton won prencnted with u fine military wrlnt wutch by tho membcro of tho epworth uacuo mil hdnday hhool of tho mcthodlnt church subacrlpjionii to tho bltxs iiu2u uro expiring every wtk unil yuur addrcn flrurca will ull to what dato yott are paid therefore tf you do not wojit your paper tu b dtoconunucd keep your label dutotroli udvuncod if a9ldlcru aro wllllnff to acrvu in tbo tronchea to die dltchcu build roll roads obd rutk their lives muny civil ians can well afford to spare u part of their tlmo to servo in tho furrowu and in tho harvcut delda utortetown jlsrald in rcnowlns bin rum piiraj ub- ocrlpuoh mr joauph orton uf arxltii m writca on uiu lqui inul hiil lnjr is almost through in thlu part of tho country this la tho carllwil dprlru in twenty years tho uropu uru look ins splendid the women a inuutulo tiavu ixwn fotturmto in sccurieur mr john rirut broolt toronto for tho june miotliil when nbo will nivo a rvcltal or hor expcrlonifca in switzerland wbcru htr son copc jack ilratbrook was under parolo an u oermaii prlsuuor tho foliowcinployji of archlo mochrle in tho 1m icathur lluloliliin department of tho acton tajiuliijj company preoentod blm with u lino wrist watch fountain pen and uihoou jst irrlday evening mr mocbrlo went to iluanlltou oit monday to join the mutnry scrvleo the fuel that tho fonucm wlvui and daushtcrti uro bo 1 pi in them on thu forma is a tcatlinony to tho valor and spirit uf uiiuneoimucratio rncv the people whoo women folku work will lnffly in order ttuit tholr nion folku rpny tig p tholr uoldlero may tw fod cannot lio ufterly dcutroyod can uda is proud of her woiutiifulk capull oily those who livo on the farm lie former 1 in ot will i iy forty linly ii i imn ihlu ull iu1 lllt lh1 im to france to ur nteujiu ow bridal mimmtr for wr and dack 1 hi the lliuut the from u plelu joyo1 itulil riiltal by in ret t bin xi ri lieu with u til on li trip over ritluli inllltury cumpn in tn iirboi und over tin iujii hospital in hotmi uj ulti hont vivid and fuucliiatlnjf i muny inrllenui und i rtlijim1 mr t i ho luntlrn and tho to ii i 1 ndld mlvunutc i i and wo nly itt i intra r it i- himatroit vll ton win hero on monday makliu preliminary un mj mi ntn for tuklm hui r of a ton unil vicinity thoci mcrutlon will luku place on u saturday probably juno 22 there will bo four polllne placcu beru tho town hale cuatotnu iiou c llibltc school build lnjr and llio citlleo of tho acton tan nine company kuch jkilllnc place will liavu a 1111th man deputy iuhit rnr and two or threo lady clcrka all who am tuuid in tho work in acton will ilv th lr uritlcca frtmi and will liand ovir tliu government rcmuncm tlon to tho hod rouj for uiulr work hbi a good opinion of acton tho mount lonit ilepnju ntatlvo jiya moinluy wiu plcjiantly tipcut by liio llltr of tho it pruiliitutlvo in lliu llj vlllnj of acton ix inu hi i ilr i ktum ii that jilui u in thirty thru j in lb i icauun- i or tho vliii wu iri it l lutruujmd by thu courtli i f th i tllti i of tho i au ild1 vi n uhirli in mi 11 rim biru plit tt iui u town liu lmirov 1 fvreutly n ihlrts tnt nur and lu nou ono o o uiirin ii mil it und nii it thrlvlm at hlu futheru 1ijtti u lurliu tlm llyudh mr and mm il inotorod hi mm jumcii m milnc to upend o iundua htar w if nohlp iiluy with artot rt on monday r two ut tho ii mooro of mm col c a warren new york and li r rilaur mm oco mckay uf loori ctown visited at the homo of mr j i warren thui wi rlt mr luibcrt wallace who wnt lo wlrurluim buit wuek won tillnd to at ion un monday through tbu duth of his brother mr iiukii wallace um ill a utuphf th aclun rrli ndu i h work in their of toronto nixtnt w k ut mnn en tl mr und mm j ii wood in r t u tn mm sydney auutralla uuuni ld h-r- njoyd ry mih th lr wilt here mr ii ii lliowi who luw 1 u on th i t iff if the ibixaj hank tint liaiil rljht iahj n turned lo hbi fulli rn hyni l rewnmii corncrii liat wm l ik bun dilliud in tho c4th ilattry ut u lull mjuiru 1 c lblonmiiid j v gil tmjiue of vancouver ii z worn titro lanl wo vl illlni i el mot hi r an i 0io wnt for u ioo1 muny yoarm und imvi ihttli proulerhl the j retkirt tliat are youn glvnimg aid amd comrfoirll to ae emeinniy in ha i rd hi i ml ysrii jlhul a iho c old fc t a cornplalns of cold feet tf man who appeared before inpllon tribunal in mulon ii k uio anld uxotnptloii on id that he wait troubled with ho luttiiled thin to i mi uikou but hlu pica cuuovd tiamplon mlnj il 1 itlul it military notlio of thu 11 yul cadet w t iluxwur flylne corim 1 run friend mr arlof illllu end scrftt j w muort in action on mux h goortotown and went tho 2nd halt lt can boyd cliru tho poj merchuntu liunk who 11 v vllllled hi uua klllid iillftml 1 leas willi mill llullu ulur tell report tiry duty iet wock has rth hul position mr 1 leoiry of villo has umo to fill thu vu tho ntaff xdouc j uli 11 cuuuull lallon lu omrvr of tho icllh hiillu iiou luiu btxill wouiilud in tin uhoul dcr ljout clallon wus uplulu t tl hill and wi ut oversoiui with hut rank in april idlf a brother kllloil in lroii4 nbout two yum ptc ltejtinah oimtdii or tlio lioul lrlylntc corp toioiilo was hinni on week end leave another list of our bilnht ynum men of acton aud vlelnlty kft town un monday morninu to report at llumll ton and toronto fur military aurvl they wore it most hromii 1 iiuiaun morton cuuiuuii libimaii j i hurt jllax mothrle llwn cloe will me ixinald w hutlcr ituiik hwui khum rr john near john auun lain join allafr rjftlllmsftix mm luwrn th il throui in ut ii i romtiiii in in- of tho hoard mom umn tin ilive fut il i 1 id otln xruilx indlntruu uiul th modi paper iffloo und job tirlntlnj mothodjst official board tho luat it-iulai- in tini of th i on f rnco yar of tho molbodlit ollli lal 1 lard win in til lunt lliuriuy uv nlui hkirtu fiuni ibu ounduy choiil lp vi rlh la im m mlilunary ireaaurvr wi in n ii mhilouary hiw ioty iidlt i vfd hoc ic iy trunin huurd 1 tw muu ii h lope rh of til t lavo lvlltiieo ol i u pro ijk roua if ir u dllleial lliunl for uhil fol iiiot w ii strwnrt t nrown a i nlckllti i moort n i meliin j l muttluu mid 1- i cjutiibli tin iipn mtiitlvu to the obitrict metlnj upl h 1 ti ik hold ut ou iph lo duy in h i mu t j 1 with a t brown uti ull nub mr j c mutlhouu va1 vlt tlld r r i ntutlvo to thu moctlnjr of the liuiiillli n unforcik o iajmcn u vuikduilou mr w ii stewart wiei r llmdd lulordlmr buiward two activo nonignnarian ladles it hi not often that two ludioa of nr ninety in pouaeuulun of u fulr mtuuuro of huallh uro aeon lu aetlvo gurdcnlii opjjjiiloiui in ono day thti wu howuvcr tho exporienco of lho 1hjjj luisu mu ii tueudjiy alter dlnuvi jim jano dluiiiond who rilde with mr jcnmluli hell i liunli mn t wui iilinirvud in luntrloualy ut worli miiiuv ini lln land huns from mr holl viry protty liwu ihu old lady who la lu hor nln y ulxtb yuur uplkiurod ti iki enjoy ximtieiiuuly thui uolf impouod wur lutor drlvo to milton in lho uf nuiht us to jam i htr t vw vldlu or mm hlelunl ii au in viaw huio thlu lln li hlnuty thtt won uetlvlly fl jrklni lunoni tl noworu and yuurntundlm tho uwn mu i iiri it liuu ulwuyu txuii a ureal lovur if lluwtrti and for many yeura won iiutn r in prlila for hi r imuu11im1 llowcra ut tho unty talr it la r fnujilm inlovd lo wltueua ludlui of llio cxltuinu ago of tinao two really mtmiilntuiie mtu of lbo hughc0 cleaver ig in khaki rllnoton rnovo has enlisted in tank dattsllon at toronto lluheu luu 1 liuu idlnu lallni lu iiron hi law i un u futbr 1 uirl d ti nun uiirmpt i tin do u t of liu hi law i whl 1 h lln in a od with til ito 1j in f clguvur hi nk it nlr f i lavur of 11 m iiiutiilx r ului but fu the pltu 1 lt1 lol i wi ul clcilvu wi lilt whon uuici thu rx id th hi nllli iltlu nt pi ll hi 1 hi itt hi id ulvuli 11 t u i hurllultoii on mou lay tho nlhiluient of sjrn in nuld hud sol ib lull to ollur canadians i h n ipulaiot in hh 1 11 ii nulur tbu dujjt uio und unwii u hlu cointiy us u pi ivut of tho oorvlto wbi b i in of llio hottiut hihllui nail but kiiowliu m kjiui i tin h il hli 111 vollld d 1 iii no u there is not a successful s nor an independent fortune that did not have iti begin ning with a thrifty ptrwin somewhere sometime omtonc began to savl to bavc rt ularly and with a bytcm that wai th foundation ot ucccs but there ib u vast diltcrence between lconomy and 0tinine1ss wcbjicr correctly dclinci economy a a judicious ex pcnditurc of money true economy therefore doc not mean eon tin unil y rciistinu the impulse to buy but always to wx that one receiver full value for the money ouc spends by selling merchandise of the irubtwortinct quality at the fairest prices this btore provides the surest jncaiij to accomplish rue economy no matter what yon buy here or what it coala you you may be burc that youuavc rcccied full value for your mortey iviens womens and childrens wearables wallpaper and house furnishings all ia immense vanqtics arui in matciilcss valuer d e macdonald brosumrrtd guelpus leading and largest store wynrtrifttti mnrrlnnll nnrl frrifrt furifi guelph onl jg urluftr oiiutiy 11 fill toiill r mr tltivrti rutbo wu in urt mil wua ooiibrutulutod by lho judu iii luivljuf audi aqn 35c cash for bggs at pattersons meat shop we still hnve a kev caimej goork loft beef is briiiiui war prices but we arc lucky enough to have u stock of cattle on hand which will enable us to sell ut moderate price we urc selling at the follwing prices lub hoaal uf t itulcu llvy wnm ii 2sc lu tn ion 1 at tit tl i ii 2uc to itoalu or 1 miouldir ltwuits hbi 11 hour lb hollliii hcif lb hrlakuts ih lrta of 1ork u iotiis or lurk jl ixlu choii lb iboiillur luiaait hliu idei lsir or isjrl iti s111 h lailn at vual lb idiouldr hiuiut va voul luw lb lluilud lihouldur lb liu k huron lti ildo iluuil lb iqo sso 35o 25o joo 3qo 30o 25o joo bo 4so 1x0 1x5 our titorn cloo at o p tictlionily tuoday nd thursdays n patterson main stiteet acton ont vmmmsmmmmmmsmi m any householder in your neighborhood who has a garden plot or who owns a piece of suitable vacant land that is not beiiuj put under cultivation in order to increase food production though he or she may not believe it giving aid and comfort to the enemy in restraining food production as reajly as is the submarine commander who sinks an allied ship laden wjth food the difference is only one of degree not of kind lk arddmei ym look arddimdi yeun if you have not yet decided to plant a verctable harden make up your mind to do so now you will not regret it tliere is still lots of time potatoes and beans may be planted up to juncist and these are uie best substitutes for wheat and meat for good practical advice upon how to lay out and cultivate a vegetable garden write for a free copy of uie booklet entitled a vegetable garden for every home this has been prepared by the ontario department of agriculture for tho guidance of citizens who will respond to this call for increased production i 11 ms l mail organization of ilesoureea committee parliament tjulldinijel toronto dear sirs please bend mo a copy of your booklet a vegetable garden for every home i wow c7t namc i addreba i 1 organization of resources combbfttee i11 cooperation with canada food board i activity becomes general i io western fianada prosperity ifjbds mercbanla tormera arc rjyiac out theuad ercalriit wheat ymximjin oirua iu the woild t liy arc served by canadian northern hues ilcrc thcmcoiiun farmer or merchant louka lor the rrcalrt development and pro iptrity low fares und u jtihc route through new ontuno foicst reserve und colon ijatiou landia4d interest uimic ijrytutiit to the journey coiidoi talilc trams leave tonuitout 10 oop in mondayx wedncmlayj uud j ri lay3 conuccimj at winnipci for ull points west wotjtj you luce to actt your boose ia i new coat of paint bofon you paint it you can the bnmdran hendcrnoo color scheme 4ver o ablca you to try out different color combinations before decid ing cm the color nrltetnc most pleasing to your eye tbi unique device consists of tx transparent outline 0 a house behind which you place color cards of every known tliade one color for tlic walla and another color for the roof wltli the tracj parent nlicct there cornea a act of 4q cords e of rdjltcrent color fjrot you tryo wbiu cardoa the vraux in carnbinuuon with a creen card far tlie roofi then you try a brown curd behind the wall ocction of the transparency aloof with t red curd for the roof and o on until you have ex- huustcd the possibilities of every known color rnmhumtlwi we iiuvc one or these color sclicmc adviocra and will bo pleased to let you ex with it before you elect your crin thanks acton for th sphmdld old dootrck gkulo cntertalnmant givan tham ldlloi airoii luja 1 iolh bear llr that uiu a o ton younfi in oplu urn liitcratinl and noblo workru in ilm y m c a auuu lu ulnl by th lr luiitroalty in umllil to i rill 1 1 o f 1 burife und prvucntlni tholr iila lho ihiailrbk likuio 111 uuli u wu un lo win tho upiircuau 11 of tlio lull uudliucu iirxjint the inuulcul liuiulhni w m run 1 1 1 in u intuit dulltfhlful un i uitlod a 0 uiu ijuurtnttui iluttu mil n lo ull iiiulii un joy 11i iilw thu iiuid uiu nlal duutt und violin oclutlmi un w 11 an iltiny uujtra doi1iu vu uiu 1 ivcd iiiiut utliuulutl ally an 1 1 11 uirul vuu would think h uuilli in- fiiiin autd h lu h uiuad or ui in e hi a ulil ittu wlintlu ul did tblr paat with ukliilh uklll tbo kulu uui vry uuiuilin 11 d thu flicmlxiu inmi th uiuill 1 mill lo tbu nullum lotikl pi i tiun llllv i iii il tllultj ly tl jokiui und d ii rbtfui 1 1111 uuuuil lrhi und 1 rin lair ua it li und wary purl of ihu 1 rui luiium um uiuh iijoid and rull lu uiuili ndll un thouu who took pull um w t u uiub lo tluiiiu iiilu ull ft i lb li lil01 itj ui uilii with pamti ioox por iwnt for the sprinc painting of your liouje or any other building of course you are tainc to paint this spring nd equally of course you arc couic use h infiuah paint the paint with tlic iiarunteo behind it- our btorc u tlie bii store which means that thu u paint hcadquurtera the oubtuiidlntf reiutatian of this brand is bai on its oupenor covennu capacity and exception dux- ubdity both of w hi eli features u c lnoor to be due to the com bination of drundruin a genuine ii q white leud and pure white iuic which the makers of 1j1i cnfiluli paints main- tuiij in upite of the repeated advancca in tho coat of these inercth color corsroi our local aatlln c g speight acton r f t ixa teach ihe clildren to save hub is aro uctjuired tiarly in lift child in whourotauiihtuievjjuuof money and iho habit of ruvinj irnv up into kooj bumtuo1 men and capilblo women thooitait itway totoarh childtvn toaave i to htui t ii savuipi account for each child 1 01 each u uuflicicut after u child lias bivcd uiiollicr dollar to maku an uddttional deposit hu oc nhf u ill huvo u hotter appro- ciation 01 ju it wh t u dollurutandii for and howmnu h workandbulfdeumlitroprcscntj im mucmmis eamk h01u oii110 montreal of acton mcivncii 1 ollbl i own iikangli caimjadja ltublulwd 1uu4 ii shoui y mjiu c w 1un1y manager utio in huvo 11 lli tfuaiuiiif of u uli it utt in v 1 ll 1 and bo v i t union will 1 miiulh 1 with irmltu lu their mndiiuji und tin plcuuuro lvii ua by thli vhii the nub f lho iiniit hi m u i td to j 1 3 it und th in in hi haul for thu mca fund isuu viry do itilv m ionii w t it llie c rrtliiiduiit 1rux may u lulu acton flour and foed store koulitl noihj uiuiuil seeds seeds s66ds wi liavi 11 i nil iuily f hi ii i ov1 l ais1ki iwi 1 1 mvi iv jiaoiiiv iams i ij i knl 1wl i si i i a con iuilln ill li hum b i cum fui in il t tl liioicl juality a i 1 dili iui m 11 quia s il u lijt u r in nvlii h awnisy niaffacek fish fish ihi hit v r an fully olvo 11 ly tuujji ir iloof uocon hut am io to ovenmao in i t ijiiuiiiiilu iiooplo have 1 uiu tni uther thlucs to ii ilab 1 1 aiuti 101 toi thlu wock ln- ih rollowliurj uimmi uvary 1 tgu i ut hi t luiy lb 25o i auilil xiiulull lluy 1 i di lb 23o i uii lit i iku iuxirlur 1 iii ul uiurkit prlu l uinlt i hahlihk hood ml drinud 1 ujo uii lit 1 luiudluaa olid d lb t3a i aiuht ol laku lb 18o uu hi lluloxk htfuiji tao lb 13o t uuulii winklut fribib 10a lb iuk- luu iii od 1 uth lt box plants will iut llajito un fol- abtorn in ik od and lf color vuruaimi iniaotl t-olur- phiox muod color bnupdmuuns paiuy loblia balviu fuhag tunutow allyaum pstunim cwrsnlum s j s tauffer huh food tiplcialiot 1 ii ul ai i 1 acton phonl a0 ajwaya opwt f j w

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