Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 23, 1918, p. 4

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jloutt ivlvm hnvo been limited l inn tyid two ikjuih loin i augar purrhas- cn thin lu oho of tlm many little aerinrbo mudo nocanaary by tho war a proai dlupateh from tho win draio rdijon of california incidentally thrown lighi on nnothur ouurio of wujiiii uf foixlmtuflu by ho liquor in forests and ubio rovt ajfi ilia fuel that prohibition wuuiil not work any hard ship on i ha irrapo flrnwem the an nouncement la nutdn thai the winn ifrap witn this yoar are culnc to make their grapes into uugar inn load of wine onu urn of grapes will produce 400 pounds of sugar tho crop i otl- matod t 400 00o tonn thin wllhtr- frnoso the iiuirar uupply ico 000000 pounuu uml it to mild that tlio raw material will coat two and ono- half cents u pound wo rejoice that tho crape mon havo turned from wlno co sugar vvao 8iiohtly irritated a darky employed an an oftlco boy in kentucky enmo to work one mora- tuff with u faco that looked as if it had been run through u meat grinder hcnrj demanded hut surprised employer what in tho world has hap pened to yotit well ouli boos explained honry i pot into u llttlo amumont ian night wit another nljrgrr and ono thins led to another twell i up and hit at him well uuh it deemed like dat lrri him iio took and blacked both of nuui ycn and bit ono of mah cam mighty nigh on and spjlt man up nnd knocked two of man tooth loose md den ho lhowod mo down and stamped mo in do atomach honest boat i never did kit no sick of a nigger in moh life vancouver province railway time tables at acton toronto guburban rioctrip llallw gono wot 0 17 u in dally opt monday iily i i huiiilay jvuy ixtpt fiiinlay j outlay only c 3 p m t- huiiday only qolna el 7 4a n in dally except sunday 2 02 n in ijjiiy munriay 0 th a rn dully nrrpt htliliuy tutiday only kimday only grandffirunm solid gold commercially spooklnc the term solid gold in a misnomer since ouch od has not been mod far many many yean soroo of tho ancient iusman jewellry and some of that of tho ren- ajoaanco period waa indood made of pure gold worked up by hand with iho crudest of tools but elnce tho old days there has boon a constantly increasing employment of alloys for tho reason that jewellers found that tho harder the gold wan rendered by food alloys the greater its wearing qualities and tho more secure therefore was the setting of the gems it contained now adays jewalry is of 28 14 or 10 carats according to tho design and characlrr of tho article and it is much more frequently 10 than 18 carats olxiidren ory for fletchers c a3to r i a irregularities of time it la jcrhpu iui woll that wo do m tako tho aim uu our t in tho of tlmo for rvully it liaa no idea punctuality only on four days a y docs it como up to lime arrlvlnjr at tho meridian exactly at 12 ajid it can be as much an uuhtoim mlnutcu late licforo- autronomeni d chletl to take no notice of its llttlo cojimn oi ncc to watch the uuu every day to nurulate your clock tho cunso juenco nas tlint the public clocks wcro hopelcaoty at varlanco and dclambre aays he heard tho public clocks atrlko hour ono after another for thirty minutes that had at leant ono advuntajo tho unnunctuaj man always keep his appointments by chooalnjr his clock carefully london chronicle children ory for fletchers castor i a lip reading for deaf soldiers an arranecmant hau beon rnado with tho invalided so idlers commission by which deaf soldiers will be taucht ip- readlnff at the school for tho deaf at belhjvllle tho number who are per manently deaf from tho casualties vf war does not appear to ba very srcat tbedeafjicas in nearly all cases being only temporary tho first eoldler arrivo under thla oxranjjenjent is gun ner j p aallaffher ho is now on hla third week ond in maldnff marked pro- reait ho la dollshtcd- with tbe bene fit hqi3 rcceiyina rrom this co unto two or throe more soldiers aro expect- od in tho near future her onlv correction a younc widow went to select a monument fo- bur ttontly doccascti husband after duo connldtation alio picked out y stone and ordered iho followlnff inacrlytion placed upon it iiy oiurp is moiuj tjian i can llllajt the man whovu to eroct the rnon- ument ww a uttlo tardy in doins it and tho widow n marrlod before it was done this fact worrlod him as ho fearod that he mlht have to chano the wordlni of uio inacrlpilon 8o ho called upon tbe buly and toidhcr that he was now ready to do hlu work and after soma hesitation baked her if she wished to chuuju tho wording of the inscription in any way 8bnpolitoly replied no just as 1 eny it only addjvt tlio ond tho word alone 1 how india helps a despatch from delhi says that in the past few months indias keen interest in tho war haa boon prowlnc remarkably all her ntreneth has been brought in to asalst tho empire and tho allies- slhjht inconveniences of war are bolnff chocrfully counteracted by tho women of india who aro over playlrte u- more uacfu part in all war work tho latest rocrultlnjr fluurcu msiia a remarltabln nhowlns and tlio cnthuiiiasm of the llchtiruj claaucs and tho cencroua flow of war contrlbutiorm from indian princes und rajahn con tinue unabated the latest elfta in- cludo the offer of itoa cutch to con tinue until die end of tho war an an nual payment of 30 000 fnr expen ses of an indian infantry rcrimont and uuckwar barodau gift qt a 33 000 trade in humanhrtir which wad one of tho chief items in tho export buslnrsi of hoiiir kont nomoumouco haa lieen fulllnif off jioacriouiy of tato that it may duapptar altoyotlior tho bualnaus reached llu lilehftjt point in 10j4 when tho united htntci bought j70o 000 worth of hair in iionk konir in addition to ihit cxportn of almost ouul vuluo went to i2uronc at thit time tlio prepjjauon of tlio hair jn its various utitccu was anions tho icadlnjr ijonp konc industriee a number ot factorlin were nourluhlnir and a umall army of hair worlimi and brokers wcro maklnr their llvluc at it tho utylo of halrdreaolnc in the united 4tnti and ijurope chanced irrnduiilly and tin re was u marked falllnir on in the dumnd for tho com modity a sustention for your summer holiday tlil year algonquin park hijhlaiulh of ontario ojal opol for your gummor v- ttldt wild and dollgtitful scan trunk tlrjil a 1 r 1 hl wotrlci ju ajuu toronto it- s nolmes acent acton ont p spring term from april 2ml merged lnlo tho bummer term on july 2 in bhaws dualncsj kchooli toronto-ilayn- cationa loiter any day rroo cat- alocuo w h 8haw prv the way it sounded to him two girls wcro talkinjr over the wire both wcro dlacusslne what they should wear to the party in tho midst of this important conversation a masculine voice interrupted asklne humbly for a number one of the drls hocamo indlcnant and scornfully aajt- d- what lino do you think you are on anyhowt well said the man i am not sure but judffjnr from what t imra heard i should say i was on tho clothesline if a thousand plans fall bo not dia- heartonod au lone aa your purposes are right you have not fuilod when in doubt how to act auk your self what does nobility demand t ho on trood terms with yourself concerning fresh shaves i always feel more uatlsflod with life after ffcttlne a nice fresh shave observed ilratnldlui vane ho do i acidly unnwercd joshua lott tho untfntlo cynic yin fact whenever i dot a shavo i insist on iot llnss fresh one nolhlnjr irritate mo more than to have an old ahelfwom shuve palmed off un mo this would be a slodder world if stale second hand shaves and expressions could bo banished together a dig surprise art la tu wise and otherwise ono noticcablo feature about luck la that it generally favors those who do not depend on it after ail whlls god provides the birds with food ho docs not throw it into their nests thoy have to do little bustling for themselves to err is human to bo forgiven is divine ten year- ogo john l sullivan said that if he could go dry the united htstea could he lived lone nough to have it proven that ho was about right make it your business jf boras ono has left down the bam leading into tho cornfield raakp it your business to put zbcm up again if the ittungroon ruic is kicked up tsko it for granted that it is your business to smooth it out as you go through the room make it your business to kep things about you in tho best shape possible to eorect other peoples mistakes to right wransi even if you are not responsible for them protecting yobb cmmrffn the long hard school term drains the vitality of growing children and you wonder why they are listless puny and pale every school child will show marked improvement in health and growth if given 50itj en015ioi its rich uniform cod liver oil gets into their blood and gives item vim snap and zest it creates strength to resist school sicknesses overcome pinched faces sallow complexions and dull eyes high authorities have established ijain and gain that cod liver oil promotes growth and energizes the body nnd brain uostt a bovss torexuo oau iju loou ullkt any iiuro than gnori or doctors do nuvurlhc- leso many persons aro aurprlaed uf an urtiut who lii not small anaemic dilj- cato of feature huch a poruon lately vlnltrd the tudlo of a certain artist in ono of our 1u cltlm tlio man in munition weani a bli red bourrf anil standii all foot and urmu inch cu hluh hi j ohouldors are broad and bis muuclu hard from oiitlnued exorcise a womni ntortnl tila studio and naked for the artlat tliafu him tho attendunt suld tho woman looked over to when tho artist stood to wor mf like an an cient vlklnu and jcaapod why aho whlsporetl la surprlsu iio big enoueb to work ian t hor may be overcome by lydin f inkhamo vegetable compound this let prove it wt philadelphia pa dutinetli thirty years i hovo been marriod i bsvs been in bad health and had bsvaraj at tacks of nervoqb proatrauan until it beamed as if the or7ans in my whole body wero worn out i was finally persuaded to try lydiae plnkitam s vogo table com pound and it reario a well woman of ma i can now do n ny hemaoworfc and advise all aiumr womeij to try lydia e pujshama veotabla conv avosd dsaripointrnent refuse urotatiork only genuine cokunbia grafonolas and records bear diss trade mark look for it before you buy- pound and i will truarantoo they will derive ctcot benefit from it mrs frank trrzceitatj 5n alatstroet wast philadelphia par thcro ore tliousondsof wttmea rr- whepo in mrs nuferajds eonditlon cuff rfnft from nervouanoaa backache headachca and other symptoms of a functional derangement it was a utatidlnj over tlieru pmuital spirit for heal lb reatorod which led her to writs this icttersothatotber women nuiy hepcntfrorahererparienct and had health as aho haa dona tor cuijkeationain rogard toyottr con dilion tfnto 1 dio ix piokham filedlclno tui lynn macs tho result of their 0 years experience is at yoar eervlca children ory for fletchers castoria the thinq that endures there la just one thins that lasts in thj world of changes and that is character wealth is so likely to van ish that there has coma to be a pro verb to the effect that riches have wings health is uncertain tbe dearest friends paas out of our lives and leave u lonely only character lasts hoe that you do not spend all yoar efforts on thw thlns which are flaetlng and ncgloct that which au- dunes convincing proof is it truo that wom of humorr certainty not why are you o poalttvo i escorted a youm worn acquaintance to eoo oumedy tho other day rr- and whun the f coined un nat down in u tub of waler i assure you she laughed us heartily us i did xllrmltighuun ago horuld laek a miiae pleturo a great president prcsldont uueoln do you know whto tliiuw lur un txuud niaji uak- ed ur uncoh ua ho niahod into the ireslduntial oilleo yea roplhd mr uneoln lin you know that ho lu iulng tu tlio itopubllcan eouventlon in ohlot yea don t you know that ho wants to bo irualdtuit and that you uught to keep him at lininu oli don t worry about chase ilo baa just au jin1 u rljht to ho ircal- dent as any other man in aniorit a if the people want chaao to bo lreol- dcut tlicn i want him to be irealdunt kcton b11tert and a bvs liwo ror sale dy having purchased iho livery and roodwill of the business from mr a mccano i solicit wilh confidenco the patronago of tho public comfortablo r rcakonablo rates ti ctipplled at special artenuod to jiupplymr conveyances for weddiaga and funcrala moteir carafurnijbcdwliaa re- nired dua busftts au tnajn acton l e atkinson oot c c speigm actn ont ux millers worm iowdoru and the battle asainat wunon lu won thcoo ihiwders corrvct tho morbid fmdltlomi uf the stomach which nourpib worms und tlieao duatruetive paraaltca cunutit xlat urtur they uuiw in contact with thu modlejuo tlio wurmu ani dlieatud by tlio xjwilcru and ani uuu1ily i uated with other rufuau from howuls tioundiuus ia intpartud t urkutiu and thu health uf tho atcadlly improvuu thu nandimgi knockers oh well her c tiling at any r i dont iare niilcxloji is tho 1i umils 1 arlld- thnts not so bad lurthermore she klssaa al woman frlonds cffualv ly tin aura sign uf s deceitful immrs good nature and good fortune can not be kept nart tho man who fights the devil with flro will have a warn tlmo in the couffto of one night more than 100000 words come into the ofice oi almost every fimdaw newspaper much of the matter tw received u frag mentary some of it ia irrelevant and there u of qeceuty conudcrolic overiappinu it is ih the anansmg of tlus panoramic picture of the lays events a newspaper is made or marred each lawful momms the news of the world is presented to mail and empire readers in a j manner appealing to the eye and to the senses luuur- acil loodon 0l1 urw tork world nw tork kurt nw turk trlbuu nw york llrui oolanal uanlnll the detached matter u carefully pieced tobcther the linking events given their proper prominence the verbag cut out irrelevant jtems discarded it u this careful and experienced editing of a cable and news service without a peer m america coupled with artiitjc presentation accuracy odmprorsivenxss minus sensation alism that makes the mail and cropite tfie acknowledged leading dewpaper of canada 4j00 per annum by mau- 500 delivered order through dealer imu iaicr w uirrt t sjjrilliiiiaiiii iim chnrulation dciuruiiout toroutu to marry qrandma tin other day m r illkboy to k hia ung oil auod xlx uic a walk thu youutster was ovulo uly im n id n j liurd for ho wum ellonl w tilth wiui ui usual daddy ho pal lookiok ui bull dcnly 1 thtnk i w it to ot ma rrlini lit ym my aii7 and who tr may i ankr a lawureil he proud iujro nl lookliigiat him 1 want o nmrry kvanny iki you hidovdr nald tho uthor with a twl ililo a id do you think i would ut ou urn ry my mo hor hr woll w y nhouiu i t i mlorti l u louder logi ian v ou niuixtod ulllk uldrt t you 7 wretched from aathm body aittl vigor f mind imialrii uy thu viuimthr who tun hvo undur tho urrliiu attaekit an 1 ku mind at thuh full ulll fe r tal tin i had a hand in that with lrll4 tin ity iver heard ti hint in thut in r thu humhlout llu ar hltoet hlcmlm ltilidlna i ht arllal i itn vulla tild in 11c rt lio wa rllit hi thlnluut of him in if aa tholr r how wmuu and hold ltijj- up bla licad with thu boat uf ihem advertising is dynamic forcr effec tively directed and applied itt potent en ergy produces stimulation of sales printed paper is a commoditythe same as copper wire the commodity is of use as a carrier for die force as copper wire is of use as a carrier of electical force the commodity itself die printed papercan no more make a sale than an uncharged wire can make a lifdit in an electric lamp it ib die power of the bkajn-en- ergy die print conveys that produces results you am buy copper wire and paper by the sheet orthe folder or the catalogue- butyoij cannot buy brain en ekgy by the pound or yard or rusiielits power and value can be measured only hy resultsefficieiit advertising the free press iprepakkd to splh you effi- jent advertising space ilry 1tj chopping well done and quickly at only 5 cents per bag u harris co limited q iii eockwood 01t x m- when vou need j boots shoes at any tunc uuv hj0m w williams acton jntaki0 iamol 1 h satisfactory footwear itlabonajtll 1klcl t- fctetetferr aiiil atens i promptly secured 3cjunlvoitr avo mowtkii nv jkiumiifai ixmmsyr i3iiljj

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