Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 6, 1918, p. 4

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ijcattonifrwireaa tin n i v jpm c 1915 the calonicglu oct you tlir old ladvo idea rnln uil atoiipod and tho old i a owuy rotrlrn tluu ilorl t 11 j11 juu if o an uttu ilrrblt hoover ansa when tho flro burnt m 1 w an tlir- v i to mines am crcoplnjr inrni tho sltail vm nor ami nkiw lou ixilli r al hi thlnr tho hood folks nay they n plenty of an cdblilr- up tho corn oiio an tco tables un 1 ilih an navo ycr ilrli plnffo an cr aironls an hcl clean every unli an leurn to rat tho war brcatl an mvo up all tlir urease kor the lens wo cat of butter tho noun cr wn ii havo inaeo jin don t net rrcali a talklu of wliat you won l do without or tho ialorhs wll sot you if you don t wito out luly put in i had out of thn window un i in iuitimi f n n olil railway porter what it wan i lopiilnj r tim llnrrmjn nnutul r wui inclined to lx facrtlolui 1 hi ln out liu unt nlrtit inaam in mimtkul willi u lunlln to nlifts tiit a thlti t ii hor tlihi momlnr tin y m i uln ir drop o water urn it it walrr lurrird tho oil luly ir ini wall n rntnut 111 imiulro win tin r limy ri fclvln hrr itort wlno hi uriimil muvvr niln i my i null don t you tumble iiii thp miowit i tiuiuflht pt rlmpii 1 y tln wuy wo vo boon ccltlnff ulmi- it wuii iilxi iliu luclmnfiq tht oniain of trie nco cnoos tho roil croan as a badge of oervleo for aulterlnir humanity dates back mono than thrco hundred years writes a correspondent to tho cveninx post and ita origin must bo of intercut at chh tlmo when it hao expanded an a society into a multitude that minister to tho physical needs of our army and navy hero and abroad camlllun do lollls was born in tho klncdom or naples in 1cc0 after nervine in tho venetian army ho went to tho hospital of san aiacorao tn homo with an affection of tho le there ho wan no much impressed by the horrors and filth of what was luuo better than a pes tho use that ho re solved to dovoto his life to bufferinc humanity to care for the plsjruo- stricken and to nurao tho sick in their own homen at thirtytwo ho was ordained a priest and set about found- ins roltgloun order to servo tho sick- thoy nhaj i wear a rod crona tfpon their breasts said qamlllua to ro- rnlrnl them of tho buffering of our lord christ this will rlvo them btrcnsth and oncourajemenl popo slxtua v confirmed tbo contcffailon in 1c86 granting them in the brief a special pcrmlralon to wear the hod cross this eamo rod cross is tho bad so of service today worn by erery catholic order that tabes core of the i nick in every part of the world thin rod croas has been blessed in tho leper settlements of molokal and mada-rse- j car in tho cholera hospitals of india and the pcatllcncoetricken lands of tho xar jaat as well an on the battle fields of franco in tho calendar st camlltus xay falls upon the isth of july and at his special mni these words arc chanted greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends rq unite on ths farm every farmer and alack raiser should keep a supply of dr thomas eclectric oil on hand not only as a ready remedy for ills in the family but because it is a horse and cattle modlclno oz crcit potency as a aubsutute for sweet oil for horses and cattle affected by uiuc it far surpasses anything that con be a drain la t ered children ory for fletchers castor1a his socks a bravo soldier having received fro england an anonymous gift of socks catered them at one for he waa about to undertake a heavy mnt lie was soon prey to the most exoadating agony and when a mer cripple ho drew off his footgear at tho end of a terrlhjo day ho discovered inside tho toe of the sock what had onco been a piece of stiff writing paper now re- cqcttl tn pulp and on it appeared in bold frmlnino hand the almost ideg- into benediction tjod bless tho wearer of this pair of ockm cpunch drive asthma uk magic the im mediate help from br j ix keuosxa asthma remedy aeema like magic nevertheless it is only a natural rem edy used in a na way tho t or taper reaching the most remote passages of the affected tubes brashes aside tho trouble and oneoe way far fresh air to enter it u sold by dpalers throughout the land qet the habit now whus you have your pencil in hand will you read the following list of good hoblft and f off as many as you con consdcntlottsly subscrlbo to got the habit of early rising get the habit of retiring early get the habit of eating slowly get tho habit of being punctual get the habit of being grateful- get the habit of roaring nothing get tho habit ofspeaklng kindly get the habit fitradlatlng sanshino get the habit of seeking tho eunhlno daily get the habit of speaking correctly oct the habit of pronouncing corr ectly get tho habit of closing doors gently get the habit of neatness in appcar- oet tho habit of relying on self always get tho habit or a forgiving aplrlt- gct tho habit of being industrious get the habit of apprehending nu evil get tho habit of anticipating only good get tho tho habit of being progrea juyc get the habit of always paying m you co get tho habit of unqmptneas at yuur meal get tho habit uf u viuluccnt cuiiccti tratlon get tho liablt of dally uhynicaj u erclsc get tho habit of blng acwunmudal get tho tuibit of being a gimxl hat eer get tho habit of ccunumy isaulllu corns cannot eilat when iloliowova corn cure is applied tu them bcoaiw it goes t tlto root and kills lite growth a delicate woman val aitl ono ot tlia bunwruita characters in hver body a macaslnc wf wifo u una in u tnlllluii ttho koto up in the morula tnllka aoveu row a and gets brrikfiat fur tm bard work ta tnen befupo alx u cluck slip mul e a utry rob out wimiui sid the camwcrlcal traveller htm happened tu bo present no ajjgrr she a in i atrung alio a more pale and delicate like if that woman was inly strong 1 don t kjtuw the work ha couldnt do children ory fob fletckets o as toria n alwy nsdy pill to thooo of nmlur luliu rnodicltin in of little oiicurn but tho rrcnl inajurlty of men urn not of rcuuir habit tho worry ami cirin of bimlnesn prevent it and out of thn irregularity of ufa comes ilynpcpslti liiillccittlon llvrr and kidney trouble an a protcul tho run down ayntcm drnuinda a corrective and there lo no no better than pormclees vego- tablo rilla they aro almplo in their composition and can b tokon by the tnoat delicately conotltutod the nodlc weaker oex tho weaker oex is that portion of tho human raca who goes downtown in xcro wcatltcr in a half masted loco walat and pumps to buy a muffler and woollen aocks lr her husband so he can go to work a dachclorra joke uurlnc tho voyage or a channel ntramcr n wagrlnli wnlnhniati wun i pronrheil by f wutaen r who ita i wo aro getting up u tun or war bct ic or ronrriol mml uii a team or alnrlo inn you ar marricl aron t you no replied tho urlahinan i am only oeanlck that in wluit uuikcu nu look like tli la children ory for fletchers castor i a a ghavc qucotion tho oponsor for tlm following hi of rliarqctcrlallc dlttlufiuo ui iondon opinion flhopkoepci now look htrt- uttlo girl i can i spend tho whulo oay in showing you penny toy a du jiu want tho earth with a little red fenca round it for a penny t ljulo airl iet mo nco it if you please iillcro worm iowdcrn novor colt they immediately attack tho worms and expel tbern from tho aystenv they aro complete in themselves not only ai a avorrn destroyer but as a highly beneficial medicine for chlldrxn cor reeling weak digestion ami rotorlnc the do hi ita tod uystcm to hoalu fulnesa without whlcli uto crow tli of t a child will ba retarded and its con tltutlon weakened treat people kindly and you will find them easier to work many a man has married in tuuito end paid alimony at leisure bilious talc hats ftmmmdf i dsttsr sad safer tbsb c i cleans ont systsm biiummt chplag at ska dillons attacka constipation sick headaches etc aro in the great ma jority at caaes duo to dlgestlva trouhlo and no reaaonablo person can expect to obtain real or lasting benefit until tho cause la corrected natursa rternady hu table u is a vegetable compound that acts on tho stomach liver bowels and udnsya tho purpose being to bring about healthy and harmonious action of an tho organs of dictation and allratna- tloa it acts promptly and tncrougty cil so mildly and gently that there norer the slightest griping or dis comfort init that la not all nshirvs rerosdy nil tablets havs a benefi cial effect upon tho entire body hy lm proving tho process of digestion and assimilation the nourbuunent is derived from rood the blood quality hi enriched vitality la increased and tna whole system strengthened onco you get yocr body tn this splendid condition you neect not tak medicine every day j cat take an nit tablet occasionally when indigestion biliousness and constipation threa and you can always feel year best itemember keeping well ts easier and cheaper than sotting well ftk cust a xo box or natures remedy nit tablets and try it it la sold guaranteed and recommended by y druggist e j has3ard acton ont udimcismmuhi better than pills i get a for liver ills i 25c bj for infanta and children in use for over 30 years always bears the btcnshiroof a bcntimental girl is lost at a wsd- dlng without a dainty liondkcrclilcr tho people moat addicted to waatlnjf tlmo aro those whoea time not their oo good now dr ljohnnit windy nnl i ii who altn o 1 i u i rt it lr i f i it yllilnir ufn li in i lu up f uttlo ihlnui i li but li rrrllrir iixnt il jtu rrtjtn a iutmiti in i li u ui it in li thlila if u lw ui 1 h inn h fl 1 in iii i ucxuitiit ix wllllnt to 1 i 1 lo utilo tltilm llltl im t i oik nft r r u mil bit lv inj a itiilii hun ut 1 ktthn a i a il ai in utuoll tiimn wo imil in tin it thlui aj tan un i lit n tin in k t kk kerl it loli u tllu i wciy t afonipllnli any ihini thurfl only ut all wu i all ttnr luod in imrflnowcr lulick 1 this wear herioismotef telb howmrdlaepmlduuba vegetable compound restored her health a pleasant medicine for children la mother graves worm exterminator j and there is nothing better for driving worms from tho nyjttnm pnlladeujhia pa i was veryweak always tiod zay tytclc ached and 1 flt sickly most of the time i went to a doctor and ho said i bad nervous iruli- cestioo which ad ded to my weak condition kop me woxryina most of the urn and he said if i oould not stop that i could not jet well i heard so rouchabeat lydiae plnkjuuns verotable com- potjnd my husband wanted me te try it i took it for a week and felt a lrtilo bet ter i kept it up for three months ami i feel fine and con cat anything- new wi thou t dm tress or nervousness ii ra j woimujire 2842 nerth tajlar st philadelphia pa the majority of mothers dowaetays overdo there are no many dciaaaas upon their tlmo and strength the result la invariably a weakened rundown nervmucxmaitioawithbeaaacheb back ache irritability nrjd depression f soon mors serious ailments develop it is at such periods in life that lyeua e pink ham a vccetabla compound will rcstsre a normal healthy condition s9 it did to mrs worthline why the plana op the odn- cnal wane chanqco luitinit f lb car hit wntn in uiir ulinfiyn huuty nortio vory jin porlunl infi rtniilhli wmi brought to tho 1 1 fiifiuiiiliiir fitmiui by u txy of nritii 11m h nrrnl wot tit n loss tt iiihmv win ijit l rttnpt ilia boy tali tin nt or noi but a corjwiral came f irwiird lifln hut ho bod known thn in y nil hi hf nd tlml it was lttipimlilhlo fur iilm to ltd the boys wonl wan in tj hd tho prsns of lite liuiiditl tlinngml and a iltxulva victory it tn improl able that tills 1a i realu- i how ittronjtfy itls personality was im jiii- imprt nsod on hln aoiualn lances mont of un u ii d frost i ins to the ability of our frlnuds to read our characters but in h lilt uf fact wo are all better known lliun wo liavo any idea of if wo aro what wu should tn in all pro hahllliy oonjo ono is ready to vouch for un in no uncertain arms if wo aro not what wo should be our neigh born and frhinda find it out long be foru wo linuglnu oito op wit urldgol an did ut docthor say ycr hud any pronounced dlsaset 1at uhuro an be did but be- gorruh oi couldn t proiouco itt judges library certain urltlah aojdisre latter n tliun i aro sorry i cannot tell you wharo i am because i am not allowed to euy hut i venture to state thut i am not where i was but where 1 wan before i left hero to go where i imvo just corno from punch mable queried the caller of the mlnlsura llttio daughter does your father iivcr preach tho wimo twirot yuu i think ho does replied mabel hut hu lalka loud and soft in differ ont places each time so it docaxt uouud llio mime indlanapolia slar iraihvay tiint tables mssm mm 1 awrfoallr3ralkiaair ittefj uatslctfufjaaiglpgg window cleaning cleaning windows is a liard task at ihmu and it usually happens that as imfon as tho windows ore cleaned uturm or rain undoes all tho work next tlmo you clean your windows mo ia to ii a cloth with denatured alco hol go over tho window quickly with blu and polish with a dry cloth tho glaus will bo brilliantly clear and will repay tho cost of the alcohol by never belru cloudy as is often the case when windows aro washed in tho ordinary method the new wire fence the old method of supporting fences by placing heavy rigid posts every few feet declares tho evening wis consin has been shown to bo wrong in principle toe now system of sup porting fences is to make them on the principle of a nddlestrinf a fiddle- string is fastened at both ends any thing that bits it at any point produces stresses on the string that ore trrjia- mitted to the termlnals tho now fences have solid termi forty rods apart between them tho wire is stretched tightly and to pre vent it from sagging thin flexible steel supports anchored eighteen inch es below the surface of the ground are used when a sudden shock conira against one of these bowstring fences such for example as a bul charg lag tho fence the flexible cup ports bend in an even survo from their iiolnt of anchorage and allow tho strain to come on tho tormina lit hmmjajmckoftlioughtjes a cough fogowc they got rundown then stubborn sickness sete in- tbfe can bo prevented easier than it can be cured if yon will gwo your system the benefit of a few bottles of trgaetypfrauountctks lacirbcr opiijrfimorphtnct tfin jmie at acton for infanta and children mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signature of j i m at at 10 ic i c 1 r p m 1 fl m n h alton 1 nan at toronto suburbs for over thirty years exact copy a wrapper s3 acton flour and feed store kobekt noble limited yen will find your whole system strengthened it will fortify your lungs and throat end prtr your blood against rheumatism scotts u powerful concentrated nourishment without drug or opiates dont neglect taking scot fa o today canada ti pocumemts t be carroe by every male person who is not on active service in any of his majestys naval or military forces or in the naval or military forces of any of his majestys allies and who apparently may be or is reasonably suspected to be within the description of class one under the military service act 1917 who for any reason may have claimed that he is not within csass one under the act oticl to hereby given that under tho provisions oi an order in council p c 1013 of the 20th april idia upon and after the lt day of june 1918 every male pcraon who is not on active oenrlco in any of his majesty- naval oeljihtary 1 urecs or m the naval or military forces of his majesty a allies and wbo apparently may be or is reasonably suspected to be within the description of chvna ono under the military servjco act 1017 by whom or on whqmlthjutitiaaian umaaili whether by reason of agr status nationality exception or otherwise wiliut class one under the mibtary service act 1017 as defined or the time being or that although within the said class he is exempted from or not 1ftmo to military service shall have with him upon his person at all times or in or upon any bu or premlsea where he at any time is if it be claimed that he is not within the class by reason of age an ollldal certificate of tho date of bis birth or a certificate of his ago signed by lui reputable citizens residing in the community in which ho lives and paving knowledge of the fact or fylarfttage if it bo claimed that he ia not within the class by reason of marriage a certifies 1c other official or sijrnecl by two reputable dtliens rtolding in the co in which he lives and baviufl faiowladge of the facta certifying to ida marriago and that his wifo is living or isationaljty if it beciaunod that ho is not within the cuae by reason of his nationality a certificate of his nationahiy aigned by a consul or viooconeul of the f orclcn htate or country to which he claims hia allegiance is doe or a passport issued by the government of that country hia natioaalty or active service if it be cbumod that he ts excepted as a member of any of ils majestys rorcea or as having since the 4th august 1014 served in the military or naval forces of cxrat britain or her allies in any theatre of actual war and has been honourably discharged ohenfrotn o dooumenta oren flwnl cwtifl- cale evidencing the fact or v clerqy if it be claimed that he u exoepted as a rnerabcr c the clergy or of any recognised order of an exclusively religious character or is a aim inter of a rehghmts ttiur irlini ia canada on 29th august 1017 or as bdng a mc of any thcr socuty ox body a ccrtfflcnto of tho fact eigned by on uflacholilcr comix tent bo to certify uiultr uio rrgulations of tho church order or dcnominatjou society or body to ahich bo beionjp or exemption if it be claimed jiat bo is cxcmjiuxi from or iut liable to military aervtco by rutmiin of any exemption gran tod or claltuod or application codjag under hrt miliury ficrvico act 1017 or the reffulauona thsrrundcr hia exemptioq incni or a olruucuto tif tho iteclatrar or ixjhity llcgujtmx of tho district to which ho lxkuta uvlduicing tho fiwt ur v other class if itboclijmcd that ho ia not within thn claaa ru that ht g mmrttfid taot hablo or exoentod uxui ooy oilier ground a ocitliloato uf two rrpu table cltaaeoe rceiding in the comiuunlty whero ho lica havlujr knowledge of the fact upon which tho flaiia is fuundpd and certifying tliorcto failure to carry requisite evidence if upon or after tho 1st day of jumv 10ih any euch malo ikaraon be found without the requisite cvijtiico tw ocrtiilcalo ujkin his person or in or upon the building or pnmuxt i whah ho la ho sludl thereupon bo prcaumrxl to be a porsun at the umo labia fur inllllary service and to bo a dcecrter or defaulter without leave penalty and ho shall uhto b liable- mon auuitnary conviction to afine not extioedinr 150 or to iuijirbouiucnt for a p riod not cxchhuus ouo month or to both ouch flno and iniprisuiunrut and iiuirvovu any such person may forthwith bo taken into military custody aud may lo there detained and required to per form uulitaryduty iu uin cauatllaji lajkiuuruy rvveaolwxaa hi services shall bo rctiiurtd unltid or until thn fact lo oatabliahed to the afff ithn of competent authority hl hu ts uot liablu for military duty false certificate the use eujiuxuf or giving of any ouch cortiucalo as hereinbefore men tioned s if the ceruucalo bo in any malonal nertoct f also or niialeading to the knowledge of tho person uauig eigruog or giving tho samp be an oftcnca iidhiabahlo uxiu ouuuuary conviction by a penally not ciccedin five hundred dollars and by lmjnaonmcnt for any term tic ajtcevhng slg rthf and not than uoo mopth ottnwp may 32 1926 issued by the military service branch of the department of justice seeds seeds s66ds wc have a i ull supply of red clover aisike sweet clovi r timothy tares lucerne rape seed a consignment of lcamin- seed corn for ensilage of choice quality also one car marquis seed wheat just arrived ft 0 ini 11 02 a nt b32 p m 78 am 2 02 pm 6 ib p m dc3am c 48 ji m o hallway n wut daily moil hunday hilly axe i t huntlay dally rtr pt hunday t umla nly sunday only going cast daily excent iiundar dilly rx0it hunday hally except hunday sunday only hunday only grfndiiirunnirli a suggestion for your summer holiday tiiu year algonquin park highlands of ontario an ideal spot for your qummar va cation midat wid and dollnhtful acsn ory excellent hotel aarvico at tho high land inn itull lnformatlo trunk ticket aj o district iuimcuj ei fro any tjrand c l- horning nt toronto il s holmes agent acton ont phon 13 h aweev managee e ttf the habit of answering promptly when tlie telephone bell rings were universal the saving of tune would be enormous q few things arc more pleasing to telephone users than a prompt and courteous response to a telephone call in business the practice of prompt answering has been a money maker for customers appreciate it j practice prompt answering yourself and make it a rule in your business- the bell telephone co oi canada the constant call for well trnliiod iitenortaiihorri nja ojilcu aialiilnnt11 prompt ua to con tinue our work throurh tho summer months i ntcr uny time hhawa ituulnci srhoolii toronto itee cataioiruo w h 3 haw prea tvotoin and bus lin6 having purchased lbo hver and goodwill of the business from mr a mccann i solicit wilh couiidenca tho patronage of tho public comfortable djl upplied at reaaonablo rateu special artcntiod to cupplyiuo- convoyonccs for wcddini and funerals motor cora f urnlhcd when ro quired d u3 mbistb alt tilalna l e atkinson acton 0a 5 grain 5 chopping i s x 0 mi well done and p quickly at qrjy 5 cents q per bag 0 harris 6 co limited fj rookwood ont k get the genuine grafomolla avoid dtsappomtmeni refuse imicanons only genuine columbia grafoiwl and records bear this trade mark look for it before you by- c c speight actoi- ont- when you need boots shoes at any time uuv rkom w williams acton ontario lamou 1 uu satisfactory footwear ui abonaiii 1 jmui s a- at ients i promptly secure to au oentrieajvaa fur our lhyucsfunrl 4jmuaxl tibteh auu l sent trxe ualuoii amaluon hon i uuax 3trl uillvomity avu kulk j lajjferu 1 4 as a kijt rrjvsmiikim

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