Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 20, 1918, p. 3

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vvall papers ceiling pap krs window hhadiis cuittain polls a complete slock now on hand mamilaqc liccnoco iqould geo ilynds j news of local import i hot in tho gordon hottdr in trrficl social and personal myrtln i for tli hills oconantown mr ii 1 t lurk win j ul jco for ilium to i in tor ir t ilu on ul b tli t tlllm ii lillllurj ii wlm h 1 tin fro xl ul h 1 urn ll l acton ontario ijcartausrrr hv 5u tjitjiuldav jtjni 7 a iaih brief locahtbus tin wild iilmulhiili inp an rl x ii tho i nod ulii iitiuutu r limo luu to morrow ujll l th of um car inn mi luy sffti mtlii ix luti r y 71 of ilaylnir will i oon u fanncrn pruruniiiiu i tin uny fncy prico or hulttn odof ditto tin iwonlo v 1 1 i mi ill- ul1 iiulllj jii tm t 1 h rwirk t for 11 1 lurk f mj 1 iiilliiituu ink ii tly wil j t v ut 517 it inr vi 11 1 lot 11 jo n b w w 1 1 1 f 1 und rr ul j u0 il nihil llu 100 puhll iltili int kill lain tit your llaoi uccnrdliii ly thn hlch school 1 ntrunu ixiem lnatlana urn in pruireaa this week iteevo ilyndu attended a mrcihih of tho county council on turiiduy you ii not bo proixtlj urroratrd without iinl o d l um on kjlurtltivi soma early iurdonnra arc ulrrmiy exhibiting now homoitown pouuiku- itcmcmbcr your duty to rcjjhitrr on saturday or narllcr if you havo opportunity tlicre arc mill numirouu holci in our streets that need a llttlo lmvd oeorffolcwn herald hlmt marin mclxxl teuchcr and mian anna ijndaay will act an rcjrls- trarn at uannuckburn school on sntur day ricfilater at tho public- school if you can tho deputies unj hrr mini i tants there will clvo you prompt at ten lion i friday july 12th in reported to hilvoj been listed a inrjorbi day tho oranra brethren will perforce walk on floh that glorious day tho geonrrtown motor clubs drive to itoekttood and picnic on tho rocka last tmirwday won postponed owliyj to tho threatening weather if you haven t rcitialcrcd by satur day night you 11 bo fifclnn tho poiul blllty of a ten dollar una for every day you ncfiloet this nuuonal patriotic duty tho clchtecn oddfellown who motored from streotavlllo for dlvliio service hero on runduy ovrnlnc tict an excellent example by brinclnc thtir wires alone theroll bo crcatrr production in tho eardarui of acton thla ocano n than orer beforo in the muno urca and batter work in bcln put on tho car ilraa rrncrally than over before principal stewart wan at hurling ton d urine tho week prcsldlnir ut hlth sctuxil xomlnauoni uicrt principal smith of burlington performed ulml- lar dutlea at acton high school tho chateo aknlnnt amoa gardner spoysldc of utcallnff chlckonu in naii- uoeawcya wan dlamlaoed by judco elliott his employer cuvo eyldenca that gardnar was at homo that nljhu that iat cap of atone road lead iruj from cronto to acton under tho ood roada nyntcm la now bolnir com pleted drlvcra of vehicles now liavo r splendid otono and concrtito road from acton to the heart of toronlo tim georkctown herald in having a aplcndld nowaiiapcr lircsa of modern typo installed tho herald wlu noon bo better equipped than before tho lire it will ahortly return to tho herald build i at and will occupy uio cround floor tho members of tho epworth jlca- kuo hold tiielr uiinual llold day siorta at tho pork on monday evening aflcr an intercatlnir proinimnio the com pany left tho iurk at ntchtfull and proccodod u wllca cafo for a dutch treat a solillcra wife at llmohuuno liod tho misfortune to loao her hund hoc containing a conulderublo aum of monoy on saturday afternoon near tho electric railway ntuuon in that vlllaco tho finder will acj tho port or an honest man and help tho unfortunate loser very much by rtesturlnjr tho lott property tho klucn inm lias lcarnud with sincere recrot of u painful accident which befell mr lctn a harris editor or tho hurlliurton ooictte in his olllco last week while orxrauntr his typo set tins machlnu his hrt bund wuu causht in the elevator tuiii uu lrulvx and second fliif era wiro uuunxl at tho drat joints altdn gorvtcoo jt cflptist church mi kt vl will 1 ll nt hl 1 i in h in it tin tluj when rlliill f 1u i 1l i- jojiik v 1 iio mliijilnial hid lay rep livi of ilu ilitin tionlnm of xpoctfrt n uio and mr hurlrn llvndti lioiu from toronto over hutnlay mary i runt r iloipttul flu a m canipttoll of jli rl ihun 111 v mr donuld ouuljit oil hatunlay mluvl mary a with ti norn uiii frlondji lu i jtanndiuw linn ilr ouolp in 1 will lvlli lay i food licorimi must advcrtisu numbor tim lltiulin muuliini t tho carnuli iimhi iioir1 niiiilrti tint vi ry ilrciihc ulull i iji ii n ry loltor head cuniralt onli r ucci pt tnco of iinlir liivoii o prliollt jijij tat lull uld uilvtrtimnu nt 1 ju 1 tin w nlii can ada 1 im iloanl iliw numlwir fiillowwl by tin numlxr if tlio liinsc id tih rider nil iluw tli wiill till of uk llg iidn in currutl of iui th da tho udu illeltutx illlvll 1111111 at the uplcndid ii n j their llrat ubllc ettoi iiarty on tui uilay ftv i fylnr nurceiii 1 1m w ful mil tho rrowd in tho umimmii v uu mi iliui tin tkburn gordon party r irauwatlm il rtuiilto ol tlulr onler i wauo kratl rwniklolllht iiidanc urp iriid ivnd the porta nt post mllllo m mli imlii uliu was for u tout lo unit o print ipal tij scluxil hi n mill 1 iti yalo unlvuraity ut new and hrad of tin tort 1 cloiclarid puhlit i 11 rut cj ptcd tlm imixirtiiiit m rrutlnn an 1 i orrh n o hicrrlary for ohio alil nl ci- hi nutnmul u ii dnoman of tmtford if uri aiili t in tho ilill lllirurliin at ilavin conn mini man nrct llrown of toronto upiiit taluidiy und mundny wltli artoii rrlnnda mr ljwl vlncont wnn ul guolph on sunday vlalltnr his aunt at it jou ipli h hfmipltui xllui arum 1 lymmmi of klichonir wmi u iuiiit of utti mlum i m luton for i wpolw n 1 v il mr 1 tunny toll r at tho merchants hunk wiui ut bin homo ul chath un on mr und mm hulnnor of xjndjiay to vluttlnjr their ilaut hti r mm mai olm mflfcun knnx avanuo mhis lllu mi ihtinion and mr and lni ciirniwiirnir of toronto himtit ununy with acton niluuvtu mm harold mcklln who han boon it i x itr for norm rnonlhn rfltunrnxl to ir a i- mrluni lunt wick tiiiur ml uii amy lkliht rurun ml acton rulutlvun uila wock vim has bcun with und other pontu rcturnod to acton a mcnuhb i in toronto oral month oik ntii mm fn lvtntt ami 41 i iltitl ut h annual imctlni of tin c i u aoji4klutlon at toroi irtilay and irlday llvlulan jui m of in ivltli in ohio nmunlty plcld wct vlrcinl i 1 f tin v it incliinail h sch ho foil i ha iool promotio i i ii i pr resulu uanitn f i from i u i bill tlv military news froii ltod clark lu hum mlosaru for a low dau pte alex mochrio ii tnd wlli artun friends ito david smith nui in tr nto lei this j ito hrldici r was niagara for ck and lenv pilot w j hoxworth of il fly ins conm at t iup 1 onj u wink uuj wlllthlocrteriir arlor- d1lu pte w niar re tumid homo from camp nlti4ara on tiatunl i with 1 ni for thirty days to aaalat on tlio aim with huylny etc i atretry woflilitu took platu in tin methodist chunh aoi on thursday juno c win n marvel uli eldctit daui htt r of jdr ojii mm h j lorater bicamu tho brlli of hun m ijor urn tut a cuiuuiliii a uhuii 1 an of mr and mn a ii uinmliyu tho corcinony wus perfuiimd ly ho jucson truux tho followlim oniuul rliobnhlin of faithful urvii wai rcilvtd nlim by bern hyilimy h multli iiiuiihxi of mr v h smith i ilrvliw 11 u nunii may ti uik t hydnty 11 hmith wish thank yi fin yur wimlcrful work nt ltosi no u ll 1 tin u the hundlliik of tho tuotoi truuu itlm nt ixirlatlon you liavo immll d un til ii1 ununuuun umouiit tf hiuilncuji hn o doim it cil4hllilily well iint your onra iltnlj n n iikintld lu oil ira your loyaltj u vui uiiiiiy pliiasos m hcspcctfully 1 umi a 11 cj11i1 l in major tinivil 2 m 1 law ii 1iuiu u hrs hnvlth in nuturally piuud f till oncrqetlo tranduun id lui ku itullluhi 1 when you want lua ciosm buy tli best nellaons it ooats you mi mm than ulhers ot a laro itbli 1 ho ito hoy caro and ito it un latum acton- alphalntlcil onhr maxwl f i ltll r aisl s hdluhs jack krnm d haz1s mcionat7i w1liu sx1 waht jamks tai m w tho bt thrto in orikr of mtrlt wlllio jtcort maxwell jnll janicu tulman govornor ganarsl proton tod dip lorn ah nora knint daughter of w il kcnncy j p wjji omi uf tho tilno graduate nuraui of guilph gont nil hoapllal who io dlplom ui and cljs1 plnu wcro prcjontod by their ixcollin- clcs tho duko und ductn m of dovon- shlra last itmiy v idnj tho duch na tracioualy pliiud tin mliu ivm clous pin tim fuiictioii ut thu kojiplul wau on of thu n out luuri lns fualurts of tho twrt ljyh nta of tho vice rccul prty ut cjuolph anthrax in pssl county ausin anthrux has bnikt n out in two plates w iwrjiij by u iliitunco of tin or twelvo miles tho county or it 1 as a rtuult uluum s snyder a fartnir near itrampton diod lu st mlcliacln hospital trjiito on satur day and ir samml hllrk ititcrlnary uurtcoa who tn iud uotno cattlo uf feet with tho dlnjio bolmillnt to j itoblusou of churthvlllc is lyliir in tlio samo hiuipluil iljjitlrm for iilj llfo hr mirk tout rut ttj thu luitujio by ucraplnr his una on a ploco uf bono 1 o d e t day on saturday iuiturday liaj bmn no looted un taj day far ho i o d h and tatu will 1m on oalo on tho ntrtota utorcj public place i und hornet tlurliu uio day tho ladlcj of tho i o d u urv anxious to nccurw funds for soldlem comforts and will ttudly taj ovury cltlxeu und visitor for a small tainuld ration 1 orty l u comforts vera sunt forward this wck to individual mint bem of tho j cith itattallem tho jicoplo of acton will lisyo un oppor tunlty on saturl y uf jmrt sdut ihur apprcrutinu i from toronto wednesday lm of ti root l artptcxi tatj uti of 1 udnior i co t vlu t tiiuir i lol u tdinoduy iii eoul uny i j 1 u i loiilo tubulin ill i ll ul tiicir dijiii ll un 11 d lliuy hi alton eiriy in tho arter ihkltl iniv lal h uni eri w it in ut tin nuitiimoth wi r ku of luljllh u d tho lrlein dj uldil ti vli 4 uxxy- urrnrlar a lltun ii fit or tntr wurku uml u u v i ly of l iti dutid a nun in latu un tmu i loin i pi mnl uml 1i i oily 1 uru 1 ik l fuj til that vtlon is f tin t mautirul loi illlv vli villi i hot- uplil upoirttnt ii iur tut in lit 1 a ca tro i v willi mi ij f ihv 1 i un lulplm i ht 4 tillll a enlli hoy i id 1 nljiit an in u i i lain durinc ihn will vinlt frl sim kuk id othr mlns rin ijiiui ir r uf ljur u hooluijili iriy on saturday w mo xas upi ut by tin llttlo f iks f pniildi und hv 1u v ttleorco w llarki humllton confcnnit ui hliiiptmi 1 rtihuut of t mi wi ro room matru eouruo ut vii urla collrti mr mil mro ilcnj whit- luriini theli it hi n s uf mn coon campholl lajit wok it 1 twenty hvo jcaru alnco mr whit aid left uil stctlon fur tho west mr w l mulllu who has ihuii en luj d lu tho ajrt ulturnl utiney duntlus ounty tho paul two monthi ro turned homo on monday ii- wl now iiieud no mo tliui in cumi lot in tho wo-u- at tlyo o a c ouilph neighborhood news- town and country i to mm of intsrost from various lacall tie covered by tho fro proas crewson3 corners mr and mm gto d mipi r hujnll ton vlnlti d friends in ro thlu week mrj alux and mra darby rippt up ut u wink with frlondu in lnunoxi mr ini uiuuiall lmmuju upon i u dai with bin ululor mm i crlpiu a number ti in hitru went to lu iph hul ivook o ueo tho duko and duchesu of uovonititru mni j n wilkinson and clttldrtui motind to it run to lust week and mr spent tli kiiluuiia mioj maud watltli ul her brotheru m thlu week ul days titer mm wilkinson toronto eok nd ut mr j v wl durlington tln tax ruto lias boon fixed at 33 mills dr t w iaart at to nil od tho onnuui couvuntlon of thu amerleali mod leal an oclutlon at clileet u duriiu uio past woek thu methodist chureh hunday sthool in moklni umiiibemciiui to hold it i jilinual plenlu ut wubauao iaru on jlinc 0 lieu l it m andornon son of ituv d and mru anilontun has boon pro mi tul to a euptulmy und tratiufurred to tho uuudlal 1 ntltiotro v sov raj irowcrs in this district tom- uioinod plcklui ulruwbe rrleil on mon day tho rop will h uiunt und it in xieiteil tho prlea will int vury lii an interesuiit cuuu has biun ontorod for tho next division court muln trato itarr is uulntf tho town for iso 00 hit nnnrtcrytrur tiatary bt maclstrati- n monday lt frulttrowcra from tho cuth irhuis jordan und v inoluud trlet funuod u motor juirly to visit no of tho furduns and frull farina vontworth and hallon couuty tuiutto na30agaweya the tow ship sun lay oiiveiitlon was hold in um uhnoer tiiinli on thursday lust 1 tin utti n ilium- was lurac llepnrta troin moot if tho uliporluixudontii if tho dcpox-l- mnfa showotl that iikh1 work hud imm u n lompltshul durlui thu ytar uiv u itayfoot of tho ontario juiiduy selund atun iutlon njniltei in thu aft r io sunday s hnil ortuiil lauui und thu htuuduilu iuid on u round labto eoufuruuexi in nlm htiv j 1 blruejuui uf umphoilvlllo cavo u vt ry liuiplrlnj j on ituliiforvinu iiu und ltov i k diyfhit uptiku lntirciitllibly on lho suhjift tim chuiloiiko of tho ireful l rlsla did i onvonlion was most uuetsuful ouo it wiui lei ldo1 lo hold it unit year in f orwliln motho lint c mreh ibu following ulllnri wero m point lii rei th y ui 1 iuulduut charles darby iupt 1 lemontury djpt mrs meni i supt titiotidary dept mm u kutlii sut adult itapljihn muiuhall supl inuiiiaiuniu ix pt c a sui tlupt lu4i lur irulnlnt it v j 1 hi hui uuurolury trtauurtr mry me j hall irt will tn hi id in thu mothn lint fuuhiy itchool room tucntlay juni 2 uultr tin aunptrc or tho mludon ltand rin siudi ntu of thu hlh mrhool priiutid mr 1 i rj utiui who liiin ro nil in 1 fr m thu lult to uiter tho army mrvlu with a wrli t watch hint wook it wonniwi 1 atrlotiii i- aiui havo i tut to tho ll 1 crtwi so it iy toronto lilt p ritual pioptrty tuj ii 4u utri t tr tjiimi i mi it i of pyjuiuiui und 103 piilnt of tio kn for ii i 1 ihiiufortu for idle mor tlui otmirj otown n imtry now ban un uulo truck will h maks a trrj i oronto dally wllli his print ut ii raid miuton w undi rntanil thu town authorities un lu niinuiil illiiti willi ouo or twu olltlll 1 partlu routlvu ih tlh tutah llnlim it of iiiw ludustrl t him mr mills lnlprctor or hljli m iioolii him nt in hlu roikirt to um w hool jttmtrd and ntals tin rln amonj olliu mlin hut th pr i ut liilhilni in out of d iinl i t ut all mid with ho iu i it th ik p irtmciii hid th it uft r hi i vs ir uio d purlmt nt will ir slut oji a iniw btilldlui lhiiii irnlm f4ir hi h t iiool purpoiies und lllvlll tlui ijoaii to iot bn y in tin un int mn and lotk out ft r ti in w alio i left nnor win i thu war tax put on mutches wail a iniiutwi 1 it wui iitito1 that it would im kiuio tin old prie c cents lo 11- t ntu a mutotilun sayii tiiu rl 1 i milton lu 10 unui and wants o knt w who mn tho uddjuonal forethought and good judgment used travellers nbow preference f dr sccsic route ouiyuco use nisht trauo hawsdbyii fprctliouilit asdnllrdr mtue of puljlc trclatlao plsy ma impwlut pklt in liie focultuctioa of imllloui tlio csamiluatj- tin itin uimiia m lunof choice la irctlou rjliiuuleutcii ja luvul ol lice of lk julnte urrlidlcl uno knte aiul tuiutu ullou uln 111 lux ind- ui 1 ilic ly of t of lata b i tilt jutlidey 111 ippplo piinrlpiuotritnciulr tnjo h rnilo lbs routs very pvpupv foe lstocnutlos farratcrfc tic trt a tut rawivktiooi b i1i7 f a t iiuown drutxbt attrit ont am willi ccnrtk 1 tooiirf irprtscdtj oh lkx urcet wtst tujuoio igftnisianindsllhiern uitji lllhlninj utrurk sumuol onru larjo am on tin cth um trnfalfar hist uiida nltht within a tow mluutcn ho lijrn wiui in a b au tlioro won o tlmo to eav1 anythltiir in it excopt ti am of horsfi uml liarnoua 200 ui tic in f on lu und thirty to mi of tiay r ro loul a vuluablo 2 year old holft r 4 i ii lilt to john hurtly wuu 1 ruxlni t wult ir wulkini ilnou it was mud dud in thu mldllo of a fluid u treu mni- it champion livingstone the grocer j hili money savers for you b wi i fi iln from qutifliilt prtci but if iull all w 11 show you hirculliu in taplu shits ouif canned goods ouii jkoclkies our rruljs our vlgetablhs arc i nuh un i goexl und itcllahki un i ii ojtmablo in prlrai soft drinks always un hand ict cold ut tho hob hoy podoitriana havo lspsl rights a riunl warntnt from thu deputy mlnhiti of uiihwayi iobi i t lt u in 111 1 uho luvo niaruiu to eruus 0 ubl dint at lixi ichluj motor cur huvn u right lo 1i1 at tin putt of un ordinary walk un i thu mntorl it ivan no rleht to torn- h l pcdi driana to m 1i1 or run m itifoty ly tho iiuiolent blowing of jits born yongo charles gtroats toronto llu latl b111 unkid to till poii tln worth fi m si yjy to 1 qo iruduifi in tlv um i mir 111111 ly no vaeatl 1 1 11j 1 now writ fir uri cit iloj in pmamnipiiujjiunuiiuu there is pleasure at every stage in the use of sunlight in the washing for the work is greatly lightened in the iron ingfor tho clothes have such a fresh sweet air of newness in the wearing for the clothes have inherited the exqui site purity of sunlight itself and arc clean indeed a 5000 sasrmntao uts iho purity nf sunhgh soap all erocra m1 it- ttuiuuiiuiiioui umuuusjui nrgatwqtatootaitlctot i 3 highest cash prices for utter and eggs at pattersons meat shop buy fresh homekilled meat is lusttklt flavored and kpjs bintut than cou stokafji mkat 0uk sleclals jt0u satuiuay 100 lbs spurc litbh ioriirhoual klflat ctioico bhouldcr roasta of beef pot roubtj bctf choice rib roubt beef bulling beef round steak cllopped steak lluu of 1 ork lb pork inn 1 lb shoulder itoust of pork lb should r 1erk ill ed lb should veil lit w ii ltolled hhould pfhi 1 hum pork und 1 01 pltsial toiitf ilaek itaiuit hi lo hue on mutlarlue luuuit vul lb lb it laya to drive ten miles to buy our meat meat market we bought our cattle last cnables us to still at tliefe mikleratu 1 20c 30c 2uc to 23c 20c 25c 18c to 20c 30c 25c 3in aoc 30o 30o 25o k 30a e0o 35c at pattersons fall which vices stars cipm ut 70 p m mondays tussdayo snj tliursdsys a quant 1 1 v op potatofs on hand tv patterson main stltelt acton ont one of llie jreatet erviee we can reqder u to exclude inferior a ortinenl thereby ljuriiii you of full vultu for your money goodj made to ell at too low a price tin not justify tlic amount you j iy for them when theyre put to the test of rvice we- in buying have been in closet touch with all market tendencies and know that in many kinds of merchandise quality ha- been iacrillced to make a low price it t this sort of merchandise that wc have completely excluded from our rtocky and wc arc finding that tin- policy on our part is bcini appreciated by those who want the bc6t und the most for their money widened of stylo selection i- another advantage to be jjaincd by eonnn to fllacdonaldh to do yur summer shopping all the latest and bcut mens and boy cloth wallpaper and home and most likeable summer nj too in immense varieties rurnihincs too in eiten- styles for women and mtssco and at unexcelled values sivc assortments nt low pricey when you come io guelph to macdonalrts to do youfsummer shopping you may feel con tent of finding lasting satisfaction d e macdonald bros limited guelpirs leading and 1aegest stobe wynrihnm mncdonncl and cordcn streets guelph ont iv wijijj is toe fjn june 22nrilsahirrjay every man and j woman resident in canada who is 16 years and over must attend at oneox the places provided for registration between the hours of 7 ojn and 10 rxrjx and there truthfully answer all tho questions set forth upon the regiitration arcl upon signing tfse card vouching for tho accuracy of tho answers the man or soman will receive a regioration certincate as shown below which must be carried upon the person thereafter why fthecertificatieis so important for a3mo to rcquict m jaxirr ooo tnootfcs laqnuoomcat l provalcel alu on sdtlctl pcnsuy of ho for cacti day tho person remains uxucgiilcred after j urns 7tv rvnoxu rcmainiac unrccitrred cannot lawfully bo employed and cannot tlraw wocj for work dona iter juno 22m employer who keep jdxcitered pezsons la tiicur employ well bo lisblo for equal tn amount totluua recoverahla fromtliauarcttjmtsrwd exnployoea unrrjit f cred persons cannot boiufiy poxcuaso traiispartatioia itckoli and may und ihcmwhri registration is law- dont fail to register this certificate is your protection get it and carry itp i fine of 1 00 and barred txtajtxmrhing on railroads ffitttyffi etc s they may b dftnied board and lodging at mylwlpl f la a war ail persons rcmsminjj unrcgntered and all persons baring dealing with unrecuterod persons toswiox them to be uch incur heavy penalties rd k ktt r ci s 4 rci t ration board f acton creamery t lu im your treuu to ua wi will tiv jou tho highest nuir i f a will in oinil uoiiu um i uml satunuyu u ul lu lllebist crtam lisi holiert allaie i ihoa mrtulrlirun 3j cluue mekeown 37 i acton creamery willow street acton jc- tfrfr 11 i 1ir4s-ti2- wmmmmsttx time table changes a change of time will be blide on june 23rd 1918 liifurjuuliou now in ajjcnt hands ii s jloljilus acton ont hliu established 1872 j of hamulton thiilfl is of vital importance but uiomq it is not bulllcient at tho present itaye in canadab dcvelopnienr llie money saved mum bo used for the production of new wealth in order that the growth of tho country may bu unhampered tho bank of hamilton aisits and encourages increased produetiou ceohgetown i1kanch wnmrkny iited lteow alachunat is uioviuk to the newly arranged prenii-e- the iiosi bowl- lit t alley on main street where he will be prepared lo bundle all repairo of machinery promptly and utisfuetonly aiotou uepa1hs al huvinj experience with all makes of motors repair will be ethcicntly executed vulcanizing tires having installed a vuliumiiug outfit satisfactory repans will bo made to outer case- as well us inner tube- i hi- depir ment i- manured by mr d ross bklnii all youm ul pairs hike main street acton muu ueow u free press ads bring results

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