Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 3, 1918, p. 4

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ij a ttnti jfrfgjirgga tiijjhhday octoill it 3 1018 thcrc i0nt i a man who fancied that nml fjit onti thn track bo rr thn train rnino pant hod in ian u u uiinine by an incli and mako llio train hundn nom thrro wan i man that fanccd tlilfl tbcro lull i any rnoro thc facrono or happinco mimt peoplo liavo to discover for tin muclvcn tho trutii that liapplnoaa in nut tho fruit of tlio unuayal but of tho rvi rydoy moot of an jiavo a ions inc tor uumothlna undreamed of to happen wo havo an idea that in fu mi and rlchca and novel exporlonoca and in noclnir far countries wo would tlnd tho joy of lire but tho wonderful trntplcn of india though they tniy ntlr tho beholder to awed admiration can not altogether plvo no much bapplncna ati tliu cottafro wo call homo wealth without lovo incann dying for water at tho cntraco of a treanurocavo if your dictation in pot good tho art of tho ivcnch cook in an airtrruvnllon an j to tho cturdy appftlta of a country boy a raw iilrrlp a dollctoua lama never let made aoyonn happy tlia girl wlio brlnttu her mother tho country nowupapcr in which her flrat poem la printed and occa tlio prido in her oyejj known moro jfy than fame will over brine her thouca her noma la known in hcmlnpaerca and tho boy who takes hlfl jlrnt eamlixen to buy uomcuilna noceiiaaxy for tho comfort of tlio homo has plumbed tho depths of tlntaction as far an wealth an slve it matter how plain work to do and good health quiet sleep a home no wllllntmcsa to do it frlonda who love you these are thc factors which rntr into liapplncaa novel experience may fftvo interest excitement and varloty but thoy cannot add to jojr where ignorance ib dli00 tim artlnnt oulh hud tnlton tio clrl if hln tin itiui out to ua i a who in tlmt younr man who ma jiitil mi ln7 ho nnltt l of hln nlr r mi nnlnn i roo hn no mod to iow jilm ill wh 1 in iiiirt rlim xviy airy hi all tlio mnlrioii ak lilm to join i ir munnuri t ui in no uu4ld i i do you nio m t knov it i our mlnlnlrr castor for infnnta and children dn uso for over 30 years ara tfr ugnamro c mllhri worm iowdora work no of fectlvoly that no traren of worms can ho found 11m pcnui nro innrcrntm in tho titomai h and panw nvuy in tho dtoolii without buluc i urt cptlblc thoy makdnn ontlrw and ruan mvcip of tlio lntc itlnc i mid no tiling in tho nhapo of a worm can flint lodgement there when theso powdem aro in operation nothing could ho moro thorough or dcslrablo than their action ah niaht with athm evcryon known how attacka of mtlinui often keep their victim nwako tho wbo to nlsht loop mornlnic find him wholly undttod for a day of business and yet business must till ho carried through all this nlcht fcuffcrlne and hick of rest can bo avoided bjt tho prompt uso of lr j l kelloffira asthma ittmedy which positively does drlvo away the attacks children ory for fletchers castori a canadian patriotism and thrift canadian patriotism dcxaanda tlio uractlco of thrift by all her sons tho men who aro holding tho llnea at homo aro they who aro making it easy for tho business of tho country to so on with llttlo jar to its mechanism tho otcady puillruj together of all citizens in tbo prod action of gooda and in tho conservation of all field crops marks tho thrifty nation bavins on tho port of our citizens is solas to bo tho grcataat insurance wn will have fn canada airalnst a period of depres sion after tho war tho combined capital of tho individuals who make tho country will form a fund of sufll- cient power to dtivo business alone in a m satisfying way in aplte of tho prevailing hard time of nuh a period tho savlnj man is thrrefaro a real patriot ho has canadas interests fundamentally at heart may tils tribe increaso in those days when wealth is piling up umtf tho spur of war umo efforts bavo becauso it hits both ways it ti a muh form of patriotism and it gives onos country a leg up in a critical time put by that extra dollar now tho long procession of thrifty dollars will make a llna that will not waver blndcnburg or no hln donburg a beautiful service to mothers mothcrti of noldlcr boyu who aro 111 or convalescent in now york and who know nothing of tho city aro nt liberty to mako una of tho honpltallty offorod by tho institute of applied christian ity 62 cant twentyfifth htroot now york particularly anticipating thc need that wan to come thoy havo co operated with tho hod croat and other organltatlonu in uocurlng boarding places for mothers and in conducting them directly to their oonn later talc- lng mothers und sons out for automo- bllo rides the latter is poaalble throueh tho white star ilonpltollty service membership to which costs one dollar a car a whlto star pasted on tho wind nhlold of an automobllle tells tho pnsser that tho par is at tho service of- convalescent men in uni form and their parents and thoy aro free to onk for a rido old oak at wind0oii goeo aiwntlfin i orciitffii tistn felled tho fiinintm troo wlilc li nl id in fiont wlndtor ftntli known tui wllllnnrtlin otiincrnrn onlc tim tro wnn reput ed to ho a favorlto of tho nornuin dillui who protect d it from drer ol 1 iiinnuicrliiln it how tho oak troa fixintcd in tho ycir 000 latterly tho trro bciimn uiinlflhtly ami wiui vory rot ton aftrr incftn tunl iitti inptn to havo it r iriforccd with c nient tho ktiuf ordered tn removal tlio limber lu vor flno brniii and nlor ono nluh in until for n man- til pleto in tho email replica of a cunndlnu log cabin built by tho cnnn- dlnnn in wlndnor iark an a tearoom for tho king a number of nouvntilrn havo lceii mndo of tho wood ono lu a carved plaque of windsor cantlo hnclcj round of indians have you been sick thea you icallze tho utter weakness that roba ambition destroys appetite and makes work a burden to regain your strength r othinrjhas ever equaled or compared v ith scotta emulsioni its blooden rich lng proper ties give energy to the body while its tonlo value sharpena tho appetite in a natural permanent way if you aro run down tired nervous overworked or lack strength bo sura 4oet scotta cmuuion totr dcou sowoc tomato ul r when using wilsons fly pads reaoii directions carefully and rsrifollowthem exactly 1 v- tor more citecttve than suciry fly catchers clean to handle sold by drugiato and grocers c crywherc actpn flour and feed store of tho following the well known prandm of kins choree imorval and national flour nothing betttr onan qhorto nollcd oato oat chop cracked corn corn mcau halt in co lb 1001b and ilarroln rid 200tt bfiffs qomc oavinq 0entcn0e3 havo for victory to nava li if you hav i tho eanlent of prartlreo- he will oplciai ijnk in ciiiclckn iteied qiv our cam mi1al a tiha1 doiinstjc norlkd oath tina ijibt canada rood lloard llcenao no i robertnoble limited henhy awnev manager uptodate goods at a c speights silverware in tablcwnro fine variety also fine cutlery hardware tinware and granite- wares big assortment pandora stoves and ranges famous heaters small stovc3- stoves every article is of tional value c c speight m01 street acton ilnch your expenditure n llttlo aqd you ii find it will pay a dollar naved lfl n dollar oarnod ijavo to lend o your country when tho will tliat navco to uio will tlat wlnn flnvlnir will provldo both on umbrella and a macklhtooh for tho rainy day fuwinjt money in often tho orprwr ion of oavlnn craco havo to mako canada aoctfrci a man wlo lu lioverlnc on tho vorff of want in nut hln own mooter fymiiiiiwjiii oavo imjui youraelf and canada llvo within your means and your mcann clll bo incrcaied if you don t llvo within your mean you muot uvti on tho meanu of others tho hrnt dollar oavod la often tho flrat step on tlio road to aflluonoo heaven holpn thooo who help thorns oelvefl moral sa o i xoit bo a lctlm of circnnstancea help to nhapo clrcumotancca by oavinar baorlflco future good- i prenont plcoauro tot tjavo save remombctlnjj that to him that hath alia 11 bo frivon baying carries ita own reward with intcrtail carncsleu chief nonet in beginning life was bbj uavtns quality mm harry lauoersjrhrift 1 bohavo tjwnrd your puree ao yoa would to your best friend 2 viow tho rocklena monoy opendcr as a criminal and shun ills company 3 drcas neatly not lavishly a bank paya a hlher rats of interest than your bock 4 tako your amusements judl- cloualy you would enjoy them better 6 dont throw away your crusts cat them they aro as strengthening as bocf 0 it la moro exhilarating to feel money in your pocket than beer in your atomach 7 remember it takes only twenty shllllnra to mako a pou ond twelro pennlui to mako a ahuiih a you can nloop better altar a hard days work than after a dara idlcnovs 0 always set cood value from trad com en they watch they bo tood money from you 10 there is as much plcoauro in rcodinir to good bankaccount covcl oil for toothache there la no pain so acute and distressing as toothache when you have so unwelcome a visit or apply xr thomas ec lee trie oh according to directions md you will flnt immediate relief it couches tho jicrvo and toothlnir efftet and th pain doparta at once that it will eaaa toathicho la another ino quality of this oil bhowlllg tho many uses it has children ory fdr fletchers castori a doyg and qirl8 p1q clud popular of all tlio movements that are mak lng form life more interesting to the children nouo are more popular than pig clubs mth the cooperation of tlio banks and tho government ornclals many of these flubs havo been firmed through tlio thro prulrlu provinces of canuda bometlmta the children are flounced by tliolr parents in other couta tho original capital outlay is furnlslivd by tlio banks on thu chil d re n ii note a feed costs them llttlo o tiothlni with ordinary luck it does not tako them long to taku up their noto from tho bank and soon thoy liavo a balance of cash to their credit bcaidcu a flno lot of pigs in tlie pas turo ut homo worma food upon the vltauty of child run and endanger their lives a n imp id and effective cure la mother gruvtil worm 12x terminator waitinq for a chauce a good many iooile iamo young and no mo older upend a largo part of their lifts wiuing for thlugu tocltange thoy t ike it for grunted tliat if they have done nothing for a year but fall and tniuui mlntukea tho next year is bound to be successful thlnr do not change for waiting tho inellicicnry ivhlth makes a record of failure in the past la more titan uhcw to prietuato itself do not trust xeeouuchi to time if you want thlngn dirfiryr ki to work to mako them no if a tbunjic in denlrnble effect it by working v y waiting nral in renioviiifj6pnflnf ilolloways corn cure m useicrttf attention sick women to do youf duly durfng these trying timea your health should be your first conftideratton these two women tell how they found health halbun rn i took lydla e plnkhamb vee- fetablo oompotmd for female troubles and a dis placement ifoltaurandownand waatory weak i had been treatectby a phrslclan without reiulta bodaoldedtobira ltdiahmnkhamfl vegoublo compotind a trial and felt better right away i am keeping- house tlaoe last april and doing all my housework where before i wag unable to do any work xydla e pinlhama vege table compound la certainly tho beat mediolno a woman can t i gir you permlsalon to publish thlfllotter mrs e e cnukliiro e no 1 nollflm pa xweu hlolu i suffered from crampa and dragging flown pa was irregular and had female weakness and displacement i began to tako xydia e pinkhama vogo- tablo oompoimd which garo me rellof at onco and restored xnyhealth- lihonldllketorewminerulxydlaepliikhams romodlesto all gufforlng women who are tronblodlnaelml- lar way mrskrjwbngrwttnouboxe3 why not tyy vcdia e pinkhsh vegetable compound always serviceable hoot puls lose their properties with no a not oq with parmelees vcistable pills the pill macs is sd compounded that their strength and effectiveness is preserved and the pills can bo carried anywhere without fear of losing their potency tola la a quality that few pills pocsess some pills loso their power but not so with ponncleos they will maintain their freohneaa and potency for a long time children ory for fletchers o a which qhaul be in control you have your choice between con trolling your lmnulaca and lottlngthem control you every ono known tho result of being at tho mercy of hla own moods one who works when ho feels luco it and at no ether time who is cheery and courteous tf the whim takes him and gloomy and tnr civil as soon as his mood changes is not to bo depended upon by his em ployer or friend lcorn to control your impulses force them to yield to your judgment and your will for if you do not master them thoy will take oontrol of your life and tho chances aro that they will wreck it m emu copy ot wrtpptx castoria forlnfimts and children mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signature of in use for over thirty years astoria w vhm rrr omja epuikmam mtotcimc c0 lymmmasov thc wrong impression would you oerloualy object to lend ing mo 50 for a few days oh no ttcallyi that bounds eacouraging tou misunderstood me x meant that i wouldnt entertain such a pro position saves money for the farmer priicgs of farm products t have reached a high level the farmer can take full ad vantage of this situation only by adding to his equipment of time and laborsaving ma chinery time and ktbor are money when time and labor are saved money is saved time and laborsaving de vices for working the land do not produce complete results in themselves the farmer must have rapid and depend able means of placing his products on the market tho ford oneton truck will make trips to town bo much more quickly than thc horse that you will have many extra hours of time to dovoto to productive work a largo number or farmers havo proven tlio ford oneton truck to be a time and moneysaver have you price chassis only 750 f o b funl ontario sos frdrk ha e-r- run boot touring g6q goo w 9 h7 1175 f o d ford ouuuo all ui ubol j vi r f prmm trnhj i to tmanom u llauut tm h a coxe dealer acton ont qoit laxatives pu t mr hb toalsju tohmtw feel kjm xt is a tt to contldoauy dose toarscu wttlx socalled uuuve pills c oil purges ana cataartlc and rarce bowel actipo it weakens too bowels and liver and makes con stant dosing noceabry why dont you begin right today ta otercooae your constipation and get your system m such shape that dalty purging win be unnecessary you can do so if you jret s xo box of nstursa rmo nit tableu and take ono each night for week or so nit tablets do much more than tnerety cause pleasant easy bowel ac tion tilts madldna acts upon ue digestive as well aa umlnatlve organs promotes good digestion causes the imdr to git tas nonriht f the food you eat grres you m rood hearty appetite strengthens the liver nvorcomes biliousness regulates kidney sad bowel action and gives the whole body a thoroush cleaning out this accomplished you will not havo to take medldao every day an occasional nu tablet will keep your body in condi tion and you can always rel your best seventysecond squesitig fall fair at georgetown wednesday and thursday october 2 and 3 1918 medlclde that you can una and costs only so per box containing enouxh to last twoatyflve dava natures hem dy nil tablet is sold guaranteed and recommended by your druggist e j has3ard acton ont tablets better than pills gei a for liver ills 25c bl acton bakery m edwards s co canada rood board licouso no c 0u milx 8trcct acton to facilitate tlio handling of tho products of our bakery aqd to make it more conveni ent for our customers wo havo secured tho abop next to wilca confectionery where supplies of our war bread brown bread tea biscuits cakes buns and scones may always be secured wedding cakes a specialty m edwards co splendid herd prizes big list of specials numerous attractions tirst class band admission 25c children 10c public school pupils fkee fsear j a tracy president sectreas send to secretary or call ut acton lyce lreb3 for prize list get the tehwie grafonola avoid disappointment refuse imitation only genuine columbia grafonolas and recoifds bear das trade mark look for it before yiau buy- columbia grafonola cc speight ac pok sale by mfl ont make frc salesman railway time tables at acton grand trunk tlattvyny oolny wot no o no 31 no 33 no 32 no 31 going cnet llittlday trulnu i ui i tliu i i v rolnjr went nt 10 1g u m u 1 j q 15 f m toronto ouburbsr cloctrto nailv oolna wot 8 17 a m dally utcoit f tun 3 32 p m daily nircpt uini sodpm dally xr j t it ir 11 02 a m fjiiiulay 8 33 p m 1 unilay ooinrj ct 7 48 a m dally nrqt llui 3 03 pni dilly ixrrpt mini cjs p m dniy arct hun dcs am hunthy c48 p m v- monday 10000 head of geese ducks hens and chickens highest cash price will be paid portion havlntir poultry to i ii should communlcato ut oulo with r miuigan cor you no and mill 0u acton or to p o dox 341 yona a ch every rraduata and ucorcn of undcrsrld oaten of thin year havo bocurea poaltlona and out of tho lat on hundred and four applications for 6fllco help wo filled only nine cataloguo froo lntcr now actoa livery and bus line i nollclt with conndenco tlio atronaco of tho public copafortablo rls uuppllod at reaaonablo rates special attontlon to oupplylnr convoyoncca for wcddlni and tuncrala motor cars fornlahod when required exprcaaman for tho toronto suburban i tall way buq meets all trains is e atkinson buy fhom w williams acton ontario famous rou satisfactory foot wear reasonable phiceb grain chopping well done and quiclvly at only 5 cents per bag haiuus co limilttl rockwood ontanio ate nts promptly seguredl marmff kmalilon ill utiltomltsr ato montimai vv

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