Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 20, 1919, p. 2

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3 if utlfe acton 3ttt teaa tlilh maiich tim acjom rnivzn tonm is pub ilahod every rhuroday morning at the foas pmoui ilulldlng mill utreet acton ontario tho subscription price la tl co pef year in advance iostage is charged additional to office in the united italna the data to which subscriptions nro paid la indicated on tho address label advtiltlrilno iiatich transient advertisements 10 rents per lino agate moaaurcmout fur first insertion and 6 con in por lino for each subsequent in- eertion contract display advertise- mnntfl for 100 inchou or mora pop an num 10 emits kr inch each insertion advcrtlnrmeata without specific direc tions wfttfc bo inserted till forbid and charged tcco rd inslr ii i mooius idltac and publisher qrandfathcn and i llfthtn tiro llomotlmrn tfrfr cjmnilpn ami i vn lnvn to nit jteforo 1m lrc on i wjihi each n ark cjo dancing up tho chimney dark aad whrn wti tnlk and wo ixth plan juijt vflipt 1 ii do when i m u man and rrniilim likes to tell wtint lie did when ho waii a iwy llkn mn hut sometimes grandpa n voice in low and then i m sorry for i know ho a thinking loyi con grown to men ii ut craii ipna enn t ixiyn njtnln m w in iii nicholas tklerhoneo bditorlal and business office residence editorial if wloo counsels prevail ihe farmers will not countenance tho luglna aglta- tjon for a guaranteed price of 1 0 or 12 20 for the wheat of 1dis tho pro posal id economically unsound and in tho present atato of canada rulnouaj it ls safer to assume that impoverished europe wjl tighten its belt and turn to cheaper food than wheat at xi0 in elevator or on track at chicago an authority in tho british house of com mons prodlclti that wheat of tho new crop will ocll at jlq in wvcrpool weekly run flf aro wo an cltlxcna an really patriotic aa we might be 00 far as 0ur own community la concerned in thocourso of on address recently a speaker oakad thcae pointed questions i low many minutes during tho last ian rears you ipont in working op or thinking about purely unselfish propositions effecting the welfare and progress of our townt ilavo you spent at least ten rto urn in the last six months in purely unnclflth servtco to the com munity of which you are a member now honat bright have youl dont all npealc at once gentlemen w c chalmers 1lpp of west wellington last week introduced in the provincial house a bill to open the way for rornlclpal councils toproride memorial homes pr club booses for soldiers who have been on active ser vice with tho naval or military forces of grcit britain or her allies or mem orial buildings or parka tho bil pro vides that the councils of two or more muni lpilulcs nay urlte for the carry ing out of any of tho purposes indl cated 8azh bylaws shall not require submission to tho electorates con cern ed- tho people of ontario are in real earnest in their determination to secure improved highways in and through the province the movement for better roads ts paining momentum and the province seems to be fairly well wim iui ooucshii often watched lh- llttlo old lady rocking upon tho third floor tenement porch oho was dainty and neat uj different from tho other tenement dwell era that mro oclesboe who romantic as well as though tl coo often wondered bow tho little old lady liatl come to this to her tho tenement was the depth of degradation tiho had no idea that the people who hvd thora aspired to better things or covet ed luxuries for their children in her mind these people bom to poverty and suffering wore of different clay and contented with their lot but 10 little old lady was different one day when mm oirleibeo wan walkinbt in her garden in the cool of tho eveninjr sho heard a low sweet aonc llkn tho murmur of a emtio brocxe it was tho llttlo old ladymlnff- ing mrs ocleaboo looked to catch a sllmpso of tho aged nlnircr hho could j not help it- the sun invested the old ladys face with a holy radiance aa with clasped i bands and reverent air sho nans familiar hymn with her eyes fixed 01 tho sunset clouds then mrs oslcabco was sure that th old lady was dutarent i wish i could do nomethlas for the poor old dear oh sjehrjd a id then oho promptly for- cot all about lt that summer passed quickly what with red cross parties and sowing societies and benefits mrs olesbee was so occupied that uho quite over looked the tenement and its dainty dweller she might have sent her auto to take the old lady out into tho coun try for a whiff of god n puro sir oho might have ailed her lap with flowers or her hands with freah vegetables mrs odeabeo needed only to say the word and any one of a thousand thlnffi would have been done but since ohc had never felt the deprivation of any necessity or luxury she did not think of the old lady and while in her cool j beautiful garments she eewed for swoet charitys sake tho sufferer almost at her very doorway grow a llttlo thinner in that awful heat and a llttlo more despondent- it was in october when the ladles of the faahloinble church to which mrs ogleabee belonged came to her with a request wo have planned an oldfashianed halloween party with pumpkin pie and other things such as our grandmothers would have served on their lawns fifty years ago and since you have the lorg- est lawn in the parish the minister suggested that wo ask you if you would they stopped they were a little afraid of mrs oglesbec who attended church services only on caster sunday t h qpi i tent herself with giving largely of n i teamster says means but b herself they did not know tha she hndt grown a llttlo ashamed of being so neguffent if she for foriret myself an i arcept pay iv iclpluc a nclnblor indeod film wail dlnrr nt fihn made no t xplanntlon as to why nlm wnn uvlnir 1rt u lenrmont but alio prom inn i to mrot- tho committee next day at mm orleubeoa liomo tho little lady of the big hou10 won dred all evening when they met next day alio wanted to hug the llttlo old tady in her white droits and cap who did not loan her dignity when in confers 1 with soma of thj bnt ludfoii of tho town 111k n proved n in on i valu ihlo helper nucc jiliig manning and von coliift into the it kitchen ard 1 itilrucllntf thn cliof in n tho pniper wny to tnako beaten blneult and tumpkln ilo and norglum candy jint as it wnn ncocd in the olden time and then when hallow an coma and alio at ikiared in a coritumo of old tlmo nplondor every guest at that wonder ful uupper begipid to milke der ac quaintance and demanded of mrs oglcnbee an explanation of her pre sence it was wbon the guests were gone and tho money had been counted that tho llttlo lady of tho big house and the old lady of the tenement sat together in the big drawing rnjtn suddenly tho younger woman npoo grandma you must tell mot how camo you to be in that tenement why are you masquerading t who ore your the old lady waited for a momen before she replied i am only a fool inn old woman dear who loot her money and fled from every ono wlnm she had loved becauso she could not bear tho humiliation of being 1 3or when she had been a leader of socltty mrs oglesbea alghod in extiltat on sho had known this little old lady was different x had only money enough to live very nltjlply at first i was very nick but presently i recovered and when i saw no much all about mo that needed doing i concluded to try to help tho people of tho tenement there was much i could teach tho poor mothers who having had no education did not know how to raise or train their children wo iiave had biblo classes every sunday gradually i havo trocomo ace u domed to the place where every ono is kind to mo some times i believe the dear lord sent there to show 111 beauty to those who know him not the little lady of tho big houso fell on her knees and took tho aged visit ors hand in hers grandma i have no mother to teach mo the beauty of christian living can t you move into the big house and show mot why my dear my dear- you cant mean it stammered tho ajnaxed little old lady i never thought of such a thing neither did i until ho inspired it and tho younger womans voice was very reverent tho people in tho tenements aro not the only folks who need christianizing when will you come my rent is ddo totlo ond tbo agent threatened to turn mo out just after hail prayed for help said the little woman kindly lie ihint have tho ctonee i want you cried little mrs oglesbee aa she hid her face on grandmas breast and so you know mrs oglesbee at tends church not only on easter and at christmas but on every single sun day and with her is an old lady who has become the happiest and busiest a1cohol hao a 5pccjf1c aftin- ity ron the highest diiain ccntncd toronto marrl 10 1dj0 church worker in the town twenty years aqo from the issue of tn free pros thursday march 23 1899 sundays storm drifted the roads an badly as any previous storm during the winter tho tannery teams have been haul ing coal the past few days ono load driven by trnnmtyr ltiwnon weighed ikur nir drink nitxi to th i ruin kir tin 11 rjtiti don nai iho prnt thing nlrohtil do 11 in iilnnty nine rum n out of u turn ilml in to iifti cl tho mental worklnj of ho bnvln of the man who imhlben alrihol in tun onnrchlnt among tin druf 1 it utrikrn at thn uia1 of ualf government tint power to inhibit ai dorato druikliii wr iltrnn nolf re olrnlut nn i axclttn ho iiwi r linputnoii iui i ilinlnt uthllu immoiliriilo drink ini fr 1 i mini a piifiiiioim from ron trol unl nxpuilun bin vlolonco and lunt 1w ry inivrrm nl of evrry part of the body l directed by a bruin osiitro contuiilui itn iro coin tliobrun ceutrrn whlri ootol oui orfinnu of movimcnt inil our denlrea aro nn fol lfiwh vlx luurl centres lung rontiin locon otlon ointirn kiowldlro cunlrca- ind inhlhltoiy ttntrcu wh li restrain and control thin la tho actual nrdpr of cell development the centres of in h loll ion bcliiff formed latest in llfo f xlrnln and body are much llko u tele- i graphla nyatepi tho brain issues tho orders to tho body tho wires aro tlio j ncrvoflbreo which run from tho brain to every part of the body carrying mcnnici to tho bodily organs tho brail jltocti tin body obeys ileilco tho aupremo importanro of u lioallhv brain to character intellect and phy- nlcal wellbeing i alcohol lit a brain poison and when a man taken a glasn of alcoholic liquor the alcohol renrhes thq brain through tho blooil veaiicla widening the bore of tho nmallcnt of theno bo that morn blood la ht into thn tlsaurn of tlio body cauulnrr tho 1 untied face that ro often followu tho taking or a inns of whlu key tho nojit effect n on tho brftin cell 1 certain nubutanccn lmn anlnlty for the dlfturont tlunucu and orgunu of tho brain the bnilnrollii havo tht affinity in a upoclal wuy for alcohol its affect on thorn hi lntonao and di rectly on coming in contact with them it aral irritates or axcltoe and then panljeca thm in tho casa of heavy drlrfkcro atco ho attacks all tho brain centres in turn npeaking broudlj in the lnverno order of their development hero wa have tho ocplunatlon of tho character dcjtrajlng crlmoproduclnrr influenci of strong drink with tho rfrat el anno ji rouervc lo lot hpcerli la freo f rr m re ntriilnt but not from imprudence anil the actions iihow that dealro and po- elon ro brcaldnr loose alcohol be gin by paralyzing thin brain centres f inhibition i- continuing to drink npeech una ac- 1 ions uliow him to lo out of touch with fact ho counts his fncndn enemies and wants to fight- hlu words are slurred ills hand 1ji unsteady alco hol is paralysing tho bruin centres of knowledge purtherl doses paralyse tho brain centre i of locomotion tho muscles get no orderofrum tho brain and there he ntaggcri rctui and falut in acute and froiunl intoxluitlnn u10 final tragedy may bo reached and tho brain centres of tlio luoga and heart attacked and death follows the oteadlly o tending aaaault on tho powers of tlio brain explains why ntrong drink under mines character intellect and physical health adding ojiormously to tlio store of human misery ours fiutnfullj j h hazl1twoqd an unwannanttd intru0ion llio lloulijt mnry in u iiially trim a jiitith im inn in lini uniiwi tho tli crl fn in lokjnmi nut n uuin ild ini a 1 ny j li rncllni 1 nro nry n lnlrr1 in tlio o pnrtu mil like ufilpi at t 1 dm two hill 1 mid m ok vi i thl wan tln inaiinir itnil nub in 1 1 if th r mnv mllmi whin in your niimat htfuit win 10 mn thrn it in 1 mm wlin nr tiu i iju t lo 1 rliion fir 1 inillnr hup no oik inking y u7 nc thijilit rlft wiitt i u ij i k cvo li 1 my pupcin tho warrant for tho rxiit mil annt 1110 nff to iiltujt my lit tho limn inon rxcluuigul nnunrnil a klun mid hi n part til l cck inter tho luunjc 1 imuli 1 wiiq returning to itiykjnvlk mid nenr 1 name iipot ho nlut tho 1 ilino man wlint j10 cried ktcfan thoriitelu why vou nall you vcro gollii to i rbion ijo 1 wnn nnd i wont hut they utd not kt mo in why not 7 uccauno i hail loot inypitpero and the sheriff imld ho would not toko mo in without ni warrant bo the won t havo you in prison no and you uro olng humo again 7 yoji i and thry wrnt th ir wnyii lonlon tit nils i stop look listen uto un 1 itubbeni to keep out wo iuvvq them juso a womens fine oho co women a nuducna mioqco and youth o dooto and ruftdcrd meno wohkimq dooto mcno liqht 0ooto mcno nunocno if jou are trfuled with weak an lies bunions to run or overlap ping tors tomo and soe us wo havo the famous dfl qchollo arch oupporto qunion paoa and toc niqhtb for curing sucli tilings repslrino neatly end promptly attended to kenney bros main street adon ont what gomfort ltf pyrex tranparnt oven 6fahs liokhig ware that you can eee rlsbt tiro ugh will not chip dent or bond always clean and sanitary jorvo directly from tho dish in whhh yon bake icjuy to wnah lcny to tcp clean pyrwx ovsl ouhes 70o and sse pyrsx cssserol 2jx and p00 pyrsx qrssd olihe 41j3 soh pyrx utility dishes f123 and 1jm pyrex nlish olshss 7oe and 120 look thilouoif duil house icenpinq department wc havcvvmat you want the bond hadware co ltd phan 1013 quelph savage co establlchwj ims wyndham ot ouclph cwtfrt lyt u a very powerful olesnser it la uied for clesaloj up the oldcit and hardcit dirt greoie etc cmfart y la fine foiroskip aloka drain and eloaeta aweet and clean cvsfarf hyt kula rata mloe roachea sad joeot psata 1 omftrt ly will do tbo bardaat tprini elesalo yooto ot cmfwi lj4 ood for maklai aosp ita pondered perfumed nsd 100 pure is splendid for natures great u8e of the dee tho fult river valley which com- paritivoly 0 a now country annually produces thirty live carloads of honey for shipment outside bcsldcu great luiiauiultl thu lutiu or sold in thd lociil markets tho bees wax produced by tho bees altio lu valuable in tho markntn of tho world tho two productsuro u source of great 1 pront in tlio valley and many form ars go extensively into tho industry i while othom aro uatisflcd with a fow stands of bees by which tho family tabic is supplied with honey tho in dun try is not ao exacting iuf to causa it to bo lurd lalxjr and a colony uf bees oaco cutnblltibed on tho farm is there to oliy becoming a part of the dally routine tho ruuih draw on your customers through the merchants bank with brandies in all parts of canada and corres pondent abroad this bank la in a position to present drafts promptly havo them accepted and collect payment with the least rtpssiblo troublo and cost to you llie manager will be glad to toko op this matter with you th mcrcmants bank of canada hood ottica montreal acton branch georgetown branch established 1884 i b shorfv muuser c w grandy binger watch eo diauondb jewellery lldrarv desk oeto fine china cut olaso silverware silk umbrellas fountain pens bpociaukis la wolnr and birthday girt expert watch and jewttuery jtapairerm fiusinesft directory mcoical tho0 gray m d c m moqill i it v i i dublin 1 t- it r p ii ulasicow mrrnlxr llltlnh mdl cat associatp n ctr omco vroduruu htrrot acton ont dfl j a mcniven phyaictsn and guroon vctcninaftv john lawoon vatarlnary ouraaon acton ont oraduate of ontario veterinary col lege 1880 oolro arthurs lilotk hcs id once mill otroct calls day or nlgbt prompt ly attended to legal thono no 22 1 o box 336 harold nash farmeh m a iatr solicitor notary publlo convtnyan ctc perryman dlock acton qnt monly to 1aan conveyancing riroun 3 p m to 8 p m at rcsldence- n h wan30nouqh lake avenue acton ontarit dental dr j m dell dooldo dsntit honor oraduato of toronto unlver ity tho luteals anestbetlo used if desired ofnco at realdaoce earner mill and rvodcriclt etroeta mioccllaneouo marrlaoe licenses h p moore lafuer marrisd llcsnaea private oftlco no witnesses re quired issued at residence in evening tthat 10x00 office acton ont savage co 70 yaaja in b in gualph acton flour and feed store we have a supply of the following now on bond the wsll- known brands of kinos choice norvai and national flour nothing bsttsr bran oat chop shorts cracked corn roued oats corn weal salt in g4r 100tb and zo01to sags and barrels francis nunan bookbinder account books of oil kinds made to order periodicals of every descrip tion carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly dona wyndbam treet quelpb onc over williams store r j kerr licensed auctioneer pot tho counties of holloa welllaj- ton peel and duffcrin and the city or aueipb acton ontario bales may be arranged by mall of at residence at acton or at the free press office acton the mercury ofnco ouclph the news iteoord fctstus or with w j cordon harness msjter tlillsburc sales entrusted to it j kerr re ceive attention from date of listins to date of sale list your sales with me residence young- street acton phone 3ft acton coll at my expense mltted to 1l tho governments posi tion is partially as a matter of policy to nmvrtl rmplfrrflnr tr rpy- ililb in tho centres of populooon who would otherwlso be out of work at any rate tho question of employment is one of tho important reasons advanced for puslnjt the work tho need for im proved roods is fully aa apparent legislative action is beinc token by most of the ftovemments of the allii to exclude undesirable p1ni in the british house of commons tho other day edward sliortt home secretary stated that a bill dentins with the de portation and exclusion of undesirable aliens would bo lntroduued if it were true thjt over 20 000 enemy aliens are at present gathered at rotterdam with a view to returning- to england as soon as peace was signed his present adequate powers of excludlnj aliens would be used conada and theunfud states will probably take similar action legislation to be introduced this session by hon dr cody minister of education provides for government financial aslat4nco where consolidated schools aro decided upon this assist once takes the form of bearing pari of the expenditure required in the erection of school buildings where schools are consolidated the problem of scbooibuuatngs l onoof the mostj serlousonea to be faced in connection with the consolidation of schools since in many of tho school sections of thr province the existing schoolhooses ore in fairly good shape and local school boards will not be disposed to under take new structures and scrap their present buildings tho policy under consideration looks to the unking up of from three to five schools in a con solidated section it is felt that to take in a larger section would make tho scheme unwieldy since the dis tances tho children would have to tnxvol would be too great now that tho county council has contracted for tho completion of the tansley drldgo it is sincerely hoped by tho ratepayers of tho county that a halt will bo colled tho extrava gances of tho past few years have placed hul to ii in a ery unenviable poatluon financially our debenture debt is said to be higher pro rata than that of any other county in ontario tho headlong mrry to engage in enter prises entailing large expenditures thd past half dozen years or so has sur prised and annoyed thoughtful rest dent this tuna ley srldge will coit an aggregate of 100 000 by tho time it is compieted when tho matter of a new bridge was first proposed by nelson township representatives it woo clrnrly shown by expert engineers j that an expenditure or 3 000 to 14000 would put tho old bridge in safe condi tion and that tho bridge would serve all the traffic k tho road satisfac torily tfnr ten years at east never theless in the faca of tli engineers ro- krt this ttormou unn ex pense has been added upon the people of tho county surely the- time has corne- fo inaugurals a policy of re- trenctunjnt and uoonotny x bad not had that feeling she would not havo answered so graciously in these words will be glad to offer my lawn we could decorate with japanese lant erns and lighted pumpkin faces and have tables covered with crepe paper and what else would you suggest ladlesr x dont know exactly what the old folks would hive served except pump kin pie and popcorn and apples if wi only had a grandmother wailed the youngest member of ho dele a real oldfashioned kind and nt that very moment she spied the llttlo old lady rocking on tbo porch of the third floor tenement o theres onol she ex i isnt she a picture i suppose you wouldnt dare sho saw tho curious look on mrs oglesbee s face and fear ing that sho had offended this leading j member hurried to say of course i know you don t mix with tenement j folk but somehow sho seems different mrs oglosbeo nodded 1 never could take a dare she said in a voice that was soft and sweet i have been watching the old dear and wishing for a chance to know her i didn t feci ex actly like calling this is our op port unity no doubt she is lacking in means suppose i go to see her and aslfc her if sho will direct our menu and service for a slight consideration oh would yout cried tho ladies they were doubly joyous becauso they believed that with mrs oglrsbeoarous ed they would gain a valuable worker t will this very afternoon very g smlurt tbo little lady of tbo big house it was when the men were returning all grimy and weary from tlio factories and every street car was j loaded with living freight that sho daintily entered the lower floor of that big brick tenement the smells and dust were terrible mrs oglesbees nose was tilted and her eyes caught the celling which was smoked and webbed with the work of ancient spiders tho children stared at her from tho different floors an whispered and jeered but mrs oglcs bee heroically persisted and saw more o human misery in that brief visit than she had even imagined could exist flomdiow aha was hi nt taso and for the first time in her ltfo aho lost her self- possession when alto was lot out on the back porch and into the prcs ones of the tittle old lady rocking in her chair tou ore the llttlo lady from tho big houss smiled orondma placidly i do so love to watch you my dear and i you laughed mrs oglesbee tucking herself into the baby chair as a little girl would have done lvo been thinking ana wishing j knur you j but no one gave mo a chance to be introduced so i took tho opportunity myself ohl breathed grandma clasping tier little wrinkled tianri our church ji aolitc to have an oil- fashlonea hallo we en party in my gar den nnd when they were thinking of a real orondma to tpoas it mm oglci- bee showed her white tcfth when she used the word ono of tlio ladles spiod you ami dear mrs- harper supplied thn little oil lady do you fttiovr am thing about iifi afairs ail wcjll you give un your services tf wc jr pay you wolir mm oglesbee looking cloudy sow just a faint tinge of wild rose creep over tho old lady a check prldo la u tenement perhaps after all theo people lid have some to lings should know i havo given man such on affair said tho llttlo old tadv with dignity i am from tho south chestnut ridge was tho itamo of the plantation where lived urn ogles- bs wvihlfipoil manv t shall be glad ltd do anything that 1 ran to help slul continued i hops i should riot so scales h735 pounds beat it fr you can tho german medicine company- is entertaining crowded houses in the extolling the virtues of their remedies extolinff the virtues of their remedies xtov father fccny has purchased from the executors of tho late william isniond tho brick dwelling and two lots on john and agnes streets and will utilize it as a parsonage in con nection with st josephs church acton hockey team had a very successful season not in games won but tu to their showing with the teams they competed with they proved themselves faster skaters and had a much better combination than tho teams they played against although their opponents bad rinks to practlcoj on tbo musla commit too and choir of the method 1st church have made ar rangements with mr el b jackson for a course of vocal music on thi evening of tho queens birthday i concert will be given in tho church by the class assisted by toronto vocal ists married mcgregorlaweon irt ouelpb on march 7 alexander mcoregor nos- sagawoya to hello daughter of mrs andrew lawson acton lasbt- anderson at tho resid ence of the brides mother acton on monday evening march so mr charles lasby eldest son of joseph losby to rebecca daughter of the late licnlamln anderson i llllottconilanat the home of the brides mother bower avenue acton or wednesday evening march 22 by ilev h a macpheroon dr a u elliott of georgetown son of john tzcluoltr aotoiito- maggie oldest laughter of the late james 11 cobban died mccluitu in acton on tuesday march 21 mary morrow wlfo of j josvjh mcclure aged os years and 11 month german is optional timetable for uupper and middle school examinations tho tlmo tablo for tho annual lowu school departmental examinations hai just been ltsuod to tho jhgh school and collccuto inuututimi ilcgimdj juno 30 the model i trancl and senior public chool graduation candidates write on shorthand and typewriting senior high school uitrnnco candidates on latin and i ranch or german july 2 manual training or household science agriculture and hortilulluro are the subjects for uxndldatcs for normal uchool and faculty of lducu tion and similarly for thu other can didates july 3 all three classed of cndldutcu ure given a paper on bookkueplng writing and iugliuti literature and next day- tho modul en trance and senior hjgh school entrance consist of algobra goometry and ingllsh com- potui3ii tho following monday july 7 all three write on lngllsh lruicmar in the morning und llrltiah and cana dian history in tho afternoon fouowvd by artthmctlfi und tcotrnphy n july 8 tlementary otloncu art und spelling on july 0 special und uj chicken feep use only three level tea- spoonfuls for five cups prose tea good tea sold only in scaled packages give our calf meal a trial domes i oats tttej best canada food board license no so robert noble limited henry awrey manaoer i j e celee vers dook binder quebec st east quslph ont books and magazines bound tn handsome and substantial cavers names lettered in gold on bibles hymn books and other books all work promptly executed what a bill op fare 1 a wrtter to the now tork herald suggests to those who begrudge dog hut scraps often only tho waste from tbo family table that thsyo slder tho expense of such a menu this provided dally for tho now york zoo livery day says on article before mo a wagon takes over to the xoo a big assarted load of frwsh vegetables and fruit piled on top are tho boxes containing the days supply of chlckons ouinea pigs rats mice and other choloo bits are kept on hand with 060 or 700 pounds of beef 100 pounds of flab and 260 loaves of bread in the list of food products every year raised on tho farm and fod to ilio great army of animals and bird board ers housed in the park may bo men tioned s 000 chickens over a thousand rabbits and guineas d00 barrels of beets i 300 barrels of carrots 6 000 dars of corn etc it will prevent ulceratsd throats at tlio first symptoms of sore throat whldt presages ulceration and inflam mation take a spoonful of pr thomas lclectrlc oil add a little sugar to it tu make it palatable it will allay th irritation and prevent tho ulceration and gwolltnx that ore so phjnful thooo who are periodically subject to qulnoy havo thus mads themselves linmuui to uttack even horses benefiti who chrt doubt fhat national pro hibition will maun sn unaieakubl4 utnount of suffertng saved our domestic unlmatat many a deed of cruelty of tictjoct resuming starvation und evofi death has bean duo to drink punnib anlinala thousand of rnotrers can teat if v to th virtu of mother grave worm hx town ins tor bemuse they know from experience how useful it is toftrpcrftopayahlgh price for talc perlximed wlti an odor that cost thousands of dollars to produce would be natural but to be able to obtain such a superb perfume at a low price is a dellghtm surprise this surprise awaits you in the talc perfumed wjlh jontcel the new odor of twenty- alxhowers sold m guclph only at- mckees the nk druu store quclph ont achine shop fued blow machinist is moving to tho newlyarranged premises iho ross bowl ing alley an main street where he will be prepared to handle all repairs of machinery promptly and satisfactorily motor repairs a specialty having experience with all mokes of motors repairs will be efficiently txuutted vulcanizing tires having installed u vulcanizing outfit satisfactory repairs will be made to oukr cases as well as inner tubes this depart ment is managed by air d ross bring all your repairs here main street acton fred blow get right with your eyes oonsmcx- hotvfanportant a purf vision plays in your every moment of life do them justice see to it that no eyestrain remains uncorrected consult us we will tall you just what to do it is the knowledge back of our service that makes tnls cstanllsb- ment a hafe place to obtain eye glasses or spectacles wt ohnd our own lens d alex niven ontario land surveyor and civil engineer surveys subdivisions plans ha ports descriptions blueprints etc jcertlflcaten for purchasers and mortgagees surveys foe architects builders and municipal councils xraunabheporta est mates etc mo lean building douglaa st quelpix phono 1064 oni you just try nr for that indigestion get your organs of di gestion assimilation and elimination working in harmony and watch your troublo disappear nr does it or money bock ono days test proves nr best the ntomacli only partly dlgcatn tho food wo eat tho irocj is imuhcd in tho intestines when tho food is mixed with bllo from tho liver it munt bo plain to any eenalblo pr- mr ho lb roollrea nn that tho f rn 1 bowels mum work jyllr tt oublcagjafcj coma aa not entinj- nluitwrh in harmony it diji all am to bo ai mod ir c rhls fuft also o lal surforura frunt lndlitintlu uffor more or ilss from linaii- nclios blliouoncaa and conatipa if you aro ono of tho many fbrtunnto ikraons who cannot eftt without sikturlng alterwtird if you aro oonatllmitrd havo bilious spells hoailnrhca coulnd tungiio bod breath aria bio nppetltn ore utirvoua ihmng energy and foot vour honllji allpping away take thl ojvlco mil get ii box of natures ftamady nit lableta right today and aurt taklug il give u a trial for a week or twi kj hassaud mil juat ecu how much hotter you fod tioo h iw quickly your aiuimuu bowola will ikmuino tu rrjtulftr as clot ic wurk huw your coalad tongue fin ips up 1u d uur cihui old tlmo aor ura j uur opipmiiiljr llu at unj how your rgy i and glncor rovlvo twt try il iou tnko no rink whatovrr for nature homedy nu i ut iliu is only ta a ixx ciiuui h i 1 iity nvo days and it out bnnotlt you to ire satlufatiluo or money w tuntol vive tnllllun imjiia are uaod jroar one ml hon nil touloto y uittng poonlii ovfery dt- tfia hnt prthf of its mnrltl dont apougizudont titt to exilain own a bell canadas best tho just aa uood is not as good ilest piualclaim prefer and ln- olst on tho lloll so should you write fox catalogue of now designs c w keuy son ouclph ont ttoy hindley auctioneer lxve btocfc rjial kstat1- and mljtcliandlsfc conaolidated phono erin 4t 1 1 r r 3 acton blat lakon that a nature sufuat ihlnir you can mo for liluuutt- n una conathuitlmi indlgtatlou and similar complaints it la ojl pur- antocd oud reoommsoded by your druggist acton ont real estate if you havo a house for sale if you want to buy a- house in acton ask r j kerr auotlonmr and rl eatal dw w pjionb ii younq 8tbbct acton ont grand trunk the double track route bctwlin montreal toronto detroit chicago unexcelled dining tax eorvlca bleeping cars on night trains and larlor cars on principal day traltui iull information from any qmnd trunk ticket ugoiit or c 1- horning district iunauimef atint toronto h s holmjea aficnt acton ont phons 13 tbo old and reliable granite and marble dealers wo aro manufacturer and dlrtt imikirtors of all kinds of monumental and lloodstuno work wo sell direct to our customers at wholonala prioea thus navink our cuntomtrs 0 per oonl wo have the best apphamo and tho enty mealianlcs in hid dominion who can operate pneumatic touu itropcrly we can give referencta rixtui jiundreda of our customvra in lortnto und other places where athor huvu to tiavo law suits in ortur to collmt wo havo tho largest and best stuck uf clranha in tho dominion or more than any three dealers in the west wo are legiti mate dealers and employ no agunts and do not annoy or pest customers by sending put ignorant agents aoltrlt 1h orders wo employ only mochimr- nd defy comuautiou hamilton sons cor norwleb wootwioh bu qualph w rit v x-

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