Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 20, 1919, p. 4

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i 1 artott 3t jprroia thujcilday maitcii 0 plo clear the wav men of ihriujht bo up anil nllrring nluht niitl day how tlm need withdraw the curtain mon clmr hie ui cm hon aid nn an may i tlicrortiv taunt about to stream there u a n nlxjut to brum lhfia wnrrnth about to ilmv tliero n ii uowir alwiul to blow theres tnlduit lit hlnrltncus liutklnk into iay mm or thoui hi lyni mon of notion ci jr thn wayl onm tho v it i win ill n i lit lit has broken what din iiiiliiuu hud nlurlca or th i iivyt whnl tlio evil thut shall perish in its ray ld tlm dawnlnr tongue und pen aid it hop i of huniuit mm alii it pupnr nii it typo aid it fur tho hour in ripe and our earnest munt nut slacken into pliy men of tlioiuiu niitl mm of action clear tho way lol a oloud u about to vanish i rom tho day and atjracn wronjt to crumblo into cljy lot tho rights ubout to conquer clour tho way with tho lughl ohall many more icnler smiling at tho door with tho riant wrong nliall fall many others great ana small that for ages long have hold tin for their prey mon of thourcht and men of action clear tho way charlca mac kay the om man of the big clock towek defobe she knew a young lady catchinjr sight of an old friend in a crowded storo tnaio her way luuitlly through tho throne to whom tho kdy stood in her eagerness nho accidentally brushed against a mall girl who won standing clone boido tho friend evidently desirous of avoiding u separation in tho con fusion tho young lady a top pod and bent to tho child with a courteous plcasa pardon my awkwardnean my door and tho next moment discov ering that tho llttlo ono woa clinging to her friends iiand she exclaimed in urpriao oh it la your littlo neighbor of whom you have told mo judgo hartloys lutlo daughter i am a glad ot tho opportunity to meet hcrl afr a short talk tho two friends separated und tho small girl naid to tho ono under whooo euro she waa making tho tour of tho biff store isnt iho beautiful and nho wan just fta polite to me is if i wtro a growni lady why of ouro oho would bo pollta to ou dear knowing of your father aho docs and thai you aro a particular m friend of wy own too and than you aro a fine courteous littlo girl your- if but oho spake that way before oho know who i wan insisted tho child it would havo been tho oamo if i had boon any other illtlo girl then after a thoughtful moment i mean to bo junt liko her when i am a crown- up lady bo all tho littlo girls will lovo mo drainage lessens the likeli hood of damage caused by heaving tho heavtnjr of plant roota which k disastrously affects clover and al falfa crope la caused by tho presence of an excess of water in tho soil freezing water inevitably expands n ipaw po lo wim rr bursts tho most oolld rock aaundor jx tho anil la full of water it cannot oxpand either downwards or sldewlsc soil crops everything heaves aa a result provided tho soil lo a olooe textured ono and largo poro spaces affom no safety valvo in tho spring when tho lea molts tho noil settles back faster than do tho roots no that tho plants are left heaved out of tho ground this often breaks tho roots and kills tho plant now tho water doca not stand near tho surface- of well drain ed place and consooucntly litto or no heavinff occurs its granular con dition also gives tho coil a springy reals tan t power enabling it to absorb lo toko up as it wiro tho expansion of tho ico without itself actually rlalmr to any marked extent- no soil heav- whoro drains work well and aro lntd bw f rwh tearing cmr tar6ptaa deeop enouuh to keep tho water level down near tho frost lino vermont isxperimental btauon tjua clock lower is a fine pluco in which to think and dream and ob liorve jt often ntrlkca nio wlion i peo pcoplq pnui curb other on tho street wlm know curb other woll and with a frocxlmr nod jo by how much pli nuiilir iwnuld be if they took time for a rliecry wonl of prcotlnii and a omllo wouldn t it bo better for all of ua if wed ntart our umllo early in tho morn- inet and work it overtime that it what mnliui a town ffreat and rnnkei people iitlck when they como its the nlnd toucoynu nnd hopeyou ii- ntny ulffiin wo havo out that catch people vlncjar novor catenas files wo all know that for grandmother told un 1 lies havo sense and nro cunning like folks for you have to put in tho sweet dopo a whole lot tn catch them you dont havo to tantrlefoot a man tlioush just cot that glad hand out na a i toco ration commlttoo ktvo him a slap on tho shoulder when ha loaves and he u not only tick to acton but ho may build a houso and raise a family of voters to holp keep tho old town coins its tho good things you say and littlo deeds you do thrt take root of make s roan want to live neighbor w you think thla over anyway tho past wock i havo boon watchlno ur cltleens tlptoclno around throuirn tho slush occasioned by tho biff nnow jail of a week or so aco i havo heard remarks on how slushy tho walking was nnd i havo boon down out of tho tower and strollinc around our fair town n bit i also rocall havinff been in other towns of tho alio of ours nt like aeoaons and of bolnff in tho city about this time of year but i do not recall any town or street in tho city under like conditions where tho walk inir on tho whole waa as rood as our own town dont mlatako mo n am blvinff credit where it is duo fool justly proud of tho conditions of tho strcota durtrm tho spring and through the year truo wo havo a few places ouch as in front of tho baptist church tho ftum pmssa omco and at williams ajioo store wit era tho road is higher than tho street and uio water connoiuontly hacks up and runs over tho sidewalk but to bo fair havo any of you over been in a town whero you could walk oriund in npringtimp with out rubbers i havail and lot mo tell you i havo been to georgetown milton aienwllllams ind lots of other placoa and tho boot and shoo merchants do just aa big a trado in rubbcro there aa they do hero our streets aro slushy but were not 1 nlf as bad off an most mice therr- li nun ftl yny llfp thqt discovering himself every explorer meats surprises columbus started out to find a western route to tho llast indies and bo liund a now world in socking tho nourccs of rtvers explorer havo stumbled upon soma of natures secrets mineral w64hhintho earth tvnitingonly stronr hand to claim it and in elfexploration thero aro ilka sur prises most of us know ourselves along tho coasl so to apeak of tho country further inland of its wealtii of fertility wo havo but tho vaguest idoaa moat people go through ufo without realising half of their own poaaibllitoa without nppiopriating moro than a small fraction of tholr inward wealth we sonutlmis aro purplexed to undcmtajid iho jnotivca which lead a tntu to leave tho coraferta of hia homo to go lu search of th norut ioio o- to wonder through african swamps but it is n a puzrlo to oeo why vcry one should b lntcrcsttd lu solf-dli- covery tho imjrploxlng thing is that bo many aro satlanad to live on utu outskirts of their own nutans warta nnj disfigurements that dis appear when treated with iiouoway3 corn cure 9hlflkjnjte8pow8jbtuxy the road in eiui to accept and dis charge responsibilities is tho toot of manhood and womanhood there un somo young people who and themoehes of such overweening importance that they fortet till nbouc tin ir repountblil ties to othin rather und motliir may bo having a lianl time nnanclalli but the outi uwoy homo neods all hi can earn to put himself ahoud and thousands of other young poo pi a atixi tho needs of all about them rcallxu the demand for workers lu every 11 no if uplift and yot koop on da voting their a attention to their own affairs fielutthnesa like this roveuln u fund omental lack tho p uplo who taku no rcapunsittllity for any of tho worl 1 bolt themselves full abort of the iulrtuicntu uf mil iiinntlnuoa ricm parents not neceboary rr a boys uolbuion lsto iki a ccaoful muii uawvurfulra ft would uusm that h would do well to brm by soloctlng pur on tii lu iry modcrutit rli uimjtuuo4 1 or boa m iguxlnu ahowr that omohg llfly numbly nuccaotut americans only nliiu hud rl h par ents sovontioi hud puronts in uiod- eratu oircumwuuitvo whllo tho parents of twenty four aro i lusscil as poor among those whose piirouta wore rich aro j oftden armour cyrus ji mrcorralik j i mt rgan untl cor- nsllus vaiuierbut fliiku wiuiso foru- boars wrro l pooi tncludti andro cn ncgle tlio nut it a imiisoh henry lrd john l itoikefoucr cluirles m tfehwab and it w wuolworth will always bo sorry for if i hud thought that six people in acton would reud whut i might havo boon writing for years i would havo started long ago im not getting a bump on rny- oelf im too old for that but it just sort of tlcklca mo to think that aomo peoplo will read this column and tho funniest thing about it all la that tho week i told you about my dream i just aocmid to drop from tho clouds right tho limelight queer what a follow u dream isnt u7 one difficulty i havo been experiencing is that i hayo to bo mighty particular just whut i say i havo boon accused of insulting tho government by tho remarks i pass ed about tho flogs on tho post office and town hall ofew weeks ago was i half as insulting aa any ono wan who ho la ted that romnunt and called it a fhurt but whafotlnrtiao tin going right on writing regardless of opinion i dont givo a continental for tho man who darent open his mouth on matters of public interest and deep down in your heart neither do you i havo just finished looking over for iho second time that periodical which gives mo a voice tho iraai passs joct toll you thero la ono organisation i do like that is tho junior lode tho first organisation to go a step better tluui anything i oven s th0nf know wfio tho membern aro and dont know as i am suro what tbo initials stand for but thoy suro suit me i m rather childish about such things on old roans raivllogo and when i see somo ono who ajjrecs with my views that tho town needs a pew flag it just naturally makeu mo fool goad 811 over i have not found out much money tho shamrock tea fdrnlshed for tho enterprise but i hope it was sufficient tor an everlasting iron clad flag so that i wont havo to men tion it again the old man demonstrating your ability for something better if you consider tho work you aro doing beneath you do it tto pro-omi- ently well that other peoplo will come to tho same conclusion to slight your work to do it in a half hearted indifferent fashion is a very poor way of getting promotion no ono is llkejy to bo kept long tn tho placo for which ho has proved himself joo big tjlcr is too gnat a demand for highgrade workers fur any yno to be allowed lo waste himself on inferior work after onco ho hua demonstrated his capacity for something better this makes drssthlno easy tho con trh tlotis of tlio air panuugui and the triiefal for hnuth too fantlllur ovtd nre of npuimutlc trouble cuuut t daunt d kolloggo asthma itcniody tho ruinous ritncdy which la known far mid wldo for its complete tnrtlvrncss even under very seven conditions it is no untried import muittul preparation but ono with many yturs of strong jnorvlio behind it but it from your nearest doalor quality and quantity of seeds low jlema or failure in obtaining sutisruttury niturtui front fertilisers aro directly trurablo mora often to poor cpiullty of od which tho fanner uses than tn tmd wtutlui yii use hlghprimd luntl glu it tin preparation us plmty of high priced firtuu nut if you p pwrinmliy flood itsanfluttb amiot 1 the great west again were tho gonpol prlvlkriu flm lireut wrut dispensed with an rlrll nn ndhirnrn to dc uinlnuti mnllnm au hi iho oil ihii boillfn hi tl a east a nil iiuiivih r of nctuementii would inv ti l o ulthunt anything like regtilnr oil vlcfs hut two mcthodn nro tnpl- by onn of which in largo uuiulx ra or incalitl i tin difficulty la oyorcotno oui in tbo union church n herein mclhollit nnd ireabytrrlnn aillurenui umtiiiic fori m and ho 1 iicrvlcn in tho most comminlloi rdlllco no matter lo which lody it foancrly hclongfd 1 hu minister la engaged by special iu und agroament and liven in tho tnont null bio innnuo or paruoungo as tho cuno may bo tlio arrangement hnn littlo of tho broad connexionnl fenturen nl ugh iho minister la renponniblo to hia original denomination an to char acter and conduct and missionary con trlbutlous aro devoted oi ally or pro rata i other plan lu tiio wopi ration system whereby tho people of u coin y or uot of communltlu nro ground without regard to former ojn- llutlonn and uro placed under uio charge of a minister who conducts tho work as under his own denominational au thoritlca these aro often chargcu or circultn in alternate blocks by thin means thoro in moro direct con tact with tho great connoxional life of tho churches and will ultimately ho easier merged into tho great union which of courst in bound to como tho latter is tho system in vogun in thla part of tho vast iiralrlo land where i am spending a ploanant winter itav mr brown mlnutcm to u net of appointments it ovory tun of which are u comb 1ml ion of dcnominutlona but working together and approclatuo of tho work dono for them were thoy rigidly adhering to tho old utylo of management ministers would havo vast distances to travel to havo onoufilt people for a charge and in each placo so few that- enthusiasm or working interest would bo very low tho oplondld bed croon movement finds some of its moot earnest und diligent workers amongst theso acat- tered western hamlets womon havo been busy knitting and sawing not withstanding many homo responsibili ties whllo church ladles aids and womens iuniltutcs do vised mianu of increasing the outputs of this great benovolence i was present at a largo houso party dinner given in a farm residence aa commodious and woll- equlpped as perhaps any i over entered in ontario the voluntary contributions being given to tho red cross peoplo drovo distances of t eight or ten miles sixty seven adults woro present and all but perhaps a doxon were seated at tho first serving a programm followed conducted by a young lady of tho homo and ono of tho items was a reading from dickens by the vencr able mother sixtyseven yearn of age tho family took up land among tho very first coming from near drumbo ont politics ore not a dead lnauo among western farmer but tho old parllcn will have aomo altering of principles or practice if thoy aro going to hold tho western vote a gifted speaker como to a local tl x a centre whom i heard expostulating on tho merit of tho nonpartlsan league anil what ever may be tlio outcomfo when it oomca to a voting showdown he awak onod an tmrocnuo amount of enthusi asm and subsequent commendation as he allowed in substance that as far aa tho farmers aro concerned tho only difforenco between orit nnd tory is that when ono is in tho other is out no doubt farmers aro very restless hero at the enormous prices thoy havo to pay for necessities owing to tariff regulations jo coleman parnnnncc new brlirden ail i had a triend piui l hid ally uuullful l ml tluit pulii loy it ill i of t injur cj eynuuuiyu llli j to vii lt ui ruimalo in om nolvt what to all wo meet but let it irtj only tho few tlm fliolen mil n who come close to our lilartu aliurinc our deepest thoiriiti ami inmuu fivllturo i uti ring i in th hur a lncttiiry of our llvra on irxt frii mi hi ho who said o nri my frli nd it o do whritso- over it it i u j uu llild friend will mal o un lod und true in eternity wo nliall know thn friend i wo havo uo lovid in rt 1 rlondahlps in clirjiitaro forovcr thoue lljit llvo in tho lord never oeo rut h ot ir for tlm last lime brloctld a pill for ail sesienswinter and ntiinnur in any latitude whathcr n torrh znnu or arctic lenui rature iar- rnrleou vokctnblij pllln tan ba tloptiud- td upon to do tlitir work thn ilyspcp tir will find them a friend always and iilioilui c irry jjicnt with lilm cvefy- when liny uro mudo to wlthtitand any climate und iir warranted to keril their fruhntui und tn ngth thoy d not pruw itule a qii illty not poaiteiucd in many pills now on the market rlal llecneation i h4 rp rnition wjlt h leaven you uhil unlit for tin n xt day n work haul 1 he ivoldul i itlur it linn been en1 in r uii thn wioni mirt itn re itiou in aiiirunuhii mcr you know ot uiuniii in or lm iklnj down a i nod in fllliy wtirlnein in not lijirtloimhic many a irl innkrt homo o tjiid from n tutu walk or au uft r- uon of iikntlni thui din imln it nnm nrj to itiaki it vrry irly atari for oil and fulln antii i aliuoit an noun in r ik id totiihoi tho lllnw llut by loinlni lu lu at rt nnd rmtod uni rr in i ml urtn iiili kl ilir m nun of itlii lui iiiimd pioelu unit thi 1 1 re itlnn of tl ti previiiu1 orthi tho ii m ghilb mirst grow a child cannot choose its period of growth nature attends to this with laws wellnigh inalterable a child of retarded growth or feeble vitality needs and should have help to promote healthful growth railway time tables 11 hill id i tin id at j oil du lu r foi doll r in hulmii up in iti hci k that uort liahw at ii no i hi nhoitll bo i tliuett whit h nntlt work or for hrli inlun lu tho home r in plmty of rial nl re ii itlon wliirli i of tnirit c duwn nid leavo tho rejij the indications of worms nre rest lessness grinding of tho teeth picking of tho nose extreme peevishness often convulsions under tlicao conditions tho best remedy tliut can bo got is millers worm powders they will attack as soon as administered and will grind them into atoms that pans away in tho evacuations tho llttlo nuffircr will bo immediately ouatd and return of tho attack will not bo likely scents of justice a gentleman visiting a jail noticed u ilored man of his acquaintance whom ho had never known to be guilty of wrongdoing i i whyjim what are you hero fart he asked don t know nuh replied tho negro well what have you been doing nothin tall suh nothin tall what made em put you in hero then well doy irex boss i wua sent up fur fragrancy upplncotts gunny sacks handy jn get- ting auto out of mud tlio statement comcu to uo that an tolut lias found thut when ho la a comiiuniod on a trip by gunny sackii f olil id into a compartment of tho car ho cm fil ho it insured in a measure nt liiiul getting ntuck in tho mud holts tlio fdllowliij la tho way tlio gunny l lclcn aro ucd whon ho jtrlken it muddy upot in tho road where tin re lo danger of lyclnr mired by tho repeated nllpplnj of the drivlnr wlieoln ho makes use of iho iitkit they uro folded lengthwiti und lal 1 dlnctly in front of uio driving whcela thl i lives tho ncceacary trae tion uni uie cur soon draws itself out of tho mud tho aacka are recovered if tho probabllityls that tiiey will oooi bo need ajaln and hiy be washed at a near by pump or stream if neccs- uary he was the oldest aeronaut m wilfrid do junt died waa thi tho world two remalni d famous 1 lulled a pi cord whole dnn ia tin id complegne nvlollo who haii idest aeronaut in bin ascents have u lhia ho estub rt mainlng two ir between purls iso in company with onuton tutajndur ho made an other record of a different kind by eoerlnj n distance of ninety kilo meterj in the upuci of thlrtyllvo mln utes horn on july 26 1s2g ho waa jlmirouililn ulii eightyeighth blrth- a nervous breakdown miss kelly telia how lydia el pinkham vegetablo compound restored her health a cat as life saver a story went the rounds of tho press recently about a cat in boston which had saved the uvea by its mowings of two elderly women in a room into which gas from a broken street main was escaping we sent an officer of tho society to boo how much of tho ctory wua truth and tow much ilction was found that tho reporters had not ten told tho whole atory tho cat called sport had roused ono of the sleeping women not only by llu load mowtngtrrirhy puillns aitho oeil- clothe jsport deserves a modal even if ho mado hlu outcry only because of uie strange odor of tho gas our dumb animals newark n j for aboat throo yearn 1 buffered from nervona break- down arid pot so weak i coukt hardly land and hatlbead- ochefl every day i tried everytitinff i could think of tffcd was under a phy sicians care for two years a fiirl friend nod used lydia e plukhnmfl vexe- tablo compound and sho told ma aboat it from the lint day itoolc itl began to feel better and now i am well and able to do most any kind of work i have been recom mending the com- potmrl over ilnco and erlvo yoa my per- mtasion to publlah this letter libs vuo kelly 47g so lth st newark nj the reason this f amoos root and herb remedy lydia li pmkbaraa vecotablo compound was so successful in alia kellys coie was becasso it went to the root of ber troublo restored her to a normal healthy condition and as a result her nervousness disappeared the easy way it la ofin tunlrr lo ii t your pwn way by uudorhind methods than by thine which nro utrikht forward somi time i ilntti n is tltictlvo where rumlo ftlln a rick rnuy nccuro endj whlth li cerlty fnlhi to gain tact in imimirta i but only as nn atljurrt to lctl ij i tli t urn opt n and ahiivcboartl tho ptdi c who jo tlirough lifo with tie iijiiiiinptlnn thtt ivciy ono neotls to bo handled that r ijolery and clevcr- m an nrn of the unit importance in i ottlnr ui with ewii n fellows nro making a tremendous mistake tact is not trlt kery it la nut nccrauary to llattrr your frit nils and humor their j t eveakncjiii in order ur get re sults i lattery is tho peoplo cluiorto it ublu than din t muliuil wllli ti other h lo i liii ftoquenlly impli i your wny la belli eauy counji loxy be ihiuxd it lu lean ttiena nnd sincerity lt wheedling i you your way than plotting ttiat but uuicesn thus luliicd ueuruit be in uio nut uro of tin case l1vo any one any especial satis fullion abundant in nourishing substances that promote growth and strength is invaluable in its help to a growing child scotts helps a child over the weak places scotf o helps a backward child develop naturally ooottothovm toronto ont uru ewoid coughj and coughertf 30 doorfstops coughs wajf tws rott crnidften you can start on monday at the guelph business college guelph ont and receive individual instruo tion in thonti uubjecia neceanary for a thorough bimincmi training auk tlio business man about our courooiv ho know n tho ro make arrangements to- day a l- qouck principal when you need shoes at any time buy fkom 4 w williams mill street acton zp famous for satisfactory footwear reasonable prices for all fpirdi uncd textbook it tells you study it before yu commence your scaoaa work fr for nil poultry lecepe book that tells you what and where to get it write lor it hang it in a htndy of infinite vahio a a ready reference dominion seeds limited london canada 1 at acton qnn d trunk railway oyatam going wsat no 20 h 11 a m no 31 10 10 n ui no 33 z9 p in no ibs cd1 pm no 07 a 12 p m doing cst no 28 0 21 a m no 82 3 21 p in no air ii m no 38 h 12 1 m uundny iralua piuui throiirli acton froliik went at 10 10 a m a d cast at 7 00 p in toronto suburban cloetrlo railway your money is safe in wsawigs stamps buy now for 402 sell 1st day of 1924 for 500 government security your yfss can borclatcred to oecuro you ahalnst iocs by theft fire or otherwise sold where you thrift stamps coat 25 cents each sixteen on ft thrift card represent 400 in the purchase of a war- savings stamp west end meat market mcenery evans choice cuta of meat beet pqkk lamb veal may be had every uay at reasonable prices lard shortening sausage butler and egs always in stock courteous attention prompt delivery satisfied customers mcenery evans acton ontario license no 0 452 main street nmy obtain tho ontario arlcultur il college has founil as n sveniffo of 18 onro test thst wtwiro lorifr plump wheat sol are used nearly tf huslisls of whent were hnrvistoel per ucro whore small plump wheat was use n little over 4q bushels is harvested per acre shrunk en ecrtl iii huahsui hrolenu fod a bunhelu jrr oi r irtlilsorn will give ikst rjults when suitable varieties- ot orops ere useel ajo especially when ott of first ausjity is plantsd for 25 years the best n without premiums and science today knows of no way of making a better house- j hold soap comfort is always the best and the biggest bar for the money that is why its sales are greater than those of any other soap in canada and still growing jlialljiishtll m cxuallsizi pugsley dingman co limited toronto ont zrzrxrc2cjzr golno west 0 17 a m daily except fhmitay 3 32 p m dally cxi i pt hunday 8 os p m dally exrept sunday 11 02 a m hunday only 0 3j p m uunday only going coat 7 48 a m daily except bunday 3 02 pm dally except hunday 8 pm daily oxropt hunday 0 r8 om liunday only 5pdi hunday only frctqht and express jxpresn arricd on all cars lrcisht dellvnred dnily by upcclnl extprcss frol lxpresn or imipht picked up at any address in toronto o le aqnlw agent acton all kinds qf poultry wanted alivi3 qk dill43id j qee0e turkeys fowl and chickens newlaid eggs hides and tallow farmero tiavtnb poultry f ooll wo advlso them to call on us for quotations r milligan corner young and mill sts acton or to p o dox 341 slfiraslnrjg erjchiictostwir 7t0rowo onada acton creamery bring your cream to us wo will givo ou tho iligh- cst markel price for butler fat acton creamery willow streel acton uptodate goods at c c speights silverware in tablcware fino variety also fmc cutlery hardware tinware and granite- ware big assortment pandora stoves mid ranges famou3 heaters small stoves oil stoves every article is of excep tional value c c speight mill street acton acton bakery m edwards co canada tood hoard llcou mill stneet io no c oia acton to fucilltuta the hundliug of tho produlti of our bakery anil to make it more conveni ent for our customers wo havo ccurtd the hop next to wiles confectionery where bupplies of our white bread brown bread tea biscuits cakes buns and scones may always bo secured wedding caucs a specialty dttyards co acton ontario v il kvi

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