Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 20, 1919, p. 5

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ii mnrrliigra and deaths nro liitrgid f r it ths rollowl lurthri 4c marrlagon co n munorlal carxla co 10c marhied wltkgi i vwhiih wai hit at the re ul km r th brllni futhor nol iion i wi ihlp i n w inendny march ll 1d1 iiy lt v a 12 marshall mill in s unfit wrilgcaworth urn ir i tm wrlgglenworlh ox war- lien hull it otitity to corn pilar i vul ili iimililir i f i olor hartley cjkajf am diro u tin homo of his nephew 1 i in htroct arton on i h 14 ldlfi john araliam year ijr arton 3tee xsbb tjiuuhday march 20 1010 brief local items tho duju uro growing noticeably oqpninoc thu unil ltll i om to iiiowiur r i n tliolr lllttc tin y hlowurt i fir mnrgun l mi b rlty tin t tlil oommin ii mi i mrji htniiln a who huvo ion olil daughter mn marriage wiin ml llwil in till mr jilii who luii b hoi i f li man tovoll mr a oi i purchase- nhorthoru at isvcrton mr i toy ii in llo rlatlnr horns on uio lli at mil wit at orllllu oin t puro broil short rockwooo of ul getting 1 utiy nulnr makers arc now itucn ittxaa advertise o wortli it wednesday afternoon aha read the montn they i tho hydro by law wan carried on saturday mil burlington is hafipy does j our lacn pncsa address label uay your uubacrlption is aid upt hcurui of tho world at wonder land nc evening tho wise uhoppor koepa q cy 00 uo udvcrtbicmenls tlieso days rail lnjr prlceu in tho rule burlington citizens hold a meeting last week to consider organ lxlne a ilortlcullurul society rov j c wluon n a wti at gait on tuesday attending a meeting of quolph pnvibytery vmr il mckcchnle shipped a car of potat y a on monday the pries paid i tho srowiru hero wan bo per baff tho merchants rank hint installed a scries of imfoty depoafe boxen uirir vault for tho use of the public tho wot kly meeting of tho kins orderlies v 111 bo hold at the home of mr herbert hwltxor on priday evening tho hjk i do busy coca guild will pro v j do thu programme at tho knox church cull 1 meeting next monday fvonjnit mr joa a tn6ll of guclph has generoualy paid off the mortgage ln- dcbuxlncuu of dublin stroet mothodhtt churcli j2 70 00 mr a fa porotcr o the oakvlllo star ban been appointed commissioner tor halton 1tcl house of xtexucs by tho county councll itov ix v maunooll m a of bt alban it churcli proacboj nt the ion ten ecrvlco in st james church guclpb htst itlday cvcnlnc mloa mna m iesilo of pimllnch haa been appointed ujj teacher of iofiii bchool to succeed mlas itarriaon after uio haatcr holldaya there la much talk of tho orcanl- xatlon of n horticultural society in town and no hopo to ace it materialise goorirotottn herald everybody will want to see grif fith j moutcrpltcc 1 1 carta of the world whlrh took eighteen montha in the maklae at wonderland next vojnoo er hov mr mjtutauoll ftctor john a churui 1 provini- hlmuolf ciiiilo podpiilrlau thdio dayii ho walka from arton fur tho afternoon uirvlin 0 and then back to thu itadlul ltoad to return liorn thlii entalla a walk of n in j mllou curb huiuluy ihlu la fjly nniplo avldonco of hla earnest intorcot in tho aro of tho pariah the jiroupfcui urn now ha id to bo hrlfilit for tho aocurlnu of both oil and iaa in tho oil wall area which la bolmr ezploltod hero ho promlslnir arn the lndlcatlsnu from tho well now cliiir drilled thut uovorul more uro likely to be atarted at onco tho hoed i air lajit wook wan ratbor dlaappolntlni tho uttondauco of vlal- torn waa uood but tho exhlblta worn meagre thin waa uio ilrat aoed fair under tho auaplccs of tho agricultural eocloty mln ctli il aibbt na craduato nuroo haa returnod to toronto to riuumo tho dutlca of her profesiilon wonderland a fniday march 21 stella maris willi mury i id f ml mi i u lit v miiedy oatunoay march 22 jullim i itini tin fi initio itn in raciuatnr in j h widow u mil ht an oplnodo it lirltaltin iliilwarkii ffrniil onit tw hoitnh tenderfiot tucoday mahcm 23 m infiln i a lu ton pu tnro 1 plnodo c of a i ifjit foimll llonu r l gregory coau for prompt deuvcny ny f ii k ry ncici nit eftln mr and mni hbrrlock have takoij p roaldenco in guelph mm joa italrd haa purchiined tho reeddonco known aa tho ulbly houuo on contra btrett from mr jau lontf tho women a imilituta of ulluiburff inounco a play tho dual of uio earth to be given on march 37 mra i overland hun boon vial tin k her on lome at toronto mr j davla luiu boon at gcotro towa attrndlnc the funeral of her ulolcr urn bnyder itov il h bcott ipft thuruday lout for clifton hprinca n y mian iz otllvlo toronto haa boi n vlalunff with mr and mrs j lindsay 7th4ino mr ii muidoili hajt rr turned to town atln after pndlni tho winter in toronto and lo at hla old homo here capt and iro sanijcrii and mm kee of buffalo n y have boon hero on a vlnlt to their father mr j gaw throp mr noll ucklnnon aold alx hornet at uio registered oaln in toronto lout woek and purchased one ho alao bold one io mr iloberl kerr of aetoifc last wook advocate- tho itov joseph rogers has been appointed rector of tho anglican par ish of morvat fa to wart town and horn by ho mm hui homo at norval zio has been an army padre tho muaionary committee of the epworui lcoruo presented a most 1m preaalvo cxcrclno allowing the duty of the churcli to tho foreigner in cajuida nt their meung an monday evenlni oood mornliiff i if you are a ntxunfier or a nowcomer to acton uio ftixs ihc3j will be delighted to havo your name an our llatn and aupply you every wools with tho local news of intoroat communion scrvlcca will bo hold at knox church next bunday rnornlnn preparatory ncrvlcea will be held on prlday afternoon at three o clock when hev john little of hocxwood will preacn borne motor earn are still runnlrur wlui 1018 mnrkiru and without rear llchta if uiclr owners are faced with the provuilorui of tho motor vehicles act in court they will feel very much qkkricvetl durllngton tho town liaa an ovcnlraft from hint years operatlotrt which uomo clilm to be igodo and ouicrn an hfth as ju 000 mr itobcrt johnnton pino cove celebrated hla soth birthday on wod nesday laat when a number of hid nephown and nlccoo from toronto hamilton buffao and bt thomau sathercd at tho family real d onco in honor of uu occaulon tho mlsaea laura poachcy and graco dear of itochcator n y luvvo boon apendlnir a week with their aunt mn hayes brant street mr and mm it icorna rccclvod telcfram on tuciditv from pnclnnil tho dlrcetora of oakvllls tnlr have preacntod arthur h ionster edltm tho oakvlllo star vlth a handsome 14 juwolled cold watch suitably eneraved oa a token of appreciation of his ser vices an presldont of the oakvlllo fair the pics piuuis la able to tako core of all advcrtlulntf this week with uio usual four pio dhoet and givo read- era a fall volmnu of reading matter whenever tho rcadora columns nro in danger of bulitp one roach od upon extra puscn will bo inserted tlio ivlnc n orderlies spent a very plcnnant ivliiihi at tho homo of mr nnd mm n v mrura on lxlday nlhu it was an ovi nliifi of remlnbecenres by messrs it ii wuiisbroush walter lamb w h htiwart lunk kennedy and itrv i m ioyi r the hospitality of the liomo won lavish staunxr that their son pto wm 1c kcrna had died on sunday march at kiromol parx lbluid from i teatlnal trouble on itrldoy oftornoon a radial car struck an uutomobllo at tho i j rant house crooslnff ownod by mr ivecman- tbo cur won eomowbat damaged but fortunately tho occupants escaped injury ucul j d peart 11 ui canadian hallway troopa arrived at his homo tho homestead farm on monday ho la returning shortly to his former duucs an electrical engineer in kirk land lake mining district me 0 una of the directors of uio nelson and iiurllnbtan agricultural society was hold in uio local office of uio department of agriculture laat thuradoy cvcnlnff tho date ixod for uio holding of uio fair of 1919 will be thanksgiving day providing thanks- giving is celebrated about the usual umo qaxette clcaring auction sale fai1m otock and implcme ito t i clilnholm auctlonoor linu ro oelved instructions from j am co l nooo ii by public auction at bin farm lot 17 on tho 6th lino issucfllnr on friday march 0 1010 at 12 30 o clock sharp tbo followlur hoi tans matched team of p ch erona 4 and 6 yoara old a good ilr 1 bay mnro good wnrknr cattle itoan cow j yra din u time of aalo itoan cow 0 yra duo in august itoan cow 0 yrn due in aug ust red cow 0 yr duo in april itoan cow 0 yearn duo in april bonn cow s yeara duo in may itoan cow yrn duo in may whlto holfor 3 yra caif at foot 1 pure bred bull rising 2 yrn itoan hclfcr 2 yrn old in calf itoan holfor 2 yrn old in calf will to heifer 1 yr old ncd heifer 1 yr old 2 half era coming 1 yr 0 htcorn coming 1 yr 2 tat btoern 2 yrn old tho abovo hard aro oil number ono grado durhama and aro hard to beat for a dairy herd riqs soar with 10 youno plge- d woeka old haitnhss 1 pet team harness 1 set plow harness 1 set single- harness now 1 net single harness a number of homo collars hat and gnain boo bunh oato 200 bush barley quantity of tlmouiy and clover hay poultry about 20 barred hock pulletn implements 1 mosnoy harrln binder nearly now proat fi wood mower 6 fl cut mannny harrln disc harrow nearly now masncy warrls disc in good ahapo stool roller spring tooth cultivator bay tedder two fur row plow new two walking plows horao rake not need harrown 2 scuf fle rn set scalcn 2 000 tbn fanning mill with bagger nearly now home fork car rope and pulleys root pul- pcr magnet cream aepnrator lumbci wagoj nearly now with box hay rack iair bobsleighs pleasure alelgho now top buggy two seated buggy cutter new grnsa uccdor chum v4 share on oitcormlck corn binder i urnituitr 2 extenalon tallica 2 beds with springs aldo board couch parlor table happy thought cook terms 10 und undtr cash over that amount s montha credit on ap proved joint notes s per tont dls count for caah hay grain it faloon and poultry caah t f chisholm auctlonear argains this week wi itu mugir tth din for 1x0 lit wn hujar h ii i 1 00 i iftliut bum r id 3do i ih pimuti it 30o potation i ck klo h icliuyi hd tlulmon mn ill tin 20o ucidlcnn kai rlini i 1flo i riinuii 11 15c t omfort tlui 4 for 30c llib ii mlmo mc it i ck h 1co home baking on friday and oaturday mrs jennie mcdougall mill qtrcet acton ont nr p r o repairing co cleaning preaalng yoor clothes thorouehly cleaned in sanitary workshop pressed and repaired by expert workmen wo can make that old suit look like new try ua geo wallace guelph ontario 1rrr- nn s special in diry goods department farm for sale dy tender n the mitur of the estate or alx andor stlrrat lata of tho vlllags of glanwilllsms in the county of hal ton qsntlemsn deceased and in tha mstter of tho sala of weat half auction sale neighborhood new town and country items of interest from various locali ties covered by the fro press churchill mr john mclntyre of tho third line who suatulnud u broken leg through a kick from u young unlmal in tho ntabln i couple of wicku ago is gradu ally improving ilr ind 1i uuy la moving to acton thin wcuk ills teiuovul from hla nulihborhiid in inro ted chcwgono cornci1d thu w atlur tl paul i wo uunduys won vory iinfuvorublo and urr cted tho attouduih o ut tho hunduy uchool sr vlueu hi n mr oou it am mi jr van in owen hound hi u wili tt nillnj th funurul of an uii in thou mr i olo in in ivlnb to tho farm ho recent ly tubed at churchtll choice dairy cattle thcunderolgncd hail received in itructlonn from norman mcgreqpb to sell by public auction at lot 23 oth line kaaueatag near glenwllhums on tuesday april 1 1p1d at one o clock tho following cattli3 holsttjn cow calf at foot holsteln cow culf at foot hohjtulu cow calf at foot holstohi cw culf at foot ayrshire cow calf at fool ayrshire oow calf at foot holsteln com due akj uut 2c h lntin cow duo november j durlimu it w duo ccinbcr 1 ixuuteln ntf r- due time of sale hulstcli liulfi r duo lima oi sale hobucln he 1 for duo tlitio of aula holnteln helftr duo tlmu of kuip hoi stain cow duo tlitio of uilu bhick cow duo may 1 holsteln row duo hmu u salo holsteln low dun muy l jersey cow duo time of salo jurney cow milking 2 durham hi if era 2 yrs 2 durham otoorw yra kig huiauln bull no 30u0 u miui these uro an cxcuptlonally tine lot of comts nil young no ruservo going out of milk business piaa 9 pigs y montha 7 pigs months 9 pigs 4 montha ducioi imliati itunnor duckn i ducks ind 3 drukes tehm8 iiwl und uumu of 10 and under cash over that tvmuunt 7 mag credit on approved noteu d ier cont ivr i i mm n lor c u h gen etch auctioneer credit cattle sale lumber twenty two and the south half of tho west half of lot number twenty thieo in the eleventh concession of tho township of ci quosino in ths county of helton containing by admeasurement one hundred and fifty sores more or loss sealed tc micro uddrosscd to shllton wullbrldgo dale georgetown on tarlo solicitors for ernest y barra clough ooorgo winflild und lachlan grant tho ex ecu to ro of tho mid on tato and endorsed tender for put chauo of late alexander btlrrat farm will bo received at the ofllco in goorgotow i of the aald no helton until 12 o clock noon of tuesday the first day of april a d j919for tho purchase of tho eald abovo described lands iacli tender must bo accompanied by an accepted chequo on a chartered bank payable to tho order of the nald executors or their solicitors ouual to flvo per cenl of tho amount tender which chotjuo will bo returned if tender be not accepted nnd will bo forfeited if the person tendering falls to carry out tho purchaso of the nald farm when called upon to do bo the highest or any tender not nocca sartly accepted the said land will be sold subject to a lease which will expire in a year the said fann an above not out con tains one hundred ami tlfty acrcfl moic ir icao of ivhtch ono hundred areaaro llllod twenty flvo ncrea more in work able and balanco is bush and pasture there aro ono and ono half arrej in apples und smalt rult there urn two woua on thin farm and tho river credit runs through uie same on uio said land la trectod n larc liou ie con wining ntnr joomn aluo bath closets pantry woodshed an 1 good collar on the uald land is aloo erected al n at low bank barn i avlncr good lalllnr commt no rn ivnd jalvaiusd iron flu tern 1 bore lu also a alio root houae dtivo house an 1 workshop i or further plrtlculuru and camlj tjotia of sale apply to tho aald execu tors or the undoralgncd sollcltorn dated at ueorgotowii this ldtli day of march a ii ldio shilton walluhidgl 4 dale hollultors for tho nald mtuto notice to farmers 1 000 hind let hfiu und chick en ii want ml up to 25c a pound ami will utuo buy applt n all kinds of hldm and hktmi and second hand thingti and all kinds of junk br ugliv wo aro pnylnr highest cash prices pntronitu your neighbor mall or phono ordcrj will receive prompt otloiitlon alex gilboord box 281 acton ont phone 05 cornor church and willow 0t ijiuch hhit poplm mi njjphci wide tcru inr price 1 do on mile ut per yard si di white hnlmtni wohii sukfl 31 mchcj wide a jood wtannf ilk hxtrn ood vfllut ut per yard 5100 nnd 5125 lilcnchcd tnhlo dnrrmuk koffulnr 510 for 510 thi table damak has a rich mercerized llntah with a 12 inch border 72 inclilj widt good value at 1 50 per yard on flic at 120 double told wrnpncreites regular 50c for 40c if you arc looking for a rood quilting material tfiri is your phnpco j3 thii cloth i hi mchci wide in lorfll pat tenia and stripes a good heavy weight no drci3ing ca3y to qdilt kcgular price 50c on aalc at 40c unbleached sheeting 2 ynrtla wide regular price 70c for goc we have in stock 150 yards of thi3 sheeting in 2 yards wide only tine even thread regular price is 70c on sale at per yard coc blade tnjtatine underskirt regular 5150 for 4120 this okirt is extra good value at 1 50 wo have it m black only sizes 30 to 40 on flle at each 120 cndfl of glasa towelling at reduced prices about 200 cuds of check gifls3 towelling g to i inches wide every end marked with price and yards in plain figures drop m and look them over they arc cheap special ie the grocery department choice sccdlcss rni3in3 lb 15c choice stcded raisins package 17c icing sugar lb 13c granulated sugar aylmcr tomatoes tin dove corn tin tomato soup tin 5 iba for 100 18c 20c i 15c oranglu lemons bananas and candy at special prices clean hladquartinls for winding and rirtiiday prients boli rn lhil hllvn w ro knhifi i orkn an 1 ltp onu my rhlnn iimplrte ittortt viuu y ut ght we carry tho marriage li c enoch issued geo hynds f hritliii x si yonqs a charloi otrcats toronto hon ijupdht r oi trarhcrs it inal und promh t laat three yurl i rniploymc o o pilpmcnt and 1 fjviry claim i ujuiu of t e promptly do itou all year ngw lu u iipb mil write fir iutulouo w j elliott principal clearing auction sale in vahsagawi ya 0 m stock itnplemenu grain i irrnli hay bj 1 clvi conimission office for sale tun hn i su tch tl hiiorth rim ono tl sloik iid daliy cow tndo loxko b rka hhlliuro br 1 oxford flicond imnd circular haw with shaft and pulley wufitid cash and carry qrocery cash for produce chester plank main street acton ont nxt iviituiey bros lloo store 3b 2 ice cream parlor on huturiuy next i will rr pon the iio t rain i urlor wlih h haa been cloud durinj tle win ter usual ioixl mriki coooa dud8 ilotttr lb in mai lo bu lu u 10c b cheaper prico 60o piunut almond walnut ni buttruculiili 1 tlty hjuur 40 i 1 canut walnut and mi itij ular jttc 11 2so of too chcouitos for an line inr lb harold wiles canada food board licen no fl 13505 41tl street acton millinery openings ladies of acton and vicini ty arc invited to inspect our display of spring and sum mer puttern hats on friday and saturday march 11 and 15 misses cooper mill street acton t hinoleys list of bales m 2z ixwid joewn jwuiid 1 rin oltarln frame house for sale double house on church street fifteen rooms large lot pump and cisterns apply to starkman mill street acton spring term opens march 3 in shaws business schoola toronto and merges into hummer sessions from june 30 no compulsory vneauono free catalogue wrlto w il bhaw president clearing auction sale farm stock implements hey grain tho uiidcrabjned has received fn- bfrpcuono from hubert mann to sell by public aucuon at his form lot 28 con eafjucalng on tuesday march 25 at ono o clock aharp tho following houses grey horse 12 yrs and grey horse 12 yrs weigh 2 950 lbs bay msre a yra q p ood iff all hamcau carriage marc 5 yro- in foal p j crmv terra cbtta joseph mcbii to lias mild bis farm on tho tenth dim to j mcnally and bus purchased tho qu faiin near goorgotow u tho vi i thodlnt uu ilvirsary services and tlu iiuiuort tho following evening- wao u rat sin i tun luv mr hun- tilaett uf i ri 1 victor mlualon toronto willi tho irtaihir tho nnunclul re turns wcrd over jtfo 00 the olonwil- lnm utiulijiiiinillclt one inuslo ms tl lai ipi hu sold her grocery buarrioeo tul 1 cnilno she intends taking l trip to rnglaiul mr john btoken hr tuts been very ill tho past i k mr a hmltl tflriiinl vulloy visit- od frlo lils horo during tho week bradley a rush orfcr by auction at coilur vulo liunn georgetown on thuroday april 3 ifrlo 100 head cuttlo liurqui und ulieep milch cows ltcd uhurthorn cow duo april 14 boon blu rthurn cow t i od 1 ubruuryd hod bliorthorn cow ealf at al lo itoan shorthorn tow duo j turn lu u i shorthorn c w culf at nldo bud shorthorn cow suppoiu i to lm in calf hoan shorthorn cow duo auguat lv bed shorthorn cow duo tlm of halo bed hhorthorn cow ulf ut nlde hoi bhorthorn cow i ulf ut ldi t ho above uro u prown lot of extra flno cows 20 young stockcra and calves 10 feeders luglatcred uhorthnrit bull 1 jnon hh1213i 20 breeding uwen many with lambw nt side 1 lolccutor bom 3 yra a nno optrimoii holthkh- grand tatn of t lydo iliarcs both lu foal a uoir and re liable team for uuy fuiliur t iylt colt bay 3 yrs icijiihui colt j yrn tim abovi lot of ntoiu inula only to be 1 1 mime tod for you to am thuf uuullty tbrougtiout iu a ntroiiu fiuturt riio tonus or thin sale ari oxop tioually fuvoiublo to buy uio uw in my of the cuttlo offered uro abort koopo if drain d thkmh right months irrdlt on afprovetl nolua hlx pr n nt p r an num on for aali no bsasrvs i w a wilson den petch cleric aucuonuer i improved farms for sale possession tnjow r s700 down duys 100 acias mills i rom acton fil ucicd wi iltull buluneo i mtuii i ti 1 huuh ja u fall ploughed lulunco hi elu 1 noil uai y t iiovlly i mi i n wud r i ralnn liuum 0 rodmu fianu i y n i itlxci 0x7 t t iltum f r l horueu umlv head of cattle 1 iko jtooo with lui 1 mont lm lu i 1 nicl little country home z miles irom baujnaiad lu wi rkublo hilutico buuh uiij t i uutui t m 11 ciuy ipiun well wutered culu back kitchen nj uhil i ujj i h iiluu iilul any lino lrleo 40o uhh wonderland acton direct from a sis weeks run in massoy hall toronto sec one million fighting men 20t0 horses miles of artilleiy march of legions fleela of zeppelins the destruction of cities the charge oflho tanks one day only matinee at 1 oclock evening at 815 tho moat entrancing loo stay since romeo en i juliet told to an obugto of strife such o hiitory hasnorcr chrpnicwl a dcaa oi wrfa appeal thu hm err b4on bon prewoted ca xtr stago asoj3mrmti ewtod amirl scma ct qpaqkats bkadar ihlmptsl op the- llterld other tlicatrjeal tpoouction tto matter ivocklcett moiur wori created on the battlefields of france aiilltzsh aionfta uttm uaxma wednesday march 26th will be sh with u ipccml orchcatru and effects joseph williams dim tor will render the origtuul niubieal intcrprctutioiih ri bbkvld siais at brownb difug stort mulinee jc and 50c lveniiuj roc 7gc and sl00 with war tax rwoii arrvtir imy colt 3 yrn old cowh grey cow 7 yrs duo march 10 holsteln e yra duo april ifl bod cow a yrn duo may 1 rod heifer rising- 3 yra duo july 2 groy cow c yrs duo october 27 2 heifers rising 2 yra 3 steers rising 1 yr 1 calf 2 wecku old pigs 1 pure bred york sow with 0 pigs two weeks old time of sale 1 puro bred york how 10 pigs two weeks tlmo of sale hlns b black mlnoica pullets 1 black minorca cockerel 7 hens iiirlbmentsl cockshutt 2-fur- row riding plow ontario foot lift now 1 mousey harris manure spreader cr bush now 1 dccrlng mower h ft in good shape 1 no 21 ploury plow 1 m annoy harris hoe drill 11 spout 1 not cat kshutt harrows 10 ft nearly bow 1 maanay- harris cultivator 1 hearing heed drill 12 hoc 1 good wagon with box 1 sot heavy nloop sleighs comploto with logging bunks i cutter 1 scufller 1 auto scat rubber tired buggy in good shape 1 pulper urlndntonc stable barrow hay fork pullers and rope ncckyokea whiffle treeo logging chains ahovaln forks cow chains 2 do ion grain bags ilaitnlsa 1 good dot heavy team harness i cot form harness 1 act plow harncua 1 not elnglo carriage harness 1 nut llht driving harnesn 0 horse collars 1 pair open brldlen 2 acre wm jnpe blankets hav and aitain 20 bush gran ary rillor oats 200 bush nowmarkot oujji loo buub barley 4 or 0 tons good timothy hay motlhlhobd fcii i cts lkilchen tabl 1 cupboard i daisy churn 1 heater milk palls muosey harris creajn separator capacity coo lbs no resarvet as ths farm la sold thrus all sums of 10 and under caah over that amount 10 montha tredll will bo tivon on furnlahlnjj ap proved iolnt notes c per cent por annum off for caah hoy grain an x wl caab r j kerr auctioneer phono 30 acton on dav structloiis from 0 castle smit i to nt 11 by pul lie auction on lot 24 fourth lonci inlon of nnonaguwoyn half mill- nouth of knatchbull on friday march 2s at one o clock nharp tho following hoiutf hchtntnut jlorno 10 yra oil h0 lbs ci cat nut home aged i 400 lbs brood maitls bny marc 10 yrs old supposed to iwi n fyal u2qq iba black mnro 7 yra old supposed to be in foal 1 200 ibn bay mare aged supposed to bo in foal l 000 itis cows holnteln cow 4 yrn milk ing well supposed to bo duo in juno holsteln cow 4 yra milking well supposed to bo due in october hol steln cow 4 yrs nillklnr wall aup- poacd to bo duo in may holnteln cow yrs frcah holnteln bull z yra registered ayrshire cow 0 yra milk ing well suppoacd to ie duo in august 1 bed calf three or these cows are over 10 000 pound cowa pigs 9 fetoro pigs about 140 lbs 3 store ilgn about 100 ibn hhiip 12 oxford down lwcs bred poultki- 20 pure bred while wyandotte pullctn and martin strain itoouter 3 gceao and 1 gander 3 pckln ducks and i lane drake 2 muscovey ducks und i drake10 block minorca pullets about 30 mixed hens and pullets impllmknts 1 mosscy harris binder now canvas and reel oil worn parte new last fnll fl ft cut dccrlng mower in good working order wagon and iwi complete international cul tivator with thlntlo cutter iteury plow no 21 proit fi wood 10 hoo bed drill net of heavy hlcigha and bunks land holler manaeyhaxrla rake sclfdump 1 cutter 1 two seat ed big panning mill stock ilack 1 cart giavcl itox doubletrees ncck- yoko hhovcln hoo i orkn rake logglne and blodlnff chains cow chains 2 barrels z ladders cross cut haw some tools lawn mower viking cream separator model c new capacity 660 tbn barrel churn no 3 good as now 25 conla of dry poplar harness ltjiavy team sh ncss 1 act of team harness 1 set hlnglo hnricno odd collars hay avd g1laiv a quanuty of millet and falriw about 300 bush oac no 7- oats about 100 bush i r nfr kt in n n barley about 25 buuh irish cobbler potatoes about 2 ris wcdo turnip tieed some alalko and timothy seed positively no reserve as farm is sold tliimh 10 und under cash over that amount h months credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes c per cent per annum plt for hay grain potatoes i owl and wood cash r j kerr auctioneer phono 30 acton ont l b shoroy clerk executors sale iv thl township oi hhin shorthorn and hinh qrads cattle farm stock implement hay grain and roots the undentlfcncd has received in struct ions from tho executors of th tato of tho late mark sutton to sell by public auction at lot 15 second line krln 1 mllo went of on prince on monday march 24 at ono o clock sharp the following hoh5ri heavy bui mare rlalm 4 yrn aired by huron gartloy ollijblo for rolu at in a i uo 1 ono buy mare i y ri lit vury way yrw ii iood breed- t hunk ban bund he 1 13a acrl1 miles ntom ai7ton hiijsrurc 1 milus 75 uuris w ikubli soil clay loam hnlid i driving abed school i 1 t i l hi urn t iuuiiiu llitnuhaiii i i hut e i bixlo ulluu kiiii1 in ill lilcouoa 12 acrls ov good ano in tful viliagl or lltln 8 acren workiibl bilunto iiwliiw t mall on inn i mo in n null brick houae v t iru hint clniiu wvll ut tl n it ink bin n juxll ceinunt tloor lu ntuhh hen h uuo umall il m j l pt n 1 ill i i ii in an 1 ehuribcti i lht in villon j ijauuloi iiiiyiliu 1 1 1 u 300 c aali puyuioiit 31 3uu 100 acres titi ood itoahnkah 1ltin villaok all wurliuble lut 1 mrm bulan t i ului tun i iiniull oictiti 1 35 aires fill plnughd soil itavhj loam k h watn i ill iluk huuao 10 foomn ci light lu hollh mul i ut u banl boil joxil with hut luta utabllnt for b lunl lew irivlni lie i unit nlu t ti h0i22 wat r pumped iiy el trio mi ti r lilu bun hu uu 1 school- l uillen buial mail and ttlithouu lib 10000 lrmu nrruuuc 1 willoughby farm agency occtflqctown ontario ains in fish for lent mceneryjvans- huvinj received u lurge shipment of hih which arc in prune lojicjition we are able to cll to the public at tho following i educed pnoeb cju ilia ln quail i lmu whit ri ti 11 till ik 1 th iji k 1 ii 1 nlfil 15c 1fte mcenery evans main street license no 0 4u acton onurio clearing auction sale in ibin rownhhip farm stock implements eto tho uiklnraltnckl haa oivol lu struotlous from david jackson to uell by publli uut tlon 011 tho preni lsca lot 4 mn 3 on a cond uuo of thursday march 27 1010 at 0110 o clock nharp uio following htjhskag nial iurjusu mare 10 yra old good in all harness ounnral iurpono mare 3 yrn old cowh 11 cow duo or ejilf ut foot hod cow bred marui 37 milk lug weil young cavti ia htcers rising 3 yvarji 1 huifcr rlslm 3 ycura aultabla for beef ring 3 spring culvoa l culf 3 montha old hogs 1 york how with pigs ut foot 1 yoik how duo april l0 s oung tumworth hows e4idy to breed hh1 1 p 7 lelcmicr lwcn auppoae1 lo bo in lauili lwo lamba 1 oxford hum poui try j uoteo und gander 3 duckm addruku 1mpllmln1j miconnlok binder in kood wiirklng order mansoyhattlh j ltovolvl hake seed nl noion bioadijiotur attachment und drill l set diamond hurra wa 4 section i ot lisrrowb j sectlmia 1 meury imow no 21 1 gowdy scuf nor i lotato moulder 1 potato dig ger 1 cutter i buggy i buggy j 1 btono boat i lumber wngon 3 lu vsi vrl antl i lug n ut rannlng mill 1 democrat 1 bobah igh pg crato about 100 feet uf inch hopo 120 feet of hopo with ha kvrk arlndntone sugar kettle with iro stanij hay rack nvarly now porka horn ohbvola oto vinegar barrel soft water barrel nockyokcn 1 sot now whiniajreos meloto cream hen aratoi got1 us ne wlsy churn kuihoii table 30 gal milk can no reserve as ths farm la rented and iriw qiv u frmlna ticitmb 110 and under canb over thut amount 10 months credit will be elvuu on furnbihliig approved juini nute 4 or tent off for cash 1 owl heavy bay t rro or heavy- hay horse worker bay hoad mare i3 y a good ludlon driver cattll blinrthorn hufir 3 yra wlui heifer cab ut foofund bred janu ary 16 shorthorn cow c yra with lieifer calf at foot and bred november 4 1 ilclferxulwj ono 4 moi and ono 0 umiittm hhorthorn hull mm yrn hhorthorn bull bed 13 months old ulrtd b itonieo i odlgroeu furnlshod itluadj juii hlfer 3 ru milk lug well und bn a novombtr 2s hod oow milking and aupposud to talvo n july boil cow 4 yrs iiupikined to calvo in june j nicy cow milking dau may 10 2 calvej rlulug 1 yr j young calveu 4 f cuttlo good but churn shllp 4 leicester bhceji 3 rofciu tered pig1 good york how with 13 pigs at fool iork how with 7 pi ut foot reuiston d ork sow bred 0 would regluti red 1 i owbjs plj mouth itocka 1 cock erol 7 luioile lulund itda collie pun r lmlllmnthlr l wood bin der 7 rt eut with truck und tibcal earrlern in good repair masai y harris hay loader now with fort earrlugo masoy hurriu in in uro ui reader in good abupa coulter i tcoll cultlva tur nood drill 1 wuliin iuarly now adutnlj wumui box with iih idng und uprllig uuat ull eouipletn now two seated domot rut in 001 nbapo uw top bugty 3 cui bugi tea i urt uut or bobalolgh now cutter in good ahapo flat hay luclt hat ruik for nuiihu fciav i box 3 not of iruu bar niws cocksliutt plow nuw floury plow whiulbumiw pulpi ant uii ti larfcb cutting tmx agrli ulluiul furnuc 10 horse imwer with jiplndlu mil kiuctha ull ouiplt cum for wo i track with pullujil nil oiiipll mo fot ropo u f lliitu jolllutto chopper 24 now ruin 1 7 tuuo naeiis lottini hulnu l in hug haluu unallago folk j tu t itoul lutres an 1 whirileti en hot kyok 1 nhovt in a number f cedar nmto ft 1 ka bo u thainn tlv uu ul a iiuantity of funmruck utuvo wiod net teui lain t pfin lm cash roy hindley auotlonscr conaolidatea ihono erin il jl no 3 aoton nets slut lu burn 1 1 0 illuio curry rumba hay and clltalw ju0 biu h 1 ur buuh mixed 1 rult 10 butl tab id bureu irip timothy of clover hay a o duality of m inguls ami turnipu u aiiautlty t tiny iiipk houhilhold i in ci 1 britmrnia iuinio vtih warmliii- louut umy 1 heater mani cupboard hrju fall i if i bedutcudn wavh ntaiuln louiu0 ouch wi klne hair wanhlnu niuchlim 1 lfaltjy hum wlih li muihnuni butter bowl and in ho rnom rans pills 1 rcmler cream ncpnrator ilitms 410 ur under unit over that uinount 10 months ct iii will bo kly u on furnuhlnt nppnivilj ii il nulij 4 p ti ml off fin rush jin grain rooti f uii f cu tunh n j kerr auctioneer it walker tw mt

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