Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 27, 1919, p. 2

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t m ije artnn 3xet jlrfflb j1iwii iiay maitcli 37 1319 spring gong i mid llrht at lost r ii thn almt ii 1 1 tun provo looks down j prim aftt r ik kit r tin flaw i ill jx ar on the earth lit r creeping north mini rliilni tldo uhitpn and huo rho tlm t f llio hinging of birds ii toun iirh fluttrrn and sings n it ii jo unit could ilnd no wonu isy under thoito rtfltlcia wings riiri uj ii every land and clime nili tno th y find a homo iach field a table spread tht ttmn of tho ulnriiik f birds la come itcbocca palfroy utter wi xcjxaxaxi m gj the revenge of winnepurkit by frederick e ournham x xn3x z3cg2k morning started to swl foxes and hares were tho pmo he sought cams which in the post had provided tho wherewithal to keep body and ooal to gether there that rooming he had boon rouchly seized uy the town con stable the latter had led the indian to a tree upon which was tacked notice puzxud winnepurkit blared at it until uio constable recalling the in dians inability to read explained to mm- that the law forbade the trapping of liarcj in that section for one further tho trapping of foxes would not bo permitted inasmuch as the fax traps would endanger the hares well an a matter of fact the notice was an amendment to tho county pfflb lawn but this winnepurkit failed to comprehend iio saw hut one band behind the drastic command an order which deprived h of men of rain ing a livelihood tho hand of jonathan clayton the keeper of sandy point light tho owner ox that big strip of wood land where ho had been accus tomed lo trap tea he jlgured it out ions before night fell tho day would coma when revengo would bo hla it might be a month and it might bo a year but 1 name time somewhere the keeper of tho light would be at his mercy then then could ho utterly crush the man who had thus deprived him of hla mean a of support winter was at liana and for a fort night wlnnopurtait busied himself making snug hla cabin on sandy point scrub birches and aid era which he cut half a mllo inland he laboriously dragged homeward and as the pllo of fuel grow from day to day he grunted with satisfaction there we no- notlccs posted on that aide of the river and although trapping amounted to lltuo in a commercial way he did manage to secure an occasional hare or rabbit fur food tho tatter part of november winter tihut diwn in earnest and it was u the indian s liking ho on joyed bear- jwte- wind whistle about his cabin sjiow bound ho4ikedttrsltjiyrnff win dow and look seaward watching tho groat combers roll in across the various bora tho more tumultuous the tho higher rose his spirits looking seaward he saw too sandy point light and recalling tho posted notice across tho river a deep are of resent ment would gleam from his eyes the flro a poke of revenge early in january the winter seemed to rili it a week of almost spring- lllo wcitliir carried off ihe snow the lcc in the riur broke up and moved rcawaid winnepurkit taking ad van tar of the open hjhjii worked nurd rcpletiluhlng ills stock of firewood v utherwlse ho foresaw a menace in tho halm d iy i one mornlni when tho sea was al most uko iiana jonathan clayton got into hla dory and started for tho vil lage four miles up soabury itlver certain stores ho was running low on tho replenishing of which was impera tive ho in untied to return very short ly but nuncng to meet an old friend ut the vl linger atom who was a great checker player ho docldod to indulge in one or two games before going back to tho inland time passed swiftly and hjforo clayton was aware of it tho afternoon wan on tho wane it is doubtful if ho would have come to his senses tht n hud not the storckeepei advised him of tho fact that the wjnl had whlukid around to the northeast and to urto hlti expression was blow in llku sam hill clayton up nine to his feet upsetting the clhckcrbouru and picking up two ban k ft u of provisions which ho had purcliiuiud he hurried out of the store it ttxil him its i than rtvo minutes to nuch hu dory and n taring the two banket i iiwuj in the stern of the boat ho pushed ot it was now halfpast two and txiluing that he had no time to ot be nettled to the ours at once with a hi4iil tide and a bead wind ho made slow proreas down tho river and ut four n clock ho was fully a tnllo from the nioulh of it the wind had incruuutnl to u tale and at times it was about all he could do to hold his own ugulimt the heavy sea which was sweeping in win outside wimupurklt aim watching at the mouth of tho river he at owl with folded arms his eyis fastened upon tho plunging dory again the flro of re sentment wan lighted within tho in dians um 0 radu illy triumph shot forth tim immnn vrun weakening lie was no luimer holding his own ho was biilug forted backward win nepurkit hud hten the keeper of the light win n he departed lit tho morning and ho knew that ho had uinple op portunity to it turn before the storm lrokf a failure lo light tho bcuooit mount instant dlnniliuial for the light keeper from tho government service perhitp inn rlioninent with a gesture nf natlr fut tit n u inncput kit returned tu his ttblil of ijli ht won vic urklt l fr a miimr tit nfil ii wlirtlo of hoi 1 the ilkhtli uno on hi iwfcirn hnd lib full 1 t tlio nhadi nlng to doej uin window ihrrrj lt ht u n noilirhoiv the lux had lout hi f rr the dliitnnl no i indian thit ho m ventio plmutlnr taking an uln the tinier of on ran tlown ii 1 1 woo pullud up out it took him but r th ni ho hid 1 ittuil 1 nllit had filmt ifut ut it ii mi 1 to ilu iltl iteo i h no rerft 1 i bifnrn tho gule i i ulr t imra from thn inllmi re hln dory irh uf tho lid loinont to yiiult 1 to tho t u r tlio oitru oiirj ouhl bo cnjilly luhln the wutnr nn aw ay wlirrt tl reached ho pti ilml n tlio northcatil wind ftitrtid him and before night hud mluully cloned down be was well wny from tho poinu a quarter of a mllo uhcad were two bum numo five hundicd f ut t apart it vruu between thcoo two hum that wjnik purklt muiit paus a slight error of judgment muant certain death now that tho blackncna of iihht had nettled over tho water ihero wuu hut im thing to guide him the four of ttio ireakern an they pouno d on thru bars tho indian pulled otmdlly at tho oarrt and lliitcui d us only an indian can listen ttos ills keon taru detected tin deeper otillrti roar of the outer bar on tho right un contrantod wltli the uomewluit lean ominous thitn der of tho inner bar uotwoen tho two ho held hln cttvirno and hold it truo at last uio groat danger had pussod ahead was the liilantl he could not aeot it hut ho heard tho rour of tho surf aa oie wnvcu dashed against its rugged shoro ireoently ho mado obt lb dim form and rounding it ho pulled to the loo of it arid without miuhap landed exhausted by hln liard pull at tho oara jonathan clayto u to maki a hea before tmygahr or even hold his own had boon driven until his dory groundod on a small island in tho river there aa ono bereft of hla senses ho had paced to and fro bitterly upbraiding himself for hla folly twlco ha had attempted to launch his boat and again mako on effort to reach tho inland but both times jiq was forced back suddenly ho paused and stood staring ncaward his eyes fairly ntarung from tholr sockets was he going mad ho could pot bellevo hln bonnes no there could bo no mistake iio saw it uandy point light bright and clear it shone it seemed to htm that there was some thing uncanny about it il was morally- certain that thore was no person on tho island and yal there was the light brightly burning aj1 that night ho watched fearful lest the seeming miracle should fall but there was no dimming of tho bea con and as the day began to dawn hegalood control of hla nerves with the coming of daylight tho taxi winnnpurkit a atal- q b wart young indian the lost of his tribe stood with folded ft anus staring out across the water toward bandy 1 point light there was an ugty look in his presently with a grunt of impatience he walked up from the shore and en tered a cabin which atood two hundred foot or more back of high water mark wlnnopurkit tho silent be was call ed and being ollent his evident anger expressed ituclf by his general bearing rather uian by words an hour previous he had rowed back acroos tho river from jonathan clay tons woodland bringing with him a hundred or more traps which follow ing his cuntom of years he had that wind abated and at aunrtoo clayton was on his way tho sea was yet rough but he managed to raoet it suc cessfully and an hour from tho atari he was through tho mouth of tho rive and heading for tho inland presently he landed and with a feeling akin to awo ho approached tho llghthouso hlu eyes fastened upon tho still burning beacon there inside tho light ho found win nopurklt rolled in a blanket on tho floor that feeling of rcspoct ond ap preclatian which at times makes all men brothers overwhelmed him silent he stood looking down at the olooplng indian he aaw it all now zio re called seeing tho indian tho previous afternoon remembered that lono figure down at tho point ho realised how close was night at that time and dm ho pictured tho perilous trip between the outer and the inner bar it scorned to him that each curling wavo was photograph qfl the indian stirred uneasily ho drew a deep breath and rolled over the action aroused him and ho opened his eye iio saw clayton in an in stant ho was on hla foot his eyes ablaxe t5o stood looking at tho man before him clayton at a loas to ac count for the indlanounmistakabli fury nevertheless advanced with out stretched hand brother sold clayton tho answer was a thruut of his linnd into hia pocket drawing forth notice which ho had torn from oi the trees in the woodland tho notice which ho had attributed to clayton winnepurkit flashed u boforo uio light house k eo per you try starve winnepurkit nol replied clayton tho light be ginning to dawn big chief of tho late ordered you me everybody not to trap see wlnnopurkit thcro la his name the indian looked where clayton pointed at tho bottom of tho notice suddenly the ore faded from his oyoo he slowly put out hla hand and clay ton gripped it wlnnjpurkit think wrong said the indian nojjjuluo urtaton the following week in answer to a letter which clayton wrote to tho gov ernor of the stato in which ho told about wlnnopurkit a bravery the local constablo received a command that one jake wlnnopurkit an indinn of soabury should be allowed to trap in a certain tract of woodland known as claytons woods this letter tho con stablo took to bandy point and finding winnepurkit read it in a alow im preaslv manner sy thank raid vlnr ipurkit lot h log keeiily at tho cunntal 1 claytoi hig chicr till bjj chitf 1 in light i thank the uiim i toph weekly the dog that helped in the haying in a vermont hayflol i that wo came upon the dug first n teuutlfu goldenbrown collie with a wtilto ruff about his neck and big luutrous eyes there was a threatening black cloud in tho west and plainly the dot felt the gravity of tho situation ho run from ono cock to the next barking furiously ho wattcod hln tuu uppmv jncy whenever a forkful was pitched to the top or uio loud if tho hicf slopes mado hard pulling ho encour aged tho homes by leaping up and rubbing his head against their nuatu ho thinks he is helping do can t he wo said patronltlnijy when wi had watched tho pretty n curio for tun minutes or more and u half grown boy in his shirt aloeveii turned from hla work to umiwur lie does help he s just us much help uu another muii hon so interested that ho koeps a fel low feeling good in up i to tit tiny tiling many a time oinco we huvo thought about that dog jn tho huyfleui and wo have oumo to tho conclusion thut th i freckle faced boy was ilihl 1 nthuul asm and interests uro ulwaja hylpful goodwplrlts that iiuvir ilajj do aa much fur others us tho busiest pair of huudi in possibly accuinpliiili while wi iheuld do our bint to bit mn olilllod workers those t f ua who are never yerj wise nor very oxpurloined uro not altajatliur shut our ut the prlvlltj of helpful neon lhat goldtn brown collie in the vermont huynolds could not handle a pltt h fork but ho could show seal and entliuslutun uud coul 1 rejoice in all uio workura uctomplhibod it would bo a pity if boys and glrla could not do us much tl why kindheoo to honieo pays in flandjeks fields through nil bin nr mm through nil his ifttrni dogn nntl children followed him ui uhndown folio ninii to unlk in uio ntrett with him wud a blow procinti lvi ry di and uvcry child ho nut muni ho spoken to and each mado mi iwr thin ht from hlr andrew macphall a biography or tho llfo of col j in micrno in in i hinders holds junt published by vt 1111am hrltk an i probably evident tu very alrongly wherein tlio ntcirt if the mini n utrttigth ini hln numnnlitm and his llfo of luvo nntl ncrvlcn h wjim from these tblntu that john mccrao talncti tho strength of mind and ch iracler whlrh ennhkd him to write nuch tlilnfto un in 1 lindern i lol in tho auxlouu dead tho war rlor and any ono of half a dnseu othcru from tho collection junt given tothe public half of tho hook la fclvon over to what hir andrew macphall calls an liuar in character from whlelrne qhovo iintfl ftto taken it tolls tho otory of john mccre n llfo from his wanderings and servlre with tho porco in south africa in 1300 in chnructorlstla blta covering uiojsiporlences in i landers which yero productive of the poern whoso btonxua and whose spirit has run through tho 1 nhllshnpchking world perhaps u man who has gono in bettor judged by strangers by ljl letter than in any other way and an opportunity for judging ctfl mccrae is given in a dotcn or mare missives to various friends and rclntivos re produced in tho book soma of theuo from houth africa hut tho greater part from tho midst of uio fighting in lyaneo in april and may 1910 specially cjiprocterltlc among ummjo urn wovernl written in the ruuno of hla horse bonfire to intimato friends at home each tolling tho hcorl of the man another featufo of lutorpst reproduction of fin autographed copy of tho great poem a copy of a sketch made by dr mccraerof ono of tho military positions over yonder and a rcproducunn of a moat intimato photograph of uio lato colonel and his dog bonneau taken among tho ruins of some ricmluh town canadians huvo read uung and revelled in uio great tittle poem and they will appreciate thin remarkable memento of a really great canadian who has produced oomcthlnjf idcallstlo though it may hao been which hiu mado tho world greater and hotter cai mccraea homo was in guelph where hlo parents still live one day at a time tho sun warms un by his beams ano day at a stretch and then dloapiwarn until tho next day cach person liven bst who doen ijli beat ono day at a timo and uion re freshen hlmaolf for hlu level bent tho next day sumclont unto uie dny in tho evil thereof short periods are long enough for tho endurance of hard knocks man lives only from moment to moment a whole day in a longuiy period as com pared with tho apaco af each heartthrob toko juut ono day at a time and determine to mako it unlquo in your whole llfo history for tho light you can coat about you work while tho day lasts ond leave nrh -m- hat uhnnlrl ho nor formed cvery morning should you with a clean record tho duucs of each day oro thcoo speak better words do nobler acts bo more godly dinscmlnito more sun shine all llfo is summed up in being doln and saying work while tho day lasts tho clock cannot separate you from your record if you meet llfo a obligation day by day life has its dayu and they am swifter than a wcovors shuttle ihcsucd is tho man whoso heart does not reproach him for wasting any of them solocted what love can do little itobert had been visiting a family of couains and though ho had been away from homo some weeks ho was not anxloun to leave the opot where ho had been so hoppy 1 liko to ntay there ho told hln slater allen they havo nuch a bcauuful home- alloc waa five years older than robort and she did not always pay much attention to what ho jsald but thin remark seemed so odd that ho closed her hooks and u tared at hlm dld you say that aunt emma had a beautiful homo itob iiyerson what a funny ideal ua just a plain uttlo cottage itob looked puzzled and did not re ply but his suiter continued an 1 their furniture is real old and somi of th r ra wo oufa-and- thcy hnent nice pictures like ouru what milcca you think it li ao beaut i ful t hero 7 itob thought a mlnuto before ho answered i guess it mustbo becauso overybotly la no nlco to everybody else and nobody ocoldn or tcaues at first tlio older nlster smiled and then the color roiio in her checks shi saw that her brother was nearer right than herself a lino liouuo and cxpou i uo furniture and pictures on tho walh are not the tliitija moat impor lanl love and courtesy und kindneus can mako tho plainest poorest homo oeautiful und the lack of them will poll n put ice nt iipolllni theh f rojti r 1 ironic 1 1 hrouirb ifndlur nut an lm xptrltprid an win in i bad trorn lull wuu in the hti thut i eln vln oil i it n tlm mi f the honitrl toljnt blrl1 llerail xt t le hnniii p l n rvoiln ut a pimnliiic tmjn thin tnnii lilt him ovr the hnul after that the hunit w uld tlink till htad ami try to itt rl 1 of hln rldi r every time h pot a uulo bit frl titnu fple do that lu rt of it uu if u horn i lips irftumhia nml afr a urn tlx lorno tuns away fnm f ir it nhowi that it li miipld to bully n hum even frdm thn lm ixilnt of vli w of hl aluo for ynu mnm i nil him aftt r wnrds f tni trtjtlilm 111 tl ut thcro is uiiother o it b ratio i of ii illcy i i tvt ev ral llinea ha 1 my llfo 1 pi i d nl on my lot no 1 liav i lind a fior e lylm oh op f uu nml my head liitwren bin 1 ind legs if 1 hnd hi used tho lion i mlrht havo had my balns kicked o it jitit my horoo lay without moving until they got mo out then ho rot up and rudhod nit head aahiit my shrul lor arm her thing with a motor car if tho brako docs not set when 10 li g down hill the car will take you ovi r u cliff but if you uro friend 11 vlth your horso ho will prevent ouch a thing hnppeulng at hrlrhton at black itock there is a steep hill whleb it ids to tho cliff i was going down there una morning and tho homo was vory lively ht cracked ono oftho nhnfta and ihal xrok tho other ntiaft but i shouted whoa to him und ho mopped and 1 got out and took hold of hiu head f found ttiat hla hockn hnd been cut fo pieces with the broken shafts yet he pulled up and it topped in both the cases i havo told you of kindness saved my llfo and it nhdwo how stupid a man is who is so cruel an to ill- treat a horse or let him bo hi treated walter wlnans mothers can easily know when their children are troubled with worms and they lono no timo in applying uie best of remedies mother graves worm exterminator bilious take mr to hatttr baieiry u lttr awl bsfw- tm calosml cteama otrt orstra wltfkkrt orlpjsr- stops lel cmra bilious attacks eoiuitlption sick- headaches etc ore in the great ma jority of cases due to digestive trouble and no reasonable person can expect to obtain real or lasting beusnt until the cause la correcteo nature remedy ntt toblouo la a vegetable compound that acts on the stomach liver bowels and kidneys tho purpose being to bring about healthy and harmonious action of all the organs of digestion and elimina tion- it acta promptly and thoroughly jot so mildly and genuy that there is never the slightest griping or dis comfort but that lo not all natures remedy nb tblcta have a benefi cial enact upon the entire body by improving the process of digestion and assimilation the nourishment is derived rrora food uio blood quality is enriched vitality is increased and tho whole system strengthened ones you get your body m this splendid condition you need not take medicine every ds juit tnko nn nil j 111 utt l ikiih sad you can always feel your best itemember keeping well is easier and cheaper than getting welt cot a xse box of natures ramsay fnlt tablets and try it it is sold guaranteed and re by your druggiat e j ha88abd acton ont better than pills i get a for liver ills i 20c box radium and meuothohlum a ohort tlnin itgo wn were told au thorltalivnly thut raujum iiait no value in the trentmrift of rnncer now wn it urn that tho orrmnn authoritlrn arn buying the- win la uvnilalflo nupply for thin ery iiurpot nd frmmi rnodl al 1 ruetlco in of tho sererely oonserva tlvo kind over a million dojiarn hnn hern voted by varloun oorman munlel- i ulltlen for the urrhsno of radium and this in ulxiut the value of the whole exliitluc supply it nrcmii hut ihrro in unotlier irixlurt elmllar to milium and with the nafiio medical value it in ealled meniithorlum and its priro in only jto 000 irr gram it lu wnltl that tlio auntrlun rvernment i i tin a practical monopoly of lotli thi radium and meno thorium savage better optical service alwayo improving contlnuvs the dat iteccnt additions to our hxamln- atioh itoom equipment as well as improved mochnery in the lens grinding department speak of our dctcrmimtlon to give patrons 1 of uils catabllnbmcnt the best alwayo improvino akdhfo ptjciai- mami talc 1 onteel to expect topay a high price for tele perfumed with an odor that cost thousands of dollars to produce would be natural but to be able to obtain such a superb perfume at a low price is a delightful surprise this surprise awaits you in the talc perfumed with jonteel the new odor of twenty- six howers sold in guelph only at th rxall druo qurv guelph ont 24 years the same good tea redrose teais good tea sold only in scaled pnekngea yrex transparent oven dnhea ljultlni ware tt you tan no rirlit throurh will not chip dint or 1 rm 1 alwnyn lean und lumlury fterve llrktly from uio dinh hi wbli h ynt lmli lt iy to w mil un lo keep pyrex oval diahea 7go and h5c pyreic csaurolo 12j0o xo0 pynu drasd diaieu 915 ch pyrex utility dishes jlio jlio pyroit nlih diahoa 75o and 4l20 look thllouclli our ii out 11 ki liinc di i htmi nt we have what you want the bond hardware co ltd phon 1012 guelph savage co established 10w wyndhawst guelph watches diamondo jewellery library desk 0et8 fine china cut glass silverware silk umbrellas fountain pens specialists in wedding and birthday gifts expert watch and jewellery ilcpolrerm savage co 70 vara in duainsaa in gutph dont apollglti dqnt m to uxilain o a rt 2- rrar canadas dest the just os good is not aa good beat musicians prxjcr and in slat on tho lull tyo should you writo for cutaloguo of new deslgnu c w kelly son guelph ont p wmumrkmbmbsttbs3x3imsmmi new wonderland theatre act monday march 31st one day only -in- the better ole pelieve in what you may de have faith nu uuly hi what ai acq but in wluu you itiuy bo ilullavxt not only in tbo pomoru you huvo utht but ui otliont thut huvo not hud u chnnco yol jluvo conlltloih o thut you oln to do bkm r tliliiuo thuu yuu havo qvn thought of tttlmo who ttomlnuta tlrallny onrly learn to ltllovo npt only in uutualltlon but in poil bltltlm this is not an ordinary motion picture it is the greatest cinema of uie day carrying a message from the brave boys who spent four long weary years in the trenches at times under terifie bombard ment but always fighting with grim deter mination that final victory might be assur ed for the allies ttrrile better oije is a different story of uie great war there are no thrilling battle scenes no handtohand fighting no artillery firing you nee the daily routine life of uie lads who fought so gallantly for victory olj bltx litrt and alf the three famoua cartoon char- ucuth of captain liruo bninufalhcni are famoua tho world over in the better oie they are brought to life in the moat wonderful motion picture of the war kf the secret of uie storys wonderf uj fas cination is its close and true analysis of uie spirit which animates the men in uie trenches uiat spirit which keeps them cheerful under conditions almost indes cribable the army is full of old bills berts and alfs with their sorrow and plea sures pleasures that make uie very word seem a mockery but true rcflectioiib of what uie daily life of uie boys has been over uiere the better oie will do more uian raise a laugh and dim the eyes wiui tears at uie pauios so piquanuy drawn it will make the people at home understand as never before avhy the great war was fought to a bitter finish and how much is due to uie berts and alfs and old bills who stood as a living wall of protec tion for uie people at jtome matinee prices 25c and 50c evening prices 50c 75c and 100 war tax extra matinee at 330 evening at 815 sharp seats on sale ajl browns store special orchestra

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