Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 27, 1919, p. 3

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gjlfe artnit 3frr jinw 1 jiikldxy march 27 1910 jomnnvq h10takc run johnny gt oomtf noda qulckl fried mother in a flurry inr nho wan making biscuits and wuu in an awful hurry lui johnny clasped hla money light and acarapcrod on with all hl might when buck uraln all out of breath ho cried i nura wmi quick i drank llm uoda duwn no font tt aimout nuiiln run ulelc tit nicholas txpuuments with farm chops distributing of grain root and fodder usd for tasting tlio raoatberu of thn ontario agricul tural and laixrlmcthnl union or pleased to slate hi it for 1519 tlioy are pruparrd to distribute into every township of ontario material of high qualify f r xirniciitii with graina foddir crops roots rnwfloi clovert and alfalfaa ui followa livt of expsrlmanta for 1011 number grain cropo ilota 1 tcatinff two vartollea or oata 2 2 tcatlng o ac o 21 rarlcyand immer 3 3 testing 2 ar llulletui rarlcy 2 4 testing 3 var lprlng wheal 2 c tcnung 2 var i luck wheat 2 c teatlng 3 var i jcid ieas 3 7 testing 2 var fapring ryo 2 b testing 3 var boy koja or jnp- ancao llearuj 3 9 testing var hint and dent the ou man op the big clock tower husking corn i toot cropo auwh 3 var uengela- 11 toe u uk 2 var hunar mange is 2 is testing 3 var swedish turnips 3 13 tenting 2vnr kail turnlpt 3 14 tcatlng 2 vir carrots koragr ioddcr hllago fi hay crops ict tenting the planting of corn at air distances in tbo row i 10 testing 3 var millet i 17 tasting z var ijrebum 2 ib tcatlng crass icaa and 2 vnr of vetch co iurlng tho four yearo of tho war 1 noticed tho sober faces of everyone there was no frivolity to upcak of in thin little jown of ours i watched tho ytmnff people do without pleas urea they had alwayn been used to and or- ganlxn lhemsoivei into bandy to help prosecute tho war having nothlnr- lo to do i couldnt help but notice these thlngn but on november the eleventh there wan a gladness broko out that hna over since seemed to ho spreading like tlia ripples formed in palry lake when a stono han been cait in it i liavc been watching that ripple crow and it sure haa done noma expanding in five raonthn thin laat whtln bark thayt1 tjt w 10 tcatink ilapo cabbaro italo and field 30 tcaun- 3 var clover tootlnir 2 vorj alfalfa 23 tcotlns 4 var groaaea culinary crorw 33 tootlnn 3 v ileld iteanj 3i tcatlnu 2 vnr wct corn 3 fertiliser kiicrlmcnul 2c tea tine fortlllxcra with hapo miscellaneous icpcrlmcnta 23 teatlne 3 craln mlxturea for kraln production 3q teatlns 3 grain mixtures for fod der production the a in of each plot is to bo two roda lone by one rod wide any peroon in ontario may choose any one of the expert men til for 1318 and apply for the same tho material will oa turn us lied in the order in which tho application arc received while the aapply lasus bach applicant should roaka a second choice oa tho material for the experiment selected an first choice might bo exhausted before hla application la tecelved all material will be furnished frco of charco to eaci applicajit and tho produce will of course become tho liroperty of tho per- son who conducts tho experiment i each pernon applying for an experl- 1 ment ahauld write hla itp and od- dreaa very carefully and should bivo the name of tho county in which ho uvea a a 2lavitz director ontario afeticultunii collcco ouclph march 1919 fcetmwq a c po flock of pure bred bheep if tho ureattnt profit is to bo reali sed from a flock of pure brod bhocp they must rccelvo tho very beat feed and care tho nhephertl can civo them not that lhey of necessity rcauiro tfteatr care and feed than tlio prad but the fact that the breeder or a pure bred flock expects to put tho most of his surplus stock on the mar ket oa breeders means that ho must feed tho best and give the beat care possible that his atock may reach its beat development at tho experimental farm nap pan this has been well brouflht out in tho foedlnff and caring of tbo pure bred flock it was fdund that even durliux aumzriiracaqiluirpy br flo could not bo neglected otherwise tne results would be bound to show in tho followin seasons increase and devel opment of the yourn the cock must have a eood pasture with not too rank a growth prefer ably a short thick bottom growth with an abundanco of clover and plenty of good ruhnlnc water to which the ehcn can easily cot tfheep tako much rftore wtar than- tho a ve farmer wfluu think this holds truo especially in winter just before the breeding season tjio ewes should bo culled all undesirables token out and a certain period given between weaning uud breeding tlraa for the owes to get into condition again lieat results ore obtained whero the own aro turned in a nice clover ocld and dualled just before mating aeason it is found that where ewra and rams ore in tho best of health and condition a greater icrcentago of twins arid triple u la dropped all owea should bo tagged befuro the mating season the best time to breed is in the fall if you have warm quarters for tho owes and lambrt it will pay to havo the lambs dropped early other- wlm it la not advisable to do so it la also found that a small flock of twenty to twentynvo ir jcn in better i hart a largo one when ewes go into winter quarters they should bo sup plied with good wellcured clover hay tho next beat la a mixture of clover and timothy iulpid tunilpa at thr rats of from to 2 pounds per head br day should bo ilvcn up to within a month of uunblng with the addition of h to 1 pound of a mul inlxtiue 100 oats too bran and 60 olluako this will keep tho owes in a good thriving condition lor tho best u- ults ewes should not bo too fat especially at tumblng tlinu we have had our heaviest loasta from over fat ewej ju tt irevlous t lumblnu ay abobt a mouth thu turnipj arii bnidu ally rut down to nothing 1 ho pci oontage of bran if it 1 tood la ir crcjuicd sllgtitly until aflr tlio tumba ore dropped then tho oats am in creased as there la nothing like good oats to stimulate tho milk flow liall should bo supplied at all suutona of the year a careful wutch over tho flo k at lambing time will often novo thu uvea of many lambs that will at tlio end of six or seven months bo worth 3b 00 to 330 00 eaih 1xperimciilul i arm note rcanimunrgeiifroauy ict mo tuiy ihe old man of the clock tower bellves ho would be cxpreaalng tho wishes of most of our townspeople young and old if he said wo thank you messrs heard more for this manifestation of your interent in tho betterment of ilfo in acton the location too lu moat comxnendlble tt is central it will be manifest to every passenger on the trains it will bo where every- visitor n jtown will ooe this big benefaction ii will be a beauty spot which all our citizens will point to with genuine pride tho messrs iteardmoro aro to be con gratulated upon their gcncroalty in i mating this oplendld block of valu able property in tho contro of the town to tho purposes proposed that was a fine reception to tho half itlo wna fourjna t lo t of ji o 1 die mjllii rrturncd homo last wednesday even ing and they tifjojed 1l but what utiout tho hundreds of cltlxens who took no part in tho homecoming wel come eviry resident of tbui commun ity should sacrlflco himself if need be to join in every welcome homo de monstration we have pont let it bo oaid of any ua that routine of a chincge uchool kaoli chinese schoolboy must fur nish his ifwn stool and table for nchool work arjd tbo fou lirecious ortli co which are tho ink slab n caku of india ink a brush for writing and paper with thrsj ha begins hut weary lan of learning to wrlto and read tho thou as nils of chinese characters these art to oien tho way to tho chlnusi ciaosics und a lnowhnlgo of thbi an ctent literuturn und wumiii mians ol- ucation to thu olilnfjm at tht auoii lug of a chlneno school a paper m which is written the name of cor furius in iuatol on the wall llcfare thia honored uamu tho pupils and tearhora burn pir money and joa a licks and bow their headri three times to the floor tim toucher then tells confucius the day the month and the rur and begs for his favor t younger again and could tako in aome of theso pleasurca every week lately there have been at leant a coupleef concerta in tho town hall or extra at tractions at wonderland then i haw been reading about hi cue excursion to toronto to tee the home team beat and get beaten and tho aoldlern re ceptions havo also played an lmporlnnt part tlicno last named functions but the best ore tho only ones that i can hobble down yut of tho tower to enjor hut it gives mo real pleaauro to see the young peoplothjoying themselves again and having all theso ooclal times renewed after four years of ouppres slon i am not entirely relegated from all tho enjoyment yet and when tho raxu lrx3is came out lost week telling about beard mo res proposal i got my bowl down and rubbed tho dust art them ao they woald bo all ready to roll over tho proposed new greens on church street than i started looking past the hummers pleasure- and wondered if i would be able to allay ray rheutnatutm j next winter and get real frivolous and start curling i dont know much about j curling but ive been talking around and asking what the o tones coat and kind of getting an idea of whether can stand it or not and havo concluded that if possible at ail i am in on tt too just whilo i havo that curling aub- feet in mind i want to tell you that i woo mighty pleased when i saw the proposition meanra bcardmore ware putttlng up it gave mo visions of better conditions in acton for every one jl might mention soma othor things i hoped would bo improved to keep in touch with uils project but i know they wilt be righted in due time and then agoin i might hurt oomelodyfl feelings if i just up and told you i will leave it to your own judgment dut to got bac to hc just a hlp hnrr palxloiijjiik acnrj dont boiler your hotil vtt whan tlio bands aro playing tho national ar- them lfou t be a moving picture stay athome patriot llut welcomo boys bick to tho old home town that la a very tlttlo thing to do but it rhay make all tne difference in the world to tho returning soldier it will make him feel that aclon la glad to accm him again and appreciates what ho has done itfylll maka him reltxo that this la still tils home und that he lias not been forgotten there should bo a welcome homo sign now in the windows of every busl- oftlcc of every homo in this town rs when our boys come home jou have been singing for months nfwuisy aro coming home that la some of them why not moke it a walcomo bcfittirui their aacriflcca they have done much for you let nothing mar the whole- hearted ncas befitting their aacrlhcca lct tho who la town blossom willi these welcomo home cards just the aamo as rosea and the spring flowers bloasamlng lu your lower iardcna int us all wicunio back to tlio old imo touu aodu greatest gift for ttj betterment of the world thc cana dian noh who went over for tie worlds peace tho memory of those r boya who sleep in pulilw blow 1i lw i u tlu mm whole v holds whxro tho popplja rruuto row on row rld lu honoring but tho ikivu wh co mo m k to us altuuld bo undo to rctil ttutt thu i yn spirit la ntlll alive and that tho old home town li whiro ilia 111 mo folks utlll iivo jin t let jukt a few inothcm lutpnt or 3waetlicurti work thai hcuda off to entertain tho boys till is smnthliii tho on tiro town ahoulil have u bund in don t lot too fllhd up with the commercial inn of this age und foiurt fle un ho neat utrnlknt out of tho heart wclcoi tu to the boyi hnr to tho old hunt town 111u oju man wheil natuhc 0lnd3 in hei1 pilu nuturo dots not solid lu bur bill every mniitti liho is surlt a patient creditor that sometimes wo ro tnnp ted to abusa her generosity mutiy h youth burntf tho c mdle at both ends and triumphantly mm urea tho mi who remu1ftrwto with him that h never was better lit his life jtut nuturo keeps bar account ucrurutely and when the limn totnta fur so ruling in her bill not an ltmn will bo missing and moreover tlicro will bo no oompromlite un a fifty per rent basis all accouuta must bo iuud in full you may over tax your strength ntid abuse your health for yoars and all tho tlmo nature will uiuks ho move to present her ojaima an unnamed station it wan lata afternoon at ihn hour whrn buoltieon men and botatid nliop peni nra well as the motley crowd of tillers neck their homea and tho sub urban car was filled to its utmost cap arlty kitting side by slilo in ono corner were n stout overdressed woman and a very lttleboy tho woman had so often endeavored to obey tho bar asscd conductor adjuration to nit ojose that tho voluminous sklrtn quite overspread tho child n dangling icki and feet leaving vlalbto lltlln moro than a email pationt faoe sot arou l hy a frlnv f cropiwrt yellow curls and lighted by a pair of largo nerloun blue cyca ono could but wohilcr that i tho woman aoemed to glvo him no at tentlop why did she not take him on her lap and cushion bin head upon her ample ahouldornf fllngly or in groups tlio iwanengciti began to leave tho car at ho varloun street rrisnlngti uotl there wtii lift teslcs uie woronn and child only n young lady in black with a beautiful sad faco at length tho stout woman preened the signal button and tho en camu to a stop halfway to the door oho heard the conductor calling after her lady youro forgotten your boy my boy whatcher mcant j aln t got no boy tho man started whose la he then hes been on along with you ever since wo loft the car barn looks to me aa if you meant to shako htm mo i shake htm i the woman choked with indignation i never seen the kid before in my ilfo still incredulous the conductor ad dressed the child aint she your mother t oh no fllrl tho clear jit tie voice sounded sweet as nlpes b pan m gtinoto heaven thntn where tra ffolng to find her heres my penny itrled to give it to you but you didntraec will you pleaso tell me when wo get there the man gaxed about him helplessly what do you know about that ho muttered then with a queer catch in his throat im sorry kiddle hut heaven alnt on our line there won a rustle of garments a soft breathless rush and tho lady in hlsck had tho child in her arms tell mo h abojjt it darling what la your name and where xjo you live my name used to bo dickie but it la fifty seven now and i live at tho sylum a man took mo there after my mamma went away thore are lots of little boys and girls but no mamma there nobody kisses mo good night or tucks mo up in bed or hears mo say my prayora have you ever been to heaven lady and is it very far away have never been there myself dear but 2 had a little boy who went and it very far off i know you could never find it alone i but your lltoo boy did ho get j lostt i no for somebody led him ail tho way wont that somebody lead me toor- some time darling but not now one must wait patiently until he thc knack of d01nq things they am both i nod ixyn n tic ntr fnrji hit npenklnr of two bin apprentices tiny ur n m a re s ix 11 irinilvarthy in cvory jmrtlrular and liny nni vothjuilm to m iko rood workmen hut hum in n dlffi renci and uxin always will be ooortco do pntuli upon hln loo li tom doesnt llomethlng ilka tliln supporie i toll thorn lotli lo build a box well deorco will want somebody to imlp him i rt thn lumtmr nut thru ho ii nnk if immn- ono known wrro tho immmir lu after tlmt ho 11 put in numo tlmo inoklnir over tho r uw i before ho ttelii m to- imrc hhn l jnally ho 11 get hla box ilono und t will tie n good one clean and iiiunm in thn jnintn nail ovnly roilhtoruuiilt rdgrn planetl ii thnt ho will do a 1 odd joh if thn rondltloiiii are nil rlicht hut tom mikin his own coidltlons put him down lu thn deicrt with t pleco of iknird and tell him to innko n box of it and hid do it numehow if lin hudnt tlio tooln ho wanted hod use th ono ho had if ho hudn t any ho d manage to iniproviie numo thnt would do ho has a ixmurkablo fac ulty for doinr ihlm n and it is just that thing thnt n rolng to carry him ahra i of cloorre in tho raco for rtticocan flejiio will do well when ho hnn ovory- l ihir t his liking to do with but tom vlt do well anyliow tlio ono in largcty tho pri t of bin co ml tlumi thn otlur mnin h t cundltlons ni ho roi i ulom mark my wordn and oco if t doesnt coma out ns i nay it is a great thing thnt faculty for ing thlngu somotlmea wi call it resourcefulness nomntlmen w ui wo want a uhorter vrord wo csll it a knack probahly ovcry reader of theno words can think of aomebody wlio shows it in ooino marked degree nomcbolvwhqcctaihiiiia fjonc viha brings things to pass in npltn of hin drances and obstacles it ncema to bo a gift with- oomo people a natural endowment probably it la mcaiiuit but i am sure that in not enurely io or at leant if it is a gift it in ono which in name cnnnldarablo degree niuy bo poaacsaod by anyone who n ully wanta it it in mutter of op n oyea and actlv and ntudy und ca ixit undtr all clrc provlnr to the utrrn ity 1 wo loyn am ho in rolng to do chance tho other wciiid oncamstohy j c hi hnro in rollowlnif h mi nry of my i if tnry hi hi li nl 1 1 itoir 1 170 mr i r crv r l4dd iilng ti r id hrl hand brain of thoughi i of doing ono ntutanccn tf lm it every tjpportun- d ream inn when ho getj putting in his best ijuly vtrnoii dre u tho butler with n ki ir d u andlo in tlio j entrance hall and nht- jiw great iitnrt after u will in xnd h rnoir to iilnp in u lreamo1 olio iliumnl hi lhobutlor- willi a lnlfo li ind u cnndlo in thn otlur dlo of the ntnlrome and nhn uwoho ith n inat nhork lhe lt up f hi tioupht nho mlild not in u ui ii mid six took i llttld i ll olafil at liit oh fell unlet p a iml alio hidonllm if i nnd tl at in mw lite buthr with n kriirn in ono hand and u rmidlo lo tho other utumlink nt her bedroom door and j in awnkn in u grr it ti rnr mid nho jminei out nt bed and idirt mild til h ivi an i nd of thin i ii huvo an nd or tli iinui inntinnn anil nhn ru hid to thif throw 11 wldn 6peu and tin re ju it ouuildc stood tho hulirr with u khlfe in onn hand and a rndlo in thn other and when hu uuddi uly mw irnly vir- nol in her whim nlrhtdn 1 1 with in r hair iitremlnr ilown her hu it lm wu iiij drndfully frleghtcmd that lm druppnd thn r unite on thu lihir mid runlilil off ilnwn ttn ntitlrraiin and on to llin i l ijleu win n tin re was a hora nly muldled and bridled on which hi mi mt to httve ridden away win n he had murdered lady vernon and ho rodo away without hainr murdered her ut all and ho won novr in anl or iignjn training john f rnlt woman lit tralnlnr mi tnnnnt to walt on th her d ring the be nt inr rani km neat atttr rlnn i allel u handed in ho cilrutlnl who jiullcd ou eve thn cjnl tlio daughter or had in icnted the artomooti 1 artfully compared tho two io inatchcif ha exrlalmod mrli thn card no in ililudelpnla ledger rjusxiil thc native coil of manhood livery kind of plant has a soil witlcli i particularly favomtiln to lui growtli tho cactus thriven whirn tho roiu voulil iieriuh oti3 rvation nhown u that manhood nourlnlmii lu thu noil or hnnlshlii and poverty and udf denial tim yo un iiuui who li looked afur u i immi it in v punhcb iluis nut huv hulf thj iliice to mako netnethlur of him if hut ho would havn if ho had titht hit wuj hurdnhlp may ioo tint alrmwit bu niiir hood f what ua ui it la hi thats what my mamma aald- wall but im aa tired waiting i am tired too waiting for my little boy jdear will you come and live with toe so that we can wait together the blue eyes gpsed for o long elle moment into the other eyes of tender brown a look of utter truotfulnens stole over the childish features a pair of uttw arms twined nbout the neck of the lovely lady and the curly head sank upon her breast the conductor drew his nleoveu n tit nyna i mlsunilswtw ho murmured undcf hla heaven aint named on our books but it is sure on the line after all christian advocate the church hapit no oald mrs jenkins the chil dren do not get to church very often they go to their sunday school and i think thats enough poctor brown did not seem to be convinced so she continued of course i should like them all to come with mo to tho church service but thoy ore not much interested and i do not insist tou insist on tjhalr going to day school whether or not they are in terested i suppose r tho minister asked why certalhiy mrs jenkins an swered with some indignation but why should you leavo thbi other matter which icnu to mo of at least equal importance to their caprice it lsnt wholly a matter of caprice mrs jenkins returned with some spirit i think it is too much to oak little hlldren to nit through that long mora- that long morning service aver ages about an hour and a half an swered the clergyman the same children sit through two sessions a school every day each session longer than that- you and i in our youth sat through much longer services every sunday and our nervous systems com pared rather well with those of tho children of today you really think it so very important for tho children to attend church certainly dot replied doctor drown tho tendency of tho day is for children and parents to have less and less in common in my youth parents and children played together and studied together and stayed a homo together and went to church together we see as llttlo of our chll dron as possible nowadays to the great loss of as all but at east wo can go to gods house together on tho lord i layt the children would soon enjoy going if it were a family custom one if they didnt enjoy 1l it would bo n holcsome thing for them to discover int there aro lots of things in ths world to be done whether wo enjoy doing them or not that is tlio kind lesson the coming generation par tlcularly rods r but going to church has abovo nil religious value and let mo teh you if you were setting deliberately about abolishing the church altogether at ha endruf another generation tho ureal way of doing so would bo to nt that generation grow up without tin habit of church attendance whether oi not you help tin m to form tha iiublt certainly seems to nn tmpor tnntt mr jenkins no longer smiled and so tt imiraj to me she said qhatituoe a patronising young nobleman sayi tlio london l it jills was seated op posits tha lato james mnelll whistle ut dinner one evening during u lul lu tha conversation iio adjusted hi monocle and leaned forwurd tow m thn artlat aw yknow mr whistler li drawled i pahsscd your houne th umwhhuc ihunk you uuiil whlntler ilel i hank you viry much the best qpcllcr twelve- y oarold muiry ortun in student of tho pea iniin t ehool riatni illlnola hhn has nlwa i i closo uttoitbj to hor spelling leiisi and as a result when she went to tho state aielllng bee held at hprliigflcld aha won tlio gold medal fur being the best j poller in all tho frade srhoola of tlio state two boys won tho alive and linuin tncduls imlliutlng ikhii 1 and third honors tho words that caused their downfall were rhinoceros and muslin llckn on tlio ehanco ho hua no mat tor how nrnnll it may be or of how timall contieijuoncn it may rieem it is easy prophciylng to which of tho two tlio knack of doing thlngn will como doing lituo thlngn faithfully la tho very bit way of getting ready to do big thlngn uuccoaafully itesourceful neon ingenuity knack la a product ictermlncd purjwse that thlnlu af tiin what that is to bo dono than of tho how of doing it how ore you going to climb if whines faintheart at uio foot or hill diffi culty dont know yet anrrwora thn flloutheart cheerily but ive rot to do t and 111 find nome way up and hodoea but ho never would had he not mado up hla mind do it to work with patience says mrs brown ing is almost power more than atmont quite in mno with tho thought of tho car penter i that dttlo irnc of jtolwrt ilrowiiliir vlileh wi uld maim on ex cellent ilfo motto for every earnest young man confronted by unfavorable j conditions tho common problem yours mine ovorjonoo s not to fancy whnt lu fair in ilfo i provided it could bo but finding nnit what may ik- then find how to make it fair joueph k wllso naiivo soil at the head of the han kg who will bo at tho front thirty oiii now tho men who wll lie world ii nurch of co lucnt thn rnont part como fron the f poor ixryn it ban always i and uuiil human lutlure it will etintlnuo to lw truo tltat i who learn i early to depend ininilf rattier than on hla i itiouny in tho ono who ctj h bfrj carlv maturity of crops an a ruin proicrly fertilized crops in ituro fpom n wuck to ten days ahead f imfrrtillird cropn iu saw laat pur bids which ubownd ten days to two v- us tmtivecn the ripening of tha ferlllixrd and the unfertilized parlu thlu xilnt haa been cll entablhihml 1 y thu hiding of ohio ilxpcrlmenf motion where tlio fertilized whee- plots rlpjknrd over a week alicad of tho i ifortluzcd real estate if ou liavo a houao for sale if you want to buy a houso in acton aak r- j kerr auctioneer and real estate dealer ihonl 3c young street acton ont save something every week no matter how little you owe it to yourself your family and your business to save something every week regularity pays- open a savings account with this bank add to ft regularly it will quickly grtjw h win help you fq somethtngreajlyworthwhilelateron the bank of tiova scotia up cfxttf 6ioo00o trr imn 12 000 000 rce 1s00o0oo0 w k- ciuiiau qi a chance and it gains ground rapidly hut ii vo it repeated treatments of j d kellogg a asthma hrmedy and it will fall back oven fwter there is no half way measure nbout thin remedy it goci rlrht tu work and drives oath ni i out it reaches nre inmost breath- in iiascageb nnd icaveji no place for the trouble to luru have it by you cor ready use peters little talent no uuo ulghtd peter i can t think of ono ainglo thing to do thnt will hrlng mo any money to put into tho mlialonary box miiut porter talk ed to un about inilng our talon ts i ut i haven t ot any talent uulcaa it la for pot rig iluhlng suddenly peter struck his hands to- gother my ho ox talmud i be lieve 111 try that o he went to tho barn and got hit flnhlng tacttln which waft not very ela borate peter knew tho mountain brooks tlio best of all tho village boys and that day ho flnhed mora carefully than ho over jdld before because of big purposo in liu heart ho went to the deli hoe where tho foam tng brook rovom ovn tho cliff and there ho caufht liu laegtat mieckh 1 trout ifu miliihfi half a pound if he weighs dunco rrliml iok r ho kept un ilshlri ami cautnt num more twenty tlno trout all nicely laid in cool leaves peter brought back to the village hut now tlio hardeat part of my job la to tome ho sold tlucaj ill try lira pur hkton ilrut oh jou delightful boy xclilmt 1 mrs purlugton whnt pctir ojmned in ixxkut just what j want fur my ty bo irdent bo peter went homo with a ntilnlng silver coin in hit hand and the next inlay when tlio missionary hex wan paired pater put thn half dollar into mtsnjortvr looked surprised and tiion nho lot her hands rent on peter s louldcm nd said well done peter around tho world bargains in fise for lent mcenery evans having received a large shiphicnt prime condition wc are able to sell to the reduced prices oualla almaii half or whole qualla salmon sllcd white i ish halibut llced ir ah lako superior tli nine pickled hirrlni- 1 iniuin haddlo ciikoea w of fish which arc in public at tile following 15o 17c 15c 25c 5e 7o 15c tbo mcenery evans license no 042 main street acton ontario read the figures notice how the cost and the cash value o the stamp ad vances each month until on the 1st day of january 1924 the dominion of canada ispledged lo pay 500 for each wss when you need boots shoes at any tjme opening ice cream parlor on saturdoy llcxt 1 wilt re open the ice cream parlor which han been closed during tlio win ter usual good service cocoa duds better lhan maple puds and loo lb cheaper price 50c peanut almond walnut and butterscotch tatty regular 40c tb for 29o cocoanut icanut walnut and plain cream regular 10c lb for 230 all linea per tb if coc chocolaua harold wiles canada food board license no fl- 13505 mill street acton r notice to farmers m00 htud i at hens and chick ens wtiilctl up to jltic anound and will alo buy apples all klndn of llliiu and uklns and ioid liaud tilings and nil kinds t f junk bcughl tvo am paying hlghcit cash prle 1 iatronixo our neighbor mall or phono orders will receive prompt attention alex gilboord bex 201 acton orrt phono 55 comer church and willow qta frame house for sale doujblc house on church street fifteen rooms large lot pump and cisterns apply to l starkman mux smteerr acton new machine shop fred blow machinist la moving to the newly arranged premises the rcs bol ing alley on main street where he will be prepared to handle all repairs of machinery promptly and satisfactorily motor repairs a specialty having experience with all makes of motors rep jus will be efficiently executed vulcanizing tires having installed a vulcanizing outfit mttifactory rcpau will be made o outer cases as well as inner tubes this dcp ir meat is managed by mr d ross bring all your repairs hcre plain street acton fred 11low it has no real substitute ss vnv vvs without premiums be sure you receive your own favorite brand comfort do not permit- inferior soaps to be substituted- comfort is the biggest and best for the money forinearly 25 years it has been at the top for quality popularity and big sales so why buy ex perience instead of soap comfort soap its all right actual size the bigger bar vugsley dingman co tohonto ont limited

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