Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 27, 1919, p. 4

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i gtye artmt 3xt prora day- maim tl 27 1910 tin air i i nut itei hi publinhnd ovury rhuriiduy imiulm ul th imi 1 fiuui 1 uldllnil mill htrrot acini jnturl ii iiln rli rtmi urlcn in v 10 per year in uilvunu 1 t i ii iliuijnl uddlllonaujo offlcca in thu unlttd 1 lt i hi lulu to which nubacrlpyuna aro paid l lmllcut 1 u hi uiilkuii lubol auv1 uil unj uah u traimlont advert hie montji 10 coiilii in lln wiiil mi oiun mont for flrol imicrtlon iunl i condi jir lln f r mti uubaofiueiit liuicrtlon contract dlupluy luktill uiltitu fur 100 indira or morn per 1 until nr in li i ili lun rtlon advcrtuioi lll turdlii iy i tin tl li ijioni 1 dltnrlul uuil lluiil itenldmcu lviu ho lndlrlod till forbid unil churrrd ii 1 uooitrj cdltor and iublluhir inn olllco lib editorial clean up and paint up spring 15 at tho door it hoa always been regard j 03 the plciut period of tho year for houaocieaniiie home improvement and the customary furbishing time generally during rdcent ycara the popular slogan clean up and paint up ha3 been current as n beautifying and conservation measure this would bl difficult to improvo on wood which comprises o large a part oi all residences and their environment when exposed to the weather without the protection of frequent painting soon deteriorates auiabby und ncglcclett appearance follows nothing adds more to the appearance of a building than a coat of paint nothing will do more to protect the wood work and prolong its life our soldiers are coming home they aro coming from a country of homcj where thrift is prominent where the people take a pride in their premises and keep them in at tractive condition let us all bear this in mind if for no other reason and clean up and paint up and give tbcm a cheery homelike welcome a worthy educational scheme through the co operation of the department of education there u being sent to every school in the province information in which the ontario council of the league of the empire offers its services- in linking up in correspondence schemes schools and pupils throughout canada and other parts of th british empire dr- cody minister of education commends the plans of the league and encourages the teachers of ontario to uso the opportunity offered of doing n real imperial and educational service at this juncture when canadas relationships are under process of re adjustment within tho empire and the league of nations wcteel that the development of the league s schoollinking and comradecorres pondence schemes will undoubtedly help to create the most desirable feelings of intelligent good will amongst the bcys and girls who in a very few years will be assuming the responsibilities of citizenship the editor of the free press heartily endorses tho scheme and recommends that the board of education and parents in general encourage the teachers and pupils to make use of tho opportunity offered we a bill imj been introduced to prevent govern incut from delaying hycclcctions it would compel the u ue of new writ within r dny after a scat ha been declared vacant in england the period fixed i three week the faw hould he amended no covernuieiit hould have the power to delay a byl ekelion for nn unreasonable time star it ij reported that the ontario government considering the problem of reviling the vol rs lut in readinesi for the referendum on the liqujr ques tion to be taken this fall it u believed that the enumerator yatcm will be used in the preparation of the lists and that tho work will take from i month to six weeks by that timo a legal intcrprc tation of the clauses relative to wooian franchise will likely be forthcoming the death of hon w j hanna lost week elicited cxpresiion1 of profound regret from both tho leaders ot the government and the opposition the hot adjourned over i nday until monday out of rcspct to the decease of the lata minister his very useful public career especially in the matter of the revolu tion of our prison system and putting the treatment of prisoners on a sane and humanitarian basis w 11 always be gratefully remembered hy the people i f ontario mr sam cartcrmjlp of guclph ij mauirirjc m the legislature as to the number if separate pre scriptions issued by physicians under the ontario temperance act legislation during the past year it is evident to the general public that there aro a few licensed practitioners here and there throughout the province who arc willing to prostitute their protcs sion andmolatc the spirit of the act for the financial gain available it is to be hoped mr carters cnquir wjii result in legislation which will make this mcthou of profiteering illegal it has been announced that the dominion govern ment intends to expend 20000000 in the construe tion of leading highways through canada during the next five years the money is to be distributed among the provinces in proportion to population this action will mean much to our country all visitors to great britain and europe remark upon the excellence of the leading highways in these older countries the united states also is accomplishing much in the construction of leading highways in all directions through thacountry y van i having sc c mg letters pictures and natural objects with other schools in australia great britain india and soutu africa as well as our nearer neighbors m quebec nova scotia or british columbia editorial notes even tho penny banks show the remarkable fin anciaf resourcefulness of this country in toronto a year ago the deposits were 21507 72 the savings of the school children maiqly this month the amount on deposit is 28381 05 thi3 in view of the constant drives for various patriotic and other worthy pur poseur thrift stamps etc to all of which the children do their share in contributing shows conclusively that money is plentiful in the country a characteristic nnd very illuminating statement was made by marshall toch when asked by the editor of one of tho leading journals of paris on the anniversary of the big german drive last friday hoa tur tho offensive into a great german x defeat hp said you ask me to tcu ypu much in a few words victories aro won by science that is true but aio by faith when one ho3 faith one docs not retire ope stops the enemy where ono finds him you tell me that 1 gave victory to france it was our admirable soldiers who gave it i have but one merit that of never despairing we signed the arm tst i ec to avoid killing one more man and because it gave us everything necessary to a french victory in an address in toronto last week hon fjnfay mcduirnnd declared there would bo few unemployed men in ontario in a very short time dealing with political questions he said you have heard that efforts v3cre to be made to bring about a fusion of the labor and agricultural classes but it was a most remarkable tlnng that the united fanner member in the legislature were most anxious to have cheap labor on tho furms y tho united farmers were to become a oino tio factor in politics they would huvt to play uic game fair and squarely the would hav to plaee their candidates in tho field against liberal and conservatives alike and not do as at present oppose conservatives only major tolmic m p p of windsor congratulated the government on adopting the liberal party s policy in regard to prohibition and woman suffrage in the provincial parliament ono day last week h also showed his interest in education ane hpped that now the government had secured a minister from outside of the house the department of education would receive the attention it deserves major tol mic strongly advocated the establishment of a mtrib try of labor he said you will agiee with me thru rrtrtledtohfortoaj lojei9uf c treasure and a little pleasure in life and it is tip to us to see that the laboring man gets justice the guclph horticultural society deserves credit for its live and practical interest in the young people of the city the third annual bird house competition will be held in tho city hall on april i it provides for houses nesting boxes shelters bird baths feed ing shelves and noto books of bird observation twentyfour cash prizes aggregating 40 arc offered in this very healthy rivalry the enterprise tends to engender in the children of the community a lov for bird life an intelligent interest in their habits usefulness and protection acton horticultural society took pp this worthy matter lost year and provided for a limited competition but for some reason the scheme failed to materialize t is hoped this year tt will be undertaken and carried to successful termination dangcroua to u3 to help the woflld wlli utloj ii f miprrmn linporlanco d to day in tbo imicun iiicrriiliib 11 ircnldent ju party i inn tho right prluto i bin iiuiid und no jiftrty will in hip lonif run dnro opikino it muxed put alarmed hut amaxed th ro iih ul 1 ho in i mo jutirtciu i comi rchmulvo tmiranro of tho or thu world i do not know tin i m n havo twi rlountcd i do not know by what influonto thoy blinded but i do know hint tlmy linvo broil nn n rated from tho rrmiti rtf tho thought of mankind i cunnot lmntlrio how theno i run llvo und not llvo in tho at j hurp of tho world 1 cunnot i mo kino how thny mn llvo atid nut bo in with uio ovonui of tlio tlmen jtartlcularly can no l ooo haw tiny ran bo afnorlculia und oot up u do trlno of careful iclflnhncuij thought out to tho lout dot xi lb i havo hoard no rouiuifl or uoncroolty in their crltl cluinn- i luivo heard no conntructlvo iiiccootloiui i havo heard nothing i scoit will it not tto dangcroun to uu lo hrlp tho world 7 it would bo fatal to uu not to huln ll nanhvlllo advovuu how it wag done u liclti wan vlnltlne tho family and ho children had pro ml nod faithfully that tlmy would nut ook him to taki thr tho movlcj tho iiucond day of hfu vlalt how over wan bin birthday tho children moled their icnnlcn on thin day an i prrhcntcd to undo ono ticket to ilia moyica liquid qhoe polish used ao an auto radiator paint i lucauio of tho dllhculty of gottlni into tho auacci in oji automobllo rod la tor to clean or paint them uilo part of u car la ofttm n off looted aayo wunhlnj ton writer tho appearand can io improved by paintlne- tho welt bins with black liquid ahoo pouah diluted to tho proper constlatoncy a convenient method of applying tho paint la to uuo tho ditibcr ivhlch iuunl 1 lj attached to tho cork of ho bottl work is education i dmuilon lu nlvcii not only by tho cliootti hut ulno hy our dally work win n ichool day i nru over any kind ot wort nit j ivhich wi ul carncatnean und lutollltviiru hi educative olli uhoil work in tho olllco or the t tnry lveii jin lxir renultii tut dlllmhod wi rlc in tho nchool room what he shaved with rim rommaudlni oltlccr woa lnnpoct irtb eomimiiy of hla depot comlnff to ono man whuuo faco wax rather tjtiltrmit ho nmar hn o uu nhaved ilili rrornlus ii nlr v ii tlu prompt reojioi tho c o lot kid duhloun and after cutitiulthik two or thrco oltlceni asuii jurutlom d thu accuaod with what did you use a pcnknlfot no olr camo tho onower i lost my jxnknlfo and tried an army raxor ou can start on monday guelph business college guelph ont and rvcolvu individual inatruc tion in thooo uubjocta nucemtary for a thorough bualncaj train i nc ask tho butilnoiui man about our counicj ho known tho ro- oulu make arrangements to day a l bouck principal danqer ot cellar stairs it h lluhltrl hilt ivliltl 1 lltol i ii i nt ii 1 ottoiu tail i n xt t hi top tip of th illir ilnlrwiiy to mwiit fa mini uiiuil l lirknr i i v i in thi filmr t lb ht tho whllo i ir iiml i ui vl 11 h iiiuklni th pdi it it whl h fullu odiiuirlly onur niui li li w ik 1 vhi j ou u n urn tryliu to holt ip u huip po t it idiown hut ik yiu pnthlef ii with unythliu unit in ui ht im lily ri iiuon why i i m nun cy in hi ruiitio tin oiniiii mill i o nnd th mui wanoi u u rviuyt m folkn llvo mid i rn will ru dvoln thilr tlmi to talklui ul ttilni of w 1 u 1 n 1 alo lutl iiothliii no yiaro fixn rlonni if pri hlhl i in ontario hou put tho n iloon i dliii trd unl tho whliikiy l ttlt thu lrucrlitu nh if ulo hi with tho ntryihnlui ami rhloroforni the budget debate in tho local house vuj con eluded lust thursday evening after the presentation of an amendment by tho opposition protesting agauibt the diameter of the financial statement of the governnient tho liberals objected to the huge maintenance charges on the government house and specifically mentioned his matter in their amend ment over s2j0qo was paid out for repairs und cmntntennncrr during the lost financial year tho building site and furnishings cost almost si 010000 if the eost fur maiiltunanco is going to continue yearly ut uroujid 21000 the ljberals consider that their prote t is timely and well taken other mutter which the liberals disapproved of in their amendment wcro the concealment of receipts under the heading of casual kcvcnuc as illustrated by the entries made in re pcct of revenue received from the sale of tractors ccd wheat etc which should have come under the iceeipts of tho department of agriculture they also protejtcd ngaiiut the trcatpicnt of receipts from the disposal of capital assets such as timber us current receipts whih at tho bqmc time trcatini the piyuunt u on capital account it being upparent that the e lpctuhiurcj should bo paid out of current rcvenup the annual report of public school inspector denycs for the haltonwentworth inspectorate just issued has much of interest to all who are interested in the cause of education tho statistical summary revcalb borne facts hurdly anticipated it shows that the cobt per pupil in this inspectorate based upon average attendance is much greater in the rural than the town schools in nassagawey the cost s s43 88 per pupil esqucsmg 55 55 trafalgar 55 78 nehon 59jt in the town schools the coat is as follow acton 25 11 alilton 3128 burlington 32 08 oakvillo 33 05 and georgetown 3718 it will be usatisfaction to our citizens to learn that our board of education is maintaining the excellent educational stutus which acton school enjoys at the lowest cost to the ratepayers of any school in the county i the housing bill has now parsed through all three stagey and received royal assent it now makes available something like 10000000 of which thu provuue loan 2000000 and the ledcial gov crumciit about 8000000 for the building of houb costing not more than 3500 each including land major toliinc who has been at the front proposed u cotcnimcnt grunt of 200 to a returned soldier or tile widow or widowed mother of a returned soldier to enable either oi them to purchusc a lot und to be ublo to avmj themselves of a clause which uuthon zes the advance of the full cost of the iioujc to uuch a party the government rilled tho motion out of orderand did not adopt it nnd hi cimcquencc he oldicr will have to hnd the price of ins lot tjtforc he can take advantage of tho govormcnt housing scheme tho manifest valuo of tho rcprcbeututivc of agriculture for haltou nr tho rural school i cm phuiucd by mr j m dcnyca lnbpector m his uutiual report he suys i am indebted to tho represent a tivo for hi reports of the excellent school i uirs of tho ycur 1 our fairs were held at ncboij brook ville trafalgar und ashgrove the quality of ex hihits this year was better than in pust years lhu was especially noticeable in the grain and root ex lubitb the cooking and sewing classes wcro ox ecptioiiully well tilled and the quality was excellent i1ie total number of plots represented at tho fou fairs was 710 and tho entries totalled 1 4j0 the apprcgutc attendance was 1550 school pupils and 2 000 udults it is very evident thut the school i air ti not losing in interest eithei for the ehildien or tin general public jt is in fact growing in interest n helpful sugcstion and in healthy competition stop lookl listen i1 hu fu t and k a ooll lluy llootu an 1 huhbcni to jiocp out tho wati r wo huvu hum aloo u tlno utock of womens fine shoes women 8 rudders ml s3 eg and youths fj0ot8 and rupbers mens worknq qoot0 mens light ooote mend rubbers if you aro troulcd with woalf orchra bunions cornu or ovorlop- pliik tooa conio and oco u wo liavo thu famoyi or scholls ar0h supports bunion pads and toe rights for curint nuch tlitnsa ropalrind neatly and promptly attandod to kenney bros maui street acton ont returned men desniivi tiik vuiy bit changing to civics this storu can supply you wttl tio very best mude to order tlothea hals cupa sox slilrta urncti utulenvtar and ull mens i urnuhings at the clojebt prices vo give you quick jrvicy ami largo choice of materials in aladc to mcujuro c lothing satisfoetion guarantood r e nelson phona 40 nant poit offit quelph fon the heathen only a tolhrtlon wmi hi int ihuou un l hrot h ihurrli n hunt iy n im imlf if the hiutlim rho mini r mn 1 u tlrrlnj wimd mi 1 thn uurh n nturtn 1 bin rounil ulth thr hoi om of tli nlcri wh in h off rol t tin c iiutlii llintily villi mly ill ilhijoiiol to in n kliil whlnitr h com niullim un 1 nnutor in 1 tunic v nun ulur 1 ull n t wrltir li tult it lul nt oliijt to blvo ovvt at that iwrhxl tho clkmloii ixxn wiro tuki n dlrct into tho v itry down t tmo tho jiroachi r from tho niil pit wi nt into tho vontry hniupht out ooo of tin lowi und murrliul iitruiith lowjnl tho it nth inun ull tho ronrro kntli n imiitflnlm thut tho mliilnti r wan oliur to- nhnmo thi unbtlluvcr into tlvlni nomcthliii tho h nym in oftcnl tin 1 ox to tho heretic with tho daivo n murk tale what thou wanleat i il it h boon cuthcrcr for tho honthcnl the farmerbanker alliance you go to your lawyer for legal advico to tho doctor for medical advico why not to tho morcfuinttibanlc forflnancial advico if you want u loan to buy cattlo hotffl or equipment if you wont informationoo to liow to invest money como to thooo who mulco a lumincu of financial matte ro and aro in n position to givo you oound and impartial advice safety deposit boxes in your own bank a nerd it t r thirty four lafrty lit iioolt hoxrn in thro nlrtii imfl hcon liiniultkl in tho vault of tho mrihaiit i unit of canada acton tiicm boxin ur hui lur proof havo dout lo lorku and occuro to each icao ahnolutt iy jrrrurn on trrtlon from flro or meddlfra you havo your own itny tho rontal lo very umall nntl tho boxen aro rommodloua llco trio mumi or hud nicurn ono fur your tlpcumontn and valoablci tlnablcm th mrchants eamk hodomcomonlroal of canada eatubuhed 10o4 acton branch gl orgetown branch i d shorev uuncn c w crandy manaetr erpravlng cbriomorosirot spring terms opna march 3 in blutwa ilualncan flchoobt toronto und mcrroa into hummer bcaalona from juno iff no coropuloory vacations vno catalogue write w 11 hhaw rrcaldcnt bnsincbs directory tho0 orav m d c m mcqill l it u 1 i lltiburili i- p l tf olunjiow member 1rltuh ucll ral annnciaui n ir offlco- it brh b ulrcrt actori out df j a mcniven phyialn nd 0urgon dfllro nnd itrbllonco corner dawtr aronuo and i ifln i uret tho rrld- piico formerly ocrupld by r m lln- dcron acton dnt vcteninany john law00n v urinary ouroon aclon ont oraduato of ontario veterinary col- ueo 1880 oftlco arthur iuoi k itexldence mill berrol calls day or nlfht prompt- iy attended to lcqal dopo fo z2 v o hope ui harold nash farmer m av darriater solicitor notary publlo convenyancar etc ferryman block acton ont mom y to ioan conveyancing uoura 3 p m los p imnt rcsldenco r h wan8drouqh laka avonua acton ontario or j m dell o d 8- u d q dntist honor gnxduatoof toronto unlyer- ity tbo u ten to aneathetlo nsed l dcalrad oftlco at residence corner 11111 mna froderlrk htnuit mibcellaneou3 marriage licenses h p moore lasuer mamaa llcanna private oinro no wltncsbca r lulrotl iiutued at reside nco in evening kkkx piuais ottlrii acton out francis nunan rjookbindcf account book of ul klnda mdo lo order icrfodlcaln of evi ry dcacrlp lion carefully bo nod rullnc noauy and prornjitly done wyidham btroct ouclph ont- ovcr uullanu btoro r j kerr licansed auctionr vor ui countlou of httlton wolunb- ton pool and rurforln ond tho clt of quclph acton ontario 7alca may bo arranccd by mall oi at rooldonco at acton or at tho proo iymw offlru acton the blorcury omco ouolph the nowa itocord ivrsua or with w j gordon ilarnoaa mflbit huloburc salca ontrualcd to it j kerr re ceive attention from date of 1 latin- to dalo of oalo lant jour oalta with mo vouno btrott acton phono 30 acton call at roy exponao what have you got to sell tjmful things which you no longer iibe liavr a grtalcr moneyvalue nowadays than ever before furniture ami fumibhiiigfe of die home iletrwketl for newer tliingb office turni- tiue and fixtures replaced and no more in actual um wearables pictures musical instruments used autonipbiles still ser viceable thew and many other things have a cash value which you may readily realize through advertising them lor sale in the classified columns of the acton kkee press do not relegate to the junk heap used-but- usehil articles which may he urgently needed hy many people who would find it hard to pmchase them at first hand dont penult any useful article you own to be a slacker 11 you cannot use it sell it to somebody who can tjtojtjj xi vhfo je qubec sl cneevers dook dinder emat gualph ont itooka n nd lilni islncs bound in ilamluumo and buluitui i nl nuraca uttcienl in uold on blbloi hymn 1 too la onu other book all work promptly exocutd d alex niven onuno land survoyor and civil enqlnoer surveyu faubdlvialgno plana elo- porto doner ptlona niucprluui etc ccrtincatcu for i urctionera and mortiracoea hurveyn toe archlukrta jiuudcra and municipal council dralnoco itoportu litlmatca etc molean duildinq douglma bt aufcjjii phono 10ci ont roy hindley uctioneer 11 vu jiocu luai estatu am mluchanuitls conaobdatod plvooo ertri 4t 1 1 r n 3 acton granutcunkstf the double track route 11itw1 1 n montreal toronto detroit chicago uuexicuid dlnliii ui olivilo iile lllllif v i urloi t am ru un nluht trulim and ju print li ul duy truliut 1 ull luf n in unit tlilt i ihutrh t 1 jj lutlon fioni uny orund uu nt or t 1 lloruliii iht aijint toronto il s hou1ls ajcnt acton ont phom 13 tho old and reliblo gripito and marblo dealers ufaf lu ii tl dlrt i nil llcudatono vij k to our i uu torn urn at vhukaa1o iirlcoi thua tuvlui our ltulinirni 40 r tn v tiftyu tho bent uyulluiieea uul thu tily mo baiilcu hi tin lomliilon who cau uporuto pnuumatlo uol pruporly vo run uivo rerrmwi nm bin drodn f our cunt imrm l lorcnto ami cow lilucs wfiero othtm havo tthavo law ulta in order tu mllctt v havo th lariroat um bonl m k of thuulto lu tho ugmlnton or mum than any thrno dralom in tbo wvat wo aro lentil nia to deal em and omploy no u and do not unnoy or ptat cunumiora by aondhik out itmrunt uutmta otllclt liitf onlrnt wn iitiploy unly ioluxiilri und dory cfliiiuotltlon hamilton sons cornorwlch a woolwich ht ouoipb ssi55z- l w duj sjtjljlljii jfr mmgims

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