Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 27, 1919, p. 5

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islje artmt 3tct tytsba tinhmn a mahc1i 27 oindq the cr itvo cv ry trum nln raj mo k yiinl t iarh ntry winds txmo liinln some i ucndlnic ircat 1013 give the oil itllthllll li llllln ii to your iioi rations or whun wli l ivn till while yyir iumbo i tin mo for their you can utorca to till whm the thilly olaiim blow oor tha rolil wliitcrn iiriifw how can thruo frit lie red mo ruin and n llvlnc i mm thu i in l it door iu know tho rruiiiiii you can throw i rriiidajont a bit vrlilln you i iilvlnif i iv i mi c rown and you i liinln tlio crumba iblo not frown with tho ilutfii thcio truo frlrindn i1 til fralhr am ju trlbo cliouun to nuit r jo fnn in mn lit to ni thoujli but fliv ior iiucli kindness each heart it tlio cuiion 12 a woodward in tlio wntrlmord f i ftw of hi i tiiy throunh tb ow tho bleak crumba twentv vcar3 aqo thursday of tuo frss prii oi mrch 30 1000 iastrr nrxl handay ilaster ccffn aro likely to bo reason able in irlco tlio ruuni prlco tlild week la ii cents messrs r ami j holmes nhlpp a car of catllu uiid hofn yesterday mr itolcrt watson la haulim brick for a hew twostorey retddenco ho in ton do ercctlnc next oummor lie built one of tho uncut batik barn a jn tho county a car njo mr gcorin htovci who lias born running a boot and shoo business at tho corner of mill and main street has purchased tho shop and 1wo1iiijh and ntook bclonklni to tho cstalo ct tho late thornon ajjnrur ii will open saturday with a cloarlnir sale for thirty day tho welcome beams of tho spring aunahlna rootu4 tho pprlnc millinery openings yesterday tho millinery department of henderson co araln under tho supervision of mlst campbell wftoso fulfillment of order butt season fftui so satisfactory thin 1b mr cauliis oral season but an ac compllflhcd art lot a la jn charge zdls mqssacarvaklllful arrangement of the show room nos made 4t a bower of beauty astsa- arajiam is row enqaf cd in arsesslnn lio municipality every mw who lu 21 years of ogo rhould boo to it tii at his namo is made known to tho assessor ao that all tliclr nftmci may bo placed on tho manhood fran chise list ac tho mectlnc of tho school boarj on monday evening improvement a 1 contemplation for tho school ijrounda wf ilhrusnid tho crooschannol tents of marconis system of wireless telrcrophy which began vestrday will bo continued foi some lima 1h in far ilioexpcrlmcnls have boon ontlroly anecvfaful tlio mtu- oagea pasnlni with tlio greatest enso th dbitanco is z2 in i lea d0nt8 for anglero llnlilnc daya another month i p m fill bo here again in s the early sjilrr beta the fish iont swear or you wont catch ttti nsh so sayoth the old proverb dont icavo all your pruparatlonti for tho momlrui eet all ready tlio nlcht before ion t he about tho alio of your hsu tho also of your catch or tho alto of tho blf one that sot away its old atuff and you can t com polo with the old times on it dont economize by uolnff last yearn tackle bcllevinn it to ik as ood as new ho dont spoil tho whole trip by losing tho blj one on account of a rotten lino get a new one and irct th very bent dont start out with a crouch in tho mornlns your atutudo may make or mv tho pleasure of the trip tho world including oahcrmen cravo ood cheer and sunublnc as you meet others othcrawlll moot you bmllcs beijct omllcn whllo crouches and crunk in coo beget cuiuiworda dottttluiiiireat a bullish disposition bo liberal with tho fellawu thoy will make it just as cosy for you as thoy can and in tlio end acknowledge oven in your absence that you aro a regu lar guy dont lose your patlenco and temper if they don t pull you out of tho boat tiltlnjj and want to move to soma other spot riitfi aro erratic cuftuea and run in droves uko aheep and yuu may just leave before um drovo arrives rqct into a promlnlns location aud htfiy uierounti you aro really auro thero ore no moro tlsh then move but every move takes lime and you will soon gel ho hub it and want to bo movlnc all tlio tlnk don t uttempt to tell old tlmiru how to il t h vou will only waste your bcnth if tliro li one point in tho world n man li cut on its his natilmf ability and tliout h ho may notiutcli hull you are tukl ir awful chuncca in crtlclktnc ha motlioja it will only tcault in un uruuuiuut and plyo tlnt a bud taste in his mouth wtien lio ltnkii at ou hut you tun c nomo mlthfy valuade and useful information ijy ohsonluc tho ttvays and worklnil of thoo oltl birds you can make u of their cxpicic0 frco dont rhik tho boa unless your ufa insurance pbliclcs aro all paid up to date and your uvullablo cash iitveatod la victory honda and lied cross don ations if all thla ban bocn done and you aro alono in the bout go to jl riock the old tub to your hearts con tent hock it blduwbicf longtiiwlne and any old way uiid if tha worst abould hupen your birtavld and bene fitted relattvrs will at least huvo tlio satlofuctloii of rmncinbrlnut jou wcrt tboujjhtfu luxl and gun mulcrs worm the nfterlttlp cutivo to ompleto hecnune they selvts one i 1uwiuvn do nut need oil or any pur- i thilr thoruukliiicujj thorough in 1init- of tlim uml hey will int found pulnublo by all lliilr4 u will end tho worm tnmblo y insklutj tho ntomaih mid bowels uiiuiiahl tho purusltia and not only tblf lllt tho powdtm will bo iiruiln to tixcit most bonrttdul indueiuca tn tho dl tlvo oriranw value of lawylnfl talk a yountf lawyer was dcfondlns an old ton vlct on the chargo of lmrglai- in a atute wturo tint court rulcn allow iqcil nldu oiiu hour to addrctnt tha jury tho nif lwytr somewhat iicrvoun comiultrd 4 voliiuu iiumltrj ot tlio bar who hapienrd to bo ntm fating nenr how muih tlmo do ym thlllltijllqultl take up in udlirauhik the juryt asked in n rgtlmr jhiiihrun inuiinor tako tho full huur reply tho full hour why i intended to take only flftem mliiuku tuko the full hour responded tho old lawyer lint whyt llevaure tho longer you tulk tii loimer you will kiip your illeiit out it jail 1sdlett home journal was the iriff i am oorry i have not time and id hardly got utnrtcd on it wlifn i wiiii intrrruptnd and i havon t hud n chiinco to touch it nlnrc a itrral iiunty inoplo lay their falluro to inaltn a nuccrun of anything to iho rgt tlmt tliry aro tontitiually inter rupted thry iitttrt a course of read- 1 1 iff or tho study of a lancuace besln a hook wjlto a paco of a letter rip up n rnrnlrnl preparatory to muklnif it over or mukci no mo other bcclpnlnff tho inxjk noes back to tho library un- rtnd tho unfinished letter lies about till it bewnni n outlawod by ace and in ronalriicd to tho wnalebaakot tho kanncnt in rormljtnod to tho ranjbatt the lanjcuaffo study never nets beyonl a few introdurtory lonnons tho course of n itdlnff brooks off not far from tho nturtlnir point and in overy caao tho kplanullon in the slime intcrrup- tlonn intrrruptlonsl alwayn ijstcr- ruptlona now orcxulonalty that is a iccltlmato mriiio thero aro noma inlrrniptloiti it in impouslblo to avoid and they do intrrfcrn sadly with out surreas hut on hie other hand ulnco many poopln male u brilliant success in spite of interruption it would itccm that others could do tho mmo tho trouble in that many of un form tho habit of belnn interrupted wo allow our work to bo intcrfred with and our uuccesu jeo lutrdlzed vthen it is mite unnecessary tho reason that many pooplo arp ulwnjn bclnc inttrruptod la tliat they have ii rccular times of work and all tliclr acquaintances know it if you nro practicing munlo several hoi day or havo taken up tho study of a language or havo certain household duties which demand your attention i npart certain hours of tho day for attending to them and when your friend mabel rails up to invite you for a drive say no and explain that you practice from nlno till eleven or that you nlro the hours from ten to twotva to your ironch ttioinytt umo mabel ur to waste and is looking no to was to it with her alia is more likely to cal up noma other friend titan you rtcgular hours for work are a nplendld defense against tcrruptiona of course it in necessary to be ready to mako sacrifices in order tp carry out your purponen if you do not have cnouch nelf control to deny yoursolf a pleasure if you feel it incumbent on yourself to say yes whenever the cliance of enjoyment comes your way you will of course bo interrupted con- uy vmuo sorry i didnt havo tlmo to onloh that drcas sold a girl who had undertaken to maks a little dress far a destitute family which wjj belpg outfitted by a chart tab lo organi zation cvcry tlmo i started sowinc i had an invitation to go somewhere and i just couldnt finish most un reliable people look on an opportunity to enjoy themselves nst a necessary interruption and the possibility of es cape by the simple expedient of naylnjr no hardly occurs to them- some interruptions aro unavoldabh but they ore comparltlvcly few aa a rule we aro interrupted because wo let ourselves bo because wo have fallen into tho way of allowing our purposes to bo sidetracked by almost anything that comes up plan your day and stlelc to your program unless it is essential to depart from it- refuse to form tho fatal habit of being inter raptcd- alcoiiol a poioon tort dpar iilr tho verdict of nnturo of ulrolmi pronoun eintiil i many txm rlrncn ted that nlcotml hi living tlr mn rh 2 131j luut i an hour to yourself out of tho twenty four every one has a i jht to have an hour to himself how r buuy ho nuj bo orj burdened with tho rcjponaibllltly of othera there aro sixty minutes in thu day to which ho 1aa nn nallcnablo rijiht some ieople toko a great deal more but no ihoultl be satisfied with l very much depends on the wayyoi uio tho hour to yourself some young people ulpiply dquader it they hardly look on it as n possession they mere ly know that for an hour there la no especial claim on them and they gbmrc at the paper or look out of the win dow and wait for the stroke of tho ctcck to coll them to a now duty be on the watch for tho huur that is yours and hao a definite program for it that hour to yourself ought to count largely in our culture it lias been laid that fifteen minutes a day riven o carefully choicn reading will enable ino to hold his own a cujuvfttad ikeople- a our reading doe not help us appreciably because it is hllormlss a course of reading even if you give to it only a quarter of that precious hour to yourself will do won ders in your development toko part of this hour for planning your life it la astontahlnje how most jwoplo drift throuh tho yearu without ttlnnnlnir wilhoul looking ahead with out u goat handtomouth llvlrac of thin hurt la not conducive to succcat think out tomorrown work lay n plan that will reach into next week nd mist mntli havo a troal for your torts aha at someuilpg ic your our to yourseu you can nnd time for thla forward look take part of your hour for setting acquainted with yourself most of us go through tho world atrancera to our selves often bur frlonds are able to toll us qualities wo had cot realized poaseasott iovailablj our fota can point out faults of whoso existence wo were ignorant it la not rtsht that out siders should know us better tlian wo know ouraclvoa much of ouroueceaa and happiness in llfo doptnd on self- ualntuiice fltudy yourself as an uijt alder might study you with tlio intaiiinablc ailantaeo of behuj ablo to look into jour heart d ape tho hbtralqiui lijdden uicr lie fail o youpteir i cits sclf-nnolyds- lo npv ronitonii too hamhly una on thu other hand do not cxciuw too readily aixty minutes out of the day how little thoy seem i how easily fey are wanted t and how wonderfully they will help n ufo it rightly used ilcfuse to allow any combination of clrcum- i stanccu to cheat yuu of that hour to yoiirpolf james h cross hell do hell do said a gentleman docla- lvuly kpeuklng of a boy who had boci in his employ but a sluglo day wlwt makes you think bo7 llocuuso ho jjlvca himself up ao en tlruly to tho wo k in hand 1 watchel him whllo ho swept the omee d ol- ihoiigli a procetalon vltl thrco or foui biuau bitiuls in it welt by the olloo wbtlu ho wan at work lio paid no t- iiiitlon tu li but swept on as if the iiveiliiif of that room wao th only ttiiuj of consotiuenoe on thu earth t hut lnic then i ntt him to ud- tlntudiirf some euvelopea and ultious ttxru wvre a lot of picture pullers and otlu i iapiti on tlio disk at which he t ho paid oo uttuiitlun at all to tliliu but kept rlsht on uddnastitrf thoun envclopa until tho last one of thcin wua done hell do because ha it thorough aid dead in nnutit abojt uur tliiiii worlds almond gupply tlpalt producoa ubolit oiifoui th of tho worlds supply of almunds al though 1 touthern lumpo and in souia ikutlo o talifotnti tho trees aro ulllvatud foe tho sake of the nuts tho iran which belongs to tho ros family la mm h like tho pcacb lu form flower and fruit but is guuerally larger growing to a height of over twenty fet ami bearins beautiful whlto flow era which appear before tha leaves tho pit or stone of tho fruit lu thtt fumltlar nut known ua tho al mond the vool of tho tre is hard and of a data rrd color and la ubou lu urnamentyt woik iili iku nn to tho h i lirrftrtly clear 1 1 ii poinon tn hnvn detnotuitrar i very pnlnonnun a ccllllfo a tent of tha rrovrtti of cress need in rlonrd glsjei tuboo wan made laoh tube ronlslu- rd exactly tho nanin amount of garden mould water nnd air nnd heat hut variously molitened five tubon were used in tho first tho mould woji inoliitencd with pure water only the mould in the other four wart molittoucd with n mixture alcohol and wt r tie proportion v-iry- lnff from ono part of ale hoi in u 000 imrtn of water to inn purt or alcohol in 10 partn of water tho ri ult intorcutlne and illumlnnlliur kvon smallcit atnuiuit of alcohol retarded tlio growth of tho cress an tho pro- portion of alcolul hu rouueil tho gro of the crean deercantd until in tho tube where tho ntmntrist slullim of alcohol wan used tlm cress aeedn wi ro cither actually killed outright ur thrlr gcr- mlnitljn tua very fecho the effect of alcohol en tho growth of ranta such as hilnainu grrunfumw mlaa nettles aloen larchiii be gonias and potntoci lias been tested and also ifei oitects on anlmalu e l worms leeches pi rch and other flnh silarrowi and mamma la working principally wllh a ten per coot tolutioi of alcobil t la found that alcohol acts as a definite piqtn4mainlc pilwn uron all forma of cell lire that plants be come shrivelled and pain tlmt animals become intoxicated and that those that live in water noon die crayfish inn two per cent solution of alcohol dlila u olnglo day perch in a two nlfkoju per cent solo- tlon of alcohol soon lcomo intoxi cated fall to tho bouorfi and die though if placed in puro spring water lief ore the final stage they may revive in tlio course of a few hourn ith vcffctableo and the lower animals no with man tho colli of which our bodies are built suffer in just tho same way when alcohol t taken into tho system a dally moder ate dose of alcohol taken in any form at alcoholic drink has a tender quietly but surely to deteriorate tho tlssueo of the body chappie of liverpool england bays incisively there aro three i i- flucnccs that weaken our dcfensl forces heredity adversity and alcohol these three but tha greatest of these la olcohol yours talthfully j ii hazelwood dept of social service rect a minute oft tired it it tt rotor whm in thu iho ilit t tih tin y do no be whm they havo an rent thry fall to talt i tin lr ippor ilywby uirj strongth tuiilly to tago of it th they c tlrev wear out the triibo with mo i v o dont know how to tako tli they think thnt itnulun they havo many things to which they munt give their attention the muiliicfp utiaillly- at work until tho lant tiiak has 1m en accompllshud when rui n mntt r or fact a inltiutno rnt now and than would glvo a great dnl moro i m rr lo bn xien inl lin dl ipojltu if tin nn manlfoid duild thus if the houiifwiro in her own cook oho will nnd on iiiili ppotluiii tri to rcdt a tnlm tn while working in tha kitchen to do thin linwcver ulio must see to it that tho kltclkn rtfr- nlnldng inclul- rnimo pli ro of fund turn upon which nhn au trul rout luat a minute m dont have to tako a hue nup lu b d with the shades drawtr junt rlouo your oyen nnd let your wholn body relax it won t tako moru than the tlmo tlul la nee canary for tho wade to bolt r the loae to brown but it will do j on u world of good iuu t minute now raises 600 chickens after being relieved of oi snlc trouble by lydia e pintcbnmjg vegetable compound orrrfin iii i tok lyllaniink- hama vejiuiblo compound fcr an nr- rjonic trmi n vlilrji pullcxl mo down tm- tlllcni i inolputiny foot to tin fltxr mid could ncurcely tin my work- ami nn 1 iivo on a cmrtll farm rni raino nix hundred sclilckcnn every yior it niaila it very hard for ma i taw tho com pound tulvertliod in our imper and tried it how would it do to htlp jour fall t o nprulc kindly ol to wnir a i ml in in to u ido at liomo icrlptlun brother rlno all evil of no t til of a frown ho wholn yiur i fiooly as yi nd do iood it han xiilorcd iub h in for lame hack a brink rubbing with dr thomas helrctrlc oil will cure lamoiiack the hi will immediately absorb tho oil uitd it wlh ienctrato tho tissues nm ting iccdy relief try it and ho convinced at the liniment sinks in tho pain comes out and tluro ore ample grounds for nayliit that its touch la magical as it is my henllli co i can do all my work nad i am bo rratefuj that i am recommend- in it to my frienda mra d u ajtj mt r it a oreiron ill onlywomctiwhohavoimffetedthotor- ture- of cuch troobleo and havn draijjrcd nlnnir from day to day can realize tho relief which thin famous root and herb remedy iydiac pinkhomn vcretblo compo jnd broadht to mrs alters women everywhere in mra aite condltifin nhoufd profit by her rccmn- mendatiua and if there aro any com- plittitiona writo lydia c pmkhamo mrdjcino co lynn mosn for advice tho result of theit40 years experience la at your service and by oiir to hooli i ourmiru fitmet it and ditulht ra vhilr youi frlii da t uppri ctallve tin onlu io wluxip jour tiuuln a to the front md inlp your eomiieutorm to ke p up lo mud thin paper to lour frtnida hut ou wish to kindly rtmernler lo nhow your inti retit for your towji i ii im tlclug well of it ntaudlut by it nd llvlnr by itt the father of him agen onruntakcr glv jour five children j other alt right mary will bo thlrteu in tmipumhcr tblrte n yci lint munt i mi rljhl and john in join ahenv ho n clig on cloven i guess thn helen wult a tnluute 1 novcr ruiiltl nrnuiibfr how old who is but 1 red in iyod lo lot ma nro and vrchle heavtiin man my wife will bo back nt half pout flvo cant rm como again tlumt- w n mono cornit crlpplo the ft et nnd make w ilkliii a torture yet sure relief in the dhapo of liuilowayi corn curo u within reach of all an upbuilding force regardless of climate or environment nature exacts her toll of wear and tear on the system and there is frequent need for an effectual aid to restore strength and vitality railway time tablea a systemic strengthener free from harmful drugs nourishes and replenishes the needs of the body naturally scotta may be used daily in any climate with benefit and strength to the body take scotta emnhton- it builds up the body at acton grand trunk jlallvwsy oof no west no 28 no 31 devoid cougrlp and cougherif cootfjsv- 3 pre ails shilo 30 daorfstopjcovqw eaiftnu rottanidtm r 1 atn io is am z is p m c 63 p m 8 12 pm oolna cast r 0 b am 328 p tn 0 1 p m h l p m hunday train- pass thrtiugh acton going went at 10 10 a m and cast at 7 00 ii m toronto suburban clactrlo raltway gojno wttt dally except fluuday dally ocept hun day jjally except ijunday hunday only hunday only no s no 32 no 31 no 38 0 17 am nlpm 800 p m 11 03 a m 031 p m golntj cast 7 4bilm dally except hunday 3 03 pm dally except bunday c 18 p ra dally exenpt hunday 8 118 a m hunday only ilspra r hunday only freight and exprego icpreos carried on ul cum prelsht dollvercd daily by special express f re iff lit cxpreaa or i rollht plckedup at any addromi in toronto o it aonltjv acent acton these things will make you glad when tho years have slipped by and memory ruaa back over tho path you have trod you will b glad you stopped to apeak to every friend you met and left them all with a warmer feeling la their hearts because you did ao you will be flad that you were liappy when dolnf the small everyday thlitfa in life and that you served tho beat you could in lifes lowly round you will be glad that nvtn havo said all alone your way i know i can truat him ho la as truo an steel lou will bo ftlad there t havo been some rainy dayn in your lire if there wcr- no storms tlte jountatruf would dry up tho sky would be filled with poisonous vapors and life would cease you will be fflad tat you stopped ions cnouch every day to read care fully and wiui a prayer in your heart some port of gods mcaaeo to those ho lovea you will be clad that you shut your ub said about ono another und tried the best vou could to stay the words wind ed with poison you will bo clad you broufht smiles to men and not tomiw you will bo glad that you hae met all tho hard things which have come to you with a hearty liandshuke novcr d odd my out of them but turnuif thcra all to uio best pousiblo uccount selocted thay soothe excited nerves- ncr mit nre u attributable to dcxcctlvo dlffcstion as tlio stomueh dominates tno ncrvo ccruea a couruo of iarmelees veffetablc illls will suii all disturbances of this cliaracter and by restoring the olomach to normal action relieve tlio nerves from irrlta tlon tliere la no sedative like them and in the correction of lrrcffularltlen of tha jigcatlvc po iiop tlon has done so effective work ucui betcsuiod to by uiftuaanoii what is a friend t seated on a white bench they talked f friendship a friend is a balancing- jiole said an athlete a balanclnffpole wl tliout which it la impossible to walk safely tho tlijhtropo of ufo a friend is a jewel sold a prutty flrl that shines brujhteut in tho dark ness of misfortune a friend is a volume aald n jour nalist a volume of aymputhy bound cloth as a rjilo though tn rare cases the binding may bo allcan- a friend la a isrold link mused a jeweller in a chain of llfo lie la a plaster said uio physician for ihcclttt ql misfortune l4ko ivy said tho botanist thc greater tbo ruin tho closer ho line a friend said a aadlooklng woman is the first person who comes in when the whole world has conn out when you tell your family that tho mutmaxadd la the jar was made with flairfcic stlfgar they fcnpw they ore going to nave a lreal tho lanticlibraryia three lilue booklets teuurtjrtvow- to mnke prcacrvee desserts and oilier good things with lantic sugar we cnd it free but please enclote o 2c- stamp to pay postage atlantic sojir rclbrri- ltd ibcol kuiuumc honiuat esc men j he first was a dirty uncouth peas- ant but he played a leading part in the disruption of a nation he held no portfolio yet he swayed a court as did no minister of the crown he was without holy orders yet people called hifn monk and no church man of his generation exercised so profound an influence in the empire to which he belonged the second with a private income of 20000 per year has been called the eyes and ears of one of the allied rulers no titles have been conferred upon him he has received no reward apparently wants none yet he witnessed germanys preparations for the great war and warned his nation of its approach he acted as its secret but unofficial agent after war had been declared and though without office was closer to the heart of the struggle than any member of his countrys cabinet the third a general in the allied armies was bom in a railway shanty he would not have been fighting ger many today if an alsatian lad his ancestor had not eseapedfronra bavarian press gang in 1744 do you know him rasputin the selfconsti tuted monk who played so sinistera rolein tlie of jhe russian dynastycol edward house the con fidential emissary and adviser of president wildon gen j j pershing whose an cestors were pfirschings and who today heads the over seas forces of the united 6tates these are the three men pictured and described russia collapsed and the toronto daily star published the story of the mysterious one who had jed its courts excesses president wilson declared war and the toronto daily star gave to its readers a series of articles on the confident work of the man who had most influenced him the american forces began to make themselves felt and the toronto daily star pre sented the lifestory of their great leader none le lias pufolislteil their histories this policy will be continued the toronto daily star will endeavor to lift for its readers the curtain of diplomacy and in trigue and give them a glimpse at he great personalities on the worlds stage for this purpose alone it has twenty four world famous orrespondents at the peace conference they will keep star eaders fully informed upon every development the toronto daily star has been famous for its feature stories it published harry lauders great book as a serial sir frederick smith the attorneygeneral of england visited canada and the star gave its readers his book of personal im pression at the first of this year the star began the publication of two outstanding canadian stories of the war the first my three years in a german prison by hon dr henri s beland m p former postmastergeneral of canada is in some respects can adas most notable contribution to the literature of the war the second from mons to the rhine with the canadian army is a diary by lieutcol john a cooper a distinguished canadian journalist describing the last and perhaps most spectacular phase of canadas part in the great war further important features the best available will be announced from time to time the main thing is you will want to read them dont take chances of missing the big stories subscribe for the star and end your subscription in now for l month sc for 3 months 75c for 6 months 21s0 for 12 months 300 cut oil this coupon and mail it today all k1nd0 of poultry wanted auvu ok uuuaalu geeoe turkeys fowl and ch1ckenq newlaid egc3 hldlq and tallow iaxmora havlnit poultry to sell wo udvhio tlilm to call on uu fur quotations r milligan cornsr young and mill qts acton or to p o box 341 acton creame ry bring your cream to us we will give jou the high est morfcet price for butter fat acton creamery willow street rsgimcxmsrvbr tfaflomto cnada uptodate goods atccspeignrs silverware in tublekjtfczrfine variety also fine cutlery hardiiflrt tinware and granite- varc bi assortment pandora stoves and ranges famous heaters small stoves od stoves efty article ig of excep tional value c c speight mill street acton to publishers toronto daily star toronto l dear sirs please enter me as a subscriber to hie toronto daily star for montlis for whit please find enclosed stamps or money order for name in full address p- the toronto daily st acton bakery m edwards co canada vuod board i ac mill fittucrj to facilitate the handling ojf the products ot qui bakery and to make it more conveni ent for our custom n uu huvu boenred the thop nuxt lo wiles confectioner where supplies of our white bread brown bread tea biscuits cakes buiib and scones may always uc secured wedding cukes a specialty m edwards co acton ontahio l

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