Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 27, 1919, p. 6

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1 births marriagqa and deatha wo now charred it r at tho following ralcii births 60r marriage 60f icallm go memorial cards to 10c per lino extra for poomn mannicp iiltadi i koi i itrijon at fit an in w n cltunli toronto on march it 1310 ly elm itov it i cameron alexpn irinu hnberlnon jo william 1 bradley ixtji e f georgetown morki nii iii m ititl it at the ret idem ii r thn hrl lo n parents milton on rum luy march 18 131 by itov a 1 marshall clarice at ihrtn t nly daui ttf i r of mr nnd mm a i ilimntrocl to john d mac kouxlo r wnlkcrvllle wiuggi 1 iwoiitii wauiiial tho homo of m i rhln n parents iloun tiilti vliw milton on wednesday uurcli ij 1313 by rev a is mar- shall oru ivarr walsh daugbtor of mr and aim i ij hartley to nor innn f wrlfciunwortli son of mr ami aim john wrlgglcswortb of uoorgotowu died mrfannin trafalgar on saturday march 16 1d1d lid ward mcconn llr in hlu kth year hahbotti l in nelson township on hundaymurch 33 1010 george henry harbottlr in lib 48th year wahni itat winnipeg on sunday mar 23 of pneumonia following in fiuenxu mlnnlo mckraguo trlfo of albert ii warner itarrisler and daughter of dr h a mckeague formerly of acton in meuoriah loving memory of moki at ii drar mother mm jamtfl moffat who died murrh 27 1918 dys of sadness ritlll coma over ua team of aorrow often flow memory keeps our loved oncnutr no memory keeps our laved ono nur us dauahtekb if artan xzt iteflfi thubhday mahch 27 181 brief local items buy trirt stamps tho lilacs aro budding spring welcome spring ah fools clay next tuesday plowing w soon bo commenced r the puosy willows aro coming into bloom tho aucar makers aro at work in earnest now put that spare quarter lute thrift stamp boo consolidated schools for esquesing a splendid meeting of itcpretcn- tativca of nearly all secuoru of tlic townslup an obqanigation fohmcd tlint the i ahlii aro ullv problems f i by tho attend rural action tr library gcori lvcry ticctloii two exception rr ma lill ii liad condition wau ii i toucher ond a in btliulf of auilcilc sports sumed in uio park will soon bo ro- scason opens five trout nahing weeks from to day the droveratihliiped two cam of stock on saturday tho pavements have gotta all clear and dry again- tho roads have been very bad in some localities tho pout week about tlmo mill and main street received the usual spring cleaning no daylight savins for ca this iiuramcr 7 ho government cays oo a magnificent display of aurora borcolls waa vlslhlo here last friday evening john it huffman of eaqueslng bos sold bin farm to bobl h smith of saslmtcjiowaji w kelly has opened a new meat store in tho shop at tbd corner of mill and klsln streets toronto magistrates flpo lsts jgoo and ooats for havtnff mud on their license numberu at tho last race ti ax of the oeorce- town women a civic association 122 was voted to the public library thomas leader ouelph was fined 00 and cobu on monday for viola tion of tho ontario temperance act the silent policeman la watch ing how you turn tim corners at 11111 and main streets keep to the right i in i r iji iu ilnir town i l tho prencnt day nn la wan amply i rovoii net ut the mctiux i tru hrl 1 in tho public town n 1 rliluy lunt of tin town hip with wi rt rcprcwriftf i mnrniii wuii cltrfil an chairman and r n turrt iry j m lcityn a innptxtor ruvo n nucrlnrt outline if tho t uiidltlotm in reenrd to tlm iicliimjla f tlio county in tlio rourso of bin remnrli ho nub mitt ml tho fojlowlmr ncurro in rreurd to attendance ii n booln with an average of lean than 10 3g ochools between 10 and 14 17 schools uttwccn 20 and 29 whjlo tho over 30 ho claimed that thl unfair to both j upll u ho n ado a ntronr p tho country pi 1 ii illfib school prlvllcj ca uhould bo within the rracll of all ami not only to tho tavorod fow mr iienjo oujj irxstcd conaolldation of tie weaker sections as tho best and only remedy in eight for such u dlncouraelnj con dition of affairs consolidation would result in larger and mora rei ular at tendance and would allow creatcr a tention to tho health nnd comfort of the children mr a n lake lrovlncnil inajecto of manual tralnlns and household sdercc then rlraxty outlined tbo poul tlon of tho lducation ixpartmcnt the deportment will kivo o errant of s00 to each school entering ouch t consolidation pay 20 per cent of tin cost of transportation for uio first lv years and tho schools will in addition receive tho regular township grant should a community hall bo cstab liahed in connoctlot with tbo ucbool 2 000 morowouiu lo rrantod oector v 4 oalbroitli ua of peel county auio addrosned tbo meet ing ho emphiuilxrd the nel of thlnl ing in lotetfr circles than la common at present vhllo tho child primarily belongs to tho fnmly in o largo and truer sense bo belongs to tho state in his opinion tho consolidated school would glvo oil tho advantages of tbo city ochool with fow if any of the tatters dlsadvnntageo in tbo conspll dated ochool agriculture would bold an important place in tho coarse of study mrs geo havllt acton accrclary of hnjton county women a institutes in an interesting address spoko on tho need and importance of medical and dental inspection sho gave figures to provo that a largo perccntago of tlio children were needlcnsly handicapped on account of the lack of proper atten tion in regard to tbta important factor in tho child a life mrs w j hunter of lirainpton gave a stirring address in which sho told of tho effort maiu in pocl county to produco results in regard to dental and medical inspection mrs ilunterr enthusiasm waa contagious and spread throughout tho audience before tho close of tho mcetlruf a resolution was moved by j it lindsay seconded by it c mccuiiougn that an organization of tho pcoplo of ioqucs ing townahlp for the betterment o tho public schools bo formed this as carried unanimously at tho elections which followed j it lindsay was elected president and sir john nlckell befretnrv trrnniinr tirs neighborhood news town and country item of ntrat from various loos ii ties covarsd by th frso prsas opcyoidl c miurlllor ifamjiuhlio uol a trli to cfurlj h on m unlay motor curs pnidi tbrom t in larger tiuuil rri now noijio frt in dlutuit ixiliita itc mr hlrjrlmn of ta iiaguwo i uvc a ui icndld uddrens n tbo lvlla i r covotounnwjn at the guild mtut nr lunt i ri lay evanlng a rain lo f prominent work cm in tho act n gull 1 aluu vlulti i tlio b llu that ovfiilng at tho nidi ting to bo ik id this thuruday i vi ulni mr hampshire wll ilvo nn ldrerui an 1 mr l worden of atton will olng nockvyooo mr thomas mutrle of iteglnu tu nk iiuji immiii tho gucut of hlu brother col mutrlo this week it in ovor tw nty yi afii olnco mr mutrlo went west mul this in bis first return visit i toe k wood ii gas woll which lu local od on tbo james hamilton farm lias liecn drilled to a drj th of 2 13 fct ly tho imperial oh xoinpany it linn dovoloped a 70 pound prcaauro of f as which waa nr rtolncd by tint nt friday it in estimated that uils vell will supply at i rcaant attout if 000 fcct of gas per day but can bo d ol oped much further and that oil will also bo secured the gas burned with great hoit when tested oakville tho council lias an ci gjneer at work cntlrmtlnr tho cost of uir la ruadwayi on several of our leading slreetu tho town hap been fortunate in so curing from tho imperial munition hoard a chemical flro engine and 1 000 feet of flro hose mounted on a 1 ord motor truck for 825 00 tho outfit had been in ono of the aviation merchants will start their wednca day half holiday an april 2 mlaa ilaguman unit mum ilello hmitii loft on monday for atlantic cltyto sjend some tlmo at tbo favorite sea njdo resort malar walter t drftwn who went oyeracas with tlio canadian mounted idflcs is homo again without being wounded tho major wan always an enthusiastic cavalryman being an o ftlccr in tbo mlsslssauga horaa star cncwgond coflncra maple uyrup an i nuar making in now in a i ood d i non in experted mr 1 re i ri wnou of arton vlnlte i frlni i i in ro on hup my mr j im 111 irwny bun sold his plai o abtvi tho cunirrs to a guntlnnftn from tiwonto an i in removing lo jtpckwood on vi tori i f iriv mr hoy vann for ulllaw hank n mr 1 i 11 box ing a tbo ii unu coi mi an i mrs i atxiut f rty lady to an irpili tea a co nactown itnvo bus purchase 1 a houwo i from mr a j kay iller left on tuesday to resume bin teach of montreal in visit if mr and mrs 1 t i i lock entertained nn 1 ii iitlrrncn guests in monday evening mr morloy prtlit and minn i citlt hm rt turned home uffor having apent tlio winter monthn in southern inortda dr anna henry superintendent of tho w m h hoopitat chengtu china who in homo i n furlough wan tho jurt or her old friends mr and mm 1 bomnu lloland inst week while in tho act of repairing a tank at tho provincial coating mill ono ovciiluj b4 week nelson tuck and angus duncan wcro overcome by tho jun duncan who was finally rescued by 1 uck remained unconscious for nomn time mr tuck was around in a couplo or days and mr duncan has now nearly completely recovered tho following citizens liavo been on- iwlutei as our committee on soldiers memorial j a willoughby c ii dai foot c w orandy dr watson o c mckay s kirk i red menally ii ij heartwrll a o green j m mooro itov it i cameron w c anthony 1 lock l v hourrlgan k mo- whlrtcr john mason it it foulls david crlchlon henry corke vm cleave wm long victor modonald u i eller 1 j clfreldllcrald dc ujcnr a i pays t shopjil this store special in dry goods department mock silk poplin jg inclic3 wide rcpu lar price 1 90 on sulc at per yard 160 white habutai wash shkao0 inches wide a rood wearing silk extra rood value at per yard 100 nnd 125 illcachcd table itamaslt ilcsular 10 for 120 tin- table damaafc hai a rich mercerized flnuh with n 12 inch border 72 inches wide good value at 1 50 per yard on sale at 120 double told wrappercuca regular 50c for 40c if you arc looking for a good quilting material thu is your chance as this cloth is 30 inches wide in floral pat terns and stripes a good heavy weight no dressing easy to quilt regular price 50c on sale at 40c unbleached sheeting 2 yards wide kceular price 70c for coc we hove in 3tock 150 yards of this sheeting in 2 yards wide only tine even thread regular price is 70c on sale ot per yard 60c illack taftnuno underalurt refiiilar 150 for 120 thi3 skirt is extra good valuo at 1 50 wc have it in black only sizes 30 to 40 on sale at each 120 vnda of loos towelling at reduced prices about 200 ends of check glass towelling 10 to 18 inches wide every end marked with price ond yard3 in plain figures drop in and look them over they are cheap special in the grocery department aylracr tomatoes 2 2 for 35c dovo corn tin 20c choice seeded raisins i lb plt 17c 4 tbs victor rolled oats 25c granulated sugar 9 lbs for 100 i campbell s tomato spup tin 15c choice figs per lb 18c 4 bars white knight laundry soap 25c okangts lemons bananas and candy at special prices tlicro will bo no services in tho itaptlst chumi next sunday tho con gregation will attend knox church an- nivcrtan it was mr george hall who took a position in kitchener recently pot george havlll as was inadvertently sattd 140 cek mr henry ajtrrcy manager it nohlo limited hi ulhpnlng 8 000 bushels of wheat from thotevator hero lo tho mills at norval this wecjc tho f res hot last week washed out tho crossing on tho mill street pave ment at tho warren farm ontranc it is dangerous to podestrlan mr itobert las by has purchased the wm hell farm lot 19 con- c nas sagawcya from william llennctt mr laaby tukca possensloq ncitt spring tbo school trustees convention at georgetown last friday was an encouraging gathering the attend once waa good and the interest lu school matters very keen itev otorgo l mtcphensn of noa sagaweya will tireach in tho methodist church netl sunday morning tho congregation will attend knox church anniversary in tho evening tho windows of tho residence or mr it unwln uowcr avenue bavo had a very fine display of daffodils and hyacinths which tuvo been greatly ad ml rod th i luist week or two itev mr little of ouelph preach ed a very impressive pro communion sermon in knc x church last iridny afternoon the coninuntcu srvlce on sunday morning wm largely nttended tho ven archdeacon perry form orly rector or hi thomas church rfl cathirini and now travelling arch deacon tor tho diocese of niagara will bo tho preacher ut ht albans church next hunjuy morning and evening tbo k tars onlirlles will iiold the last of their winter series of social even im a ut tbo home of mr frank kennedy hupcrinteudeni of tho day scliool on krlony ovenlog v l lmuley will deliver tho address tho hoc lai oomnilltoo of uio lp worth iauiuo j relented an intercsung session of actt n school of fcfty years ago ut thu mutlnr on monday oven ing ihcro wau an unusually largo attuiidanoo tho iturlliigton o uio lie one of tbo county s brigbtest and most ucoesaful journuls tominenced its twonty firs year last wrck under the okilfyl and energetic iilimuoniliu of mr harris th liutto hoa grown and prospered rural school hoard is to chooaa ono of its number to reprcsont it on the xecutlva committee mr denyca mado it clear to tho meeting that responsibility for ad vac cement rests upon this newly- formed brganication upper canada college lands to pay taxes if esquesini council can secure amendment to the act now l exempting then not in use for college purposes milton major ilobcrt mchwan c a m c left for ilcgina on monday evenlnr to report for duty after a fortnights leave of absence here andrew wilson of trafalgar has purchased j i book s brick residence pearl street s mccannell who boa been spend ing six weeks at dayton beach and pctcraburgh i lorido returned homo lost friday on friday mcsara sproat murray sawed for robert darling ho conjy of hardwood with a tord tractor in 1 hour and co minutes mr and mm sam harrop loft mil ton last week for st john n ii o sail for england on fiuturday they expect to return in july on thursday evening at tho homo of mr and mrs james johnson itoync tto john logan was pfcsentml with a suitably engraved gold ring in op preclatlon of hla services overseas rtipt na8baqaweya laquesing council lias been lonj sultcrng in permitting tho largo block of coo or coo acres of land mar norval purchased ostensibly for college pur poses half a dozen yearu uo by tho trustees of upper canada col lego toronto to remain unimproved and exempt from taxation it hajj lonb boon felt that tho holding of this i ro perty wltboot taxation was unfair tu all other property owners of tho town ship at the recent convention of thu on tarlo it ural municipal association in toronto uio mutter was brought up and the- following resolution iiosscd moved by w j l hampihlra councillor of tho township of lsqucs ing and seconded by v c thompson councillor of tho ouxno township that whereas tbo upper canada collet purchased goo acrca of land in tlio township of laqucsiiif domo ave ytrs ago which under tho ttrcns of the upper canada colltgo act la oxunpt from municipal taxation ultlu ugh nonn of the said laud is or over iius beuii used for college iurpmhs and whcreun it u pcurs to be un injustice to local municipalities hat land used for farmliij dunwj ul though owned by educational inntltu tlous stiould bo exempt from iunlil ital rate ijo it therefore resolved that tbo provlnclul legislature be roiuitcd to so amend the statutes r ncral and seclal as to provide that lands owilc 1 by the tipper caiuila collci an i other educational institutions whlci are not in use for purely t olltro i school puiposvs bo no longer exempt from municipal laxntidti at tho march met tlnr of iniuuilug council it wau rrsulvtd that u copy of this resolution bo forwurdud to dr a w nixon mu for tlu county of hulton and tliat bo imi mjinattil to tako tho matter up with sir wllllurn hearst premier of unturlo and tbi cxocutlve council of tho province tho cuuim11 pusstd tlio following counts it c thuiuimon expmsts in ut tending tbo ontario luiiluray hoard and iturut muuiliim convention 2 days jll w j l hampshire tximiiimji in utlonding ontario itallway ikiard and iturul muulclal convention j duju h j l htaudlali ivxixtiuitu lit ut tending tho ontario itallwuy hoard mil iturul muuulpal convention i day v o morse tila ooo campbell uasri r i n u ncllson oihruttiii rou i nn blue mr choc a darby has been rather uerlously indisposed tho past week or this la unfortunato when oper atlona in hla sugar orchard require hlo attention tho running of tbo motor cam dur ing tho mild winter has cut up tlio otono roads badly in many places mr wm mccullough removed to bis ijklueolng farm last week itov i m moyer of acton nounced to prcacli fn tbo mothodut churches of lbcnctcr clroult suudoy tbo pcoplo of nassagawoya liavo looked with tuicb inureat iun flaturcs jf it c ilendom m i for macdonuld man as it has appeared tho iij week in many or the papers mr headers was tbo moth odlat minister in 1814 g ho wmt owing to 111 health in 1001 speech u fow days ago in tho hon of commons was listened to with mucn interest durlington fxrtcant douglas hindinion brid o arrived homo from uvi i sunday afternoon mr ituusull v 11 no n has pi tbo late mrs jas itohlnuon a property yn water street a dog poisoner lu operating in town a couplo of canines have dtsappoarotl recently dr rt sprinter an old kelson boy had tho misfortune u week ago fall on the ley sidewalk at hla homo in sault ste marie mich and fractu bis leg just above tho ankle tho hchool hoard tiava purchased uio webb property on wukr stroot for tho new iaut 1nd school site tbo price paid was 7 300 tho ownorji taking over tho old school procrty ut i3 700 as part payment for tbo lto claims uggrcgutlng 2 c3 liavo been nied against tho town council en county court actions instituted by tlio several bus drivers w imaged to convey paeon nfa era to and from tho town during the hamilton itudlal tic up a horticultural society has beet guulscd with tho following ofricoro ireuldfiit itov gcorpi w 1 obbs hcc rotary 1 rraourtr miss tow intend hoard of directors vred ohent l holtby d hmlth i llsher h t tosttr miss iopv and mrs symington ouxette limeh0u8e u uu bo 00 i ihut winnie 1 i spent tbo w of her i arc nt ji hoi mr md mn w mcdonald i anthony uimiit tlu homo of mr an i mi mr jas rtcott o iday end at th ltosxt1 mrs lv llolnu und mils wcuk ond ut the ii anthony toronto bkiiii lth his ui thor mn u tt mrs wm dowdy ou iph hou ital lust i i rojrvss t iivui week is uuxkti lu rnovrry mr and mm luo ii u idtlns of visltot ut the h mo of mr mil mrit ku mluo over sunday mluu nina noblt of jc r lown mint sunday with mr un i mnti hurry ii i3 capt tliuinaa i henderson of tin jcmuullxn icilginrers who was 111 foi isomo tlmo with inflmnm muni u i montti in uio ho j hiil ut houlnniii uu i did vou cvcn try to carfly a then wont i moiitnnr in ioutb i piq in a wheeldarrowf i lvumo to recuirutc lie uint u i inontli in thl delightful i hunt un 1 tlu n or dream you hud an oleiihont staud wont back tu hln ori ii in ltu lea ing over out or tuid your linger i where they uro unltlnt f r truiistroi nails inuulriimd in up to date style i tauon to re thru honu wbllo ut mm coma next monday night and see how ituuo cupt hund ihj i wuh th i mil r h ty done lu china hlaiban a larlal lu couplo or d iya of l ril nm tlillirtii hall lerylktly we ono s pjn uc hrltlah liowspaper fainu fonuerly jiuuii sharp it 1 inicbouqd of tor rlu has lately renewed old u tuuliituutis lu uuiibuuuo und tlio utility mr jus nukell sr uftho ulxtli lu ha jmjiicd with a very imlnf it l i ld nt last wcok wlillo assisting to ut wood with a chculur auwat tbo ii uu of mr tl n ivinnedy by wlikh it uill b 1 ic ipncllato lor some tlina tim box uoliui nd danco loll lu bull last tbumduy night und credit auction sale choice oairy cattle tho undersigned has received in film ctio rni from norman mcqreqor to ocll by public auction ot lot 23 9th line fcatdueslng near q lonwllliams on tuesday april 1 1910 at ono o clock tbo following cattle holsteln cow calf nt foot ilolstcln cow calf at foot holsteln cow calf at foot holsteln cow calf at foot ayrshire cow calf at foot ayrshire cow calf nt foot holsteln cow due august q holsteln now duo november 25 durham cow camber is holsteln helf r duo tlmo of sale hobjtdn helfor duo time of aalo holsteln heifer due tlmo of sale holsteln heifer duo time of nolo hol steln cow duo time of aalo hlack cow dufa may 1 holsteln cow duo time of sale holsteln cow due may 1 jersey cow duo tlmo of tuxvt jersey cow milking 2 durham heifers 2 yra 5 durham steers 2 yra ileg hoist eli bull no 3chg 1 mug these aro an cxccpuonaily flno lot of cows all young no reserve going out of milk business piqh 3 plga tu months 7 pigs months 0 pigs 4 months ducios india itimprr ueadquafttkils for wedding and iiiktiiday presents ito 18i7 hwirwiro ivnl vi 1 rkii an i ii onus ian y cut lliun laniy china wo c irry tlio inont c rnploto utoorf in town t mahriaqf licenoco iqoued geohynds acton ontario rs5 iyj2iltf v yongo o chsrlo otreetlf toronto eator term open april 22 id n i n i ik ni i yj utn commor- cl tl luithin miituntfl omrfl lerki tt rr ullly fit employment if thoy oraduato from this collotj 1 itir iyiw write for itab i w j i lliott principal farm for sale dy tender dti 3 drukes tlitms kowl and sums of j10 and under cash over that amount 7 inoa credit on approved notes 5 per cent per mum rr for canh ben petch auctioneer credit cattle sale dradley a rush ofter by uucuon at codar valo iarm ocorgetown on thursday april 3 10t0 100 head catuo horses and sheep milch cows bed shorthorn cow duo april u itoan shorthorn cow bred robruuryfl lied shorthorn cow calf ai side itoan shorthorn cow duo juno 10 bed shoruiom cow calf at aide ilod shoruiorrt cow supposed to bo in calf itoan shorthom cow duo august 13 i ted ahorthorn coyi duo tlmo of aalo bed shorthorn cow calf at sldo bod shorthorn cow calf at side tho above aro a pro von lot of extra flno cows 20 younff stockera and calves 40 feeders ileglaterod shorthorn bull 12 mos shi lp 30 brooding ewes many vflth lambs at sldo i leicester ham ym a ino specimen 1ioilhi s ranll team of clyde mures both in fool a proper and ro liable team for any farmer clyde colt iwiy 3 yrs icrchrron colt 3 yra ibo above lot of stock needs only to i a inspected for you to see that quality throughout is a strong feature tbo terms of this aalo aro oxcen- llonally favorable to buyers ou many of thu cultlo offered am short keeps if dcilred tl bm 8 light months crodlt on approved notes six per cent per an ofr for cash no rturv wilson den petch clerk auctioneer in tho mttr or tho oitata of alex ander attrrat late of the villaoo of glonwllliom in tho county of hal ton asntleman decoad and in tho matter of tho sale of wast half of lot number won y two and tho south half of the west hlf of lot numbor twenty thiae in tho xl j von ih concession of tho townahlp ot et qusminrj in the county of halton contalnino oy admeaauremsnt on hundred ond fifty oraa mora or lost sealed tunden addressed to bhllton wullbrl i o i lilo oi irgetown on tario solicitors fir i rnt it y barra- cloug h ge irjo wlnflt i j and iichlon grant tbo executors of tbo at id to ite ana cntlomr tender for purchase f lato alexander stlrrut farm will a rocivml at thf ottlcff in goorcctaw t f tho anil sollcltoru until is o clock ion of tuesday tlio first day of april a v 1319 for tho purchase of tho said above dincrltxd lands iacb tender nnint bo accompanied by an acciptcd chriua on n chartered hank payablo to tho order of tbo said ecu torn or their solicitors equal to per c nt or tho amount of tbo tender which cbouo will be returned if tender bo not ocoepted and will bo forfeited if tlio person tendering falls to curry out the purchase of the said farm when calhd upon to do so tho hlrhcnt or any tender not nocea uarily accepted tho unld land will bo sol i subject i a lease which will expire in a year tho said farm tin alovo net out con- ins ann hundred and llfty acres more leoj of which nn i hundred acres aro tilled tventy flvo ucrcji mora is work able and balanco 1 1 buub and pasture thoro arc ono and ono half acres in ppio3 and rimalt fruit there aro two wells on uu i farm and tho river credit runs through tho name on tho aafd land is reeled a large houno roitoinlni nlnr looms also a bath cloaets pantry woodshed an good cellar on tbo uald un 1 is abjo cructed al mofit mow bank baro laving good stalling cument riooru nnd galvanized iron outer 1 hen la also a alio root- house urivo liouiin an i workshop for furtln r pirticulan nn i condi tions of nab apply to tbo uald ex ecu torn or the undersigned uollcltors dated ut aoretown this 19th day of march a i 1019 siiilton wai lubiixjl dale 38 2 hollcltoii for tbo uald estate clearing au 10 acres or a hhix hiom acton population 2000 thu hubj luu of til it hi f was a ui blch vi a liu jhouuo junto llu 1 ri ti m if t 11 iud hlikiibiuu 1 vuluj if a ton in the hultoi ljlt rer detruuiml n or uimjut uio 26th day ol jit ore reejulrcd on or bo tho flth day of april 13111 tho undern 1 ned tfiilcltor for tho rotors f tho will of tho said do tr christian and miriiames ml dserli tlons and tho full lltlculuis f their t lulllin and urttr tbo said mth duy or april uio tho nul l executors will proceed to dlntrll uto the iinauts of thii said du iiuscit um mg tho purtlcn entitled by law und they will not be renonblbli for tiny claims of which theiy phitll hut have re eived notice at tho time fixed for nuib distribution dated ut at ton thin 27th day of mukii a 10 ik jam1 h viuayllili t i ii illlown lxecutors uy ii vlthj- n 1 a11m1 it 3 3 their solicitor anton ont wilj bush buys of ire liar 1 ks ivulua u a xc i h mi s 1 ua und cbu relic i s j0100 10q ackusjj miles ltom atrrpn im nice i uh and pastuio aud swa dy lotilil gold wutci llovc ftlllttii 1th furiuuh sunk bai n tlxtt hiirn it ira i mall juiumusiuu uuy tluiu price 400 tasli iaiuont ji wo 100 acltebpastulte faitm near glenw1lxiaju f tirehurd kill clay t attll sew ol l n 1 tiuui table lu ono end irl all workul i house 7 rouma toil tol 4x10 s h ml t lot j julck sale 57a l too ai reo mill luy i lulu kmm water i lulu i hplt n lid bunk burn iluisd 1 hi i 1 ig pujl tvllllama ivi iuiuu jturul uiull 1 rl o f ir willoughby farm agency eoroetown ti nimtaiii clearing auction sale farm stock and implements 1 1 cbbihulm aucuouocr has ro telvod lnutructjoim from james l ros3 to uell by public auction at hla farm b t 17 on tho 6th lino isuuualng on friday march 23 1919 ut 12 30 o clock uhan tbo following hobslh matched team of perch eroua 4 and 6 years old a good pair 1 hu mara wood worker catt ll jfioan cow ft yrw duo at tlnm or ital boon cow yra duo in august koan cow 0 yra duo in aug tint llrd cow 6 yra duo in april itoan cow a years duo i april boun ctrw 0 yuuru duo in may bonn cow yrs duu in may will to heifer 3 yrn calf at foot 1 i uro tro1 hull rising 3 yra iloun hulftr 2 yru old in ealf boali helfor 3 yrs old in 4 nit white iielf i yr old hxd ioir i w nirt uclffirn tauulng yr u sfooru ot mlng i yr 3 lvt steers 2 yrn old aho uliovu herd an ull number oliu urudo durbnms anil un hmd to beat dr a dairy herd 1 lurf low with 10 ka oil ii mini barred bojjt young puu t 11 uct team harness 1 iiiuis 1 sot slnglo hurnnos slnglo huriiusa u number j boroo rmlaru hay and 0ba1n 800 bush oaty 00 bush barley yuantlly of tlmolhy und clover buy poljlrity about julias imhllmlnih i mussoy harrli hinder m ariy i lv yfwul mower 6 f euf mssey hurrta tl harrow nearly iid mussoy harris iiu i kood oliijjo ntecl roller sprlnj otti cultivator h iy cdilrr twufur w plow mw tttu wulklng plotvn ii ruo rnto out seed harrows 3 scuf horn i ot itculco 3000 lbs 1 aiming mill will bagecr nearly now homo fork ear rope and pglloyo root pul- i mognot cixnm seimrutor tuinbei wa u i nearly now with box bay luik air liobalebjiui pleuuro alelglui now t p buugy two seated buggy cutti r now urasu pood or churn vi uhaii on mcc ruilck ecirn binder i uunhubla tuttonslun tablos i bo in with at rliuih alio board couch l ulu uull jat ewik 1m l ho und utnkr ash over that atnuuut q luuuths crodll on ai lioiel jeliu notes pi tjut ulu nit fur ash hay tjralu kt titoars anl i uillry caslu t p chi0holm auotlonoar in nahwoawrya r stock implsmnta grain and hay tho unden u mil has rccelvihl in lrurtl inu from s castle smith o netl by public lucjiqn on lot 34 fourth concession of kasnagawcya half milo south of ku iti jibull on friday march 28 ut opoo clock uhurp tho following hobsi s chtntniit honio 10 yro old 1 g10 it j ci rat nut horae aged i 400- lbs hilooi miu s bay maro 10 yrs old uuppoud to l in fool 1200 iba liluclt mare 7 m oil nupposod to bo n foul 100 ilm hay mure oed supposed to be in foul 1 000 lbs cows holsteln con 4 yrs milk ing well uupposod to bo duo in juno holsteln cow 4 yra milking welt supposed to be duo in october hoi stein cow 4 yru milking well uup poocd tohoduo lu may holatolu cow a ym fresh hobtotn bull 2 yrs reghitrruel aimblro t ow g yru milk ing well bupicuiod to bo duo in august 1 bod tfalt thrco f those cows are over 10 000 i ound ctiwu piqs 0 store iu ulx ut 140 lb a 3 store i ijii ulout 100 iii i shi i 112 oxford i wn 1 weil i red poultin 0 pur bred whlto wyandotte lulkti und martin strain boeister 3 leeuu mul i 6unilor 3 pekin ducks iui i i i i o drtke 2 muacovcy duel u uu i i drake 10 hlack minorca iulluui ubout 30 uiuo i bona and jiulh is imillmi nts 1 maauoy harris hinder imw cunvuu aud n cl ull worn parts new lai i tall 6 ft cut dncrlng mower in kood worklnt ordeir wuuii ujid box ct mi it t bitenuiuojuil lul tlvntor with luiatlo cutter 1 iuury i low no i r at a wood 10 hoo te i drill uet or h avy hiulthh and hunks luuil boll r majmoy harris bake aolflmiip 1 cutlr 1 two dual big 1 uniiliii mill totk haik 1 curl cravol uox ioublctreca neik yoko hhovoui hto i orks luka lhlnt und hliidlui ctmllio cow uln i 3 barn in ij h ro cruaa cut liaw iiomo ikiii laiwn mowtr viking cream tej arutor modi 1 c now cujacity 0 lbs barrel htirtl no 3 good uu in w q loriiu of dry i oi lur hahnlhslnet he ivy luni bar nesa i aot xt r um hutnoss 1 sot slnglo haricia oil i olluni iiay and juain a quantity of millet und ur iw al ul j00 bush oac no 7 t i ul ut 100 busti barhiy und onto ubout 40 bwi a c llurley ubout 6 i uuli irish cobblor i otatoea utiout ii u swcdu turnip eoe autnu alulk mil ilniouiy si i oaitivoly no reaorve am farm is sold tlbmh 1u ai i ii d r i auh ivu thut amount b inoutlm mdlt will bo i on furnlubhik i roved joint n lea 6 per cmt ir nuiiuui on for rush hay rub lolatua 1 ow uu j wooil cash nj ktrnau7ti l u hhoioy acton fjuur and feed store wo luivo u ull j i y of n r ii wu ow on huuo tim welljknon pranda 0 klnu cholcs noil and national houil jthlnn bottnr rolled oato red clover ohobt3 al0ikl oat chop timothy jalt hi ij inlu i 0 li it i unmll lantlty if h t iiplcii l1nl in c hltlvl n 1 12li tllvu ouil tall ml al a 1hlm uqml n u 1111 boi i l i oatu robert noble limited henry awrev manager

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