Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 3, 1919, p. 1

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fortyfourth vnr no 40 acton ontario thursday m0rning april 3 1910 slnrjlo copit five ccnta new advertisementa the methodisrciluecii acton rev i m uoyer pastor panotug willow gl jo oju i ellowshlu meeting 11 n m hubjit- tin voclo of god 2 30 pm lunday school 7 li m hubjccl the two ways you aki invmi comi moton car ilrund new i ord pwd ami in o k ordi r apply to tom mouton aclo for sale fully oiuu- wanted uvo i it- nn and chlckono j ions g iris and over 2c mr ih t catizit kathleen hl guelph out- near inhibition grounds 33 if plastered house forale eight roomed house in good rrpih on wlbnr stnct near mill iar par usulart apply in h coitnrniitt 403 milt mtrcct house and lot- for sale tho comfortable framo houao and two loui on arthur street rlvo roomt good welt flno garden soft water in hotim jor terms und particulars ap ply on tho premises to 324 itoukkt laino doudle house for save that comfortable double dwelling houio on rtderlck strel is offcrvd for nale lor terms anil particulars apply to miul ituti 37tf fpur or five men wanted to work in quarry married men preferred steady work and good warth can it up ply houaea at low rental if desired apply to w oowiy manager toronto i j mo co ijmehouae ont 332 notice of mleting a jiln mectlnr of the greenock and ijulilnafad rarmcra clubo will be held in the club btoro at acton on satur day april e at 2 oclock run to dla cum tho matter of shipping stock all farmers wcloom a cement plastered house standing on two lots fop sale that comfortable and conveniently situated residence n scene btroet acton clowo to schools and town ttvo rooms large pantry nuramcr kjtchrai soft water cistern pump inoldo chic ken run for 100 fowl or mom good stable and piggery tho ground is high and dry good noil all fenced in thn house la in good repair for full particulars apply to it am jin 33s klgln street acton card of thanks tho undcrnigrioel dcnlro to express sincere tliankn to tho many kind friends who no frequently called during hr prolonged illness to cheer our dear ana who panned away last week and who ministered to her comfort in uo many ways their loving attention luring alt the months when iiho wau 111 and afterward will over bo remem bered with grateful appreciation by each of us tim kindness also of knox male quartette in complylne with her request to sing at the memorial ecr vice also has our cordial lhuaks lira i macdonald and daughteru wanted operators on ladies silk waists operators on ladies cotton walsh operators on ladies dresses working conditions unexcelled in canada experienced operators have no dioicuily in making 1500 to 2000 per week in addition bonus of 10 is paid on the 30th of june transportation paid board in goelph 500 per week apply colonial white wear co ltd 37 4 guelph ont the public health citizens are requested to comply wlth the public health act nolle u htjoby glv dent a of a ton uru ili to clean their cllarn put stye i wall i eliut n lliat all real- uirod forthwith drains yunu in outbuildings i xmuvo thero from all dirt man urn mid other out utunce which may uudunger tho public health un 1 to huvo tho u tins completed by thp tijith day of uay next on which day tho saiiiuiry liuiicrtor will ooiximonco u boncrul htnpertlon an 1 further take uotlio tmt tho ihi huii of tho iubllc uculth act pruhlblunn th keeping ofhujn ikiwicii tho 11th of mav and tho lotli of ovtmtcr ev copt in irjui ut uuitt to foot from unj dwvlllmj linutiu und u fijt from any atrtset or luni with muot n kt jl t itur from all ntandiui watt r uml iulurly clcaied will 1m- nlilllly uilort all iltlx tly ted to keep tulr premium totiltanlly clean an3 thoou ily dlulnfei tuif ucoltl halulult ltofvo of tho afuiilupullty actoii april 3 1013 40 4 won friday april 4 a toronto lady will sing iy tho pltiiic jut k uiul j lit wllh juk ill iif rl tin 1 arias u1 luuiliuii saturday april 5 lluurr tloii a lluujlan play with luiilini ivhilu rho altua itovlow lh imtiiy two un luul tuesday april u iii ill l lull tit wllh iij o llouan l of a i itfht k jl gltegory this is die great week of at macdonalds featuring an immense display and sale of guelph- made rugs fresh from the guelph carpet mills the display will comprise the newest designs and color ings in wilton and brussels rugs all room sizes repre sented enormous varieties ispecial prtco quotations will be made on all soles hiring this special event which will come to a close- with the end of the week freight charges all ru3 sold to outoftown customers during this carpet event will be shipped free of charge values and varieties featured will make it immensely worth while for all who arc contemplating the purchase of new floorcoverings this spring to attend this big carpet event much of your spring shopping may be advantageously accomplished at the same time while visiting this big de partmental store displays of womens fashions mens and boys cloth ing house furni5hiri3 and wallpapers arc now in complete and comprehensive spnng array d e macdonald bros ltd guelpirs leading and lakgest stoue wyndham maedonnel and garden streets guelph ont big wall paper sale browns drug store has the biggest display of wall paper ever shown in acton and special reductions are being given on bankrupt stock of paper received this month call today and take a run through our fin books no need to go to or order from the city wo can save ou money a t brown drugs and stationery mill street acton able sermons by capt campbell at knox church anniversary ser vicej last sunday momijff n and evening- enjoyable social qatherinq to tho lotur hut or nuccenoful oruil- venutry ncrpkri hi id try knox churrll otlu r wan added with tho eventu actons soldiers memorial to be park entrance gates f memorial committee unanimously decided upon thin and mara meeting of citizens endorced the proposal mtlon is not deliinltely settijed nety ieaiumoiu regulation lakk favoiusi dry goods russells groceries dry goods specials for thiswoek silk poplins in nuvy jrcy amethyst and black 30 inch a wldo lui uur in r yard j3 to for f 03 qilk warp tuqsah tiimi iwauilfofworp tuawtia ar very fualilonutiui for wulitui and ilniacu conic in licut dutilicnu- olurlilt nuvy old hoiio roy uml tn 30 inchea wldta hiwk lal prlte for thu wlhiu lil silk crepe ol chine thlu la a bcuutlful iuallty uultubtu fur blouoia and ln obi i 3d iiiciil i wldo olorhmu crmm mule navy and illik tipetlal 14b darktrtntfl tmt ouultly wutk end upctui wn huvo u txuutlful iubjuoii ilr muallim niotlhumu zephyru voiich uiul uiu prwi ur mo h ik low to iluyn tuluu undenskihts 31 ijhii lllutk wlen lliuti raklrtm ititu lui pruu fl 7t to iu for t2q grocery s1kcials vqil friday and satuiuay only 2 taauji citllfurnlu lunuiuu i i do n 20c u0 itia lllatk ra regular ci for 43u 11 iba uiitolurxd japan ia ixeular crfofor 40o ltio cuna llnk huh iu ii 1 lb also 76 rijculur ioi 2 for 45o urn hlmcoo lork and ileum 3 lb una rejiular ii foi ilk u0 tuun pumiiior veiulublci rcjfular 10c foi 7o u tn cuiniibollu toniato ojun per tin ho wantldo utter and lqqfi ca0h 0 trade d c russell mill street acton ont of in ut hundny anil monday v mr v ilikin wun fortunato in iircurlni capl llov 1l f catnptkll a h uiluln who remntly returned from inrncun mi tho unnlvemary preacher nil cmupbrtln normann wcro n pi oil did uupf i meiuiairrii and wcro deliver- cd w th n frrur and i rncnlncfhi cliar- acti ru of un rt1uctvj noldlcr hs noiiiliic tcrmon initook arrely of the war nnd itii reinlls tho tot wan woo unto you tlutt dualra th day or tho iordo what titi a i fr you thn day of tho jrd in iliirkikiu and not uirhl an nunted by rtm lrpht am on chapter 5 vftrno lh who ff in he tinld in hla elhquons j inlroiluctldn cotildharo dwamod rivc j i am akt tlmt nuch a calamity an uo kitut war- could liv coma upon tha ul we wcro not looklnff for war oven thought lord iloucrta wna me in hf uurmumi and lilu worn- lnia inbor imilurn uicrchont prlnciii monoy li mluni nil di iirecatcd tho very thoui lit of war hut wur cami in amiw day ntmia injuatlco brought notional ruin an it doea toduy oreal mat rial proaperlly brought decad ent in tho truat of tho icopo in uod toduy wo face u iierloua nltuutlon in thlu country jo tlioro lnjubuco ciiltal and labor muni net closer tojiothir wo lo not want ijglohcvujm wo niuut iot timclhcr in uio presence of jimiuji phrlat iri unity wo defeated u rrii oy toji thor wo caii win peaco in tho lubor world lot uu otand for juiujco and rijht for all at tho tvcnliik uervlco capt camp imiii prraciied a very impreanlvo coupel in rmon on chrlut u tutcrlflce and cal vatlon by way of tho croua ilia dijj enurimi w ux hi lid on john 12 z vi rlly verily i aujv unto you except u torn of wheat fall into tho ground und die it abldoth alone hut if it jle it hrlncotb forth much fruit 1 warttho luut wiclt of our lorda mints to to tho very end ho wa pourlntf out thu rich trmaurcii of hla heart and mind c rtalu orekn came to him kniiwlnc tho harm ecnlauty and power of jt muii und it la aald by uomu wrlti ra ofr rod hlm u poultlon of cmln niilti in th ir counlrj hut jenun wild f in pi a jrruiil if whuit fall into tho irouud und die it nbldoth a ion tho manler know no well tho law life from death thcro muiit bo death for life thn mlnernl elvcit of lla l i of life jor tho vi the voit lublo for the aldmat tlio artlmul for tho human und tho human for th human hut liet of nil tho uivln c hlu ufo for tho human th fajhir iv or hlmu if for thu wlft tfnd the hlldrfn in ivanl till tho wtfo k i of huracir for tho family thin iiurielco of thu human for tho human uhillnn hut ixcailao of hi ivo lilmnolf for w hae rollulon thla la wonderful iiotral i savonrollai and others cavi tlnintlvlj for nn ideal uut chrlnf hit sri itent of ull micrinced himaeir tor un tlouiinda imve jjkcn themlven durjnr tho pant four ye iri for high dcnli and for your uafcty and mine lut jluuj jtmo from the rent ma df klory to iu hlmaclf to auvo a loot orli lf hen had lx on no croiw und i o taumrtlon thcro would havu lcen no clirlatlanily luther learned after much norrfwful lonely nearchlne ulut tho jn t nhull llo by faith through fltli u nw worht buru into belnn tho irtul dirfinnio botweon our ro 111 ion mid juikunlnin la that god and jinuii chriiit have mndo aacrlficui fod in ium irrcat love for us gave iunlf for you and me it doca not ltd r how far wo iwy havo jjono in i it wo romo to the foot of tho jtu wo may havo uur alnu wauhod ly lod will wclcomo any penitent d utvo htm unothor hanco what a wu klujr to dowlth jtuuii it la iy for ua to talk of being ouved tni wo urn willing to oacrlflco ths lory m tho inifcody of our uvea jtt muloiit upon ntir wllllncncaa to no in pinllcncu un lo borvlco and tiulo if wu rufoimi to follow thn glim tho volco dlvlpc it la nlfiht for sclnahiitji i makes for lone ictlialr na rlfico makoti for hope und immortality i udnk when louku down trnm tho real ma of glory in i utitii tho nutnlxrleaa tollow- cru whi oil willing to lako up the t n it for tftin he will lie glud indeed ha did not nnpl thu otriir of iho ortioka in up akliig of tho luru congixju- tlon ut thu eveiung u rvltt which in cludrd thiu of tho mcthodial and hoiunt churchru llov mr w i loon minified that it wuu junt a year two wlti o th meniborn of thu oamu tiino ti jmru utlouu iutt tofecthcr ut tho aac- niinntui lallo in ci rljuan fcllowaup ut tho lotuluuloii of llio union aeri vlcta 1 ho choir rumltrod upt clal mual durlui tho day whit h all enjoyed hm mr uryur uiuiiiiud ut tho evening rvl i llnrul ninlvtraury orrfinkt v r iiiitrllut i ilu ta und out rtuhmont on mon day evening in nmuortion with thu unulvt iwiry wun un uutuullfled nut iuu afti r urving one of thjuio oup- nr for which tho iudlea uf unox ohiireh itift runowiiid u nrut eluaii lioi mi wuu rendortd in tho uuili- torlum i lie liulr wju oicuplod by tht l llov j c wllaon 11jv vwlio ufti a ufiw rimarlm of welcome tho kopl iii mlly if i id lo returned uoldu in in puilli ulur introdui ed the doll whw h rtinltttd in a tnojl pliu hu muniiii jiuuu iivur of my houl mini iiura lruy und iiluu jean btal lit iliiu llilinuolvui in thulr piuuo duolta vvlilcl tulud torth vigoroun iii7la mltui myrtlo ijltlo of llotk wtxki ruiily i iptuuted tier uuilluiiiu 1 hr two uoiuu aiuliu mcioimldii it turn fimn thu wm und uuddy miuiu munn and wlltlttuit aang in mini tlo tho iluil lxtulalor miiumii huh rtm n uui aldcrnon gnutly tlo- 11 lilul tin umlluiu in their tllieta llluo 1 lidi und till wo meet again utul llttlu mini 1 in k of jor i un li than upiiultl in r utt hi the prt- til i jo kcopt friday and saturday uplui dltl idi utv hen i m muyir und u t m a mluu may wlldgunt i or if the oiniiunlut of tlui ttit had bottt plui norllil commltten uppolntel dq0rul wcokn ago i yn outin d hint uol thoy had decided upon tho form liucrp llernnrlal fo ho erci led ami cfnwa mumi mr-el1il- of eltlkun to thrlr report lant tliumtlij orranco rtonrdmmt ehalr- prrsldod and mr c c llcnlcr- jbcretnry reported thai tho com- hail como to tlio unamlnuun cin tlint thn memorial nhoulil take rm of an cntranro to tho town with maiudvo ctit utono or grunlto wllh net of doubln entmnco tpr vehirlra and for p dint rla mt of fijital lrxn with grill coping und illirtmrn would hear ibo najncn of actonu uo idiom who had piirtlrl- patcd in tlio wnr both thou who had talluu and ihouo uho luvn and will return largo irawhirii uliowinr attractive lenlgnii uf the cntranco und gutcu wei exlilhlted thwio wcro very chimin ornumrntal and or wcllbalaueod urchl- ttctural ilrai with a fow clian in detail they vv ill unnwer admirably for tho pufpoue intended x after u comprehenok o dlacuualin wlih h tlio oo mow hut rcmotu ultu n of tho purk from tho conlni or tho u wan lmpniacd tho idea of iiecuring tho property adjoining orporatli iond us a children a 1ark pluygroun 1 and bathing place with tho prop mod memorial cntranco at tho head of allco fatreet on howtr avunue und olhm uugntionii it wau di cldtd to dlvldo the question of form or memorial and decision of uito into two tjututlonu facllltatn ncttlement of tlio matter a leaolutlou waa prcuunt d to adopt tlio principle of memorial untran or gatewayii ay tlio form of tho sol diers memorial thla woscarrlcd by a unarlmoui ubindlng otc the qucitlon of tlio location wan lift for irltlcmciit at a futuro meet of citlxono af t r further lnveiitiiutlin and enquiry as lo tho fi nalhlllty o reeling the mcmoila on hill strt tz ut tlio bcjirdniore it creation park there ynn u vi ry otrong f ollngln favor of this location owing to lui ftntrul and prnuilmnt ijiitltm the lommlllw jttmuti d thut it will require uboul 3 000 to iiutiufuclorlly carry out tin jirojoct when they had prfaontcd tlielr ru- imirt tho hccrutary ntuted ttiat tlio nmmittio conuldi red tiny iwid now completed tho work for which thuy hud b4n ippolnted and requi did that a now ommlttco ik upiolntid to arrj out tho inutriirtlonti of tlio clilxeni meetlniil nunl4rii iirtutiit riiruuittl thu opln ion ttiat it ww hmivrulty undiratood thut tho cotnmllteu or twenty whiili had 1m en noralnatcl wut to rontlnuu mcmoriul uun comiijeteil und paid for in order to romovo any doubt in tho mutter it wu moved uml carried that thu commltteo of tuonly o ro ui- dolutcd that they have iower to add othercitbuuu to uieiv numtmla assist in uuccuusfully curryinir forwurd all buntneas in connoetlon with tlwi ert i hon of tho memorial und o curing fundu to mot t tho cxpotwtlturen noccu luiry in tho courao of u vrtrk or uo tho larn d commltteo will probably euil mimtinc of clllsuuii to lay ixiforn em dcflplto propomilu und u im thod fur lalajng tho imuufy fuiula ho commltteo li to tm imjrutu lated upon making nut h pniuruj witli detullii ua to rocurx tho iiuuiilinouii up provul uf our cltici nu with tho turn miidlhl iirnmplltudo ixlilblttxi kind words and tokens of ebtotiii tendered to mr and mrs william thompson upon their he- mo val lp acton y friends and neighbors about uovonty of tint neighbor of lr tnd mm wlluiun thompoi atllerid ut their homo ut dublin ui 1rlday u njlng to upend u mhiu lion io ulth them prior u tliuir iiinovil to acton mr albert fronunmit u tcl uu eiiali an and liio following uddmuu wuu ad mr and mrs tliuiiuuin and luih jv uu nclghthiru und frieudu huvo o fflt it havo you mirolud on ou born of this community iy rugt ut thut tho him f uur nlghtiorly kliul lug tlio lumber of yur ded in uir mltlui w ill est of nel pluuuit t you thlu loeullty hi whli h y hlkh e to m our loou will bo lulll td upprcoluiloii of yoin iuun nit quulltlea wo auk you mr un thompuoii lo ucn pt theuo uliulr ua they urt upy u umull orner li new homo may you uver n n that you mil tuivo u phw o i iipuituiif yom- many filt tuiu hoix hulk tltut you will iiv ni jjlloi is till mf v thu i tin ml t onjoy uuuiy jurtj of im huppliituj i yom futuro com n tend you gnlo hui i lihle to uuutuln you hl uf of h 01 ihinjcan mi num all ixjnali wa1 nil ai ulut luohdman wll i iam 1 iiami 1itiill mtlilaac at thu lim ttii mr 1 hull tho ibuhu und juihu hundd hobit wlkm hruleh iliiiln kind farewell to pastor and wife members of the baptist congre gation met last friday even ing to say goodbye to rev and mrs r c jones i ii lor i their removal to ttiron on hnturduy a largo number of th inembi ru of tho ilaptbit churcli mot lom lviday oven l cut- at din liotno it mr and mra t 1 martin church iitrcjl to uuy oodby4 ho v and mm it li jones win n lli eomiuiny huil uiaemblrd ergt colcu read the following ud- di is t hev und mra jt i jones ur- hrtb r unil hi iler it wau with extreme regret that wi tinrurd of your rutignnllon au our pitritor ami it in with nlnccrcat sorrow that w nx1 thlu cyiiniug to uuy faro wull no fat au our rt lutlonnhlp with you u i tho minister of our church is lor nearly threo yraro ou mr join i lui ihivii our puutor beloved utid your m in lut ratio im havo mcuut niuili to un all vou tiavo txii a mout filthfui ntioplnrd of tlia uock bo hi lu ncuiion und out of scuuon in all your effoiti yoin- 1 voted purtner und help mute u nvi r txru ready to second your luutluhlu um often urduuus acti- vitun togi ihrr you liavo mlnlntrred to u in our limey of sorrow and bcroavi mi ut and your practical sympathy nnd hilpful icrvlccs luivo materially hlped un otr thouo pluctu that havo i on mm t tryiig und hturt nearehing vour pritic your kfiidjy words of luo and sympathy huvo bocn consoi- iinr a i i uivo tundo 1 t lucre true our fiitl in und uvo for out illc iyd maii- t r lu our times of rejoicing ytu havo rtjolcod wllh uu you huvo helped in iho uolome homo to our holdler nuns and brothura i ud hunbjinda as they i nv riwiniod ion their tuppcrt of tho c4u1h1 of rlilitiouum itu und pro t hon ef gie iniumt nt in our rhurt ii oorvlceu you haxn ulwuyii been faithful and your icador- ulilp nun nrourulotl im lo put forth gr utt r t rfortii to llvo christian uvea und to bo urufu lu thu service of him wh jthirrted uu to i ollow mo onr neriuonn huvo beon faithful ox podtliti of toiu ol tiuth you have fuiliiudy pro lulmed tlio word 4ju eiff l uml pi ii y i r und you havo ever deuv red to hud uu into larger vision and trut i oncuitlou jf thi christian a llfeworl and opiuirtuultlej wo roillio tlmt our jliiancla uuppoit liau been nunc too gencious but you liave given conutaut manlfeatatlon that ttie dnilre for monoy hai never on tcrnd into your considerations how uver wo cruvj iour ucceptancu of thin purhi uu uuiiur you hj contonli hao bffii outributel b tl o nembero of our eongrciutloii wlio lovo you for your ctirlitiun rxculu nclcs and your fulthfulueiui of irtrviro during your pau tuiule with uu in niilm furo v ii our iiruyprrpunil our ulncerut wluhu uro uxtndud for u bun und lirohiuoun uitnlutry anil hut the ptoplti lo wlioin iu may bo ullttl will luull uport your rforta uiul bur mu up lu the urjnu of faitli und piuyer in ull our iood wlslieu vi ciibruio yuui duur uttlo cuthuriuu wtui iiuh hrtwii v ry tlur to uu ull now ho lord r 1euc bluuiolf tiv vou iut ulwii by all meuua hi joid lu wl ii y in iii till comm1ttli at lho oneiunlou of thu uddruaj mutihro illo mtirtin uml lrpcat colei iiltppetl foiwuid uiul bunded mr und mrs joneu fuch a wulliiuod purno hov mr julius rupllo1 in very fuel int terms ho uppruuuted very much tlio a ii ruuu girtu bestowed but luut i iniiro tlui uiuurunco that lilu ministry in a ion hud toii helpful to many immlmra of lho eoni rt gutlou uo i ruiui veiy mui li ixtih for hlniuuir nd for mlj joins the iii verluu fnmi uu many warm ft londu but fult liiat tho cliuin o wuu for thu heat intueal of ull ruiucriukl ii lu wishci for futur hi ril rdlul a puaiuut uo lal ejvouink foiiivetl tint hani wulled up in muiiy t yeu wliii thu tlmo euiuo to say u row ull h v and mm joneu und hth culh uiliiu lift foi toronto in huturduy now v260000 oulldinrj at o a c hi c crtthiiun pifuunt of th i ju ipli lituteu that tiuw bill i lu li rout tluu l a jiuiter m hi or dullaru would bu erit i tl li o a c hi tui ihuau in in l u u i lojs dormitory which will 1 r lul on tho umuuf ft 50iou uddltlou n mxixinalil 1ull to utommodulu lu m uo ir stiidunlu t0 ooi new uplurj biillinni iijiooo und u nicmorlul hull ry i i killed duiiiu tho vnr lhlu in i luilldtui wliiili will have u public uiioik s4u llu 11 iwlcn eoo und 0 o a itudi ntu t minted and of hili 1uu 111 trhtil ul hi alhi wiims ol of hlmnulf und mil hi in hul u lt it hid ul tlio grt and thu iolln kin vln un apill 11 whioukhby of flliiwn will htild u cattle tklti ut lis hmlng uriiok 1uiin ut leor coal foh prompt dtlivlhy 1 nut tul iaiuvu ont it mi iihl ut my factory john il muokln112 nil mutteis a i mxt full uupi hu v lulu i t i if trlul ivolvid in 1 1 hi d hi uthuil in uu lit v1 h u io nil news- of local import n another quolph forsitjnor murdarvd ahx dudha middle nged witk threo hiillrt wouiitln in hl body received dm lug a right in a liouun on allco htiiil ou iph hunduy aftertioon dirt uirly monduy whilo on thn oiieratlnr table in thn fitment i ilonpltal thn lu tlio if i on 1 foreigner murdered in ou iph within u tow months farm horns durnsd in erin alton l midnight im hunduy tho homo of mr mao hart lot 0 fifth lino icrln was found to bo ou lire tho prevail- hi high wind gtlvo the fire great pro cr in and tho building nnd nearly all lho con li ntu wcro duitroyed mr hurt lived nlono but had several friends with hlm that ovi nlng tho houno was i womens institute maetlno on friday the regular monthly meeting of tho wotmns itmtuufo will i held 1 riday afternoon april 4 in tho school room of tho ireabytcrlan churcjj tho feorgctown limni h will bo our gueatn and help in lho prtxrrammo miss marlntosh of llraropton will deliver en uddrttwr on rued i cal irujimetlan lie frtiilinifnln vlli lie nervd jycrybodr welcome property continue io changs hand mr james mackin luut purchased from mrs w m cooper tlio houuo und lot occupied by iho into mrs s j sluurrer at tlin t unit r qc church and 1lglh htruetu mr und mrs macklo havo taken poimeniilon mr wil liam cook wlty hus iwrn in uuelph fot u eouplu of ymrfl bus sold hln property ul tlio corntr of lrodorick dud agnos strceth to 1ta jtihn j jennings curl i no in acton sixty years ago the milton chump ion suyo the lltim lntii nay meauru heard moro will errct u mm torn steel framo skatlruf und curling rink ut acton tills year und will provide tennis courts and bowling greenu milton enrfebt will weltomn tltlu uowu hack in the co lu fore curling atones wcro used hero milton had many games with acton using wooden blocks wo may expect acton vu milton names next winter nevor forget the old home town in m uuwtnir lier huts pucaa subscrip tion luut wtek mrs g w cook of jrund iljnjdu mtcii says our in l rent in tlio iijx jucal and tho old homu town tiflvrr wuvtiru aiidvhon w0 su down to nutl tho homo iiapcr wo fiel tint wo huvo un cnjoyublo tlmo uheud how wo enjoyod the letter from the boyii overucas and how our htartu wfini out in sympathy to thn t mill i of tho boys who muift tho jrul luicrlllre kind regurdu to all two crest films within week the niunuiement of wonderland pit turo hhvv must be congratulated uimn tin lr iton to bring tho best fllmu prutluced for tho edltlcatlon of thu pioidu of thin community tho cntcr- prlao of bringing to acton fjrltntha social and personal uh mi iouiull liil hockwood for ito ihlllp holmcu tonjiitti on monday foi world ind tho hotter olo within a wik huj inn i tho reward of good hot i j tttbili krformancc while tl o udmliilou f i iii huvo been larger thai for tlio ordiimry uvury day aims tiioy liitmi been uu low ao hitfl been diarged lu toronto fo tho first uppearanun qf thekt gnut illmn a few weeks ago thu splendid orchoutra and mechani cal in compunlmcnts nmdered tho filrait uuuutinlly striking pnd effocuvo the childrens aid soclsty huu it fiver occurred lo you lo won- th r what lu being dona fur tho unfur tunato children of ho hon county iho lilldr mi aid society gives tho uiuiw r during the nvo years or its tui uuuulioii in hultun it has ikjou rtuhlul out into uvery corner of tho rouuty vli revcr u hild needed hi helii numbers of hi droll havo hud to bo r moved to fouler homes whjli wultlin for uultublu homes to bo found tin y liuti liutl to bti boarded out thla utut of ultujra nun u una i iafuclorv i oi hi itt 1ujou tliu i ouutleu of peel ittitl hull hi uro en tab i lulling a chll- ilruliu homo ut milton money lu iieild fin furiiluhlui tho liomo hath community will to invited to contri- butu u uliulti to thla purposu son hue patrons april fooled a lurfcti nunilmr of cltui ua wuut to thu town hull on tucuduy uvoulm to litui tupl hobb u rvellal of hon hur owing hj a funeral uarvlco ho wuu onductim u duiiduu mr ltobb wuu uuuhlo to jitrli the train uml miuied up uuto o drive him ovur ilnrin tuiiutiily when near aberfoylo thu ar hul i luil blow out und it vna w 11 on u tun o lock whuii thu uxi tur i i ihod actui in tho me ultimo hv mr muunscll chairman kt thu hull k i t thlnii luuvlng until 0 30 wit ii it wau ii elded lo udjouru t apt h dili n i tlutl tixctwdlugly thu dlu uiiiioliiuuout to liiu uudloncu und to thu u of 1 iii lun 1 lho rot hal may tiv lut till u ordarllsi i utnt of 11 hold by th date it u u colt tiyu tuifoto thu vul- i had u ulmllur ex at superintendents clul t tho klngu ordrlloa hlblo i iiurlnu tho win tor wuu hold ut homo or mr biunk kennedy eiluttiiuu ut of lho hunduy h liool 1 illuy niiht it was u very on- v v uln mr 1 i liuuliy o ill int iutlm lucitul of expcrl- i of u lick uf uu inllea through w ii n of in nirthwtut which ul ok i uti mi nt ii mcdonuh 1 iil it nt of tin hius iiummed up 1 n lilts of tho wttitui u gullierlngj i ill n 1 ull th itiuiiitioru to ton faithfully in thulr utluudautu ut hun lay 4tlnnil uervliuu and cucli hi poit to uttp up lho ulendld at th on mn ke ucrved iluluty iliuli i liu luto apollur ouldk-r- wtna an enqlis undo itoni hi tuimy lngluiid adv 1 f hi in wu iiiineii that tho inurrluuu tyii u i utu ut ottiku cliuicli on hull dy muieh i of mlrni tjtuiu vebalcf nn ilutillt r of htuffherut pud ili wlt1 of li uy tui i woking hi ii iiil urpoiul juik chupmau t u lutllui a f only noil of mr an i mil into j hupuutu of alton uiiutlu huv j 1 rotter oitlcluto 1 mi w hill wuu ut tho organ 1 bu im i who wuu i ivu uwuy by h lui wun ultltj lu u ilium at wh mr churl en a s ntlhowu of to ron to vlnltte ai u n frlc idn on mon- lay ite j 1 he tm homo from hlu v lu tionul uchool for tho weak rod mr an i mn j h h id visited their daugh tcr mlmt luil u in toronto last week mrs herbert maualc i of oakvlllo spent tho ivcckrtul at mr j ix gamble s mm harold nirklin returned from cxetcr wlicra nhe uponl n vcrul mm jut lair wmik mloa hilda tucker of fuolph was hero during tho week renewing oo- qualntaurca mrs n 1 undiiuy und muin jean c ijudnay vi ilted frlondu in guelph on uaturduy mrs w oudfrty and mlui lluleao of luolpli vlnitei mrs u i colller tlio past week mrs larry camon n him uton was he uur donald at lust woek mil i htreot- f mm noll mc- mm a m hmltii of now lork ar rived hero lust wnk to iiimjhi a fow weeku willi acton frit nils mr und mrs thomas uittwlutle of guelph wert gueiiu of mr and mrs j ii hold over thu week end mrs il j mcnubh of toronto la mending somo tlmo with mrs peter illltx and otlur frlendj lu town mm jamtii mcdouirall returned homo on ivlday uftw mteutllug a couplo of weeks with friends in toronto mrs cordon visited her puff wunn bo rough i mckay of tor nlo and mm it ii vvcntic thlu week f hurllni ton con- it nt tlio wot k- end ii weudge wll- voujiccui hotipltul wilbtiin uni io mr low btrect ir ivcd willlumji who liai com pletotl hli vocational counw luui now u gootl imiultlon in toronto general i out ohuo mra hv 1 m moer wuu called to vlnelaml oil monday owing tu tho illpa f lur lauhhter mn culp from upiuindicluu mr harry ilyn il urrlvtiltci mctavluh and ml wn tiiit week lr and mrs w 1 graham of tho ik of nova hcollu aro tlio reclplcnta numerous oingrutulutlon i uion tlio arrival of a dear baby boj mr william wilts foreman of tho hcardm ire iinlwuw lu hraco- bridjn for a week or two inspecting a nptiul oipurt shipment of it at her miss tons henderson wlio uufrcrod un accident to her anklo by a full on thn ice a few weeks ago im recovered aufuclontly to reuuin h r leaching duilcs in her scridqlnctti- jrcul mr wlllla ihuik atl fur mondu iml his was laid up through lllneuu for over su mon thu his hrut trip lu to ottawa mr und yw jolm v altujr aro now comforjtuhly ut tiled in tliu nuw homo rcwilly eructod on lot 27 on tho mill iond hoad juut south of actou it is i n lo know thit hi li the sits u mr wallirii lilrlhplaeo which tt in lili furnily history took placo ulghiy yuait aiu in memoriam jlssi1 uui donald n thu duath of mlo- jeaulu mac- luld on vt dm uduy of lust week one jur tieal hoiitt j l unruly in reft and acton loe ono of uu brightest and nt jmpulur young ladlcu after ildlng uomu tlui un imvokkoopuq iii otnen of mr noll ilittiruoii miss mutlhiluldd idcl to make nursing hoc llfowoxk ihu wuu udmltud to imliilng uchool fur nuiuiu it uio icml hoiipltui guulph and for s r und eight uionlhu tonlinuid iii thi ittitl tvlth nuili bo it u ytur ugt und ullliough thu l u1 id liuisln duully docliiiud tuken ill iltiul treat glvuu uhe h during utly im- i k i ago her und alio rapidly uauk uiii uuii weduuuay puuued pacufulll uw tliu wuu u iluught r of tho luto f muedonuld und her biithpluco wan on lho farm conlly igichusii from hr un lu li muidiiiulj b diurlus 1 luiley tvldincu of lho lovo lu which uho uu held by uio youm iteoplo tit tho jinmuiiliy li hu fait th i during lho iur if iwr illutij hur roiui wui novci itliuut floral oftiiuul hi funeral viiu held luut 1rlduy uf l i nooti her huv j c wl l inelut- uurlng hu vt ti iiuurtt ties itun by ilr uo ii wllduusl juiuet hnillh 1nniiimi mfluiu and alux muun in uipluiiit with u in quest umilu by iltia ul wliun uho nuliwd to ove y wuu doubtful tho iiull imaruiu w ro mwanu willuuu iutlerutin jiiiiic minn john muun ilubrt muun a 1 muin und wllhum metregol iii iloiul tllbuleil wel hi villi voll 1 louth let uf r iyilh und tulilitl a lilt tutiis hr only brluiiituld wun ii mmjtl howluudu whilst ill con w of ux iluo till with bluek i uu hat tnd wl uni i a bull in t r vitikroui iowiii pi iho bt i un nun nip w m iilu k cahc h iiwiiiiu gift u tlio hi lilo wuu 1 i umiil i lut lb itptlou wmi liuld i diulton un 1 thu liuitpy pull oub ejuuiluy lefl foi ltrigg luiullujblli num t io u an 1 wr ml rlltil 1 tiy tliu d nuiunu r i llih tlio you g plt guild of urrh mi n 11 uu goil t t family j i utto wu uu son v 1 lkibblu mi and m ii w borough hlh mill h ll onto mhuiuu p m i m 11 ml i u m und i i utpt mlm n 111 i win and dltv uiu rlil liu muty of iwn mi nnd mm lu xll ul 1 mn 1 ho ind mn ul ti u 1 mi j in iwwluh in mb u aunt huuu ii u 1 mullot uldi lolonto mr ui d m u huhtt m 1h u1ii 1111 mir 1 m 1 mru v i ullll mm h iheit mini l ml in 1 iallipb ii ik man j t guivli hi 1 hi i a mtu i low ull li t till npii mlu m u y m 1 in hi io hi hit i u im pit i 1 m litle1 thd runeiiil t o ml i fvt oakvul o lvooitwo

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