Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 3, 1919, p. 2

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ijr arhm 3taj rsb8 riiuitmay axmi 3 una to morrow oldi to bo ull tlmt mortal braver hum he to nmrmw a irltnl who wiui troubled and weary ho 1 in n whod txt riduf u lire nnd who needod it too on him ho would call und ee what ho oiil 1 1 1 it tuerrow i atnclccs up tho toltrro hi rrii w and thouitlit r the folks ho would fill with dilum to morrow it was too bad indeed ho wan busy to uuj and tittdn t u minute to stop on hid wai morn time i will hjtvjto cy others lio u rtay timorrow tho rrintnt ir work thin man would tia d been to ihorrow tho vvorltl utuld havo known him had ho over icon tomorrow hut tho fact in ho died and ho faded from view and ull that ho left here when living wan thru us h was a muiuajlti of thlnfxs hi intondod to do tomorrow edear a ouoat vwuln tho nrtit robin chirped rflj under ietty lanslrura window sx nho woko as if oho had bean called dressed hastily crept softly downutnlra and with baakct and oclasom stole out into tho garden but although llio cant was not yet evun tinsel wltli red her grandmother had been before her tho toll rosebush had stood last nlcht with its golden yellow bloaitomn clawing lllu a torch t now every flower and bud had been stripped from it letty umltcd sleepily and wondered for tho hundredth time what kind of floral piece grandmother was planning to roako for her graduation grand mother floral pieces were the admira tion of tho whole countryside some thing the old lady hod sold made letty think that uila ono would be a golden star mo other girl in the class would receive such a magnificent offering she thought it would be of huge dimen sions for tho bush hu been lflfp with flowers it was a beautiful largerose large and finely cupped and fragrant family tradition said that groat great -grand- moth ilcrndon had brought the root from england but whether that was true or not tho bush had always been the exclusive property of the reigning grandmother that- wan why it had always boon called the arandmother i roto jfuvtrtjjtty milttlod aim wuutd- ptlsht her vows under a golden bell made by grandmothers bnndo from tho flowers of that rosebush pauslnff hero and there to cat dew- sprlnklod flowers letty slowly made the rounds of tho garden as oho breathed doep of the fresh fragrant air she thought happily of the coming day it woald bo a full day the fnll- est nbo had ever known first she would arrange her flowers for her nix friends that was almost a sacramental task next she would dress then would come the graduating exercises at which she would deliver tho saluatory in alter thaly the ctasittiowera and all would be whirled to a photographers and then to a banquet at tho hall after which the now graduates would bo received into tho alumni association in the even- ins the glee club and tho achool or chestra lctty was u member of both were u glvu a grand concert it would bo a rull and happy day after breakfast one cleared tho books and papers from tho table in tho living room und spread her flowera on it lor weeks oho had planned this work and her face was very sober when she sat down to it at last sevan of the class had been together since tho prljicr crude jior- twelve years they hod worked and played together had quarrel lccand made up again and now they hsd come to tho parting of tho ways tho cloao tie that had bound them would bo broken forever and to tho other six members of the group letty planned to give on this day little remembrance of flowers she hod chosen her blossoms well vor tall sweet eleanor gates aha had a single spray of snowy llllles for bluff dob llurrougheswbo loved bright colors a loosely tied ahaaf of crimson roses for janet lee earnestfaced and viotcteyed purple pansles in a straw basket for delicate helen banders white columbines and so on down the llt there were lensths of ribbon too of suitable colors for each and a card with un appropriate quotation grandmother lansing from her chair by the window had been watching letty with a line of perplexity between her eyes tide was deeply interested in letty plan and she felt a little hurt to uilnk that letly did not ask ber advice and help letty prepara tion moreover were not at i1 in accordance with her grandmother lansing idea fn regard to floral ar rangement a letty sat tor a moment with her thin on ber hands and her eye misty a hs thought ox how much that one day meant to her grand mother lansing rose and wls out into the garden here dear she said a aba cam back and dropped moms long ttbry praytron the table anuig the pracfcnu flowers you havent a bit of atn use some ut this letty hud dreaded that ber grand motbrr would interfere th girt want ed to prepare tlu token tor her friend herself now ah lookad up shrlnkjiitfly o utunduioiher eh said no on use asparugu nowadays oratidmotlitr linslug eye harden ed and without a word she turned and walkod out it tho room th girl taxed after her with u troubled look in bcree at first ba did not under stand why krundinothcr should at that wuy thun sho guessed that the foundation nf tho wondrous floral piece resnoalng ixlwn n wet cloths in hr grand mo tlwr room was the despised asparagus letty beautiful dream was shatter ed mechaulrully she completed her task an 1 went upstair i o dress ttu was so pale and eo silent that her mother wuu tilsnnu1 are you worry ing about jour aulututory lettyt she ssked to mrs innuliiff who knew fiu ian guage exrept htr own tliut latin ora tion was u ntiipaiiuuufi undertaking mother lunslnir am if id worry about a thjiitc llko that after all the imbllo spcaultig work ive done letty xcia lined i m tired i guaas she added wvarlly no wonder uft r all youve been through it only one more day dear try to lttnp up and than you urn rest- t clnaa nf tho tnllltib t nloli r woji rela tives or tho feriiduulcn a moment bitor however tn i tty a intcnno relkr she oajf the old lady nppear in the veatlbule hut uranmolliprn were omptyl jh itdded nothing to- thr mass of flowim that was already cotloctod tliero to lie handed to the grudufttrn nn tlioy tuatied out when letty mno to upnk sho wnn white but her volco ilowtd without n break durlnj lh rrnt of the exer cises letty out m if in a dream again and ecu in it ho luokrd timidly toward her grandmother hut not onro did those rold oyei ineet hers and nof onco did tho grim fata rcla on their wus frinn tho photograph ers tho class left their flowera at a childrens v nn thoy had pre vlouaty acreed to ua they will wither u woon helen ianders liad uald and wo ultall hao tho picture of them to koep ietty was gritclut for hint plan si e did not want her mother to know oho had had uo flowcro from grandmother mrs lansing mlcht niwak atkiut it to grandmother and oome thing oil lelty tiiat that would o unwiw y to a casual obturver there was no change in letty a relations with hci grandmother but mrs lansing won not a casual olmkrvtr she saw that something was wrong letwet n them i cant imaglno what alia i our mother and letty alio aid to her husband a few fuhts uucr they used to be so chummy jioit llko twe children thej alwu worked tofnith crln tho ga- lea nn 1 tlnlr toagirn ran inoesvuitly tjoj never clmt uni more and neither ono looks woll 1 wouldnt lel it bother mo martha replied mr lnnolrtg if thcro la any thing wrong they will huvo- to fight it out in their own way in thats just 1l if theyd only havo one good flareup it would alt be ovor but no thy will glower fur days and weeks or maybe yearn look at your mother and rebecca huntings they haven 1 spoken alnco letty was five yearn old and ull about nothing it didnt oeera llko nothing to them i guess replied mr lansing soberly well im going to tako letty away with mo whon i go to v instead per haps tilings will straighten out if thoy dont see each other for a while mrs- lansing was as good as her word and took lotty away for u wcc on tho day on which they were ox pected homo grandma ucr w alorn in tho house when a pony cart drovo up and a young woman descended youre madam lansing i know she cried with outstretched hands as grandmother met her at tho door i m ellxabeth mansons granddaughter katharine lowery ive been visiting orandaunt itebccca hautlngb couldnt go homo without seeing you and this dear aid house i huvo heard so much about aunt lleuocca could not come grandmother lansing welcomed tho caller graciously but lgorcd her re ference to aunt rebecca it is indoed an old house my dear eho said my great greatgrandfather built it 1 1 be glad to show you through it t have never socn anything llko it cried katharine enthusiastically have lived all tax hie in a city apart ment aunt rebecca imya you liavo a real old dutch oven ob you havo closed tho fireplace how could yout she asked as grandmother lauialng led tho way into tho quaint kitchen tecsraso- iont fret nlkiiit me mother 1 11 ik all rltfht nnswerod letty forcing herself to binlle at the appointed hour wh- organ iitsyel nolrmnly lh marched down the jung auo church throtirh h mwd of i aeclaturii ittj notlctd with enltig throh that in r i rundinntli not in tho eotji tvbrrvwl fr th then arranged end roarrnngod tno throo rose until thoy inftdo a pretty group than omlllng with pleasure ahn set tho ano be ildo lettyn pinto nt the table i guesrt there n ono old dog tlint fan learn now tricks nho nnld wl- wnphnntly if lotly doenn t kov wluvt thnt moan when nho hoc it shns no granddaughter of mine unit nn hour luter when iouy und her mother opined the garden gate urn gtrln heart leaped ttf ftco that the roaohubh had bven trlmined as ahu nuile through the sldo door into tho dining room she rnuaht i jgtit of tho blossoms on tho table filit itood nos ing et them until eho had gr inned their full significance then alio crept to tho living room door und looked timidly into tho room grand mothers fneo was turned toward her and the old ladys eye were radiant with the friendly look that letty had mlano an sorely with u cry of joy the rlvi sprang ocronn tho room and burled her faco in grandmother lansings lap i didnt went you to do that she cried i like everything you do everything dont dear whispered gra id- mother tin she took tho weeping girl into her arms i hod to be told but i understand now won it a ntar you had modo for mi grandmother asked letty as her sobs ceased grandmother lansing nodded lm juat a nllly old woman and i got i notion into my head that 5 ou tnitht be ashamed of it and thnt pcrhapo you were auhamed of mo and my wnys grandmother how could you7 it was bcaullfol i m ure evryt lln- you do is lovely and i should i avo been eo proud of it hut iii got tho wedding belt wont it i thought per haps i mhauld ioso that too if you dont get it it wont jw my fault said grandmother with a lnugs hat e you never cooked by one its face scorching back breaking work there were six girls in our family and wo all begged for a cookutovo but mother dead 0 gainst it it would have been easy to put onj trto and run the pipe across but mother wouldnt have ono in thehouac sho won tho best woman i ever know but sho wanted us to do everything just as atu had done it sho seemed angry when wo suggested changca the poor old dear i know just w it was because my mother is u little like that und i am very llko her but im trying to o dlffcrtnt i havo two little boya of my own und i nho old like to bo to their children what orand mother mason turn been to mo you know her and how old fashioned she is in speech and drtsa und manners and yet oho a so interested in all our now ideas about things and so sym pathetic aavsho listened grandmother lan sings faco changed strangely and oho lowerodher eyes 0 dear kntharlno uald to herself touched a ncrvo thou then alic hastily added aloud i rount ace your lovely garden as they passed through tho llvlnj- room she passed before a beautiful array of vases j should know that you were flower loveru by these alone yes we havo been flimcr love generation and sonio of thooo vases ore old and rare repllod grandmother lansing katbarlno took up a tall bluo ol bohemian glass and holding it up o tho light watched its tlashlng colors how exquisite olio suld just outsldo there was a bed of iris it caught katharines ujo and oho ran down tho atpi aid plucking three f the lovely blossoma liniko the a at different lengths then he khem lh seeming carclcoanes into the vase where they fall into a grace ful arrangement these are the jupaunoae iris aren 1 they and- how well tho junanoso ar rangement la u it them tvuvu learned a great deal from thoao pciujju i think we used to think that everything had to be in pairs and clumsy masses iv always liked things in pairs and mumf said grandmother lan tng there wn no hurt or rtfpreof in ber vote she boomed to be inuauc youd better go home ruttlapato katharln said to herself you seei to lav lost what utile taot you ever id and that tan t much at um door urandmottur lansing stooped and kid i ho young woman it fia don me good tu talk to you laor mit said you v et mo think- trig you must luuiu uguln and bring your ctiturmn end aunt itebecca ha added wllti a smile oil do you mean it 7 trloj icalh rift oyfuly ijliu did u want to comm with m but she mhv foil somo- tww that stta couldnt 1 kaum im aruhj i tiuvo txcn tho momt to bunki sal i irandmolhtir lanafng atlmr lir guet luul lirtvui a way irttilmihlwr lutislntf nut for a long time lowt in thought thun mu tho nun sank and tits sir jujnj nuo put on her glove arid hrnikl with ti ulr uf shar went into tho kuhiud tho grsntlmothcr jtoae tvun n aurry aluht nvr befor lit all ltu t ttud erlut had it efii so ru ifu tid irom top to bottom it wu iovird wltli dy ing flowers the ol i luly unity ptul ergellcally until nhe hud ruinovod tho wltltered blossom tjun 1 ho m thuied them up in lur apron und nut ihini into tin- move what fool wo mortal bo i llirn be 1 idiowlng tho tuino snlrlt ti ut ropur did and i dliln t know it e- aui i never in all thouo ymn ilauin sd how h felt til that uung ihlnif told mc uhe went back und cut hint prrfi 1 1 flow j r from the blutiioinu tliut ru- mslned on the roaehuch uftrr hnal ing the etemji nt unaiiul lengths hu pit them into a tall vnoo hut they did not full into a grateful uiratign ment a thoy hud donu intotr icalh crlnos hnnd drawing im u 1 huh h studied kutherlne u flower aid i an umbrella otorv what a queer picture uald char- he look mammal a man holding an umbrella over a horse in tho barn too that story la true though answer ed mamma a gentleman owned u pretty horse gentlo and spirited good in every respect except that sfvfctxq afraid or on umbrella lie stfi hot willing to whip tho horse beside ho had senne enoughs to know that it would only mako her more afraid and unruly lie tried very hard to contrive some way to get her over her fonr sho was very fond of potatoes ho went into her stall ono morning carrying an umbrella closod with a potato on tho top at first she nhledaway from it but with waiting and coaxing she came nearer looked wlstfulfy et tho potato and finally snatched it off tho next day ho did the same thing and sho took tho potato with leas fear so ho kept on and in a few days he opened tho umbrella a little way then mora and more as she grew used to it till abe would stand still with it open over hor head but ho was not yet euro what nho would do outdoors tho first rain day he tried driving on tho road o course ho had not gono far before hi met a young man with an open um brella instead of shying sho crossed tho road towards it excepting to got potato sho bad ono when nho came home and never of tcrwardo- showed any fear of an umbrella kindness and patience are wisest lwaye un johnson opelldindinq tho magic power of eloquence huld m uviund as by a sp is commonly credited to tho political stump speaker but that nomo of thlu gift of fascination la to bo found in the pulpit tho itov dr currier makes clear in hia recent book nino great preach era to show the importance of tho voice and manner in dollvcrjng thtj message ho tells tho following story of the preaching of tho rev dr guth rie of scotland guthrie po3oaacd to an eminent de gree tho power of apt lmpreoalvo il lustration joined to the witchery his voice it sometimes amounted to a power of enchantment- his auditor wore then nnallaund by it n amusing lnntnnco b presented in the coijuct of a highland cattle drover ono day in guthrie a congrega tlon in free st john a tho man utood throughout tho service in ono of the crowded aisles within a few yard of tho pulpit from tko first ho was riveted a pinch of anuff every now and then evincing hla satisfaction ward the end of the sajrmon and just as tho preacher was commencing 1 prolonged illustration tho strange applied to his horn mull arrested liowover ho stood motion less his hand raised with tho anuff be tween hla fin cera hla head thrown back hla cyea and mouth wldo open tho instant tho paauugo was finished and before the audience had timo to recover their breath tho drover ap piled tho snuff with buato to hla nos trils and forgetting in his excitement alike the placo and tho occasion turned his head to tho crowd bchli and exclaimed no sirs i never hoard tho llko of that give exkaiser a ta8tc of it a little trench weekly tho cri purls lately received from a group 1 rench lotttrs tho fallowing letter on tho subject of tho cx lculaers punish ment this la how we think ho kaluo ought to bo punished william ii shall wage war unli death ensue uvery day ho ahull march ib mllca with full pack and equipment carry ing u quicktiring rifle and a load of handgrenades ho shall wear a trench helmet and nover be ull owed to v it on at the end of his 15 mile march lio ahull bo made to cross marshy 0 round with witir up to his wulot he shall be mada to walk down sodden communication trenches in which telephone wires shall havo been artfully arranged o a to entangle him he shall pond every night in u narrow trench in which a few doxon rat shall be kept and near which thcro will ii 10m- decoying rcacn a on a he begin to dose off u few handgrenades shall bo explod ed n well n a mine which houll throw hira bodily wnn ceo yard nwni kvery nlgni he shall bo made to walk for two hour in th dirk serosa broken ground and to cross overs t wjro entanglement wlilh- cnriying uses of i and grenade as for hygiene and cumfait ho shell iliuiiga hla underclothes only on the iliit of vaati month o a tn booine a prey to vermin ho ahull bo ultowtd to wash on that duy only kur islloii he shall ho entitled tu oiii tin of bully boof per day with u junrtcr of a loaf of bread and an nn ilipetlear so mo sardine in oil he vital drink elttir water or sour wln- luilf a ltu for iiuth meal i his ahull lout for 3de day h th yuur during the muni hours one tnltflit improve hi mind by roftdlng limn to him nolottol pomuwc from tint he phlhsophib in lieu of tho tun- tiimary reading of tho cominuiiliuo thus perhaps lie might btf made to rualiro tho aufferlnsa endured by mil lion if men who throuah his fault lent to tho nluughtar how he got there john maotcno firqt duoineos lcoqon will j 011 he here to morrow tohnt tailed mr perklnn an hla now delivery tioy nturted to leuvn the grorory whs not five n 1 lock but for a special rention john hid ashed to leave n half- hour early that particular friday night huro thing mr icrklnn ho colled out 1 l be down early to make rp for inday and then ho was gono off down the street nt top apeod after tho car that would got him to the n tat ion in tlmo to moot hla uncle from texas v john musters was too anxious for u good limn to bo a flrstcjasn delivery lhiy hla omployoi know that well cnuuili but ho remembered uio day- when ho himself luxd been young so ut cvury banco to muko tho work oaiilor fur ins young helper mr per tliia did uo this was the second time within a wock that join had asked far tlmo off from work and utlll uie good im 1 11 red grocer was kind enough to glvq his cheery usaant at tho raltroiid nut ion john found that tho train hud already pulled in ho opticdlly found bis uncle and to ho the r thoy net out for tho masters homo not long after supper john a rut liln undo fell to talking of the iotv placo in tho gto- ery ti r- whereupon tho boy told wltli great pleasure alt tho incidents of his two weeks in mr perkins omplny wlij undo llonry ho oald tho lxua in a prince ho let mo off onrly or tlio lociiud tlmo tills wvek and ho never tnkco a hit off my pay cither how du you know ho doosutt hrusiuoly naked hla undo ho hud tutno 1 bis nucs thrdubli liard work and it seemed to him that his young ncphaw an a bit too sure of his future why bacausa last week l woaoff an hour and i didnt loso a cent so why should x this week t laughed john but how nbout next week and tho week after and next yfort next year jiow do i know queried hut mystlflpd nephew 1 fruew i may as well wait for that tune to como before worrying ho added with a senao of explaining something he dldn t exnetly understand then undo henry told him what ho meant with a kindly but ehprtrd omllo lio benon ltaton my boy lets look ut this question in terms of yours not ot weeks this woek youll bo paid flvo dollars pretty fair pay for a fouruenycarold boy and still not very much after all in six month you ought to got seven dollars after n year ten and so on thats right for youll bo worth more but only on ono condition hero uncle henry stopped for his word to sink in and then he said impreaitlvfly tho condi tion isthal this week you must be wonhmoro than flvo dollar if you oro nol next week you wont be wortn tlit mucj and fix months from today you may not be worth keeping at alt you cant niko a job grow unless you flnil grow yourself i think mr per kins wilt say tho samo thing try it und see now if i were you id begin tomorrow by getting down j halfho early iuit to how that joura right on tho job your employer will llko it and both of you wilt fool happior when day time comes tomorrow night lohn had nothing to say in reply he know well enough that his undo llonry apoko the truth and conso- quuntly he could only nod an assent but inwardly he was making a arm rejolvo u follow thi ndvlie of a man who know hull 1 bivla f to von the accident evil a man ntnick a match to 1100 if tho gusollno tank on his autotnobllo was empty it wujint a man speeded up to tioo ir ho could beat tho train to tho crooalng he a man looked down tho harrel y hit gun and pulled tho trigger to so4 1 it was empty it wasnt a man blew out tho gas to oco t tho asphyxiation tales woro jokes they were not a woman used gasoline stove polish to ace if it would explode it did a man jumped aboard a moving street cur to catch the noxt train ho dldn l a boy- hung on the street car to nee if ho could uo cuuldn t a boy run ucrosu tlio street to beat an uutomobllo ho didnt a woman tried to croia a afreet without looking both woyo fjho fulod hxchango worrying over the bridge there is a ntory of a couple who started off to ride to a friend u house tho morning was ploasant und thoy wcro enjoying themselves until they haihtnd to rcratmlwr a certain bridge which wus very old and probably un aafo i oliall nover dare to go over that bridge exclaimed tho wife and wo cant get acroaa uio river in any other way i oh jald tho man i forgot that bridge it is a bad puice suppose nhould break through and wo should full into tho witter and lo drowned or coiitlnu d the wife capping his com plaint auppouo you should step on a rotten plunk and break your leg what would bocomo of mo and th babyt i don t know continued her hus bund whnt would become of any o ua for 1 cuuldn t work und wo should ull sturvo to dcutli so tho lugubrious talk ran on until they reuched tho opot where the oh hrldjjo bud utood and lo they die cuvured tliut ulnco uioy hud lout been thixo it hnd b replaced by a now one all lliolr fuixlt lad been worse thun uuolauu iuul ix not all tho worry toplo tukb for they do half tho tlmo tako it t 1 thjnsovei is a wat3 for years im anil went to het being iuvtind by tho angel flsbrl u lo liny lit ever got there pat nt mwared jiul on m courtney telu how sho w cured by lydia e pinkham vegetablo compound oskajoom iowa pur yearn x wu imply in raitexy from a weakness ruid awful pain and nothlne soemed to do mo any good a friend advised nt to tako lydia h iinkhun vo go- table compound i dij o ana cut re- uot tigbt away i can certainly re- comracnj this valu able medicirte co other woqdtj wbo rraftcr for it ba dons midb rood- work for mo and i know it vrlirbelp other if they will na it ft fair tril mr lraubcountner 108 buj ava weit oskaloooa iowa why will women drtuj akmit from day y m in and yar out nifforinf uch miiory did urt courtney when such letter a tliia roootiunualiy bain fuljllihnd livery woman who auffera rom jlbplacemonu irrcrularluea in- nsmraauon ulcermuon backache nor- vntwnem or who s namlnathroogh th change of llfo should give thl famoua rofltond herb remedy lydia e pink- bam lxveetabtecomiound atrial kor ikriul uuvlco write irdla k plnkham medlcliio co lynn mnea tha rtiult i oilu lohjjoxpiriouc i styouraervlca a rollino otonc and a hcnoinc tim lant of tlio iioiiiohold goods hrfd uun lifted into thn un john ijkhi it i nod tnlklnit to the driver miriam 1 icot utood in tho duo rvvuy und look- e i hack into thn houm tho tliroo yean atriiicglo to mako n homo for herself und h rhlhlro 1 was over itho hud nmo nrnti r ain reiin this timo tliau over bnore thij chlikenn had paid fnlrly well und tho ktcots hart begun to ut llin niorltfuil down ahothi r jcar or two ihcro were te ini in miriams eye mho of thin itin uprooting if only tin i tould ret a httlo haven nf rrturo all their own paid for and out of duijri thr y hud trlod no muny tlmou unit it wiui hard to o hoprnl alimit nn tli r stitrl ijtit jnhn n hculth uixl john 11 haiiplneai wore of in urn conseqm tjci u11111 uny thing oln ho had boon very fugor for thin venture among tho iillin had reck oned up tho prohta ho roulil make n u ilvoacro placo wlum tin re was a ftood market for egrn und poultry they had put nil their money into it und incllentally thoirluurtn and it hnd not fulhd iitloiuh it hud not yield oil uccordlng to tlnlr t xpw uitlom yet john hnd loeorao dlikurutced illn health hnd not lnnrnvrd un mm it iui ho liad expected iiu wait urn ho ha 1 mndo a mlstuke in coming to n w knoland ho out ht to luivo 10110 mouth while ho frettid miriam worliud it was no tool fr th ihlllrii out her thoy worn sturdy und happy and alio hnd ma do a few frlentlft tho placo hud grown from dlliplthitlon to a pretty hmelkenos thnt comforted her heart hho had hem on to it until tho lost moment hut she had given it up now john was dluatlsfletl io hud md at out tho now opportunities in tho south west until tho fever for rhuiiffo camo again today miriam wuu haying goodbye to he hopes nho hud built into her home nor inft moniunt there was bitterness in her heirt i have worked so hard fur it she aid jj mlcht iiuvn let mu keep it prom tho vlndon lxra tur flowerii nodded in at her hho hnd loyod the bltn of hrlghticss they hnd put into ber life in tho fee rh venture tho would ba all tlio burfiieun over ugaln tho f ull nil of being iipoolrdjho envy of everybody who tuid pi place in tho world and stayed in it btandlng there within tho door bo tween the old hopes and thopaw pain she fought out her battle hlttcrnesj against circumstances yea und cgsiniit john nnaallod her it was luird un fair she could not meet things with the bright spirit nho had shown before she could bet she would not try the nho saw john hurrying to tho house with tho eager ieji of a child in his face ho looked ten j cam younger at sight of him lovo swept over her a whole army in itself tho flrht was over bitterness vanquished bho was glad for him dear you won t havo to work like tills any more ho sold wo can get help there sho smiled up into his face i m ready she said and ho turned away uutluqcd to tho new life piqhtinq like dea8ts wo havo said but llttlo about- condi tions in germany because little reliable information can bo hud and bocauuo wo feel that nothing should bo dono to increase tho contempt and hnta tho world feela towards tho qirmali tliut they are unworthy of u batter opinion f uf ihi v icuilh agrdo but however inhuman and brutal they may bo they are human beings and havo tho capacity for di vdopment into a more worthy people and it la our duty oa a chruilun people and should be our delight tn do all wo can to show thtso people ti a chruit through christian conduct to ward them to present tn them iii utt and teaching tho christ nnd christ a philosophy of llfo cut what vo juirt cd out to record wo almost overloaded reports ay that tho ocriiuini in dor i hi are fighting llko buuatn unman cut vroll ua men both the tovornment no idle n and the bpartucoiui iriuohvm ikon uro murderedjduny uro shot without provocation ti16 trtutment of tacli othur is ulmllur to tholr treatment of others however incinjulntcnt tho rx pretialon may sound it does uccm that they huvo reached bq rllmax in de- genenftion nitshylllo adyuroto full weight of tea in every package tiylis good teif sold only in sealed paclcaea fkee for oil rardener a com bined textbook and catalogue if telle you everything study it before you commence your acokina work free for all poultry keepers nnd tock ralaer a book that tell you what to do what to use and where to get it writo tor it hone it in a handy plaj of infinite value as a ready reference donunion seeds limited wnton canada you need more than a laxative to correct constipation all organs of digestion and elirnftjatlon should be helped try nr and peo how much better you feel jvr today keeps tha doctor aofay to live and b healthy your body sehaniara d extrac and promptlt throw off tho waste that la left tnia aecompuihed by j root properly durest your foodaxtraet the nouriliment froi stomach liver kidney 1 f any nnd bowels the failure of any of tho vital or- canatodoitawor property affects the action qi all the others a forced bowel movement does not d te e x soimtltian mv tqu a rrnbn y tlon and slva year potptclpkza bod a rood cleaalnc out nature remedy lflt tfcbuta im o0 harsh it is mild easy puasan a so tlon no crlplng or pain ever fallow 1 li use but it 1 thcroaa pn4 pare ur its action on tha cufraatrn b larcan t protnote assb which mean extraction of fal noarlshinent from tout food and ihwcby aler and tho like iou know mhihty wu youvt jrot to be tasirur them all the time itoreover if you stick to any one laxative youve cot to be increas ing the dooo all the time that can do you a lot of harm btop dosing yoarsolf with such t nines renulla ehow tlie dlfrerence nit tab- lot are not mere botrel movers their p nroue la to correct the condition that induces constipation and give yu rent strength energy patter blood better nppctllo hy totilafi pe4 tng your buy pvr mr end the tntaatlne imnrovwa tn dicnstton lajruy by getttiy cinrr more ylgoroaa bowel ana action kit tuiv pelsoaoua ipuriuca out pf ao4 cjeanrf up you lv b rewtedym tabtetal how jnuch tpettc you feet y get n fcse per toda ptlrrlni bile into tcstlnsl encourac kidney lr hi every way and take one each r today t for a we better la ywwj li j hassaud phrtu y xl never felt i lite nit qid rfiuranteed and nommipdod by jut tiruggul actonjont rr toiiidht- get a 25 jf01 every paint jvead jstsicus find owt nothing is more certain to improve the pppearanee of the home interior than wellpointed rpofpsr and oa for putside painting not only does it beautify but it pmteeta as well bh english 70ypnrhlttl r dtj vann 10x para valnt make your home attractive but do it economically protect it pnd beautify it by usinb a paint that josa as well oa it looks j3h paint lasts for years on exterior surfaces it cannot fail to give satisfaction when used for inside work chipping peeline cracking arc features you have been accustomed to if youve been using cheap painto these are features you will never again be bothered with if you use bh english paint long after paints of the ordinary kind neebttoicwing the smooth and brilliant surface given by bh paint will still be a t to the eye delight t otlfer bh products w tjn proud to mil t it tsloti u1m la 19 dlflcrat dll rorcb flwr vd vor ponh floon ttltim ad part ciiiom4 u tb wkiw nut tlla d wall ltu vlmmtth a flkl lom oil ptau itlnuklnd a vloa ull fkxxtukrt acallaat low utilor ootaa re rama aad owllnillillaa lmsolal baia falau p c c speight acton ontario 111 ntmmmmma the cheapest sweeper in the long run bisscl carpet sweeper km ho 5 kj3 biflsel sweejier vac look tiihouoii ouit 1iouae- kllp1no 01raittmnt we have what you want tlie bond haedwabje co ltd phen 1012 ouclph savage co ctabihd ijkfl wynoham ct ouelph watches diamonds jewellery library desk oeto fine china cut gla60 oilverware 01 lk umdrelljuj fountain pens botvlallrt in t7t4auno an4 dlrtlnlay elf la expert watcli and jemrejiery itepairerul savage or co 70 yr in duain imkt avoiaq17jz ixjnt tr to elfian own a beu canada beqt tho juat ns qoo1 lo not aa cool heat rtiualcaua prefer and in sist on tho hull i3o should you write or catalogue of now dcalcnu c w kelly son guelph ont savage ijetter optical service always improving cantmuo tho qevt ltcctnt additions to our luxamln atlon luxun cttiulnniciit ui vrcll as imirovxxl nuiihlnory in the lens grinding ictartinoiit speak of our deumiltiulun to ilvc mtron of this estalallithmliit tiiu ltctt always improving when you need boots shoes at any time uiry miom w williams mi street acton iamous ioh satisfactory footwear ruasonaulc plilclb

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