Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 3, 1919, p. 3

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ffiljr art on 3tm tyresa riluit ilal al j li 1 3 1d13 wiicrc thoudleg go quality it our ticld crops rim itii hi ii t r iiiiiuty 1 1 tii worth while f f m i i i iv i ihcii tho ti it r tl i it 1 woll fl oiid ii lluv the oij man of the big clock tqwek fro it rcxlik tu vnrltly ttic- ii tlilnj i ity nnil ita attaiiiiui goal of our farming an npplhd to field ijo considered in twi ouallty of tho ttmi ii tho quality of tin urn quality tr tho i nip ii iiimd by tlm t uti till i lilt bo till nbltl nin it has wayu first tho ir croi r nccond ihcd train tlif tho lluli in do of tilth and fer tlllty that tho timo of now in if to tho uulrtllor ooed previous 1 tho thnahd en ly by tho wii plantn nil f iotko plump only bo produced i iiio mod bed and by which ij tnp produ i ing and selection ud ixd lu n ut th nd by tlm euro ilcn iin i l1 unlntc or tho seeding qunllty in in eoloimlnrd lurrn fuetoru vigorous itlal for tho production woll hum for vlj oroin virf ty if enteful broed- tho purity and uniformity of xarlciy can bo aiol foincd only i y counlntout selection thronrh tho mi hum of tho seed plot and tho funnlnc mill to produce quality in our cropii at tentlon muist im livin to all tho factorw cnuroonitril while tlio neglect of any wit result in a rrop inferior in up icaranr vlcld mi 1 r iri i ictlvn pon r barring weather injury quality an 1 yield o toj uior 1ario yields pr aero generally co hund in hand with train of beautiful uppaarunco and form excellence uud vice- venn tho farmer thuii nrrlvoi generous r oration for lii lalor but what la moro important in striving for duality lio wll qnd hlu greatest reward not only in increased ylcl la and larger profits but in uio satisfaction that attends tho application of intelligent and eon centratod effort lxpcrlmental forma note he qualified 2urlng tho jprlng ot isc a company of virginia ooldlcrn wan en near the neighborhood of mm sawyor a woman noted for her charitable doedo ono day driving by tho camp alio mw a poor nick soldier lying by tho road- aide and atopplng her carriage talko 1 to him for oomo tlmo asking about his heal tli arid expressing her nym- dathy she noticed white doing bq that on eaci haij ho bad two tli umbo upon reaching homo uho was haunt d by tho rccollec ion of uio poor man and although provision of all kinds were scarce alio determined to dlvldo with him tho few t hi nun alio had in tho house after preparing tho basket uho re membered unit alio liad not naked hlo name but recalllnc hla deformity wtoto on tho rover ior tho aoldler with twa thumb glyinc it to a truotcd nceto with cdlnuto dlroctionn she ncnt him on borjebi- to tho camp bhe irrrtr i no m jttt poedy retiin and an k cl how ho man- occd to find tho man no soon ho waa dp funt ono i nco uald 6am i wan prllo iorit and a noldler ask mo what i cot in dat basket and i tola 1m a chicken and uilncu for do man wld two thumbs and ho aay ho waa do one and i rive him do baakel did he havo two thumb on each hand oho oaked well ho dldnt nay notbln bout whar ho had em ho jes aay ho tfo two thumbo denefit of clergy a clergyman who was not dlaln cllned townnl takinit an ocaalonal filaao hired an irhihmau to clean out hta cellar ilr- brought out a number of empty whlokey bottlca and an ho lifted each one looked to ami if thcro wut anythlnr in t- tho clerfiyman who was walking on lh lawn notleod him and aald they aro all dead ones mllto tliey are annwered mlko but there la ouofood thlnff nttout it they all had tho initiator with them when they paaaed away how do you take your defeat r the way a man taken hut d feat bi prtty ood teat of hia caliber tho utronir man umu hla fillurcji for utep plngutontaj inotcud of atumbllnu- mocltm i know a vtry nuccltuiful yairnc man who baa made it a rulo of hla life to uao eery mhifurtuito uiat comes to him a a lolnt of departuru for no mo thine better ho una had leases and qllafortunes which would have crushc 1 jnoet men but they only stiffen his resolution mrrvo him up for a new start they only mako lum more do torralned to conquer tho next tlmo would require considerable 8tretchinq a ntout qcrrnan indy nay a tho llcr liner illuatrllrto iltunir dicldtd uft r a very eoinfortublo cxicrieiici that in tho future when uho went to tho ocra tie would buy two aeatn hinted of one one day sho niitin to tho upora liouife and handed tho uah r lur tvro tickets jtor whom la tho other uckett he aflkod hoclhs thit tluro was but one parson for mo i uhul omy txitb seatu tho usher uiui lu d i fear ou wll havo some diuuuity inudani youi scats uro numbers fifty onu and ulity tkroel the skipper tho boat drlftt 1 out on tbu nunll dili the ruui and tin imil ipii wen silent and u llttl ud ilia leuvo wm endod the tlmo fur mrtim luid mmr ienriut- ho hrvitlicl imftly wll you flout with inn bjuua down tin stream of lifot the autuu uti m w uho wlilajh rt j tho name na now uald ho i will hludly ulio tried ho waa rowliu dnlnir nil tlio hurt work nhu had tlio holm sho stccnj vhlil nomo allege i am almont in my dotaic icrhnps i nm in my fiecand rhlldliood you know however i am much inlovo with tho iwiyn and j lrl i of uitj i ool old town for tholr many jxi llent iiuulltien tiny aay vim tit t have a oung head on olj nhoulriurn unyiio not i can havi a jount heart in my old body i iuiili frum day to lay from my elo vuted point of observation tliat our lmjyuuji i tlrln arw itnerally respect ful gixxl naturcd most of thorn woll mannered especially to stranjtern arid itrirtly honrtt it does my old heart ood ua i paai tlio tlua inkan oftlco n nay iulot iierumbulatlonn to notice- in tho windows lojt articles brought in by tho children tho editor teltu mo theso include purflca often looao bllla of money brooches and other jewellery mittens robes farmeni hlpa jack knlvcu and numerous other articles which a boy or fclrl might uitu rally covet but which they hon atly neck to reatoro to the ownor their mcrauty docu not adopt tho old o couplet ijoaoru weepers flndem kctp rn thrro is just ono bit of thoujli tlcswnrnit which i think tho old man has just to mention to have rem edled occasionally in their bolster tur happy aplrlts tho bor forjrot them selves and indulge in loud talk an somctlmeii rather urumemty shouting on tho blrecta onco in a while too they are a triflo nolay whan waltlne fur tho malls in tho poot ojilcc but i m nun uioy 11 improvo in this matter nrm to bo a imlf iiiiwpi of hut and trim ihliiklii from n w tin wiarlnff twimit to tho men a i hut like tlm dllll uk probloi that aloiiir about t i llhr i run u ic t idiult ii plain vi r in thrr thhi 3 a f reanu on till- oi d man shadowed lives that make 3un0hine oplo wli inak often in lord ji mto iv in id i for n cilntlallj fnrt in nit i nt tho oi poulte hi ini in worlui will di mi i irntlonn to conn an i ting of un ono lei torn have nucli i intnd rhcrrfulm m km ln of fnehlencnn and ouffirlnj from liln hkhi and ynt it would imi lmpoii nibln to find a word t vununn wrolt ic i wnlld influt nco tho reiuli r to frrl that ooimlbly lifu was not worth llvftir ttioio iti pit nty of the fjloom llteratun and 11 would bo iwiaulhlo isolect a course or reallnr waitunli lako tho heart out of tho moat hopeful but such a course would not vo a nlnglo nelnctlon from itobert tenuis htovrimpn thin wan n6t duo meroly to natural rotiralo and good oplriu uioucti un doubtcdly they hclpci hut stevenson looked on happlnraa as a duty nomo thlo lii owed those tiu iiom lie was uasocajd end what hlu natural huoy- ancy was not equal to his ocimo of duty nccomplldlksl he chr red rait only his readers but tho frl nilii who wcro his comuanlons in hln hpurs of oaln and mortal weakneeu 1ora man to bam added bo much t uio word u runnhlne wbon he himself nude co much of his earthly journey in the ahadow of disease in one of tlio nobles of achievements n playing fair v ltnn1 r ni lllllburu in an mia i e li klen ti ily du ldrl thr m hci with wn by that aro your llf neo any ijivlnln iliriklnh 1 ilr walk in r difiu lu r voice tlio trlpln rnnettce he ixi initio ted iiimiii i no ono alic fairly iii 1 lrl nil uti 1 v irlth lu urhter n y in ii it rm tlb o mlm c jill h ii i un aiulrt w u 01 obi jill v rk hi uplo idld mhol uovrr i t ill- down for jn ejuinroi nilth r will nh hit cal fed up for rtinutlo i mllly at inn retorted hho nvir lu u ot m6t tin n ten dollars voht nun told nir no martin looked ruun t uio grouj why do n t we help her cirla i bo ihlrty lined up i rum in i ihc holy city ik 11 lilt ulir morning eoiupany ihkirdi rllen homo hardened otlivrn bung their lira la in iibaino junt mi th i jm nu ntiiry li inlrr attendlnt tho i rim lug in of tin prisoner iiulnted divvn a ulnuii lliii bappeui d a utronj boh w be j an ui rising nt iiilii i lu ijint niichtl all a 1 ho n hurrll lo fa t ild i iik i bur an echo oald ijttlo willie whal a it moro utan pleased mo to aeo what an interest was taken in our town on the proposed provincial highway i had almost thourht tills pro pool tlo i was not kolnb to bo considered deeply enoujjht by our leaders anil was not recclvtnk tho attention due it- tlio bunc i that journeyod to toronto thursday however proved to mo that acton was wldo awake to uio benefits lo bo derived from having tho road come uirough this way i woon t on the dclecatlon but i watchud for moat of tli cm trolns and it waa a sood ro prcjontauvo crowd as i said last week thlnga aeem to bo happen inff with noma npecd tho last few months tho highway hasnt happened through acton yot but i bollovo every man who havo the interest of uio town at heart from now on will do everything in bin kwer to brinr it thin way of course wishing and do legations may t be all uiat is noccssary to con vlnco uio government uiat it la ad vis able that acton ohould bo taken tn on tho proposed route and whatever othe ion may be advisable let nvrry man oeot tea in the world ci u nil hln uud the icou nt x tho bot foim l all the worl i i row on top of i mnll mountain hi uluti si rhiwn called mint shan un i in ntltlvati i bv lit 1 rleii ortriuuujllilat tempi ltd ouninilt chinese hj rim i i oui lit tho so do froi l india conturlin fltf time are only n fnvr poundn lu ni ii crop and thuti hve always kwiu u trll uto o it ida for tho uno ef the imjeilul houuehot i who will h t the nd mil tint now wll it be tvim i ve i fur th family ul the preallleut of tin replll ii or will it to ncatti rt i anionic tlmon whu urn wlllhur to l ay a 1 1ft price for such rt luxury t vouthfl companion n acton brlnu all his nowcr to bear on cettlruj the highway t lira ugh hero you havo made an armlrablo atari don t lag until tho deal la clinched bparo no energy and ill warrant that hen the road is running uio towns improvement dertvod therefrom will more than repay jou for tho effort now all together and tho provincial highway through acton for a olocan i want to aoo thousands of tho people of ontario and beyond pass my quar i lu tho town in a year or oo on this aplcndld throuch highway the war has surely given us a lot new words and meanlni to dlffcrcn cxprenalonfl while uio war was on if t became read mad at a follow arid ouldti t think of any thine moan and dillcablo tnough to call him i brand ud him a hun whan ho was callce that ho was condemned as far as a ii cu ago would allow mo to go hlnco the close of tho war a new word has como into uuo bomo papers contend t la v to than hun they way the hun should bo saved from it- this new word la ikilahcvikl i aeo it n print la every iaier and it is con founding thoy aay it lo a propaganda ult of poo pic a political belief and dear knows wliat not i havo read vlowu and opinions on it uil i uzn illsiy and yet it won t get through my thick akin into tho placo where my bralu nliould bo wlutt it really is like word hun it soems to bo used for uiat particular thing that la objec uonal lo to uto manners and customs are uncustomed to it seems to utand in itussla for a murderous gane who hold tho rolna or power and in other countries tor almont anything opponent to law and order i don t ivf where tho word came from or wliut its real meaning la but if i get rip roaring mad and can l control iny- noma of theso times i may call you a holshovlki if i do you will cuow you are wurso than a huu and tlutt was about uio lowcat term coined for nan u day it la spring and i would know it if had loot all track of the calendar 1 hu weather docoil t necessarily liavo xo tell mo of tho season of the y either i can uco tjjirlnff all aroui u nid ind tho atgus are on tho pavements ut my foot there art the little girls ihareoly one of them wiuiout a oklp- plng ropo and when do they skip if it un t in tho spring and for the las month or morti i have rieen a bunch ul 1 boy ariund eviiy shoot of ic playing mlba and then uiu tost tw ivoelm that sign that is the source- o man a fiud worry bus been in ovldojwi more and more iho now uprlng bon nets in what i refor to rbsy don bcem to mo so terribly different from what 1 1 13 ladies worn all winter uiul t iu m how i knoi when a worn in lua liar new uiirlug lial on and when unothir in wearing her winter one yet uiiy hi it ii a dlfferunoo in tho way shv tlll i it i- in ad 1 erl i pi i uotlio the iiuikii or flowcrn anil tliluk woll thoy oulilut wiar howcrn or fruit on tholr hat in tlio wmti r they would freeo tin rvforti that must tie u aprlug tiut hut ladles you will exeuoe inn for lutnlliig i ut tliesu rerluetlons of an man on tlm pride of your hearts that icifiet lnatu of a hat hi uuiik ullne iym la nothing moro ur lias thrtti a uiui li etruw and tluwi ri un i rlhlhin rra 1 up hit a a hiiuthhu that di ii if lit i u ii til uiu o st a uiu n omen an un 1 wtikr 1 u i iiku tin h tta oil mueli thhi ear as 1 eycr llkul any rnilultii liulltur mid tliey uro dlntlnet in tylo from other yejitn i huvo been i iohil n tluoukli uuiiin old l hotoiraiilin i ml i cmi t hulp uothliiic how leally llffeietit they aie 1 ifty ytutra m i liny wore nearly all loniiets about twuuly yoata no they hud u wholu vtiilublu or flower aiilcn graeifully t ilained ami i uyi 1 un with hut phut to the ilea i and about ten junn ujfn they tiounit d lo i larica very largo inn not nulto o muilt follwbc and gai- iuu muff on tliem ii o tendotiuy of product lo in canned form ro ncmbllng conned meat moro than floh and goes under names familiar to the butcher rather than tho flohmonror whale for tho canadian trade la caufih in the pacific just off vancouver la land and la canned under modern hyglenlo conditions tho quality of tho hale meat la aald to be very good and it is expected uiat the lndutrj when it la catabllahcd will givo em ploymcnt in an cntlroly now ilno to n larlo number echo my aon anewercj pn elanclng alyly at little willie a ma in the on v thing on earth tl it heat a womar out ot tho last woro anotl or mflrlhon of an echo wil lip said ma brink i y is a man win i oca to old patent mcdlrino almanac for hht bmartncoa the earning power of small savings if a person through tho use of thrift and war ttavingu stamps iwvtn cents a day and allows this money to accumulate for 10 years uicn on rtrot of january 1329 that pcroon will be able to draw out 1 15 c2 if uila person continues to oavo in this manner for 20 years then in 1039 hooraho may draw 12053 30 if tho process wcro continued for 30 years then on january 1 lf4d s 7c0 cb could bo withdrawn i or a good return over a long period it lu difficult for tho average perooii to get anything better than an invent ment in war savings stamps lessons to qe unlearned llfo is too abort to spend learning mat wo are not going to uao by an 1 by wo have no tlmo given us for unlearning uilnga tho boy who meant o make an tic nest manly man can not begin too soon to work toward that end if ho practices trickery and un fairness 1 nbla youth ho has handl capped his future whale meat shipments tho first considerable conalgnmom whalo meat to eastern canadian dtlm flrhf1 in mnnhwil nml ti a chinese d0y wins honors tho students coming to america from china havo long alnco nuulo tholr mark but uioy have usually done so in the regular college courses or in law now a chinese boy mr lrnest hatch has carried oft first honors for work in engineering winning uio rank from a large number of american students in jlcnssalaer polytechnic institute of troy new york as a recogniuon of this ho has been given a graduate fellowship tlmt will oaable him to re main there until ho has taken tho highest degrco conferred in engineer ing tho doctors degree when ho will lrn to his tutlva country to receive no stata appointment he was too dusy n italian having applied for cltl tcnolilp in tbe united blates was be ing oxamlnod in the natural bunion court who la tho president of the united ytatesr mr wlla who is vice president mr marsh could you bo president no whyr mister you acuss plcasa i vtiy buny worka da mine a steel refuge for dynamite d lasts an enterprising ralnlrg coiuiutny hoe found that ootno measure must b taken to socure tho aafety of men on gaged in blasting away copper in th mountains and that ahlvlds from iv ing rock should lo erected v hevvt il cytlndlcal uholtors of three nlxtecnthii inch a tool havo been net up at vurimm points to nerve this purpose not onl do the workmen avoid danger hi thin ntructurca but u is unnecessary for them to walk beyond tho rango of flying fragments and so much tlmo ia aavod for the company mlos he he murray of aylmer la 1 a position to claim the distinction o being uio ftrat woman in ontario f b nominated for parliamentary humin her declination of the nomlnatlou at icast iclflln xaberal convention last w was rrgrotted by her supporters it u a coincidence tliat the nominee ua candidate tor tho ijbcral party foi icast lagln is w a charlton who wan minister of tho dlauiplea chunh ti a i tori aomo years ato and who mar rlcd mlaa ii lack of acton wo could uho uuld nlowly r wan a fliunin of exclamation iiotiut my dear you couldp tl nut defeat dcnunyl you os well try to put punch into u r bull u i i ml ni lion lint the next 1 ilriv 1 io i ivo with iav uila lo i iiho hnppeiiid u bo iohie fjivlulavi way nlu u ild could uho walk up with her ijlviiiii ucci pt d hi c eompanj color 1 t ilj lor iwj blockn martlia ilkcd dying to j ot nnmn nipoiur but ivilh ut iiny jm i can ihc y u jlmont ready to l up in dcapalr wlien lnvlnla utoj ptd before a florlutn window gay iwth the frut joi qull ind tullpu and tiuclntlii of uprlng and uuddenl m irtha wutchlnr her saw a tranform ud iavliilu how you love flowcra nho ok clalnie 1 lavllila turliel to her with facu alii ht if i c uld juiit luivo fluivora i wool in t ask unyth ig else uho uil i mlirlta i h n t m it excitedly it wiu luinl lo nihjk but nho might never havo unothir chance like this why don t you go lo work and eain uin tin ii idie cried impill- ulyily ilu your fault if you don l wiry lion t you put the cnthudlnsjn you f i for tho fluwern you love no much into jour overyday work iavlnhi looked at her in utter bo wlldermont but martha rushed an not truiitliig hcroclf to atop until oho had oald it till en t glrla been promoted over you again and again although thoy t do a bit bolter work it a bo cause ou act an if you dtdn t car woke up mako youroolf care bay to yourself that it a for your flowers can t do it any other way lavlnla meek you ro not giving a fair xciianro for your salary never mind if you don t llko bunlneas while youn hi it you ought to play the garoo iiquaroly i expect you won t over want to ueo me again but now uiat you vo given mo uio chance i had tell you ilay fair and with bplrlt 1 ho vhwt u difference it will make iho lurnid away abrupuy frighten ut her boldness hut i m euro it was right to do it aho sold iut loited ildo the no nu pauned ii former nu romptny known wll over the t wnn awaiting trial for for cry ho who wlui dinging in iin cell mruntlmo the uong went on un every man in the line uhowed emotion oim or two dropped on tin ir kneca one boy at the ind if tlm line after j denperato ffcirt at nelf routrul aj nlnnt tho w nil burh d hln fnr s al hlu fol led nrrnii uml sobbed mother i other tho oohn cutting lo tbu heart mi ir whu heard and tlio iioiii u wailing it i way uirtjuiii tlio court room iiul in tho htidi t kngth dte oald ik hnvo we in to nub mlt to this wo ro to take our punlnh i but this he too botaa lo sob it vrn lmpoonlblo tho bualneaj of the court yut tl juilgo gave no order to slop tho ooji tho police ocricant aft r an mrt kcci tbo man in lino upixd buck or willul with tho rust tho aonj roovrl on to itn climax joruiuil n jo ulklit li iloaaona in what can you afford tho people who atj afford to do the li lenerouo things are generally not lie omia who huvo tho moat money after a recent tornado- disaster tho hild ourvlvor of a family of flvo waa found in the household of an italian ho had two children of his own and earned nine dollars a week in broken i k- i vi j tio ha i thought that where thcro wan notilh for four there would bo enough ur five they could afford the luxury if a charity which would seem to most pool lo an cxacung one a great many who would bo ashamed to admit hat they could afford ccrtalrt jrleji do not hesitate to own that lhy cannot afford gulng it la rauie- intcreutlng to see young man who ha their clothrjj made a tho most ex don ulvo t illon- auj girli v ho mlf1 r ui rvo ifinoflolj i 1 u fashion ijiow refrutunc that they cannot afford to contribute ho ileil croaa or sumo other woruiy cause tho rval question la what can y affurd if ji it uils7 just so two bruthum onco ran a utoro in a small town win ro they had julto a larhu trade in wool on barter ono the brothers in came converted at a rmlvul and urged the other to follow hlu foots tcpji you ought to join jojto said tho converted oilo you t know how helpful and comfort intf it la to bo u member of tho church j know hill admit ud jako thought fully an i would llko to join but i don t aoo how i can wliy not i rolaled tho flmt nvhat la to pro- ent your will us jes thla way 11111 thcro baa iot to bo somebody tho nrm to wulgh uila hero wool i hlladcilphla telegraph beyond consolation vheu the hov mr knox wad about llvo up tho pulpit hu had occupied noviil months an old lady in the gnuauin neimod very mueh dlu ibcd tho pastor at the c loots of uormuii uttempted to co no fort her i slid he of good chotr mrs judson tho juiiu wilt ond you another pastor and expo t a butter ono than i am oh no was uio nurprialng reply i don t dare ho pa ui wo vo boon hunii it ire icbcrs for four yooro an very timo thoy got worse- lilci jni judgo lookod into tho fui tho men buforo him thcro was not ono who was not touched by tho sonj not ono in whonl oomo ik tier impuluo was not alirrcd ho did not call tho cases nlncly a kind word of advice and ho dismissed all no man wai fined or scuteiced to uio workhouto that morning tho song had dono moro good than punlabmrnt could pos sibly have accompilehod the youths com par ion returned men deserve the very best changing to civics thio storo can supply you wit the very best mode to order clothes hbtflap8r6y braces underwear and all mens furnishings ar the closest prices wt give you quick stviu and large choice ot materials in made to alcasure clothing satisfaction guaranteed r e nelson notice to creditors tlio creditors of conrad itlldenbran 1 lato of the village of a ion in tho county of halt on laborer docuaued who died on or about the tui day of 1 ebruary 1310 are required on or ho foro the zbtfi day of april 1ju tu aoit 1 to tho undersigned fckiliclior for tho lxccutnni of tbu will of tho eal i du ceased heir christian and wuriiaituu add reuses and dcacrlptloiiu and tbu full particulars of their claims and after tlio uald hth day of ai rll uia tho aald excoutora will i n fed to dtntrlhuto tho auavtu of th said du etaied among the partlia vntltuhl b law uml they will not bi rrupoiiaiblu for any claims of which they shall not liavo received nollij at tho tlmo llxed for such llstributlon dated nt acton thla 27th day of march ad 1810 jamlb oiiayhh u clch- iikown 1xcculoru uy ha it old n iaumlle 3j3 their holicltor aeton out fred blow mnxiiinist is moving to tho newlyarranged premises the ltow bowl ing alley on main street where he will be prepared to handle all repairs of machinery promptly and satisfactorily motob bepaibs a specialty having experience with ail makci of motors repairs will be efficiently executed vulcanizing t1bes having installed a vulcanizing outlit satisfactory repana will be made to outer cases as well as inner tubes thu de-pir- ment is managed by mr d rosa brinp all your repairs ijlre main street actoo hu5d blow with bualncas men generally intenut n almont moro lhtenao thuao days m tho fall of commodity prloon than in the movements of the atuck market tho world is waiting and in minii casua atmuat in vain for tho rccunhk n tn prlcca which will indicate a return or normal coiidltlona coat of uvlnt i rirts in oauad i liavo not muilo tin drop that was uxpoiled at this datu tit for tat ihompaou was u very ontliuoluotl gtdfi faild ono day ho wan i oinpliitu lug bitterly to hia fiioiid hmwn about tho bud manners of smne of tho lub riilmlmra j iviok at jcnmi fn itiatancol i lal 1 tho nun at luutly tossed n y tao lult aa i yvus goln to di ivo w b it would you huvo dono if you halben lu my pli e woll aald urown nuelny thul ho rossed your ten i ahould huvu dotted bis eyo london ideas the ixs a sxve- without premiums actual size the bigger bur unky bar you can use comfort to the very last it does not break when worn down and the bar is the biggest and best you can get for the money comfort gives you the greatest possible soap economy the greatest possible satisfaction for 25 years the biggest seller and sales still growing its all right pugsley dingman co limited toronto ont

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