Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 3, 1919, p. 4

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ttw4iji wr- n m vaiwfcffwi i i jat tfril fiijwvwis afyi artmt 3fm pre alkii j jm liuiii a- i i dltorl 1 in ilillu uiiertill till forbi mooill 1 dltor i he unit en i liui pastil over for the pre cut but will ictii with ttic consideration of iho htidjct sn 1 tioiiiit white the acting premier made n con eilmlurj mldic and tlic wi tern men evidently have leeidttl in wail the hndjel heforo inking any definite utirfii iut they are decutve in their demand foi i n uii ration ol their claim im r loy d t n fi t l nee egnrge ij milking a fi lit at tlil to d nwuy with eon ci mon f 15i deputation fol provincial highway acton wit i kcnrestntcd by between ivcnly and thirty dciegnurf par rin n pnoriideo careful contilolration of pmojcct ii lint il i iitlmi to wall upon ii ir ml- i und liihlnut llih union am autocrat indccd vr wi n i ii u i fium ax it niicerely to be h ped tl ill never again cc the neee ity foi the of inv oonseription me a tire for military t lonf u the world land in any eountrv editorial i he daylight saving muddle tho daylight suvingjilnn for tho summer unlikely to bo the i iibi or considerable annoyance and dt satfiiotion thr ycnv in tho house of common lust week the propojal to adopt tjio measure for the dominion thu year was defeated by the substantial majority ol 105 to so notwithstanding this action tho railway have adopted daylight saving and given notice that their time tables will road by that system ati hour in advance of standard time in the hou fanner member- from all partu of the dominion strongly opposed the plan and gave reasons for their objection- locally wc uro evidently in for confusion some of tlie factories have announced the adoption of the daylight savings plan and the post office must necessarily adopt it because the mails come and go by the ruilway time table the churches will not be likely to convene their services by the earlier time because of the inconvenience to the farmers and the schools will be in u predicament inasmuch as some members of the family wall be employed where day light saving is in vogue and others where- standard time is adhered to this undesirable confusion in time will cause much inconvenience u s sehutar tin ry of war baker i credited with tatement that the coat of the war in moi v value alone wn 107000000000 or 11000 000000 more than the total property value of the whole of north america no child born in a civili7cd nati n in the next hundred yean will escape paying a c n iderable portion of the debt tin war has brought about iy mr baker ain niii othtr wltl iitlk r rnnirrn im t il lrfuuun mm llultdhu i lo imprcoo i vt rminut tlio nre uvlm lui liliu tin il lurniu via unuii alton uuolpli kit mt mary ii mnl park it tho fruit bolt ncai ilford 1iinjks closels drains mfqrt lye iif o wh n tho project ill liwny from toronto intiriiutuujji borfloi rcprrim mtlvr 1 of tlio mud a it rttr onj blil y tho cove rnmont mi tlw morr uoutli- 1th i inn llton ii rapt idukwmt i u of lllu id 1 i ion sir uohcrt harden has submitted to the lint delegation nt the f conference a niemorand to the effect that the british dominion do not w to umc any responsibility in european affair3 where the empire is not directly concerned thi is a view that will bo supported by an almost solid public opinion in canada our memorial to our soldiers with commcndible alacrity and splendid unanimity the civic committee on acton soldiers memorial presented their report before n mass meeting of citizens last thursday evening tho committee had unanimously decided that inasmuch 83 they had learned that the soldiers generally were not favorable to a monument that memorial entranco gates with cut stone abutments bearing the names of the acton soldiers who have participated in the war to be located at the- entrance to the town park was most desirable their report was presented with archi tcctural drawings showing chaste and substantial de signs and the suggestion that 3000 be raised to carry out the proposal the messrs beardmotc benefaction in devoting the block bounded by mill wilbur church and fellows streets for recreation an agitation has been started and it has much to recommend it that an act be pajscd by the province to provide that tho revenues derived from motor licence be paid to the municipality in which hie owner reside when tho licenses arc issued lcs de parlmentil expenses the government hiu other ou re of revenue but the municipalities have few except through direct taxation dollar days are profitable business moves in many town owen sound recently had one in which the merchants heartily co operated v al o had a great success a few days ago and oshawn will have one on saturday with upwards of one hundred storekeepers taking part what is good for these ami other places should bo of valuo to tho business collmgwood collingwood bulletin a dollar day ought to prove a good piece of enterprise and profit for acton merchants orthcrly now thi roil to ur lft t imt purposes was pointed out at the meeting as offering a more desirable location for these handsome en trance gate and pillars if located as an entrance to these grounds with tho pretty greensward of bowling greens tennis courts and shrubbery back grounds or hedges the result wquld be most effee tive they would be readily seen by all visitors to town further as the new provincial highway will in all probability puis through acton the route will be on mill street find the memorial placed here would wm tho udmiration of all this large volume of traffic piusing through town if this site is avail able it should meet with universal appioval as tin ideal place for actons memorial hoitorial notls a new coat of arms for canada has been decided upon consideration is being given by tho govern ment to the question of adopting a coat of arms for tho dominion of canada which will be representative of all the provinces comprised in tho confederation a committee of officials has been appointed to take up the subject mid consider designs submitted to it it is high time that wo had a coat of arms covering all our provinces assessor reid has about completed the assessment of this municipality for 1010 talking about assess ment difheultic- how would it do to compel every property owner to file a statement of the price at which he would jell and then assess him accordingly at the same time making it obligatory for him to sell hi property if someone should offer htm the price j ihio ought to get rid of the many instance in which tii owner gelling price m j nts assessment valuation uro not within speaking distance t the illicit traffic by which liquor is stiil being brought into ontario under all sorts of subterfuges mid efforts at concealment is it is needless to say illegal it is a direct violation of jaw vvhat is the remedy the dominion parliament wdl be petition ed at the present session to enact legislation em bodying the provision of tho existing orders in cduiivii dealing with the manufacture importation and transportation of liquor such legislation might well provide that the enforcement of its provisions should be entrusted to the special machinery in axis eiice in the various provinces for administration of the liquor law l tin jovi rmiiuiit to jirncod wltn uli ii i ho jin imrutury work for uy ii ifmoimtrtloit wuo don mill win ii ii mioluuon adopted itltu of miitili liml ranrtaonta hi in slriiifiinl waa oiuiuaii on irotil ly tho vurioiuj munlcl 11m nuolutlon which wan rd to thu prima muiiuter called nnifiu u ooinnuikmt tho utoly uml to iroee 1 with i urvoy work with u view to tlio lulir nuiiitrmtfon of u fuixlur nyuton u hit h would ui oinmodalo tho tarrl uiry north of tho iroo iil hltchway und uut of uiliu huron rim nuid for tin i ifcliwus wiin volrtfd by uihjui a ilozon uixukurii who wort intro luiol by wnlllnjcton hay mii fur niirih iorth tlioaa wjio npoki w ro h w wllhion ctown attornoj r kiriilil mai or fjtnvrnnon of htrnt fiul hon nuboii vtontulth formo mini it r of arleulturu h i kuloi ml of wul rloo t j hunnlfjun nl jin lli mujor grunl itoovw of looro- luwn miiiir ijull of ilrumpton ii v moi ro at acton iximty iumivo clarki of uoiurleh llouvu llolilonder of wm rloo ii vu jliinlnci of thod miiyor noubltt of hamla and liuuvo ittiivcrii of i xrtor tho ml ji hu ily vmihiuilcil thu fjjet tlio d op lo of tho dlffltrlrt to bo 1 uro prarticjiuy unnnlnioun id ullni tho hlnhway prima mlniatora roply tho irlmo mlntutcr in roplylng bta- tud that ho accutitcd tho rcicnco of nut h ii inrc deputation n ovldonco thut thn iovrnmunt in ftn coneral lolli y of srr ftnlvo roiid cotuitruetloii li ui thu whotn hciirti d nupport of thi dl it tu li nt th uoilliu tlier liulclnj i ii fortlilid wit pby n thut duy tin ty in tint mom tho aunr luiplelneovi n d rnr jontli mi n il npuuklni quii tly extra destroys t teach the children to save v in r iir alio vlll rucclv ur bcut thoucht n promlncd i i i ivo you un i 111 r idlly umut irtukliii 1 tho i ju nui col riiii ukiui xtio in w inu in not lu u kioitloa nuwor o duy you iluml tit at an un mi nlludo of tho oiio it iki hj hly ontorod th ulut mi nt ttiut ivi iy urt piwulhlo in or nilni m tonl rrrnn i hlihwi i uirully 1w inl ili r um r om the dominion ibto iu to iinilvr u t iwvlnclw 1irwlji could un lutorwit in th vbleh uffuclu ur tljo room wiui lonu i with ixjioeuuit curlonlty yultly ti iianldiui wm removed tho pluti n vi n bupid hlfcli with apr wado in plain nchoolboy cnrllfih iiplthulu rhoy hud boon enthorcd from tho flou r of tho lee t uro roumy do tor holme t uxpeuuo and troulilo hud boon u fo lo tho junltnr tivnty llvo ii nt tho audxrut w thit thorn u nomiinl a fow of t in bujii laughed moat of thu oilonro utiind in n i nil a and tin n tlio iltlueot quiotly calmly but with uluwly eathorliii font doi toi ilolmni bcjim to npouk gono wuu tho nlul phll ouoplicr tlio kin ily ti irhor whom thny oo w- ii know i lufro thi m ntttod tho tirnfiujuor tlio nciuiitiut tho pliyiii lull dufindlnit lili tolh l bin i im r hi i piofe hioii ukitlmit tb l vlty the low ulonin nf tliolr own dlni iplm hti rnly nobiriy bo tullti d to tin in of tlio honor and txudltionii of tti ir oib of th irrrtj and dlllliultliit of tlulr fin ult of thilr profi anion itii bjh idtuin un uurrtd rtnpnnalbllltlcj ii talked t them of ilm prli iitciiu opii rtuuitia which they wcro waiitlm hlo brilliant iyii noemid to mwruh tin in ono by ono hhi wondorfut volco uvir rained yot carried to tlio farthrnt corner of tho room ilia rlcur cut pliraucu lauli od wblpllko about liem hln w utunp tliem hlu irony ioiulud there till in all that rough uuuoinbly ncarc habits nro acquired early in life childron who uro taught tho valuo of money and tho htlut of navinp grow up into good buamcja men aiid capablo women tho on iioal way to teach children to riavc ia to start lusuvingn account for each chiltl sl00eich ia oufficient after a child has oaved another dollar to make an additional deposit ho or she will havo a better appre ciation of just what a dollaratandd for and iujw much orkandsolidcniahtropreoentn safety deposit boxes in your own bank a in rim of thirty four iiafi ly d i onlt 1 ox u inulalleil in thu vault of tho m reii ntji ii mk of biixui am burglar pnof buvii iluublo loi kn and iibuolutoly iioruro prplt ttlini from iln or mn idle ri uoy tho nnital lu vi ry nuilt and tho bozu urn muiiauir and m t urn ono for your do unu nt i and thrvo ulsia bun boon imiln alton tliooo eurn to mch leaniio you havo your own imtnodlouu l uluablru i tho head office jvlontrcal acton branch georgetown branch of canada eatixbllfthed 1004 l b shorey mna c w g randy mtnaser i but in iii un tin ir fri r nln iu ml wlib tui hi r villi tli i prat liui d npiuli i iho i v ry iluy wi ro naylni at soldiers too dig clothes too small of tho ajorlty ut lb in ivlllau tporl iwyii tin til w1lv from ii i hu ty rt luchtq 111 eh llx ajid thirty nt lovolopimnt an wnr thi i 1 th rtui hod croan it i for tho mon ulio tho una ml pomitlii 11 111 tlw u 1 in oil from the tioinlli nuiit mill and muln lioiki lluo t liiillc lun o into kocjiv at ion iloletiatli ilavbcr counrlllo od hull hymo tho continuance of tlio abnormally high price of butter ib culling bpecial intention to the cause the president of the union of mothers clubs of lon don lius summoned u special general meeting to consider u propo nl to boycott tho use of butter until the dealer reduce prices butter is now dean than it has been in many months und a jump to 00 cents u pound for creamery prints on the london maret saturday prompted action by the mothers clubs thu mothers clubs will also organize a cum paign to oppose any proposal to again prohibit the importation und alc of oleomargarine the government hus accepted the argument of liberal members m regard to permitting women to take seats in the legislature if elected and also permitting them to be elected to municlpul oilice at the time ol the pasjiug of the frunchisc act of 1917 giving women the right to vote in ontario provincial election the- liberals emphasued the logi of following tin up by permitting these new voters to represent the people if so desired iho govern ment voted down those proposals but uow adopt them ay their own a bill to enable farmers wive to become- member of school eourds baa also been introduced lust yein u gieit many people were opposed to daylight saving time because the union govern ment had enacted it thu year the government voted the piopuiitiou down by an overwhelming majority will tlio ie opposed to tlio scheme now pat the goernuknt on the buck and tell them what splendid fellow tlie nrc an inteicjting bill now before the legislature has for ir object the development of community hulls und athletic ground- in the rural districts of the province i he cioerument will make a giant of 25 of the cot ot curulructing a community hall up to n maximum of 2 000 this bill if enacted should encourage the fostering of the community spirit 1 v provision for soldiers who desire to engage in agriculture is being made by the dominion govern ment on a somewhat lurge scale tho plans of the government for the settlement of returned men on farm include expropriation of land loans to soldiers substantial reductions in the price of implements hiirncis and live stock provision is made for education in ugnculture two courses of instruct n have been laid out in the preparatory courso prac ticul fanning experience may be obtained by goin to work on uptodate farms tho soldier will b visited from time to time by representees of th- soldiers settlement board who will keep a record of hi progress it is recognized that tho success of the plan will depend largely upon the cooperation ot practical farmers and the development ot the community spirit i lie nuijuuce und lcs occasioned by dogs running ut luiie is causing municipal councils to tuko btcrn mea uitj in some localities adams ton township council ha evidently grown weary of paying out money ut every meeting on uccouut of sheep killed or injured by dogs at its last meeting the council decreed that dogj should no longer run at largo in the township that dogs running nt large und un accompanied by owner or attendant might bo killed by any rcoident ratepayer that all dogs mut wear a tag and that the tax on dogs ahull bo higher than before thu is legislation in the interest of sheep one ot the most valuable minimis on the canadian faun und one whose numbers have greatly decreased in leeont years owing to the depredations of dogs mu uefulne of the by law just enacted by adnia- tun township can bo inereused through other mum iipalttic following suit comprint jjinrdmor il iubihinan mljiiiu jam a t ilrown m mclean j a ii i moore alex dell tun a o luurdmoro lvanlt tiirio ullott cj ii cook duvlduon j 1 1iaroii d c allliioon n 1 moore ralley anil othoru a dedt to yourself ndvluod boy ii to b- ulthletcti and ufto wo ioi that iho dlu tauen ah athlutii iiltlti ay b i nod atudt tin oqiln nl iiuillti iho work of tho uto in an auiloto iik of him in tbbi iat bin ntlilotla thu front that it uvurythl i loo it la k bojy hi nn inherent rlbt wntl tralmd lod in an llivaluablo tl dut to dut phuleal oupremacy irnt lu to tuvimo uliua moat unfor- unaluly u owo it to youruulf tu bo thlotlc you aluo owi t to yourutlf u bo tiomothhil moru than an auiloto a real scot d u brotbor hint 1 and toija their uc mutliitf in tho ear njali and miualojialil il in wblni crid that it ovidi oleul thli h i nuil tie duvolupi hopo it get the records hulcel your bchou o uetual work dono t bhaw u hchoolti torii dato rtuinl r eradui uutin illlod it will bit ii hhaw inlduiu qvoid doughs and cougherit 30 xtttorftorr covglls mar tdu nnt cralduni a qooo rcaqon ut fu m untiy tht y i wo iiiipnrtum motions einuuating from the liberal idc of the lueul house will conio up for ducuhion during tin week one by mr purliument of prineo 1 dwurd demanding a eoniniisjioii to study the reu on foi the decline in rural population which hut lileii out t hiding foi jonic time and tho other by col atkiiuon of north norfolk in rcgurd to tho neee sihu 1 die picjeiit readjustment period sue eeedui the wur all atkinson iniprcsscj upon tho guvcruuu nt tho ucce sity for pushing legislation to piovido lor such mutterj us a fuir wage fair prices foi the pioduct of tho farm eneouiugmg men to go ti itk to lib i md pensions for widows with dependent children tin siippiessou of feeble miudedncs iuul oeml dicn lo and by mukiug a close study of all muitiij leluting to the health and wclfuro of the peu c of the piovincc including iuicmplouieiit wiui nview to the enlargement of he comfort and luippi ilea- of the people ma ml olnc oi inultd tlliiil lu not eon nla n opl un mailo mom u l tho linblcu wlileh iiuvur ma- rlalli hun ly tluuu ulihii actually inn in u ii ki f uuo to bin dim your df with luiailnaiy uilufjj anl lou will av utrutiulh unoiifch foi uli tliu loot hut uvuii if a troublo jitnul and in itubh what lu thu uno of ruthlui i uliuul lo mot it vhy obadow to by iho uorni i lou lu of ok ufili noxt why poluun t uy u uui tii wiol dij n joyjby thu klof that ooxt li ihu fniyiu iho vill whloli hhlti uiu fr in ur iyiu lu another t ulu bonuibenl plun for oui nt muitlolonl unto pi iluy la thereof novn tilip throuen i of to timi4u to iikui troublo overeating u th root of ooily ajl dblut evil if yourdiceadoa i wk or out ol kilter btur ot lmnd mm km3qids te- mw u to bttr dlmrtiou huabt to tk lfctlt lai kimoid hip tnj oot row avctlr iixwum t maok mr cott a mown maker of octsrra emucjoon co iiiaimo id tt wwr ttoftonio canaiu new fashion centre lndiei of acton and vicinity should appreciate the fact that we have secured one of the best ladicb tailoring artists in canada in the person of mr hirsborn he has hud wide experience in catering to the wants of many of tho foremost ladies of tor unto for year for tailored models tailored suits produced in the lutest styles we c nt supply the most fashionable weave or we will make up to your mcusure with equal cure your own good j wo absolutely guarantee our special ork call nd in first fivc ladit ardors with ub wo remember that in addition to our specialty i adie tailoring we have attractive features in o i udies kcudy to wear department and shoe c partmeiit and main stiieets piionc ic7 gcokgltown biifiincss directory tho0 cray m o c h moqill j it c i i dlnbun li i ii v p it u cjlutii iiw mt inbor hrltlnh mcdl- ral ajuioi latlon rlr- oniro kn d rli it llrml acton out dr j a mcniven phyaloun and ouraoon ofliro and iti nlilrm i ciininr ijowrr avnniio und i lln mtrctitn tlio maid rnra formerly or uplod 1v d m urn tlornnn ardm tint vctcninary john lawson votorinry ouraoon aoton ont oralmto at ontnrla vtitrrlnory cot- tc 8b0 omco arllinni hlo k ilealdene mill btrcit calln lay or nlcht prompt ly attmidcd to ihonh no zz v o box 338 harold nash tarmcr m a bmrrielor gollcitor notary pub ho convonyonter etc pcrryman dlock acton ont monby to i oan conveyancing iloum 3 ji m to fi p m at rcaluancv r h wan3drou0h lko awnnuo acton onurh or j m dell d d q ld o dentist honor graduate of toronto univer sity tho let nota an eat hollo uuod if deal red omco at rroldonco corner mui anil urdrlck htrooto miscellaneous marriage licenses h p moora luor mrrua licansea trlvato omco no wltnoajmu n- qutrod isauod at rcjldcncn in evening puck riirat offlco acton ont francis nunan dookbinder account bookn of all klnda mada to order periodical of ovtry deacrlp- tlon caxcfully toupd itultnc neatly and promptly dono wyndbam btroot ouolph ont ovrr wlllliinia btoro r j kerr lioansod auctionaar for tho countlco of halton wolllrui- ton pool und dunvrlu and tho city or auuiph acton ontario salon may bo arninbcd by mall o nt rnldonce at acton or ntw tho ioe prim oflb c arton tho mercury otllco juolph tho nowa itocord ionrua or with v j gordon ilnxiioua maker llllbiburc baled ontruntod co ii j kerr ro- eolvo attention from ditn of ilntlnc to dato of aalo lint jour najca with me raaidenco youno street aoton fi tnir wmy nypiinno stop look listen womlnti unl ifholu women u huuullia misscb and youths doots and huuulr8 mens working uoot8 men 8 liqmt dooto mln s ruuulru uud villi scrolls arch ouhpohtu dunion pads amd tol hiqht8 i tiriiik tun h thin unirmu ntly nd promptly at landed to kenney bros alain street acton ont wo will hold a miliuery display in aoton monday monday night and iulsday the tli and hth of april in the- loom udjoining chus deverell kestuuraut on the mum lloor no huts will be sold we biinply want you to oce oui hut and know what clever styles und supcrioj vuluc we uic uble to give g b ryan co cuilih ontauio j e cheevers dook dtnder quo boo st east gualph onl uooka and mnazlnen bound in llandfidmo and hubatnnl nl covorn nanicu luttcrod lu told on blblco llyiou uooka and other books am work promptly executed d alex niven ontario land survoyor and civil enainoer hurvoyn tubdlvlnlnin puinn ho- porta xrcacrlptlonii ului prints etc cortineatca for purchasers and mortitacoiis burvcyu for arch iticta uulldera and municipal counclbr dralnao itcierta la tl ma tea etc mclean buildinq dou at quliu iliunu i0g ont auctioneer iaviz hioch kial 1 st ati and ml uciian1jisl consolidated phoneenn 4t 1 r r 3 acton bargains m risti- mcenery evans ent having teeeivell u pi line condition wo urq i i eduecd pi leeo huge shipment of ibh which uro in bio ta sell to in public ut the following ill 1 cjuull i h iii sii ku i it rt i nun hu 1 ii mcenery evans main street lkni no 0 132 acton ontario free press ads jbring results crandfrrunk the double track route hi iw 1 n montreal toronto detroit chicago uimxonlkd uubij en uoi vleo illooplnt in on iilht truluu mnl 1arlor cuu mi prlnliiul uy liulnu lull i iriuiutl n fiuil any u ind irunu t kit nifiint 1 1 i i hun im niutvlet m1iu a vroit ii s holmes aucnt acton ont chon 13 tho old and heliablo granite and marble doalors wo art iimmifiii l m i mi 1 dliil liuiorttiru of nil kin lu f mi iiuim nlul und iioudulmu worl wii noil dli- i to our uunuinuiu ot whuliu ilu i 1 1 i tliiu itjivhik our uui nn in ji i j uiii wo bavo tlm tti ui iilum ii ui d th lily moi buulen it tho uomliil n wi ran ojiorato iuiuiiuitlo toilt iijily wo din fclvn rvfliin ii fii in liundk la iljilri win ru utluri liiivu to huvi luw null- lu orlr ti illfit wo luv hu iuittut ulid twin t u tin h nf oruull in thu dominion or mum t leulorn in thu west wo uo oul niuto doalciu oild iinpioy ul u uui do not annoy ur im cuutonu ri by nllnir out unor mt ui nh moiu it iiik oruint wduiiyl y only iucluuilu mnl dury eomu tjtlon hamilton sons oor norwluh a woolwich ut uuelib

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