Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 3, 1919, p. 5

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if p arum mxet prefla thuk iuay aikil3 1010 at flnit tho snowdrops holla are soen rhen horn m iilmit tlio nticltorliirf willi llin tulip ii horn or junky grren iii 1iony it dark t nfnldlnic i all tlif f iitlrn rhllred crtciifi imrnn rht limit nun iniiuu hlndis appear tim nm heul 1 hiiidntli returns 1 tit tit her lilud flamed chandelier tho willow i wiiritltuj lashes wruni ily the wild winds of i unty march with rcillow liamnti llitly strung arn mviylntc ty the tufted larcli boo tho nrntid tulip ti flauritlnr cui thn liinic i on i loi y for on hour- liehold ii ftithirliu tin it look up how mi oi tti forest monarchn nicc a ncqlcctcd cereal in thin ait world n now hotel lin i a imrt rlu clii moimlour nscolllor t ml chef of tlio carlt n nit own how important tail ti in tlio dietary hen wh wake the n fi rout vi thn ie et winter 1 cu buds murine 1 i fhvn und i ily i llttlo hi nj in lummor cries n la bore ulllan marcl twenty years ago from the lout of ins free prou thursday april 0 1830 tho i a jit day a ulolf hlnr last year wan on march b thin ytnr it ban lasted jirurjy n month loiuror mr jnmcii kusriell advertises tho glebe rarm for dalo he in ton in movinic down town shortly q w hill indian doctor of lirant- ford who htio been makliiff regular calls at acton tho oast six months hull gone to college nnd will pontpono his next vlnlt for u couplu of monllu a school of drcus cutting is now open in acton whtro drens cutting in bu itfl branches may be learn od by a new tailoring system open dolly for one month at mrs thomas brunt o jr lake avrnuo the iadles aid give anenjoiablo social in tho methodist church last wednesday evening itcfrcunncn ts were served at nmall tables after which a good local programme wan gl concluding lhat prbhibtlon of tho liquor traffic will bo impossible to no euro in canada until tho women of tho country have tlio franchise wctu iiav o taken up tho matter with vigor and aro circulating litera ture and petitions all over tho land a nicotine of tlio lad lea in town wna hold in knox church school ttooijc to consult upon tlio matter and at tho request of tho dominion wctu aro distributing literature in acton and vicinity previous to his removal from nossa- ffttwoya to acton the elders of tho presbyterian church presented mr jos moffat with a handsome teachers blblo and neighbors presented mrs moffat and misses mamlo and jennlo with a hjmdbomo upholatlrod rocklrujr chair each- mr moffat pon john rocloved a writing desk frofninci local band hiu ri view of tlm doubtloiu ntlmnlato lady readers to tnnko iui nimicroiin unon miiro widely known by norvlnr it in now dlnhcn oi thnh- lublc t in my opinion rlro has nut yot ro- telvrd the iittcntloik it donorves its manifold idvnntncea ara not in thin rountry nutticleiitiy roroknltd iio woll docs it nocnintnodata 1 too if to a variety of unvj that it is easily pon nlbla to servo it in a different manner oil acli of tho 30ri dnyn of tho year 1 rom tho point of viow of economy 11 deserves fur rroater connl deration its prlco flrntly brlnffn it within tho li or tho llcntlrn tit pnmo ico i il ly thero is no tlmo ojwnt in rlcininrr it hlrnpln rlnnlnr iwinir yencrtlly rlonl vastly tf emit it does not take for the most part moro than twuity minutes timico there is a real and rerular economy in tucl thero uro tow pornr nu in tho world who do not occasionally consumn rice i bo- isht in naylnjr uiat qulta inhabltanu of the rloth lattenoay good oamahitan the lilacscented shoe blacking tako a man thatd bound and tx- sscsscd to bo contrary commented caleb pcaaleo oocl and it ain t much uso to wan to your tlmo on him he 11 study up ways to bo opposite fas- tcin you can plan to agre with him now tako cy klluorc cy icllgore o wuos n moal objected mr bolcher why not tako soma ra- aaonln human boln tnlto somebody ta imtt i l 4r w cy klleoro oln t ever right so faxs i can recollect i m ualn khgoro to uluutrato re plied mr pcalce firmly i know as well a you do that ho aln t ovor rljjht- thats jost the plat he d ruthflr be wrong and on tho off aide than be right and agroo with anyone olav aln t you over noticed if said caleb with placid enjoyment i ha vi more n forty times assent ed mr ljlenchtr heartily woll you just missed another time got a box of soma newfangled shoo po 1 bib down to tho post oiflcc and after id bought it i not thero with it in my hands twlntln of jt round and some way or other the klver camo off well sirs i d no more n got uiat klvcr off bo foro tho wliolo building seems if was filled full to oerllowln with tho smell of lilacs you d a thought it was tho fust day of juno if youd been there wal wo nil sniffed at it several umo and every man agreed that ho never smelt nny lilacs that smelt any more s they ought toshut your eyes and you c d almost hear too hummln birds 1 was just gain to fit tho klver back onto tho box whdi danl hfggoru halted mo xepimo io that box a minute kollup says lit i want to try a llttlo oxiorlmout with it 1 handed tho box to him juut thou cy ktlgoru walkxl in danl took tho klvcr oftn tho box and walked ovtr to wtiiro kllgoro was stand la and uhovnl the box right up under his noac so kllgoro could n t halp smollln it jest tako a sniff of that cy soys dan 1 real hearty and tell us what it smells llko to you wo ro all of ono opinion about it and wo d like to know whether w o ro right or whether it a our mistaken notion snuff hard sas he and ha hold it right up close to kllgoros none kllgoro was backln away as fast as ho could and iqqiojl down at tht klvcr dan 1 wau holdln in his hand ulemby ho fetched up naln tho wall and couldu t get no further and bout that lmo lie ma lu out what was print od n itio uivr talco that stuff away from my faco dan slnjiuru he snarls foro yuu smooch mo all over course i know what it smells like it dont moll hlj no thin but shoo blackln you vo pro bably got so mo foot notion inter your head uiat suiulls somethln hka lilacs whi m lon says ho thero ain ono slnttlo hint ot u ulluc smell to it so far lis i uj iiiuk- i ut and concluded t a let with a sat lsflod smile hero hudn t ono single jiusson inu ltiontd lilacs in his hear in ho was fco unxlius to tr on tho off slda that ho forgot anil gau himself right away ain t hu tho bejtonutr a strop lo snd cheap modioli a sim pie cheap and effective meilldno lu something to bo desired thero is no medicine so effective it regulator of tttu digestive aytitoui as launoloos vego tablo rtlts they am simple they am cho thuy can be got auywhiro and tiiolr boncrictul uctlun will pnivu tlielr recoaiinondutlon thoy aro tho medl clnw of tlm pour iiian and thoao who wind to escape douturn bills will do well in giving thun a trial not a lawyer the iwi ej- w i i ruwi ululill lllg 11 witness to u rot b rj who i did the nl lry tako i latu he uski d i thl ik btmn tho v dtnetjm vo don t ruru what y ml thh u nlr wo vai t to inuw what y u kno w tliei if m doit t w tut to klluw what 1 think i nirht an well liavu tho stni 1 i an talk w thout hlnk lug 1 nowo a not a lawyer gulvtrtt ii worms canon futfulnian and rub tho- infant of autp tlm gnat tmuilsher muthei lruvra woim luxtcnntiuttoi wl tlcar tht utomiuh und inteotllilji and rsaturo ivculthfultivus liovo i half of th lo to it for tholr calef nourishment to surh it standt them lu stead of bread 1 vnn cooked and nerved by itself it in an iminontly natiafylng and nutri tious food hut it is generally used an tn auxiliary wo very often uoo it in tho most expensive dishes for riro aunnl gourmand quo lo gnormand lo mange in nngliali you would say i siippono ns epicurean a luxury o tho epicure enjoying 1u jllndoon chinese japanouo in short 11 orlonutls and south africans arc rtrrnt rlco caters to them it in tho sourco of all life tholr ataplo food heef mutton iamb pork otc when eaten with rlco constitute a complete men i of full nourishment without giv inning rocourso to broad hindoos havp a proforonco for cold meats ocanoncd with curry aro eaten by them with a plate or rjee elth u ten mod or tolled tlio chinese have for thin useful and tencflcant ccreil a great rcupoct they uteam it in vessels tho lltln of which pierced with holes like a skimmer allow thtt steam freely to escape thus tho rlco softens without bursting tlio grains rty roasting it they make a unlquo dish greatly favored in tho heat of tlio fire the grains of rlco opon and swoll forming flowers white innldo and reddish outside rlco prepared lu this way bccomes as light as the jas mine flower tho name given to it by the natives of india it la especially served thus to infants and invalids mixed wllli melted brown sugar it la real dollcocy they also cook rieo water and then uso this liquid as a nourishing and refreshing drink add ing to it sugar and slices of lemon this drink greatly in favor in very hot weather has to bo drunk freeh for it doea not keep wolb tho drained rice is eaten cold in salads rveryoao known that the japanese nrmy whoso valuo in endurance socond to none is largely fed on ri kodgeroo or klchorl is nothing else but rlco cooked with a minimum of water mixed wltn cruhced lentils or broad beans and then pressed togothci before the mass is allowed to become cool when dried tho paota will koei tor a very long time another japan ese method of preparing rlco is by sowing a small quantity in a little bar wlilch jhoy placn in cold water to be brougfi to tho boil as soon ox it in cooked thoy spread it on a cloth and leave it to dry it then kcono well on according to them has an agreeable taste in blam thoy stow a transparent kind of rlco of g viry fine null which is only nerved on f fast dayii it ta as white as snow and much light er than any others referred to they servo it with chlekenor frcoh pork ilico greatly enters into tho dietary ot the turks thoy servo it chlco with stowed moat or poultry and call tho dish pilau they also prepare it for eating with certain vegetables such ns tomatoes and cabbage the italfans are also very fond of a variety of rlco mado dishes in tho piedmont tho inhabitants grow a npcclal wort a favorite dish in turin is ric prepared with meat juice grated cheeso and butter to which they some times add slices of truffles this sua culent dish is well known under- tho name of iuxotto a la picmontalsc in provence thoy make a kind o otcw or notaufou consisting of beef mutton and chicken to which thi y add before tho rcat is cooked completely about 4 ox o frlce and a pinch of saffron th iy let it tt en sim mer for as or 40 minutes this soup must bo thick and the rieo well cookod in marseilles they make pilau of rlco with camo poulirv nnd even shell fish without flattery thoxe aro better than those prepared by tlio turks bice water is one of tho best drinks for allaying irritation in the digestive organ u makes excellent soups both thick and clear with cold rlco you can create ex quisite salads bervod as horo oouvrc you can add to it shrimps lobster salmon anchovies and other kind of fl ih alia cuiumocrs tomatoes peas and several other vegetables thero is no end to tho number of excellent dishes you can make with ric both cold and hot cakes puddings puffs tarts itouquctteo ooumes with milk chocolate liqueurs fruit or whip ped cream if therefore you would keep loust with due regardtto health and economy i at plenty of rice oiin very hot summer nfteriux ildnrly ladloii ntnrte i for a rid i iilcrtrlr furn in n huyn not fui ljultora an till weather wait uxtroiiu iy oppressive tho yoiini er of tlm two took iiu wrap f oon after ttin m t oijt iilkrtn of a gathering utorm at pcared hut as tho women wtro utrangnrn lit the pliio they thititf lit it nnfer to keep on to tho terminus of the rou 1 rather th in to rliango cars and perbapn taka a wrongs one bark tho vlolonrn of tho wind increased hn rain be ran to fall nnd by tho tlino tho ear ha 1 rear bed ito il cut i nation tho ntorin wan raging when tho return trip began matters beenmo ovnn worse for tht cor was opon and tho curtains ut tlio could only bo in pt down no tho i assciigeni moutly worklnrmon an i omon from a nrnr by fai tory hold irm bv tmlii force tho ha i fro in the temporuturo wu gnat it r w lonlth oly old 1 hi younger woman unprotected by any wrap was beginning to fool that alio wan in danger of taldnj- a iiovcro cold from the oxponure and oho tried to cover ono nhoutdor with a order of tho capo with which her morn prudent companion had provided ftcruolf at that moment u working jlrl olt ting lelilnd them leaned forward nnil said aro you not afraid of tukli i cold ivon on nho upnko sho onatclicd of her co it nnd threw it over tho shoul ders of the younger woman in reply to her protests tlio girl declared that wan almost nt her homo and aftr giving her name and addrrnn alio lighted from tho car tnd tan through ho pouring rain to n house near by tho friendliness t the act wan 11 o moro touching alnco tlio inns of tlio c6at would evidently havo boon a mat ter of moment to tho owner not ieoi charming than tho act wan tho not that tho girl wrote after tlio garment had been returned to her with a lette of grateful appreciation or tho kind pons nho had nhown to a stranger tin noto qhnwod tlul uhv wis oulte uu conscious if having done anything un usual or praiseworthy he mi the divine qoad r itmwn mnlled gently nn inf tlm lioy talk itul you nvi r i n nulled of tho woman who i i tnlio n doo of qulniiio but nwitllmm 1 a largo drop of rnorphlnn in tttul hi r hi pedranee noon bentno io uliniilni that n physician wan call- 1 ho tried lo rouno her from tho lethargy in which nho lay if only irould n l bleep id ho ill rlnlit ifn drownlly hibntd ihilittin nlin in nnineil she will die th pliyalclan nnawirod which h an utliimi hi it oft n in llfo we face hu mini uiiiurl wo cry i want llfo to bo cuiilri- if only i didnt hay ttila unending financial ntratnl 1 only i wiiii nut compelled to- work so loitiidly if only i were relinvcd of thl i anxiety and- that bunion which i our way ut aaylng if only j tould il m id jc all right hut urn gnat lhllclan noes our need moro cli urly homellmeit the ilpl of tlio thing no hard lo do hi ixiicily the thing upon which tlio uto nf our iiouln di p ndn tho ncrvo- iftcklng atrulti in glvnn uo tho heavy huulcn in in pi upor our uhnuldrrs tlm illjricult tank confrontn un the phy- i icliin i lkj un with ltio goad of noccs nlty wo fa e tho hard tank only bo- lauuo wo muut wo ploil on our hard wio aid alowly inutcrd of lotluirg n t t oi p ir nergy hi mini hlowly our oyui i j ii to a ihw u iderntandlng of tlio ni i of llfo our souls aro wakoim i and wo realty llv tho oroat ijiynlrjan tiao saved un why nnicko adc made with otraw ahvny bai k t vnn in pjuiroi vo know how tho mini n lietvlir on tlm imailttim iy u liu from thum the utruw wit to ninkj brlckn ilur how mini liavj ivr thtim lit t i ink tlm i why straw witnunodt mint of iff flbrj vi hi tin lug 1t with thi h in i h it 111 orlar al idci i wlilcti fl iicuthm blolln nlr thut i judluv fl rvlci sayn in iln clicmiury i f man about fourtei n carn ago it wa i found by dr li o ai tu nun to wtioiu we own tho discovery of rarhnriindur i and the iroctiti of tuaklt i nrtlllclnt jraphlto that when i lay in nilml with a dilute solution rif tannin it liriomri much moro plant lr and urn iitieugth of tho dried brik la nioi cover i re tlly intreajeti althoufch ntraw docu not contal i ahi in ii wart found that win i itrax in tmtitid with ttaur tj ox trat ihtalncd has tho rnnm u tlon on otay tn tannin liaa tho phuitlclty of tin clay nnd clio liardnoon of tho brick being rriatly inert imcd the growth of habbt robustness to many is almost entirely a matter of habit the habit of taking care and the consistent use of railway time tables keeping du3y liter rreat- no surgical operation lo neecniiaij in removing corns if llolloway o corn cure- bo used a help in learning how to swim a swimming board invented by a massachusetts man is a help in learn ing how to swim it conulnu of two warp proof boards of pine fastoncd together at a very largo angle lylnc with his body flat quon tho front board and resting mora or jess upon the saddle board the swimmer is buoyed up in a natural position for swimming uo learns the leg strokes first and then tho arm strokes and hn rents back upon the boards whenever he becomes tired by keeping tho legu going slightly uioboard in kept from overturning ttte ottoancy of tho boards helps one to rldo tho waves on well oa contributes id tho enjoyment since thire is no danger to fear con t fldcnco is soon gained and tho swim mlng strokes aro mastered in a abort time asthma cannot last when i at or all asthma specifics la j i kellogg n asthma itemedy assur edly deserves thin exalted title it has countless cures to its credit which other preparations had foiled to bene fit it brlnga help to even tho most oovorn canes and brings tlio patient to a condition of blcnncd relief surely uufferlni- from asthma is needless when u untidy llko thin in so easily secured the ca8e against the liquor traffic th i millera worm rowders can do no injury lo tho moot flelleato child any child infant or in tho state of adol escneo who is infested with worms can tako this preparation without a qualm of tho stomach and will find in it a aure relief and a full protection from these destructive pests which are responsible for much sickness and great suffering to legions of little ones ays that tho liquor traffic i ai n hititrlt right to oxlnt- ttm courta that jilllk la largely tho eaum of crime and pauperism 1 hyiilclann that drink in the chief c tuno of dlucano llu ilnejif thtt drlnl produces in- comiw uy and tnmciicy thj llomi thai drink dcutroys hap- pliien i and prosperity tlio hchool tlutt drink is tho great est tnomy of education tlio church that drink hi tho chief foo of nllfcion motherhood that drink poisons tho ery foundations of life bconumy that drink wastes food nnd robi abor connorvatlon that drink is always destructive never constructive patriotism that drink has disquali fied a largo percentage of the young men called to tho colors and as oon oral leonard wood nays is tlio ool tilers worst enemy union club jf cincinnati houuo painter who hn i juut od rollwuy carrinho dincovini amuni nt tlio- othor occuiantn an artlnt 1 im day i noo you re a brother pitlnti r artist narcastltally yen i sup pono i am do you c in chiefly fir flriirc or land icipo vinilc no architectural is malr in m line 1 was oot in the country tlm day whitewashing a barn aro yn busy cmol yea i ravo tho flmt ioat to a castle second coated a llttlo vlllat a fejv fir trees a hillside and finished a flash of llrhtnfng ma conscience hut yell bo liavlog a big contract nhairly the energizing properties of scotts have been proved in thousands of homes nearly everywhere aj i he habit of usin scotts regularly at trying periods asa means of building up strength and thwarting veakncss is a hubit well worth cultivating try scotts emulsion for increased strcnjtth noou ft ltown l a model outside yourself when you are bq well nttisfted with yourself that you taki no other jnodol your cjiaiictd fir iml rovcniont ni poor don not pattern to day uftt r yentertlay nor bo content to u cp on doing what yoa havo dono before 1 ind a model far in udviuicn of younn if an 1 live up to it bargains in fish for lent mcen ev having received a iqtec shipment or fish which nrc in primo condition we arc able to sell to the public at the following reduced prices quulla safmon half or whole 160 qualla tjahnon ullccd j whito i mil halibut ullccd oh lako huiorlor herring at acton qrsnd trunk rtailwsy qolna wt oyitsm no 20 n 31 no 33 null3 no 37 b 13 om 10 id atn 2 10 p m c lj p m n 13 p m oolno eski mt a m 3 jt x m 12 p m no 32 no 31 n 38 flumlay trains i aui tlm l olng vtcat- ot 10 lfl a m a 7 00 p m urh acton nd east at toronto suburban eloalno nsllvusy golna wmt 17 a m dally except huuday ij3 p m d09p m 11 ola m islly except fiunday dally except tlunday llumlay orily fjundoy only 15o 25o pickled horrliii i in nan hoildlo clscota 7o 15c 10o mcenery evans maui street acton ontario an odd maplc tree ono of tho most interesting of na tural wonders ri ported recently is to imi foun 1 in california near tho town of bc tla it hi a maple tree growing out of tho hulo stump of an ancient redwood tho ronplo has attained tho averngo size of thin oicc1cb tho rod wood stump is eighteen feet in diameter and its ago is estimated to t e fully 4 oqq ycarti tho maple ja in u nourlnhlng roil cli tlon erowe sugar crock model 90 dack yards and character iou can kcnerally tell what kind of man ho is by looking at hla hack yard and tlm question that every house holder should ask himself u is it as well kept as it ought to cbt it is a privilege to have a baok yard oven if it iss small one and those who are fortunate enough to have such u place for fresh air und for ito garden should appreciate tholr advantages and should take aro of their llttlo yards the cleanliness of a placo is in ratio to tho health education of its joplo and you can n1 ull tho standards of tho population by looking nt uielr back yards whe i tho poo die can maintain their gardens and llttlo breathing omrea in toot order thoy will then bo ablo to mo their influence towards keopli g tho streets clean in their town it la true therefore that tho condition of tho streets will indicate pretty woll what is tho i ondltion of the back yonla and ttiifli will ht hit observer know with rtfuroiico to the intelligence 0 t a corrector af pulmonary troubua many toatlit onlalo t bo present- d nlinwinb tlm in at cjiicacy of dr riiomus lclciirlc oil in curing ois- unlerb of dm respiratory prottsncs iut tho boot testimonial is oxiwrlonco and tho oil l recommended to all who eurrr from thise disorders with tho certainty that thoy will nnd relief it i allay inflammation in tlm bronchial tubes an no other preparation can not unusual mlun hwott was cngagod to el j untto and she took it upon homoir o look after him as all uleo womon off to stood youn olllclatu ut ii at tho garden f doarl nab ifo ivan going fuucial ami bite seoliij him lake t ho en yes i will oald tho curate do all tho girl still anxioun and romumbtir don t stolid with jodr iwro hd on tlio dump grourld easy to handle economical light weight you do not have to sacrifice roominess comfort and beauty in order to save money look into the wide deep seats of this model ninety look at its ample legroom look at its spacious tonncau notohpw inviting and beautiful every thing is nothing skimped nothing cramped 1 it has big car performanct combined with smalt car handiness and economy just the qualities you roost desire everything for its control is within easy reach and it has complets equipment every thing necessary for maximum service and convenience the motor is 32horseppwer the wheel- base 106 inches and there are easy riding rear cantilever springs and large tires non- skid rear there is the famous autolite system for electric starting and lighting and the vacuum system fuel feed of finest type come in and see this model 90 let us demonstrate its many advantages t j speight agent ge0kgct0wn 0ntaui0 r willysoverland limited wul7colhkndoralntlmlvcinlulilalawiulwon hd office mnd wmk west toronto ontario wgoao ma0o touring car model uo touring car model 85 tor particulars apply to t j speight georgetown jas symon acton tn addition to your lantic fine granulated sugar you should always keep on hand a supply of oldfqfhioned brown sugar it oaves money and adds variety and zest to your cookinp the natural dthcious molas ses tastrof lanltc old fashioned brown sugar it a deadctt improvement t many swtxts it blends dcliciously with the flavoru of all dncctfrmts nearly all dithea containing raisins dates iig3 or currantu are better whtn made with brown sugar spaces and brown sugar ore on tho friendliest terms spaced cookies and cup cakes and all mvcet picljcj or epiccd frmta are better when nuda with brown jjugar than with white for fear these old fashioned rcapca might be for gotten wo have repnnlfd a number of tho bat oi them in a booklet called crandmoihcrs recipes we will dcod it to you upon receipt of 2c clamp your grocer knows this sugar by t he name of lanhc briuuitii yellow and wilt ocll you any quantity atlantic sugar refineries montreal limited 5e 33 to useful tilings which you no longer use have a greater moneyvalue nowadays than ever before furniture and furnishings of the home sidetracked for newer tilings office furni ture and fixtures replaced and no more in actual use wearables pictures musical instruments used automobiles stul ser viceable these and many other tilings have a cash value which yon may readily realize through advertising them for sale in the classified columns of the acton free press do not relegate to the junk heap used-hut- useful articles which may be urgently needed by many people who would find it hard u purchase them at first hand dont permit any useful article you own to be a slacker if you taiinot use it sell it to somebody who lain jtfpiltsj2 zsllrfteiwpvrrmxxci ml 032 v ro t golno et 7 4b a in ually mcpt nunday 3 03 pm dally except qunday 018 p ni dally axcciit sunday 9 58 a m jlunday only mbpm hunday only fheioht and cxpntoo ixprcnn carried on nil enru iproujht rtnnvrrod dally by tiprdnl oxprcsa frelctit- lxpreflo or rnlirlit plckedup at any addrcoa in toronto o it aqnirw acont actpn all kinds of poultry wanted alpi- ok dltlshl d qeeqe turkeys fowl and chickens new laid eggs hides and tallow iaxmorb liavlnj poultry to net wo advlnethcm to call on ui lo auotations r milligan cornsr youno snd mill sts acton or to p o dox 341 opening ice cream parlor owlnj to lllntfiii n wini un- ahlo to oik ii our ico cnum lur- lor but purpojo ilolur so jrlday und saturday i f thin week cocoa duds ilettcr than mnplo hu li and loo n clicaner irlce 60c pcanat almond walnut and iluttrmculch tafty lletular 0c lt for r 20o cocoa nut tcanul avatnut and imoln cream iteirular 0- h for 29o all lines of cue che jirr 17 lac harold wile csnads food oosrd llcentv no 8 13505 mill stncet acton spravinpfo g3rictuokp3rvnt tferonto cinins uptodate goods at a c speights silverwaro in tablewaxta fine variety also fino cutlery hardware tinware and granito- waro big assortment pandora stoves and ranges famous heaters small stoves oil stoves every article is of excep tional value c c speight mill street acton tohe acton bakery m edwards co canada kochi hoard uccjuhj no t013 mill street acton to facilitate tho hundhng of tho product i of our bakery and to make it more conveni ent for our customers vo havo y secured the thop next to wiles confectionery where supplies of our white bread brown bread tea biscuits cakes buns and scones may always bo secured weddlas cakca a specialty m edwiolds co acton ontario

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