Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 10, 1919, p. 1

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fortyfourth year no 41 acton ontario thursday morning april 10 1919 single copies fiva ccnta new advertisements the mcthodist church acton nnv i m hioyen pastor psrsonaqs willow ot tho tiastur will prcurh at both tho morn i tic and evening services 2 30 p m liunduy ithool you aui invitld comd for dale team of irttrscu apply to 111 altdmoki co 413 arton onl cohfortadlc roomq to let uuitablo for housekeeping apply to mhh i a maiekuh hower avonuo acton wanted llvo itenu und chickens henn c ton and over itc per lb t cateh kathleen bt quolph ont near inhibition grounds 33tf plastered house for sale eight roomed house in rood repair on wlibur street near miil ior par tleulara npply to u cqildlbjer 403 mill btroct wanted matron for tho children aid shel ter at hilton initial salary thlrtr dollari per month assistant auppllud apply to mits t j nitown e3 8cc c l ft milton double house for oale that comfortable double dwelling house on ivcd crick street la offered for sale for terms and partleulara ipiy to mith ruth taylor i 37tf a1u1 bt acton- house and lot for sale tho- comfortable frame houso and two lotu on arthur street flvo rooms good well one borden aoft water in house nun room cxlg i stable 1gx3c for umu and partleulara apply on tho premises to robert lainq card of thanks tho undersigned wish to express their heartfelt thonlta to tho many friends and neihboro for their warm sympathy and help during tho illness and death of their beloved husband and father wo will over hold in grateful remembrance the kind words and doodi of all mrs john al1ln and ramtly house and lot for sale a comfortable nineroomed rough cost houvo on church street good well and clotirn neveral nplrndid fruit trccri also stable and woodshed for terms and partleulara apply tn t p majttin cor church uurf elgin its 413 acton out card of thanks tho undcrnbjned dcalra to express sincere thanks to tho many friends for their words of sympathy and kindly attention d urine tho illness and at tho funeral of our beloved aunt mist mar jory mcdonald wo appreciate very much these kin da expressions nnd loy ins deeds and wlu ever hold tnein in fitateful remembrance m hoxlingur and tamuy a cement plastered house stand i nq on two lots for sale that comfortable and conveniently situated residence on sccno street acton clone to schools and town five rooma largo pantry summer kitchen soft water cistern pump inside chic ken run for 1 00 fowl or more rood atablo and pujgery tho mound la high and dry good ooll all fenced in the houso la in good repair por full partleulara apply to xsitech s93 hlfiln street acton auction sale of farm auction aalo of lot 9 concession 4 new survey township of trafalgar xialton count 200 acres largo bank tarn nine roomed house driving shod ilo etc dlocrcji cultivated 85 acrcii ploughed also lot a concession same township co acres both farms about 32 mi lea from toronto near th cement highway sale at mcqlbbons hotel milton ont at 3 pm april 13 1915 for particulars apply to mcduffo bros- owners il it no 4 milton phono 16d ring isc milton tenders for steel tenders will bo received by uio un dcrsigncd not later than may 1 1913 for the porchoso of tho steel of tho old ilronlo brldee tho hie heat or ah lender not necessarily accepted wm ianton county clerk milton april c 1919 the public health citizens are requested to comply with the public health act notice la hereby civet that all resi dents of acton are required forthwith to clean their collars drains yardj pig styes water closets outbuildings and ott er prcmiico and tmovo there from all dirt iruuiune- and other sub stance which may joudanxcr tho public health an 1 to have tho iung completed by the tenth day of may next on which day tho hani dry inspector will com men co a general liiscctlan nml further take notice that tho section of tho public iloaltli act prohibiting- the keeping- of hoes between tho ltiui of may uud tho 16th of november ex cept in cna at least 70 feet from any dwelling- house and to fooc from any street or lane wlui floors kept clear from ull standlitl wuter and recularly cleaupod will be utrlctly enforced aljtcltltifnu are ljruuuy requested to ftoep heir pro in iocs constantly rlcun hill lhouuj lly dislnfritod glohol hailhiclt llotyo o- the munlupailo acton april 3 1919 404 wokderiyyn prioav april 11 xv h hurt in wolves op the thau western and n two pirt ionnutt coiueily ilor 1 trktiilstako satunday april 12 tho lalr ltw burlun w 1th vlvluji martin a two part his v comedy mid no 1 of tim cauudun heijumi is in 1 tiuilc tuesday april 15 tho continued story a 1 hjht for mllliotm in iursuit ot lvlly with lumle hurko k l- gregory tffls is the week of the display and sale and squares atmacdonalds wilton and brussels floor coverings made in canada by the guelph carpet mills the largest manhfacturkto of the dominion tbo exhibit embraces a wonderfully fine range in all sizes of the very newest creations in colors and dcsigns everything from the simple to the sumptuous in the display a comparison of prices and qualities will show genuine and worth- while savings for instead of making a living profit on these squares and rugs wc are practically putting ony a commission on all sales made during this carpet week april fith to thr twelfth express charges will be prepaid on all outoftown orders sand bigger assortments and smaller prices will be featured during the week of this event than at any other time during the season d macdonald bros ltd guelpits leading and largest siobh wyndham marflomirr and caiden streets gnejpb ont wall paper sale browns drug store has the blgjgst display of wall paper ever shown in acton fend special seductions are being given on bankrupt stock of paper received this month call today and take a run through our sample books no need to go to or order from thecity we can save you money a t brown dragb and stationery mill stbeet acton dry goods russells groceries beautifulwindow drapery this weelc we are dtrrplnyiiik a beau tlfulassort men t of curtain material in mumulnrltc htrim cretonne etc these are ull delicately colored well designed and priced moderately from ooo u 1joo per yard llu sure and see our otock before buying yoiir curtains this spring floral sateen wo are uhowink some pretty d catena und colors hi oprn1 art hatccii hultablo for cutihluiis hac mun cqverq ec special in curtain scrim 2 plcies of z0 yards wiih curtain h rlni wui u rrcnn with tiilprod ilao bofjer 30 inches wide t vfeek only yprdo grocery specials 1 uao llhick tea i tegular ofrt for i case tluculorcd japan tea regular oc for 7t tuna lork and ueuna 3 it tins llogular 2l for 100 una uprlnff vegetables iteultir 10c for candy specials 4o 49o lo 18o 100 lbs 1utttikrinpa urifuuir 01 100 lbs cliocolatcs i tegular coi it eases oranges ooj ulxe nwmil ly upeclal do wanted outter and eqq cash or tradc d c russell 43o 40o mill stbeet acton ont 8tor cioms 030 except friday and saturday four questions in prohibition election they may be confusing but on tario electors will bay km- phatically no to each no daimoomo ncvcn aqain tho ontario aovcrnment has stated iln xiltlun on tho referendum on pro hibition a tniut confunlnif ballot will le inlttrd in fwiplomber or octobti next biurluir the followlnc tjucotlonu upon which tie loctom urn to vote 1 are you in favor of the repeal oz the ontario temperance act 2 arwyou in fnvoi tt tha sale of ucbt i f contuinltig not morrc tlian 3 til 1 0 alcohol vjlght measure throuich qovernmont agencies ttfjd amendmentn to the ontario temper ance act to permit such oalot 3 are you in favor of tlit aio of llcht beer contalnlnc not more than 2 61100 per rent alcohol trcleht mca- uiire in e tan d aril hotels in local muni- clitallllcs that by a majority vote in favor such aalo and amendments to the ontario tomperanoo act to permit nucli nolo 4 are you in favor of the aalo of vpfrituotm md malt liquors ttirouc oooommcnt arrnclcn and amendment to uio ontario temporal ce act to per mit such sale are you in favor of tho aalo of spirit- uoun anil malt liquors through govern ment arenclcn and amendment to tha ontario tcmperanca act to permit nucli aalot tho piop lo of ontario are largely in faor of prohibluon thoy do not do- uiro titronc beer of oven q per cent- proof nplrltu aa tiin question really in- tendo thoy do not want the barrooms rcoptnod they do not wish traffic in iiplrltuoua ilquorn tho only naro way to give expression to their dcslrca on this befuddling ballot will be to vote no no no no to tho four ques tions the long continued flurry over the municipal clerkship is settled harold n farmer barrister id iho appointee at n salary of tour hundred dollarn per annum daylight saving is still in the muddle kind words and tokens of esteem tendered to mr and mrs e w grace upon their bemovo to their new home pn the fifth line a plea3ant evening spent about thirty of tho neighbors and friends of mr and mrs jz w grace and family uiuiemblcd ut their homo on the unit lino on thursday evening- mart 21 to upend a social hour or wo with thini prior to their removal to their now homo on the nfth lino mr g cor go illlott acted an chair man and called uton mr richard johnston to riad the following ad dreijt n dear ircndu althoujrti in your departure you ar t liini very far from us we those with whom you havo neighbored and aauorlatcd fait wo could not let this rhunru you are making pass unmark ed by ua in moving- from amongst ua wo real- ire in you and your commendlble quail tic j our loua in the many and varied farm operations wo have long elnr ira raid tho value of your assistance and wherever troubla or sorrow came this neighborhood ydu have both o your part to aid and relieve considering- these qualities by ns ricaefv and uio placa you ha occuplod iu our irvle not noon tor toe filled ocaln rest ausurad you shall not noon be fortotlcn in the acquiring of your now homo ii ul greater entcnrlc you have our mnjt hearty conirratulatlons in 1c may you ikj mwardod for tha dulgonce you liuvo alwayn exhibited which la indeed a part of your nature itself wo rust that your now home and mirrottujinjr may prove congoalal to you and us uio yearu go by bo an lidded caurce of happiness in conclusion wo join in wishing you every success and happiness here be low and may you bo rewarded for your labors when you are coiled which la tho course of nature unto tho land now in rumi mbrunco of these klnd- ticnjca and intimacies wo present you with this clock and butter dish may thiy bo of service to you and remind you if yowr old friends and neighbors john hilton itonalij mckacitkiln itlchaild johnbton john ultown at tho proper time miss jennie hc- luchrm and mlsa ulllo hilton came forwanl and preaented tho mantle clock and silver butter dish mr jraco replied in very feeling teruib for himself and mrs grace tluinklng one and ull for the kindness ihotowrd ujkjh them and for the much prised gifts he regret tod vory much both for himself and mrs oracc that iicy wi re removing from such kind iicljchbom but as uioy wore not goln lut iio hoped uiflt they would still havo uie iiuinu lovablo friendship in tho fututu aa in the pajt ho assured thum would always havo a warm welcome in their new home military ncw3 lt mudln tiiui homos dobblr of the jjd ouu luitmllon arrived home lay tlio htimo folks at ume mso guvo htm a cordial welcome hint h ituas 14th il if its who has juu rcturikd from ovuidciu apent a fow days last woek at the homo of mr t 1 mirt n lto mlfort colllor arrived home i huiuday uvoulng and was given u niiuihur reriptlnn by a number of friends and relarivos who gauiered at his honiu that uvenlng to houry ixhble unlycd homo fron muis mi tursduy h nrst wont klfhitur to vlnjtbln mother urul i ti lends more rod rotuined to aton v tho frieiidti of his boyhood days htro sai p r arthur h inrtoa who wan iihuu with tha nth unglnoera ar- vid homo liut ijiursday artliur wiij any mrliu wounds although iiuinirouu hot places in tho lines 0 luis developed into a stout young itt cut rem o matthews who uluit- 1 in alton arrived at tho homo of jls falhtt j rf matthews 27 reen street ouulph on huuday even ig- 1tc wut klnit well al k from the effecti lovcitld ids conolala land to enable hint u thews is riportd us ihuu i tin aurrrink 1 i inlcn vti ovt nt oei urred ek whin urijr general td to mr and mrv that ity th victoria x tie a late hen orp e on by v wtlmm it ututtli i iniinonlvo leieniouy und nt by thinisuiid it tho nmior- after three monuin ronaldi ration tho council has nt last ucrurrd a lurk am ireniiurer harold nojih 1 anncr win aucccedod tn the icrnl huulmtui of tin lata a j marklntion in january ro eelved tho uppolntmnnt mr ilynda refusod tu put in an application ui tho clrcumiilancft though preascd to do so and no one who unite mtuudii thi nltuuthm uiu blame him lly hln tlrement acton ioiuji an ofnrlent xact truntworlhy und loyal otnclal one who for twtnly lv yar kayo hln iiervlcc l freely und conticirntlounly in tho in terentu of this town without remuueru tion or tmolumpntnf any kind and without hope of any tlio exigency which nrouo upon the doplon d death of mr markinnon rrcaled a vacancy which ho uaa well qualilkd to a umo whan iiurh exprrlcnci d services ua iilu were uri cully nieded lie stepped into tlio bicuuh then und for five monthfi ii in n itlnfnrjnrlly handled tlio secretarial and financial ultalrs of the munlf ipallly during an exacting erlod thin worthy rlcn wlio has enjoyed uio hlghoat hoiioru within tho imiwcr of tho municipal lecloni of 1 loi and of tho county council to bcalow draervcii and uhoul 1 juotly havo received more considerate treatment than ho has been accorded tho past three and a half montha tha regular fortnightly ermilon of the council was held on uoutlay uvonlni all thn members wcro i resent and eove itarber in tho chair tho committee on i liiunco pn minted their acventh report end recommend ed payment of tho followlnr accounts obnhiul account a h lutchio labor 7g uco dilla labor 0 00 j acton iatr putua prlntlni t tii clerk and treasurer rcg fece 1 00 j ib 00 hydro account oca ilyndn jr labor 10 7g mcdonald wlllaon supplies 7 c hydro elec power com 817 x171 07 tho report uu odolito1 a communication wan recilvtd from tho ontario nshoriei commlnilon ro- queoung that the council appoint a reliable dealer to bill goveriimriit llnh tho council would bo obi ird to uui anteo that tho dealer wan nspoiulbl before ho would bo supplied from tho government tho heevo was roquult i to find out the uttltudo of local dial era regarding lutudlliii govt nimunt lines of fish another commimlcauon from tin canadian good it oail i aniociatlm r quejitcd that tho cnunrll uppolut om or more dnleutiu to aumd tho itiuutil convention of that nocicty to lo hi id ho bott r without it und oavonlynvo pi r cunt of the peoplo aro not in favor iff thin now time it was an injuaueo to iivcjons and iiiliiucu to tho com uiimlty thn ullcry of npcotalorn ncemod to iilnrlilo with these vlown judging from the npplaura mr wluon rocslvi mr hill ulatod ho wan oauefled with tho old tlaie it mnjo no difference to him howovir which umo wan adopted mr inviromoro utartcd to wrlto out ii motion rcmjjring the jtoovo to innun u prod irnation requrntlng thn tho i itisi nn of acton adopt daylight savlnr time lie uuh however informed that no nocondcr would bo forthcoming and did not flnlih tho resolution tin matter for tho prenent is there fore left in it mout confunlng state a npt1 lal meotlnc of tho council may howuv r deal with uio mutter if tho hailwiy itomd doen not chanifo tfib tlrofl qfjiq railifcuyobaclil coiriul adjourned at 10 30 pjn news of local import cspt rtobbs rocital csstsr monday i hn itmu of lnrlnnd havo arranged uitli cipt itnhb to live his recital of ll n ilur which wan unavoidably ixiitpoiud lant wi ek on monday even jiii mnt liiiit all tickets purchartod for th provloiu ircturo will bo honored at tlio 1anlt monday cvoning ci atn ra muttc i was laid over for further consldi r utlon the horticultural tiocii t rnqueutcd that uie council b tliim frm uju ut lhohall for a lccturu and pliturei on backyard gardening to ho tlvm on april is no admission fc in to bo cliargld and uio council grunted this requcat another letter from tho reliance shoo company wau run ived this communication roquuutoil that the council make up the balance of jl 0i and accrued lutorriit duo imi t tii ji lidl ldioilccounl tjdu niattor will be dcalth with at u future nieetiug the bylaw for tho re ortivhixatloi of tho klro hrigudi appointing a chief and setting forth hew ruliu and regu lutlons was introduced and j iven th required number of riadlnt und puni cd these now riruutlonu rumo into efteot from april 7 1019 tho question of appointing a chh f caused oonulderablo dlseusifou mr ilarber said tho present chltt mr v d hmlui did not wish to umo undue the control of tho council mr ii m mcdonald hud boon upproachud and it was thought he would uciipt he l 1 tlon und be a moat capable man ur gray thought it btal to interfere au iittla as ioublbio with uo uppulnt- ment already tnadr mr mrlhmulj was apikjintod a salary of 10 per year mr alox kuan wai appointed engl ncer at a salary of co und mr jumu mills usujtant engineer at u salary of 120 tho grant to tho urlgudu wau set at j0o per annum another by law rejiiindlns all rulea and regulations enact by ft rmr councils relative to the i ini ilrltudu was given tho required uuiuttrr of readings and passed by uio council the uipllcatlouu foi th t i rknhlp were thon rocolvcd mr geo it aguew in ma iipplh u tlon pointed out that h iud buii un auditor of tho town ut one tlnu wau thoroughly acquainted with tho duthu of the ofllcu and was a rutopuyr and long ixaldunt of acton mr harold n ilmnir uuid h on derd an explanation of his upplli- n necessary as ho hud uuld ho vvuul i it apply when tho mattor wuu felni cuhsidncd some time b fore iho uutles of his pmctlce were not so i irte an he hud thought thoy were guliur ti lmu ho now hud nutndcut time to ultend to thrno dutitii and uld imjifurm thoui td tho blst rf tun ability irln melvtd tliu upjmjlnlnust thcao were tho only two uppuiatloi a retelvcd mr xlattter null ho hud thouj ht thuru ould liuvu been mora upplleutloni tho jol was ivldrntly not lh plum peoplu hud eonuldtnd it to lie ed by a o t h drdiuoio out 1 by j itoll and r solved that mr h n kan pllu tlio poultlon of olurk utid ireujiunr ut h uujary of 400 bo uieipted ourrlud 1 or ilcardmon hull and uuimmu iho votes uguliuit wr not tiilkj fi r tlio iluy light rnivhij qut stlon was then introduced mr ilait i thought th mil ilk wjb in favor of tho old hum 1 lum vnu eonsidorublu ronfiiulon in thn pituui l order of thingu iwwuvi r und mint actfan by tho c ouiull wuu i xpt i tid mrmleartlmoro i xjilulnod that owiui to tho rullwu untl loronto huvlng adopted daylight saving tlniu it w i i ilaolutely lnukirutlvo that theli hunl licas should also adopt tlilu tiyotuiii mr llstuuun exprvuiod hlumolf un tftrongly i ppxmcd to the duylliht uuvlnu h homo ulld eniiuldutrd it un outrugu tu thu oinmunlty liny j utlihin uddinod th juill jhnlter iuyilt oulii a tho tiurci wmlii hi pi 1 i llu jtln r utdn hln vh w ivirit if d thut id ii t o lltll eight of hie inlluonco and tio linui til rurrnuiidlni tountiy lontrolhid i irthrr sovfrii olglfthu iho wolo m jutinlty was illv ld tvtnliiit lluolr beiltivid thu buuluonu iilon or tin d did not want it thu children would schools holl of honor standing of popism in the various da- partmonta in march examinations high school department middir school cliif 1 jihii wftfrue t cluoj ir duitvvluion tlslo btowart jtssle mowut annlo snyder clara la ut x cluut iii luonu campbell violet smith nell glbtkinn goorgo anderson lloyd ht imny hay ajnow willio lions iisrold kennedy iovvi it school i form ii ciuss i una johnston class ii wllllo htowart isalcl hl- llott james tolman clins iii hazel mcdonald max boll form i clast i sobra nolaon rrancej llurjit georgo taylor h wanobrougli violet davis ida ilcswick esuver buirkmmi jack ilobcrtnon j c unj- iiay martha orr iukj ii will kobcrtnan jcaslo mann mary gibbons alice james ivarl wallace margaret mcnabb iiiabel mclillven cloju iii mary clarrldgo euie lap pin hilrti anili roon wlulo icaley iuabhio watkins charllo marm cliar- andiraon jouiilo huaoell charllo bymon w h htowart irlnclpal v s ilakcr assislant senior fourth stiplifii guciit 3qh jlssio andrrson 3c1 jian kiunid 3s0 total 40 junior fourth iirl uopir 30 icobvrt htcwart s3 i ioy 1 orbis h3 total 4g0 m z hun ottfirn ott teache- mlrlnm cllttord 3tu agnoa uiuui 370 clare nee uabcock 347 junior third lit it n mi donald 324 wuio huff man js murffiiortte coutcllo 337 j m mcloodteuchcr senior second hfilen coxo sol kmma lllllo 353 wlllrono held 264 total 2b0 junior socond jun medonuld 0 viola wallor 2l 1 1 iton piarunm zh total 2s0 m h 1 leury toucher junior second john iibthiuu c2g charllo landu iminnitli cog ida cojlollo g63 totul sonior first uittlo holmcj 630 ltlna green t30 i iulhil memchol 301 total 1c0 iuuimj anderson tcaeber senior first dorothy crrdiuir 307 ilvln gamble 0 albert hall 107 total 380 junior first ouvo precious 3s7 llhol jumi i 3s2 ireuo dunn 31 total 3b0 d 1 olutrr teacher sonior primary a muijory mann und doris hrlu- tow imriit iuiils ikirls muddock h lyttnk cook and jean timlth no lie lurber jlmmlu noble c luubollu lantx iula mcnabb atinlo hmith oltu ii- armstrong toucher junior primary c viol it curtio jcualu munn goorgp i ittlo it i hyllls tylir haxel coxo lcuth- iku kolly a donald mann itkirgo grueil clif- fonl 1ixclouu i myrtlo itoyce tvaclier medical and dental inspection of pupils concerted action in nassajjjaweya schools ia being sought by the townahip council deputation of citizens rc quests it rim pooplo f nusiui guwuya uro ox hlliltli g a ery protrtij ulvo uiilrlt in th matt jf uk lial an dailtul las loe ion o tho till llu i h o mutttr of sotliu id srhi olu li ulno bnlut ion iillir 1 -v- iho cou icll nun hug lost w elil whm ull tho m mburu wore press it 1 hut 1 pututl in of i it lulls inter ste in eriuutloii waited on tlio coumil utlhllw un uyuipathy an 1 help of ii null hi tin lr i tor tu to seeun 1 u oilltt ni foi ho tualth uml isull p iiii jf tiu nujilla i f oui dhoohi mi vllun malum addressed tin count 11 und wii fomowuil by mrs c 1 luhy who iiu un lnien ding und i out lllilug ud ireun on thu great lined i f m hi nl and dental inspection in bujn obi mi detiyiu 1 hi jiupporto 1 mtn 1 lie n piiiltiou uul uluo iuvo f i i ui hunt un umuntu und llluutra tlons iihottliii thn uriiilui uinclemy f nuolllutii shooli as iiuupaiad with thn jn iitil i yaleui i ho itiiu wuii hintruitud to mrieu inn i wli thu varloim 1 1 usliii llouidu i f tl iiiwiiuhlp urijiig action on thotr put with lint t tho uiidli ul und ili ullil in ipuetlon uf pupils utti ndlng l hool aieouiita wile jhisned us follows 1 u muhonsuppllit for hull tl 9 kllud 00 1 v likbui ullll if 1 i ua i dlv lo 13 00 ii hunt i will i on dlv 17 ioia 4 37 a by luv t uul mrliin tho rm vo und ti uhir i u oney for tl wll hlp u po 1 u ud a 1 y town ill la v iii iii n i wuii tho pay i uauud of thu 1 h v i i ii 11 adjoin io to n n mi j ii ml 10 1 ilk l jon muiuljull ink t ut in iuiu willi uhby n 1 iu ok a 111 1i tt t u ii y h lay loth al 11 ul o 10 o eloil womona miaalonary maoting the methodist women s thankofter- inr misidoruiry meeting wan hold in uio school i loom yesterday afternoon mrs oulld district h u peri n ten dent ili llvured nn interesting address mrs harold nlcklln and mrs hardman of toronto contributed appreciated solo i uinbrrn itcfrcshmcnlj ivtiro ocrved moviny pictures en growing veaatablos acton horticultural ftocloty has ar ranged for a iicturo by irof mclen nan or the lcpartment of agriculture toronto to bo illustrated with moving pictures to bo nven in the town ha next wednesday evening at eight o clock professor mclennan is an ex pert in tho growing of vegctablen and lowers tho meeting hi open to nil without admins ion fco a costly prescription a cltlxen of toronto who trotth tho votuo of liquor ho accurod there on a doctors prescription to acton for jubilation found it rather expensive tnspecior harvey look hlra in charge and handed him over to chief la woo n eventually landed in court before ticca moore and ilyndn and plead guilty to the charge was fined 10 und costs tho nest soldiers rscsptlon tho cltixcns iteceptlon committee iu arranged to hold tho next roccp tlon to returned oo idlers on tuesday ovenlm next icui inst rjcvcn or eight our returned heroes who havo ichtd reached homo since tho last roceptlon vlll bo given a cordial civ icumu a good programme is being pre pan d lycry citizen wlu deal join in this civic welcome will bo present al eight o clock nharp social and personal sho ma ufacturers want to coma no less utan three shoo manufac turing concerns are enquiring whether the new shoo factory building- hi avail able i looks very much as though lr tho origin l company for which it wn erocted fiilln to meet tho counclpi qulremiu o the to will bo no difficulty in liiliif an enterprljlng shoo com pany noon installed li this splendid factory four months at toronto jail farm pte mdncy ltydcr who deserted from niagara camp lost september and fvimo to his fathers liomc was iicnteund to tho jail nana for four mouths ut toronto last week tlio toronto nnwiipiipcni rciiort uuxt ryder jtuted to tho uuuiorlucs that acton was no fur ftjm crylllxauon that he found it ibtotutuly lmioanlblo to let aiiylxidy know ho won well enough to rut urn to duti pretty liard on acton with in malls a day steam and elec hprrc and terejrrarirr ines und win in if necessary womcna institute meeting tho monthly meeting f tho womona lnitltuti win held in icnox church school room on itiday aftcrnoon iluni wre eighty ladles present mlaa mcintosh district secretary for peel county addreuued tho meeunff on mcftli tl inspection in tlio schools her iildrvei was very instructive and show ed that fur tho betterment of tha rising generation medical inspecuon in a v r mary n qulrtmienl in the school- 1 iio georii town hrunch provided tho programme dainty refreshments were it rved ut tho close on a trip to england pd and mrs i rank day and chi- drtii lift on monday on a trip to lng- land und to mend tho summer there whin ltc day was overscan with tils regiment bo unuujiy spent hln laavo ut tiic homo of hi i father und mother mr und mrs alfred day at waveoey uiiibridgtshlro on his last visit bis father uxpreiutcd un earnest dcalro to ui hli noii u canadian wlfo and their children and handed pie day 100 to difruy expenses of a trip over with thorn as mr day had leased his farm in lruniosa when ho wont to war ha has thu coming aummcr freer and was ublo to tot away for the proposed visit mrs day la a daughter of our esteem ed citizens mr and mrs r h wans- brough luke avenue and mrs wanu- brouth wont n itockwood on monday lo seo tbo family started on uio very luuuaiit visit they liava in anuclpa lion other members of tho family luut the train hero and wlshod them boa voyutu uu thu train culled at tho lp worth loouo elect fht hi in uul mooting of the lpwurth ioaguo wnu hill on monday evening vory em jurusiub rvports were given nhowlu um iwuit year to liavu boon uiiu of ho uiout uucccosful in tho hlu tuy of tho ooiiety otnecra for uio ensuing yeur wire elect id us follows hon president 1uv i m moyer irealdunt miss mliihlu iio mi ott 1st y president miss clara l moon nd vivo 1reuldint- mrs i m moyor 3rd vlo president miss l m hoyee 4th vine president j c matthews lth vu o i riildt nt miss hertlo tipelj ut hfconllnk lioerotary hubert w corn jpoiidlnu sicrctury mlsu ldltn diuuils licouurir hoy llruwn ilunlut mlus pearl hakir aiuo lulu j iuiilut muu 1 ern llruwn onvnoi of mualial comuilltoe mijia lolllo mason v of athlolles nell menabb cpworth lsauua chstnbor commerce al tho uutuii meeting hint wednes uai i vmliur tlm cllxouatdi coimiitltco put on u unlijuu und viry lntt reutliuc li ruiunu in tho foi in of u dourd uf tnulu bun lui t ulld uulmikjuliit ro on iiilxalloii into u huinbcr of coiu- iiiinu i hcrthemii of uio uddreuuiu vvu i tho atunmint of at ton hoostliue tlu town vus thouloiun mi j choatur mutlliowi vn tho uilrlt of this laud ablo nri unlilulluu after the elci tion ul ull is of iho i hainbr of cum inii xkulluul uwniiu by nicm b ii who uinla iih follows on pubu lt and udvei using by n i mooro wuli rworku und eivle luipkveinont by i rank kinmcdy publln library and town h ill impinvt uiutita by ctuxs 12- laiki fat tortis in 1 iiousliii piobloms in a t llniwn tho publle park liv j mat thu wn p u hlli bat ho uud lwjiiiuiiig pi lieu foi hi drou b jaek 1 u niiu uhinr ijobi and liupiovo uu t to uhv iiio and cuiikirutio lnihl hi nell mi n abb public markoi u l um i i t iihimi hi tie n 1 111 ll m my txiillont imtgt ntio wii in uln on uu to liujkjrlunl loeul to j ill a 41 p iluorc who wus elected 1 i tld ut of un c hamtxr of t imiti fui uph d thuiuhulr riicm wuu u luo utti njabes mr harold mowut wu hut no from toronto a day or io last mik mr alex kunnalu of li orgutown viiiltcd frtcndii hero on iliuniday mm iz w grovwi of loronto vlslt- rd nt mr john mowntn liuit w tilt mr itohort jolly who him boon over seas visited at mrs it hilton n mr mrs charlotte lllltuu wm homo from mnlton to visit pie ilob rl dunbar mr and mrn ln wlllluumon of toronto wer in town durlni tho week miss nelllo flnlihi of onio htrcet in mjndlng a fnwwiik with acton inllvcn mr and mm ii g halm i und maa- r gilford of toronto iipi nt hundoy with acton rrlondu hov mr moyi r wan at kitchener on saturday vliiiuni a f rli nd of long standing who ii critically ill mrn it n thurti ii of inrrmoh bpejldtyjrai ilayj during uiu wook with mr and mm a t llruwn mr and mm a i irmitroct and messrs jno mciconzic of milton inudo a short visit to acton on monday miss nora konncy who is on tho staff of nurses of cochrane general hospital ame homo on saturday for a week a vlall mro william bprowl und mrs ooo nolleu roturnetl homo on thursday after spending a pleasant visit wlui friends in detpolt- miiv qwyn campbell iloronco jack- son and mr a w of toronto spent a fowfriuynat uio homo of mrs d p colllci this weile v jlev t m moyer went to bl cath- orlneri bn monday his daughter mrs culp wna oporatcd upon in tha hos- pllai there for appendcltlu mr george havlll hau been nomo- what seriously indisposed for oovoral days but iii recovering it in ho pod ho wllpjioon be at his placo of busi ness again mr and mro- w n wilkinio i of toronto paid uie lluo iittski nn appre ciated call on monday they were up vlalung tbclr form and summer rcaid- enco at cresonn corncni postmaster jamei matthews cola- brated hln cbjrily fourth birthday on sunday ho not a good cxumplo uiat day to many ouugor eltlxenu by ot- tondlnc tho church uorvici both morn ing and cvenlatr c js bmlth who wan taken ht at lou angoli i cul and was mo tlmo in tho hotipitul there haj nitlhilnnll recover d to pioied to salem oregon and will upend u few cks with fricildu there a mr john w mhnn of hhnwlnlgan iulls cjucboc made acton frionda a brief ult on monday mr mitton la ui of the late john mitton und wan born in acton ho bt manukor of tho wool worth ktoro ut shuwlnlgan italue both hln father and mother uro dead mr and mrn alfred uttloy uud their two children arrived homo from ung- land a cuuplo of wteka ai a thoy went over between three and four years ago and for three yruru mr llttloy wus employed in tho tuiitarru laun dry at walsall which wuu i ngagti la munition work he was foi two years foundry foreman of thhi inatltu- lon whan ho reainul to rutuni to canasta uio manager gavo him u very flattering testimonial in memoriam ualuolty mcdonai1 on 1 riduy march 2h liicro passed away ut tho homo of her nop how mr malcolm houliuer main stroet choice spirit in tho pinion of mlaa marjory medonuld i ot some tlroo mlaa mcdonald nan aft fled with heart trouble and a few dayii befgro th piibuawnlii ml in isho was tho daughter of uio uto muleohn mc donald of urln und v in born in in- riieoushlre rfitlaii i in 1h45 wbofi lanalo of 12 or 13 she uuno lo can ada with her futiier and they uu tiled u lriu township when her uiulor hilllnier dlod und hft a woa bubo of three months olio took tho uicrleji bairn aiid fared for hlia through all tbo yearu until hu roacliod manhood a oulutn thou iio umdo a borne for her and it wmi wtwuyu u joy for him lo minluu r to li r eomfort if illbikor tame to actort frtuit win villum ihreo years ago this aunt belovwl iuiii willi lilm and llvod in tho hinii hero until her dcuth- shu wuu a faithful in i tuber of tho pres uylortun chureh itiv mr wilson eondmt d tin fuiuru uurvhu ut aetun and hev john 1 imbiay al u ouiiitory al lrin tho bearers win- win me donald chuileu m ivmum w llbort mckonvld vortdv win u i goorbo ktuwurt and hubc itlllon john ai1 1s iho oldiut of uio foui i- um of the ito joseph allm of thu u oml hue triii a utalwart iharuetn in uuu eom unity for many iaru jiatnid away i tho 2nd inst at ida homo un duke avcnuo john allm was kirn nn tho erin and lruuiauu lowa lino in 1851 nd tho wholu of hlu sixty wo years of llfo were ulont l ui vielnlty thirty ovo yeura at io w joined in holy wedlock to ilobercu si well a daughter of tha late hubert huwt 11 of rockwimhl 1 hit sons and ihreo daughtoru bleasod tho houm uu follows huruh delllu who dlod wlmii twoaud iialf years of ua hu lea uud mrs w h l hlalr a ion jusuph of owm hound alvlnna und john at me during tbo uarly yi du of tlinir dded llfo mt and mro allan llvod iho uucond llnu uikiui il tin n years n thry moved to u fat tn oil tlm unit 3 lvopi uul thoy umo lo alton un hi llu un put mi allen t o sler- am airly mil f ii hodlut d illi vlouidy in ijon ml r u man of few hig hium tn ll wau 1 manhood a meilibir i f tlio ih al hhuain uu i lr m beruhlp lo alton wlun hu i cmoved 1 hu f imurui on 1 1 1 i i utt rnoon euitduitfil by itov i m moyn mliis lurllo huiith sunt vi ry uwluiij preualvo uolo lnti rineul wuu ruuda ut 1 ulrvluw tinotrj i tin foi lowing filindu from u ih dun n utti ml ih mm william wat iwmth hobort wiilorworth und 1 oiuml cuiuilnll of luronlu david sewell ai d 1 hh owull of ipfkwthd utibwtt mnwjl giholph l wilson laiupbill 1 rlu iho pull ereiu ehooiu beforv hlu death wi ro i thiiti brulhil holnn ji j ph and it i lllrl

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