Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 10, 1919, p. 3

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ejijf jrtmt 3ree tytebts nimtfiuav antii- 10 ioia opingtimc not lii not in t or tin ii jlllt iii thl with it i with un til iwitij tit grny ii i intii r ni llauco mciuiilllhta rotitlo r hrliihl inoriilns i ut i if mid cheor i ii udn um huddln tim juy of the anil lh r i inn unli a loin id iiiji i inrlmi volco of aung and tiro in full uml rich and clad ixiund ntfny to nctiool i hunccji to play and i think and in truut and and heart flndn in whero tin uiilrlt chu iliiir youth anil tho uprlnrtlm or heaven has mary hpoar wolcotl fricndlcqq ag an alarm clock the old man of the big clock toven few tptyjlk h r til ml tm w llll t i i irr i liuvo ulmout inujjie lltln pool wook nt thn ducht uiviiid muddle thrco it in tin of it wo iwvi had i ricndloni tho axprrunion denote alarm clock n so mo ono haa usod to ullarty forlorn existence lannnt holj wondering why it in no apt the alarm clock in docldodly nocennary it in rallablo it does tlio nervlco wo ante unfailingly yet cannot think of an alarm clock with anything remotely resembling grati tude i la unpopularity in boyond guoa 1 ijon tart in fur from tho constitution of ait alarm clock wo may have mid a wakofut night the toothache may havo interfered wllth rcarul aloop hut this makes no difference to the alarm clock it la not contftltutod to mako exceptions at tlio getting up hour the alarm coca off though tho unlucky sleeper has only just sunk into refresh ing nlumbr it nuut bo acknowledged too that the volco of tho alarm clock la against it- moat of ua have a distinct proxex- enco as to how wo shall bo weakened tho h i i who woken up with a seren ade going on under her window in not likely to fool croon and out of sorto travellera who are wakened fcy tho none of a mocking bird centrally feel aa if tho mualc wan worth lying- awake for any boy known tho dlftcrcnca between being awakened by having hla father call his name from the floor below and liavlnn hla mother lay a tender hand on hla ohoulder if tho volco oftho alarm clock were a little leas strident a trlflo more musical if tho effect on tho nerves were not oo rasping tho alarm clock would be leas likely to be recorded aa a neccaaary evll tho average alarm clock too la not uotlsflod to lot wall enoucb alone docs lta duty and then a jltoo more j la tl riff awakened ua an woo its bound en duty it keeps on with lta clamor aa if it had mentally determined never to stop till wo were out of bed and that is not tlio alarm clock a business having awakened ua lta rcaponatblllty la over some people remind ua lrreaiatlbly of an alarm clock thay wont to do their duty but they do it in a chilly me chanical fashion unsoftanod by sym pathy and not satisfied with giving good advice thoy keop on nagging in sin tli r th tno rccipien of their counsel forgets all their good intentlona ami finds himself in a mood of tho bittercut resentment there is a rood deal 110101100 in tho saylnc vfricndleas an an alarm clock bo rmm tul ll lose your friends thrro kinds of it now and whii ii kind do you llfto imoit thrci nm uuo acton tried it nluno wltti tin ralln uilu mill m ichborlng towns rutin hit on old time it lastd iiomcthlni nlmiit a wcclt i rruicmlht tin t i ran 1 wmi nut worth a limiir it wan u i iiulm fltxlo laat your vr thlni wan uup ponod to ho run on diylli lit imvliu tlnie tluit dldn t uwra to nult uoiiu people cither thin your tho uiwn hon lcon divided and juirt run on lnyllnhi novlm tlnio and part on ntaiulirl time a kind of a do un you pcau about it and it seems to mo tho holler turn been more prolonjtid than aver tliiro nro few towns mo favored un ouni how over in boinc able to try no many variotlca as vo haio imd ukc all ohl kooplo i prefer tho old thno i liavn always known but i honcauy eab any reason to ralno tho mljfhty holler that is aocendlntf about tho mat tor in samo quarters it sooma to me that noma pooplo would find fault nlth everything thoy are chronlo klckeru nothing la over dono right and they are usually tho lost one to help right these thlmju thoy like to olt ba k and put some ono also li clcarlat up of tho situation sumo of these days i an golnc to civo you u regular sermon on this subject but that is enouch for now some fow ycara ayo thorn wan talk of creatine a fund whereby all tho plots in lalrviow cemetery might be cared for perpetually i beliovo ono family deposited a sum of money with tho corporatloa with tho undorulandlnff that their plot would a 1 way j bo cared wo have ono of tha prettiest cemateriea in ontario but it is poor encouragement for ono man to upend money and labor in the upkeep of hio plot and tho party owning tlio adjoin ing one allowing the weeds maaa to crow at iwll nor it always the fault of tho owner of tlio neslected plot that it is in ouch condl tlon in numbers of coses tho owners of these neglected resting plncca loved onca would bo willing to pay for the care of tho craven thoy live in cities or tow no miles away and cannot attend to thesa duties themselves might it not be well for tho cuuncil to make a provision when sailing plots to require purchasers that they must either be properly cared for or a cer tain mim will bo charged for their care perhaps that is a stop too far a nchctno mlcht first ha plannod whereby every holder of a plot ml t lit be lnformtd that for a certain sum his plot would nlwq rrceto nttcntlon pattyo oatldcn tho last day of to limine pnry el ma nllppod into aunt ouhnrliin n roini her umall lvl1 fai t w u lllti u win 1 bomtin niwer aunt t uthi rlno ffom i ri inviilm rhnlr lixik 1 ui on it ten dtrly i iinvt r hail nui h a imiuutiful tlmo in my ufa tie linn rrlml jmn ilnnutoly iluy i keop thlnkliu only nvo mi uln oh why d nly thr n only foi ippy hiiim ltherinor ow huppy catherliiui m t 1 o tho i ilonutaly nprlng times von linn any iiprlnctime id ut that luii t the sheil nho jiinhi rtoi ex i mn honk hei hen i hlu wi nor inter itiil io tatty 1 inherton i in lion llut aunt catherine nro j hi ti lltlh wnt on nn if ulit ilhl not not cr wo hud cardonn exactly nllko ono wiruiiry a itcui annful of puusy willow i that a cousin of iutty a hrourl t try latty dlvi led trie ivlth wo vil i thei uihol tho inn lytibijcjt if one that f ii nix wrekn i t imoalbly i am behind the tlmiyi but havo never heard of mora than tho ono family leaving funds for caru of tho plots i wan wqndorlng if the nchcroo was open to all who deal red to mako use of it and what sum must ho turned over to tho corporation qaaton schrolles by adopting tho aamo unwise mothoajt wouldn like to add to tho already onorqtlutlon of tho council hut it eeins aa if ouch a matter would have to be d is poo 33 of by this body plants that flower in thc water did you ever gather wo lilies if no then you know tho thrill that went through you when ou have pull ed up and broken off tho long stem of an unuaually one specimen your jjy wob com p lot o when you had gathered on armful of these beautiful gifts of a beneficent providence as haa the flower lover everywhere few sights are more beautiful than a largo lagoon or sluggish croak that la wholly cover ed with tho broadloavod water uuea anil especially no when tlio plants are in bloom the whlto of the floweru with their yellowish centre and the green of tho leaves form a delightful contrast as thoy float upon tho level surface- of the water it sooma to be only another effort of nature to beau tify platen that otherwise might be come alinply watery was tea if the water or pond illy has not the perfume of many flowers it haa a beauty that la oil its own and which is surpassed by few other blossoms there are a number of species th american lotun la a near relative of the famous lotus that las its horn along tho hunkn of tlio nile iti flower is yellowlah but otherwise it la very similar to tho blossom of tho whlto specie ther are many places where the lotus hun almost wholly re placed the whlto lfly and it la not oftei that tha two grow in harmony sldo by old a t tho en away tho haro urnnrhe t i rernci bcr how broken hearted i wan uml wl it u very doleful note i wrotn intty ntiout it pitty urn ounrai tiled with ton- uilithi ut tho tlmo and my mother would ti t let mo lo to nro her becauso i always had a delicate throat it wnn throe weeku before i could nco her an i ulmout tho first thine had uatfaqed myself that nho woan t fading away was o latty if only yoi willows had stayed while you wer sick putty laughed nnil caucht m hand comn and ace my private nprinj tlmo nho said mysteriously ws ran up to her room at tho doorwiy i otopied olprl patty had pot thrown away her willows when lh puiuilcn fell thorn in her jar thoy stood i little forcot of eager green eavcjj and perchod among them no body but titty vroum lave thoucht of it a tiny yellow bird nho had picked up at the toy ohop for five cents toil dear goanoy patty cried thero are always now things corning if you just watch you oil all have half of these tho bird half that aunt cathrlno flntnln 1 wan pattys garden 1 never forg t its teason after tliat when ono joy wenl ini3ad of mourning for it 1 kept on tho watch for tho next tlltl it alwayn eomot selma ankod aunt cathorlno omlled back at tho half dolaful half hopeful face lwayn comes if you havo eyes oho answered t rules tor children 1 herln thn dny by drlnklt 1 luuu of wntir nnd drink lit leaal i i wilful i iltirhue tlio da ml ijit ulnwly f drink o f 1 i ukfui t i 7 1ut niniio vnotablo ticuld p tato overy day h lt 1 repil and huttir evnry day tlurlr onruo tin ailn arc bent 0 1 it noun fruit evory day hiwn i peiiuliii for upi ilii iiinlead of undy 10 ikj not eat randy lxitwcou mm in l4it candy and other owrol i only uftir n rculur mnul 11 i not drink tea or ottu it dm i tho body nn i ood but harms it 1 ik not ut or touch any fo d without flrt wnihlnj tin hun 1 i lli io n t ml fruit will wnnlilni it 14 1m not ut willi npoo that ha te n uin 1 li nn th without rlrnt washing it 1ic do not tat fn m t 11 ih with aiiollur inwn illjt have more than one intcrcot if jo rl in li c nlll talk you tin i i ing to your meals with you to carry it to ii d mtli jou i in bail for jou in havo your mind occupied oxiluuutly with your hurilm s and it h qtifitlon wheth r tho liunlncn itutlf docs u t suffer from your over concentration ou will be nil tho better flttrd to turklii hard prohlemn if your mind hnu been rcfre died by chancing tho dlroc tlon of your thoughta to havo ono liittrcnt in llfi ami only ono mcaun a narrow manhood practical training for home makers tito art department of tha public urhoobi in mlnnaapolin given pupil who uruduuten from ti crudi an o portunlty to learn dam en tain or planninc a houuo th co it of eonntructlon and how to solec harmonious coloru and materials for interior decoration when thn allyear nchool pi in goen into effect tho boyn and j irln will 1m taught homo land scaping and will bo given a chunco to work out their ideas in tho och garden o overy olkhlh lta assam quality gives it that rich flavor gyijis good tea sold only in scaled packages t how to read why she wanted insurance a colored woman a conversation ove tho tolophann on insurance sno had u topped into on ofllco and obtalno pormiaslon to uso tlio foam iiollol qlvo mo main foe foo foe foe iiollol in dat tho tnohowanci peoplof well dla la mary orcen yon na- mary green yo know what live up or iatress street yo known i imd m huahan jnshowed laat week how much yo nay i has ter pay on dat nlgga ever week you g eli e vcd she tru8ted a gentleman and hla wlfo t being shown through uio government mints by u guide writes ouy itoberts and each was very much interested in tho dlffcnut proccsuea through which tha ijillhi went on its transfor ma tlon from burn of precious metal to coins of commercial value at ono btago in tho process tho attendant ro- marketl 16 ixiu mud as they were watching tho xnatiipulatlons of moltan gold by tho workmen that if ha would plunge his hand into a ialt of cold wbcr uml stood by and whuo wet allow him to poor into hut palm a quantity of tho molten gold ho could hold it there u fow seconds and thou pour it out without receiving any in jury i jo ih tho visitors were uslouur- cd ut thin ftccmlntly groundless state ment neither felt like risking th- experiment and pusscd up to finish heir tour lator us um y returned tho tultlc again proikincd that thoy mako thu espcrlmcnt at first neither nee mod willing to hazard tho uttompt tliough their couudturo in tlnlr guide wuti sufficient to onulilu tin tit to be hove that tho ikajiu would bo us ha ald finally thu lady nali she would vvn turu tho uxperlmcjit hhe thwii tlirunt her tutnd into tlio 1 1 water vxiutid ed hir rlpplm palm and reocivoj upon it tho itinltun hold only to pour it out again with hur hand unharmed whereupon tier huuhund said just us i bellovrd it would bo yes said the utttiithint you lie ilevod but shu truutoil everydody has a day tho memorial arch idea proposed hy the 33idlrs memorial conunltti wood t just what i hod hoped for told you what and why x would havo liked to havo seen a new public library in tho form of a memorial in ono of my flrnt effusions ilowovcr ovary ono else accmn to want an arch and i am going to like it myself whtn a maun mooting of citizens was callod and so thoroughly endorsed tho idea thero la no room for anyone bucking it- i did not read or hoar of any dissent to tho proposal at tho mooting and that was certainly the place to register our kick bo now tliat none of us have said wo dldn t want an arch lets all get together and do verythingwo con to help tho com mlttoe make it well worthy of tho cause it is to mcmorlallxe talking about old men my near neighbor the venerable- postmaster of this town mr james matthews call brutod his eighty fourth birthday sunday though ho is admitted by tho authorities ut ijoth ottawa an washington to bo tho ol lest iwijt master in america continuously ji o 111 co practically since boyhood hoi ooo of tho youngest old moil in town im often surprised to ecu hlin faith fully at his post every day i couldn keep up tlio psco with lilm and i n years his junior neither ray rhou matlcs nor my inclination would ptr rait tliat what memories como to hln in his day dreams ho can look back over seventy five years lived in acton hay ho0 seen tho old town grow thoy toll mo ho lives in one of tho first brick houses built in tho liumlot of long ago in ltu lumbering dayn it muift be a great comfort to him that hut good wire who haa proven a real helpmate tu still wllji hlu and uctivo congratulations to you nultihborl till oli man tw i c run car ircrcr much yo say i git if dat nlgga get nick pi dollars yas how much i git if dat nlgfra git kilt an dlo seventy fi dollas yas well yo sen cr man up hea right or way i wants to tako out notha polish on dat nirgn o mine and two if posslbul no oar ho aln t sick no nar i clare ho ojnt nick yo sen cr man up hea right er way j got do munnj rlcht haa in my nan right now wh tioi itiiha what dat nlgga lion plana got tor do wi mo an mj hufiban anyhow no oar no oar ho aln t nick i claro ho aln t nick ho wuasont sick din mornln when day cum an got him yas aar day cum an got him no ear no nar ho jos shot do sheruff las night lvcry intelligent reader says th ircibytcrian haa u method many looks cannot bo covered otljcr wise wo buggcnt this general nehemo somo boalcn should be read rapidly oomo books should bo scanned and norsm books nhould be read with much cam and study 1 ictlon nhould be road rapidly tho nictlon which will not allow of this is faulty when a man attempts to put fiction in an intricate form ho haa mado a mlnmating of form and sub stance ono of tho chief purposed of fiction in relaxation and recreation and when it requires ono to ponder it misses lta purpose current literature nhould lo read rapidly and sifted well so that tho important facts may be uuatalnnd a girl cannot know ovcrj thing neither can nho remember ovcr- thlnj- therefor nho nhould give tho important place to tho important thlnci w hen ono has mastered a subject thorourhly and there aro many rmw two llttlo glila wro rxihangln i lm u hip lady sal 1 1 m going to havo u day t uskckl tho fldoi when i k i ono of them day what kind second why don l youkpow ah suoloty ladles has days it n when you liavo company or do uomclhln nice mam ma n day is wednesday un tho hired girl a day is thum lay the iord 4 day is huii day cluvoland plain dealer what mathematics may do arithmetic algebra an trigononi dry um not romantic but thoy may uocompllslt things which groutty lm press tho intagliiutlon hy mcaun of them a profunnor at yule university ico found un airolltu thut no ouu had fur noon in january 1893 mr iovlu a photo t raphe r of annoiilu wun otupled in taking pictures hy thu uld f a toluj- ope of a comet whltli wan vluii li ti lie imkml oy wl tu his niiiillvt kcre da oloped ono of hum ruvtjjml ho falj of a meteor 1l wuui lo ama1l f then it seemed plainer while waiting for a train homo from tho city ono night jones grow restless and looked about for something fntor eating ills eyes fell upon a slot ma chlno and ho promptly inserted a coin t have often wondered ho remark od aloud in tha manner of all truly thoughtful men whore tlio profits thotto machines ho re he grasped tho liundlo with a m and masterful grip where the propt ot tl eno affairs ho nay ing ho tmtok tho machlno i havo often wondered he con llnpod giving it another vlgorouu utuike whore tho profit jiang the thing then i no of the porters iimr up nnd told him that tho machine was out or order mil jones realised ut lost whero liort of thj profit cumo froml micawoer6 advice my other piece of advicu coppcr- tlel 1 oald mr micawbcr you know annual income twenty pounds annual expenditure nineteen nix result imp plness annual income twenty pounds annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and alx result mlnery tho hloauom is blighted tho leaf is with ored tho ood of day goes down upon tho dreary ncone nnd in short you are forever floorod as i am dickens ul object tu attract th h loutlon o unaided uycu but its una l thu photo r aph indlcat ml thut it m mt iiivu eoiu ti uio earth tlio plclu ro wan niiowi to mr nowto i aalruiinmlea pniftjioo at yulo aa ctrtuliiliu- tho point o observation and rvcjcunluic with tin i id or the itutu which llu i liotot ri i itnelf supplied ho illado u uliulullnn which pnived that the mutiur inuul havo fallen in tho iiolkhborhoo 1 of t runt rvyir nuiilu two ml us north yf ilanbuiy cunuoctlcul prtfinaor newton went no fnrtl er with his inquiry into tlio mailer bu uftorwuid thu utrollto wun founl in tho very place which in udutd it was oval lp firm it meanurod firnni and ono half inched in loliltli wait noveu and ono half inchon in dlatnuter i wolthod twutily six pounds it wun nenl to ho niunuuin of yalu unl vpmlty where it nerves not only us ixn uluatrutlon of the nature of the vucrunt uodlen of tlio nkltn hut as u tenllmoulu to the wonders of t uk tilatloii which it is tonslblo for inirt hcruatlcul ucluiicu to occompllnh the easy way here is an lnutinct in most or which urges us to ohoono tho easy i ortun telling tho truth mciun dlltlculty uupluosunt oxplanatloiu pon bly eennuro all of which could bo voided by a llttlo equivocation half r tho untruth aro told not becauu io upeukcrn prefer falsehood but lie tuuo thoy nrq looking for tho csj way and find it through uio cutaway f provurlihtion 1 hi iiu who ure aeaklug tho ousy way cannot ultord prlnclplou tho easy way nn una agreeing wiut overy body fluath g with tho current a ufa rtgu luted by ittlnupia luin llttlo tu do with oompromuio printjpjo noccsaltutes an tuhoiilnin moinutlmes reslntaueo alwayn ono whoso ufa in ontrullcd by the word ouj hi must bo prcpanid for iiinriui i hero is no utiesllou but thut trjoolcj iimti ing upon tho unmo o ono may rapidly scan them ulmply to determine their particular poultloi tho wolllnformcd girl knows wliat thought to look or un 1 no nlso know about whero to look for them when over a girl nocks only a general c passing conception of tho books scan- nlnr will bo nuiudenl poetry must be thoroughly read any poetry whch is not worth reading thoroughly or even committing in not worth reading at all ior uiin reason try with few exceptions nhould not bo very long there are fow mlndu that can sustain a lofty flight for i long tlmo and if tho poet can so fly thorn uro fow readers who can follow him illntr when familiar may be read rapidly now holds will requlro m caro i hilosophy must bo otudlod i lean whero familiar and then it may bo ncannod tho name in truo science when ono utudles for ntylo and langungti then overy word phrase and io police must be examined and overy thought wclghoi tho illblo nhould never bo read in haste to do is to dishonor ood and injure tho soul it breeds irroverenco wnd uhall iwncsn whero depth and w ii nhjp troull provall o jto jlls cleaning iresultig itcpalrlng your cleaned in preset an workmen old suit io qothcs thoroughly- sanilory workshop d itcpaircd by expert wc can uinkt that ak like new try ui geo wallace guelph ontario yonus 4 chsrlon tltreots toronto castor term opens april 22 1 lent i ipln m pli tn commer riiil iilnri nouitanls ofllce irrt in ii idllv lit mploymont tf thay uradualo from thin coluos lp 1 ill r 1 iti r now writs utlll w i il1qtt irlnclpal a innli uwt pipen fn ni ptpt ml i nlilj i it making gas omprcasod dried saveefor people of tydro power is generated by utilizing tlie enexgy of waterfalls ttc amount of hydro power distributed thin year replaced by ktcamgenerated electricity would require 4500000 tons of coal valued at 31500000 to haul thta coal 1 1 2 500 cars would be needed they would make 3750 trains of 30 caro each extending over 678 mdes of track if the cool saved were distributed equally among the users of hydro power rp would receive 28 tons incidentally the hydrooectxic power com mission of ontario helps conserve the coal supply and transportation facilities of the country its cluef object is to supply electric current at lowrates to aid the users of the current in obtaining the most satisfactory illumination is another the commission recommends hydro quality lamps for home lighting definite brilliancy uniform current consumption and length of useful life are assured because of teats constantly made in the labo pf the lommimion hidaaelecniic power commissicin of ontaiuo iolj by hydro electric drabtment there is no poisonous lngndiant 1 hollouayo corn cure and it unod without danger of injury tho nummr visitor in tho llttlo vll lufco ulopptdyat tho itrowtilng clrio library writu u contributor to thu ioa satunluy magaclno ilcotio eivo uio tho cotter of cliai lamb hu royues tetl tjin dbrurian was most obliging and hulpful 1 think you havo imula a mistake nho nald kindly thia la tho library tho poht wrtlce in tho building just icreui tha olixot the outstanding product of a large mariuracturing house four large factories and five dis tributing warehouses stand back of brandrams genuine bb white lead every step in its manufacture is cioselywatched by chemical engin eersnothing is left undone which would help to maintain the quality of the worlds finest white lead birstidlrairas geirmiiiirrie bb wfinite lead is different from any other white lead to be gin with it is corroded ly several secret pro- cresra wth nrr then merged into n pigmenr if rnarvelloiissrnoothnesa thispigmcntis ground no less than five times first under huge stones and finally between heavy steel rolls in this grinding process it is made into a pulp by be ing mixed with pure refined linseed oil made in our own linseed oil mills whenever you paint use brandrams gen uine bjb white lead if you mix your own paint if you want to save the labor of mix5nff you can ensure the use of this quality pigment only by getting bh english paint it la eaahl to thn th life 111 tuim olldo along using tliuao ywldln principle uro n who ore soeklntt tlio oasy way lint lint easy way of living does brliiff tho renultu wo ilnalrt ono luver puts his muuelun to hard uue iimes u weakling ono whu uhr fiiim hard thinking and hard nit work in llttlo hotter than u fool rhouhoj tho ousy way morally meu tinteiupubla i huraeter llfo ui lmr1 activity uf any nort in hard una lu thut hardness thero is health and lu vlfcurudun it is death and decay uiut aro easy j worms food upi n tho vitality of rhlliiuh und endanger their llvi n a tiliniilsi und ertorllvo ttiu is mother grave urm ljttannlnator

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