Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 10, 1919, p. 4

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shjr irtmt 3 vet jlrrsu rmru ia aimui 10 ion qpninqtlmc i um nlttliij imv i in my window nit in ii iwillj lit itrny not in tin t mlxr rn lliinm- f the mo nlli m n cnnlln ray- hut in tl n with ii will uji 1 iin jay tho i luu i ami llfn in full ii joy ml ij hi and tho till lf ii anil dru h ry chatter i f coralnc winter in rune i d rich ana glad i onlnr day lftuiid nway to ochool channel to play of u bright unending when tuv r utid ulrlfo will boocr whrn luji ini nt pa un i weary hearts arc net n ami foil no mom when liun clam hand in trust and truth and heart flmla in heart a homo wlicru tlm spirit in ntrotm in rha ijitii yuuth and tlio ij rliifitlma of heaven has mary hpcar walcolt fricndlcgq aq an alarm clock ixctidlcsii tut an alarm clock tho expreouton nom i ono has usod to denote a peculiarly forlorn existence ana wo cannot help wondcrlnff why it ln bo opt- tiiq alarm clock la docldodly necessary it in reliable jt doca the ncrvico wo ask unfajl lacly yet wi cannot think of an alarm clock wltl anything remotely resembling cratl tudo itu unpopularity u beyond quea uon tact it tar from tho constltutlor of on alarm cloclt wo may iiavo liad a wakeful nlfihl tho toothache may havs interfered wlllh rcaful sleep but this mnkca no difference to tho alarm clock it la not constituted to mako exceptions at tho cetujue up hour tho alarm coca or llioush tho unlucky sleeper baa only just sunk into refresh ini nlmnb it mmit bo acknowledged too that tho vol co of tho alarm clock is sealant it moat of us have a distinct prefer ence as to how wo shall bo wakened the rlrl who wakes up with a boron ado solus on under her window la not likely to fool croaaand out of sorts travellers who are wakenod ly tho son of a mock ing bird generally fool as if tho music was orth lying awake for any boy knows tho difference between bclnc awakened by having his father call his name from the floor below and having hut mother lay tender hand on bin shoulder if tho vol co of the alarm clock were a little leas strident a trifle mora musical if the effect on tho nerves wire not so rajiplng tho alarm clock would bo less likely to bo regarded as a necessary evu tho avcrago alarm dock too is not satisfied to let well enough alone it does its duty and then a little more ilavlns awake nod us as was its bound- en duty it keeps on with its clamor as if it had mentally determined never to stop til wo were out or bed and that is not tho alarm clocks business having awakened us its responsibility is over bama pcoplb remind us irresistibly of an alarm clock they want to do their duty but they do it in a chilly me chanical fashion unooftenod by sym pathy and not aatlsflod with biting good advice thoy koop on nagging in lattng on their paint -tilt- the old man of tiie big clock tower ii imvi hai ivlili h kill about 1 have almost uiulhu thin pant week it tlm ru daj light unvliik muddle 1 three kinds f it now um do you like imhi thre yt r aeton tru 1 it a no v ltl th rul antl n lrhlorliir l wn i rum in old time it hinted ikjmuttiliin a rik i reincmlm r thai bran 1 wan nut worth a liung it mai u iiuliu fizzle ijiot year overythli 1 wan uup pound to bo run on d iylli lit uavln time that dldn t aoem to uuit uunm people eltlicr thlii year tho town liati been divided and iiart run on dnylljht havliit time nnd part on tiuuulir i time a kind of a do as you please about it and it seems to me tho holler bait beu mora proloiifrou lliun ovur thuro are few towns no favored an ouni how ever ln being able to try tu many varlo llcai as we luivo had uko ill old icopla i prefer the old time i havn always known hut i ho neatly can see any reason to raise thr mighty holler that la ascending about tho mat tor in noma quarters it socms to mo that noma people would and fault with everything thoy are chronic kickers nothing is ever done right and thoy are usually the last oncu to help right theso things they like tu sit back and put some ono also in for tho clearing up of tho nltuatlon some of theso daya i am going to gve you u regular sermon on tills subject but that la enough for now patty 0 garden itn fl rwer aunt ntlitrlnc from r luviill 1 rlnlr lookod uimiti it teij rly 1 ititvi r had airi a lnfautlful time in t life flclma crlel jianiloriatnly vi ry duy i keep thlnulnj nly nvn al i in rv nly four nly thn e i why do ui y limes imvn to en 1 it aunt ralherino to that new htippy i mm tnuy mi aunt catherine n wloo voire umiide 1 hut hey ran t bo tie im n juilnm tente 1 j nnulonuloly no in ro than two nlilca ore mfr tho in or two niirltir times hill wuull t want to mum any uprlncthne woul 1 i ut that inn t the numi irtlmn ultoiit i l aunt a he t ml rtitn 0 of their counsel forgets all their good intentions and finds himself ln a mood of tho bltttfrrat resentment thero is- a good deal implied ln tho saying friendless as an alarm clock be sura you do not lose your friends by adopting tho uno unwise methods gaston bchrolles plants that flower in the water did you ever gather water mies if so then you know the thrill that went through you when jou have pull ed up and broken off tho long stem of an unusually fine specimen your jjy was complete when you had gathered n armful ofthcaotcantiratcifta ot o beneficent provldenofe an has the flower lover everywhere fow sights arc mora beautiful than a- largo lagoon or sluggish crook that is wholly cover ed with the broadleaved water lilies and especially so when the plants ore ln bloom tho white of the floweru with their yellowish centre and the green of tho leaves form a delightful contrast as thoy float upon the level surface of tho water it beams to bo only another effort of nature to beau tify places that otherwise might be come simply watery wastes if the water or pond illy has not tho perfume of many flowers it has a beauty that is all its own and which is surpassed by few other blossoms there aro a number of apcies the american lotus is a near relative of the famous lotus that fas its homu along the banks of tho nile its flower is yellowish but otherwise it is very similar to tho blossom of tho white species tit ere ore many places where tho lotus turn almost wholly re- placed tho white hy and it la not oftei that the two grow in harmony aide by side somo fow years ago uicro was talk of creating a fund whereby nil the plots lu foirviow cemetery might bo cored for perpetually i bell family deposited a sum of money with the corporation with tho understanding that their plot would alwaya be cared for we have ono of tho prettiest cemeteries ln ontario but it is poor encouragement for one man to open money and labor in tho upkeep of his plot and tho party owninn tho adjoli ing ono allowing the weeds and grass to grow at iwll nor it always the fault ox tho owner or the neglected plot that it is in such condl tion in numbers of cases tho owners of theso ncgloctcd resting places loved ones would bo willing to pay ft r the core of tho graves thoy lire in cities or tovrno miles away and cannot attend to these duties themselves might it not be well for tho council to make a provision when soiling plots to require purchasers that they must cither bo properly cared for or a ccr tain oum will bo charged for their care perhaps that is a ntep too far a scheme might first bo planned whereby overy holder of a plot might be informed that for j certain sum his plot would alwa recolvo attention puaatbty i ohtbeothd tho llmea but i hove never heard of moro titan tho ono family leaving funds for caro of the plots i was wondering if tho scheme was open to all who desired to make use of it and what cum must be turned over to tho corporation i wouldn t like to add to the already onerous duties of tho council but it aocmn as if ouch a matter would have to bo dlspossd of by this body the memorial arch idea proposed by tho 3oldlm memorial commit tco wasn t just what i had hoped for told you what and why i would have likod to havo seen a now public library ln tho form of a memorial in ono of my flmt cffuuloha ilawavci overy else seems to wftnt on arch and i am going to like it myself when mass meeting of cltlxcns was called and so thoroughly endorsed tho idea thero la no room for anyone bucking 1l i did not read or hear pt any dissent to the proposal at tho meeting and that was certainly the place to register our kick bo now tliat none havo said wo dldn t want an arch lets all get together aud do everything wo can to help tho com mi t toe mako it well worthy of tho cause it is to you delieved she trusted a gentleman and bts wife were being shown through the government mints by a buldo writes guy roberts rand each was very much interested in the dirfcrtut processes through which the niltal went on its trans for mat ion from lara of precious metal to coins of commercial value at ono stage in tho process tho attendant re marked to tho man as they were watching tho manipulations of molten gold by tho workmen hint if lie would plunge tils hand into a pall of c water that stood by and while wet jlow him tu pour into his palm quantity of the molten gold ho could hold it there u few seconds and then pour jt out without receiving any in jury ilotti tho vial tors were usti nisr- ed at- this acemliilly groundless state ment neither fit like risking the experiment and passed on to finish their tour later ua tiny returned the guldu again proposed that they make thu experiment- at flrut neither seemed willing to huuuil tho attempt though their coiiudfiilo in their guide wua uitlclcftl to nulilu them to bellovo that the o huoiu would b an ho tald innally tho lady said alio would ven turo tho experiment hhe thun thrunt her hand into in cold water extend ed her rlptilni palm ai d rrvlvoj upon it tho molt i n mild only tu pour it out again with hor hand unharmed whereupon hor huuband said just us i bollovid it would bo yes auld the ultcndaut yoo be uoved but aha rusted klinu nhwk her in ad him wi not inter tied in iutty ii mix rton i m den hut aunt catherine umllli a lltlh win on an k i hi did nit not c- wo hml kanlopa exactly alike omi itelirutry a great n rmru i of puany wllk w i that a cousin of patty a brnur in from tho country i ntty dlvl 1 thm with mo we wero in th vll l over them and w ttchod tho i u i through all their luily iitai en if i rioved over carh ono that f ii when at tho end of nix weeks i t away tho tiaro bmnrhcj i remci bcr how broken hcarlc i i wan nnd wl t u very doleful note i wroio i uty about it iity wm nuiirui til ed with ton hlhtd ut tho time and my mother wouldn t let irq go in sen her becauao i alwayn liad a delicate throat it wan three weeks before i could ueo her an 1 almont the unit thing i njjd after i liad natlnflcd myself that nho waan t fudlni away was o iutty if only your wllloww laul utayod while you were nick iatty laughed hnd caught my hand como and neo my prlvato sprlnf time oho said myatcrlounly wo ran up to her room at tho doorwny i slopped nnnprt patty liad not thrown away her willows when th i puaulcn fell thore in her jar thoy stood a little forcnt of eager green caves and perched among them no body but itty woull rave trought f ltl a tiny yollow bird sho had picked up at tho toy ehap for five cents you dear goaiey patty cried thero oro a j ways new things coming if you just watch 1 you ohall have half of theso tho bird half that aunt cathrtno flnlah 1 was pattys gnrdon i never forg t its lesson after that when one joy j went lrvttad of mournlnr for it i kept i on tho watch for tho next j did it alwaya coraot selma oaki aunt catherine smiled back at tho half doleful half hopeful face it alwaya comes if you have eyes to nee sho answered imulcs for childncn her in tho dny by f water in 1 dr nk 1 1 ilurliur tho ni io not i t icl 1 nulifm t lal rgul irly thr ljil ulowly an 1 ch f llt i i r llkf t u jit iiumu vef lull in beul 1 i im into every day iil i rea i and hutti r every dny dark iitunio 1 readn aro best 3 ijt ponio fruit every ilny upon i penulei for upj j u in itcud of can ly 10 io not cat candy list wren in i a lii 1ut candy and other nwi ets only after a rerular meal 11 ij n l drink tea or roftei it 1 tho lmdy n i ixtd but lianits it i- do ml rut tourh liny f o ju wit nt flrnt vn ililru tho hutut l3 ij ti t tut fruit without flril waolilt t it h lx ih t lut with uimmm r fi ik hu le wltln ut t 1c u not dldi with nnj ih d 1 a ol ing it uthu have more than one interest lull rent joilrnrlf in 1 i ui f jo ethlnr dally nlll ii lion if joi it r t uer juiry for you to thtl k ut tulle or i ntl ing lut 11 nr tu jlo 1 to your meals with you to carry it t imd uitii ou tf in bnd for joii liavt jour mind orcuplld exciuuu rly with you- hutilrx a and it in it qintllon whelh r tho bulncui ititelf doca n suffer from ydtir over concentration luu will bo all tho better fitted to tarklo hard problems if your mind has been refrcuhed by changing tho dlrec tlou of your thoughts to havo one lntcrcnt ln ufn and only a narrow manhood practical training for home makers tho art department of tho publu uchoola in ulnnaapollo given to overy i tu ii who graduates from the lghtl rwdf an opportunity to learn tho fu damcntals of planning a house th cot of n nutructlon and how to no lee harmonious coluru and materials for int rlor decoration when tho all year nchool plin goes into effect tho boy- and htrln will be taught homo land scaping and will bo given a chance to work out thoir ideas in tho school garden- how to read everybody has a day two llttlo girls were cxclianglng con fidences when 1 got tu bo a big lady said ono of thorn i in going to havo a dy what kind of day 7 asked tho second iwhy don t you knowt ah susloly i liufios han days its when you havo company or do no moth in nice mom- ms day la woduenday an the hired girls day la thursday the lords day is sunday cleveland plain dealer what mathematics may do arithmetic algebra and truouom try are not romantic but thy may accomplish things which iireatly 1m press tho imagination ity incaua of them a prufussot at yalu uulv ouco found an airollu that no uno had why she wanted insurance a colored woman s conversation ovei tho telephone on insurance eho had stopped into an ofllco and obtfllno permission to use tho foam hollo qivo mo main foe foo oo hollo i is dat tho tnshowanco people well dbj- is mary green yos irn- mary green yo know what live up on ioatrc3a street yo known i had m hunhan lnshowcd lost week hon much yo say i lias tr pay on dat nujjra ever week cents- y sa f much yo say i fit if dat nlgga get nick pi dollars yas how much i git if dat nigra git kilt an die seventy fi dollan yon woll yo non er man up hca right or way i wants to toko out notha polish on dat nlgga o mlno and two if rfbasibul no oar ho aln t nlckrno mr i claro he aint alck yo sen er man up lica right er way i got do- munnj right bca in my han right now wh ijot fliha what dat nlgga m plana got ter do wj mo an mj him ban anyhow no oar no sar ho aln t sick i claro ho aint sick ho wuaaont sick dls mornln when day cum an got him yas sar day cum an got him no ear no sar he 3eashot douhcruirnan night then it seemed plainer whtlo waiting for a train homo from tho city one night jones grow restless and looked about for something inter eating hla eyes foil upon a alqt ma chine and ho promptly inserted a coin 1 havo ofln wondered ho remark ed aloud in tho manner of all truly thoughtful men where the profits theuo machines hero ho grasped tho handlo with a firm and masterful grip where the profit on u ess affaire ho saying ho shook tho machlno i have of ton wondered ho con another diakc thlngl then no of the porters cmr up a told him that tho machlno was out order and jones realised at last where part of tlu profit carno frornl 1 very intelligent reader sayo tho presbyterian has a method many books cannot be covcrod other wise we suggest this general ocbemo bomo boolti uhould bo read rapidly somo books should bo scanned and noma books should be read with much cam and study rlctlon should bo read rapidly tho diction which will not allow of this is faulty when a man attempts to put net ion in un intricate form ho haa madn a mlnmatlng of form and nub ntanco one of tho chief purposes of fiction is relaxation and recreation and whan it roqulrea ono to ponder it misses its purpose current literature should ho read rapidly and sifted well no that tho important facts may bo sustained a girl cannot know oven thing neither can she remember ovcrj tlrili thu re f oro olio uhould glvo tho important place to thn important thin eh hen ono has mastered a subject thoroughly nnd thero arc many talking about old men my near neighbor the venerable posuuautor of thu town mr james matthews cole bratcd his eighty fourth birthday oi sunday th ho 1 admitted b uo aulrlu at boll ottawa antl u p uwi th washington to be the oldest post- isster in america continuously lu office practically olnco boyhood he a one of tho youngest old men in town often eurprtsod to ace him faith fully at his post every day i could n t keep up tho pace with him and i m years hla junior neither my rheu matlca nor my inclination would per mit that what memories come to him in hla day dreams ho can look bock r seventy fivo years lived in acton bay ho a soon tho old town grow name they tell mo ho lives in ono of the nmt brick houses built- inia tiamlot of lung ago ln its lumbering da a it ut bo a great comfort tu hlin that hla good wlfo who has pruvou u real helpmate lu atill wltli him and uclivo congratulations to you neighbor thh old man micawders advice my other piece of advlco copper field eald mr mlcawbcr you know annual income twenty pounds annual expenditure nineteen alx result hap piiicsa annual income twenty pounds annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and alx result mlaery tho liloosum lu blighted tho leaf in with orcd tho qod of day goes down upoi tho tfroury scene and in abort yoi forever floored a i am dickens ever scon ln january 1833 mr iuwlu gruphcr ot alumiula wua uct taking pictures by tho uld of rope of u conn t width was i tiio nakol eyo wi tu hla i htli u phi tu upuu h u touu lulbl ii ce iiivli were doveloped on of thuin rtvtalevl tho fall of u inottor it wuu loo in null an objoct to attract thrrurtentluii of unaided vycn but its lino un tho phutu truph indluatod thai it niunthavo comi to tho earth tho plctua was nhuivu o mr now ton astronomluil profcasir ut ule ascertaining tho point of obtervatlou and rcekuuluu with thi ild of tho dati- which tho phi ti rji h itself nuppllid ho jnadu w i 1 ulatlon which proved that tho niuuor must havo fallen in ho nolghtrorhool f i rtnervolr somo two milts north of dsnbury connecticut irofesoor now ton went no furtl cr wltll his inquiry into the rnaitfcr but afterward ho oerollto was found in the vary place which ho indicated it was oval in form it measured fifteen and one liaif inches in length wain even and ono half inches in diameter and weighed twenty six pounds it was sent to tho museum of yale uni versity wncre it serves not only uad illustration uf tho nature of tho vagrant bodies of the skies but as testimonial to tho won dors of calculation which it is possible for mathemaucatwatence o aocompliali the easy way there is an instinct in moot of hlcli urges us to ulioono tho easy wuy oflln telling tho truth ineajia dimeulty uupleanant explanatloiu ioa ibty cennuru all of which could bo avoided by a little equivocation half of tho untruttu aro old not bocauui uplakera prefer falsehood but tx cuuuo thoy unj looking fur the easy wuy un i find it through tiio utuwuy of j rovurirutl n 1 ill ii o who are booking the ouay way cum not affor i iirlnclplcs tho easy way mtaiui agreehig with orerybody fi mtlur with tho current a life reiu latcd by j rliicli lo lias llttlo to do with i ompromluo prluclplo nccossltutea an tuhonlsin bomutlmcs resistance alwayi uno whose ufa l controlled by th word uiht must bo prepared for tonfllut thero in no quuntlon but that it la tauhr tu otlp un 1 alldo along through life at reel lis cnupromlaink yielding irlnclpcn are not for thoofl who are nooklng tlia easy way hut tho easy way of living does not bring tho results wo desire ono who novcr puts his muscles to hard use be comes a weakling on who shrink from hard thinking jmd hard mental work i ultw bettaf iban fool to oitoomi th mwy war moratlir mtona oontmjlj flhiumwr wi u hrda actrriry of any ort la turd nd in oithrdnjwi m l mbju and in- igwitloru it im 6eth i4 dscsy that f worm- fvwl tttaut children nd ndnmr their un simrjl m omtlvt mt bjtctt ono may rapidly scan them aim ply to determine their particular position tho woll lnformod girl known what thought to look or and mo nlso known about where to look for them when ever a girl seeks only a general or passing conception of the books scan nlng will bo aufuclent poetry must bo thoroughly read any poetry which la not worth reading thorourhly or eyen committing la not worth reading nt all ior this reason ikxtry with fow exceptions should not be very long thero aro fow minds that can uualaln a lofty flight for a iant time and if tho poet can so fly there aro few readers who can follow htm itintnrj when familiar mny bo read ral idly new fields will require mora cure i hiloophy roust bo studied un iron whero familiar and then it may bo scanned tho name is true of science when ono utudloa for stylo and lanjuagti then every word phraao and ion onco must bo examined and thought weighed illblo should novcr bo read in j husto- to do iu to dishonor god and injure tho soul it breods irraveroncu ond uhill jwnean where ilcpth and w n ship jhuul 1 prxjvull thti o poisonous lngixliont in hullivmya com cure and it can bo used without danger of injury oelles lettres- tlio aummir vlullor in the llttlo vll luto ntopp at tho urowiilm clrclt library writu u contributor to tho ica saturday uugaxlno ileubo fclvc mo tho letter uf ciiai iunb ho rvyuejilif the librarian waa moot obliging and helpful i think you have made a mistake oho eald kindly thin la the library tho pout oinco la tho building juxit acroa the otreol its assam quality flivpo it that rich flavor tea sold only in fwialcd ryaclrxtfico saassstkrrra ttydro power ia generated by ublrzinc jtithe cnexgy of waterfalls ttic amount of jhydro power distributed this year replaced by dteamecnerated electricity would require 4500000 tons of coal valued at 31500000 to haul this coal 1 12500 cara would be needed they would make 3750 trains of 30 cars each extending over 6783 miles of track j if the coal saved were distributed equally among the users of hycnro power each would receive 28ljjton3 incidentally the hydroocctnc power com mission of ontario helps conserve the coal supply and transportation facilities of the country its chief object is to supply electric current at t obtaining the most satisfactory illumination is another the commission recommends hydro quality lamps for home lighting definite brilliancy uniform current consumption and length of useful life are assured because of teats constantly made in the laboratori pf the ccmnnlsaloa httjttrjjelecraic powtk commission of ontajuq sold nv hydro electric dcpabtfllent hydro shop i established k of ha dollar saved tjow iijid uicuii a dollar more t is rtiuircd to pi to postpone thu pu nionty i vorthy an hu ints pdicy durinj ii bavinj o atlouir w n mckay ghoiualttown 1ulvncu cleanlni irosnlng itepalrlng your oothcs thoroughly cleaned in sanitnry workshop i relied and repaired by export workmen wo can make that old suit look like new try us guelph yonat d chariot btreota toronto cuater torm opona april 22 lileu r iph ni fyj l ui t omtner rlil 1 jdnri c oil ilnnti oftlee icrl ilr mililv jit iinpl lyment if thoy uradpato from tlua collao ii ir 1 ft r w write w j 1 iaiott irlncipal r ii making gas iiipresned drtnl the outstanding product of a large manufacturing house four large factories and five dis tributing warehouses stand back of brandrams genuine bb white lead every step in its manufacture is closely watched by chemical engin eersnothing is left undone which would help to maintain the quality of the worlds finest white lead braraclrams geimuiiinie bb wjiitte lead is different from any other white lead to be- gin with it ia corroded by several secret pro- ccsscs which arc then merged into a pigment of marvelloussmootbness thi3pigmentis ground no less than five times first under huge stones and finally between heavy steel rolls in this grinding process it is made into a pulp by be ing mixed with pure refined hnseed oil made in our own linseed oil mills whenever you paint use brandrams gen uine b3 white lead if you mu your own paint if you want to save the labor of mixmjj you can ensure the use of this quality pigment only by getting bh english paint r l tfb paint ftokepaje c c speight bh products for other purposes var iateru halatna chlam lcu pctfrct nnm uio stslniaa th etoof d1i kthtu eula is 19 dll cttnt cnlcc q1i porch tlooc riat par parra oaors tiilicr sad puta expoacd la titc rmjjtf rlulir fntj uui nus uii tnaceoctu a cat tm ou psiat uii fivm1umu fn o toe daros and iaooia ova iust acton ontario it has no real substitute a size tho bigger bar be sure you recefve your own favorite brand comfort do not permit inferior soaps to be substituted comfort- is the biggest and besrfor the money for nearly 25 years it has been at the top for quality popularity and big sales so why buy ex perience instead of soap comfort soap its all right pug9lby dingman -cq- limited toronto oni

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