Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 17, 1919, p. 2

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r 3ip arton stot iwbb hinitrjiay av1ul p 1010 i in the caqtcr ml urn tlm l rcturrortum op nil burinl tilings rnrn i vi ry irronn tinfoil birch what iioiido uiicllmb nto tho inklrr imnvcri what minstrel ulngn rum out tlio drifting mystery at wings r ilroinlnjt li tlio eager earth til udit the brown field iuuj turbid atroarn kow dm dear deall of other years arlso their be luty breathes from every wak- ilcmiiy that oiio awhile hut die towanl yet never thin glad ijiutcr luyr now lifts itu head and with awakened jjnvcr in each snowweary valley springs 1 aifiht willi all that llvoa and loves to tako dollglit ii tho night lilacs 1 if hob as in nhull ho undo rich prayer their holy lnconiwto tho moon and wnjihlng hor beiinao through many a ft aid or fair ihnli mulp fresh paths amont tho uhndowa there and wjicro lowbending wlhown bathe did ilroan shall traco her beauteous form on many n stream thin la tho hooter season as of old tho clod earth known tho touch of joy and pain vcoln tho carcaa of gentle winds that hold promise of nummer and tho drlftlnff rain flwoopo over hor and to th low refrain uoumovolced and cjamorous tho riv ers sing tho nonk of immortality and eprlng cuthbort goodrldge macdonaldl oxcznxcrjx m the cake she would not make y claire wallace flynn c3xir czz x t4tk- cant make you out that 1 all said bis allen white j- standing in a bewildered and somewhat wounded state of mind while hla luur acnn put match to tho flro that ho had laid in tholr rather formidable and unhomo- uko sitting- room it wu two days before hoster but easter came early that year no early that looking be yond annea stiff and spotless window curtains tho acids of hlg allen otrotched away to tho creek still brown and unyielding of any living thine just you dont talk to mo allen nald tlio girl getting to her foot and arranging her little white apron juat so dont talk any more ive had all i can stand what havo you hod7 i gttcos youve dono tho most talking anno almost loat to a deeiro to make a face child fashion at her biff brother compromised with a llttlo doublodup fhst which oho had tho pood grace to hide behind her back and in oomo way the warlike feature comfortod her troubled spirit well perhaps ive dono some talk- ins goodness knows jvo had rood cauqo but youve done the giving allen white now finish it up tou can give a cake to tho fair moke and blvo it if you can i wont and with that llttlo anno ranlahod with a good healthy slam of tho door alton followed her to tho kitchen willi a oudden light of understand i ng break tnff upon hie dull kind spirit i ftocmed to him as he stood and watched anne thai oho perhaps bad after- all nomctblhg to be angry aboul he had novor dreamed she would mind hla giving his doff away hla own dog but now as ho looked bock ho saw that anno must have loved the big irish twitter as much as ho himself had still jean darrow had needed chief much more than either ho or anne and the dog had been hi to give if he chose anno ho said at last is it chief t ill got you another don next time see a good one for sale but jean darrow was frightened nights up at the tenant- hounp on the old hoi leys farm so i told hor ulio could have him anno nave a short little laugh jean darrow must be got tin mighty timid all of a sudden she answered anda its not a rood trait in a school teacher lot m tell you that ive hcaxd thoreo nothing so catching aa fear llmt tiling you know all the little children in jeans school will be crowing as scary as rabbits lots of good theyll be when theyre grown up allen white turned quickly away to hide tho llttlo emtio he could not con trol and came face to face with annos tin cuko box which stood on a tablo with itu door wide open and its two nhulvoa absolutely deserted of good things to eat at sight of it allen camo quickly buck to their point at issue and once more besought anne about tho cako he said cautiously jeans little fair really needs hi guess you mako it like a good glrl and if you need anything extra for jt 211 drive into town and get it i ho tried not to notice tho wrath that sprang into annes face anne hla little n inter always so frank and sturdy and full of willing friendship to bo transformed into this obstinate stormy jealous young personl he could hardly bear it especially as he thouffht of tho gentle cause of tt all you gu along allen anno threw out ut last i want my kitchen to myself i dont approve of jean dar rows fair its to get money enough to start llttlo llbrury in the school flno- anno look ruptlon but going 4o muki lvory thing li days when back to tho li 10 notlco of tho inter rent on and im not u cako for il my land fur joan darrow those vo been out and ooiuo uuu i look around to cried allan with given her is th epare room and soo what n gone m thats absurd dignity ah lv clok out of the chief if ha hud looked closely ha would tiavo uoon anno a lips tremble at that but lio wnii luring round the room by this time it took a good deal to make big allen white angry and innj had rinully achieved the good deal llrother und li inter stood for a moment uko onenilos then suddenly anno crlod i alton allun youre in love with her and alton vnry simply said yes i um tho gtrl lucsscd imith her hands against in n throat panting and after a moment oho uakod are you going to marry hor yos replied tho big man i am lio ore tlio burning eyes tho heav ing breast the pent up emotion of his sutcr allun whlto flod leaving anne 10 wgo tiu buttle by herself iror now it mound that tho desolation oho i liad felt n few moment before was i nothing o thlfeneweorrow when allnmafrled lite young school unrlirr ijo would bring her hero hero intuannoa homo where nlm and allen had ilvci no hupplly over nine thoy bad brrn left yotiriff orphann togtithor then this no tanner would bo her llttlo dominion but jranu iquitionn allon would wlnh her to llvo with thrm but could nlin and no multrr bow hard nho worked fur lilo comfort and liappl- noas thorn was uoiimmw whoaa slight- cat word and glanro countorbulancol nil her brava nrfortit tho bleak march winds raced acrooa tho flolila und camo knocking ut anno window nuirnwfully the houoo wa very quiet for there wail not evo chief to apak to and it in small won der that anno a brown hoad down until it rcatod on tlio tablo and hat u poaalon of hot tears tore thai way from her how lung nho lay hero toaacd by hoi nellnofls alio never know but tho kitchen was qui to shrowded in dusk whon she finally drlod her eyes and looked about hor in tho other room tho llttlo fire hud gone out and there was supper to got and innumerable small duties to bo altendod to no anno tried to be bravo in her old way and smoothed her hair ami not about her preparations keeping hor lips steady but listening for allens foot step on tho porch with her heart as well as her cars when nho had finished laying tho table putting onoof her bright gor- anlums in tho centre of it and spread ing for ber prettiest china oa a sort of peaceoffering she went out stood on tho steps looking across tho south meadow waiting for him but bn was not in night all tho little yalley lay very qulot and deserted early lights twinkled palely from the few farm houses within her vision and after ono long look in tho direc tion of baileys sprawling 111 kept fields ami his row of stark hlrehtroea behind which hu tenant houoo pro vided jcnn iarrow with tho semblance home during tho school term tho grayncas of tho sceno had over- corns her and suddenly it camo to her mind that this was flood lirldoy tho thought mado her shiver a llttlo moro for down beneath a certain bristling manner the girl was a creature of flno sensitive thought and feeling well she thought trying to cheer herself up the saddest day and the gladdest of all the year were only one day apart she had read this in verso somewhere xiy seven oolock allen not having como in she alo a chcorless meal alone and put his away to keep warm by eight she was in a panic for ho never had left her like this before a hah hour later she threw a long cape about 1 cr shoulders lighted a lantern and ran out into tho gusty night never for a moment did nho hvo a doubt as to the direction she should take but started across the south meadow toward baileys windbreak of birches it was a long walk and anne was breath lean when sho finally reached the tenant house on tho bailey farm il was a small affair of two rooms but jean darrow had made a little bower of jt and loved it in preference tu boarding in the neighborhood anpo knocked at jeans door but received no answer after a moment she pushed open the little side entrance and found herself in a tiny white ber- j room beyond sho could see into the living room and hor impulse to outer was checked at tho sound of voices jeans and allens anno detesting above all things on eavesdropper turned to go but sho heard her own namo spoken other room and like a true woman was rooted to the spot jean was speaking from tho depths of a big armchair before the fire and as she spoke one pretty hand stroked chiefs head as bo stretched beside her my poor little fair said jean with a sob la her voice is going to be a miserable failure and i wanted so to get tho library started for the chil dren poor little booklcsa things moat of them and it would havo been ail right if anno had helped anne ta such a wonder i anne pressed back in the shadow and waited i jva asked you no to mention aim to me broko in her brother a doep voice im totally disappointed in her sho has made mo miserable today thats why i come here so early i ohl cried anno in her heart ivo driven him away rrotn mo and jeans voice answered allen with its my fault allon dear but after this nothing must corns between you and anne wont havo it be cause i love you both yes dont look surprised i love anne and havo want ed her love in return but i suppose tt is hard for hor she cant realize my side of tho question how lonely and unprotected i am and how much youve meant to me how i couldnt i help here tho sweet volco broke entirely and anno board allan cry out to hor jean jeonl dont dear i no went on jean darrow after moment no allen its no use cant rob anno uko this perhaps some day later whon ive taught her to love me enough to lot mo share her home como to mo again and ask and allen take chief bock she must mhts him frightfully im afraid v both have been a llttlo cruel to hor 7rom her hiding place anno saw a tall ojlnj figure rise from tho deep cliolr before tho bunting logs and the next moment disappear with a llttlo cry of protest within tho huge arms of allen white anno put both hands across her cym because sho luxd never before been tho witness of a love scene and it sent a sense of ntuuno flaming over ber that she should be there during tho next few moments with the sound of jeans sobbing and allens slow earnest words of comfort in her ears sho managed to slip out of the llttlo bouse pick up iter lantern and only ono word beat at ber heart start madly across tho fields again jean jean jean joan who de fended her to her own brother jeai who only wanted to shore hor homo with ber jean who was as lonely herself i jean who loved hr jean who back there in tho little tenant houoo was making tho biggest sacri fice a woman is capable of this tviu the jaun she had tuoped to be jealous of to treat with littleness and angvrl burning with conflicting emotions she at lust reached her own hums and entered it with head high and a now aplrlt winning its way with ber im glad its llostertlmo sho said as once more she lighted tho fire in the sltthigroom it stands for a new birth a rising tu oomeuiliis wo never were before 1 vo hoard u preached often but it never never meant any thing uko this and she threw on i generous log thinking of jeans big fire and did niuo strungo things wtl tho furniture of tbe room making it look more homelike and sat a lighted lamp on tlio tablo with joans ploturo brought from a dusty drawer bououth 11 i the kitchen seemed to como to ilfj to like manner under her suddenly nervous liands tho stove was soon glowing nnd anne with u big apron on was beating up eggs and butter ir u largo yellow bowl the geranium unuaod to ouui pei foromiicon threw out a gay pungent odor to celebrate tho event and us threo large puna of a moot superior luycrcakr were dually put intn tho uvm footsteps and a fumillur bark wcr heard outside flow to bo door and lot alio back in rtoubloqipek tlmo will you no you can help mo bent tho ofiga for tho nilliig tho enkn la moot ilono tell jean will youz and 1 ii bo up unit thing in tho morning to help her with tlio fair those hlldruu munt ha i their booun heiv anno linked foi tnalh ant ntundlng on ttptoo took hold of tin nntonluhd brulborn nhoiilileru allon allon nho uuld with a moot unusual softness in hor voice llaotor is a mighty nwr-ct- season lan t it out of tho thing that onoo uva tin pain comes a big happlncns if only woro wluo enough to tako it s what liao happened to you anno lltllo anno buddon change of heart 1st t tlmt what the minister would rui tr allen urn hod and she went on you liad bettor tako advantage of it i dont know how long i can keep it nice and soft i like this hero was the old jolly anna again i the girl whom allon could understand and with whom ho fell infinitely u1 homo and happy hut just what happened ho in alsted it must havo beau a big oomo thing some fool pcopla might ask you if you liad had a vluion i had said anbe and thought again of tho two figures atandlm so closo together before tho fireplace a deeper color burned in her cheeks a lovely vision ono id only read about bookn before this youvo ono on mo returned allen in the latest slang phrase and anna choked a llttlo with suden humor oh no sho laughed this aloi was in yoj my dear there im get ting common and horrid but too much cmot on is bnr or my mrvfi 1 think i shall havo to scold somcono before i can feel quite myself again go ahead and scold ami led allon i shant mind thanks but iii scold jean tomor row and it will bo junt as good ah jeon said allrn well how ever thtu has all como about blie turned away from allona ques tioning look from his sudden grasp of r hand olre jean my love sho said smil ing oa sha pushed the big fellow out of the door and come back soon for hant havo you to myself much long iarm and ilrcjlrtc the sunday school lesson for ounday apflll 20 1010 now the world can eat troph1cal fruit several yearn ago a thoughtful man named david lubtn showed american fruit grow era how to ship tholr fooj crops he made tho railroad refriger otor car a commercial success and tho wnjlo world can cat troprical fruit in perfect condition no matter how for it has to travel this happened so long ago that most of us have never heard of our fallow american david xaibln as the inventor of tha refrigerator cars that carry our fruit and meats but for another tre mendous service mankind lubln must be known to our generation for wo ore tho first to profit by bis scientific study of foods one day several years ago david lubln went to tho american secretary of agriculture and explained what t him teemjd tha great need f studying world agriculture not merely our own ho wished to get an exchange of ideas among all the nations of tho earth that wo thus might perfect the grow ing power of the entire world then by finding out what each country could j best supply we all would be able to ship food intelligently where it most noeded uuesia might ship wheat in exchange for england a leather or argentine send meat to the united states in exchango for our cotton and so on tho secretary of agriculture heard lubln s story and exclaimed you have presented tlio greatest problem in farming and how can it be solved and there tlio interview camo to an lubln pursuod his quest however until england franco and german had foiled to listen then ho tried italy for soma reason the king of italy saw at once a way to help and tho in tar national inotttuto of agrlcul- ro came into existence now comes tho result of it alb tho work of david lubln was the founda tion for herbert hoovers scientific control nfhia worlds food supply dor- lug tho great war wo know exactly where food of every rort could bo found and how much thora was in avery place because lubln had shown us as a result tho world was fed during the months of international disruption human uvea were saved and tho way made ready cor immediate increase in food production when peace once again come to the weary fields of earth- ruth davis stevens mflo drown tries it wo were talking about the war sav lugs and thrift blum pa n ml liru lirown said sho hud noticed the posters in the stores post oftlro nnd banku and that in ono store sho had visited recently she had seen tho card reading will you tako your change in thrift b lamps but she said she huiln t dono so being under the impression that thoy were more especially tor chit dri i ventured to enquire if sho had a preference for any particular store oh yea who replied i always go to- a why i asked i think i got bettor prices there und good valua do you know how much you save ly your careful buying in that man nor i enquired no sho answered but i foul sure that i do save oomo thing ollierwujo i d not tako tho troublo to compare prices in making my shopping list well i said jdra brown lot mo i suggest on easy plan so that you may j know how much you save lvcrj tlmo you affoct a saving by your t-nro- ful shopping buy thrift sfwnns with tho amount ao saved or if tho saving la large enough buy u war bavlngs itamp lou wont miss the mouey mid in a short time you will ulcuruu bite quite a number of these tttamps you will and it vary intonating and it will give you tlio satlafuctlou of knowing wliat your saving really la- ill do it sho eagerly nxclalmod id hover thought of it in that way buf ore havo you iollow mrs browns uxuxnplo 4ind you will find it worth while hht hihizn tjoltd lcootnr lcssoi matt a 1 10 additional m atari i for tsohr luke chili john 14 12 1 cor riiup it common ocrlpturs paaaaqs 1 now latn on tho babbath day as it ixgnn to dawn toward tho first daj of the week camo mary msgdaleno and the other mary to sen the sepulchre and behold there was a great earthquake for an angel of the lord descended from heaven and camo and lied awn v the atone and sat upon it 3 ills appearunro was as lightning pnil his raiment whlto as snow and for fear of llm tho watchero did quake and brramo as dead men 0 and the angel answered and sal 1 1 unto the women icar yo not for l know that yo ueek jesus wbo liath born crucified a ho la not here for ho is rlaco even as ho said come oeo tho place where tho lord lay 7 and go quickly and tell hla dis ciples ho is risen from tho dead and k ho goeth before you into galilee tbero shall yo soo htm lo i have told you 8 and they departod quickly from tlio tomb with fear and great joy and to bring hla dlaclplcs word and behold jesus met them say ing all hall and they came and took hold of hla feet and worshipped him 10 then saith jesus unto them fcor not go tell my brethren that thoy d opart into qqlllec and there shall they ace mo ooldon text ho la risen oven aa ho said matt 28 so departments topics and rsfereness primary toplo an angel tells about tho itlsen jesus memory verso- tho lord is risen luko 24 st junior toplo jesus victory over death memory verso john h ip in termed la to and henlor toplo tho living christ young people and adult toplo tho caning of christs ilcourrectlon matt fl 110 horn b ii 19 zl 1 or ie 1022 lssson thoughts to tho little child christmas may be tho best day in tho year but the thoughtful mind sees that if there had been no laster there would have been no christmas let us consider what is tho meaning not merely to tho dis ciples of that day but to us in oui time of christ n rising from tho dead 1 it means that we have an ever- living saviour kvery man on eartn goes down into the grave but oniy on man opened tlie doors of his tomb and rose again to dlo no more when a king breathes his lost they cry out tho king ts jcadl and then without a iause they hall his successor lbng klnf but our king jesus uros living nearly twonty centuries ago ha lives to day and he shall live forevermore it means that wo have not only a living but a loving saviour the flrst words that our lord spoke after ha mo out of his tomb were wards of mfort to a sorrowing woman ho did not feci that death and resurrec tion made any difference in his rota tions with his friends they were his brothers still bead in the four gos pels tho account of alt bis risen ap pearances and note how many of them were to comfort to encourage and to help 3 it mcana uiat we havo on ever- present saviour of all tlio words of jcuus after his resurrection tho most precious is lo i am with you always oven unto the end of the world that surely means that he is with us walk ing by our side casting hla arm about us helping no over hard places listen ing to our prayers eager to answer them and holding out hands of wel come to us at the gate of heaven blackboard wii have an uvhblivino haviouh wji xiavb a lovtnt saviouu wi have ah jjvch- present haviouh readings for next week mouday the holy spirit promised joel 2 2113 tuesday coming of the holy spirit acta 2 113 wednreday receiving tho hot spirit acts 13 17 thurodsy tho moly spirit oq- helper john 16 716 ifriday helping the apostles a etc 3 3747 huuriluy helping in prayer h a 1c3h hunday spiritual lifts 1 cor the ha0it op oooo cnqli8h in up yet anno uskod allen in yep sang out anno cheerfully rather a guilty one it wm io iuo to be luxirful rgalnl yep why allen you tako chief light back to joan you won t mind tho walk und it is a lonely place for her to bo i didnt reulilto it before i one of ilia foremost men of tho uun try bus declared that there are fev habits more valuable in pratlral uf than tlio habit of good english and tlmt is worth tho consideration of iho young people who follow tho stylo in slang as they follow it in uostumo dui urdlng yesterdays inventions in favor of tho new arrival from tho gutter or tho variety stage the habit of good english mentally niphaalko the first two words the j young fellow fresh from tuhool who is cureless ubout his grammar and flatter himself tliut his hoylah slang is more expressive than tits language shakespeare until knows something ciiff lltih thooritlcmlly but ha bus novcr formed the habit of good ungllsh icveu in ompuny where ha lu on his best behavior his tougua slips and trips and tho grammatical error or the slangy phrase is out before ha knowaj it reading of good literature is u great help in forming u standard of good lugllsh the memorizing of pee- ry is also a help but ilelther of heso two is enough without pructhe ust sleak good isugllah in order what 10 a kilowatt a watt is a unit of incisure for elec trluty just as tlio quurt is a unit o measure fur milk und the bushel us i unit of measure for corn kilo la a ortmk word moaning 1 000 and a kilo watt is 1000 watts the watt lakes its riuuia from james watt tho turn- out physicist era art a few things u kilowatt of uloctriilty will do it will light 3 000 cigars it will run uii electric clock for 10 1 it will beat a curling iron three minutui ovory day in the year sunday included will bout a bedroom fur an hour ho wlitcr or koop ibc room cool for 31 hours in the summer if a small imtllatlug fun is used it will propel uu automobile threo miles knead tight sucks of dour inti dough or opcruo an alcctrlc pltu o for 10 hours it will light uii old id candlo power kdlson inuip for is hours or a 21 watt tungston lamp for 40 hours or a 40 wutt tungsten lamp for or u cowutt lunguten lamp for 10 hun u 0luch oloctrio fan for the riier produced by u kilowatt hour of aluctrldty nhouul keep a email tuo tort yi lo a top upetd fur an hour 1 ho uncigy produced by a kilowatt hour of alcctridty running through a motor will rulab twentytwo tons of toulin uii liour ix not to the qwift a fcllut said to famous sprinter ill ruts you and beutvou if you ii let mo cbooso tho ixjunwafidt give ma a yard a ulurt fifty dollars to ono that you donl said tlio sprinter confidently naine your course up a ladder said tho challenger and ajltjial lu ono breath coruej u form tho huhlt of good ligllsli heartburn or beemrsen after moab re lixtnnzioyijjgmsuiijftt4iof of add4yspepi kihmoids plaatnirt to uko ncatrafisv acidity and help ro4tor normal gctki mum bt acott a downs failure tunouqm habit tho habit nf wasting time in inrgoly j renponnlhlo for the many failures wo oeo in every department of life tho ono with the oasy place who ran nit jtialf tho hours with idle hands nnd in finds himself bewildered wlrn i ha in given u position whore conuluul j industry necessary to his advance it it aecmn imposabllo to freo him i olf from tho nliggloh luibtta that holu him down and ho seen another with ixrhnps half tils talents leaving lilm far in ilia rear bocause of a capacity for etcudy work cultivate energy and a hnhit of prompt decision uuko a practice of laving something to fill every minute whether h la work or pleasure time frittered away in ldlanoss mcana tho rmtng of hablta tlmt in after yearn oil failure real estate if you havo a house for sale if you want to buy a houso in acton ask r- j kerr auotlonesr and rssl estate- dsslsr phone 39 younq street acton ont spring rains cause mud and dirt purchaoc a good door mat iiiiavi ocoa mats- hx24 t 10x27 00 ihxao 2i3 20x33 290 o till it maijv- j5 5170 tz2 t2lt idial hi li l math 4125 4160 41 75 i hair itmil ilitoomb 05c t23 z25 2 40 32x5 ori dar mops round and triangu lar 1jja brown daihy moph round 1 trlniular 125 wc wavc a paint and varni0h fon cvcrv purpo0c we have what yplj want the bond hardwaiie co ltd phone 1012 quelph relieve your luiewnatism for 25c nr does it by improving digestion assimilation and elimination tho logical way nr today relief or no pay tbero sjo three vital proceues of h exltoco tho dlcmtlon of food tho extraction of nun rlsti mint from it and tbo elimination of tlio waste let anything lnterfero with theso firoccsscs utthrra ha intrrruptrd or roproperly carried an and slckni of eatno klndfollows poor digestion and assimila tion moons failure to derive i full nourishment from food and that in turn often means lm- povertahed blood weakness en cm la eta poor elimination rnr an accumulation of wanl matter which poisons the body lowers vitality decreases tho power of re sistance to disease and leads to tho dsvelopment of many scrlouj ilia ithenmatlinn duo to some interfer ence with tho process c elimination failure to got rid of certain body poisons cannot bo expected to yield to any modldna that falls to correct the condition responsible for it- could any reasons mo person r himself of ihumatlo pali jhas3ahd rhaumatio poison ta allowed to re- main in the body think of this it explains tho suo- ccbb of natures remedy nil tab lets in no many cases whcro other medicines have foiled thousands are uolnff nr table to ovory day and get ting relief why pay flvo or ten tunes as much lor uncertain tlilncs a 25o box of natures itemed 7r tablets con taining enough ta last twenty- ave days- muit help you muit give you prompt relief and sat isfactory beneilt or cost you nothing and natures remedy ts not only for the relief of rheumatism it im proves dlreatlon tonefl the liver reg ulates kidney and bow el action 1m- to es tho blood and cleanses the wbolo syalem loul feel like a new parson when you vo taken nr tablats a week youvo tried tho exponalvs mnko the frame house for sale double house on church street fifteen rooms large lpt puxrip and cisterns apply to l starkman savage co estsblfshsd 1040 wvnoham 0t ouelph watch co diamonds jewellery library desk fleto fine china cut qla8b silverware silk umdrellaq fountain pens spoclalluts in wedding and birthday gifts expert watch and jewellery repairers you do not have tcv sacrifice ixxsrriiness comfort and beauty in order to save money look into the wide deep seats of this model ninety look at its ample legroom look at its spacious tonneau note how inviting and beautiful every thing is nothing skimped nothing cramped i it has big car performance combined with small car handiness and economy juat the qualities you most desire everything for its control is within easy reach and it has complete equipment every thing necessary for mmrimum service and convenience the motor is 32horsepowcr the wheel- base 106 inches and there are cosy riding rear cantilever springs and large tires non- skid rcart there is the famous autolite system for electric starting and lighting and the vacuum system fuel feed of finest type come in and tec this model go let us demonstrate its many advantages t j speight agent georgetown onta1uo wulytoverland limited wlhjcnibtj maturc ulu4hlcuiurawm 1w1 office nd work wut toronto ontario touriruj car model 90 j 136000 tourinff car model s5 119500 lor particulars apply to t j speight georgetown jas symon actoa deseuvk tub vuty bkst changing to civics this morp can supply you with iho very bcit mode to order clothes hats capo sox shirts braces underwear and all mens furnishings at tho closest prkes wo givo you quick rvic uml large choice of materials in ma do- to- measure clothing satisfaction guaranteed re nelson phon 40 nxt post offle quclph acton flour and feed store wo tiavo a uunily of tlio following now on band th wallknown dramii of kings choice nerval and national floy- nothing bsttsr rolled oats red clover shorts al3ikc oat chop timothy halt lu lluinlu uu il llugn or udiull ouuiitlty if tltliud ulkcial iinlu in clilcken 1tic1cd iiv1- our fajll mlai- a trial lowltric iulbii oats 1h1- lluul robert noble limited henrv awrly manaoxh

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