Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 17, 1919, p. 3

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ffilfr artun ifree inb0 tllirimdav aihii 17 101 thl chiltva choice if till ii ill ii uu i i 1 will ii ji in luku and finui lln i mm ln i ii plui k l ho ilnlllio a talent for liqtcning hunt wlm liuu taken irumlik nl iluntly a rriourct u edu utlo in nl lol iiulv for jbtlo hfo ctil friends liy lila formation ilia and lm haw r ndlng bu t ha and aiiiimllito ry nuhjoct that 1 upon to ud- whlti ho was wnt lo tho u d ma 11 piece knowlodgi nnloni into runvorw ono day ho wuh dress a largo wchoo ipuclully i uitr utfl fuol box und held of coal j i wunt to irova to you ho no i dr that iiu muny un tfty hands have hand itnl thin lump of coal beforw my own hnvn touch d il iio bo can with u lucid description of tlio formation of coal be do talking with all tho enthusiasm of a geologist than ho kuvo a rupld account of tho vurlntia processes of mining and transportation from tho drat blow of ft pick underground to tho dumpliiir of u load of roitl in thu uchoolyanl tho ichouiri llnlnd with breathless interest ui ho gave this practical do nonntratlon or natures economy lr storing in tho tarth ruwurcoa for human needs unil of tho cooperation of workers in mliilntcrlng to uio com fort of vi ry ono in ho room on that cold winter afternoon n a frlond who had accompanied bint to tho school rommentoel favorably upon tho address us they walked to ward their hoiniil von talked ho said like a geol ogist a mini lie engineer and a coal mtrrluint w intra lava yuu obtained thla inunuitii knowlodge of a subject which doffl nut enter into your every day life r it is my talon t for listening wm tho reply whenever i nro with men who know ono thing thoroughly i draw them out by a few lnclslvo cues- ttonn and then stand ny and make good use of my cam thon ho explained in detail hi no quaint a- ico with a cohjlst who had rr- vealo1 thn secrets or nut uro to htm ono dfty durlri- u long railway rido a oaajil visit to a coalpit where hi hod iufvitloiird every ono closely hid given him an insight into mil ono who listens intelligently ho re- morkod mii li urn much at odd mo racntu when ho lacks tho hours for read 1 rut if you are wellbred you will be kind you will not uno ii lane you will try to mako olhcn- happy you will not bo shy or self conscious you will never indulge in illnatured gossip you will never forgl tho respect du you will cot boost pf your achieve ments you will think or others before you thlnlc of yourself you will not measure your civility dy peoples bank accounts you will not forget engagements promises or obligations of any kind in conversation you will not bo or- jrumentatlvo or contradictory ton wirrnuvor make fun of the p- cullarltlcs or lduayncraalca of othcra you will not bora people by con stantly talking of yourself and you you will ncva undei uny cjrcum otnnnj tauiiu ttiofiw ruin if you cm help 1l you will not think that good in ten tlona compenuato for rudo or gruff manners you will not have two seta of man rent ono for company and one for homo use you will not attract attention by either your loud talk or laughter or show aur egotism by trying to absorb conversation selected how much 18 enough to eat 7 science is upeukltig up xar tlio twelveyearold who is always hungry age biro and activity havo all to dg with the matter a boy may neod more to uit limn a girl because he exercises more rather than because he la hirecr a small bookish father tied to a desk may need much less 19 eat than his romplnc growlas two yearold proeuny it is nolo to soy tlio a etowlng child needs ait thi bread and butter and milk and frul that it will tut when tho appottti must bo cottjci with u woo la it is not to lx trustrd if you hftvo oinnped running and tfrrwlnjr i n t juii ilobhloa needs by your ralutlvo oltcs an eleven yeafold buy can nunauo zjoo cal ories a day and a erownup nhoo- makur 1i1hj11 no mural cj rowing in very strenuouu busliuuis i to sure that tho children have both building material for lhu important occupation and enercy fuol for their ceaseless activity watchlim the child s wol will elvc you a key to tho situation tampering with your integ ritv the man who is wanted today ts the man of integrity there arv plen ty of thorn with trained brains tho schools see to tliat there are an as- tonlahiiik number of shrewd practical jmjoplo in tho world wltl a keen eye fur tlio mult chuiilt modem competition dovolopoa thtm by thu tens or thous ands hut thu ono for whom thn pooplo uru cuuiiorluic the ono for whom honors arti will tint and for whom posts of responsibility uro kept open ts tho man of tntirrity the nuin who u tcju i puitlou proor lot us bu vuriul how wo tuuiitr with our inlitrlty 1 hnowlntf away a little of tho tlmu which ikiiuiikb to our tin ployi r mollis a umull thin tiut wo art not worth ua iiiulii aftur it us wo wuru beforo thu lolty dluhoiiuiuca whlu are pustlcd over us u matter of course 111 business llfo uro it solialble for luak in- so many inun who tanut bo trust al we inut kti p uilridlvu ubovo luteurlty wo uni unfair not unjy to our nclvts luit to thu world whlut is in such sore iiioil of uiuu who are prof ox all ist temptation a mattcr or loyalty thmo ulrk rh lit punt the tin- ou man or xu- iik 0u1ck towkie j tun lnt 111 h un t- ulil tor anil llik illll l llll il iii uixiii rklni llltljf 1i0 of ik i 11 hlu the furt k tii irprlm 1 1 that you doi ntoru and in uunhir ilhir nut on hikhi ut higher prfrin hut llncln jultun put in i tin 1 madison who hld a ii in pojiltlou in 11 bunk down town if mr lay ton up prtclatid iwk or nnlil a cood word li him orianlonally it would lu dlfti runt dirk lit looking for u iwttcr place ho caune mr clayton hi uurli u gruiphli t uo i see no riaiuin why he nufilit to ik loyal to hltn yuu had lttor lw llvi i dont go out of tny wny to nay any thing for mr turner at tho hunk fo ha is nucli a grourh and tho mlnuto tomotlilng better outtra itm ii lm guinr to take jt my drar girl your brother ijick hi miles ahead or you in bunlnrnn actum aaid mr ludgo i hire a gnat muny young peopln mymilf in our officii ami i m very lurtlrular on tho uuhjott of loyalty usually our workupi conic from tho country or ntnull towno and wo ulwuyo mik tlicm why tin y u ft their nnllvo place lr tiny tell us thiu thu old aomo town wm iow and utupid and the people there wore behind tho times wo do not hire them unions uhorl or help and then only temiirarlly itut if on tho contrary they dilute on the nool points of iii umull place uml modcutiy say they luid gono an hli uioy could tlujpj anil were forced lock u wldr hold then w fuel rt u uonnbly certain that thny will bo wortli luthlng to us of tounio orcaiuilun ally we aro disappoint d but tlio youn person who lu loyal to hia honie hln town iits employer and to hia proam nion is the ono ho will uuro- very often 00 mo flrr uthldn uu and lakuu away our ik ero hut wo ulwuyii send them away with a word of uppro- ciatlon and our good wishes for tliey have beco loyal to ur and they deserve that from our flnru aftur mr rllgt had gono back to his paper kthel nat thinking over what ho had auidy she remembered with u flush of shamo how many times she had said little slighting things about thtj bank because tho preuldent of li imp pencil to bo dlnagreoahlo at times hho also remcnibercd that tho fuw thrift stamps oho ia been ublo t purchaso liad not been bought through our bank as iilck would have said there aro your eggs bigger and fresher than tho lice hlvo curries said pick coming hi ut tliat lnntunt wltli an important air our storo lu very partloulur about tho freshness of tho egss we buy and though they cout u cent more a dozen they nru wortii it und i thought youd rather wait than to run tho risk of getting stula ones i certainly would son aaid uru madison heartily and lra glad to have a grocery clerk in tho ramily who can keep an eyo open for bargalna ive noen looking hack alucu you left and im pretty euro youvu saved us a good many cents on our groceries thin week by your- car in choosing tin right things and watching for bargalnn mrs slocum is going to deal at im lconomy from thlu on lccauno jhu boyo we alvraya got better thing 11 tliuu she docs und its worth tiio walk down there to hunt for bargains la that nor cried ilck with glow- ing checks 1lltuu ur clayton about her to- morrow morning i wish i could bring in a do ton of tho neighbors just to show that im no knocker dick hurried up to his room to got ready for supper audi mr ludgo liardly waited until the door waa clostd aflo- hlm to say do you see thatf that hoy luu thu mukliitf of u buulniua inun in him and martha yon ru improving wonderfully your word of praise lu worth inoro than a reproof becauso ho took tho extra time i hopo the nuxt tlmo you como to visit with us you will he able to nuy n good word for mo too undo james said izthcl im going to bagln at unco to bo loyal to our bank and tuko lessons from dick in that lino ihidu luciunond a daffodil sermon o daftydowndilly tho air is uu chilly how uin you keep- wurm you bright llttlo thing v o is it so chilly said uaffy-down- dllly i thought it was wurm for you know it is spring if should unco shiver tho mules woul 1 tho birds then would see us uml they would nut sing my heart is not chilly ould daffy down dllly and that is tho reason i think it is spring ht nkholui no natter how deep roolwj thn cor wu rt may be it must yield to ho b com curp it used ua ul recto invidious distinction a colored sentluol cuallengod imiotiiai lultrul noldhir who seemed to lm t-nxry- lug souiothliig liutidu thu lliics who goes ihentf iiu uskud uoutenaiit with a jug o gin wus thu answer tiu lieutenant halt glnl win- nuuidcd tlio sentry uutjouid- loul dispatch arannys trib ute tho llev mr liwreii u ulll ihkirloi for uo lonjf a tl fumily tluil whet id with thu iruubv ho wuu obliged ti n move tu a new held 0 luboi thu family keenly felt his kuui tho beat pustt r wo vu ever hud 111 tills town du larud 1 all er jruuby heartily i dou ux1hcl o ouu lux mjuul ugttlll llwll goiwl cjii uiny u uld modiur irunby und so syuiputt ho if the leust thing weill wrong a imitikh koldikils rixoki tho mihtsry tunorsl of ror major itoar ejrothar of tarti ciijr jicuil aetun thlrn i th it 1 tin hlih hdiiu lul 1 nun 1 t1 u uitl 11 y cui iiinueiitly got hiup ur tut h th tlu iij ht k i hi a d yj thu huhl ii no iiduyn tl 1 hn 1 lllu n ii have b c on rovorjo 1 to tl 0 uu uul rdf d 1 wnnn w ut 11 t uppr iiiku the i ndu i luioad of deuce idl a n t nc lu it nit all kno h th my allow a ii 1 u th 11 luucy lu nun rlnj- 11 d i ion t luiu w wh hi 1 hnfouri uni henu r tl 11 v rn in 1 oiuet tn ilum i uw r illu lc 11 full iy pi ntlf 1 un 1 1 t high prh d i iir nuy at n r ill liu roll wuu hllty t npolugl idnt htamu i oji llttlo ill iipuui n i thu 1 for i poor 1 ua m felli oil end of thu ullu thlu tolumii way ihiy lm ottirtnl i u urttcl11 wo oriliiuiry pn rli i don hut i uin that u all rt iihiinl n und tuko bfam t wa llku it th- lall lo t lain i v id till with ed foru while of butlhii in tin 0110 or l and it wiui the 1 lr hrln undir din uutloii i iiiiuih pour of complaint und the eport of the cuuh u und tlnully emu iow was iibonr oil the laut w hu lu wlit had tho 1 ulo thin u of huttl 1 filth s nidi 1 d th artlon tukun rtsurdlng tho ire hrl lude a linn move i thought the utun fn vi ti iji t hi ivaa fur tin- ilxj hijl liiurmtn of th lowu tin ro wuu thing or two lu thlu urgum nt l ha tin kulttuu did imni juulitltd in bu thy wmo trivial 1 aim owrheur hint wo wre without a 1 lr hrlgudt i hlu wuu ruly 1 plnml lo hltt i knov hluinud well that with m m ighlxir murruy meioimid ut the in ml of thl organisation uu hliif that ututi o uhaln couhln i lunt long tin lcmm uimumlng- juriudlctioii uv r li i ir ilrigah has in t tulugly hiiik d n cr vlolnl uphiaul but it lu aiming- hw and ull will s tlmt ill tile ml thin prmluro will be foi thu 1 ut lut rtuti t ihjiii nr wo have ulwu ritlztliu i tun mu right ui c hill wan uad r th hud hla fullln tuiuu 11 foi 1 rati pay n mn hxn 1 will follow me u major rivy 1 th 1 1 ih other oil 1 fulthful and 1uii1 all tin i this oriuuiuitlot will luku illtirri efforts u m 11 hi hi mh luut novuihher mlc enough utx6t lio 1 thu 1 to ok fo vur knew lunili ihuted aunt ann was ulwuyo ihttttilotl with whut h liad to uat and he novi r grumblutl io had umli a uerenu disposition sighed jllutor luuru llu brought ai loapehertt of n jiui win nover lu lu into the liuuuu oench and oar l runny or nby tho rtrcphuo shook her hi ud do ua she uddtut her trlhutu of ultci tl uiuis him itntfully alio u id hu wuu tto best hand ut lnjf liuth jullloru over i did seo thu wit and guh knrjui of rupurtee whh h ehurui trrit 1 hir v it mmlth who is now lord oimiiulkir with a salary of i uoo u thu age of forty- six hi provtrblul in 0110 of his eurly cases ho wus opposed by an elderly prosy ong winded luwyt r who ttpolo for alx hniira 1 iii 11 ueludlog addrres tin 11 hlr irjodirlek rose ioukhuf ftt jio judt und jury hu swilled slightly ami nulil ttour houuf i will follow tho ex- ojiiplu uf my luuined frlnnd who hj juot imiinluuct and submit the can without irgument thrift a city uhould he 1 ondui tod as thrlf illy us u tit oti li household suyu muyui mltihul of new uik tu a wuuhlugtui htur rtjmhtef yuu know of uiunn the kind or idutch houmljuld 1 mull tho kind win re the father sotting fortl on a fortnights buslncsu tilp suyu in tho hull ylootl lyu all und kuthleon dlnnu forgut to lunk leutlu lluplj hli glassks ut when hou uu louklll ut ny tiling dolthowinq at home inutlad of goino auroad ability tu hkh tilt ulu will uliioud that illry th u this uml u lo ivv tu f diul half c the ueoltttng tin i h 1m 1 i ijllij i in uf liuli to iluy lu major j i full 1 il 1ul pin ut ltintu in v din d v lift iiicuii of un c 1 1 in nlul ment m ijor i dwui itui r who dud uft r u iilior 1 ut tho 1 illy ui of 43 tin i wuu u uiiiurt uuldkr uud win i 11 np li d lui ulll whim hu wa tliuu in ihurite of 11 tliiiudii lut devon voiniw he win mini r1111 li inml uliinit u incut ii nl k luivi huvliil iitriilinr hli uhll tialulng uml it uplt run lu1 iih uu iitot ikivi juhilni the hi my at tho uge of 2 in wuu piittl tu the 1th jlumiuru 11 lid wul tu iii lit with that rifltmut- in tin follow liii jnr he wuu nine rjti in tin 1jiic ho wan p huol fur a 11 ring rldln frha h un in lullu to go i iii iii ultlll u tin 11 of hlu r in nil r hi m mujoi i 111t whrn he v rt itldlnp- utrgiant ami wmt from tin n with thi mkliiiimt to huuth afrli a in t homo to tho cavalry iruron eiiulliitloii plo 1 ti lie returned to buik again to lnglaii i nigh a lourau of phy itui at alitimhot on uu tl hlu rij lunnt in 1jod to col hi wuu pmniold hergiant mil luntruitor of 1 enrltig and lyuiiiuuliini lie wont with tho reki- metit lo inland in 1011 und waa thou apihilnti 1 to the luriitunuut htun f thn uoal lut ikvon yiiimmirj to 1i udiuurl rn or it squadron at ottrry st mury hi inohlliuxl tho kiuudron in auiru it utt und wuu with the lut it dvumt on the 1aut ouut till muri li 16 whim tin regiment left for thu duiluiiilki tmrgt m ijor icookir thin mlutid in trulnlntlu wruii 1 regiment id tut r on jlio third irouiotcd to igliuiiitul in rgeuiit major in 191g hn 11 t then ui ut to the ltimuunont stuff of in south irish llorui to which rg-1- uut lm waa attai lied at tho tltnoof n death in ltu ho gntned tho dla- tlngiliihul ctrtltlcutu fur tnuuki try ut htlu uml in 1013 wuu prtmiitul with tin loiighurvire und oimhi con ilu t h du lie won numitouu prises fur 1 111 j rig jumping etc und wm 1 ho 1111 in nglniuiita t ainu 111 funru wuu u military one the iliiuid hting luirui k hlu iiulrul- hii pldi u on thu nlmulx of u lie i 1 hni 11l from thu illjcl r liurrucks r r iii thirgo of conil moon tlui 1 1iii11 wu 1 covered with the union jack on willi h rented thu duci aaods nip and uword an interesting point uiinilil wltli this is that the utllon jui k in cd uuu the njmo imu which waa imed ut thu fumral of thu latu iord llohirtu being kindly lent for tho uciuiiliin by a gentluiuun ut kxmouth thu hlef inoumoru wcru mrn ilook- r widow corpl ie i kvano ujl o brolli rln luw mr l hvurui father- inlaw mm wluihnuin dilutcr in- luw mm wuglum uml mm solman otlnru pnueut w n major it colo- ildgi lu uimmiuul uf the adinlulutra uv llti do situud ijiiit 1urkir second llout i it 1 colobfrd it h m wlldirooue s m davy c q m h cooper si rtg oruuiuild orplu snelgrovu and t ox and luc corjil iliker of thu 1st vii iwim higluient and vrpl j woud of thu dovoiuihlro iteglment rim diuiiiuudu ngliueiit tliu twuth irtiiti i lonii- wiui nipreiontrd by it s m it w smith med-ili- south rrleji mmiii und long h-r- vli sugt major t hutcher soutli afrlci and inng servlio and bere o uvanil monu tho colonel of the 4th htmuirn uvnt a tetter regret ting ills inability to iwinl a diitachmuut owing to the national a tho ilrhik party wuu und hid of s m muiiley or tin com id waa rpr devon iteglmi lit au tin rununil purty entered the chu h clioplnu murchu ium i wm pliiiiit uu the urgun by curpl x clilppirlleld uml ut tiiu close of thn uirvitu thu dead mart h from suul wuu rmiilimml at tho toncluulon of thu 11 rvlce lu the eiiurehyurd which wuu luipiisulvly conduit d by tho vli ir the llev j w moteulfu an i wltiieoiuxl by a larfu uniniunxi ptopli ihr volleiu wiro lid by ilrlm lulty uml the liutt iout wiui uliiud h nun biuiutiful mu nil tribute 1 wu htil iiy the widow corpl lvana mr uml mru lvunu mm wiuchunuii major and mru colurldgu uilleeru and men south irluh homo terieant meni south irluli homo lieut cov herd 1st a w saddler ill c miss hollllio mrs hlrii madame i- utrro mru and miss cjruy mlui 11 wunlu isiggy llowmm mru snooki und fiunlly and mlau irigg whos got the button t 1 in iiiluluti ru wlfu wuu v r j thiiily tng on uftyu ion itnll tli fmilly 1 lotion vhi 11 a mighhor eulltl f 1 1 u frliiudly 1 hai afti r a few m uk ntu of iiewn mill gimuip he culler ru 111 irliil uu shu ixgun to luiithitt 1 hnskt of huttoiiu you in to bu uiiiiauuuy well uup plltl with buttons of ull kinds wh tlurou on ilk my huauum hud 01 lib lust wliitt r u unit in i i uuid the uiinlaurs wlfl with u ulgll will ull tlie button wr found lu tin xiutrihutlou box p i jln111hl 1 mu ht au well inuko jumi hut uf ihtiu what rnmit you go it of th fi nl 11o0i1 f mu ml i h a id 1 mxl to llw i u h un i ulif thlu hoi unit ti u mum du un olhi ru do i 1 uiiiili th uiiii fin wuu tun 1111 i th llheiati tilu li i ol f tin- mi nl uu 1 ful 111 i hunt 1 in iilu tnilnliy utule1 1 orii iri uj u uu ujl ir the ur t rlmul 1 of hlu uiiiuu r ial llf itui tin ti utli ami 11 ii it not in upltt uf tin mii 1 uj unit hlui of uiuiniiuliin lump iithii in in nil n forum- irtlling 1 in up till 1 i ml tin in- 11 who milv i uioiuul uuiut tiid hi ii i tiiliu h in un nt in iijlte uf tho fotthut tlio hdt wlll on duy itnd mi it th 1 uin itlrl nu como horn lo ioiit solum 11 in sho and iuliiir louridl what he wag wondering au irlnhni 111 hav ini iiuiituliu d u tllght injury h uglk 1iu1 1 off a ui rfiur ihut hji u lifiitk mug- imploy id u lwy 1 to uhi 1111 mpi iniatlimi ftr hltn he w m hi 1 un ii 101 rt hut hlu surprint in hf 1 f unit to a third of ii amount uwiirlil which made mlikty nuilli hlu ht id und nay to hlu lnwr i in j mil wmi- lerin wimili rlnf whut t th luw ytr auked wh llnr ii win you or mi ihut f ii off hi 1 uid 1 t uplii 1 mjikoy forget it in in loo fulliwini iuhu knoiv i thing- tint will urki if you th j of a mini or a wotnun 1 1 irl or 1 ly tluit ulll wli out u 11 nil or tin le 1 it way anno a fthnw or iiuiie 11 lm w to ifn u ptty good plin lu fon t it scientific iaifwiirvnii auy you u iijgud in uoiiiu orlgluul rem art h upon what uuhjief ilopholnore i 111 trying to dim ovi r why the ink wont low fi my foun- tain pen unil in 1 plufi 1 hi uu up rlyht jhiuitlou lu tin p ki t of a light fancy v ut it hllpu to make thinqq hapimlr 1 ii mlii un in th hint pi rutin 111 hi uoil1 p wluin 1 itiyllhl like to rr 1 11 11 1 v nu imll how mm h in hi nulu i mh ht h 1 11 urn uf 1 mu 1 ir1 iiimiuhii iln d n r nt lliui un ut uml i 11 1 1 01 lallin i twu u two of il 1 in 1 1 will nu 11 it uiumi ii ii f h our umihi uf r mil lu un in 1 mil iiilmlu hi r more fun lily r wh 1 li in pi iu tu mould r hi 1 1 1 i 1 1 lu iln ultulr liuitil or 111111 iif- h r to think whither or not 1 in in 1 if might huvi huil iiomi llttlr it in iln uin 1 uu m urly v ry on 1 p vu hi in hi- have dljifrf 1 will 1 li iit mm li to kiiowlulgo it until il ihut in or in mo 11 u or th iii in thou htfully ut u ii 1 inn i uuiif h lo ui know ii 1141 f 11 tin wkng without 1 1 llni way uml uppi oprluti d ui un ailnii 1 fuitiu r llupriiu upon ono th m 11 ulliiili of ih ir fault tluit 11 i 1 way of iutlut un upology v i tlim anil it 11 neither 11 111 null 111 i in i 1 1 uitlnr tn my way of thlnklni i ui in ldoiu a dluagree- im id in uu h om in mtln iy to hlumi uni mu ly iv ry ope in ttuill immu politi in whloh tin y mlfht huvu lieon kliilr or luu ut if wllltil tiptclally wh n th nth- 1 1 nimntuiit 1 uough n up t l it imipu i mau thlmpi li pi 1 all hi uml tn nv i win at riull 100 uml i 10 irry miir ly ti re lu iiuuiethlilir in the hrrtrt not ijulte rlgu when wo euntiot iu pt uu upology from umthir gmv 11 iy ami in 1 uplrlt thai niakeu th poljl lfjni one ful that oho lu glut of thi woiwlllallou editorial troubles lujul liuhlli itlon ov tin- lloikv moiiutnlti oy lone with iiiiiu pin w llphli ultl 11 in ih way hi 111 liiuli lllmull wlu1 we bum li our null hit ihoi thlu printing o hlu pliallui to tiuppty un with uny ifln nr 1 n uin it will ht phtr 01 ihlvn wm in plmi 1 wu 1 111 g t any wt imv or li 1 d t lit iiilu lng l htm and will l i 1 i uloug without hum till 11 v urn vvi ilun i ii pi th ioik opli mil illing iiy hitlir tu ui our uml iu i ill uiiululx will hlpptil in tin huil ov igululed phiwilllru ami iph tin ph u and 1 u un xu und u 1 lull out w uhull ret p nouiid thn r hard thn yilnne whirling aphti r a phuu hlon till tin norts arrive sel ltki 1i1 1 hiv ft implouiont f they orudusto loin this colloo 11 iur 1 ii 1 miw writ it i 11 u j i il hu 1 irloripal a i u 1 luvntt lu nklng- ini pipi a ftui p ipu 111n111unul dricl ami v u iililn1 ffe 5gvenpiayingfj nt xrv br varjvr vrrrtcftwa rj vfouowro camana c p cleaning itcasins itepalrlne your qothca thoroughly cleaned in sanitary workshop pressed and repaired by expert workmen wo can mrlkc that old suit look like new try us ontario maiie ifour co- ip ok better a new set of rear curiam lip his or your ford or chevrolet will utld a hun dred dollar to tlio apear- anco of your tar toll us the year and make of your car and wnd p o money order wo send bevel class rear lights withconiplete now mater ial or back of car wo also make rear hght3 for all makes of cars wnto us tho desiffn you waiat wc spocializo in car painting tnmmini slip covers tiro covers tops cushions dust hoods sprmg covers buslunfia brass and alununum cast ings and everything for tho motorist oskawa brass foundry oshawa ont mmsmmm cmfmrf zjm 1 a ery powerlul cleaaser it li uu cos clesniufj up the oulcat and bsrdeal dirt fjreaae lc ctmfort tfm i fine for makiefl alnka dra 10 asd close u rrweet and clean ctmftrl i0 ktlu rata mice roacbe- mod loaect petta cmfrt ly will do tho bsrdeal aprlnfl etcaniod yoove fjol mfrtl la flood forniaklofi aoap- ila powdered peh and 100 pure- thlu sttdr wvri a gnat jul f j imitiulmr in pldiillng it win ru you want it only iu furrow mad l i ill whli li turnu und doei not tlog ur trail u ttl will ow um turnip 1 imiii onloim tahhugu uugtr beotu mingulii t iieumbtr uni ui luiu m or my other kind of seed drupplng uct 1 lu thlu muiiiu r or thlu miilhikl of nitillng iiu a 1 t it mil of iu und labor uluo uprt utllug fertiiiitr uu mmli uu jiu ilk around thu need ti1l1 1mctii r is no id eithtr with or without frtillr r utt hm nt aluo tltu ou nearly ovi ry st iter win idy lu um i for it 1 if un one or two uirtu by ini reaslug tlio crop munufui turel nuranlml uml mild by a horamo sona dublin out st ml to da for fi- hifturndtluii und social price list to charles e- parker agent acten- ordir your iron wiro i eiu lug 1 r luul i am shortly to ixculvn itu id h lu clharlej e parker mux street acton ontario actois creamery co highest price pciid for your cream faik test and full satisfaction ulailntfjil ouu viuck foil buteu fat is 2c hichku this week- any iiuantity of new i jid egipi purchased we art auulinu a on the road for collect cream anyone deaixino ua to call for cream iluiiu- or notify us by mail- acton creamery co willow stittet oppose cuvcruinciii building

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