Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 17, 1919, p. 4

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kw v jllfe arimt 3wt poa rilljjt ikav alltfl 17 191 i tji vut t ierl l hurt i 1 ii duto to w i lali alrvliui hnj kau- i hi 1 1 lad cm ovry thurni lull lint mill f inot arl rice la 1 t0 mt year ail lltlonal to ofneca in tho liloh uuburrlntlorm aro nald is crtiln irr lliii 114 il renin in r lino r r 1 el in play mlv rtlumui id routii i r ii 1 h i jipccini dim mi 11 j wl accord i niiy tijiji hon r 1dllorlal mi 1 liiuili ileswimcu traimiont advertisements 10 imuiuri inmit for flrnt insertion anil l in li nut atxjurnt insertion- contract i fi r 100 liiclirn ur mora per nnniim it hmertlon advertisements without 1 1 o li utrtud till furbw and cluuffcd 11 1 mookls ldllor and i ubllshar the liberals ore taking stcpa to get into lino again in dominion matters and possibly select a new leader to din end a national liberal convention 13 announced to be belli jn ottawa on august 5 fl and 7 the announcement 13 given out tlll3 early so that all constiiutcncics may organise and arrange to send delegates 1 gleq at the uptake ilur mujim mim in from pel hdi rorial the i referendum hallo t a great dciil of controversy is taking place over the form 01 the fujtiois for the referendum on th liquor iiuuc- the temperance people arc not finding it so djfiicult to unswer the questions us other people who arc not out and out prohibitionists because any- otic favoring prohibition merely has to answer ill four questions in the negative it is difficult to sco how it is going to work out in the other cases for instance one question has been raised that if a majontj is n favor 0 the repeal of u10 ontario temperance acj how could the government carry out the wishes of any subsequent majorities on the other three questions by amendments to tho ontario tem perance act which it 15 pointed out would not then exist if it wero repealed under tho first xjuestion tho drive for stronger beer now in progress wjll prove in the end great failure the proposition if temporarily successful will bo almost impossible of enforcement and it is doubtfu if it would achieve anything more creditable than an increase in the illicit trade in whisltoy indeed when the amount of law breaking under present conditions is considered any relaxation must he contemplated with anxiety pioneer the demand for hydrotlcctric power and light t growing in rural districts as well as in the civi centres lincoln county board of agriculture ta week decided to request the ontnno hydroelectric commission to have the act amended to permit counties as well as townships and uran municipnh tics to purchase and distribute blocks of clectn energy for lighting and power purposes ui rural con stituencics rlfrt utood oulill 1 fc door finity the hlltho jftnr njatr niid nrknowlrdtod lender in ida eliul jmtnii liy plrkcl up tho ill nila 1 hearty ttutu one nurtmt i nlsnlflrantly lynn ojrlolmrjj ivn 1 incunaco onol i almoul itlnjr ilrldjr o me liy half jiuot i mi tnl l it father mild waltr 0 will jimt ik limn rr ui iiih 1 that afternoon walter n tlui library when tho younrer tn cunin midline in lee vine tho 0jm11 qruiklnw ahlverod lut iot hi n al uuro walter iul uo 1 nirl thn inur without a woro t v tliir wului and mo father in thn llhr iry wlio twocent letter postage the united states government has set canada a good example by reverting to twocent letter post age our own government will probably take similar action shortly the adoption of the threecent fetter rate during the war did not prove as great a revenue- producing measure in cither canada or the united states as was hoped for with the increased letter postage rate there was a very perceptible decrease of letter writing while the twoccht rate for post cards greatly diminished the use of this means of communication penny postage in the past greatly increased tho revenues in all countries its re- adoption will be universally welcomed and postal revenues will no doubt be increased instead of dim inished when such action is taken the general tendency on this north american continent seems to be to out law the traffic in liquoi this extends even to tho salo of beer and wine m many sections in the state of michigan last week a majority of about 120000 votes was cast by the electors against the beer and wine amendment this is a fair indication of bow the vote will go in ontario next fall the peoplo are pretty certain to vote no no no no to the four questions to be submitted wl ullid hn did not nay ill win 11 tc ivn to unr hit ivn hll boii a clan co th tnmrdlutnly and left thn helping people jomn tlinn ninrt we wcr invltrd ti u iimall intlnrhif at he homo if n frlrn i o110 r the 1 ik fit o vnii to coirn on a trnin fr m u 11ruhu riiu town afjlr hlirr tlio lilitlo of tlm nchn wo fiil out 11 ttio porch t uwult hrr iirrlval ibxin w ruiw in f mn in u a iillililmirli k wtrrt turrylnr n inrrt ami hravy iii 1 hu uhllo j frld dil lady pixirl rind wiiu wall fur ly i uidu that h junt llkn ra all tin tiolo iihn lian found that old uo man at tho atlin find la icndlui ltr u and l it civ il thli utm flrl wi hututirul talrntr i and ori omtill iliml 1 rt fiha wjb not tuihainid to iki ii nrryjnir thn hurdcii nnj urtlnj- u ruldn for ttie ard kril mox many laillrn of far iran jkjuuioii and rult uld tin vi ikjoii nnlmnnd an i hoi 1 it tht vrry nujfiru hi juot pariaarapha tlji tiiitrrnrul niun hi ulwiy t tn i whi lli r lm frrn mho it or not any innil ran wirk when tin t iu illln it li adi r tn niily in ju ii c 1 i y lit uhllll to f r t- tiurrlitif itn mil r lirt for thuin inl rvri vir hlrd tooil hut do- mil tlirow it into tin in il think hi talk lltlh 1 vr nun i luicli cp il w ru hard ilvt frroly iwiy ranli on l kind ii lu nmucli diq vocanulafty ncdcd tin rn uio two hundred and fifty ii tin 1 turd in th- li ic una unr nn i inn i f thrnl vero uxo 1 lant i luy hy n lnl wli i dlwovrrd afli r nlnj- out f rhiirrli llmt tin nnw liat ii oilofnid with a lac on whlclwno hi li r lure o 7t- jnrj n isurur plaiitauon in culia innlallri a fpjil iirfior d air loco ivo nn ilu rallruud to avoid dancrr ii njmtliu too w10e id ho iiiiitty illh u fur lirl frlrnil of ida iy ulio mint rn i to icd lilu rncor rcjunl from tilu ric at tliti up tl for hi in wl out ir ww oil ihi t in 1 1 thn way illirr all h invnr uild hlrr day indr- jj that in houi u4iror w jolt anlitxl for witiito ohi the clrrl ull tlm ur lu hut roll i t h alert iliacrvunt and impro ik mlli t to b nn swift ti tcrv j i on til lulck to ucc in fact to bo ul ti uua a j an li mith put it clcii at tl u lako ready to act j kill till llfchtct hint n a cifl lndrd whtro it lu i ut a sift it may bo u crn in d o o that in well worth whl la to 11 lllu to il kdtrd if a bill introduced by the hon t w mcgarry in the ontario legislature shall become law the playuip of the national anthem at the close of all theatre per formanccs in ontario is to be made a compulst ry matter mr mcgarry in bis bill docs not say that the national anthem shall be sung but he provides that is sfiall at least be played ontarios loyal citi zens will have no objection to complying with this canadas forest valuta the important part that canadas forests are to play in the reconstruction period is daily becoming more evident this is brought out in tho annual re port on the pulp and paper industry prepared co operatively by the forestry branch of the depart ment of the interior and the dominion bureau of statistics the value of the total product had in 1017 increased ho per cent as compared with 191s and while the quantity of pulp wood consumed in creased not quite 50 per cent ip tho two years the total value of the same increased nearly 100 per cent in 1017 2100000 cords were used valued at 18- 817000 the total number of wage earners in the industry increased from 1915 to 1917 by about 50 per cent while the wages paid mcreascd 90 per cent improvements to educational system a feature of the week in the legislature was the intellectual treat given to the members on the occa sion of the ilrs real address of the hon dr cody as minister of education the minister in a very full address splendidly rendered made a survey of tie whole educational system of tho province two of bts most important measures were to provide for consolidated schools in rural districts and to change the method of enforcing school attendance sonic of the matters dealt with by the minister were his intention to provide libraries in rural districts and to train teachers in tho use of libraries the training of teachers in connection with technical and industrial education will in future be divided into two sections under separate superintendents grammar will be combined with composition so as to make the subjext more attractive to the scholars tho minister docs not propose to do away with homework but inti mated that the tasks set might be considerably light ened spcciatsecondary agnculturdl commercial and technical schools are to be provided every assist ance will bo given to enable rural school boards to increase the salaries oftjic teacher editorial notes in the vote on wine and beer in quebec last week the influence of the women was lacking woman franchise has not been enacted in that province ontario will have the advantago of the womens vote they know best perhaps the great benefit of the absolutcd closed barrooms by the betterment of the homes the vote in ontario will be on a vastly different basis and tho result will be as vastly different a lengthy debate was initiated in tho legislature lost week by mr nelsop parliament a liberal farmer from pnucc edward county in which he demanded thata non partisan commissi on including represen tatives of agriculture and labor should bo appointed by the cavcniineut to inquire into tho conditions which are ordinarily responsible for the continuous decline in the rural population of the province he emphasized the need for market roads rather thn i trunk highways udvocatcd a rural banking system and the extension of hydro rddials he also called the attention of the govarpmcnt to the unwarranted spread between the prices received by tho producer and the cost to the consumer quebec lust week gave u large majority in favor of wine and beer but that province never had the advantage of un experience under prohibition not withstanding the criticisms of its opponents and tho violations of the- act that have taken place the fact remains that for tho pustwo mid a half years on tano has under prohibition been a sober province since september 1010 drunkenness has been rare health happiness uud comfort aavo como to homes where they were previously siraiigcrs and thousands of ontario people bids the day that brought to them freedom from their greatest cncinyt let us help to make these conditions permanent by voting no tp all four referendum questions when election day comes indications of a return to normal rates in trans- atlantic shippingare now seen in the marked reduc tion of ocean freights on commercial traffic and the gradual releasing by the british government of an increased amount of space for commercial cargoes all rates show very considerable reductions and in di cations are that as the season opens at the port of montreal freight rated will have been materially re duced at the beginning of the year general cargo rates were 0 50 per 100 pounds now tho rate is quoted at 3 50 per 100 pounds an expert opinion among tho many humorous xnfa itrui that have npikarod in print nlncu 10 outbreak of war la this from tit- jlltu tlio commanding o nicer of r itrtuln roslmont wan much trouulcu about tlio timlatrnt untidiness ut onu ut lilu men heprlipund and tiuniah- mrnt had proved to bo of no avail a brilliant idra u truck tlio eolonoi why not march th man up and down tin wholo lino of the reclm and olmrqo him into decency it w m dono the imth y vvarrlc who hulled rrom tho 1 jncnild lala wa i ordered to oxhlblt hlrrtoolf ajid march uii and down tho cntlro tehncnt and thr mm wit told to havo a ffood look at him attcr tho ordeal waa over tho un- ohanhed non of irln halted oalutcj tho colonel and said in the heorink or tho whole corpn ijirtlrut rs1mcnt i ivcr lnjlpectcd hdtnhe ho lattir lilnln thit cautioned him uhout alcrka iut aiiythlnr fix th ulns klddod an not irttl 5 omai over him a few daya latrr a lady entered tho utonc and anlcrcl for norm hlrd nrod aw co on cri lined th clerk you cant kid mo illnu in svlrhed from ccrs ioo anglotr tlinoji not much chancct fresh rich fullflavored tea the sivtae every time temjs goodie sold only in ocaled packages business directory mcd1cal th03 cnay m d c m mcqilu i it- t i idlnl urili i it i i ft ti tiuutrow mftnl r ijrltlnti medi cal association etc ohlco frederick u rcrt ac got dr j a monivcn phyaiclan nd qurqeon orfle and hnlilunrr corner itowor ajrenue and i lilln htreeia tho reald euce formerly oocuj led b i m ilert- darson arton out x vctcillnarv john lawgon veterinary quroeon acton on u3nutuat of ontario veterinary col iree ib so omre- arthtira illicit jualdence ulll btrret calln day or lj1 prompt ly attended to legal i to la tho into i m a ybe ttjyed the woldlcr liut win new to paderew8ki n jack iondou met iaderowkkl in the annual report of the lords day allinnc the following complimentary reference to tho attitude of the returned soldier is given prominence it was feared that tho nosunday life of the soldier at the front would seriously affect bis attitude to the da on his return we are discovering however that 1 1 this case the old adage is true absence makes tfrc heart grow fonder deprivation of ht3 weekly rct during active service has created in many instances the mjstent demand for the enjoyment of its pm ileges when the sound of the guns is silenced and the men return to the pursuits of peace acton is enjoying an era of prosperity every house is occupied and more aro in demaad business is good and bound to improve this is just the rght sized town to settle down in and enjoy life every thing for the comfort of life can be bought here and 10 will go nearly as far ss 25 will in the large cities when you want to leave the farm come to our town and build a nice comfortable home and be among the best people in the world an occasional pleasure trip to the city may readdy be taken with both steam and electric roads ready for your choice or a two hours motor drive on good stone and concrete roads the sunday selling of gasolene is absolutely un necessary and should not be expected of dealers nor engaged in by them t m rochester general secretary of the lords day alliance points out that the action of the fuel controller in placing the ban upon the sunday sale of gasolene though the ban is now lifted has been immensely helpful in supplying indubitable testimony that tho spnday sale is quite unnecessary the situation is improved also by tlu closing policy adpted by the imperial oil company and of other firms the situationthereforc follow ing experience of war conditions- must bo regarded universally as highly gratifying itts most desirable in these days of reconstruction for townspeople and farmers to get as close together in their relations as possible in the average com munity the town is dependent for tt3 prosperity largely upon the money received from the farmen in the ordinary channels of trade rather than upon that obtained form tho sale of its own products in tho average town tho merchants cannot make money ondoodtinuo in business if they are dependent solely upon tho people of tho town for their business no business can last long with everything going out and nothing coming in and it is equally truo that no business can bo operated on tho principle of every thing coming in andi nothing going out to main tain tho balance which is necessary to tho mointcn ance of prosperity in a community there must bo an oven trade between the business men of town and country there was a motion brought before the legisla turc a week ago by wm mcdonald of n b rue- seconded by sam carter of guclph asserting that tho representation in tho ontario legislature is too large un wieldly and expensive and pointing to the hugo sum of over 150000 for indemnity and ex penscs paid to members during tho year mr mc donald desired a reduction of tho number of con stitucncics to conform with tho representation frori ontario in the federal house namely from 111 to bu after a mirthful discussion mr mcdonald withdrew his motion ho was supported in it by mr proud foot the opposition leader who thought the motion ihould havo been received more seriously if tht nicmbcrship was reduced to 80 it would save th province 40000 ayear and on that account it might have been advisable to consider a reduction mr sam carter believed that the foundation of rcpiccn tatiou should be population tho motion however uns generally opposed ho i ild 1auerewnkt my performance un a iiluno on one occafllon won the mcarii of navlne my life how u7 inyuired the moater of the keyu ixilttely it wan uihi way leather owned a lihiiitatjoii on thn mlaalnolpul there wui a hood tho water roko through uiu levoe and turn tho house lrom ita conner f i ton iiaa country crow led what i object trade un liuncl workman yet comjjetlo i to siitttr the amely uf iuoh irofeaaloiiala au u lawyer a minister and in luctloneer kc a bad neloc tlon jock nmarkel hln friend oh ylto no in u way hut when tlu mlnutt and tho lawyer start un nrtu ment on icyitlan law in thn mlddln of tho nlch acroaa hair a joun bedu wl the filcimed auctioneer on umpire what chance hno oven a iilumtmr o utopjiln tlie koa teak t whenyou travel even in canada foil i dation t iithur 11 anted off down utiram the dlnlni room table i accompanied him on the pluno e a friendly booster if your ntichhor la iroflprroun him iiro dont crunl crowl ktumbl say u ttxnl word for him anil let it c at that don t ho luiocker your turn will come one tnaii io the wholo allow if you eeo thai the town tu motlnjr alopc nlcit feci exxki utmut it help thlnca ulunk ahovo u little try to ct oonsi tho bvnoflt youroctf dont a land und like a chilly old cadaver dont lima ruimftjroo wujj l t u bocauia uomo follow iulb a ilttlo more sand and senso than you have do a lltue huatlinr iv tf lon t bo j knocker a lesson in it i aid tho teroimrance mac t nirly nh joe to the ciutara of clirh tcnliii uhlti with ehnmiiasno 1 don t replied the other man 1 think thirou u tunperauca lenson it it lluxv can that be well liumedlatety after tho fintt th f wine i ho ahlp takes to water and titiolut to it aver- after h1qhest an ami rlcun admiral tclla the atory a jaiiincao waiter who served him i board the u b war vcaael mew york he nan a cood waiter cour- teoua jirompt und ijujck u learn tho admiral took notice of him and often ild him thlncu about ehlua and oallors quo day the man disappeared anil the admiral loot ultht of tilm bomo yum later the american was in ope and mado a call on a japanese hattuuhli lyliur in u harbor of france 10 captain met him on the ranrway i eacorted him u lila cabliu aa uiey were neated tlio japanese ouddenly turned threw off hia luit and threw a napkin over lilu arm the captain would une ho nald in a tone that tlio admiral remembered tho ffreat jap ae ooinnaanfler was iuoo other thai admiral u old aervaat in u lowly txialtlon lm hud learned and obtained llflcatluiia for dlkhcet acrvice are wc oownhearteor inner- tuy tnuter i uav loot my tiinlllnc are you veiy wife i luorman dowiiuirtod 1 minor lou bet i be why alio ui arrybn tho punk llukal lxiireoa notice to creditors in the vauui of kelly griffin re tired contractor deceased notice la hereby filveu that the iredltoib f kelly irldln into of thn villa bo of acton tn the county or hal ton rotl rod contractor deceased who 1 on n ibout the eighteenth day of march a ix ibid and all other per noiut liaujmr claims nslont lus cntmlo retulrd on or before the tfintli day of may a p 101 to send by nost jiro ald or uthorwliio aelwnr to harold nanh 1 armor f the vlllae of acton in the county of halton uarrhitor t- law uullcltor for wlulam lrimn of the village of ljln in tho county of wellington kviitlcuuin and henry 1hlllp moore or tly village or acton tile county of flutum lmltor tho ectuturs of tho loot will and teata it of the nald decetned their chrs i mi 1 burnames addreasea and dec rrlptlona full part iru tare or their rlalino duly verified by atuttltory de laruluui and the nature of the id urlotlcs if any hold by them and notice la further slvcn iliat lm mod in to ly after the aaid tenth day of may a d 1119 the nald ex ecu torn will droeed tu distribute tneioasets of the said ileceaurd according tu hw lujionjl the imrtlen untitled thereto and that the eail oe utoru will nut be reapon ulble ufler the i orlod fixed fur euoli ilotilliiitltd for uny claim of which thay nliull not then have received ijloe as ufuiejuiltl dated this tenth day of ajiril a t 101j w1lj iam mtlkl in i 111 nlty lllll 11 mou111s i- ljcutors hy ilaiaild nunti lurmor their ikillrttor ilill tret acton out t 3 a household industry tho advertisements were tho most lntrrcstlnic thlncs in the paper accord inr to mr ilohart s ideaa ho read them to his wife as nho aat at work on the atoeklnen of tlielr active eon no nepi to vnend your time huntlne for autlnquea now eald mr ilohart after eklmmlng tlio cream from a lon article as wj his ivoht here a a man that wilt undertake and guarantee lo make your new furniture look as if twos a hundred yearn old by known only to him i don t see any need of our furniture remarked mrs hob art au nho cast a hopeleaa ntocklmr tu the la men of the franklin front tommy a feet are all tho proceaa wf leed per ha lm we could rent him out by the day carry your funds in travellers cheques issued by tho merchants bank personnj cheques nro often refused money may bo lost or stolen travellers cheques on tho other hand aro cashed by banks hotels transiottatori companies and stores at their face values nnd enable you to raise ready money whereveryouhappontobe if lost theyaro of no value to the finder if stolen or des troyed they will bo replaced without extra chanrc uso them for your next journey safety deposit boxes em youe own bank a urrles uf thirty tour safety deposit boxra in three sixes has been i rin tailed in the vault of tho merchants i tank of canada acton tbese buna are burglar nroof have double locks and secure to each tiir absolutely secure proirctiou from are or meddlers yoa have your own key the rental is cry small and the boxed aro commodious sea tho manaccr and secure ouu for your documents and valuables head office montreal acton branch georgetown branch of canada fafcbtrihor 180 l b siiorey c- w crandy they agreed an old couple had lived torether forty ycara tho man mild that in and his wife never agreed but oncfl li all that time and that wat when tin h took- ota both ocreetl that thi best thlac to do wail to nt out a noon an possible notice to farmers 1 000 head fat llcna and chick enn mail ted up to 30c u pound juul will also buy applcu ah kloua f hides and bviiia and occond band thlncs and alt klndi of junk bought wo are naylnc highest cash pricea patronlso your iichjhbor mail or phjiio ordem will receive prompt attention t 1 lit h teat cash irtceu paid for alex gilboord box 2c1 acton ont phone 5s corner church nd wulow sis saturday treat try our new cbooolaty criuim fcuirlor to iatterkrluii ue wjc th halurtfay epeoal 40o other 60o chocolatcu for 33o cocoa uud1 better tliun mai 1 1 ijudu lb 60c our ico cream iirlor tu uluih oimil with much tiettor lco ililli and tho immu fiood aervlco hulk lc cream pint jjoc itrlelc ico cream eacji 30c any quantity delivered harold wilis canada food board license no 0 13539 mill street acton spring have you receiveo your oprinq footwear yut t if not op to kenney bros und make yuur tmluctiuh frunt tlieli stock the etylej for ladle ur- loi olus llau oxfunlb with u few hum ol iumpe we liavo alau a iiu line of iudl h hlh tut ltaui wth fuw und lui voinpa which fctvu u vtry utyllin oplcarunco- our llmm lines of flno and liluvy llsls are comiilete with hoy a aliases and t hlld a ut rcumtiul1 i prtrea your repalnnu attanej to- kenney bros alain street acton ont new fashion centre ladies of acton and vicinity jiould appreciate the fact that wc hove secured one of the best ladies tailoring ardsts in canada in the pcnon of mr hirahorn he has had wide experience in catenae jojthewriali olnmnyoxtha forcmot lodtesof to onto for years for tailored models tailored suiti produced in the latest ttylcs wc can supply the moi fashionable weaves or wc will mako up to your measure with equal care your own jood we absolutely guarantee our work special to tho first five ladies from acton and vicimt who place orders with ua we will make a special oiler call and inspect our lines remember that in addition to our specialty of ladies tailoring wo havo attractive features in our ladies ready to wear department and shoe de purtment brill co miil and main streets phone 107 georgetown hahold nam i armek m a damttcr goltcitrr ny pubuo pcnrvman dlock acton ont mom y to ioan conveyancing hours ip m w j p m ot residence ft h wan0drough lake avenue acton ontaru dr j u bell p d q u d o dmnttst honor graduate of toronto univer- 117 the u tests anestnetlc ood if desired qfsca at residence corner mill and frederick btreeu miscellaneous marriage licenses h p uottr imimt uvriio i irlrste ofsce- no nltrcue re- j aired issued at rr3lde1ee in evening itxxx pscss oa acton ont francis hunan bookbinder akom ijoos ts sj fclrs mlii to tt pirrlrrtrals ns ret deacrlp- tian ctrcfjuy tyrjd limine neatly jad y a ysdjuus street cueljiii ont r j kerr auctioneer fox lie coectcs ot llltaa tveulns toa iv i sod ljzerln orv lbe cty ot cuekh acton ontario ft roay be arrarvced by mall ot rr at aeton or at tno pre press oslce anon ttie mrrr osa giielpj the jrfwilood ferrca cr wilh w j gordon harness usher tlulabarx sales co trailed to il j kerr re ceive attention frosa date at ttatlof to late ot sale list your sale with ma raaiiiajac yuma s t aeo pjiom so a gall at mj i tirf j e cheevers book binder qosbec st t guslph ont boots anil imaslno bound in lumlaoou ami bubstanttal covers names luttceo in cold on bibles hymn uooij and other hooka au work promptly executed bargains in fish for lent mcenery evans having received large shipment ot lib which arc in prime condition wo urc ablo to rcll to the public at tho following reduced prices quulla bultui 11 half ur wh tlu too oulla tiulmon iilltj 17e while llh iso halibut 1 tl 25o iv oli lako timiclor lurrli do 1 ltklvu ilorrlui 7e 1 in t iu llu tlio mcenery evans main street acton ontario new machine shop iukd blow muchlnbl lb moving to the newly arran d premises the roas bowl ing alley un maui street where he will be prepared to handle all repairs of machinery promptly and atifocturily motoit helahts a specialty having experience with ull makes of tlio to m rcpaim will lie efllcjcntly executed vulcanizing tires miivitig installed a vulcanizing outfit satisfactory rcpatia will he made to outer cavs a well ua miner tubes this dopir- ineni is man aged by mr d ross iik1nc all youk ulpairs url main street actoq hted blow d alex niven ontario land surveyor and ctvil entjneer burvtu iilibuk lau 11 1 ilatue lie ortn ijcacrlj lions llluiprtnui etc certificates for 1 urclujieru autl utortiiajiea burvvyii fur arcttltecta ilulluara and munloliul councils lvalnac itcprta hjitluutej lo uclean building d st quupu ihono iui1 ont auctioneer l1vl ktock riiai 1-htat1- amj muitcllamjiiil consolidated phono ern jt 1 1 r- r 3 acton grandruni the double track route iilrrwljn montreal toronto detroit chicago unexcelled dlulim car ucrvlcu lul liifonuatlon hum any irulij trunk tlcjtnt acnt or c 1- jlorulntf district ivsjtiivr ailiit toronto h a uolmta accut acton ont phone 13 the old and rchablo iraulte and marblo deajors wo ore nmnufattuirn nnj dlrwt import era of all kin 1 of monumental nd headstone work o ncll vllrw1 to our customers ut wholcnalo iirlcea thua avtnir our matoiurm 41 jr cent- we lave tho bet almh i end the rjily tneclianla tn tho imliil n who operate j nouinatla tools tnvi rly wo can klve rvfurtiina iimiii iui dctxle ur custuiuris in ruiotito aiul other puce whtra other hne to havo law suits in onur to collect u hao the urffeut and beat stin k of tlianlte in the ionttulon or more than any three icalcra in the weal v o are lcltl nialn dealers and eiit loy no aaenia jid do not annoy or ibi custom era liy aendln out lanoraiu aircnts aollclt injf orxlera wo employ only nkecliaulre nnd defy corrictllloii hamilton sons car rforwlui a woolwich kt oitl

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