Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 17, 1919, p. 5

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i ivrtmt 3frr t8a tjiultildav ailul t 1219 ncounnccnon daffodil illy und rtwun they i llr they i rcak frorn the sod ttiny are ruil of tho nun an i uioy in thclr e olden hearts to god thfy ami itio wil lliu famlllo wind lowr violet may they rlae fn m thn long luiu dork to the rrtaby of day we scatterlm- t roans and klndrcda from out of the i tarn wind blown to this wuynl in rornrr of aimce till world that wo call our own we i t the hi irr- rown of tlmn we too nhull diviln thn nod imcriro u tho ii j i and hlunsom with our lirurts in h u to god chan o i ilohcrta sfcrgl j v coleman writes from scotland una keen in chora of v m c a hut at dorooclc near john tgroata ocautieo of the hiqhlan03 invorncnn march dg 1919 ah caoten painting twenty ycaro ago from til issue of ti free prea of i thurtdsy aprl 2tl 1010 kjnjne ituwlni cwan u the the rronc hnowdroda end crocuwa oro in the white wauh hruah lias hctruii tu flip flap housewives ura buay with tlio aprinir cleaning which their husband think turns everything topny turvcy la in an extrrmely prosperous oondl uon and reports tho larcoat attendance at hun ilny tiervices in itn history in candescent ilrhti havo just been placed la both tho manoo and church mr william j nobio who in retnot- jnjr to toronto liau do id his dwelling on church street to mr thomas gamble for 700 mr paul h kennedy haa purchased tho homestead lot s con 6 nsques injr from the rotate of his father tho late a jcx kennedy on tuesday wm ilemstreet neao tinted tho salo of glebe norm from ur james uuasell la mr hugh wal lace of nwuucnwcyn at tho twenty fourth annua moot lng of the canadian manufacturcra association at toronto this week mr w a htorcy was elected a member of the tariff commission of the ajim i elation tho vestry of bu a i ban s church has kindly granted three months leave of a boon co to i lev j k god den ma owlnc to 111 health rev rather iecnoy has been honor od with an invitation to bo present st tho ordination rnd retaliation of tho rt itav dennis o connor chjj od as arcnolshop of toronto next month at the meeting of tho municipal council on monday evening mr w i campbell addressed tho council plead lot the necesaltytof a continuation of the sidewalk on church street west ward to tho bridco at the creek h agreed to build tho sidewalk for thb thfbt to take the hoy ojt the park the co mi nff season the council author sod the streets and walks committee to enter into an acreement with mr campbell and see that the sidewalk la constructed under the superrial on of the corporation ootccr the rechjnallon of electrician w xi- iteynold who has charge of the elea trie lhrhtln system was received by the council and accepted to take effec h -tho- potrttlorr i satisfactorily flllod dorn kenheyrin acton on saturday april ie to mr and mrs w jl iccnney a daughter married mcgregor uwsonat the icnox church manse acton on april 13 by rev ii a uaepherbon donald son of duncan mcgregor nassaga i worn to agnes daughter of tho late andrew la woo n acton i mason loyd at tho method tot par- aonage acton on tuesday april is by rev j a mclachlan cnrlco ii y son of wm mason acton to nellie j iloyd daughter of the late henry m boyd acton loar mr moore lcrhaps you have token ma for loot struyod or stolen but neither ji tho case just nirnnly ncglectful i should itavo written you tone ago hut you know how such omissions occur hut when i received the letter from mm jamrn moore tho olhoc day addressed by you i resolved tltern and then to write you immediately as you know i guess i was waiting dally to go over vrtien the war stopped and we were left high and dry still sticking around over bore not many days after a y m c a i nfllcer looking for soma men happened atone arrtl i consented to jro back to tho y seeing that there won no chance of getting to franca consequently in tho course of a few days i found myself in a small hifh land village glorylnc in tho name iof donnock located within seventy miles of john o groats am attached to a forestry com pony and our company was only two out in the hush then there twas another unit to town at the mill tho congregation of iniuc church i and between the two companies from the o ca down there was tho keenest of rivalry tho sergeant of the town y m c a came from the railway association at white river have been side kicks ever since coming over here sot that was quite all right i had charge of the y but and had a splendid large one had organise and servo up alt the pro gramme nrovldod and it is no llttlo job to try and till in every evening especially when you haven t a very large ronstltutcncy to draw trxjin hut now that company has been broken up and i have been transferred to another camp about fifty miles be- invcrncss it is reported to be one of tho moat besuticul spots from tho scenic standpoint in tho highlands certainly it is most superb the camp is right beside loch morjick and all around town the great views of the grampians tho heather is still life leas but will be storting up in a few weeks now however against this s the fact that wo are sewen miles from railway or town we 11 see which counts for most and whether we get fed up or not this highland conn try la the most beautifully wild and artistically desolate that i have ever when mark twain studied french when the famous humorist was a young reporter working on the san francisco coil ho made up bis mind to learn tho french language ho did not want to go to the expense of a teacher and so he bought a grammar and conversation hook and set to work before breakfast ho pored over the lessons late in the evrnlng ho was at it again and every available moment of tho day ho employed with equal assiduity ho oda began to look about for op ihjrtutiitles to make una of his nou xccarapiuhmcnt- accordingly ho be iraa tu eat at a french restaurant once a week ono day as he and his roam ma i were comiiu of the restaurant ihcy found on tho ildcwaik just o side the dour a lytmchman he was asking ilrst one passer by amvahei another the way to a ccitfstreet but no ono uqdrrstood that wan marks chance the vcmwi look ed at him with wlsuul eyes and began to talk mark tutened attentively threo or four mmcs the stranger was compelled to repeat his tucatlon then mark seemed to catch his drift but he had scarcely spoken half a doxen words i reply when tho frenchman fell to tho sidewalk in a dead faint the true causo of tho strangers fainting may never ho known very likely lio was fainisbcd and perhaps he bad been put out of this very res taurant because of tils aeedy appear ance hut wlatcter the cause the joke was on mark for once marks room mate was careful enough of his frlond ahlp not to tell the incident at the ofnoe of the morning call but he teas d the rising humorist a good deal about it when tho fun bad lasted ong enough mark set his jaw and vlth unlimited determination written bu his features announced 11 learn french if it kills every frenchman in i the country i just came back last week from nine days in london and edinburgh had a mighty one time too of course i met fellows in london whom i have not seen since we left toronto most everybody from everywhere appears to be there now i met earn black he is a sergeant and back to attend the khaki university also ran into percy wilson he was in london with an invention which in the post eight months he had carried successfully through every step of military scrutiny and wan there waiting to sumnlt it to lfio invention board for final accept once or rejection x didst ask blm the nature of it x don t kn wh i will be able to get home i bone no later than june anyway if i had not come with tho y i nibrht have been homo now i dldpt realise that at the time hod a letter from earoio brown the other day he is in a wee belgian town near brussels and seems to and life quite agreeable how is overythlnff with you and the mai pares mlne comes in fairly regularly but my addresses are shift ing so much i lose a lot of them ure is good to read but la surprising the number of new names which ap pear evin since i left are mrs moore and y suppose the mclaughlin ts getting its overhauling about now eb7 the cars have increased about five hundred per cent ovnr here the good cars are coming out now it is longer on easy matter to cross the strand or picodllly for an nipint con unuous stream of traffic remember me to all tho people and for now au rovoir sincerely yours vic ser j v coleman no 121 cvc y m c a avicmore scotland edison and his mother quarantined in ono of the little mountain tuwiu of the tiouth n i luiutuuquu eieiuiijj ns held last nunuiier for tho tlnt time the fact was u ivcrtlscd mme distance round the town but the older negroes especially did not under stand whil t was all about across u0 front of the little hotel of the ylllago wus flung a banner beaxliuj ihe ne word chautuujua up to this hotel una day drove an old negro in a one horse wnjou contalnlug- feu vegetal lei which ho hope to el to tta proprietor as he hud do m on armor ikeasluna tut when ho saw the bainr witti its ominous word h i was mif j villi rrlglil 01j woald not go into the bull hi if r even net out of his watui when the j roprletor ap peared the uld follow inquired iter youaly what dlsuoso is you all ijuur mined for boss 1 was always a careless boy saa thomas edison in his biography uil with a mother of dtlterent mental caliber i should probably hav turned out badly but her firmness her sweetness ber goodness were potent powers to keep mo in the right psth 1 remember i never used to bo able to get along nt school i don t know nov what it was but i was always at tho fool of the class i used to feel that the teachers never used to sympathise with me and that my father thought i was stupid and at last i almost de cided that i really must be a dunce my motvr was always kind always sympathetic and she never in launder stood or misjudged me but i was afraid to tell her all my did cutties at school for fear she too might lose r conn tence in mo one day i overheard the teacher teli the inspector that i was addled and would not im worth while keephg me in school any longer i was so hurt by this last straw that j burst out crying- and went home and told my mother about it then i found out what a good thing a good mother was bhe camo out as my strong defender mother lava was aroused mother- j prldp wounded to the tjulck she brought mo back to the school and angrily told tho teacher that ho dldn t know what be was taiklnsr about ii fact she was the most enthuaiostli champion a boy ever had and i deter mined right then that i would tx worthy of her and show hex that her confidence was not ml up laced my mot tier wu the making of me hho i so true so nuro of me and i felt that i had someone to live tot some i m jt not diss j point the mom ory of hct will always be u blessing f me it was thursday of imaioi there were not many visitors at the national gallery in lon ion only thn few who had tn nronnnilsn thlr limn ft r sightseeing a young woman who wandered loasly about had not the alort ulr which characterises tho usual tourlut site was slo with heavy oyer enclrl ed by dark linos hhe wore plain bukck it might be mourning or it might not llhe looked at thn picturen without seeing them uomctlmes al c ilghed audibly recovering herself wltn a start her whole aspect wan that of ono in ho pc less grief at some distance from her two others took lively intelligent interest in what uiey had come tn doo- they were evidently mother and daughter the girl was not more than seventeen her sweet face changed rapidly with every impression an she ukd at thi different works or art yet alia wau not oblivious to her outround inin more than once she nent a pltylnc glance to tho oad young woman who seemed like a restless aimless spirit at length she opoko in a low tone ind the closing words were a question may i mother t- in a minute tho girl had crooned the gallery and was saying in a soft en treating voice to tho stranger 1 anion me but have you noticed this pain tlngf hbe indicated the raising of latarua by flcbastlan del i lombo won t you look at it with me it j appeals to me so much the young woman at lira drew her self up rather haughtily but neclng tho girl a face so renned and almoi t timid in its entreaty nho answered since you wish it they stood before tha picture and no words were spoken for name mln utes slowly as it foired to come teari gathered in the sad eyes eyes which saw not the risen lazarus not tho adoring sisters not the e tart led crowd but only the wonderful christ full of benignant power the woman a lips opened it in possible she breathed ho can itt he will do it for her also i sup pose i believed it beforo now i feel ioie was speaking to herself ur conscious for the instant of any other presence she looked long and her taca become illumined turning u i her companion sho eaid you brourht j me to what i needed and i thank you but how could you know the girl had stepped aside not o the others emotion she answei i t dldn t know i wan so sorry for you it came borne that i should feel as you looked if ray mother sho hesitated and tho young women nod ded mother is over there wont you meet bert he will comfort you togther they crossed to where tho older woman was waiting a hand clasp was the only greeting como to our roon s with us said the motherly voice for wo cannot talrf freely here the invitation was fran kly accepted sywpath once admltt ed was to sweet to bo thrust out by one so utterly lonely she told hr storc short nd akin to many life stories 1 have been in germany art said atudytng art and news came that my mother was iii i aaj burning home to see her but in london tho cablegram rhet mo not to come for mother had not waited sho had to go without without staying for me you nt think how dreadful it was my fillh slipped away inntcr seem ed a iorrtd sarcasm and i con kin bear its approach x wad so miserably restless that i went to the cillery be cause i really could nt stay by myself not to look at ai thine i hoiutht everybody would he otrannern no ono would know win ii you asked rrn look at th- paii tinj i did not earn what 1 did nor what lecamo 3f roc it seemed as if i wouldnt live or litcr but that face of cnrl now full of glad power it all came back to mo when i looked i he faith whlcn rho taught roe wo shall mec again my mother and i i can bear it now she laid ber bead impulsively in tho lap of the older woman and her tears wer full of beoling atutii mtorwllh us over easli not a qift- m i in i r u lull 1 with rmlir 1 olctii nftfi i ur i ii mo nyln at rot he sunday said this other mother wtrok lng her hair and tho homesick soul sick one breathed a low thank you if ljjr moralng dawned with hope to that despondent heart it was bo cause a young girl saw her opportunity and was not to self conscious to use ithelen a hawley in c l world wise an otherwise happy are they who do for others- id whom others do not forget thn boy who won t du anything that m hard la the man who finds it hard to do anything count a hundred when you re ina 1 if you don t you 11 wish you bad old your temper keep control of your body mind and soul hoi if thou hast of thine own borrow not since thou host no need of it and if thou host nothing borrow not bo cause thou wilt have no means to pav man wlit but llttlo 1 lie bell w hjb not so hard to pkxse but woman blcas per llttlo heart wants every hi lug she sees work is the grand cure for all the maladies and miseries that on bes t mankind honest work which you in tend getting done tho people who think it beneath them to work for a living are out of harmon with the spirit of tho uce- iii is beneath the elf respecting to live en i money that someone else baa earned to accept life a good things and do nothing io mako a return tatlm stranger accootot tin in can you irll mo tho way t ho v1 rth hret in irry i lit im lily a vlailoi here ijurfa r i lied half turning to wunl mil i ounln an ho apuke hut ili too shook her head they i can i rohal ly tell you at the drug store j back in the nt block restud thsuk u very murli i nnd thetio urvink trects ery confusing and i avmi t hnppeued to meet a rtaldrnt t th j place yet only fellovr stnngeru lie tlnlslicd with another courteous in instlo or the head that u a joko on ou itosy jack laurtied as noon an tho other wi of hearing is it posalblo on long i an you ve livid here in a little suburb i of this ulxe that you don t know tho nuinmi of nil tho atrocts u nillhlnc in his tono nuula her flunh i u bit why jack she nald on long i us you vo known mi- in- it ponnlble that yuti don t know tlint i am utterly do void of any sense or direction why i i toul i luno myself any day in tho week down tn tho city or even in porta mllowod i iiavo been on hosworth i treol a few llrai i at counw but i coul in t f r the llfo of tna iocs to delink y rrom here 1 know it would bo much better for him to go back and j inquire well llosy jack gave a low quick ly lupprooaed whliitle m met ie soon i d take u day off and inforri myself tluirouglily as to tho ceography of this little burg i lon t believe us just a lack in your uense of direction think it n more a lack of effort and i olw rvatlon you juut let yourself drift jijohl generally wltli ol io in po ahead and sort of assume i rcnpoiuillilllty on 1 you don t try tn n tlco the flirfrnnt turns and striking likikliu houics or other objects to help you an fulden you just try it ofltnn day i irhaiia i will rone uald ulowly i an i ui a mutter of fact alio did follow hlj u ivlre laklm a day off flgura uikjuii i tliat very week to inaki i ixglunlik it was surprising j iat u illftcrcnco there was when olio pt hir tyta alert and busy taking i iiomcj of stroeta printed on uio mp j km tit and various striking jerts to serve as clues or guidepostn to memory later on it was cosier than ulm lia 1 fancied it would be too jack tiad hern right in saying that her lack had ihmmi ni t in the senso of dlrec tlon it had been ulipalt hi iiiuttcntlon now whenever a stra jcir approaches itoee for guld once she can givo it gracefully and j explicitly a prominent man who has a won dcrful wuy of remembering names and i fares wot complimented by a friend j on hij unusual gift- t cjnl call it a gin he said laurilngly j vo acquired this sort i memory by good bard steady effort j it dldnt coino naturally to mo kt firs by an means but i nallsed what a itetrualty it was to me in my work and i i act myneir to the task now it han become utmost oecond oatu i liavc lrarne1 to impress a now taoo my i imory very oulckly to take various polntit with campurltlvely sill hi cftor aid i liave sciioolod my nect the ri name with tho fact it vvoul i im- u lino thlivd for all of uf to think iwice before wo utter glib excuses for our various lacks ai iormthiiij ulmoet conatltutlonal some thliij wo were born willi far more likely it is that what wo lack is a con centra ted forncjl purpose to make up railway time tables at acton grand trunk railway oystsm coins west no- 29 s13 sm 10 is am i i m g c3 p m 12 j nx st 9 28 a m 3 a pm c it p m s i p m itunday truing paes throiif h acton rotng west nt 10 1c a m and east at 7 00 p m railway iburban electric goina west excoi t sunday i daily except hundoy dally except lunday lunday only sunday oply go tog east dally except sunday dally except bun day dally except sunday uuday only lunday only freight and express ulimu carrieil on all nri ivelght dcllvcrt d dally i y jk cla nxprcss frelcht i iiti u ii- i kij tit picked up at anfv oildmw in toronto g r aniw ajenu acton get the records belcct your nchm i on tin ban i of actual work doio to day write hhawu schoolj toronto up to date record of rudiuiu uud pol tiona rilled it will inters t you w lit kluw i icu 1 irnt as translated dy the waiter tlon broth in a hurry soys tho rmitomi r ran boa in the rain make i rui uhouts tho waiter dccfatcak und unions says the cus ncr john hull make him a ny ahouts the waiter where ii my tiaked potatoes ask ed a c mro murphy in a eulskln coat ohotits tho salter two fried eggs don t fry em too hard sayu a customer adam and in the garden icavo their eyes ill shouts llio waiter t hw c icd eies on toast aayii the customer ilrido and groom on a raft idle of tho nctm utiouts the wallnr hicken crouquets say the cus to f 1 owl ball shouts the waiter hm h tuiya tho cqiitomer xcntle man wants to tako a cliancel shouts tho waiter iii luxvo hash too says i tho next cuatomer another iportl uliotilu th waiter vuiiu of nil ik ajyi a customer ivlt it ruin uhoutu tho wailtr i i uilfurtu an i sauerkraut good un i hot 4i i cujtomer fldo shop an 1 u 1jii uf huy uhouts tho waiter all kinds of poultry wanted auvf or dhishl i geese turkeys fowl and chickens new laid eggs hides and tallow r miuigan comr yeunq and mill sis atlon or to p o box ml i i id ixxlo 1x know what you are aiming at 1 liu lu n d tlnltu ur aim in life tin iiiom fix 1 your nnolutloii to uc more likely ml hut success li t ono who docs not uw wliut u lii trying to accomplish n can luirdly uuy tliat oni who fires ruiulom hllrj the mark even though i urn w plnnci tho bull u eye the it luiinllal to nucccni is to know at you um trying to do until you ot gain it blovu u lurticuur jou um to uulcci hardly possible io her dilemma wlu a ril aithrn flaltef dr j rx kelloggs asthma lumedy has never been advertised by xlravsgont slate menta its claims are oouserva tlvo in dee- when judod by the cur- which it performs itptl r l r and permanent benefit juu i u ntmtnlr and you will huc r disapitolntment it vcs psruianint relief in many unco where other o called rroodlea halli mtarly failed i a pill for brain workers the man who works with his brains is m liable to derangement of tho digestive system uian the man who works with hu hands because the one calls upon hbj nervuus energy while tho other applies only tils muscular strength llrai ii fag begets irregularities of thj slomach and liver and the best remedj that can be used is isxinelee s vcge tablo llhs they are specially cum- kiundod for such coses and all those whi use them can teatiry to their superior power a question of age the utout party had been in the boot shop for aver an hour and the patient shop assistant bad had half the stock down fur her inspection hhe found a fault with them all until ills patience became quite exhausted these woull suit you ho said taking down another pulr as a tost resource still the lady was not sutiallod i iluu t like this sort she said they luiva a tendency tu get wider when ui6y are a bit uld well madam rett rtod tliecxas- pciated assistatit politely dldn t youf exurnalfy or inumslly it is good when applied externally by brisk r blng dr thomas eclectrio oil opens tho pores and penetrates the tissue few liniments do touching the seat the trouble and immediately arfordlnir relief administered internally it i suil the irritation in the throat which induce coughing and will euro affoo tiona of the bronchial tubes and res plratory organs try it and be con v in cod he would not corrupt him ldniuud bad just begun lo attend the public school and had found a netv friend a child of whom ldpiund a mother had never beard who la thta waltert sho asked is bo a dild little boyr yes mama he is replied ldmund en th uslas ileal ly does ha say any naughty wurdsf puruod his mother no with emphasis and lip tiol going to teach htm any i opportunity works doth ways opportunity works both ways tho chance to get ahead implies the jianua to slip back the world is continually seeing the tables turned as the gencr aliona come and ro tho son of a weal thy house and bearer uf u honurod imrao slipping down into poverty and obscurity ur worse wlille tho desceu dants of some immigrants who under he modern regulations would not bj allowed to cuter ellis inland because or empty pockets are oniunk our luiu uitors end our onaurlnl prltiotu many a sudden opportunity grasped sots man on htn feol but 1l is left to liu wn powers to decide whellier he will jjo forward or fall batk oppurtunlttcm io clunb inaau opportunities to fou t uhnll you give jour husband r a birth lay present i do i t know if i don t buy 1dm ythlnj ho 11 rnvo ut me and if i do he ii want to kiiou where the nuw- just like her ixrlug tu posseus u sow uf a cer tain bulk and description a missouri urmcrn upouac requested tlio supertn t ouil cut to buy one tliat same even lug while tho mistress uf tho house wan entertaining a uulcct company of ladliii the lxtitcd and jubilant super luteiidont rushed into the parlor ex claiming i vu lncn tu tho fair ma ani and i vo tot u sow exacuy of your i ulk an i illuctlpllou floruits lx youthtime the important time to lay a strong foundation for robust manhood is while life is young and the body develop ing a growing child needs every possible help to conserve energy and confirm the body in vigorous health to a developing child sc0tts emulsion comes with particular help thousands of tne strong men and women of today were in youthtime nourished and atrcngtlicned to withstand tho inroads of disease by tho consistent use of scotts ttoul ft buwimtutuufci imu um from suffering by getting her lydia el pmkruuns vegetable compound pittsburgh- pa for many months i was dot obla tn do my work owinp to a weakness which caused backache and beadachco a friend called my attention to ono of j our newspaper advertisements and immediately my husband bought threo bottles of ldiall pinkhams vo go tablo cam- pound for me after takinp two bottles i felt fins and my troabloa caused by that weak ness are ntolmrof the past a ii women who sutler as i did should try ljdja l- pinkhama vecctablo ccnnound mrs jab itqlimjena g20 jxapp sl n r pltubureh pa women who buffer from any form of weakness bslndlcatedbydlspucements inflammation ulceration irtcrjlariuea backnche headaches nervousness or tie bloee abouldacceptalrs ilohr- berjyb rorrfresuon and piv lydia e- plnkhamv vejmtabjo compound a thorougb trial 1 or over forty yean it has been correcting such ail menta if yoo havo mysterious complications write for advice to lydia j puikhaxa modicino co lynn olass every other commodity hydro power wo furnished in 1918 to 203 muruapaliucs at less cost than in any previous year a constant downward trend in cost to con oumers indicates that the hydro elecfcnc power commission of ontario is attaining its object to provide electrical service at low rates the commission la vitally interested in tins user of hydro power the commission recom mends only those ac and appliances which will give thorough satisfaction hydro quality lamps arc endorsed by the commia- bion for lighting purposes hydro quality lornpa ore txaud or htiu liancy current con mm pt ian anj nmaiwy they ttaoe a lutnltcitj neusi rttting for eocn o ncse gcttlial feature hidaoelectklc poweb commission of ontab10 gold dy uydho electric uuaittment hydro shop fodate goods at c c speights silverware in tablcwart tine j variety also i int cutlery hardware tinware and ranitc j ware biix avortmtnt pandora stoves und ranges famous heaters small stoves oil stove every article is of lxccp t10nal value c c spei mul street acton ignraraimwaimar mf 4 cnistomer bs 99 g oncaio it is un a ion between buyer un y rlor who bl u is i of u iciit und funiou depurtineut tloro lion of llic lubtumrr j iiiiicc of uprciuuey if thiu i ii lorn urxl rijlit idsa 1 nawpapar udvr tlmlllxlt jtvd da s strod quslnaes n om m uio rujt jlaco mid at th rult tn to r lljnord ur luttm imr wlho in m lit j iuatly mltate to the merchants of acton keep y iur tyt on youi cry clos o tn ihein by ui 1 eun of udvci tlemciits i eiu it pay co the 1 ui 1 ki follow leaders gjctggjgrffa the last word in straw hat dyes elkavs mnke your old hut new here arc the colon natural oer o yellow liberty dlu burnt straw navy oluo drown card nal rod old rose grjy lavaruiar volot cadet oluo dull black sado gtnn glocy dlack a mi n in vi ui i vt k un elkays stilwv jjat cleanlit 15c and 25c exclusive quelph agents c oe the rexall drug store quelph ont h6e acton bakery m edwards cct cajiada lod lluai uiuuuo nu tv ui mill 8tiilet acton to facilttato llio hundlinj of the productb of our bakery uud to make it more convent cnt for our cuiluiucri wc liuvo secured the liup next to wiley confectionery where iupplui of our white bread brown bread tea biseuita cakes buns mid scones may alwuyi be secured wedding cukca a specialty m edwards co acton ontario

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