Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 17, 1919, p. 6

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uealiquaitters for wedding and birthday pkcsents ltorfrti tun t itvcrware knlvna 1 ctrloi unci lipoonn i apcy cut cjluftn 1 onry lilnn hvh rurry tho moot complete hon iiv town marriage licengco iouued geqhynds acton ontario dirtlia marrlnrea and ueath are now rharrfrd fnr at the followlns ratca lllrtlui tot marruuxna coc- ieathn d01- memorial corda to 10c pfcr una extra for dminit donn cooiijt at cjruntl valloy on thum day april 10 1311 lo iuy mid mrm- a- fctoopcr died imiaosoti 1 orcnvlllo mtr marian urkc ilrlitca i i xiiiton at ar pltal n monil lotto 1 ijimj imptun john yeura a rll 13 at 1 dm nto itoaallo of hot william l n y hoe y apill 7 1919 char wlfo f j rurnnm own n y oced 3g ije artrnt fltee preufl tiiuhhiay aiiul 17 1310 brief local items hot crona itunn to morrow naatcr monday next iorda iay tho ruila oro drylnc up nicely neighborhood news- town and country item of intoreat from various lecall tloa coveredjby th free prm nadoaqawcya mr auutlu fletcher ualo lootthura lay wan mout uuccoanful a erode cow with calf at foot brouichl 202 go- a pulr of oxford m with bun bo ut foot no id for each cncwoonq cornefib iced their the farmcrn liuvn aprlnfi ploulhltic a fow duyu of 1 brig tit cunahlno wo rondo here whlrh ur mud 1 uomo plaeca mian harrlaon who lum m us lit iorno uchool biiiou now ycaru lcavlnn at ianter and mlnu italic naknaaawoyu la nucccodlnjr her mi win do un j improve tin very deep wit jittr aio vcrywliero lo war eialnca htampa make carln easy and profitable these are movlnff ctayn with nmn eroua houneholdcrn tho latrna ana boulevards aro put ting on oprlrur verdure therell be many hooter homo comlnrn for tho wreck end wo welcome you homo boy a everybody a glad to ceo you bock buy war irving stampo on a atop to cettlna a tq government bond there will bo bright cooler eer- ticca in the churchea next sunday cantor llllen will bo much in evi dence and at their best thuj week dajmiflht ouvlng tlrao went lnu effect in acton achoola yeatcrdoy morn irur therell be an easter eong aervlco in tho methodlat church on hunday evening burlington council haa fixed the price for municipal teaming an 3uc per hour burllnfrtan acorcetxum milton and oalrvllle have adopted baylleht savins tlrni 1 iiowo your supply of cjnrn for eaatcr noma folka coxnlne will ax poet plenty maplo nyrup cold here last weok at 5200 per gallon borne makers are asking a higher figure some forehanded local gordenera have already planted early potatoes and other vegetable seeds tn wael was rather a wet one if this ta a week of sunshine outside work will so with a rush the- baptist church ouelph haw called rev j t hind ma of lice- peler to bo their new pastor tho new clover wan badly winter killed arm to likely to mats a very poor showing when haylnx oine hcapeler has fixed its rate of taxation for 1919 at 34 mills an in crease of 14 mil la over lost year sweet voice of bird ewct odor on the breexe the lender blade ft grass tb buds upon the trees alt spesjc of spring- william griffln superintendent of wellington county house of industry died last thursday he was 78 years of ago capt tlobbs recital of ben hur to the town ball next monday evening is an event anticipated with much pleasure the expreaa employees strike lias created great inconvenience for busi ness bouses as well as for tho public generally a thrill and a stir and a whisper and tbo silent sleeping- earth awake from dreamless slumber to tho joy of a glad re birth ur frank williams of ottervlue eon- in law of mr joseph hol bower avenue had the misfortune last week to have his right wrist broken while cranking hls car bont forget to attend the lode caster week tea tn the parish hal on jvjpcnesday 23rd insc everybody wel- 4jwrtellvar collection rcaadjnexpress employees went on efriko last thursday because the company declined lo grant ao eight hour day and time and a half pay for overtime w e m crawley town clerk and treasurer of oakvlllo lias resigned his position and asked tho council to ro lleve him seedily as ho desires u return to the old country mr n ii harden is uulto proud of his flock of lllack uhiorcaa for their splendid laying tjuslltiea brought two cfiin to this oidco the other ill whlth webhcdyuubl tunce the man wlto aturted this day ugh saving business ought to be stood up agalnat a stone wall with a firing squad in front of him it is causing no end of spite and truublo- milton kef arm r tbo 1rks 1uuui received yesterday rrotn henry i hill honolulu hawaii a letter containing 6 po for renewal at subscription honry evidently lias fslth in the future of the old home paper tho late i 1 h johnston barrla tcr toronto left an estate of t9 670 mr johnston pructised in acton fur years with tha lata w a mclean under tho firm name of johnston a mclean tho modern merchant pondered upon tho wjiyu of men wlu take us their exsniplp tho aplder in his den let bthoro if tlioy wlll uuoth he lie low and wall for files in a dingy cob webbed corner but i in going to adssrtlsa dudlin mr mill mrs lloborl j waldto liavo removed to tlilr farm on tho 2nd lino they ore cordially welcomed to thh community mrs- waldio will find many friendn among tho women hero mr walter fryer lias moved to tho mel herson farm on tho second line which has been occupied for several years by mr w foster mr footer has moved to mrs alex itusaolls farm on the fourth lino erin dallinafao i bpcar held a very rridav success mr will ful aale on fti ito george hills who has been the gueat of his mother returned to quo bee on monday mrs david mclnery hi in orange vlllo to see her father mr robert akltt who is seriously 111 there during the etorm lost tuesday even ing u tree near mr a lllnnlo a house was struck by lightning by which a number of tho windows in tho house were shattered duhl1nqton t tleach jtood la to bo taken over oj part of tho provincial county high way ileal estate is beginning to boom in burlington especially along the high way the annual concert of tho motbodlat church choir will be held on tuesday evening april 29th chief smith will also act as chief constable for ndson township and will receive 1100 eatra for his services in that capacity tho customs collected for tho out port of burlington for tho fiscal year ending march 31st was 140730 cs as compared with 25050 10 for tho ycjr preceding rock wood next meeting of nmmoaa council will be held on may 23 at 10 am eramoosa council mado a grant of 76 00 to the agricultural society at tho last meeting two ilokwood homes were made happy lost week by the arrival homo of two soldier boys harry ldwarda and george hcskins mlaa emily ieach who recently graduated from tho general hospital at hamilton is homo visiting her par eats and resting beforo taking up tho duties of her profession tho flno now organ recently purchas ed through the very laudable efforts of the choir has been installed in the methodist church- it adds much to the service of praise in the church home made candies for easter wc have mr irnry making candies on our premises and would like you to tustc and try some of same sec ouh display in window rob roy cafe tho omclais of tho i rcnhyterlan church at barrio jj1u lromooa have decided to repaint nml redocornta tin church throughout and have awarded the contract to a guolplv decorator mr and mn btanley mnwart eramosa wore visitors ut tho homo or mr john mciconsio on hundsy mian annl mccutcnrou of kitchen cr lit vbiltlng with her itarcntu m and mm h it mccutchoon rumor is afloat that thcro la a noi residence to be built on one of tho lotj on main htroot thursday evening of thla wclt thei is to bo a meeting of u f o membei in thelrliall everton literary society hold h closing meeting for tho iiwuion o tuesday evening a good old laahlor ed time waa ment many or tho ladles were dressed in costumes worn by women of two generations ago mrs daniel talbot and mr alfred talbot art tho cueuts of their relatives mr and mrs hoy hlndley of the first line dc the rod and gun tho colendid big game field known as tho hudson bay region in fully de acrllhxl in iud and gun for april which is now on sale bonnycastlo dale tho well known nportspian tolls in his own graphic stylo of the trap ping season of 1918 at lllco lake mr riiarlca h landls tho editor of the guns and ammunition department o tho magazine and the beat informed firearms man in america has his llfo ntory told by j it- mattrrn a morn log at constance nay will ho read with interest by all young canadian 1 it is tho utory of u uplendld outing he 1 by tho ottawa boy scouts tn add 1 to numorouu other artlclou anil utorlea of merit tho unual department included in thlii nplendl 1 number j taylor limited woodstock publishers oakville tho farmcrn are all busy plowing now there are three applicants tor tho vacant position of town clerk the sal ory u xi loo the town stores ore working on daylight saving time with wcdnea day afternoon off there are several new artlatlo flag poles put up in tho station district tho finest one of all is placed near hillmeru office this one la nearly 100 feet high tho borod of education met on tuea day evening five now teachers were ingaged misses agnes mcdonald desaio lucey alice carbcrt a- arch bald and mrs wills brady itev thus cook of toronto a missionary home on furlough from china lias presetted at both morning and evening airvicca in the ilaptlst church for tho oust two bundays his sermons lutvu bvu most helpful and hls tho aulo of miss gordon a house hold effocts lust uaturday aftomooi was a marked success kveryihlhg sold at good prices and everybody was well pleased with tholf purcl auctioneer kerr ho handling uch ualea ily resolution of tho council day light jvtng camo into effect on m011 day and all classes sre urged to obscrvo it ilosrd of trans has been formed with the following oulccrs presidon cqj itolemy vice ires dr gow land secretary t g itamshaw treasurer j v little tho member- ship fee was oxed at jl 00 per year there was a collision at tho corner of james and main 1 recta last ualur- day between two automobiles both cars being nomwhat damaged each driver claims the other was on wrong side o ths street unci each says he will mako the other fellow pay fo the damage to his car tki there yol are lief armor presentation to a guelph mlnieur the congregation of chalmers churcli ouelph prcacnud ilev ii n konklo who has nilot tho 1 ulplt while itev geo a little tho pastor was ovsraeas with tt- oubotajttial sum of money on monday evening the mem bers of the choir gav- mm konwio a beautiful silver casserole itev mr konklo has accepted u call to iamor ulon ireshytortan church qeorqetown misses annie brudlcy itas rolunto1 homo after meiidliig thrco tnonllis in n york mr hubert colo has disposed of mu ttouso on queen hlwt to mr w j campbell of norval at lie meeting of tho council uu1 week ur kaiiuody treasurer aakod ror an incrcaso in salary ietectlve gcorgo guthrlu iius been apiiolutod inspector of detoctlvis of toronto ia liun been acting lnapcc tor for some tune a deputation of t itliena waited on tho council saking fur u grout of 2 000 lo buy watches for returned soldiers the council unanimously docldod tliat owlntf to tlio legal and nnanclal aspects of the nit oat ion they could not rcapund tho wishes of tha committee to ruliwi 0oo to procuru wutrhes tor tho ro turned coldlera by airect luxation and hat any gift or aubscrlptiun given by the people should bo of their own frou will and vlolltlou heruld erin luyluh uduplinl f- maple nyrup has been grtul ohurtui knack yearl ui ring tho yearl chirps u shrill wee volco as yo open tlio window these nanny morning spring o whit what cheer i what closer warbles a deeper throat by way of refrain april is here tlio blrda have corna up from tha sou tli with grunting for un let help them to ntuy by bulkltug bird house fur them alton lutte n lot ofi nude this ymi there naciim tu of lbusca in lrin ajlhdu tottuges ut ulanluy lurk iwvo bcsh id tur tho coming ucuaon 1te hcunath mmulau son of colin mcmillan returned iioiuu from over cos last wk tho public ochool tuid 7 pup in u tho roll last month mr sod mrs j m dotltl and fajuily arrived huiuo at alton lust week ufter u four weeks trip to 1 lurida tho forty third annual horse tlliuw under the auspices of lrln agricul tural tfocloty will be held ut illllaburg on tuewluy april 22 1- corp fn d j clulc who recently returned homo from 1riino uieiit tho week end hero with his father mr jai gals of the advo ate im vra curry 1 ft m men lay ulng fur toronto where nhi haa wecutuil a ioultlun us nlctiokniphfr tho city lul advocate potatoes seed and time of planting th yield of potatoes throughout canada would bo very much increased if evcryono who grow potatoes used seed of tho otrongeat vitality free from disease white tlio variety used la lm portant the quality of tho seed ottei makes much more dlffcrenco- in thi yield than the variety faoed potatoes from a crop which grow vigorously until tlio tops wero t down by frost tn autumn usually give much better returns than those from a crop where tho tops dried up il tho middle of mmnur there uro parts if canada wi it tho fortnfr eondltu i btaln ua a rulo and it hi fruru ouch places that tlio mout vlgorouu uoed la usually obtained in 191s tho twit seed of the green mountain potato yielded at the rata of 387 bushels per acre while tho poorest seed yielded only i7 bushels per atro at ottawa in tho cose of irish cobbler the best seed yloldod at tho rate of 016 bushela per ucru while poor seed yielded only 20 hushubi per acre a remarkable difference juut us strlk lug differences have been obtained in other years lurh grower of potatoes uhould aim to bvc a full ntand of plants in tho held and to have overy plant a vigor oui and healthy one there la often a largo proportion of nilsacu in potato holds and a utlll larger proportion of weak and diseased plants which leauon tl o yield euonnouaiy lxptrimonta have been tried in dlff orelit parts of canada to dotcrmino the lieut tlmi to plant potatucs for hlghcj yields and irani these nine rim on to un the experience of the beat iroweru tl following dutes are euggestcd as being tho bent lrtnco 1dwnrtl inland june 1 7 nova bcotia june 116 now ilruiuiwlck june 1 it quoboc may les to june 1c depending on what port of the province ontario may 1 to juno iii demanding on what jmrt of uio pro 0 manitoba may 10 it tlaskat nil may 10 24 alberta may 10 ilrltuh columbia april 1 to may depending un wliat part uf tha finer tlio landuuey has buun in most p1ulcs in cunaik lu puuit latur u dealruhlo fur highest yields lom resulta obtained tho follow lilt ncrql rscuniuiondutluii la iimdu wiir tho spriryt la early unil tha itum 1 fronts early plant eurly hero iliu apring is cuxrly and uummem uru dry iiluut early whtrw tlui bj rln ijj liito uu 1 autumn froota uru lute imrly lu ut hut r u not 00 liuimrtiint wllcxc ihu aprlm is uuhi it- mintim iiuota urs eurly plant us iukhi us null lu dry enuugli x perl mo 11 tut iurm nolo rrpi3zrzin it pays t shop at tms store jllaeji silk duclieut full 10 ihciicj wide medium wtiht reliable dye beautiful flinh mid jood wcannr tjuahty specnl ut z95 yard habulai sillui nt 5100 and 125 ynjrrl tina silk i uitsble for waists wc have nil hie new shades is fully 30 inchca wide special at 1 00 and 125 yard silk crepe waist at 525 each thu ij one ot llio best bargains wc ever offered in silk wai13 wc have them in pink white maize sizes 10 38 and 40 good value at 5 00 on snlo 025 knyser silk gloves for canter wc sell the kayicr glovca a- wc think they aro the best fitting and best wearing glove made wc liavc them in block white gray and sand shades sizes 0 q 7 v and h special at 100 heavy weights at 125 ready towcar skirts nt 435 you will be surprised when you sec these kirts come in black only in a good quality fine twill serge sizes 24 25 20 28 waist band special nt 405 horn heavy itujbcd cotton uoso- at ific pair ju t 10 dozen in thu lot come in ic 7 to l0 a stocking that will give the hoy good hard wear and worth to day ssc special at lgc pair double told ginghams at 35c yartj do not miij thi bargain aj this gingham i worth to day 50c tajt colors in checks and stripe special ut 35c yard kjack and white strip shixtingb nt 40c this shirting u jiotcd for ua good wcar- nij tmality is fast colors regular price i 50c on ale nt 40c per yard plain iiluc duck at 35c yard this plain blue duck is heavy weight and very suit able tor boys blouses fast colors nnd will wear three times uj long as print special at 35c yard icnmann natural underwear for men at si 10 thi line of penmans under wear comes in spring weight shirts and drawers all sizes in stock regular price of this underwear is 1 25 on sale nt per garment u0 grocery specials finest duch sets lb 100 packages seeded raisins pink salmon i lb tins 15c 17c 20c 3 barb aborted toilet soap j lbs granulated sugar for 50 lbs patterknp candy tt 21c 5100 s5c extra special pttlces on orances kananaa lemona etc mcleaini mills mill stfieet we sell for cash we sell for less acton i mechanics itoard of trade of n him iuihtit n lolutlonu favor rontlnuancn of tho iroportatlnj df hcfcii kuturuuy ilm kill co uiurt u vf vlolatrni act in luuulng pr uild ituth rford wus l j 00 untl mjits lu t t hut hum on tho ihar tho ontario tcmperuii rlptionu for llqu a letter from i rnuit itochfiiter n y fonni rtj hero glvcu tho chirrlnl in ijuixmun kmluk com pail has hu i w lthd poiltl ui lug acttm lui a lock t norulnul prl iiuiitetl on t is entitled ii lock macklln of loctrlclan wu that tho in which ulne icjv- lliiltlnt 0ou0 ntiares of ihu mployeu ut tho f lou thui utock murlt t ut l70 most u nliu llttlo idlcu of i farms for sale 100 acres 5 miles from acton i lnul ilrlvliii 60 mnu workable iiul nice bush 0 urns i lu lur invump 3 ucrm orchard coll ajiiidy lout iirio frumo house new bank hum c0xi0 utubllni iiouut root houuo homo stable cx20 bl- idud foi hool 1 mile church 114 miles prlco 5g20a a money maker 100 acres one ok the best farms in esquesing township all workable well xmtorod with tipring eroek acre iirrlmn 10 ucreii fall wheat tioll clay loum 10 ucrcu frejh uci dlni u r a full ploughed new brlt k houuc h roomu i uuuo f urtiut thrill ph tu bath iwink luirnu utllo luni uoxco atabllng for 13 town liurun tu lli sixco utuhllng for ii horsca big open yard room f r 30 liuu 1 llltr carrh r driving uhed uilo hchool 1 vi miles lwirn town j iiiiiuj llurul moll und tulephono iriou 11000 100 acres 3 miles from eden miles10 m1us frpm guelph 7t ucrtu workuhla ikiuiiico past uru uimi bush n ill luy luum clooil uincrato liuuur iood dlvidotl cellar itsjik 1 urn loxuo ltxd cemented ituhllni bin huiu kiinito alio helioul 14 1 t chunh i coneeimluit iturul mall und telephone 1osaeailun uny liuu 1 rleu 5700 210 acites of a mile from acton pop ulation a000 100 ucrej vurkuhle bulunoe pusluro und tush j ueiui ureliuril soli clay loum to imitdy lou 111 1 well und z creeks i ruimi hi ui hunk burn cjx4 1 it hjii und hn houso wuter in uulilo eton 1hh1i un 1 ehurelns of u i1ii0 iturul mail 1rle jloa 100 acres 5 miles from rockwood id ueres teorkublc luluncc bush lmh h litui i un 1 lm i u nt ordiurd 3d ui rca full pit 111 licit soil eluy i mm 1 1 nty of une r sumu lumk lmni csx30 miiiit lli r titubhni r n pit pen ulj 1 terms umnibvu jluph itrivtni uny tin i fliu 5050a willoughby farm agency qeorqetown commission oflsce for sale i ino ifuy clyde qoldlng it cwt afatdiod clyde team younj iiuy itoud i illy rlsint 4 yrs will mako about 13 cvrc uwu and young cuttle hug leu harness light und heavy iford car u passenger cikbir ioslu leed drain wanted young i lg i ood turnips or mujiti lu cash and carrv qrocerv maplo syrup seed onions 3ed sean seed pots toss chester plank main street acton ont woodgncn lodge sons of england 66wp ttjt 99 oenn nlut capt rev a d robb of dundas great rlc1tal on easiter monday town ffall acton april 21st a great lecture to be given under oic auspices of woodcreen lodge sons of england acton rev a d robb c tho story of tien hur in st an drew3 church la3t night to a crowded hous- his audience was enthralled during his wonderful recital niaparn falls n y gazette good music will bi provided ilev e f maunaell ria will occupy the chau- the proceeds for the sons of england plot in fairview cemetery admissionueeserved seat 35c eu3n 25c tickets previously bought will be honored on this date fwoid coughs eoio cougherifj sodiaxcrswrscovqw tour ims rog safes hpravlnpg -vf- cbibaoiohosralst j truiomto cam4da keixys meat market corner mill and elgin streets acton i mrry b full lino of meat3 ail i huvo luid timny yuira xperlcncu it is my aim to hrlnj ixforo nty customers tho very cholceat meats at a rcawmablo will you tlvo mo an oppor tuulty to uhow yout cahh 1aiij iyit huttmt and iuus wkelly acton ont easter meals new laid eggs mcen e have made every preparation for eustcr and will be able to supply the best the market affords to provide attractivo meals for the easter hornecomcrs two young steers just killed the fatted calf for veal splendid fresh t1sh new laid eggs fresh from the farm fine line of cured hams and bacon prices right for all mcemesy evans ljcw no 0 452 alain street acton ontario children cry for fletchers lditohial thouulcb wu thu ul uu rvlu ltoky mountain 1 hew dlphlcultlei type phuuder pjiiuui win in v ur uutphrt phor thla prlntli lhullcd to uupuly uu vflih any i hi cuys mu it will ixi 1 hur or plilvu i beptiore wo can get uny wu huvu deled tho inluslug luttorn un i will ti 1 hi oiiio wo don thli nix ill ii u tho ti r tin n ot mlntul will huppvn regulated hu in ill en i c wo uhull uil aouiid thu i haul o cyilomi willi llli uihtor u phua j won till he sorts arrive tiol tho kind you hnyo alwayo bought and which hou been in uso for over thirty yearoy has borno tho signature of tanrj hna been pmdo under blu per- sjfcffy poaaj buperylsion itlnce its iniunxy s auow n ono to deceive you in thfj all counterfeits irojtatioiiil and juetaugood aro but lixpcrlrnents that triflo with and endanger the health of iniantb and children kacperlenco again experiment what is castori a castoria is a harmlcta oubfltltuto lor castor oil paregoric drops and soothing syrups it ia pleaaant it coutuinu neither opitim morphino nor other narcotic cubetance jtu ago ia ito guarantee fox pioro than thirty yeara it has been in constant uso for tho relief of constipation flatulency wind colic imdiyfliilimilj fluoyijuz fgycrjihiiriiti nrihlng therefrom and by regulating tho stomach and bowels aij tho aasimilation of food giving healthy and natural blced tho childrejas panacea the mothers friend genuine castoria always f bears tho signature of gains this week i buti- tjm 1x0 25e lo 6c iai lttoca atoe radial for thur iturday home dakinq on fripay and saturday mrs jennie mcdougall mill street acton ont in use for over 30 years the kind you have always bought w big bargains vi slaltkmans ttiu fll llll tr il c uf it lmhlil lj ivu uoul lllllmlu i ot uui lil uiiuii4li tlig ul clt lulira boots and sliocii 1 00 to 5c00 per pair mliiii ltoota j 60 to 47 00 lr pair uovb and glrb hliocu ut si50 to sdw per palr 1ius goods in ijitlst shades 1muc 45c per yurd poiilin65c per yurd l starkman hull stueet acion oo yoni wish to biay or sell property numeroiib citiztiib and others have found the fiee press an exceptionally profitable medium for buying and selling jiroperty especially the past few months i seoreb of advertisements of property for sale have appeared in our eolumns few indeed have failed to make tfye sales desired on tuesday morning mr robert laing peel street was good enough to call and say i esteem the free press very higlily as an advertising medium it was wholly through it that i sold my property this week and i think you should know it several other pro4ieilieunivextisml in tbe free press have changed hands during the week last week two properties advertised in these columns were disposed of to citi zens desirous of securing homes if you have property to sejj or if you desire to buy a home use the free press it is at your disposal dollar may accomplish what you desiie

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