Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 24, 1919, p. 2

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b if e artntt 3tet fyttaa jhuijay april 34 11b the planting who i lit 11 tn ii troo may- 1 wo to iter ho huvon unfold i ha ri urirtiu of its lummer garb i lit autumn tlnce of cold who 1 luii i n u flower may uva ihi illy whiten on 19 stalk riio rambler rooo lo blow who ihiwii tho acod may find lliu rit i i of harvest fair tht miii f realtors ringing clear when ull tiio sheaves are there hut tlino will fill the tree din roao will fade and die tho liancot umo will tu away a lora tho sung and sigh hill win an plants in love the word of hope and trust 11 tlntl it atlll alive with god made of dusl it t tuiinot fade nor dianie though worlds may scattered bo or love alono has hlgb repose in immortality w lomax childress bailey nodilod approval and gt away nn nllently nnd cwiftly could meanwhile jim stole a i o tiff tho tiank of tho bayou to the klnt whom ho could with safety overlook tin cattlo klllors at work all too quickly thoy finished thai tank of ok limine and rutting uj tho cow ho who had nctod an packer carried loada of meat and hldo up oio river old hokahlma now took his butcher knlfo and be can to cut bundlrm of dead wllluwn an 1 n lough grass ho piled beef a re oases from of tho iit jkhhi3 i iiurlhut tiik holy iiiiuit ouh iillllit i x r a c ra tza x in the panhandle dy franklin wlli clklns kikraxlaj m ay jim the duck have come i can bear em overhead sold bailey conlon who stood at the stable door jim who was working inside came out quickly at hln brothers call cock ing his earn ho looked into tbo dense umuka overhead for some day prairie fires had been rampant over in knnsas and thadmoke from them had settled like a blutfket of fog over all the pan- handlo country you re right jim cried after a minute well eo to tro hayou after cm noon a i get these nuuijtrd dona thero was nothing urgent for the two boys to do at homo the fail work was near completed and what grnln they had saved was safely boused their father and mother had gone lhlrty five miles to the county seat and would not be back until tbe next day they had taken the work team and only more the contorts one saddt horse was 4cftv a llttlo before noon tho brothers armed with their shotguns set out for catfish bayou an arm of tbe cana dian luvcr about a mile distant tne way they several times beard tbe than two thirds taken so they intended to uuo flro to covet their knlfo maku and to louvn burned over ground behind thorn i on that smoky day no one except possible a tray traveller roulil d i cover the fin teforo tho cattlft klori hud ler jts moke far in their rear wondering what he mlgjlt do to defeat this schemo jim watched the indian well knowing that his partner woo now cautiously leading their string of j ionics down tho shallow current of tho river to mo distant point of landing llokshlma finished his work of heap ing dead willows and grass on thi beeves then bo turned and strode out toward tho far end of the bayou stantlv jim understood the meaning of this move lie would start a flro whore the slight wind would send the flames into the loop between the bayou and tho river i ills flro would thus run only for a short distance before tho breeto and then would nlowly back flro on tho short grassland tho settlors would not discover it for some bourn jim determined at all cents to pro- tent the marauders from carrying out their plan slaking his way hurriedly along tbo edge of the bayou ho reach ed the outer limit of the slough at tho edge of tho tall graasca ahead of tho indian in a dip at the edge of tbo water he roso and with gun on shoul dor walked carelessly over a slight rise before old llokshlma had readied the rim of high grass jim came face to faco with htm- xiowi howl jm cried in a tone of surprise and pleasure holding out his band ir old llokshlma felt disturbed by this meeting he gave no sign how ho said tou huntcm duck no duck today him all go solonga wind swept a hand skyward and lo the sdhday school lesson fon ounday april 27 1010 additions material for joel 3 28 20 matt- 3 8 14 20 28 1g 30 27 acta 3 38 39 ward the yes jim readily assented no ducks today ieor ovtir on hills ho pointed to the north vou got horse- you git coma long mo wo eat din ner heap pork bread potato coffee and sugar llokshlma looked at tho boy keenly for a moment and considered- good he said finally you go on house tno git boas como quick no mo go with you tired rldo on horse behind jim insisted the indian had already started he novhalted hoh he said oder injun gotem hoes tlo him way off while wehuntem deer him come too now he vibrant wills tlo of wings and once a nock of mallards passed within view through tho smoke low enough for a wing shot tho brothers did not flro for fear of putting to flight the flocks tliat tucy felt sure must be feeding on tho reaches of tho bayou and tbo stream whan the boys cama to the bayou however they found no waterfowl thcre evidently the ducks taking ad vantage of tbe favorable brecxe were all migrating gulfwnrd jim and i bailey followed the inner reach of the i bayou round to the river where they hoped to find ducks- carefully work- ins their way through a swamp of tall bottom grass they approached the bank as they were passing thro ugh a low cluster of willows they heard tbo subdued whicker of a horse apparently from the river c just below with aroused curiosity the two boys cautiously moved down to the lower edge or the willow growth and peered wrt nnat beneath their feet wore fom- ponies standing in shallow water one of them was loaded with boneless strips of fresh meat another bad numerous strings attache j to its saddle evidently awaiting a similar lading tbe other two carried ordinary indian saddles and to tho pack strings of one were tied a stout indian bow and a quiver of arrows hajlcy and jllm exchanged looks ot excitement for they realized that hero was tho solution of a mystery that bad guon great trouble tq settlers alona tho canadian without a word they aank down among tho willows and waited icrhapii tan minutes hod elapsed when an indian in half- civilized dress come wading round a curve of tbe bank bearing a freshly rolled cow hldo upon his shoulder the brothers again exchanged glances without a question it was those raiders from across tho indian territory luiowho had dono the cattle killings that for more than a year had boon laid to tho new sot tiers along tho canadian and that had caused bad blood between many of them and the range cattle men it was tills business tjiat bad taker tho boyi parents to town six weeks before a herd of rango cattle bad broken into the con ions field one night and bad destroyed almost half of the growing crops on h week ittpr a range steer was killed in a swale near their field the bones of tho skeleton bad been picked before it was discovered but tho men of tho boryn tho nearest ranch had i bitterly cluuged the con ions with bav lng killed tbe steer many animals of the range had been killed along the river settlements and cattlemen gen- 1 trolly accused tho nesters of keeping ragged no good fenoem and then when their crops were injured of kill lag cattle shortly after the con ions had been accused posters appeared along all the highways in which tho panhandle cattle company offered five hundred dollars reward for information that would lead to the arrest of a oow killer ioter con ion had gone to the county seat to seek legal advice what course ho should take to protect tils family from false accusations jim and italley breathlessly watched tho raider tlo his roll of hldo upon the meat pack then the man waded htuii out of night the way bo hall come there would bo no telltale tracks or marks of dripping beef along his trail undoubtedly ho had a partner hand and tho fellows had chosten this smoke befogged day on which to do such work und moke their got away tho brothers quickly doclded that jim ohuuul spy upon tho m twang on his shoes lie crawled through tho marsh gross round to a hummock that overlooked a drop in the river flat as ho had expected tho indians two of them were near ut liojid thoy were at work on tbe second of the cows thoy hod killed in thcjmhxjiid man jim was astonished i to rovngnlxa old llokshlma a fawnos indian who while hunting the small wtil to- tailed deer bad twloe stayed overnight at the conlons house jim cuiuo to a swift decision us made his way quickly back to his orothcr qo home and get on morg he whispered itidtf as fast as you can and bring somebody even if its only thf cook frpni baryn 111 stay b to nee that tho dogs of the coyotes dont ninturb their leavings the ras nls have guns und we cant take raised his voice in a long drawn shrill cry like tho quavering yelp of coyote presently tho other an swered from not far away when the aecgnd cattlo killer ap pearod he showed no more surprise or other emotion at meeting the white boy than llokshlma had shown jim noticed that like llokshlma the young- pawnee was now armed with a modern brecohloadar they had killed the cows with bows and arrows the guns were unquestionably for defense the indians spoko together for a moment in their own tongue then the turned and accompanied jim a walk of fifteen or twenty mlnutca brought them to tbo conlons house jim seated his guests in tho kitchen and fell to work at getting dinner they lighted their pipes and filled the rootn with the smoke of cheap tobacco greedily they watched jim boil tho potatoes fry the pork cut generous portions of bread and brew a big pot of coffee both had set their guns against a wall behind them when tbey were ijjtedjtosltat the table tbe younger as if by lnsunctwuiiedbl sun and leaned it against a window sill close hand jim without design thought oat near the wall so that his fathers gun rack and rifle bung lust abovo his bead the trio fell to and ate tbo pawnees greedily all this tlmo jim had talked off and on showing tbo utmost good nature and such pleasure in serving his indian guests as doubtless they bad seldom known outside the walls of an indian mission when they w midway of the meal jim began wonder what he should do to hold tlo pawnees after dinner he hod deter mined that finally be would insist upon going back to the river with them to show them the tracks of deer that h had seen in the mud of tho bayou ills planning was unnecessary su denly tho pawnees both started slight ly each stiffened in his chair witli his face tense in a second or two jims ears detected tho cause of their alarm the muffled pounding of hoofs at a distance- the pawnees exchang- ed swift glances and looked their host keenly in tbo face iiobi exclaimed tho boy trying to speak carelessly my folk go to town mebbe now they come back jim could hardly cononal hut elatloi and his voice doubtless betrayed that emotion you lie shouted the younger of the pawnees and bis hand went out for his weapon both indians sprang their feet together but jim was ready be too was on his feet in stantly and bis right hand swept bis fathers rifle from its rack hit down be commanded fiercely leaning toward tho pair you kill cows ue saw amid fur men aght no good now i for an instant both indians glared savagely at tho boy jim did not riloeh and then as tho pounding hoofs drew nearer the younger man laughed hoarsely old llokshlma grinned in n sickly manner and tho two sat back on their choirs and stoically resumed their eating a minute or two biter bailey wlti three cowmen from tho baryn common gcriptur passes 14 tor as many as are lod by the hplrjt of ood theao ero suns of jd 1g i or yo received not tho spirit of bondage again unto fear celved the spirit of adoption whereby wo cry abba father it tho ilplrlt hlmuolf bcarcth wit nom wit our spirit tliat wo ara chil dren othed 17 and if children then heirs holrn of ood and joint heirs with chr if so bo that wo suffer with him that we may bo also glorified with him tu and in like manor tho hpiiit i hot pet h our infirmity for wo know not i how to pray as we ought but tbo flplrlt himself makcth intercession for us with groan inge which cannot t uttered 27 anl he tliat carchctb the henn knoweth what la tho mind of tli tlplrll because ho tnuketh tnntcrceac a for tho aalnts according to the mil c ood 28 and wo know that to thera t in love qod 11 things work together for good oven to thera tliat are called oo- cording to his purpose 23 nul tho fruit of tho fiplrlt la lovo i joy peace long buffering klndnesa j goodness faithfulness 23 meekness self control against sueh there is no law 34 and they that are of christ jcnu have crucified the flesh with tho pas slons and tho lusts thereof 2g h wo live by tbo flnlril by the spirit let us also walk golden text if yo then being evil know how to give good gifts unto you children how much mom shall your heavenly father give tho holy spirit to them that ask him 7 luke 11 departmental topics and references primary topic jesus our helper john 0 2 0 memory verae lo i am with you always mate 3s 20b junior topics our unseen teacher and helper acts 4 5 1 13 1820 39 31 memory verso matt 28 20 intermediate nnd senior topics ourj unseen- friend and helper gal 2g rom 8 1417 36 38 acts 4 6 10 13 18 20 2331 young people and adult toplo- what tho holy spirit does for us blackboard this holy spiiut giveh ncw life to us the holy spitut tdacrfcs us the holy hpirit beaitawit- ness with us the holy spiiut dwehls within ua lesson thouams ur lord drew near the end of hl earthly ministry ho told bin dui clples of one who should como down from heaven dwell with them and not ily fill hts placo but do more than i had done jesus spoko of that coming one as tho comforter ho stands at our sldo to help let us i earn by a study of tho new i t a few of the many blessings j which the holy spirit biinga to us i the holy spirit imparts to us the new llfo from heaven yo must bo born nnew said jesus to the phnr laee and ho spoke further of thu new birth that it comes through tho spirit tho holy spirit coming from ood plants in ua tbe llfo of ood makes us children of qod and partakers in the divine nature 2 tho holy spirit is our teacher how dull were tho minds of those twelve disciples bofore the spirit fell from heavem and how clear was tnelr vlslon afterward i and that vial on did not cease with the npoetollc age one saint said truly there might be thhln nrhtfoq flymr vf n i god teaches hin children in our tlmo the holy spirit br the witness to our aalvntlon when samuel wesley the father of john wesley was dying over and over again ho said to his children gathered around him tho inward witness the inward witness that testimony within our conscious ness that wo are forgiven saved ac cepted is the voice of the holy spirit 4 tho holy spirit dwells within us it ja a mistake to suppose that he spirit of qod was orly in tho churoh of tho early days xi dwelt with christ s followers then but be dwells with them and in them stlll in tivcry christian soul the spirit uvea at home in us uccordlng to tho measure of our faith rsadinos for next weak monday man mado in tho imago of ood gen 1 is 31 tuesday man mado for dominion pas- 8 1b wednesday man in kxlen gen 3 7 17 thursday mans holpmoet gen 1824 firldaytho new man lph 4 1732 saturday changed into ills image 2 cor 3 7j8 sunday man and ills broth or luks 2637 millers worm powders are par ex- olleiire tho medicine for children who ire found suffering from tho ravaxi of worms they immediately alter the nit machlr conditions under which th i worms subsist and drive thoill from the njstem and at tho soma tlino thuy uro tonlcal in their effect upon the digest i ve organs restoring them to healthful operation and ensuring 1m in unity from further disorders from spring rains cause mud and dirt punchaoe a good door mat hi avy of oa math ux2i iio 10x27 io0 ihxau 2j 20x33 200 orilljt math 3135 31 75 sl25 tzaa u1ai hti 1 i mat 1 j125 i0 175 iiaill iljhii ilitooliji 05c 121 2jt3 2tu j2j15 o ci dak mol h i nn i mi lrlmiiil lar ilia brown daimy mol h hound 11 triangular tl yvc have a paint and varnioh foii evcfiy purpooe we havc what you want i the bond hardware co ua i phone 1012 guelph the best man goodl crlet the ranch foreman for bo it was with two of his lino riders good enough dinners handy and enough for us all wal young feller he said to jim wn found tho redi bosses and your brother guessed where tho beggars was and now if you don t mind we ii sit down and eat with you as neighbors and mends they all ate heartily tho indians sat nonchalantly and continued to cut as long as any victuals were to be had at the end of tho meal tbo pawnees submitted quietly and with their ponton nd booty were takun to tho county jair boms days later u letter came ad dressed to james and bui ley conlon it contained a check fur flvo hundred dollars signed by the president of tho panhandle cattlo company youths companion a few seasons ago says a prom in i tew coach in outing two men were ajinpeting closely for a scat in the varsity boal one day i called them together and said just now you two men ore working equally well in tho boat but one lias a better scholarship standing than tho tber and to mo that seems to indicate tliat one of you bos tt little more per sonol pride than the other mattar of fact tho man who was not up to the scratch in his work was a bit tho better of the two as for as smoothness lnthe boat was concerned i thought tho incident might cause him to pick up in his classes it did i not when the tune uino to make a final selection of the eight i agali called tho pair in to sea uu its still bard to decide between you two i would just as soon ji you throw a coin to docldo the win nor i suld the man with the poor scholarship record was the first to apeak tliat s all right with me ho natd the other man thought for a minute i saw his niouth go tight- then he said tltat doesu t oult mo oue of us must be tho best man- i want now which and to know why i tin tho best p wmhiljyobsbly bavxr every time you give up when you get the reputation of ac complishing whut you net out to do your fortune is mode tho timid and tho vacillating will flock to your stan dard you youraolf will work more iwrslstentty and confidently because you have farmed tho habit of nocom pllshlng what you attempt hut re member that evety time you give up boaten you make it more impossible thought that fellow conceited but uot tiiey knew what it moans fur i youngster to put in months and mi of hard training for a craw tbo second man wan of a quiet type but after be spoke 1 know tbe thing tltat avtry coach is must anxious to find out ilia l bo was uia kind who would bo pulling hardest whan bis lungs wore fooling like bursting in that last bard lailf mile you can guoos which man got the place the maw who did not was too easily satisfied sweeten your courage sil courage is a very superior variety to tliat which simply sets its toe tli and gos on to bo bravo and cheerful is infinitely better than to to have that inspiring faith in your- faco n lugs with grim unsmiling you cm nn u v win uup emtio have that inspiring faith in your- i fc hard luilngs with grim u without a fight and with rlflm theyd self or for your re how meti to bilve i determination- bwenleu your have the best of us that faith in you with cheerfulness and smiles nutleo- is hereby given tliat tho rudltura of kelly gritrid into of the village of acton in the county of hal- ton rutired contractor deceased who rtua on r about tho ctghliith day of march a d 1d1s and all other per i sons having claims against bis estata rotiulred sti or bsfore ths tsnth day of may a d 191 to send by post pro l uil j or otherwise deliver to harold nush lnnutir of the village of ac ton in tho county of hal tun barrister at law solicitor tor william or una of ttio vlllago of krln in the county of wellington gentluuiaii and henry yfiltlpioourp uf m or afxon in the county of llalton sdltof the executors of tho last will and testa rnoitt of tho said deceased their chris tian and surnames addresses and dec- i options full particulars of their claims duly verified by statutory de claration nnd the nature of tho so curio tics jf sny held hy thoin and notice la further given that 1m mediately after tho said tenth day of may a d 1110 the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the nald deceased according to law among tho parties entitled thereto and that tho said executors wilt not be respon sible after the period fixed for such distribution for any claim of which thoy ahull not then have received uot ice us aforesaid dated this tenth day of april ad 1010 william oiuffin hunut philip- moo he kxecutura by harold nosu fanner i thatr mouoltor mill hlroot acton on 413 acton flour and feed store the woll known ursnde of kings choice norvsl nd national flour notrrina bsttsr rolled oats hld clovlh qhodt8 alu1ke oat chop timothy suit in bmitulu 00 iti hut quantity if iuujrn1 up12cial un1s in chick 1n fl10d oiv13 ouh caw mlai a trial domlsitiic koilici oats this 1i1bt canada food board uctnao no 30 robert noble limited henkv awrev manaqer j

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