Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 24, 1919, p. 3

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ijc artutt jffrrr llrraa i tl l it tia allill 1015 thl qiicat game of lifc itiln worliln m lltiuioikl willi bunto laid ano ti it i if i trnl aim of mil la ilay i tim tunii ur lhiinnn lllncn vcrouu 1 ul- aml riiim tlu niiiplrt watrhina by lh i lui wo n ul tin i t uur imrixhw o rr and w i r to wlill unil 111 ii lui mid try to irvrn the pitcher irni not a flnjder ulubrtnj who nml tlrlvo it aa nnl nwlftlr raco rn to tho primal ihoiicli thoy utrlvo tholr luult tho air anil then dtrlka o imiirh ilowncant with lamcfuco i i ilc ambition ilrn grow llnc lilto a bear anil try to ulilj olhcru imjii no tan wllilty i or ran thn mi to nhut thu hi nno u that n not tho eumi to rjult what thoujii you fallixl to cut in with other rlmnco atantl u cudy kcoji your guard hit you tho hit head up mid mul wait walt for u nix and wht ii it nnkt tlii ltu eot nl o and ho must you old illko fur tho imloo keep trains ye d lunt iom that nwlns- tct tho throw in alldo you did it acoro of ti ncoreil uf tally marked up on ow you ii win tho fuoi no doubt u 11 novcr loi play ilall oj mn if youll the coming of qpr1uo ityrlna now work otallod thi warm lum mo to un wo put away und drcuaod ourselves for ttl u now edneaa nu to our kitchen wo f cro ft rut fly and greeted the lth ocreena and ualnt and frciih uolf wixt hprliiif runo to our din ins room wo movi il tho lablo nearer tho wln- dowu und uot our table with tho lighter crlap fool for which spring bppetltca clamor wo drcttacd our china closet nnow and mud a njirliuj meal times elad moetlnir limns spring ciimo to our bedroom wo re- nowed imudinc and oovera added dainty touch en of kaloty and color to dreader and viraahatand for we meui to awaken blithely u tho call of the now days oprinc como to our llvlni room wo put awuy uio heavy russ used a lot of point oil and varnish rave dusty books ojid maeuxlnos a beatinje hard ened our bcartu to cast out winters usolou accumulations repotted our plants sprlntf dancod ull around outside tho house wo put up new trellises for old vines and nut out new vine for old trellises tho dtnsry walls laushed di new tints and tho bmilng lies bumped in vain acalnst newly repaired and painted iicrecnu m bprlna danced on the lawn wo seed ed baru spots rakod untidy spots re paired tho fences rehuns tho cates fjprlnir hid in tho flower krden we uncovered tho perennials and sat out tho aiimuls und kissed tho baby buds on tho laycack bush hprlne beckqnod to us from tho vccotublo garden we sowed and sat and rakod and made rows cos tin a up accounts meanwhile for bprlnc the maiden noon is autumn tho matron and therell bo cans to fill and cash to count if we mako our tardea ac cording to maiden hprlnja best order spring camo with a rush to barn and stable coop corral and pen we welcomed und housed and cherished cvnryrfsw youne life and ilaforo wo fully know sprliura elal face tanchecked summer was upon us larnvo diploma uooii bo tlmo t was a i lf w hulldlne but i mlrijj absently arid how di mnr ochuol t aakrd at icmft italic brljjil like her fitthi i liollahml tho father rt vtdn lllw hlu liolm wlf th nlnk it w willi mil w rk r r h i in ii town owt un ho uat d uni rr ten i nin of h ill rfllh 1 hotter futhi r ilrir alio re i lied lion iknin weary work i hlioliyj ale behind hut fin llnhil and 111 m graduate thin yrur it utiull never raid of no that i hft off nchool with a dlplom t tlmy mlelil my that uamu of in said her fatbr 1 m wondorinir continued thoughtfully if it in lute to set odd now i vo half a mind to try wtiat iionsoruto are you tulklnc uf lunyr said mm hulllvan wouli you bo uolnc imirk to the rrnmmur school r 1 mlfiht takn private icasona auld irry what varieties of grain are you growing i this is a question that should not be dodccl by any former tho country is full of varieties about which nothing is known 1 hioo vurietler rave gotten into a dlntrlrt and they find a friend who continues to crow them year after year occasionally supplying a nclh bor with uccd this has occurred in almost every locality unless an active propaganda lias introduced modern hlh yielding uorts tho result in moet cases lu thut theso various grains have dekcnrruild and the farmer la loslns bushels per aero through tho use of obsolete varieties this condition is a survival of the days whin onu tould find in any seed catalogue numerous varieties with norms outttotlvo of his yields and lucrative profits tho truvcllio asnt wlul ijjw nlfcl1 l eralns who ap- poarorjinually with old varieties under a now nume oliarea tho guilt of the enterprising noednian this multiplicity of varieties es pecially of those about which nothing is known is a serious and unprofitable condition thu vcmedy is simple there has junt into lasuod hy the uxpert- montal 1unus a revised list of rocom mended varhtlea for tlie various prov lnces of canada only thoas that tiave domoustrutoi their uujxiriorlly for nurtjbor of yuurs ntn recommended and witiiliut u doubt thoy are immensely superior to thu urchulc sorts now bolnt growu in iiuny localities if you liuve not already ixiulvcd it address a letter to tho dominion coroallst luperl mental 1 unu otiuwu and a copy will be rorwurdud immedlutely tho uo- mini on ccnllst is also glad to assist any tiernon in the procuring or aeed of tlnao vuciouns lsvery fanner should whllo thuru is yet time before aecdln f o nldcr carefully tho oorts of grain that ho is now growing and if in tho lifcht of tho revlaod list of rec- comruoiulnl vurlotics they are weigh d in the balance and found wanting he should lake nl pa immediately in procure f i call oied of standard sort- tupurliuuntal i amis note waoted effort v duun ii roohlra ouuiikwted of var us uutloiitilltlls uioatly italian oi ihiit llvni thu omuiund mark time i 1 oxoiutod l uuiunaml with tho ex ipthui if unu uinull dark uklniioj boi tsaploa ll ai he did hu luovviiicnt und he ro ut not oioi piled lonti why borgoanl cau uiit sharply dti kroiw tho repairing tho the mitakeo others oplo iii the rid spend inn i f thi li tltna and energy repairing thn inlalukin nf others one or jio uuil ttul if wunlcu ta the sacrlfjce of superior uhillty to make up for the careleaa bluiulurti of average people the worker who does not yulto fill his place wlton work has to be watched and corrw ted is making it iinposslbla for thouo ubovo him to uiako the best use of their time i your beat where you ore in ordir that your superiors may do their boat where ihoyjtrs and wlio would bo your leurhor who else but mlao katie hulllvan isn t she smart enough to get a dip loma for both tit uav its only a joke katie don l mind him said tho mother aa uho pack her husband a midnight luncheon jlut tho joko did not stop thoi tiro months afterward it was the toplo of mrauulllvana talk with her nolgl bor as they hung out their reepectw washings in adjoining yards you ii laugh mrs malone when tell you that my man is studying for a grammar school diploma lie our katie to teach him and it a her that a putting him through his paces lie has nparo time ut night when ho isn t making hie rounds and it a then he studies the hooka uho brings homi thon every momlnc before he goes to bed she puts out his spelling leaaon and marks his sums and hoars him recite and explains and scolds him for all tho world like a real teacher she does be caylng that bo picks up tho learning fast dot how can larry got a diploma you may well ask that mm malone it a my belief ho can t thounh ho does say if ho goes to tho commit too and tells them boldly that ho a ready to taki tho final examination that ho mlaood when a boy how can they havo the face to refuse hlmt hut its fine prai tlce for katie uho was behind ut school from being out so much by reason of my children always taking any disease that cornea near shea near the head of tho class and barring hi luck she ii easy win bor diploma at the end of tho year ilut with tho goal a 1 moot in sight fato again laid u detaining hand on katie there still remained one of childhoods diseases for the young hul 11 vans to take and when tho quaran line was once more lifted june was at hand- it run light with all but katie mrs sullivan told her neighbor it has left tho poor girl s eyes in that state that she can use them for scarce anything except to cry with disappoint ment it haa cheated her out of her diploma entirely did you ever hear of the like bad luck 7 today wo a o packing her off to my brot tiers farm in too country and i hope tho change will do her good the change must havo done katie good for aha came back on the doyj before school was to close with eyes much improved and her health other wise completely restored no traveller returning from foreign parts ever received a wanner welcome than did katie in that humble homo your father can t be disturbed yot said mrs hulllvan but i can toll you a bit of news they have considered your cose and decided that youvo earned your diploma uo you are to graduate with tho rest here is tho letter and isn t the eight of it good for your weak eyes 7 hut lorry will be telling you ho a beaten you for ho a got his diploma already icatles joy over her own good for tune was almost lost in her surprlio at bor fathers success but to all her inquiries her moth or would only an swer you must wait a bit ho 11 bo wanting to tell you the story hi then katie had her own long story of her visit to tell but after a tlmo she stole outdoors to look about her she was back from broad fields gay with buttercups und daisies to a nar row dusty street und a bare little yard where flowers could never be made to grow but this was homo and her heart was glad an ice curt went lumbering by and she waved her hand at tho driver who lived a few doors below prom flown tho street tho letter carrier was approaching glancing la another direction oho caught night of pollcemai kurkc just turning the cor ncr very imposing he looked no wonder mary lturko was proud of him but my father in a far tlner figure of a man said katie to hlreclf ami wouldnt i like to see htm in a uniform then oho heard a quick step on t tt ik and oho turned to hud her wish gratldod l liavo a lotter for one katie sullivan at this number said well known voice are you the party miss 7 why father i criod katie ment as aho threw her arms rui his neck howovot did you got to bo a letter carrier t it was by tncaim or my dlpl plied iarry with u grin tluit s tho ivumc i givi to tho paper tlut came frutu washington ahuwlng lluii 1 liud paitsod my civil service examluu tion it is that i was working tor ul the while katie dear and i have got it without your help ini u sub now and uiily cm this route whllo mr towlo has his vacation but i be on regular uoon itut why did you keep ua so in thu darkf asked uatle reproachfully jar the reason tliut i wouldu t liave you sorrowing if i fullud hut no 4 you must lrave uio g il is strictly uguiniit orders to loiter or uoedlcasly willi patrons on uio route and what la your loiter v asked mrs ttullivuu with u smile us iwutlo lulle bruuthlciui with cxi itcinunt en ered tho iwunc oh i novir thought to look t the 4ui as aho tote uwil tho tmvuli why its the diurtm1 hair ribbon u card and tlatoii now to wlta aaya 1w miss kutlo her fcruicful friend mr llvuu hoping uliu will wcur it at her giaduit lun and rememhor the when she rjrjj ives lirr diploma the old man of thk clock towlit rig a citizen said to me thn otht when wo were tulklng of improvi t tho npim arance of hotnn uurr lugs which are belngvnado throe that ho felt tittle inclination much tbout his place wlion tho i born chickens und dofs ncvatrh i garden in 1 1 1 lower imuiu tooplo who should keep allow tlictn riot no thr ir tho luu elgli p hli thin id thn who nkro i ride lh tho otr ndln of hin home garde i can by luw oumr neighbors to court desirable nor si ouhl it be uictiuuiry thoao who keep ehlcknis nml iloj i nliould hiivtt norm regun for the nulj h bora who do nol i d ukn to liavo i brood of chickens myai if with 1uslu eggs ol thu price uukod but i prefei to have tint neigh boru on good tertni with mo this woetf and especially i rldny saturday and sunday my tlmo wan occut led fur thr- moat pa i with watch lug uie lastor doings vtsltoru etc it lias kept me busy and guessing too to place some of tho fncea that ued to he ullo familiar around uilu town of ours sometimes i looked twit o und more tlutn onco i spoke to piioplo i thought i knew and found out lau r they were iorfect straiigorn to mi of cduroo they wore mr illank u hoy or ihey married mlaa ho and tx wlio uuv 1 to live here and i knew tholr purontii in sumo casru or could truce tuiitio sort of urqualhtancciililp hut it miidn mn fell sort of foolish und i nupioiio tin y thought i wan in my dotage friendly that a mo all over tho thno holidays were graced with such beautiful nprlngllko weather that moat evorytme iiormcil to be an ulghtueclng expeditions around town then tlicro wtjro ull those city vial lorn homo to show our women folk tho latest creations in styles just as if they hudnl ull been down und seen them mouths ugo anil omo of the remarks i ovirlicard u i tout these nov creations tlioy wi re surely amusing und i just roared und lauifh ed 1 11 just give you u aumplo or two but i won t mention uny numes wean t that coat mlau hud on u dream 1 btt you that coiit eomcthlu docant miss look a rritlit lu that now suit ulth tho tight ltiliu skirt and lu that uo und sou fellow with her or la lie u friend of tho fomilyt und then how tin you llko that new dolman mlau ij woaritil tho noxt time mlaa warlng ll dolman cumo down town i took j uldn took at her and bleoa your h art if ray wlfa wain t wearing turn of tin ni there things well on to forty yuui ma of iource it wasu t jutit lh sunn kind thai would novtr do thlu dol man thoy are wearing now hi u par fectly new creation my howiuully uomo tieoplo get foohtl ilut tor uavo your old clothes ladlea thoy i be in again lu u decade or two ilut i huvo aald enough about acton s llfth avenue paradu und thut uhould uot be the leading feature of luutur although it and how many e 411 you jtu ufford to eat seems to liuvn guluotl the pre- dominant place looplo ihuii to havu forgotten lu tho majority of casuw what thlu glorious ucaaoii com room orates 1 bellovo now that i was a uttln hasty when i classed tho old tuiincr building and uio now shoo factory in the same category a ft w wvcku ugo activities urn mid tho lino brick edifice on cjuolih un 1 church mrwu tho imvt meek seem to wurruut tho placing of ht uhoo factory umoui thu ral live things in town tho cliaugo froni tho rtstago wus tjulto wulcomo how and from what i read lu thu paper last week and gather from town gossip tho concern lu down to nial burdness and re nlj to til w ltlod bore ho building u sum to be occupied hy sumo other prominent manufaclur iiu concern it dixjin t make a urvut dual of dirfcreiico who occupies tho hulhllug so long us lh y um a good rtjjpiiulblo firm and cun provide em ployiuent for the number of ptoplo tin uhoo fuctory prximmiel to do i am tm to aco this lino building lifted out of tho negleted building 1 laau willi h it apieared to bo in who 11 i wrote ull conjy on it a month or 00 ago and i know we will ull be dolbhtod to 00c und hear tho hum of industry that will noon be aurrouuditik this nuw uddltlou to actons aplondld inuuufacturiug uc tivltiea till- oi i man 1 h will somebody pleauu uurt thltu imuy won 1 li 1m mn mi occnct or the tlaqh light a pot lit fundi llrlit in thn liandloit lltlli d vii ever pmf rtcd for un jiih ut thn li 1110 ilurliii the nlj hi l ntr nil tin brttrni nf mrhthl 111 t h 1 of ll htlnj lurlrrui und tin 1 itil of llul tji when inn vrunls ti pluc i ill lu 11 tii- tim ml j hi to fllinb ht 1 lilt hinh ilj11 hi niilto 1 f thn fa thnl it un in ruiili i 111 1111 i foi wf kn unt yrt li nv r ready to ivo a i un or hrllllunl light on dchmnd wheicvir tho tiny uwlti h is tnaillpn lui 1 i hie ixuni of light run bi thriwii into thn mont impoiiulhlo pluccn fro 1 11 nlmout any hultltmi tho flanh liflht la un tdcctric light it dirfei in no way from the otlu r oh trie lights in yi ur homo oxcep thnl ii is amnllir lump on tho und of thi u perfect tanp conslut 111 of 1 llnu llurnet t of tungsten wirr niiciom d in a glass vacuum bulb no larger than thu end of unos finger wireu lead tho current into this lamp through tho base- und item to tho qlr ment tho lump screws into its 00c knt und t nn lie easily renewed at u trifling cost when it is burned out llko uny other electric lamp 1 ht oloctrcily for tho flaalr light hi produced by two nmall cliemlcal bat- toflrn onceolod within tho tiandle or ixxly of the device these batteries are made to conform to thb uliapo of the handle ijch tiattery conn in la of thrift elements a sine plate a carlioi plat und the electrolyte or chemical tho ileotrolyto is in tho form of a puntu hurroimdlng both tho xino und tho car 1m 11 when uio light is not in use the spring device of tho push button ucejiti tho tlrijll open and tjabattery pro duns no electricity tho instant tlu circuit lu completed by prejuiure on the button the chemical compound begins to uct on tho alnc in a form of combustion aa the xlnn ta consumed hy uio 4 heinlcal electricity in produc od thlu electricity flows out over thi irctrlcjil circuit consisting of tiny wlrni roil coaled w i 111 in the device to thu inctrlq larnp and cuuocs it 1 llow und prtxluce light tho light ij rcfuitixl out into u at might beam from a small reflector affixed ltohlnd tho litth lamp enough to share a unlfluh man still healthy and strong unnounced his intention uf gtv lug up hlu work and livlmr at hin ease i liavo put by suftlcient to care for ma thu rest or my life ho said and i think that is enough the clergyman to whom ho made tills statement shook his hud you ure mi 11 taker there ho nald my friend you should put by t uoutli to care for nomebody elve our n sources ure inadequate un- iu wo have enough to share witli other people a great many of us lead ouch allelic rod caro free lives thut it would lie easy to look out for our own ttbwulp ilut if wo stop there wo full wo nliould havo good cheer to npure for tho despondent wo alio old huvo strength for the weak and tho ti mptrd to lovo beauty and order to live at peuce lu sufllclcnt unlcsa wo are tiui hint tho secret of icaco and loaiity to someone clan lullmale your un ni not by your own need but tho needs of tho brother whoso ids and heart ure empty first to last- the news 1- aa anyone dud murr d lxfl uli 1 hud 1 hi hull a ha y itrouo a it it hud u lui rty imld 1 far had wina or htruck it rich iheu urn u tod come own iioul1 t u ho no tho in u hoofs wife cotnmlitid uulcldo lhulht un uutomobllo 1 alien fm an airplane hun iwuy wltl u hundiimcr mail that a newa ihono 11a or lib wo will publish it more than she bargained for hcrt lu an amusing example of tho htuillos ttiat lie hidden in our kn glliilt tuuguo in tho following iitory uiat found in u re ent newsjiaper a ludy ut cording to the narrator wmlu un army officer at purl ham houston follows mru smytho hmjuiuui ilm phaaurtj tf ujil hunkers company at immr on july 17 ut uoveu o clock ho nxt day she root ivcd this note with the uxcepllon of three 1 o liavu the mmjileu und ono win to fcuurd hount capt hunkefs iany uect pts mrs tmjy the o kin 1 itutlou with plcauum prevention and cure 1 hut und un to ijuy the i ii ed vho uunirlud ukfnu nd a little rut cumo down ti borrow tlw instrument ho lent it willingly und told jenkins ho could huvo it any time ho wantod il jen klnu tiuk full advuntugo of the offer ho wua miwhjd borrowing uiat trom youthful power centuries old for thouuonda of yearn the waterfalls of ontario have wanted energy that tlic hyuro- clectnc power cominijiort of ontario now haa yoked to productive dynamos what wan formerly mostly sound and spray ia being transformed into electrical energy a willing obedient tirelran servant it lights homes ut mid oflicco operatco olreet cars and factories makes work easier and life more enjoyable it 13 the object of the hydrociectnc power commission to render the- beat possible oervico at a reaoonuhlc rate to attain that end tho moat modern electrical equipment is ins tolled in power houses and distributing stations- it la just as essential for you to use electrical appliances equally aa modern and reliable in your home hydro quality lonps arc tho hanjarj lamp if the caniiittxilon jot home uhllng thtu are tcttcj in fw tahotalotlcm cj tho cam- tnixitoii j or brilliancy of llghl mlnlmturt cur- rent contuniplimt anj length of uje hydrodxctric power commission or ontario sou by- hydro electric department aeteeeaei3f heghest pjrice paid for your creanl raiictest and fuix sallsraction cljauantlid ouu price tor butuc iat is 2c hkiier this wkek any quantity of new laid ekrh purchased wo arc stnrting a riff on the road for colletftinjj cream- anyone desirinp us to call for cream phone or notify ua by mnil actomi creamery co willow street oppoaiie government building 1 i- buekwwawbai aimmmmijimmmmmmmmsrttrr children cry for fletchers tho kind yon havo always boi gfit ood which b been in use for over thirty years has borno tho olgnaturo of and haii been made under hia per- coaal bupervlsion ednco its infancy allow no ono to deceive yon in thi3 all counterfeits imitationa and justasgood oro but xbcperimeata that trillo with and endanger tho health oi infanta and children experience npilnnt rxp what is costprla is a harmless euhstituto for castor oh pnregoric dropo and soothing syrupc it in pleasant it contolno neither opium morphine nor other narcotic buhstonce ito ago is ito guarantee for more than thirty years it haa been in constant use for the relief of constipation flat wind colic and dldrrhoca allaying feverishneso arising therefrom and by regulating tho stomach and bowels alda tho assimilation of food riving healthy and natural deep tho childrens panacea tho mothers friend genuine castor a always bears the signature of in use for over 30 years tho kind you have always bought easy to handle economical light weighft you do not have to sacrifice roominess comfort and beauty in order to save money look into the wide deep seats of this model ninety look at its ample legroom look at its spacious tonneau note how inviting and beautiful every thing is nothing skimped nothing cramped it has big car performance combined with small car handincss and economy just the qualities you most desire everything for its control is within easy reach and it has complete equipment every thing necessary for maximum service and convenience the motor is 32horsepower the wheel- base x06 inches and there are easy riding rear cantilever springs and large tires non- skid rear there is the famous autolite system for electric starting and lighting and the vacuum system fuel feed of finest type come in and see this model 90 let us demonstrate its many advantages t j speight agent georgetown ontario wulyftoverland limited wluyaicaicbt uj omumluotwcui utj llfal cuaiumtuj wapaaa htmtd offlcottod worka wort toronto ontario touring car model 30 136000 touring car model 83 for particularh apply to js1 49500 t j speighj georgetown jas symon aeton well cliteveniai aatlnct tn w o jaliadow uf tl i limplnxl llu tlnjufflit uf t kjjik low auiuultdnt to rhu i hxmi ioijuii fur tx llcttar ix alilo wuv ttittn uf lullllona a kixmh invf ilica frt in imih nj varnuiiod

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