Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 24, 1919, p. 4

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stye artmt 3vst tsm ifldiiidav i hii j 1313 tub ai- mornluc ut ontario united mtutui indicated t luu iuloa la published ovnry 1 hur lay j lluai lueja tmlldlnjr mill h treat aln llui uub icilptlou pflco lu si 60 per your loitau lii illumed addition to offlcaa in tho lho dale tn urhlih nubacrlplluun ftro paid la adilrcau lubul advlktu11nu 11at1i trunnion t ailvuillnomonui 10 cent a per lino ufuto tnrauunmicnt fur ilrnt insertion 0j11 ecu in kt un ur r41l1 aubaciuuat liiscruon contract uuplay mucrtibftiiciito fur luu inrhca or mum per annum 16 conli wr lituli caili luaurtlon advortiacmouta without apcclllo ulmilum will lx ituicrtod till forbid and charend accordingly ii 1 mooilc ldltor and i ubllnher tlhlllowl j ldltorlal and uu1iim oflloa ha jualdonco lib an amendment to tho ontario temperance act winch in consistent mid vholcaomc is that prohilntinj tho advertising of liquor in any form llui applies to newspaper advertising bill board diaplaya or tho orcul ati orca rammed circulars by fltnirotlillicrwtc there is no doubt of tho influence of advertising many mens minds have been irresistibly influenced to alcohol and uncontrollablo longings created by the tempting advertisements set forth by tho liquor dealers jwluioiual an act was passed by the legislature disqualifying defaulters under the military service act from ciccr- cijinj the provincial franchise for a period of ten years this will affect a considerable number ox persons in some counties lew indeed in our county of riulton the wiiolo civilized world will rejoice that high honors arc to bo paid by the british nuthontiej to tho body of ldith cavcll the english nurse who was executed by tho germans in 101 at brussels- it will bo taken to england from belgium on may 15 to westminster abbey where appropriate ceremonies will be held tho body will be taken to dover on a warship and will be transported on a gun carriage with military escort to victoria station and thoncc to westmip3ter abbey interment will ba finally made at norwich the home town of tho cavcll family r the sum of 55000000 wa set aside by the legis lature before closing the session to aid in the im provement of public highways and for payments of grants etc under tho highway improvement act the ontario highways act and the provincial high ways act the minister stated that over 4000000 had been expended since 1101 for these purposes n reply to a question the government stated that 1100213 15 was received last year by the depart ment of public highways in respect of automobile licenses grain men state that according to advices from practically every section of canada and the united states there will be a very large acreage thuj year with favorable weather condtions they expect to see larger supplies available after the harvest than in previous falls in the canadian west it is said thousands of new farms arc being opened up amen can settlers arc coming across the border in large numbers tho returned soldiers are also taking up considerable land in the prairies bond dealers report that since tho first of tho year there has been o considerable business in canadian securities held in great britain which arc now find ing their way back to canadn sales of this class were heavy during a portion of tho war period os pccially in 101b but since then until tho beginning of this year tho business hod been quieter as it stands now there is considerable advantage to the britisher in selling securities to thi3 side owing to the high rate of the canadian dollar exchange or on the other hand the low rate of british sterling exchange canadas interest tn reparations from germany are being looked after by the british delegates at the peace conference britains claim will include those of the various british dominions this will greatly simplify matters at first it was intended that the claims should be submited separately but this wpuld involve much more of detail at the general sittings of the peace conference as soon as the germans sign the peace treaty a meeting will be held in london when an adjustment of the claims of each of the british dominions will be made the value of tho british trade preference to goods from within the empire now actually working means millions of dollars to canada the canadian public apparently have not grasped the significance of this yet is one statement made to tho canadian trade commission credits of 75000000 have been established in europe by canada and 25000000 more is likely but according to the canadian trade commission this only touches tho fringe of the worldwide openings we imported over 400000000 worth of goods or products from the united states last year the canadian trade commission thinks that by a little extra effort these could be produced in canada the municipal committee of the legislature strongly opposed the bill introduced providing that a petition of twothirds of the retailers in a munici pality should require the council to pass a by law closing stores on saturday afternoons during july and august such arbitrary action respecting satur day afternoons would be very unfair to a large section of tho community saturday is the farmers chief shopping day and they would feel keenly the closing of the stores that afternoon a bill requiring closing at eight oclock or at latest nine oclock on saturday evenings would inconvenience very few and it would be a boon to shopkeepers their em ployces and their families what tomo piq did fon him ini win ii twhtfn k ir 11 colore oy ill wn ir mlnlnnli i win u ill lull omunlknl 1 y oi i at njvjhijifvtvjmiitxylnuri lion in 1 ho own huulc arrccit to tiu ian for uio boyii and chin it carl no w ul 1 nfii ii iiromlnmiry nolo tif wclv inonlhu ut thn lor il rata of jll iiiil itr to work wltli tho ptg- for lini mino mi 1 my tho nolo from ti i in or thn ilj a oftnprlnjr loin iuht lunly wito hla nnmr im i unlet r tnllrd in tho supcrvlao h lp lilm niuko out the numo and mlilrrmi tom orrowc 1 fifteen dollnri mm tin 1 nnk on jo tomlxr 0 1qig quo tiny in july 1010 ttaya tho nun i vliior i noticed tom walk i tiff down tho alrret on ilia npponlta nlde and ho hnd n cnut lilir ntnllo on hla face ho uuw in ami ho rumn running across tlm nlreet and baij mr h i havo domathlnff to tall you ho pulled out of hi i pocket thn uncoiled no to ami aalil it root mo nlstcnri dnltara and a fow liiiui intercut and principal and ho hurt calculated ho intcrwit anil knew exactly what it would bo iio b ono at hin urothern to help jdm in this calculation mid whnn ho went to pa thn nolo 1 o knew thn exact amount that wuii not- ill ho pulled out of liht other piickt t ii bank lkok tho i jink hart crudul him with nevenly jix ttolhtrn au proccrtln from iho plffn ho hi inlmd thl m rlnij thun wan tho im iln boy i havn over ucn with thut iiriu umllo on lilu tucc occmfnjr ilctcrmlnul to tin irrontrr thlnau n lift i filt thut wan w turning iolrt tn tho hlnturv hla life to day to n owns titwiut j3 worth nf uuro hrfd livcitock which ho tclbi mi hr itf roiiik to make pay hin war throutch hljh urhool and collena ho t ttrtcd with i ftocn tlollnm of borrowed inoimy tim louthcrn wtirkman at a lain ov v nt hnllrii othrr ono i thn niminin hi good otohy tellcn unnrr win rr ii affrrnm had iuim lin ooino unilu- bin ol i momnnt tliry wuo inuehter and tho mm oiiircjuloim nlolc ivir cortllnir to urn r tolllnu 1 inully when occurred ono man m nw id ilv a cool thol if i bad half your m ill uy ul ubll wilt nnk llujtl truvtt ry lollrr i t but pur nd to know i i wan u lniuili abb takc your share of the knocks a ct rutin uumlmr of hard knocka ucntlal to tho dovoloimicnt o 1 manhood tho youtb who tn nl yi blcldod antl sheltered who h boeu i lvnn help whcijover ho nooded it who hint indrmtcd frlenda to remove tho olikuclea from hin way lacka the- olnmcril which lauko powoni in tho world thouo who are to do rent thlr j nnnit havo rocolvtwl tho tmiulnic of rndurlnir hard thlnro take o uhuru of hard knockii if you wlah ihur of jionora on t uueecu all earn ami rim an you ileate wall returned hi do enjoy tellliil my i hapti you will bo uui tliat when a boy at moot dimdcnt lib nt c i not only tltdn t tulk when i ntarlort to nay aomethlnir ono was llstenluir o i 00011 puvo it u at school with tlia boyn i wan alvrol 1 httni lod ulili i trlt o talk 111 i i suffered intensely tircauuo i ft it that ivrayn im urutblo to exj rcam mysoltao on to command be attend ii of any one ono tlay wiilii a trovtl of younc people were itliiiuaalni nlai 1 for picnic anil i tried to muko u uu- tcitlon which i knew was ttettei thai any otlior mado i was ignored coin plotely then uml tjnro i vowed 1 very boyloh hut nam tho eu d t r mined vow that i would lenni to ex prrva mynelf clearly and well or yrura it won a utrucxlc but ilitally i juccwdjt i illlllo i ir olumjiwftl and watchful of llttln uiinj w of lnti t and thrao 1 ntu lied carefully i find out why thoy lntrreotcil mo an ihon doicrled thm at he uh jrul 1 tl a ixyii try i j oarh time lo mak them imiiresa otheru an tin y liad 111 imuanl me s locled nowsold trra ne w board package a lycat improvemoit over the old lead package sold only in sealed packages the young mans best recommendation is it not a fact that the farmers as a rule are antagonistic to tho tradesmen of the towns and vil lages of their locality in speaking on this topic last week charles stewart cat reeve of ashfleld i prominent member of tho ufo aaid to the editor of the ripley express that he is opposed to the movement of fanners m some districts to buy all their goods from the big centres he says tho farm ers heed the local merchants jut as much as the local merchants need the farmers patronage if business places m all small towns arc wiped out the value of farm property will not increase he thinks the farmer and the business man should work to gether in the retirement from ontario journalism of w e small held of the renfrew mercury the craft loses one of it ablest and most popular newspaper men frank straightforword upright always sup porting the highest moral principles in his com mumty mr smallficld has always wielded a wide influence and been held in highest esteem the mercury which was established by his father over half a century ago is an ideal weekly journal ahd has enjoyed a career of unqualified success it is one of the leading newspapers of the provinco and occupies a proud position in the selected town weeklies of ontario mr smallficld by his personal efforts and intelligent activities has been a benefactor to ren frew we appreciate highly our warm personal re utionfihip which has extended over nearly forty year v d dalies of the thamesvillc herald is tho fortunate succeisor of far smallficld in tbo owner ship of the mercury he too has won a place of distinction in newspaper circles and is one of the officers of the canadian press association r an interesting bill which elicited oomowhat ironic congratulations from the liberal oidc of tho house w one introduced by tho prime minister to provide for minister of labor tbi has been a liberal policy in ontario for some years and has been fought out upon the floor of the house on several occasions iheggvernrocntaiwo i to puj it into effect a couple of years ago the government compromised by appointing a superintendent of labor in charge of a trades and labor branch of thp department of public works early in the present year they brought in a bill to make the sup erintendent a deputy minister the liberals criti cized this and urged upon the government the necej sity of appointing a real minister who would have power to look into the labor unrest which exists at the present tune and to create a department which would deal exclusively with labor problems under the bill mentioned the government has once tuoro seen fit to adopt a plank of the liberal party as in the case of workmens compensation the enfran chtsement of women the temperance legislation and the higher taxation of nickel companies united states merchant ships have since the cloc of tho war returned to routes on which american craft had not sailed for fifty years they have found new routes to china australia now zealand india and the dutch east indies they arc running regularly now to south america great britain c 11 tcnincntal europe as well as canada and mcxjco their fleet now comprises almost one fifth of all the sea going tonnage of the world a prominent jour nal of that country says we americans who were disgracefully provincial have been snatched from our indifference to the world outside we have learned that there are events of interest even beyond our own borders and that sometimes they transcend in importance what is happening at home the lack of octehulnation the tnont ocrlouti lock la not of talent but f dt termination wo aro oonlln ually uurprlued hy tho number of brijht youmr followii who never irpt unywhro ability la wasted constant ly b cau10 there in no powder back of tho bullet genius without will flulo ut and achovo not hi tiff but dctcrmln ntlon toeu vuiidfr3 with tha moat mca bor irlfla victor hugo never ald a truer word than when ho declared men do not lack streneth thoy lack will put it in the oill habitual customer mr iced would often ciinli seen i to cluti dm day hi with tho he id waltir aald very iwrtouuly took here i don t hon comiluln but thin k phr of yount la half ptojd oh not ould the heatl waiter in turnuntly i mo to that my in ir w erlnd our own pepper 1ul i tell you lt iuxlf iean uald the cub tome r and i fl prove it i o p p o r half pa you acol and ho laughed till tht team came tho heat wnltcr smiled weakly and wont to got tho customer chunre he returned atlll nrntlllne thn cuntomer glanced thmush hin chanin threepence whort ho ttaltl i think not nlr oaitl tho waller sixpence for pean nlr now half pran a savinffa account n more than a ntart towards financial independence it in a mark of character ono of the otrongeat rccommendationii in the world of business that a youno man can present n a merchants bank paa3book uhowing a record of consistent cavinga a savinpi account may bo opened with 5l00 which nhowa how highly wo regard the accounts of those who deairo to cave ontario is taking a practical interest in the over- seas brides whom our soldiers arc bringing home with them in considerable numbers an announce ment has just been made by dr creelmon of the ontario agricultural college guelph that a special short course in housekeeping will bo opened for them at macdonald institute from may 16 to june 28 tho course will include laundry work done in the cann dian way dairying and domestic economy many of the old country girls will find our ranges and cooking stoves quite puzzling at first they will discover there arc many little differences in the can a dion way of doing things and such a course should prove of great assistance to them especially to those who are going to settle in the country the nashville advocate pays this compliment to our country canada is offering ono hundred and sixty acres or land to returning soldiers who will file on same and live on it a fixed number of years the canadian government has also provided for the expenditure of 100000000 for the support of crip ple and sick soldiers soldiers dependents and for making loans to soldiers to help them in getting started on the land they take up or in business eight hundred soldiers have already filed on land and 1500000 has been loaned to them the pension ing of soldiers in the old way bus been open to cntt cism because ilencourages indolence tho canadian government is doing a great work for tho soldiers in making such provisions for them as will cucourag thc practice of industry and thrift on their part the next big task is to place dominion truda full on its feet talk of making trade normal again will not do dominion war debts havo go no up roundly to one and a half billion dollars the per capita debt in 1014 was 40 today is is 270 indebtedness abroad is such that we have to remit to foreign coun tries considerably over half a million dollars a day larger exports chiefly will bring in more money because in the last term exports alone pay for im ports hand m hand with this should go ics buying abroad of those things we can produce in field and factory in canada over 400000000 a year is spent on tilings from tha united states alono which with a littlo oxtra effort might be made in the dominion let everyone in tho dominion tako up- tho slogan buy canadian mo do goods to rcdeom canada s financial obligations for tbo glorious privilege of being independent more tohjivo the canadian parliament declare omunst honorary tlea when bringing up the uiorter nt tlu last icssion of tho house the government regarded it as a want of confidence motion and it was voted down on this occasion it will bp under no such handicap and results are ijkcly to be different in a democratic country uko canada titles aecm out of place and especially ore hereditary titles something which ought not to be known here the number of knighthoods conferred upon canadians since th autumn of 1011 has been so urc few people kctp track of them certainly in many instances hric was but little warrant for bestowing tho honor once knighthood was looked upon in this country us a reward for long and distinguished service at tonn line of work from which advantage accrued to tht uaicral public renfrew mercury keep st sweet keep your stomach sweet today and ward off the inch- gesbon of tomorrow try the new aid to digestion as pleasant and as safe to take as candy notice to farmers 1 000 htad iat ih na and chick m wanted up to 30c a pound and will alao buy apples ah klndu of llldaa and bloha and uocoitd hojid thliiejj and all klndq 1 f junk bought wo aro payliifi hlsheat caah i rite iatronuo your neighbor mull or phono ordcra will rocolvo prompt attention illkhtcjt caah lrtcca paid for alex gilboord box 261 acton ont phon 65 corner church and willow 8u saturday treat try our h ulterior ow chocolate crlapa pattorkriap licfi rday opeclal 40a other cdo chotjiuitea toe 33o cocoa uuds ixttcr than mat 1 1 hula n we our i co uicani falorla utalii 1 l 11 with inuih bettor lto lruiun an i the ono ex oervico hulk lco cjrttuui plat 30o llrli k icu cnow each soo any quantity dolivrd haroldwiles canada food poard liocrt no 8 13000 acton iill street spring have you bcceivcd youft opnino footwear vct 7 if not go to kenney bros uivd niauo your iwlcttlon from holt 1 utylnttor tu3ui oifoidi with i rdorgolaa ow una ot wo hav aluo u tiu una or ladle hlith ut lialu with fawn and 1at v imp which slva u very atyjuui ai puuroiiu our men 11 ujiou of unu and heavy ilalu iuu couiluu witb uoya mumui artd htld n at roanonublo i rlctui uo will ulao have 1 complete 1 ft whii jiodu for tiuium r keflney brs main street acton ont what a drunken general did harold ieabi tho note ia author ban hud an luti rvu w with thn deloed kalaer who characterised tho inklnir of tli lainltanlj au a mon atroun blunder iio also dcplortu thn fthootlnjr or nurnn cavr 11 thfl onler for tho murder of thin role worniii hr oaya waa itlven hy a loiwrul vrho waa tho womc for drink big bargains m siakkmans the followlni low prii for ilootn and shoui ujid ireui xn give rood indlcatlofui of our prices through tho utock ladies boota and shoen 400 to 600 per pair mens boota 53x50 to 5700 per pair boys and girls shoes at 5250 to 53jj0 per pair dress goods in latest shades 1iquc 15c per yard poplin g5c per yard l starkman mill street acton safety deposit boxes in your own bank a tujriea of thirty four nafety d ii ill ixixra in threo nlxea haa been luutalkd in tho vault of the men bun tn jiji u of t im ula acton theoo thizra aro buriuir proof have doul li locku and accuro to each icaaco ubaolutlly neture protection from tln of innmli in you havo your own key tbo rental li vt ry nmull ajid tho ooilr aro commodloua boo uio maiwinr and tntur im for our documoota unj valuublco tm mcrcrmmts bank hood offico montreal acton branch ceorcctown bkancu of canada established 1cq4 u b shoiiey mimngtj c w crandy manas ihl iihi v a a i cat 1 jl t i lul r 1 y plaounc it wlr yuu wi l in i ly in fum w nu1 1 1 il tc whirl ilirna and doea in 1 1 or trail net 1 will n v ii i ir ili carrula wilona i ablui i uuj ar b i la maiul tutunilt j ii i i t uirii or any other r i or llu in tbil i f fmedlr i i real diul of aeel and labor alo iiprcidliu fertllin r ai much i i ij ill aiuun 1 the oood tijli stmlir ti mill iltlur wllb or will it f rtlli i ittariirocnt also 1 i f r il elf ou one or two jinu liy lnmaalti lb ini manuf n in i i uur ihuhmi and aold by a hcmmo sorta iluinio out l ml i day for in information niid yrlce 11 1 to charles c parkeii aoonf aetorv onkr yuir 1- niil u ir 1 in i j iw and hr charles e parker mux snuarr acton ontario now a complete truck hereafter ford oneton trucks may be bought complete with bodies and cabs ready for the road the chassis may still be purchased separately but in most cases the ford truck will be sold as a complete ford job the body as well as the chassis will be planned to give ford service this radical step in the production of trucks is being taken to insure the utmost efficiency from the ford truck to give the purchaser ford value in every part of his truck to produce better bodies at lower prices two standard bodies tho two types of truck bodies moat widely used aro thestal and tho express thcso types wdl bo kept in utocjc enclosed cob tho driver gcta proper protection m tho enclosed cab of thoford truck tina cab can bo closed up tight or perfectly ventilated it has sliding juusu types wm ihj iwpi m i- cot up painted or in uio lead and windows and twoway ooublo venti- ready for prompt delivery thoy havo oak floora bills of ccaloned hickory and bpcciolly do- bigned forgings and castings tho construction at evtry point provides for rough tliogo such aa every truck xa bound to get pile chastu only 4700 f o b latftl ont kiting windtlneld these comjtlcte ford trucks are on cole now call and learn what it will cojt to uo them in your liuainoaj look tliem over carefully seo how uioy outclaua other truckii m every detail h a coxe dealer acton ontario business directory mcdical tmoo quay m o c m mqqill i- it 1 1 hi i mill i it k i tj 11hji10w w uiir rli medi cal aaaoclatli n uti oiucoi roii i ont dfl j a mcnivl n phylolii i gr omfl an 1 hrollo r h avotiuo and 1 lln km lu jo r old- enco formerly wiujl i by i m hon- daraoii arloti oi i vltcninahy john lawoon vabarinary ourgwn acton ont graduate tit ontario vet rlttory col- iceo ieao ofllro arthum hioi k knaldonco mill htreot calbi tlay or oiuht prompt ly attended ui lcqal pliono no 22 i- o iun 33c habold nash farmiot m a- pcrrvman olock acton ont momy to 1 v convhyancing lloura 3 p m to s p in at rcaldonco r h wanqdrough laka avcnyo acton ontarlf dr j m dell d d o l d b dvntut honor cnulualn of toronto unlvor ally tiia uiloata tncatliotlc uood ii deal rod misccllaneous marriage licenses h p moor luutr marriage lioansaa itlvato omen no wltncaacd ro- aulrcd iaauad at maldliico in ovcnlnt buxx pxub ofdca acton ont francis nunan oookblndar account booka of all klnda mado to order periodicals of every dcocrlp- uon carcrully bound hulin noaily and promptly dona wyndliam street over wllllair ouolpb ont r j kerr licanud aucdonr lor tho conntloo f llalton woutne- ton pi i ajid ouffrrlii uml tbo ity of ouilpli acton ontario ho len may bo arxuiilod t mall or at rcaldonco at acton or at tbo iync i na oulcc ai to tbo mtrcury omci cuuph the nnuru it4 t irl i crjun r with u j rdon llarnoo maker ullloburt flalca ontruotol to it j korr ro tclvr attonton fn m dal tt i tin u data ot ual llut you niltii wltli oil reaidenc young stroet acton i bono 3c a huii call at my ipuao j e clieevers book dinger quabac be eat ooolph one booku ajid inamxiikji txiund la llandaomo and liubatantlal covoru nwnca ltt rud in old on lllbloa hymn hooka and other booka au work promptly exoc d alex niven i no land surveyor and cit ijucvt yu hubdlvldoiui 1 ljtiu lui porta ikjrrlpuoiui itiui prlulu t- cortlficatca for j uri hmui u and tnortioreoa burvcya for arclilticta bulklcro and municliul counclla drainajo itcporta kjillnuvtia etc mclean duilding oouqu st guljjii iliono 10g1 ont odliey auctioneer l1vi hto k ul i 1 r vi 1 ani mi lit if vmh 11 olldatod phono lnrv it 1 1 r h 3 acton ef grand trunrsti the double track route nnwi in montreal toronto detroit chicago un li j dllltiu vl u ijicli lui iiiu on nli h tioli u au t lurlor lwa on i rln 1 1 dy ttuluj oill inruriiutlmi rroi uiu uiuj trunk ulu t uiul il i 1 hoi diitf dutiht iua- i ir j 1 nt u s ii01jhll agtnt acton ont iliu- 13 tho old and huhkblo granito and marble duajuis wo aro manufa tur i uuj dli un i or torn tit all kth la t muiiiiiuuntul and uoaoatoiio work wo h 11 11iki to our cuatotuora at wh uiiuh iilvvj tbua ijivlnj our cuui ituiiu 40 p r iuiu wo have tho bout upj lluu u an 1 thi 1 nly mcrliiitiud in thn li 1 ilul 11 wl4i ran oieruta tinnumatl tooli 1 iuitfly we can civo rcfumi a froui htnidioti of our cunt imtm in i un iito ui 1 tl r placoa where othurn havi lo b ivu ut nulta lit tinier to t wo hno tbo larucot and txat uikk r oianltu to the ourolnlon or mum than ui y thrm dealer in tbo went wo aro 1 itlti mate doalcra and omploy nu aueuui ad do not uimoy ur txtit uutoiuia ut pond 1 114 out ukiiorunt uti nti null il tiuj urdero vrd uiuiiloy ulily inbtwih and tluf compntltio haflulton sons cor norwich s woolwich l- quaih

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