Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 24, 1919, p. 5

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br artun 3tet tynan l huiuiai ai ltll 21 1010 rodin thou gingeov all day juibln oulilu i to 111 i mid fullli from uliovo tli nil heavenly llen iliiirii my prayi m rtpjy itnliln thou iilujml ouali i day i twilight hour itlilni power u peace llvjno h day i ilocllno i in tlio dllonco perfect rliymo iiuy itotto a wolo twenty ycaflq aqo from tho laau of toe fra prams ol thursday april 27 1030 tho fore it lloworo ur bloomln- a numlx r of ttiu 1 inln 1uii1 medala will como ti hulu n tlio corporation iitrcot c i canine in under way tlio minim mcarlhur into of erin havi opuiuil hr aiiimfclna roanut over ilnliitud ii ntoru thoru in n movement on foot to havo diorcjj lnucd at lx o clock three nliihta u wook dtirtiur tho nummcr tlio cruai nt laicroium club han txxsi placed hy tin intermediate aanoclauo in tho itoynl dlntrlct which lncludca waterloo i ctkiw jalt acton and georgetown during monilny night tho amall hauso on main street juot ojltnldo tho nouth- crly limit u of tho corporation with itn con ton to wan dmtroyod by fire tho houao wan occuphd ty hush ryder and family who wont to uuolph lant friday to vlult friendu cauuo of flro unknown hut liiccndlarlarn la hinted at amonj tho uprlno improvcmonu la a now porch of neat due ten added to the renldcnco of mr john ii mat tho wo hower avenue a nummor kitchen and interior lmproverncnln to uio houae on john street recently purchuaod hy tho parlnh for kov 1 athcr kcency and an addition to tho rear of williams boot and elioo etoro on mill atrcel mr cameron lilda inspector for mcmtu llcnrdrnoro fc co hoa removed hln family from toronto mr geo lcallo i tan notne- very aria tocratlo porkens they eo upetalrn to bod and necm quite wtlllnc to live in lean liftoluiy quarterie tho election of offlccra for tho ep- worth lcntcuu for tho coming year resulted an follows hon iteeidonl ilov j a mcuichlan ma prealaei a t brown vic pren c n depu tela phemto latins vlcopren mia alonary dopl thoa jlrunt jr vice prca literary dope dr r j it 1 orator vlro prca social dept muu maffslo ii mutthowa becretary a e qurnoy trtwuiuror mian holla stcp- henaan orfranlntu mine ltialo mclam and minn an nio htophenuon charts tcm mlsflon ahle lalns and maesto matthcwa huit junior xcakuc mm joslo oram aital hupl mlaaea mc inm and ucnabb corn quitncy in acton on tuesday april 21 to mr and mrs william qurnoy a daughter the care and repair of the farm machinery a bis leak usually unrcallxed thro us it tho tntacro attention clvon farm machinery by many of their owncru the euro of farm machinnry is a phnao of fanit minaktmeiit that docs not uouiilly rccolvo tho attention its tmportnnro warrantu in tho rush to rot tho crop into tho ground at tho proper tlma and in tho beat possible condltloil for aatisfaclory roturns or to cathcr in tho harvest promptly tho car duo tho implements which havo made each operation poaslble is lack ing or performed in a more or iwm haphazard manner as a conaaquenm part of tho tollearned revenue of tho form la nwullowid up in the purcluiao of new marhlniry or in exprnslvo re pairs which mleht have been avoided luid jiropur precaution been taken in throughout the uxperimcntol farnui attention la ulvu bo fur us clrcum atance i imroilt to tblu factor in farm management all implements ore cleaned uno placed under cover when not lit uuo all pollnhcd eurfacea ro- colvlnt nn application of untl rust preparation axlu urcau or othei lob ricant will nriuwor thl purpowo ai- weatherproof bulmimt ulctady nyiilpa able will anawvr the purposo of houaln it is advisable to u over each ma chine after tho uayu operations rank- inn prjfer ndjuatitilnts tlehtonlnir tho tooao b ilia muklng iiirc thut lubrlcat ins dovlceu uro worklnc property that uio beariiicu aro not too tight ov too lori ml tint cutting i arts uro rharn an assortment of bolls rurta uprlnns titc for ftch marhliie is provided jrf- ouroyslnk effttt nllotuml dehnltu location ir tool trr room this oavu many tr nd pro ha bio time and the plan cyuteuxatlcally carried out rruultn in tho pravcktlon ot many brlukauls luauus it lias been proven thut an ltnplrmonfln ropatr at all times hau u lonlr ufa and bivcu more aa tin factory survlco tlwtn ono oiat rerolrcu erratlt attention to carry out this work syntcmactlo ally a proporly fitted work shop la necessary a comfortable place to work in durlnj- bud wi uther and in which tliooo who so dculru may dovolop tbelr tncchunlta aklllshould bo pro yided on ovtry rami it should bo equipped with tho necennary tools 1m cludlnir anvil forijc work bench vuo tnnstj liniumari punches drilu ojuarc chuejn kwb wrenches oto affile ul- turist an acute 0cn8e of tabtc william und lawronro yoro lu tho habit of auvtiic a part of their dessert trom tho uvmitns dlnntr for t onsump tlon the unit mo r nlnt and in accord ixitco with thin cuutom two nmall cakes jiad been plutod in tlm tracker jar for them wulam ixilnt the firm up on the ollowlnt mornlnic und txlus huu ttrry went to the jar ho found only ono cake una a lurito plooo hail boo i bitten out of that 1 ull of wrath ho wunttnttiitnirji nnarotioctrnlirtjrothdt tiuyl ho acinundod wunt to know who took thut bl- bkto out of my cnkol i did aloeplly answorod lawrouc whilil you do that fori well when i lasted it i found it was your iaku und no i et tho other one the condltl condltu ilvcr caua and tluat is hen on t able pi i la uiwn ths nktn wtll follow intollliit of tho uvei of tho blood co impuilllei i tins tin atundanl fully npprkolutu of theno piiij cortalnty that ii iirntlfy tils jr oklnriu r if u lutes tho a disordered lit the blood lyra iii blon molt o s vego- n tho liver stt tltar healthy t uuo of thin tlih ah iontl pilnio ruallty iuo thim with uio hnt wiu be must occo qrowinq and early care or vcactadlca tho tlmo or no wins tlio od and tin early euro of vrtretuhlra arn very im iutrlant t it nltiru liulba nil anfnl fcfxiw- liic of them tlio need of some kinds of vogetablru will germinal a a tcm 1craturo and under certain conditions of mol ituru at which otlier ocoda will not uemlnato and wll inomotlmcn rot ioodn of hreln corrota lottuce onlonn pamnlpn pcus radlahcu kohl rabi frardou creua tialslfy spinach poniloy aid le kn ran bo down an noon tin tho round in dry enough in tho ftprintf no unit 1l will work well the fioodu uomtlnato at relatively low tom- tieraturea und tho plant will ntand con ulderublo fropt withoutbrloua injury olhor vcnetablcu ouch aji cab bag o cauliflower and celery will olsa ntand front hut thciio uro uaufthy ntartod lu n hot bed in order to aavo tlmo in tho tleld vcgetablnu which require hlsher trmperatureo than tho above in order to grow well una whlcb ttro inlured by llkht frosts are bcaitn corn cucum bers molomi potatoes and oquanh hbcd of late cabbago is not oown until into in may but it will endure frost and ceo of kwode turnip nhould bo oown when reijulrcd for tho table in order to obtain plants bubject to lift hi froiiui which aro well advanced before tteliir uot out and to sava con alilorablo tlmo the field melons cc anlii peppers and tomatoes art lually otartoj in hotbeds lnmuently lack of gorml nation o cl la blamed on tho quality of tlio oood whereon it may bo duo to uio way the ucoil in planted or to tho rotun of the need in tho ground when cer tain kinds of deed have been oown too rarly tbmall veffo table needs aro often planted much too deeply ir the smaller aoedn one quarter of an inch for the amallcit to one half of an inch for thoue a 11 1 tin largct is dccp enough if planted mtirh deeper the aood may mrmlnate but the shoot doon not roach tho nurfaco of tho ground and the uhy plant dies ieas oorn and beann are plantod about two inches deep in very loose sol in tho surface of which dries down more than those fairly compact sllgl ly dopor planting may bo noocasary wh n tho sed ian tcrmli ated great care should bo taken to von u la to hot- lodn carefully when tho younc plants co mo up uio fnuno iihould b kept sufficiently aired by ralainfir the back or hlghor part of tho oanb to prevent the puuita from cetunb spindly weakly when thoy are apt to damp off when younff plants ara prow iq a window in a house they are often very thick in tho pat and if in uie uq and with the surface soli wet they ore very liable to damp off or scold they should bo thinned out and trans planted an soon as pooslblo great earn should bo taken when ventilating hot bod when uio wind la high cold weather an cold wind blowing directly on uio planta will injure thon a board should bo put at tho end of uio dash to break tho force of the wind plan to which have been growing in n hot bed or cold frame or in uio hauso should be exposed to tho open ajr for several days before thy are sot in tho field protecune them as usual at night an lf net in too field without hardening off in this way they are muoh more llablo to be injured in cold or windy weather a hfc lonq inspiration ho ojtcnlfitf or the nypf you younc i liool year bflnrn imionln under tht nupervlnlou or n in w lntliir pcrbup i tf neveral now toclierti and that in a mainrorinbrirftjiiihjnkhfo timn aomi of you realise lr tho lea in r n chlsf hunlhcan la not to nee wlmtlirr yuu can repeal orroclly lomnhlnir yiu hat learned fum a bkk if that wire ull the lean imr uiliht lio dlnpi nnod witb altoelbr ihu ban a hlfhcr wink than watrhlntt you to pre vent your trnnnirrekilng tho nilra of the u hoo that would bo u low ntandard tor tt ntitte in nlfntlary a toacher in a noted liuitltutloii for tho initnictlon or tho blind oald to u i recently that an far an she could dlu rover her work wis far plcountt r than that ot mosl teachers our pupils are oo grateful to tin for what wo do oho eaplalued they aru ready to to friendly ami lot un help them in every way pooalblo and un list jncil v o wander t why loi t on 1 tlrlu who are blciised with ulnbt iihuuic be leaa wlno tho personality of your teichnnt ought to bo worth an much in yuur i ven on tlio lnatructlon they glvq yn to como in contact with other peopli whoco lnformtllon and culturo aro far mimrlor to your own la a prtvllcjo you shouid be wlno i nojfti to uppr elate lor better things than ui undcrntndlng of luiiguogn und niutho malice are gained by association with noble natures ir you choose you can unit your acquaintance with your leathern to tho schoolroom lint you havo roanon to believe that moot teachcrn uro lad to havo it go further tlny are ready to odvlno you about your reading to help you in making plana for your future they are smoro than willing to lnfluenco your lives in all ways uiat oliail- bo for your good- they uro no content with hearing your recitation and disciplining you when j ou denerve it tboy aro glad to be your frlendn and to make their friendship a llfo long inspiration helmet ctyleo unchanged toil centuried lho inlmrt of tho jrcu was not nl in for iln lil unit while that of lhi livman i llllnl thn hnih im ro clone ty tliry rrr linttnnaih lirrtrorrt to i rovldo piolxllom a r the bond und on i wllh iihvi bio il ii for tho pro ttlloi of tin fuo ihiao ntybn imvi not bum d for huixlrtuhi of uni an i to day hurt i i a urlouu r ncmblunco iwtwun tin iron la worn by tin ain itit liuil liti and lliunn employtil by un- uoldlcni of amirjca und j urope iiull tbo twentieth oiitiiry hail iml utnd uiv1 id and in dljvul lhi dtt iii bok to tho time or tho ruaudc i a l luar to i73 afraid of mak1nq mistakes there are two wayw or avoiding mis taken ono in to pooucan superhuman wisdom no as to recognize invariably wliat course is best tho other is never to attempt anything never to fiirm an opinion and bin co the first alternative bj impoaalble uio people who live in deadly fear of making a mistake are likely to choose the latter tho greatest men havo made mis takes columbus uiought he had reached uio hast indies and died with out knowing that ho had discovered a now continent ho was mistaken but it is not of bis mistakes that wo think when his name ut spoken but of his splendid achievements puoplo who accomplish something do not need to worry about their rout takes tho world will noon forget them- the things they hare dono bucceaafully will far outweigh what uiey have done mis tokenly a father sent bin two boys to a teacher to loam wench after several months ho- met tho frenchman and inquired how tila sons wnro getting on charlea la doing well uie teacher re plied but harold will never do much wljh lrench ho may learn to read it it he continues to study but i doubt if ho will ovar bo able to speak it wltn fluency tho father llatonod with surprise jlut harold in qulta as painstaking an charles ho objected indeed 1 think ho is the more faithful student- vtry poaalbly tho teacher agreed hut harold lit afraid of making mis take ho will not try to make a re rk in itcnth lf he in not sure ot a d churlo roes plundering ahead knows he will mnkonllatnkcs but he- la ready to try and that in tho voy to learn a langjago thoonowho in afro i j of mistakes never succeeds in mastering a foreign tongue you cannot learn to speak a foreign language if you are afraid of making mistakes and uiat same fear han a moat enterprises mamo men grow gruyhalred trying to doclde just what work thoy are fitted for ejoine hold tho world at arm w length they aro mo afraid of giving affection to ono who will prove un worthy aspiration la continual y thwurttd and crushed by uio fear of blundering mr iloosevolt is responsible for tht pigmm that tho only mm who never make mistaken are those who never do anything hut looking at tho quen tlon rrjtn another point of view it may be uald uiat to allow ones ambi tion und ability to be paralysed by the fear or making u mistake is itself the greatest of all mistake doinq a little dctter lnaldent garfield once told how bo took from u classmato tho coveted honor of being the class loador his room in tho college dormitory wan sltuutod whoro bo could see tbo win dow of bin tival the future presldont kept hlu eyo on uiat window after the hub to went opt fact night ho aiudltd fifteen minutes longer thai i itiu quarter of ull hour put him ahead and nutde him valedictorian uumo of un need to loam uiat sun- tean lu found in doink something littlo butter than othvr people do a young wuiiun wholutd written eory ueuuil an author umicr ooqualii unco if ho would road hoi producuon und advise her regarding it vo read it to a number of my friends she told bliu und they ull tuty uiat it n as gxipd as loin of stories that set into tho magusliiea la it any bettert the man of let torn asked u twinkle in hln oyo the umplrapt for literary honors looked a little confused i dun t know an it is but my rrieuila ull nay that they vo read lots of stories not a bit bolter in sumo very good mogasbics very likely the author agreed pa tlently hut ir you wish to nu cooed un a writer you must aim not to do an well an noma others have done but to do bettoi docldoly bettor ioevlsh plc reotlesn and nlckly children owe their condition to worms mother aruven worm ilxtenniuntgr will reuoyo thoiu and mnwn health praia this asthma rmtdy grateful user of ir j d kollosgu asthma itemed y undo it tbo only re cdy that will give relief though thirteen yearn he had sought other help years of neediest n uttering n bo preventod by uulng thla wonderful remedy at tho flint warning or trouble its uno in simple ita cost in slight anj it can be purchanod almost anywhere qet a smile on the world in not half as liad on most peoplo tnuko oul there aro ten things for which you ought to bo thankful for tho one nbouj which you whine in your liver badt tto thank ful you hare any and keep the best si do up flavo you rheumatics con gratulate yourself that you aro not where tho climate is too warm for all ments of thin kind have you droppo i a little monitf quit whining and thank ood that you aro given a chance to do a utuo bard workr have your rrlenda gone back on yout ktop cavil ling and show yourselves worthy of friendship if you but open your eyca you will find dozens or people who lime more rlht to crow i than you havo just meet pain re vera ea hard ah i pa and mlnundcra tan ding vrlui a pauent and pleasant face and you will live in a sunshine that will make ralafor tune a ministering spirit moatof ou trouble la with ourselves- with a rlinl atutude towards outword rlrcumnluii cos our lives may bo ncreno us j morning in juno- holoman la sho and leather lie porter a household medicine thoy that arti acquainted with thn sterling quail ilea of dr thomas icloctric oil in the treatment or many allmpt wou d not bo without it in uie ho uuo it in truly a household medicine and an it in effective in dealing with many or dinary complaints it in cheaper than a doctor so keep it at hand an tho call for it may como moat unexpectedly the desire for praise tho desire for praise far tlio eutecm und good opinion of your fellow crca turca in natural and almost unlvuruul id lion in part been the impelling motive in a largo portion of uio world u bent achlovementa hut tho donlro for praluo when it becomen inordinate engenders a perverted appetlto for flattery which in the end can but ro butt in disappointment and in result lng misery desire for praluo too when it assumes undue prominence in a life results in weak o pi no leaa char actors lacking in courage and in reso lutlon index ir her corns and warts disappear treated with jiollqway n corn without leaving a ucar the art of brevity too many words confuso your mean lug instead or making- tt clear thcro aro business mon whdso communlca tlonn cover poarea wbeto parurraphn would do and then fall to convey uio desired mformauon young pooplo en terlng on a business career should irtndy tho art of brevity should lenrn to condense he sure that you liav noma definite idea to being with for nothing oo contributes to verbosity of style as vagueness or thought whan you know what you want tu uuy say it plainly never use u long wort whore a short one would do an well or put in two words where one in enough tho youth wiiu cau wrttu u business letter stating an important matter lu six lines bun a big advantage over another who to set forth tht uuaio uhjcl requires in t iral nages t in who has luek invariably k fiis side can well afloril to lautlh l ierstltioii haw to avoid backache and nervousness told by mrs lynch from own experience providence it j- i vao nil ran down in health wga nervous hod iicatl- bcbeo my back ached all tbo time i was tired and had no ambition f orany- uiinff 1 bad token a number of medi cines which did mo no jjood ono day i noitltbout lyilitt 11 1inkluunu vejo- tabla corn pound and what ithaddouo for women so i tried il my nervouancas njld backacho and headaches duspneared i gained in weight and foal flno so i can honestly recommend lydla tt ptnkhoms vcgv tahlo compoom to airy woman who la nufferlneraalwaa mrs aiibxiwa u ltncn 100 risin sl ivovideoco ui uackacjba and nervouwica aro symp- toros or naturoa wamlnin which tn- dicata a functional diaturbanco or an unhealthy condition which of tan dovoj- ops into a mora aarloas ailment women tn this condition should not continuo to drag alone without help but profit by mrs lynch a axperloiico und try this famous root and lierb remedy iydja k ilnkbams vcpataljlu cuut- iwund and for apodal ailvlco write to ljuinlj hnkhsmhedcoi a tennural h thing loi iiolim ly inexeitoablu when by imrnobody in whom wo 1 n inul intrreat i this is better tban elaxativos on itr tabut cash might rw awnak will corret your conatlpstiea sad ttak coast sot dolnf ut sary- try il why the quacll proopers a qunek und u thn loi f i rnt ham tug onco foil into roiimrtill m tyii it wrll r in tho wunhlniitoi luruld lb i inubr dot tor i ft id to un othi ht in itthty wtthmitedtimtton oklll r tint haul luiowli lgi t medicine uro obtu to llo in tin ntyln you t n have our town houni jour i ir rime jro ir iiioti r lar arid ync mti lr liciini vhlln i in lltih m ro urn ph it up u barn inibiil iti n e lho iu iclc no tho utory ion 1 ui h i li i un dly ii ixo peoplo o you think huvn tlilu litre t hero ciliut you ui qtlestlonr well nuld tho i tin r ah u drod anl ut of tliut i h do yon think tod what intencoto others if nu wliih to bn inti roitliuf ilnd out wlmt intel tii othoru lho piriiin who la ulwnn brim im out hi i p- 1 hot bieit iii quit mi llkily lo in ilir inrnifttirrn tniibhymrnitr taliilni un i lllnli thoiu ht rdr otlnru iyi i n ifluh abm i j hon in ono n own int i hi am mi i lululy ninnlfukd in idlmr ouvtruatlnii in tin y urn i linn limirlui llilni one condition i in heml of n rtnlu family wan h ntt hi i roin in d by hln mm junt mini of uir lathir i thl ho i want to havo jtxala millilmi 1liii nrnlnr n flltuf 1 hivo ih i ldi d to beeomii an artiul llavi jou any obj etloilit ilu oldiuun iierutihed hln inhd to 11 ut ly und mid weir no lion provided x u don t draw on mo i in r dlrnitloii an assimilation mtioji n ihhjily tiourla nd tody and lot mlallty 1 oor ollinlnauon moans rlorred bowels fertncntotron pulrt- jsctlon and tho formation of poisonous gases wlch are abnorbod by the blood and carried through tho body tho result u weakness hradhes dlxxlncsx coaled tongue innctlvc ivor bilious attacks loan of en orgy aierv- ouinma poor appetite lmdovotlahod blood saiioir complexion pimples skto dlaeasa and often times serious ul- ncta ordinary laxstrrca purgtu nnd ca- thartlca salts oils calomel and tho like may relievo for a few hours but real lasting beneut can only como through use of medicine that tones tip and atrenkthenn tho dbrcntko as well as tho elhnlnatlvo orsans oct a 3o box of nature rtsmedy xnit tablets and take one tnblet eacli night for a week iteller will follow tho very first dono but a few dnyn 111 then keep your synten in cood condition and you will bltiaj fwl your best itemember keeping well is easier and cheaper than getting well nstures r woody nit tablothi aro sold guaranteed and rocomtncnuod by your uxuggtat e j hassard acton qnt mfzitimwcm f-tabutts- i better than pills i get a for liver ills 25c box digger pay n vm of iibiindan high wiifeiu untry looking for iro cont i uully hi ii paid im wliuro mt id ly tho piumlun of juglni p ty lloyu in u bnrry hi id noori ihul nut thut it di i not pay t wumkr from bush to 1 uuh lookliu for un bliu in rrliu it hi vbe phlur who 1 ami up hln bunh before lu movni to thi n xl win ran im homo u in uphill pull rvil the nu it referred to who ire all uio llmo thtotrlnu up ire idtiiuou b cauno thoy hoa c heulil of unnther which prtimlnet moro mom y aro not tho oiicw who will huvn a until tank uccount u tew ytnrn to conn a ood luuny young piniplu umy tuko witnilu from tho oxumplo of tin so men it in not will to bo too easily dlutrui ted from what yo i aro dolnif by lliu thought of bilker returmi olncwb re an a mlu thoio who aro ready to drop work whmviver un y hoar of bltgi r puy nomowheio el dlu uu ioiir un tiny bognn hobert o norton t r wh it of truth ho may lu mighty bard fi r uiiylx ij to takn any lihteiit in it fullun any woman knows uu difti rt nc lietwon i buconiliii and unbt eomlni thin ji but no mo or the uiout in cumin iro o uiifcruiefully chupt uu n t tukt txi mut h ot ck in tmnar nceo son o f tbo moat ehnruilii fteu mil into jloinpolttiieiij without tho leant warning 7tme ewerybmy bmtttlle battles are not all fought with cannon and shell the most vital are the everyday battles against the debilitating tendencies that invite weak ness for nearly five decades 9t has been a definite help to millions in the trying battles against weakness scotts is as rich in bloodforming propertie3 and as powerful in strengthsupporting qualities now as of yore let saottg emulsion holp you win your battles knit uowtm turouto ual fred blow mnchlnist i moving to the newly nrran cd prcmibca the ross bowl ing alley on main street where he will be prepared to handle till repairs of machinery promptly and satisfactorily motor repairs a specialty hiving experience with nil makes of motors repairs will be efficiently executed vulcanizing tires having installed a vulcanizing outfit satisfactory repairs will bo made to outer caaea as well us inner tubes this depart ment is managed by mr d ross bring all youk repairs here main street acton fred blow wfipg orlcfor soldiers help they construct the manhood that will reconstruct canada ix the world now knows that the red triangle of the y m cjv was the sign of friendship to thousands of your brothers sons nephewscousm9 and neighbours boys in the last four and a half years wherever the can adian soldiers went the good old y went too and now it is coming back home with them for the support which lias made possible the wtu work of the y mca we thank you your monty has been well expended we have rendered full account we osk now your continued sympathy and support for red triangle service for our soldiers during demobilization and for ymca work for canada generally during the re construction period- the annual red triangle campaign will he held throughout canada may 5th to 9th 1919 the objective is 1100000 ttu yjlf- c a will ulp tts chain of servitff unbroken ull tjtv end for our men returning for the soidiem and their dependents returning- from overseas we have provided oj follows 1 a lied triangle mug on board every chip when it leaves great britain with a fuuerrajpmtnt of games gramophones and records magic tantcrrx literature and writing material where possible also a piano or an organ lee t urea concerts sing aoujs instnictmare goveramcnt repatriation plana ami sunday services 2 red triangle comfort and acuities for the men on ar rival at halifax st john quebec and montreal including cof fee at alia with tree drinks free ea tabid cigarettes etr 3 ued triangle men on every troop train to provide rerulaiiy free drinla eatables and cigarette orsanlic games and otng songs and furiiuh information i ited trtantle free canteen ervice information bureau etc at each of the j2 dtfpercal ceutrca iu canada 6 red triangle ctuba iu the prindpolcitie3 ca in the shape of urge ymcjl hostel to furnish bed and board at low rates and to bo a rcndcrvouj for solulcra 6 seventyfive secretariea to uptrlntaud ttcd triangle ervice hi military hospital camp and llarxadu throughout canada 7 tickets entitling aoidkm to full y m ca privilege for atx tnontha at any local v m ca furnished in addition to our work for the returning boldicr we have to maintain the kxd triangle bervioo to tho full for the eoldici in siberia aa well aa the wotlc of bpedal ecreuriea la northern ltiiiiia lalc3tlae and ioland cfuxfttlinrw redtri for canadas manhood the reconstruction program of the y m c a includes tlie following vitully mijiortuiit develop ments 1 an increased service to 300000 teenage boy i in the dominion tho development of canadian standard lifheicucy training diblo study groups buinmcr camps conference tcrvico ljr high school boys for working lioyj in the towns and cttles for boya ou tho farm and for loyj everywhere who have lacked opportunity for mentl moral physical or social development 3 inauguration of ym ca work iu tho country and the entailer towua and villages lacking association buildiiy and couai- meat oa a nun of county organ- ixationo tui3 will include the estahhithmciit of lied 1 tntntle cenues f or oocial rccrcatioiuj und educational work autoui iioya uuil men iu cooperation with the churches 3 tlie in inotion of y m c a woik amotij cauadup luuty of wuifcrra i t induittial plants ltu laymoa builihuga and iu the faeti ry builihuifu oriuiuxiug the ooclal bphit among the iudun trial workerti of our dtica by mteluiga ciirrtaiumcnt3 toinea and sports i tlio estahliahment of the red trlau ui in utuled ilu- trieta where tumbermen iniucrs and other wuikcrs li ild tlie front trcoehca of industry 6 besides theie main fielda of increased activity for 1u10 we have to provide for enlarged work uniong railway uicn college studeitu tuid for our ianiiaigu tu cncouraic phyiieal and ecx edueation uiulcr ull our work wc place the lum omental fouuduuoii of luuuly chruuauity anvpairv ywca for the wivca and children overseaa dependent upon can ndiau soldteia and for ywcia wuik tu canada generally a un of 1175000 from the red tri angle 1und will bo act aside for the dominion council of the y w c a wluch la cttxing for thr- biltwf wot fnuc f their httle ones oa the long iour- ncy from liverpool to c and is abo cxtcodiug its work tor canadian jlxu for their toko abo he gen erous when you make your contribution ttor tlie sake of our victorious soldiers and their dependents and the huppmess of their liomecommg for the sake of our futurx citizens our teenage boys for the sake of rural life in canada for tlie sake of the social betterment of tlie toilers in factory and work shop for tlie sake of lonely mui and boys iu our mines and forests for the sake of chribtuui society and canadian manhood we appeal to you give tjsyourontnbuticmhttic or- big be as generous us you can hand your contribution to the taiivucf when lit calls or if you live where it i- diflieiilt for hnn t6titll wild it by clieclc money order or regutercd letter to the national trejiurcr ltcd triangle campaign 11k bay street toronto please note we urt uot udcing tof money to curry on our work ovcreas with the army in great ilritain i ruiiee or belgium ttuit worl will continue ut its raanmunftroomiuontlur inuuluilly providtd for by t he luhudatiuti of oiu- uwtu overstui and will not unimmtc till the lat man has ailed for home national council young ivjens christian associations of canada the kd tnanu cam pat pn ts betttg conducted under tin jtilitu utilud fhiironafd of lits lxielutity uta duke of dcvomhtra k g g c m 0 v opl 7ua cowtfuirw tnwmtiru campaign clunnnn cuifjrii ltrtiurcr tmftjttn dueitur j uuh w unas montreal g llnaoaat wooo toioiito iiiuua i llwusuvw lotvuto -ua- w llunoi lnoiu railway time tables at acton grand trunk hallway oystam qolnj west no ai 10 10 am no 33 2 13 p in no 180 l r3 l m no 37 h 12 p m golnu caat no h 0 h am no 32 3 b p m no 34 0 i i m no 33 1 j p m llumlay tril nil i an tl rourlt acton eolnt went nt 10 1c u in mid rant at 7 01 i in toronto ouburban eloc no hallway 8 09 p i 1103 a b33 v i qotno wtit dally uxi ujit sunday ijnlly ox nin l jnnrlay dally uiu i t humlay p humlay only humlay only qolno camt dally oiiopt humlay jiajiy oxrept munday iirilly oicopt huniloy 7 kb a m 02fptn a 18 p m ota a in hunday only b 48 p in lunday only freight and cxpreoo 1 xprrnu i arrj 1 i n it i uu ifrelrlit lutlvurui dully iy u pi i 1 i xprcnjl frniittit lire or 1 r llit plrknd up at any iililn iu in riinnito 1 il aqn1 w a i em arton get the records boleet your iichool rin urn huolii of actual work dimo loiluy wrlto hhaw bcliot in toronlu for up to- tin to record of uruiluatu uml pool tlonn filled it will lutervut you w ii hhuw iretiident all kinds of poultry wanted ajuvi3 ll d1us41 i qee8e turkey8 fowl and chickens newlaid eggs hides and tallow pajmcru havlnn poultry ti iml wo advlue ttioni to cult on ui foi quotauonu r milligan todate goods at c c speightc fitlverware in tnblcwnrc fine varioty also fine cutlery hardware tinware and lranitc ware big assortment pandora stoves and ranges famous heaters small stoves oil stoves lvery article 10 of excep tional value c c spelg mui street acton the last word in straw hat dyes elkays make your old hut new here are the colors natural yellow burnt qtrai old rom lavandor cadet dluo s0 groan liberty olun nvy dluo cardinal rod gray violet dull black gloooy aiu iuiush in i vi hi 1ukaoh ixkavs btkaw hat cleankb isc and 25c exclusive guelph agents c ee the roxall drop bton guelph ont t5e acton bakery m edwards co canada liod board i u mill street ae no c 011 acton to fueilitute the bundling of the produeta of our uukery and to make ir moro eonveni cut for our cu turners wo have secured the shop next to whea confectionery where supplies or our whiituiu brown bread tea bihcuits cakes btuib and scones may always tie hcurtj wojdlnj cukca a specialty m edwards co acton ontaillo j t t

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