Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 1, 1919, p. 2

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he artmi 3frw injon i liijitilim mai puq5v willow witli molting uouth tl 1 in c 1 u my wlllowl i r wti wruppcr oti w your silver furl i itoy willow i till a ill i 11 thi hi in ltd i will bo nlnglng i yom w luooiln in llifi brocxo l fr n tl mjl ini swinging i 1 roiy will tlio mayflower bo ijdo i it tr iwy pllljw t you must c mo the flrnt of all onio lui yl in tho iioutli wind a cull inn 1 uuiiyl 1 unny wlllowl fairy fc t children dear o iluwny ilrutlli ir of the year conic luotl i ussy wlllowl unldcntiflod his nlitlrth intel oli fi ecially nflrr ho pasne mile itonn an 1 rullori i u t f tl o imnnltitji o frc juotly havi f the to our ill it i r cull ho 1 gi illui louin vi i ty ho res look of irrltatljn fade 1 from r leaving it tlrr 1 t ut kind tom vlntina llttlo girl i m ho th night remember j n n tv iho ill 1 to tho iltliu y u i i i ilinll bo cla i ny tell ml llttlo frightened nt imhur fit laut faro to f ico with gruatiirun olio foun i a i irauunt rather ol 1 fushlonod ol lnrly all oooooooooooooooooooooooo the coals or genius r mamhea nt jqawn 1 11 talco c j that tho atmosphere 1 cood if i do nay it myself then thoae sketches of tho mountains that i mado last summer and tho beat of my cenro things lot mo tho clara diggers yea 1 11 put that in i hope ho notices that tho figures am a ultlo llko millets glean laurla out on tho floor of tho attlo room which she wan pleased to call her ntdlo surrounded by portfolio and acraptwioka thn portfolios held tho akotchos oil water color and crayon for which thorn won no wall spaco in tho etudio tho uc rap books wcro filled with venjos nhort storloa and caimys modelled after tho work of certain writers whom lamia ad mired after making u o liable collection of aketches laurla proceeded to turn tho pages of tho ocrapbooks hex pretty forehead puckered into a mans of wrinkles registering deep thought tho bonnet to a cyclamen la good oho decided and lines to a humming bird oh and micros uiat little thins misa dobbyn liked oo much my soul and i i remember aho pave mo on a for it in senior lngllah so it muat bo rather out of tho ordinary now la that enough for verse i wonder t after running over tho pages a little farther she decided that who not enough for vorae j should ubo to ahow him that i can do stronger thlnpa oho sold with great seriousness that 1 m not tied down to mere prcttlncaa so in went tho forgo ilamcfl high tho saga of thu storm and wreck cd in tlio dqulnox it took another hour to select tho brie h teat gema from caaaya and nhort stories when this was dono lurls roso with her armful or treasure deter ruination written largo upon her small face at lait oho said tr tho tono of ono who has waited a weary while i shall know tlio truth slipping tno nlcouhes into a portfolio ahe cmptltd its former contents un- ceramonloualy upon tho floor and snapping a rubber hand around the collection of her best literature aho drcaaod for tho street and ran lightly down tho attlo atajrs sho woa ex cited and not without reason for was sho not to meet by appolntxaent th famous autlior and art critic who u to lectins leforo tho ciub women of tho city that nlgbt a trim llttlo figure sho waa in her bray tailored suit black furs and black velvet 401110 with a pink rose tucked cosily away among its folds framing a slowing youthful face bright eager intelligent youns atnexi can girl one of tlio thousands with which our land is blest not that lauiia alt that she was ono of thou aauda bless you no laurla was sure sho waa different oh very dlfferenl in her heart of hearts and with all modesty laurio waa aura she was ono otho favored few in whom tho sacrud mlro of genius burned sha had not corno to this in omen t- otu conclusion alone many poo pic had told hr so dear mlo dobbyn who tliought hor stylo very llko chrlstini s itoosctti a exkki old xr seu combe who said her caaaya were mar vellous for ono so young and the young artist who had pauaal n 1 sketcching trip to drink milk and con suine innumerable ginger cookies under the vinton a arbor and in tho mean time condescended to glance over her work then them was tlio comment of the vlntonville daictte on her gradua tlan essay tho production of miss laurla vin ton daughter of our esteemed towns man mr thomas j vinton waa proas poem of rare beauty oho wing unmistakably that the ore of genius burns brightly in vlntonvlllo to day as it did in the youthful homta of ktlzaboth harnett llrownlng charlotte uronte or harriet licochor b towel this pralao might be a utile extra vngaiit xuuris fait but still that essay had been pretty goo 11 almost it aatl fled jhe writer whoso atandarda were set high as befitted a member of tho class whose motto waa ad astra bo aolcmnly chooalng art and liter atura as her life work laurla fared forth to the city and established her studio in mrs jialleta attic hho might have ratablluhed it tn mrs llftl lot a pleasant front chamber for thomas vinton was an indulgent father und did not begrudge his pretty daughter what ho tailed her winter outing but laurla rejected the idea as not in uccurd with tho tradition of genius as ot uirecognhud k r the attic sho read and wrote ant 1 lanted goii to lectures und axhlbl tlona tia au thorn reudluga as un ear- neat novice uh iu1 1 and waiting for the great world to learu that laurla vinton hod arrlvod however la u r in vinton had a ma sure of her fillhers nbrewd good nnnna vrliau storiaa qjld korssa wars return ed with dutooiirauliig freuuonuy oo com pan ltd by printed rejection slips more pr loaa courteously 1 hraaod when akotihca lit oil water color and crayon did nut ooll in any one of a dosen places vague juestloua began to rise in ncr mind were these rebuffs which genlua uiwuys encountered at first or were they ymntlildff uver more du couragln rt wlmu the coming of tho famous loctumr wail unuouiiced laurla grunly repented what she could re member of u memory qom learned in the eighth grade ho cither fears lit fate too much or hut deaert la email tl turn ti turn tl to tho touch to win or lose it all i and acted uocorcllnglyj tho white haired genuamatt in tie largo easy chair luokcl up a little loi patiently as tho bell boy brought in a card homoilmos being famous palls by haying aitlol 00k her li o tom vfnlona tluin1 tor hui malio mo fnnl that j am n t i utrunger in u ntrsnge la i wn my dear an 1 toll nn iowd frc m home itefore alio know it laurla waa doinir liat very thing anaworlnr inn timer able questions about hor father who had boon tho rhum of thn lecturer in tho dayn of their barefoot boyhood talking familiarly of mother and the boyn oven introducing mufti th nliaggy old bt- ilcrnarj and dulcl bclla her own persian kitten rhi deucrlbed tho bur whita jtouao under itu guardian elma wlh the grape urlkir on ono aldo and the hedge of crimson ramblers on tho olhor indcod aho had quite forgotten tho purpoaa of her call when her fathers friend leaned back in hla chair brought the tips of hla long while nngora together looked nulzxically across them and inquired muil what pray tell la tom vln tons daughter doing in thlii how line wlldemoan of a city when oho might bo at homo with a perfectly good family not to mention mufti and dul cl holla 7- why why laurla waa not a llttlo confused to think alio had for gotten her stem purpose to know tho truth at all hazard 0 that s what i came to seo you about sir rescuing portfolio and packet from tho floor whoro they had ollppod un hooded whllo sho talked of home and tho dear people therein oho brought out tho marahcs at dawn tho moun tain sketches and the clam diggers after mulot to these oho added jiio verses not forgetting those showing strength storlca and essays hho told tho wholo atory keeping back nothing of tho hopes founded upon he own longings and the prndo of he friends telling frankly of tho unwo come doubts which had of late crept to disturb her dreams of fame and i want to know air she con eluded looking into tho eyes of tho sreat man with tom vinton s direct and fearlaatf goxo whether the ore of genius la in thcao things or aro they juat ooheer her fathers friend amllod ouch kindly understanding smile and ked at her a long rntnuto over hla gold bowed glasses then becauso ho waa a great man and not afraid to tell tho truth ha delivered to an audience of ono a llttlo lecture which it would nave done tho club women of 0100117 a world ofgood to hear the fire of genius ho repeated in tho mellow voice which half a contl pent loved ctho fire of genius it is ndcrful thing this heaven born fire it throws ltn radiance out over a- darkened world to- moke it brighter and more blessed and sometimes it burns deep tho hand which holds it aloft mysterious splendid sacrod perhaps it is well that it la so seldom seen fire fierce flpmlng oil con suming is not a good thing to let loo 00 upon tho world without restraint sometimes i think the all wlso rea sons thus about tho fire of genius but all ore la not flame there are tho coals in my grate yonder how warm and cheery and comfortablo they make my rooml who does not lovo the glowing cools in the grate t and how many coxy little hearth flrcn there are scattered over the land borne times i picture to myself what tho coals of genius could do for the com m unities i which they come to llfo if they wore deliberately gathered to gather and tended for that purpoao your bright llttlo cool ot love for color ond graceful expression your neigh bors talent for music which just a to pa nhort of tho flaming point anothers knack for order and system somo bodya else gift for reading and reclta tion oh dear child think how they would worm vlntonville for years and years to eomo laurut looked into tlio kindly eyes as one fascinated the coals of genius burning sociably one against another the varied talents of the com m unity gathered together for the good of tho community you mean t hho leaned forward with on eagerness which was almost breathless just that nodded tho man of lot tors hero in this great heedless city these llttlo scattered coal would bum themselves out to no purpo- hack in vlntonville in the many vlntonville they can bo united for tho help and cheer and comfort of all indeed who jenows but in the assembling of uime coals o real ore of genius might be kindled t the entrance of the bell boy with another card made laurie rvallzo that she had overstayed her time gather irtg up papers and sketches she said good by to her fathera friend giving her thanks for his counsel and receiv ing his messages for the whole family somo way he seemed to think she would see her family soon laurla walked home over the ruins of her dreamworld but her heart waa strangely light as ahe climbed tho stairs of mrs halle t a attic bhe swept theiitlerod room with a gaxa which saw many things to vl h oho had bocn oblivious rd with all pooalbl speed aho drew a big trunk from the closet in the bottom of it aho placed portfolios und scrapbooks and a few of tlio sketches from tho walla tho real aho consigned to fires other than those of genlue as she worked she was planning to gather for vlntonville the talent which vlntonvlllo undoubtedly had cathla itayne s lovely voice dan cartlors singing violin helga mordqulat for whom a piano would do ull but talk martlin joneck who could plan means an 1 decorations like a professional roane watrous who could mnks u park out of any bit of waste ground he got his hands on and oh what was tho name of that young fellow 1 the factory who had such a gift organlsatl n am father called 1 there was certainly ni coal ahortagi when it come to tlio genius of vlntoi vlllsl jam in g genius how the coals can bo usod said laurjs to herself and then she thought how good it would seem to bo again in the big white house under tho elms with father mother and tho boys to say nothing of dulcibella the sunday school lesson 1 for 0 un day may 4 1010 hy jrjuji l huitl hut man maim in til 13 imaoi or ii i 26 2h jlrh t 12 additional material f t r icachoi c01 0 an nman scripture passage 1 jo 1 nil id iol tin mako man uflrr our illconcaa and dominion over the flah of ktiiitleman who ut her quite at her the 1 cs i ver tho birds f the lies vena and over tho cattlo and over all the inrth and over every creeping thlt tl thut creep th upon tho earth 1 an 1 lol create man in his own huiu1 in the imago of u 1 created ho male and female created ho them b vnd u 1 blessed them and ood said unto them 1 o fruitful and multl i ly un i itplcnluh tho earth and nub dtio it ind have dominion over the huh of the aca un 1 ovvr tho bird 1 of tlio henvona an l over every living thing that movetli upon tho earth g 1 r not unto angels did he subject tho worl 1 to come whereof wo apeak 0 hut one liath no mo where testified nay 1 nc what in man tl at thou art mindful of him 7 or the son of mui that thou vial st hlmt 7 thou madest him a little lc er than the angels thou corwncdat him with glory and honor and jldat set him over the works cf thy nan jo thiu didst put all things in sub jectlon under hla fccl itor in that he subjected nil things ito him ho left nothing that la not ihjoct to him ilut now wo see not yet all thlngu subjected to him 0 ilut wo behold him who hath bocn made a llttlo lower than the angola even jesus becauso of tho suffering of death crowned with glory and honor that by the grace of god ho should taste of death for every man 10 4er lbectiaa him for whom are all uilngii and through whom ore all things in bringing many aona unto glory to mako tho author of their salvation perfect through auffcrlngs 11 lor both he that nanctluoth and they that are sanctified are all of one for which causo ho la not ashamed to call them brethren 12 saying 1 will declare thy namo unto my brethren in tlio midst of the congregation will i sing thy praise golden text god created man in his own imago gen 1 27a departmental topics and reference primary topics god the maker of all things gen 1 zd 28 2 8 9 memory vcrati in tho beginning god created tbo heavens and the earth gen 1 1 junior topic what tho heavenly leather lxpecta from ills children- oen 1 20 28 2 8 t psa 8 10 memory vcroea paa a 3 e intermedia to and senior toplo jcaua our llder brother young pcoplo and adult toplo tho dignity and worth of man gen 1 29 38 hob 2 c 12 10 26 1 cor 3 0 blackboard omt noni r origin our drvinfc uki ness ouit fathlii a carl ouit kingly inhkiutancl olh immortal lu l lesson thoughts of all tho animal kingdom there only ono creature who walks upright upon the earth man alone holds his head high and looks upward to won i tlio heavens let uo note in these passages from tho old and new tea laments some new tokens of the dig nlty and worth of humanity 1 humanity goes back to a nobh origin our race waa planned by god oa the crown of creation wo know not through what countless ages i manlty waa developed from tlio lowest forms of life but or ono thing we are auro man came from ood 2 man bears a divine likeness com ing from god man began hla career godlike in bolin and nobility c nature lvery man has in blm th possibility of holiness of the noblest unaoinahnraa there la that in which links us with the heaven where dwells our father sour heavenly father shows his interest in us by hla caro for us jesus tho son of ood who know ood more tlmately than any other tells us that our food our clothing our shelter our safety our life itself are all wotchod over by an unsleeping eye and provided by an all wlsoi almighty hand wo live surrounded by tho ovcrlastlng too near doabtinq join a ioople wlthou exactly boast ing uro very unlucky in tho times they take for rejoicing over tholr hlees lnga there aro some who fairly fllwnt their exuberant good henlth in the f at 1 of tho invalid on whom they are call lnff borne well to do people find it lmpossltila to koep from radiating com placenoy over their pruaperrly when talking to a neighbor who is liord i ut to it to pay his bills talking about your god fortune la not tho aamo thing as boasting hut bi your ac qualntance who la having a hard time is may seem so our creator haa endowed us with a klrgly inheritance 11 the earth in urn wtli its sturca tf nlrtwil silver of iron and coal and oil ours an tlio fruita of the garden the orchard and tho field the forces of naturo water team cloctrlclty heat are in our bonds tho lower animals aro our rvanta to bo treated kindly but to icompllsh our purposes c greatest gift of nil god has b- stowed upon im immortal life as wo read the pages of holy writ wo per ro ono revelation tho ossuronco that death is not tho end but only the beginning of lifo to man tho germ of eternal lifo is in humanity how should wo live for whom our leather lias pro pared heaven in tho hereafter t reed no for next wsk monday sin in eden gen 3 1 13 tuesday consequences of bin gen 3 14 34 wednesday blufulncea of man llom 3 3 23 thursday works of tho lleah oal x 13 zl reaping qal eternal separation lrrlday bowl tj i 9 baturdaytai matt 6 31 40 sunday contrition for bin 1 11 make failure a tonic for ooinq dcttcr no clock atrlkts twolve every hour lit tho day and no vi u oucceeda every time the way wo accept tho lue able failures la one of tho boat testa of rual worth tho pooplo who loso courage after ono failure an 1 stop try ing with tho aeuoud prove tholr lack of atainliu- thiro are aomo on whom fulluro acts an a tonic it mokes them set their jaws and stiffen their back bones an 1 when failure lias this 00 it of tffot it does not toko it long to turn into ouccess our fullurca slioull ait as a tonlo uiitsiniuiunl ti nuika us lryliard a great many uchlova mulooo wkhji would navu been imposslblo to hem if they had not boon sparred to etidoa by preliminary failure lxthaiigo help your digestion wha d4- rdtorc thm km10ids dfaaolv cmut en tona pleasant to take m curfr kassa roar giottsdi sweet try w haoiy mocrrr m mownm whcnc courtcqy 10 moot n ceded folka am likely to get icon of our jxilltcnenn than other lo d t but they neu more it in pleasant to- bo treated courteously by tlio ot ndurtor wl c takea our fare on tho atreot car und by the clerk who sella ufl a pair of gloves but if they are uncivil it in over o quickly lliat it means very llttlo after all iiut if tho qeraon who eltn next uu at tl e ta lo a th o una n 1 meals a year la lacking in courtesy our comfort is acrloualy dlmlnialu 1 there y when overy member f tho family haa a bed to himself no harm is d im if ho toosen at night hut it la differ et t if a numbir of men are sloeplnr side by sldo no closey that uo turn over without disturbing tlio whole line a prisoner of war told of bleeping this way tho length of a prison floor and how when ono man frow ao restlcea ho could not stand it any longer ho would cry turn and every man in the lino would flop to ther side it may bo accepted without question that nobody abused this privilege when men aro in such cloeo contact consideration in trifles becomes a necessity and this illus trates tlio atate of thluga in family ufa just becauoo wa are so cloeo to ope another politeness and con al deration are oven raoro necessary than they are with outsiders it is a pity that so often tho people who need most of our courtesy got least of lt m o wagner bo tlio doctor told you to go to a warmer climate what won tho naturo of tho trouble yojj- consulted him nboutr i went there to collect a bill tthe farmer with a ford truck j- pkudicady lives next door to the market se jiasi choice of markets he becomes more independent he can market his goods when and where jie pleases he sells his crop to the very best advantage and his ijauhng costs him less in labor and money it is not only cheaper to haul with a ford truck than with a team and wagon it is quicker it is easier work consider the time and labor the larmer can save with a ford truck with a team the tnp to town takes the better part of a day a ford truck makes ihe same trip m two or three hours when labor is bo scarce what farmer can afford to waste day after day of his valuable time ford trucks complete with body and enclosed cab ford oneton trucks arc now stro pped if desired with standard truck bodies in tvfo types tho stake body and tho depress body in both standard bodies tho cabs may bo supplied with or without doors as desired seo thcao complcto ford trucka consider tho matter from every angle tho cost of feeding horses against tho cost of running a lord truck tho tuna you loso on tho road tho money you lose by being oo far from tho best markets there is only ono conclusion you can come to you will have a ford truck piit- aisoj7 9760 tob ford oat g stoadaxj ford rtmtiaw tujln- cat otw prioae a coxe dealer acton ontario deseeve the veky best changing to civics this store can supply you with the very best made to order clothes hats caps sox shirts braces underwear and all mens furaiahirjgs at the closest prices we give yon quick srrvia and large choice of materials in madetomeosure clothing satisfaction guaranteed re nelson phon 40 nut pmt ofgo quelph m3mraibn7mwabsa 3 your advertising should attractive enough to size doesnt do thib a twoinch hiugle column card in the newspaper may be made to attract more notice than an ad as big as a letter head if your advertibe- ment isnt attractive it isnt read and if it isnt read no matter if it has ten mil lioncirculation it isntworth a mbtage stamp try an adv in the free press it will pay t phone us and we will help you design an attractive tradepulling ad notice to creditors of sunderland taylor de ceased the creditors of sunderland taylor lato or tho vlllago of acton in the county of ualton tanner who died or about tho 11th day of june 1s13 aro required on or befaro the 24th day of may 1319 to send to the under shnod solicitor for the administra trix of the estate of the said deceased their christian and surnames addreara ea and descriptions and tho full parti ouhtrs of their ei and after the said zetb day of may 1019 the sail admin lat ratrt will pro cecd to distribute the aasets of the aid deceased among tho parties en uued by law and she will not be res ponslblo for any claims of which ahe shall not have received notice at the uuip fixed for such distribution dated at acton this 34th day of april ad 1019 hutu 1 ian n ah tayloil a dmin la ira trht uy harold n itarmor her solicitor 3 3 aotun ont notice to creditors n the matter of the catata ol john allan lata of the village of acton in tha county of hi ton retired farmer oocaaaad notico la hereby given pursuant to boctlon 68 of the trustoe act ilho 1914 cliad 121 that all creditors and othrti having claims against tho catat of lh sold john allan who died on or about the 1st cay of ai ril a d 1910 ut the village of acton aforesaid ore required un or before the 1st day of juno ai 191 to aond by post pre lold or deliver to char lea i dunbar 33 douglas tftroet ouclnli the solicitor for aloxauder mocalg of tlm township of terjn in uie county of wellington former lxocutor of tho laat will and tesxamonr or tho oaldtdoceuacdi itielr christian and surnainca addrecoea and description the full particulars in writ lug of heir claims a statement of their accounts and tho nature of tho security any hold by them 11 1 take notice that after ouch but taeutlonod dato the said lxecutor will proceed to distribute tho aasets of uie nuld deceased among the parties en titled thereto having regard only to tho lltna of which he shall then havu notice and that the said executor will not be liable for hi a aald assets or any iiart thereof to any person or persons uf whoaeclaims notlco ahall nut have boon received by him at tho time of ouch dlaulbutfon all parties owing any accounts to the said deceased are requested to pay the oaino forthwith to the said era lulur dated at ouelph the 17th day of april a d lilt ciiaiiloj u 1hjni1au s3 dnuglao lure quolpluj tfolicittir for the brttd alexander 43 3 afccslg he executor i do not let your nervous energy da wasted in nedess way unrollovod eyestrain uses ui a groat amount of energy and pro duces undue fatigue uy relieving u10 eyestrain you tiavo just ao much more energy to enable you to work more olllclui tly and to play with more vim if in doudt consult acton flour and feed store ynhod a s oxbo rollowtiig- now on hand the well known orand of kin cholce nerval and nation flour nothlna better rolled oato red clover ohorts alsike oat chop timothy salt ju uorrtils 2qj tb uaga or amall quajitlty if deulrvd spisciax ijnh in cuic1un lfiti arvia omt caut uiial a trial i50mehtic iioujcu oa1 t1ii3 man canada l hoard ijoeuso no bs robert noble limited hcnrv fwbev manaqen

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