Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 1, 1919, p. 3

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qhfp artmt 3tee flrrso hukllljav m 1 1019 mios optting nulxincn to lit ullll iiikxi tll llm i ldlo rid u nllllit llnr iulior i m the mu n warm raj hor iiiciuiriici r the ijrurio hor patronn urn thn hwpdi farod floi tho buuhin iml tin trees mho rtccku thrill t lit nod dine plu of ynlltw pink and iron her iuiiw ilut surely you h her luino in uwotit mian llprin- my occond mldtcal cxamin ation i rornlvid my flccreo of m r on tho llli or juno unl on tho 3clh atarted for a town in the went intending- be fort uettllnc down lo proctlco to put in a rouplo of months recreation i fall in with a party of tourists nno tif thorn 1ml dc minn jului mcfjrrpir when aho discover that i wu a saw bones thcro nroon a hand of aym- pathy bfltwotin us for oho w4a a daiurh tor of otin of tho moot eminent mr- coons in america und a lecturer in a mod leal co urge irrfcrrlnif tho comany of these poodle especially mian mcgreiror travelling alone i dune to them wh thoy wont i wont wo visited tho yellowstone fork and other rejrtona of interest and when my outing wan ended i pronounced it the moat delightful i had ever qxpcrlenqed and well i mulht for i liad been fallinc in lovo with miss uogrcoor and olio hud roclprocated itj nna tho middle of beptcmber when havlnc been referred by her to her father i went to ask him for tho hand of hta daughter sho rounded up hor outlnir by a vutt to friend n chlcngd but had written her father that 1 would call upon him at the fam ily hoipo which was in a suburban town near the city of philadelphia havlnc boarded the train that was to take mo to my destination tho car being nosrly filled i took a seat by on olderly con tie man stho was readliuc his ovenlnc newspaper but be laid it on hla lap soon after the train started and goxed ut of the window i ad- dreaood him asking htm bow far my station was from tho city ho in formed mo very courteously and told mo ho lived there then i told him 1 was tuln- to cull upon doctor isc- qreor and nnkixl him how i could find tho doctors residence lie tol me ho knew doctor mcqrttor very well and tavo mo the necessary dlrea while conversing with the centle- nwn i told htm that i woa a newl son m d i uald i thoushl that baa an udvantafo over older doctors in ui at i had learned the latest dlscov ricu lit medicine my auditor listened to me attentive ly occasionally asking- me my opinion an to the meritn of antitoxins for vb rlous diseases that were wall known to tho laity and i answered him in euch laruruxsre a would ba understood by a layman carefully avoldlmr modi au terms whenever x wa ohlifod t use oclnntlno namoclatura he did not 8k me to define the word tised nor did he at any time show a want of comprehend on before our journey was half ended ho hod asked mo a number at those questions that i could not answer and finally oald that ha did not boo from my replies that the doc torn just era i uatod knetr any more tlian those who bod been long- in practice and ho did not think that doctors know much anyway whether young or old angered at this and retorted that whether or no doctoro were hmorant of their profession thoy know more than tho laity do you look upon your fallow cltlxen doctor mcgregor as on ignoramus t i added what ho knowa was tho reply la as a irraln of sand to a whole sea coavt to what he doesal know at this point tho trainman called our station and we left tho car together the gentleman cooled my wrath by in viting ma to ride with htm in hi m car to the homo of my father- inlaw in prospect and i accepted hla invitation wo entered a beautiful cor which was in waiting- and were driven away by a uniformed chauffeur my companion telllnc him to stop at certain house by tho way on reach ins thin house tho former pointed to a handsome placo not far distant as doctor mcqrosora nay in tho doctor usually ratno up on the train we had travailed on and if ho was not at homo he would bo very soon tho rnald who answered my sum mono at doctor mcgregors sold uial oho expected the doctor very soon and i sat down to wait for him in a few minutes who should enter the room but my companion on axy trip from tho city j was stasgorod why should he bo ihcrot ho approached mo with amused but kindly smile saying well my boy im worry to havo angered you but it is tho only revengu i could inflict upon u main who is abol t fto rub mo of tho croatcst tnuuuro i possess vtii4 you uro dot tor icjrogorr i asihxl i uin i took imxujtloit liiuigulto i draw you out on various subjsets now you uiuy pur your best foot for ward an i iiuilio yourself appeal uw marvel my daughter lias described you heaven i 1 clcuhntul i thought i had tskjtoj try medical rxuml lutlou but june i dldn t know that 1 wad under the ruck when you were uues tluulng me you doubtless acqulttod yourself better this ufto i oot tliai oil rrsdual ing nut knowing you were being ex amlned tho doctor and x dined together and when i departed x had his ounsent to an enuagoiiieiit with his daughter iltnco then i have becomo convinced tiiut wluxt dutom know is um a grain of sand to a whole bcacuast to what thoy dun t know thu old man of thc uig c1xck towku uuy i ii warrant you havo mot pcoplo who mako it their ihjuui th y novel ciuiiilii their minds their idiuu aro flxeil thlr plana urn not tliy can t l talked into anythhit ulttiir- ent thcrouro a fow ptoplo ilkt thai right hare in actun and uiimo outuldo the corioratlon llniitu too 1 hoy lrliln thrmuulyeu tliut tin y nnvw llanup if llu to help to win tho wuf llmt u union uoveriimuiit ii folt to l twnenclal nit nono fur m i voto by tho old purty 1 utund ly tin oul leaders no alruiullu tin fmii o uovornmenl for nio tho tounlry i hangl wo unlor jovonimniit not mv other party can do uji uiiu fur thn country as mlno and theuu folks aro found in both tho old purjlcii uu wull as in tho nnw if it u to w uri unl formlty in time and ouvo tho nuitlior of tho thn lintci jotting um tho tltey any nough for my i cood onouj it for i lugs ifj cchkj i w tho trulns gu an ry day not foi hid tli itdfuthur und it it no day llu tit imv t work hy it it arller if thoy hoi njcose lut tho timlla tlouo whun tin y will i ii stand by thu old ihlngu if i can t get to plrturit uhowii und hurtli and on tho train by tho limn i uau brought up on i won t to ut all in ray long observant old fiuliloimd ijitnof i liavo found ilia i often lmca thu unfaltltful unroluihlii hnmunu i niet wfcro those who nay ihy cluingo uiclr mlndu thoy ru not uim- on deinq hcld it wimj oil tho fool i 11 lb 1 1 i ho lurj n olli i mi a hit t i ixn brought nv r u ii iu m from i of ilui lii t 1 1 dm mr h m lly hln xi 1 1 i ih whut in tho troiiblr why don t you get throught ho tjild th niuu opi nilr n iii tphiylm fair i lo jo holding urn uald thn tarku if ho holds you m uln iii jut you oft tho field muilicd lack tho nwii of i oiirnu uu ho tut uli uald it la ugulnut tho rules to hold un opponont unlciiii ho liau tho ball but tho out h watilod rcnultw nukiiuitin ills ponl tlon wftu that u mini ought uiimihow to break uumy thut no man iiiunt li t hlmsolf bo hold and that lu iruu no ono ought to lot hlmucir ho hold i ho ozctmo may bi oxtellint but u lay r who la held lu put out of thu uin ui cffocuvoly as if he were off tho lb ii ho might juut us well im off tho ii id tho pcoplo who u nmiilliih thl ifii worth whllo in tin world ul tl- mi will lot tv b id maptl it funnicn nli t army inulcu ut it i tho mn on u wiin to lo drawn by t uvallublo by on and five men tiny hud not j unlit churkllng ii i in of rid tupo when thoi i in oiii im tho notice it ft l o of bulii u ilato- ii bin tho word intclluent dc plcaoant dut not thick thtjro huve alwuyn twin thlngu i nouut to hold them thoy mlfcht havo foum oxrollont excuiieu hut tin y havo im hud to uao any ozcuncn wushlnuuin hud thn ixuit uort of x ubo for not rlakliii hlu fortunn in hn vol oil on yat ho ui tlii i lovo 111 i tri had tho utruglo for indupundi fulled washington would imv 1 utripped of every ucro utif vi ry ii dj ho wouul itavo loot hlu life if t r had boon no itevolutlon wuiihlngtoi would havo still bun ono of lho rl h ul man und largoot landhold ru in am lyanrlu iurumuu who wrote tho hlu tory of lirunco lit aimrlu ao will thai it will novcr need ru writ hit wuu m invalid ho tould ruuj only with tin ireateut dlltlculty for bllin tul ho of u n woakneus did i lit torrlblo pain y hold him we all of us have oxcollont mruipu heavy burtlons and unfair burdami ui laid on ulmoat ovory pair of iihuuldoru hut thoy nood not matter if thoy ur on our ohouldora wo tnuiit toar thttm tharu u no other way ho who wll not lut hlniuolf bo hold lu tho mult win mukcu his way to victory lu tho luittu llfo tho othuru urn out of tin fortntiln folks t llv with two or time to think tho american business world dpeaks very highly of tho ability to think tho man who mn think out and boivq business problems is a great follow hoards of dlructunx uploerb and nuui- agoait aro presumed to thljia an3 ilio man and woiiteu uiidor lluui are direct ly urged to think judged at a dlst- anoe think socnu to bo tho key word of the business wurld and yet i do not know a single busirtvos liouao that employs alainglo person whouo nolo duty it in to think usually wo find that although every body in bunliioas is supposed to think everybody lu busbies is always quired to do something else beside thinking ftb that some thing else is invariably so largo u part of hut job that what thinking a buslnoea man is ablatio do uiuuunts lo a mora by- li rod act if the uvorago business man is able to hlnk cfton euouklt fast enough comprehonslvoly enough and clearly eiioush to keep him ubruaat of his day- today job ho feels that ha has done about all tltst anybody luts tho right iq expect of him chart w msars throo tlmuu lu potplo tulklnt among other thl ngu i havi a grouch only tho other son in town was talking ylu day to und myselfand called mo a touch this is ono of tho things i itavo ulwayn tried not to be and ho pod 1 would never bo dubbed with this muirn liut after carefully studying what i huvo written und listening to what other pcoptu uay around no i have rorao to tho on clualon tliat any man womuu or child who criticizes contrary to another is opinion ut liable to bo iullod by eorao such muno as a grouch by that per son and again 1 and thut if i opuii up on soma general subject that every one hit aeema to tsjto it rjtht to heart and consider thoy were tho ojio ubjoct of the attack to ail ouch i can only say if he cup fltn woar it und cull me a grouch if you will hut pluaau when i do point out good pulnto uiul i have encouraged numbers will you juat call mo an ordinary booulur j am getung pretty woll up in yearn now and huvo ilvod in thlu uoctlon u good long time livery year for long enougli when lho flrut toucji of spring was in the air i used to tot at my garden and put in uumo potatoui in the hope of ha vinc them luforo july llth then i yult that and pluntod later i found out that in thin part of tho country wo gcncrully havo cold weather after tho first touch of upflng ho waver there seems to bo quite u number of men in town just us old lu years as i am who soom novt r ublo to get over that flrut touch of spring fever that warmth of muring toos rtcbt to their linger tlpo and juut makes them dig and then thoy uturt dropping in tho spuds when lho iinow nlorm catne last thursday und lrlday i juut couldn t help saying i told you so maybe some of theso early planted potatoes that havo boon in ilio t round for aevemj weeka now will beut mlno out but i doubt it very inutli if theydo thoy certainly huvo u flno lulrdy variety aultablo for uultlvutlon in moot any cllmato outuldo of california i will bo starting my plot in a week or no juut digging it now in fact and i warrant early potutoeo wont graco thu itosty tluntvru lab 1 1 a any sooner tlian ml no frovldod of oourao uiat ho jiocun t dig hlu buforu they are post tho titugo uf nuxrbllii when i requested luut wook thut someone uhoull oturt suinuihliu i bo move in u roundabout way mr iwjir- row started up aoniethlng ut thu coun ell meeting lust woul i do hot ivfur lo tho matter of tho llonu of lntland obtaining tho plot thoy dcalre llowjr over i wloli it understood that i waj not ono of tho old fulluwu who ob jocted to this proposal riio purajiruph lu tho proceedings that inout intori ld mo was tho ono liut lead touncllloi iloardntoro tliomlit thtro wua u utrung foelliii in towii thut moil y durlv i tho etry uhi uotury an im qucatod thut tho cemetery l lul ut ttto nutt niovt aaenied to toll lot cynolry may r oservtui und thu ivo t dotiuidn f- ulo of plot in llu rr iioui biuutlfy thin i thut t ounril uulo iturtui to vroug on 1 stopped in srand avenue qld liuve no posed uttiuctl o with t uutt- ituialoly thy lirunco ul th if th ceinotury und wliifn clearing tho troou for u jo in through the tolhliig to do with t front on lran co tiro u mortuary i siderutlon but llku die i lovor been nally tukoi uent loned this in one ffuoloiia j utu liiw lu way it hu my uurlu that th iroro ulurted on thu cciitulury wl cuntplish this utul othui liuiiuu outs by havltq spoilt on it ut lount all io ruturo surplus whli h will u from uila plci o of town prupeity i v number or uthoiu uv the action to bo taken by tho coui matter now that action bo lo be aturlad jkl wmtk x uilil ujtlla a she rt t on u o ac oi h wo k pa tic ulur u rcot u joe t jf dlscuaulo 1 ulo tuj thu i kvlth tiers it lu aprliu now und fully lo that ull yunlu but k un 1 front re lu upplo plu order i i ull t u ull tho lit re o to ut t lose rulitfo from thu clock tower but whut i mlim fioui thlu ubscrvltiou point i will luuku up in my strollu about town 1 ho ut ruia i write may huv u llttla uf history in them but what will ion urn mo more will im tlip prcaont ilay uiujjuuii of tho various thoroughfares 1 utit ulvli i you tills notlcu in foruliui 1 to kvu you a chaitca lo uiuku tlio buul uphiaiui for your utruots possible wu tuothurs f mother uruvt tor ulways huvo pruvas lis value o a llfo cuho a negro who doeqnt eat cotton at tho annual parmora t onf ronci t tuskigeo institute tualuiw ala prosperous ncgroeo aru cullnd to tin platform to toll how ihoy dug nutctu from their fie ida having told their story they miut meet a flro of quco llonlng on wliatovcr aubject duilrcd one strapping former had juut c plained how ur i j rod ford knappu fuvmlng plan iuuanoi out for lilm hu bad producod family uuiiplloo in ubun- danco for tho entire your pork vego tables corn eggs chlckrmu milk and iter und liad sold tlio uurplun or ooo conimodltlcu for tuuro thuu ough to moot all oilier uoodu mo d my folka ho doclured llvu woll ovory day of tlio ycur and ho look ed it ilio cotton crop which nutted uzoo ho hud put in thp bank wo don 1 cat cotton at my houao ho ouid io bouk it what uort o scliool you toll asked io of tho crowd a good school it appeared queii tlomi showed tliat a good louue a trained teacher ntid u liiiithcnil term e provided and lhat the man wfap dldn t eat cotton liad dono motv than his jihuro toward aocurlug thorn what you doln so much rorr som i asked at lout i own my land ho uald but i vo got a boy loo if ho u taught right hr 11 know how to work und whut good work can do for him i run leavo him my farm and he 11 mako it pay hut if zixn t got a good ocltool to tu to ha 11 grow up a fool an marry another one an hint an his wlfa un u urt of children llko onough will come an on mo to support oni ono way or other that boy 11 got uverythliu gut and i dun t want him to cot it by him an ma both belli foolu tltato why i put my money into u school ljcchaugo i t tulk too much or net thick with i ix jtli uiouiid you tho pleasant i o i motiilm and lho little acta of iiiinid rutlon tliniprtru not only good tli illicit ft nm u central tolnt of view but urn n ully ummi business ilut i hull m hnnio pluy and much talking puitli ulurly with thosa responsible in you t in onmi u familiarity that breeds dhim ui un 1 indifference to work attmtd ihhm rlorlly is an abomination but a rtaln umount of dignity and n rv lu uiiuetitlal to good work a i iiohli hudruhlp ito democratic bet kiti y ur iibroh 1l hall here and there ifmik old y lu tho most melan- hi ly f how i know rimk you rn right ha propoued u cirl n mo by asking her how aho mould ilk to boromo bis widow i i vriuuu lu knowing just how nllly hi ur mil hiding it that lu uii eight lay clock m uu txplulnod tho dealer it will ikiii duyu without winding jhm1 ururlounl exclaimed the c i mi r and how long will it no if roo wind ut i llrilhloott thoro wosn t of hi ht in tho rooral uils bllnkln this i ohah by tzjdnjj lydiakknklinmo vegetable compound one of triousands of suchcnsca block turer foua wtsab lydia e rinkuamo veffetablo compound ggvod sis trvm nn operation i cannot ttoycnouto la prauw of it i gutter from orgqpietroobjssjid ray tide hurt me o i coakl hardly be up from cay bed and i was nnabla to do my uooaework i had tho beat doctors in esucjalroand they wantedjn to bara an operation oat lydla e plnkhamo ve compound cored miiol did notneed uio operation andl am tellinff all my frienda aboat it- mra a w uiniidt block river folia wisl it la just ouch experiences u that of mra uineor that has made this famomt root and herb remedy bon word from ocan to ocean any woman who pun i ti from lnqommation olcera dupuecmenta backache nervoamossa imcuioriuca or th bmee ahoukj not rert until oho has ffiten it a trial and for apecial advice write lydla el imkbom medicine co- lynn uaaa town hall acton thursday may 1 mnisleal treait coflda wai1d ouchnlu urnl amortuso vlolmlat aiwl uutartidu of tho wardbuchner concert co evelyn holyoak braitlnvaite soprano reva ilorbinan eloculionibt thomab g mitcheltnc blind pianibt lenora coughlin accoiiipanibt aublmclb acton hov bcouib admission 7f- and 50c clmir tukcn ut h icluck save the surface and you save all tot which houso dominates your bloclt somewhere in every community la a bouse which tjon owe t toyonr crtfa coatinnnity to i leep yoar home tn jj perfecf condihon piint o orcaerootlvc olway amura at you itlaalautya prcaervotivcj j cheerful lookinc than m hie others brtghtrr better kcrt and wait painted inuotiutliomuvacocjcituenandabodnhbor hia houae ia oo inviting that it u like a hand tretched out to you you arc bound to foal laj that ita owner live near you 2 jbh mtp somewhere else in every co mm unity stands another houao ita owner has become hscouraccd he has quit trying ma has lost his ambition and gradually liam occcptcd his fate a a down-aad- youtaiowtlmttlui3aobecaueftisoaobayao it la dingy bejdnalng to crack and aag and u unpatntad its owner is not o c dtixeu- 1 1 bos not done ids share hla houao tand out llko u eare thumb 1 1 rob- a whoio neighborhood of legitimato real estate value buyers of new houses avoid ita neighbor hood p c c speight acton ontario ew machjee shop f0vd nuwrhnctuiilir i tnovinj to llic niwly anun ctl pitmr c ti i i mr alloy on main street where he will ie jr pared to nil rcpoini of maclnncry proiti lly and ati f iet nly motor impairs a specialty hnvinj experience with till mukc of motor rcpa be cfllcicntly excepted vuixanizing thus having installed a vulcuniziii outfit iti factory will hp mudo to outer cases as well a inner tube tin ment t3 monofjed by mr d fto bring all youit hlpaiks hi ul how handli rep iii flcp if qlnln street acton fred klow wam to feel jisft rigm ca take an nr tonight ei trouble is your iyhcm l clocned wllh a lot of imikuilic tliat your over wofkxd digestive and olimlmlivo orj n can t grt rid of puu oil ulu calomel aiul oidi nary laxxtlvei cmhartics and purjra oolr force the bottch ood prod the uver nat arm iutsenr tablets acts on the to mac li liver bowcu and even kidneys not forcing but ton- ins od trcnirthcnld these ocq the result li prompt relief and real lau og bencbt mse tho test nature remedy wdl act promptly tborouf hly yet to ralidiy so gently that yoa will think nature her self has come to the rescue skid u duinr the vrorl ajuloh what a relief 1 till b help the yomocoao fieisln sis oirkfor soldiers help they construct the manhood that will reconstruct canada all the world now knows tliat the red triangle of the y m ca was the sign of friendship to tliousands of your brother- boiu neplicws cousins and neighbours boys ui the last four and a imlf years wherever the can adian soldiers went tl good old went too and now it is coming back home with them for the support which lias made possible the war work of tlie v m c a we tliaiik you your money has been well expended we liave rendered full account we ask now your continued sympathy und support for red triangle service for our soldiers during demobilization and for y m c a work for canada generally during the re construction period the annual red triangle campaign will be liddtliroughout canada may 5th to 9th 1919 the objective is 31100000 th yjmcji unuupt chain of seme unbroken till th 9iui for our men returning for the joldteri und their dependents returning fieim oversells we luive provided ui fojlowtf 1 a ited trumclc man on board every ship wbea it leaves cimt llntoiji wtib a full cauiprneat oi una gramophones ami rccurib uutc luitcru htciutuic and writing materials wheie osihle ulso n piano or ait oran lee t urea concerts aiujf stui j instruction re oovcanmeut repatriation pi i ana innuuy srrvlcea- 2 itci 1 rutin lc comforts and aaliuca fur the men aq ar- iivjj ut ilulifux ul john jtiebcc and montreal prlnrttig qi fee utttlb with fiec dijuks free eatables cbjarettea m etc 3 ilo1 1 riaule iual ui every troop truut tn iiovidc icjuhuly fttc dnul cjtuhlcauiidcyraietlxs clvtkel orj jime taiiicj uiui ani ctin and furniih iiifornuutiii iceauh u0oi 4 ilrj titun free caiitccu rjvitc ill tin uui u n buiru rlt t eatll of ihr dtspcisal irulrcu lit cbiukij o ri liuiuulc club tu tl3 pi u in ul utio if t lunula tu the naje at lue y m ca hostels to fur 1113b bed uuj board o low ra tcs auil to in a irmltivixu fot suilurlb fl icwuty nvr sctictaiies to aupeiuitend lied tibuixle novur in milituy iluspiuds camps uiul itujiiitls ihiuuxhout lull ym cjl piltueja funiuhed or 7 1 iclels cutitluil oll u miuthj al uuy local y m c lu tulhiuiji to our witfk fot the ictuiuuis souucjt we have to maintain the hed 1 riougflr- aervwre ti tho full for the soldiers in ul ui u us well na tin woik uf special f in nocthcrn ituiiij itjiratliv- uud iuhuul for canadas monliood the ieexmstructioa progrnxn rjf the y a c a includes the tallowing vitally imiortajit develup incuts 1 an incna aexvicc to 300jxx teeua4c iniyj iu tlie xotnmioji tho dcvclopmeat of canadtaa iitaudaxd hlftoi ucy trainlix niblo study iroupa wrmnvt camps coitfcrculcj cenrico for high school boys for workmjt boys tu tho towiu and dues for boys on the farm and for boys everywlicrr wh hava lac opportunity for mental moral physical ur uuiji dcvelopaiea t 3 luauxuiatloo of ymca work in the country uud tli unoller towus and viillkcii lulini associauoa huiwiiica uiul njui- rofti t ou a plan ofltimiuty nijan j llttuoi this will iiujudr the y establishment t ited 1 fiatiu- jj centrra for social rrcirtnuuil uiul mcil iu coopcruttou with the churctirs ls9 3 tbe promooou v m c work djuouj caiuiiun ui my of tnukal in uoluitiud puuej tli lavmca buildiui1 und in the factory buiuuzurs oriuuxliii the rocui spirit uuai the industrial worker h of our uiertuix cntcitiuumeuta aiuea and eporu the csbxbusl uncut of the lied trun tiicts where itimbctaicn tniacrs aiul other w fiorit ticucht of luduatiy 5 besides thrio uuiu it ida of iuciraeti uttilty we have tu provide for cjibucci work uinoujf uilwjy college atuileutsaud for oir cumjuirii to cwn 1 uiui sex education xiudcf all our work wn place thi s fuuiidauou of uuutly ouutuuuty ly win t ii iu h 11 lb ywcjl vit the wivr3 und chlldicu ovrrscas drpcudent uhu an adwjt solileia uud f or y w txa work iu canada generally u uuu of j17mxw from the ucd ttl- auslc 1ujid wilt le act uiidc ur the douuiuun coujioj of the ywca which corwtf for the bukbrr wiuuen folk uud their hi tic oiura ou the luitl loui uey fiuui livciikxji to co aud is abo cjhriuilnj its work for f ylnn ills lor their toko alio 1 eu crous wheu you make your cuutrihutiou tjv3r tlie sake of our victorious boldicn aiul j- their dttxuulcuti uud tlie iiuppniesj of their hoinecximing for the saxeof ourfutuix citizens out teen uge boyb for the bake of rural life iu canada for the bake of tlictocwl betterment of tlie toilers m fuctoiy and work hojh for the sake of lonely men und boys in our minis und forests for the sake of christian society luid canadian manhood we apmal to you grvc w your contnhntiou little or big be us generous as you ion llnud your cuituibulieui lo the uiivar ulun 1 ii or if you live when- it i ddheult fur lnni t t ull eud it by cheek money urdcr njumd utter lu the national tvciunirer red rnuiilc cuiiijnnii ljo buy street toronto please note wv u not ulii for nuuiry tl eurry on etm vtirt oversea with tlu aimy in cmar hi t till plains or llhjiuui lint work will contuiui u t ic 111 1xiiuuiu or oittt inn ith biui iily jhtivided it by the jitpi dution of our ju ov i u uiul wll not temii mte tdl th ll t niuu haj ided lor liui lc national council young mens christian associations of canada if ui iumti ioiriwa joum w llol muulicol the ijd truihu campaign ts bnu cauditcted under liu diumy uishd futi duke of devout ur tumpeix ckatrmau t camtptc 7rturrt unpaizu ts bnu cattducttd under liu diumy uishd futromitt n ihs 1 t iiu duke of devohshtjo hf g c c m l v 6 p l o llaatutrt wood toronto tuuma1 111 a r

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