Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 1, 1919, p. 4

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in ariw 3ret praa thjlt day may 1 j51d tn acnm moriili otitarli qilvmi unllml imllrjit d ww- iwwki in iwi h 1 is lttua jtulldlrur m1u mroot acton 1 rlco la 31 lo iifr year 111 additional to oidca in tho ibocrlirtiuna art paid la label u thu luluicrlptloii kirlco la i j i uluj in iturcxt addition iltulrii itin tluto t wliicu oulu a figltt between the standard oil company and a rival corporation in louisiana has brought down the pneo of casolino in memphis tcnn to eleven cents a gallon its a pity wo couldnt have a similar fiht between tho gas men in canada tho jrivrng of mo tor vehicles would bo less exacting on tho average pocket book advi hti jincj llanu trondonf advcrtlnemonlii 10 rcutii pi r lino urato laijmunmcnt for aral luxsrtlon and njiti 1 r iiik tor tilth uubnequmit inoertlcm contract rilsuluy uilvcrlliiuiuoiitji fur 100 inciicn or moro per annum ic con la i or inch cui peel lid illrnll ma wl ircordlnlly i- mo6lc iduor and jcubllalmr tiij i jion1 1dluirlul mid liuiln ilotildonco editorial lhat it i- out of the question that prices will fall to anything like the 1014 level in the near future is the opinion cxprcicd by the british ministry of reconstruction in a pamphlet recently issued in fact the general level for the next decado may be 25 to 30 per cent higher than the prices prior to tho war this is one of the first official intimations as to what may be expected in this very troubled qaca tion of what prices to expect following peace canndas forests are a great natural resource tho doiflinton forest reserves include on area of 2j- 024040 acres and the permanent staff employed thereon district inspectors 4 supervisors 13 forest assistants 5 forest rangers 03 total 120 nc cording to tho annual report of tho department of the interior for tho last fiscal year ncconotnuctlon of nncwemeo i h u nit hurrh followlr a furl ftnr dreadful calami ilea fnmttmrtfnt food cuiivi mat ion cccdrd it tlio harder i r wry of iortli on in liny tunnrry rniloylnf 1 000 men wlictn it formerly employed lg tinmen in th 1 lklld win ecofiomlrnlly irntnrm which ru th at ijii the liquor interests have commenced their cam paigd to defeat prohibition through the referendum in earnest the first general item of their propa ganda was sent broadcast during the week in tho form of a copy of the intemperate address of lieut col h a c machin m p p of kcnora when ho attacked the ontario temperance act in tho legis lature on march 4 the headquarters of tho liquor men for the campaign appears to be at ottawa this time it was from the capital that lhts first shot was grcd the workmens compensation act was given some deserving consideration at tho last cession of the legislature a bill introduced and passed makes ira portant additions to the scope of the act the principal change is a 50 per cent increase in pension allowance to widows so that a widow will now receive under tho act a minimum of 30 a month with an additional allowance for each child of 7 50 the allowance was formerly 20 for the widow and 5 for each child according to a report issued by the minister of agriculture of alberta there are approximately 10 000000 acres broken in the province in 1918 there were 7727702 acres under crop as compared with 1242444 acres in 1009 or over six times as much in 1018as in 1000 in 1918 2141 homesteads were granted 15 preemptions 0 homesteads purchased and 431 soldier grants this rapid settlement of the west means much for canadas development pro gress and increase in population tho nrrry at huntlnctoie w vn i now a m at jiacklnc plant tin knymami lirowrry of whrolluir va it- now the ilnymann comiiany icoccil lit inrnt itarttlnic tho town city ia brewery la now a creamery and prduro company tho undn w vo browery la now a mllkfrodurtn company tho cikim browory of lkinvcr now maken malted milk and a flno natality of porcelain tim north yakima waoh brewery li iuiw a fruit by products company tho lalom om browery la twvr munurueturlmr lcnlerry juloo- thr hlar browery washington t lu now tho atltal ialnt oh ami var iiinh comimny tho iaclfla coanl brewery port lam ore i i now u ilioo factory and rml i loo men an ucrltut 123 men rmiiloj ed whfn it manufactured beer tho oodnr itarldn la lirowery lo now a ircamery an i pnwluco roraiwiny the fairmont browory t vat vlrelnux la now an ico afid t k prti- ouoo ilalit real estate ifyrnrnavo i it yuu want ti arlon aalt uua r j kerr auctlonmr and ttaat citato oolor 1 jionl 3d vouno qtrcct acton ont oakvitlc is setting a very salutary example to towns generally by its sane and- enthusiastic organization of a clean up week the week from may 5 to 12 is ct apart for this splendid enterprise the chief constable in the local newspapers requests all citi zens to participate in tho cleanup campaign it is estimated that g5 of the fires in canada could be prevented by the exercise of proper care in keeping all premises clean canadas lire loss totals 30- 000000 if this can be reduced to 10500000 experts believe possible people will be doing a noble and patriotic thing tn keeping their premises clear of litter of all kinds in addition to the elimination of a large percentage of the fire loss the improved appearances and better sanitary conditions will be most gratifying it is a satisfaction at least to have n minister of education who is alivo lo nil issues which beorupan the education of our youth hon dr cody spoko with much interest at the meeting of tho ontario library association on monday of last week and on wednesday he addressed tho trustees section of the ontario educational association on topics in which these organizations may do much to advance new and improved methods of education ho asked the trustees to realize afresh the power of education in moulding national life and pointed out that it is much easier to mould a child m its plastic stage than it is to remould the adult ha appealed to the trus tees to realize the great importance of proper edu cation for the children the balance of trade has now swung again so that it is becoming adverse to canada before tho war it was ugainst us by 300 million dollars annually owing to war orders it become a favorable balance by nearly half a billion dollars our war debt in the dominion however has mounted up to nearly 1500 000000 henceforth thcro must be a largely in creased volume of trade to pay our interest charges this is what exports will do but wo must sell as much of the produce of canadian fields in canadian cities towns and villages as possible it means we must import less especially in foodstuffs if e canadian cities and towns are to bo the canadian farmers best market then the farmer must loyally cooperate by buying thoso thiogs which are made by canadian industries and from canadian dealers in june 1017 tho goverflmentfrt ottawa passed an order incouncil which prohibits for the period of the war and for six months thereafter betting pool selling and bookmaking upon the race courses in the house of commons tho other day a member asked if it wui the intention of tho government to repeal this order sir thomas white in reply said that inasmuch as horse racing had been extended beyond the limits of what was contemplated by par liament when the act of 1912 was passed and that betting upon race courses had caused grave public offence the government is making enquiries with a view to the enactment of such legislation as may be deemed in the public interests it is sincerely to be hoped tho ban on race track gambling will bo con tinucd and that canada will never again permit the gambler and black legs from tho neighboring re public to throng here and ply their nefarious bejttmg games with shameless impugnity tho question who may vote on the forthcoming election on the temperance referendum act is frequently usked these days tho act reads as fol lows the persons qualified to voto as stated in th ontario election act 1018 as amended this year arc as follow a every man and every woman who is ajjritielibubjootbybirth ornaruralizationr bis nut disqualified under tlio ontario election act or otherwise by law prohibited from voting c has resided in canada for the twelve months next pre ceding the day fixed by the lieutenantgovernor in council as tho duy upon which tho enumerator shall commence to make up tho lists and is on tho said day or will be within fifty six days thereafter of tho full age of twenty one years d is m good faith on the last mentioned day and has been for tho three months next preceding tho same a resident of and domiciled iji tho electoral district in which the polling sub division in which ho or she so resides is situate special provision u made for boldjcrs to vote it is probable an enumeration of all persona entitled to vote will be madefor the purpose of this election canadas postal service 13 remarkable when the sparcely settled communities of wido areas aro con sidered the report of tho deputy postmaster gen eral for the year ended march 31 1918 shows that on that date there were 12622 post offices in opera tioa tn canada of which 210 havo been opened dur ing the year the number of offices closed was 30g the reason for closing in nearly every case havintj been that the post office was rendered unnecessa owing to the establishment of rural and delivery routes- during the year 88 additional rural mail de livery routes have been established and the number of boxes increased by 8065 the intelligent teaching of agriculture in the schools was emphasized at the educational associa tion convention tft toronto last week the subjeci of agriculture can be taught so as to have a libcraliz tng value like language and science a socializing value liko civiesand history and a vocational value said mr john dearness mjv principal or the nor mal school london in his address he advocated laboratory work in connection with tho study of agriculture and suggested practical study in the school yards probably in conjunction with a school fair he thought a good all round training for qualification desirable the greateqt plunder of my life in tlio crcjar uhrary chcc lo iwkilt in which ovo hundred mon out if work havo wrlttcn of tho crauit i lundi r of their uf- it la a collection muilo by dr 1arl pratt hrro i itdn t nivo what i camiml 2 ijid not bb ft boy roallm thi valuo of an education 5 if i liad lakfn bettor care mv mony i would hr better in health and momu 4 did not rdllo uu importance of nlcltli to ono tlnd f tntiloymoi l tb aroaliyit of my hf woo whun i took my first drink g on of tho jrrcfttesat blundorw or my llfo wui not to jrtort mysnlf in orio f tin lloea of liuatnuu i ntartnd 7 my crot blunder wu when i 1 ft hchool in tho nrth irado 8 tho lumlnc ixiint in my hfp waa whan at fifteen i mo away from 0 sjwnt money foolishly when i vm prnlnc rood woccil jo wkm i let myacir bo mulcd ltibo thlnklnc that t need not atlck to one thine i seif conctll and not intoning my iarcnta a new passion for the welfare of others is mam festly one of the splendid outcomes of the struggle for world freedom during the war every soldier in active service evidently lived the principle of con sideration for others he was always ready to pro tect his comrade in arras at any cost to himself he would give his last morsel of rations to a needy sol dier or to a child met on tho street where war had devastated the region our saviour taught this duty when ho was here among men paul frequently ex horted the exercise of this virtue among those to whom jic ministered it is surely up to all of us to bury our selfish natures and act upon the principle which havo been so worthily emulated by our soldier heroes tho peace congress is arronging a uniform date for the celebration of the declaration of peace to become effective simultaneously the world over a clause has been drafted for insertion in the peace treaty fixing the dote for the transition to a state oj peace sixty days after the signing of the treaty if the treaty is signed about may is peace thus will become effective throughout the world on july 15 the purpose of this provision is to prevent confusion among the more than twenty belligerent nations which might fix different dates in their various rati fications according to present plan each nation will ratify the treaty according to its own uwi but all will unite in a common date which will become a universal day of peace a new note was struck at tho educational con vcntiou at toronto last week when it was emphasized that no teacher should be employed before attafning the age of twentyono years j munro b a of hamilton pointed out the fact that tho nation s chief builders were not its oxplorers discoverers in ventors great railroad magnates nor those who had built up bugo industrial enterprises but those who have to do with building character tho only thing as shown by the great war that is indestructible on account of the nature and importance of the teachers work teachers should ho at least of full ago before being permitted to enter the profession no one can practise law until he is 21 surely aojtno will say that the lawyers work is moro important than the teacher a said mr munro those interested in tho largo profit accruing from the sale of intoxicating liquors aro now actively en gaged in an aggressive campaign havin in v the restore t lo nortarrooms flnd free traffic in liquors those who desire to save our province from such an overwhelming calamity such a menace to the homes and tho homo life of the people of ontario to the peace of tho community to tho honest legitimate business interests of the people will not permit over confidence in tho result of the issue to induce any lack of enthusiasm m the effort to make it impossible to rcstoro the legalized liquor traffic the greatest opportunity in tho history of tho prohibition reform in canada now confronts ontarios temperance work crs they have arduously and unselfishly proven their biucerity and courago in the past thoy will do so again in tho present campaign let all uminencn at once by emphasizing tho necessity of voting no to each of tho four propoaitious of the ballots a phi that provet iu value thooo of weak ntomafh will find strength in tarmlrc n v jntablo pill bcauw thei bpiv to maintain tho healthful action or tho atomacb and tho liver irreirolaritica in which are moat dla trejlnj tyijpntim are well acquaint ed with thcm and value them at theh proikir worth thoy have afforded tt ilcf when other preparation havo foil cd and htvo rffectou curca in allmonu of lona tlandlnfr whon othr mcli inra vvrro found unavailing hg maukmans lru lloolo uiul jliotrn and dnuui cod i ktvo food in llcatlonrj of nut t rftcu through tho ittotk ladies uoota and shocfi 4 00 to 5600 per pair mcjth boola 350 to 7 00 per iiair ijoh and glrla shoes at 2jio to sx50 per pair dress goods in latlst shades pique i5c per yard poplin 65c per yard l starkman mux stbect acton notice to farmers 1 000 hpail 1- at 1 1 nil and chirk i mi w ml 1 up to 30 mn and iii ubn 1 uy m tl i al kin tin of 1iiijj u i sk nti in 1u ol lind thlniil uihl i ii klixl f juii k v uihu wo aro jiaylnir hiclcj ut ui 1 iri ph rtroniz y our n ci mull or phono ordrm will rcrclv promnt attention high teat cujih pricej paid fo j-vffs- alex gilboordi box 261 acton ont phono 5 corner church and willow 8t tho oil fo- h frmfa boltlo of dr thomas hclccihc oil in tho farm iiqum will uavo many a journey for tho loctor it itf not only gixxl for tha children when tajcon with cold and croup and for tho mature aunr ram nalna ond achca but tliorr- aro airectlona for it ufl on nick cattli thcro should always po a bottla of t in tho house lo i it is nioh thee tlio burxirino of ufo ulwayu come in indlnc how wo havo muuied tlio llilncu lhat haw lain nearcat to m how wo havo gono far away to ocok thiit which waa ciooo by our uldo all tho time- men who uvfl bunt and ions eat aro apt to come an tho result of all their uylns to tho conviction that llfo la not only richer but al rap lor than ooetmd to uim at flnil man b vajit labor uoaklne after peace anil pplnaaa it nocma to them aa if it worn far away from tliom an if they throuch vast and atraium lo tct t thny muat pilo l they tnuat sea avcry ioaalblo ilujiccr of rnlohup iruardctl acaiiuit bo faro they can havo pcaoc upon how oany men baa it twixi with a atranew urpiuuj tliat poac would cotuq to rich and poor only with contentment and that they mleht aa well havo bn con t tlic very lliinlne atf well aa very end or llfnl they havo ii 1or journey for their troauuro and when at laat thny atoop to pick it lol it footprint t out to ltrooka u ahli hlch r rlatm bealde th they left when they in a clrcla phlltlpu what is it t mo ir our piduiiigoti ellu of u tlttlo who foolod hir sran ifalher ylro aiiuiu of our nuiioru can try uaiun joke upon grandpa of srntid thlo li tho alory ir ilrompton lu very clover yot tho cr day hla llttlo icrutidduucltlur rly lonfouiidod hint elrandpu auld aln i uw um thlntf no runny runnliuf nenma tho kltcjirn floor without less what d j think it mui irundim thought and thouhl but laul ho tiad to slvo u up what itr hi nkd water reuliod the llttlo lady trl phuntly liumnet saturday treat try our now liocoltn riiwi superior to 1ulttrkrup uj l0c lt sjtunuiy limiuii 40c other t0c cliocolat u for 3o jqcnluitlu utlir tlmn mu lo ilmliift boc our irtiuin i arlor lu uiln ujkji with mbih btti f ico crii and tho ionui iool airvlc hulk loo crxam pint soc itrick lea crcarn rjili 30c any quantity delivered harold wues canada food hoard l icons no a 12505 mill street acton spri have vou received voub spring footwear vet 7 if not co to kenney bros on i iiiako your uclcrcilon fn in tliul 1 h t utyh ifirl hi i ai ik u u llj oxft ruu with a f w iii u n i umihi wi tmva ul u i i iii of ijidl illlli tut itukt with fawn and 1ut vaiini whl h fcivo a very atj ii in our menu lllu t c lint and luavy ltalil urn loinpiutt with ilijii mluurii and lilldu ut ruwimw your repairing attended to kenney bros main street acton ont war bond interest coupons and cheques cashed free tho morchonu bank will cajh all war loan coupons or lnltirwt chequt i when duu on pnuentation without mukmu uny cliuruc wliatovcr for tlio wrvut if you have not u suvmtff accamit why not ujo your inttrejt money u ojrh oho with 5e lua bonkrr safety deposit boxes in movjl own bank a wcricu ut thirty tour tafuty d poalt iwki 1m tlmu uluj huu bin iiiatiillcd in tho vuult or tho mcrchantu hank of unulu ml u i liu- bosia am burtfuir proot tiavo doubli uxkn an 1 tit tun to iji h li4i ubaolutoiy uit uro protection from nro or in d hum v u hux y iv nwi key ilio rental la very amall and tho luui art lumin il uu u tn inaiuilur and oturo ono for your document and vuali th mcrchants bank hoatl oflka montrefl acton iioancii dlougltown 1uuvnch of canada established 1u04 l 1 miokiy mauattr c w ciiandy llaivr curtain lights wc will aend you a pair of bevel glouo ooliawq curfaln llghla mounted on mohnfr or ford top nuilcrtal all you need lo do lo to remove the bade of your pjcnl top and attach the rear we ftend and your car will nave that dlfllinct- ive oppearance- wc kave made thou- uandn of these lights nd can give jjou any dcaign for any malce of car write uo motorlouj ohould write uo about new topo duot hoods slip covem oprlng cavcra engine hood cavero cuohlono uldc curtnlnfl automo bile and carriage paint ing aluminun and draco cao tingo buohlngo niclicl and brass plating new curtain lights any design for oriy cor automobile tires and accessories chains etc everything for the motorist round design- fqj ford cars 900 oal design ybrchesrolet cars 1050 send money order qskawa brass foundry oshawa omt hydro qualit lamps tested in four ways 1 i trt teat- for audio power second toat for currnt con unipclon tiuxj ttjjt for mtthinltjil dtficta fourth teat for intli of llfo a portion of every shipment of hydro quality lamps is taken at random to bo tested if any lamp fail3 to paas the rigid teat the entile shipment is rejected all tcata ore conducted by cxjicrtj m the labor- otoriea of the hydro liectnc power commisuon of ontario the most completely equipped eleo incul testing laboratories in canada the testa of hydro quality lamps old the commission in realizing the objt eta for which it was created to furniuh tlio best possible ocrvice at the lowest possible rates when hydro quality lamps- are used for home lighting the consumer 13 assured maximum brilliancy and long life combined with minimum current consumption hydro quality lamps arc obtainable at the hydro shop htdrqelectuic power commission of onta1u0 gold uv- iiydko lixctiuc iuaktriknt hydro shop lemmes latest seeder it l i i uui i i i i i i ui i i i lintli u n vtli i i u v i it l i i r i w in l 1 j i l jl wi ii tun n un l iju i l l i i u ill i ul i tltl mimlli oiliklu ll n iuiui 1 t ii wi i i i iii m w iy other kin i r t ii i j ii i u o i i i n i iiui i ll i iii tt 1 f hi i vi u i uul lal t uocu an i ulr u in111 i llll i i in 1 uu yuu i1l amuntl tho so 1 ililti uulir 1 will ith r wltti with nit rtrtlllur uttuctunent iu mi ih viyl in uh i ly lu t i uvu fui ltit if un ono ur tw ij ii i il ii maiiur tnn1 iui hum 1 uiul ntild hy a hoiiimo i ljuu hill 11 t i 1 t ijtur fin wifoi intttlun ul i lliil ll u uiakuu l pahian a actn t i j 1 i m dit w mil charles e parker mill s1ull1 actpn ontario business directory thoq orav m d c- m mcql i it i i lliiliun h i il i i t u aimiow minlhr llrltl ii mill al aiiaui intluii rtr ohlwv knxlnrlck h rit i ln out or j a flcnlvcn phymiclin on 1 bufotun mo an 1 iihiiuio unr lluw v n i ui j 1 lulu if- i il fiici rirnirly ly i u mm i nhui ai ion oi t vctcrimafiy john uwgon vatarinnry guraoon acton on rirailtiafo uf onlurl v t rlnnry o lcio 11jr0 omroarlliiirii lilt i k idul li m mill hired cujlu duy ur i 11 1 iumh i ly nttcn uil tu lcqal ilono n 22 i ux 33c iiarold nash kakmuil m a qrr solicitor notary public convonynncer clc pcrftvman dlock acton ont moni v to i ovn conveyancing jlouru 3 p m to i p inat rcihlcnra r h wan3qrough lako avonuo acton qntarle or j m bell d djlud o dntit honor flnutuoto of toronto unlvor ally tho utlestm oiiestliatio uaoj it deajred oiqco al residence corner mill aad 1rodwick atroota miqcellaneou3 marriage licences h p moore luuir marrus uconim bk pkcs omcf arlon out francis munah oookbifujr arrount boolc of all iin made to order icrlodlrla of cery demcrlp- tlon carefully bound hullac neallr nd promptly done ivrwuum blrect guxilph oat torr wi iaca u ore r j kerr ljcrngj auc oncer vtr ltm tflullo of haitt elllna- ton prl arj iu-j- a d rno cly of u pi acton ontario sj mr be atie3 by mall or ax rrt al actaa cr t tm fve i- 0rr jlcu- the neva ilotsrd firccx or willi w j ocntei tiris maker ulliaburs whiles trlruittj ui l j atrr r- clo irj tui fiisa ijti lt litla to iloxe of fcil list jor ejlira with no reaujcou young street acton rboiw sfi aetna call mx lay 2xpcxmn j e cheevers book cinder qubcc st- cit gualph ont all work promptly ejiotutod d alex niven onuno land surveyor and civil enoinoor surveya tiubtllvinlanu plaus llo- poru rxcripttona liluciirintn etc- ccrtifiaiuu fur l urclmucra and mortpneeca burvtju for archltrctu buildua and munlcljial councils dralnacd itioru tstlmatco via mclean quilding dou 3t arjiraii ihono ion oni auctioneer livi l k hivi ustatl and mulplianli conolidtd phono erlr it 1 t r- r 3 acton urftndirunmiwemj time table changes a cllangk oi t1ml wiu be made on may 4th 1919 information now in aenls iluiuli i ii s uoijviks aciit acton ont phan 3 rhooidaniritoliablo jranito and marblo dealers wo urv diuiiufmlurum viul dlruet imlxrtoto of nil bin to of mixiiuiioudil und lunoutiiiio wurli wii asll fllruct to our ualumirn ul wiioiluuio prli 03 thuut uavluk uur mowinira 41 ir tuitt wo liuvv urn txut uliuuitiliu anj tlio nly iikwluuiim in tli ikimlnloii vtiu an oimirnto un tin ui tin tool prupcrly wo tin llvu rtflrwdivw frt in hundriila or our linlimirra in ton 11 to mil utuet placiui win ru olhvrit liuvu to havo law nulu in onltr to lu1i t wi luvu tlio lutkjit ulid ihui utlkk of iunllo in ttlo lxmiliilon or inum tluwi uny ilir icalom in tho welt wo aro uihi luato dculom uiul oiuitluy 110 ucunlo oud do not uiiiuy or jtcut cuutiininru by oundiiii out isuotunt uiutilu uuiklt injr urilrm wu uutiluy only uioiliajili u nnd defy oimuiltlo hamilton sons cor norwich woolwich but iutriih

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