Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 1, 1919, p. 5

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ffilje jvrtnn ffltte lnbfl thijithday may 1 1310 the town or no good kind frlendii havo you heard of hi town of no rwwl on tho hankn of tlio over wow wlicro tho homo llrno or othor jcoirth tlm air and tint hi ft jo lmlci itrowt it lion in iho vallny of wlm a tin- uur in thn i rwvlnro of lctijer utldo it o thn homo of tho itacklikin i don t lam whnro tin cho it una uuido iho town n nil olt a tho human rare aii it prowii with tho flight of ycaru it wrlipm in tho fog of tho idlufn rlroaraa it h tlmmitu urn pavrul with dlicardd rcticmrji anil nprlnklcd with usulmui taora nfrrant vcnw twcnty vcaiio ago from the laaua of tu fn of thundy may 4 1030 tho rtcn uro rapidly comlnjf into leaf ncaln now tho uoyn upend their 1 inuro at trout flahinir tlicro arc nuw propau in man porta to paon t y inuu requiring watoi tlreq to bo four lnchen in width to morrow l arbor day in thi public jchoola tho day will bo rtpont in plan tl mi trcca and flow cm and boautlfylnc tho nchool prcrnlaen son orally tho local merchants who have boon ewlnff furnlturo couporm to cash can to men tho pant year or no hava mutn ally brl to dloconllnue tho nyotcm on jono l tho nw i ro porta c7 doco return cu in acton durlnc hia oajtcojnnent ho known of neven otliera whooo own ers will bo asked to nay taxon upon them harly cloalnc haa come in cam eat an agnctnent to clooo at aix o clock on monday tueoaay and thursday nhjhto hnjj henn nhrncd by tho follow ing bunlnenji men henderson co qurnoy co c i ooodovo l jj nolaon co ii u coluno j ij fear- non bymon broa coorro havlu o a pannabockcr a mctavlah cooper aklna w will lama konnoy broo oeo stovcl t ii uolaton m gardi ner joyce xlroa j il alatthewa l jjarrla a very successful concert wan given by tho iacroaso club last thursday ervenlna tho talent wu mr h 11 jackaon of toronto ulna annlo nol- non toronto mr chaa r crowe guelph and tho acton octette which was compoaed of tho following tenors mcowrs w hlork il jeans f ii storey and ci j mooro basses llcssrs a mcdonald i1a k rosa d m henderson and j smith misnlaldlaw has discontinued her classes in music hero and ha boon succeeded by miss violet williams also of georgetown the first annual dinner clven th ofuccrs und men or company 8 llajtoi ball lome iii oca was held on friday evening- nt tho dominion hotel capl langton occupied tho seat of horn r fho menu provide was one of tho finest over given in town tho speechea of the evening were intetspcraod with military soncs by ilugler jeans benrl ross capl lanston and mesars d m- henderson and w stark oorn bprowl in naquealitff on monday may 1 to mr and mrs alex ttprowl a daughter jcennldy in acton on tuesdaj may to mr and mrs ancua kan nedy a daughter a pathetic monument in keautif ul bermuda interesting letter from dr farmer dcacriplito of n vialt to a yellow fever monument from hamilton dcrmuda pr 1 r i armcr who left arton for a nolourn in korjuyda in march vrrtten ho iuu 1 unnit tho following intoruitlnc letter from thin far away inland which ho lu pleased to doslc nat a lltory of pits anil poetry i was told tho other day after being in ilcrmuda for several weeks on thla my second vlnll to thorn beautiful is land a tliat out in- tho harbor on one of tho coral projections to uio left of tho mad to i panluh point tliero was a monument to about three hundred victims of tho epldomto that raffed hero in tho autumn of 1hg3 ho one mortt in lean than a week mco and just as tho oleander and prlda of india were nesltlnliig to bcspanglo tho wholo in land with thcjr matchlona bloom after enforctd net buck of a month or from tile disastrous salt npnay viol tatlon of ivbruary t started out on my nhnd u and and inventhiato oils memorial and its surroundings a lady had told mo on tho road that the near- cat approach was from b panluh point itbelf liaok alone a farm path runnlog cai1 alone tho harbor shore but uuld oho there lu another somewhat lonor may of reaching your objoctlve by turnlnc on to u lano running to tho lcrt just oppoallo the admiralty stables i chose this latter routaj more on account of a desire for uifc adventurous and tho unknown than for any othqr roaaon because i under stood tho other way was both shocter and more accessible i hud porod closely- all morning over tho iitoty of the trojan war endeavor ing to wtavo tho history of that fam oua coiusal of old into byron a favorlt verso form and had just completed the parting scene between hector and andromache with this tanxa dentruyjne thin humhla lit i in plinth and rolumn of marly novnity ucnuoiui durtitlun hut tho roudtr in ntlll ranlly drllnentn there tho htory f hnw a number f otllceru 33 women an 1 children ahd 137 privates nil runncit oil with a certain urlllnh regiment fill victims to tho yollow fnvrr niourgo of 1b53 and an i read tha pathctln nti ry i kept unking myself whv ttieno mourn lug frloiwln if they were tin anxious v lr dopartr i ones un i taking olt did not avlrt a ngentul an 1 mora froijuenti 1 mxjt than tho far off point of this desolate dreary nlrfuidune i n rnj rtv inelmir of tha nra tho imiiroprlety and unfitness t it nil so impressed and struck mo thut it occurred to mo then uml thi ro to put down in rhyme and in mo trio tluti thoughts that were so uppermost in my mind and taking out my noto txxik i ucriiwlod ot tho following ng frloniln nmnorluilc heir ictd t why built they he nt thin thnlr bs i i him raise his darling his helmet and it o riddles and answers bo pronounced oy liable 7 qulclc every bod y glad t what word may iuickty by adding a wliat tunc makes portuno why vran sir wlirrld laurier like piano flccauss ho was grand upright and bquiro why is tho letter a uko 13 p clock noon ilecause it is tho mlddta of day what la the best thing to take ba- roro sinking breath at wliat ago aliould a man marry at tho lraonagc put four letters before a southern city and spell a vehlclo automobile if dicks father is toms son what relation la dick to tom 7 grandson why may carpenters reasonably- bo 11 eve there is no such thing as stono uecauao they never saw it what nation is most likely to win out at tha peace conference deter mination why doea a window pane blush at this tlmj of year because it soos the wather strip what is the keynote to good man ners b natural herald asthma dossnt war off alone do not make tho mistake of wait inn for asthma to wear uway byitseir while you arc waiting the disease is surely gathering a stronger foothold and you live in danger of stronger and yet stronger attacks dr j d kcllogga asthma remedy taken early will pro- vent incipient condition from becom ing chronic and saves hours of awful suffering the successful man he pushes for more business in busy seasons and if customers oro scarce still pursues ho practises strict ecnt oray and d cs not condescend to imnuriousncss he puyj promptly and collects as ho pays rntnr than pay au hu collects he la courteous in manlier and ap preciates tho commercial valuo of cor diality lit is honest not from policy but from principle ho considers aucoesm lacking self approbation as failure in dlsgulae ho thinks first and deeply and speaks lost and oonclauly he poaooaaui executive ability tu a degree which renders him upproclutlvo of tho most valuablo points in employ eea backbone whan hullowys corn cure is applied to a corn or wart it kills the roots and the callosity comes out without injury tu tho flesh niqht and wrong victor hugo unco suld that ha would rattier be hissed for a good verse than applauded for a bad one and tho prlu clpla suggested is cupablo of a wider those who wski gpphca tton- proval of others their goal have wrong standard if your right doing depends on iho applause of your nulgh- bors it is not worthy the name htlck tu the right though tho world unites to hiss you down rofuso to do tho wrong though all your associates are ready to applaud wrong doing hpare the children from uuffermg from worms by using millers worm lowdurs the inrtt crfutlve eitnlfugo tliat cap be got with whlcli to combat these lnohllnus foes of tho young and helpless there is nothing that excels this preparation as a worm destroy or anil when its ciualltls bocomo known in a hmisahold no other wilt be used the medicine acts by itself roijulrlnc pp purgatlvo to unnljit it and so thoroughly tlutt notlilng mure in de who innnol a boy affright t plumes who iannot hear him panslonato pray- r oraploy as io again that headdress bright resumes then leaps this noblest of the bona if troy into his chariot us the conflict looms beforo him awccplng t err 1 bin and to moat an enemy insatlatol when tha desire had salxed tne to flee awajrfrom tho classical and the ntren us and drink in for an hour or so in any wild place among tha island hills and dells that invigorating air that bcrmudab bays and ccdrra land to tho jaded or tho rootless mind after wandering through some pic turesquo cedar woods and plucking here anl there a twig of nan blowi olcandr an i journeyed i caroo upoi it uttlo cleared valley where a portu gesa farmer and his throe attract vp looking daughters wwa all busy dig ging potatoes they did not noun ti know much about tho monument fact which rcmlndod mo that theno mem or la is uko living pro photo arc usually without honor in their own neighborhood but tho man kindly undertook to conduct mo to an ad job ing eminence and pointed out in tho distance down below what he thought was the pathway leading to whore i wanted to go ho turned out to bo mistaken however in ills directions i allowed this winding pathway through farm and cedar woods a mllo or more till u my surprise and tem porary disgust i found myself right out at tho extreme end of h danish point itself i had gono so i was told away beyond tho proper side path leading th the monument getting noma further through very vague directions from two colored people as to where i now was i started back through the woods and was pointed out at another farm bouse that i cajno to the real road or path that led out seaward to the soldiers obituary for so i found later on that it was inscribed looking at my watbh i found that it was now a quar ter to ono and i was tired and should bo homo for lunch at one nftoen i decided having at length settled and fixed on the true pathway and marked it well to postpone the actual visit to tho monument i tacit to a later day thinking that i might strike some t rettcr going as i proceeded i hod dragged my wheel along with mo over all this rough ground and back which had not in any way tended to lessen my sense of fatlgua a few moments mora exertion batfoyw brought me to the main highway again and i ar rived hotua in good time and none the worsa for my first and fruitless at tempt to and this apparently seldom visited reminder of a dreadful visita tion of former bermuda days ilut tho trip had not been entirely without adventure i had heard tha grunt of a pig while ascending a hln on my way through ono of those hidden und almost uuapproachablo farms and poerlng to ono alda i saw below mo tn an improvlsedt ixn q mother sow of a somownat diminutive stature from our canadian view point with nine fine suckling pigs tha hog tribe and especially the sow and her young brood havo always fascinated tna mora than any other domestic animal and so amid my beautiful natural surround lngs wan it to bo wondered that i now ptoppd to gaxa mi and admire this form of nature too at its very bent a sudden gust of wind blow my hat off and bore if right down into tho centre of tho littor und i had to think and act quickly it was a now four dollar hut that would hot last long where it was and i know from early uxperlcnco at homo that it was dan gerous for a human intruder to get in amung a sow with her young pigs however i decided in a second to take tho risk rather than go horns hatlesa and jn two or three more seconds i had vaultod tha ntono fence clambered down into tha pig stye grabbed my hat and was back again on the path way i neither 1 nor my head gear wt ro any the worse for our descent and tho roothor pig had luckily proved most amiable and unconcerned during the wholo occurrence i thought to mysolf as i wulked away hw iiuiy it often is to do things on the lmpulso of tho moment which with time to think over wo would not dura to do at all tho next day i took the afternoon for iho completion of my investigation and this time leuvlng my wheal in tho woods hurrying by dascrtcd houses and uutbuudlugs along tho ruins of what was once u cut and wailed road luiut u couple of nlarvetl looking cattle and on abandoned garden plot or two nd f ter a great ctsiuhei over luck and ledjo 1 cutna at length to tho uttlo sea swept monument there it titood white short miuaro with u faded red slato inlaid surface its inscription on all four sides anl a black ball on top of it tho most fsntunlla imagination cannot picture a more wrlrd uncouth situation fur a memorial to the dead than thin rugged low lying starmbeaun coral finger vt lllurks point bermuda rtirmudu la perhaps mure replete with those charming beauty spots of flowery hill and valo and matchless vurlr gated sea so bewitching to the living und su hallowing and adorning to tho sleeping places of tha dod and jet for thess survivors to go ulirt choose tho vory reverne of all this for the site of their cenotaph a hole overy hire and there through the onao red luooi ipilon puttsa ulioweil too how the sou and the elements art sjowly to loll tho iitory struck dead thin placo far off urarco ovi r vli iul why have thry not mid chol or un porta spent their efforts and their meunn wlinrn flowers scent the hilts around not wtiotu ulut nations gloom alono receives the tain 1 1 mart r no i iuoerb to join in the lament buroly thla iitonn utvopl reef wuanovcr moot 1 lowcrlcna und trneleau wlti no path to lead the sojourner or gitldo his f et for nt memorial i ur lelur soft groan sod around its base with bloom and leaf to groet it u tain of laguo nant by u court ing god anil iiondeiing over tha m hints of llfo and tho many vlolntlonu wo mini on our way of tho etirnnt fltnc is of things i wcndro my unuvou foottitt pn bacu to my whoi 1 ami sped julrkly homeward t d i arm it hamilton bermuda april 10 1010 ymca plans overseas tho ovoracos oortlon of tho cunadlun v m c a hus issued un oolctal an nouncement of its plans lh luylng nut its military work for 1919 it wua estl led that tho overseas end could in carrlod on without further appiul n canada for funds tho necessary worl remaining being made joh3lblo by utl using canteen funds and balances of contributions and by realising on its assets in stocks nud equipment ho liquidation of these onsets in now pro green so far as tho work p r mlts the nerrcalng numteim of cimit dlan roops in prance opening tho way a reduction in equipment in ex penses of operation and in ntocks as tho number of canadians in lni lunj is maintained by new arrivals from franco tho program there must bo well continued it is right that every canadian sol dler should know that every dullar collected in canada for overseas on well as overy cent of proliu from overseas operations ucli as tho can lectin and tho entire rcllxatlon of ivs acts overseas will be spent in tila uer vice on this nldo pt tho atlantic the ovcrsefxocutlvo of the v figure the funds obtained from the u sources will permit the continuation of tho y program until demobilise tlon in franco is complete and in lni land until august 31 binco hy that doto it nocma certain that every canu dlan will bo on his way to cunudu thcro is no pros poet of even tho laid soldier from ovciscoa oufforlrij frerr any serious curtailment of the y m c a program room for improvement there in room for improvement in everybody but too many of us aftct having reached a certain standard of xcollanci am content tu stop 1 ho hlghscioul groouato uomrthnoa ftr gets mco than he learns bocuuao hi etnps atudjlug after gnduullon thou nands of young people in business ut fairs dhow no improvement after tin first fuw months which tiny davoti to learning the business and durlnj which they make rapid progrcju lv n as far as tho correcting of our faults is concerned some of us must condia if wc are honest that the yearn com and go and there is little improvement to ik seen if there is room for sou improvlinont there la need for it let u beware how wo b ttlo back on the complaeunt au numptlun that no change is nccciuary dreadth and thorouqhness tho emphasis our ago puts toll ting renders it necessary our own emphasis on breadth of cul ture- in bherlock holmes conmi doyla has drawn a man whose knowledge of his own specialty was exhaustive but vthp in matters outside possessed un ignorance so colossal us to ho nlmont unbelievable and sherlock iiolmii represents a tendency against whlch all pf us need to guard for the sake of nuccess in ufa w need to know one- thing thorough whatever your occupation you uhuuld master it hut for the oako of general culture wo need to know n little of many thlngu a man who knows his specialty thoroughly lu likely to rise in his calling but to bo a man amung i needs to know uomotlilng bo loam everything alhiul soma thing and something about cvcrytluui the flrut for uio sako or nucccaa in business tho second for the saku of living ward and oirmm lllatl men f put ill n in to i lie ufi i nl whleh niiuiy nun ui mil 1 an i tl in ill mi t r u miiliy ii i ulutl ii h iniitli iliiriiml uilri h fir nuwnl yc iro h i n i in h ritliiii lh ti t uml hll lr- n until tho i ritml i roi i tli n ht twien oho inn li nitlortil thlii mium i hawi i n iiiitid iiflr thi rhht ii lr ism in jiiiuuiiy after tin hi i jiii vw in 1 nun o un 1 i n hi tnor hi i i t ijnlt i ufli r tl o iuux if i url i hu duoilgt wlck m i i i iii 1 utlii r i i t stun i thiil yuiiiif vtui lu it n imp ii a loufi r i uii1 ti i l ii n p it it i nut him moiiluy h tfkjk ni mi uirlui on j m 1uy kvmif t inul li votli n w liu i lay i mi 1 i huii day nil 1 hi im to lruk tin t un if our i meuiciii lit ti you t iiiliii whirl i 1 rl lay if you ill tint 1 ill ur un u job ill lv up piling it up n 1 null inn in f v hi unit tlnin vl film in 1 ti w i ut ilrlnlng ono iln illli int wliui ho ntniulul to him 1 i i i t wl nt a 1 t if hills i u 1 u in li lmi i urn uu iiiim mr i il i 1 il w hu 1 u iiu ii 1 ui i 1 n in ir i in 1 thut we hi i to put it in hi a i during the aftermath of in fluenza or any other prostrating illness tilt- logical tonic is scotts emulsion which cnriclils the blood and mrenjuiitns the whole body via nourishment 1 ijou would re new yenxr atrenqth try scotts it wl c luiunlu out ll uae only three level tea- spoonfuls for five cups teais good tea sold only in scaled packages actoe creamery co highest price paid qy your cream valll ti25t and tui i satisraction guaranteed our ruici iok iuiiek fat is 2c higher this wixk any quantity of now laid ekh 1urclinscd we arc hinrtino a rif on uie road for collecting cream anyone desiring us to call for cream phone or notify ua by mail acton creamery co willow strllt opposite government buildin i l fwf model 30 children cry for fletchers wt the kind you have always bought and which haa been in uso for over thirty years boa borno the signature of and haa been made under hla pex- eonal bupervlaion blace its lafancy allow no one to deceive you in thla ah counterfeits imitationa and juctasfiood are but experhuenta that triflo with and eadancer tho health of infanta and children experience- flpaiu experiment what is castorsa castoria is a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric drops and soothing syrups it la pleasant it coutaias neither opium morphine nor other narcotic substance ita ngo la its guarantee for mora than thirty years it has been la constant use for tho relief of constipation flatulency wind colic and diarrhoea allaying fc verlshness arising therefrom and by regulating tho stomach and bowels aids tho osshnilatloa of food giving healthy and natural sleep tho childrens panacea the mothers friend genuine castoria always pbeais the signature of in use for over 30 years the kind you have always bought wmmfti easy to handle-r- economical light weight you do nof have to sacrifice roominess comfort and beauty in order to save money look into the wide deep seats of this model ninety look at its ample legroom look at its spacious tonncau note how inviting and beautiful every thing is nothing skimped nothing cramped it has big car perfonriaerce combined with small car handinessand ccrjn6myjust the qualities you most desire kverythtng for its control is within easy reach and it has complete equipment every thing necessary for maximum service and convenience the motor is 32horsepower the wheel- base 1q6 inches and there are easy riding rear cantilever springs and large tires non- skid rear there is the famous autolite system for electric starting and lighting and the vacuum system fuel feed of finest type come irtand see this model 90 let ua demonstrate its many advantages t j speight agent georgetown ontario willygovexland limited wluy gjlkhitmiorlimucmlijthtcmrowrctolwjoa head office and work wait toronto ontario touring car model 90 s13g00o touring car model i tor portieulara apply to 119500 t j speight georgetown j as symon acton railway time at acton qrand trunk flailway 0y going woil u i 110 i c3 v ino 189 6 c3 ti no 37 2 zb v ff quins ttnat no zh tt no 23 no 34 iliav vo 3b z h w p m hunilay traliui jmrm thmufh arton luiiij wiot at 10 10 a m ai ui eajit ft i 7 00 p rff toronto suburban ixiootric railway qolnp weat daily oxooin hundny dally axcuut bund ay dally osrojit hunday hunday only hunday only v sunday only qolna et lally oxrryt hundoy dally ujwipl hunday daily axennt hunday hunday only hunday only sunday only frciqht and expncss e xjirt na corrld on nil cum ltotu llvcr d dally liy oj i rial express fmlclit i ujniiji r 1 rvlilit hlfldup any nddn mi in toronto u il aoni w a cut arton 0 17 a m 3 32 t m 8 09 p m 11 03 a m 0 33 v m 9c l m 7 48 a m i02 l m a is p m 0 8 nm t 48 p m s lg 1 tn get the records solot your btliool on tit banln of uttuul work done to day wrltn hlmw ii hthooln toroiik for ui to- dnto rjrord if braduimii anil pool tlotin flllnl it will intrit you w h hhuw iriuldcnl eggs poultry iuun out youk efigs and iollnty hlfifikjt caah lnce tatd r milligan corner young and mill 8ta acton or to p o box 341 uptodate goods at c c speights silverware in tahlcw ire fine variety also fine cutlery hardware tinware and c ranitc ware big assortment pandora stovca and itangca famous htatcrs small stoves oil stovt nvcnv article is of excep tional valul c c speight mill street acton j a dlqxatoprorninltx t3fye acton bakery m edwards co canada 1 ood hoard lltcm i ni k 013 mill uthelt acton lo facilitate the hundlmi of tlic products ot our bakery und to make it murt lonveni- cnt for our cubtomcr wo have becurcd tlio stiup jicxt to wih- cotifeutiouery where aup i of our wliiutbreail brown bread tea biseuitb cakefa buns and scones may alwuyb bo seamed wctldim caltea a specialty m edwards co acton ontajuo

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